Business plan for the sale of greenhouses. Flower business and "diamond" days. What will you have to spend

Capital investment in greenhouses: 775,000 rubles.
Greenhouse payback time: 1-2 years

To find greenhouse business plan on the Internet is quite difficult. It is connected with great variety cultivation methods, as well as the choice of crops.

This article contains all key points, which you can use to fully plan your own business.

In Russia, the greenhouse industry is developed quite heterogeneously.

Such a business in our country began to reach the European level with advanced technologies and highly qualified workers only ten years ago.

This kind entrepreneurial activity quite profitable, so it is popular. Consider a structured plan for creating a greenhouse business.

Greenhouse business plan: documentation collection

In some cases, no special documents for the farm will have to be collected.

For example, if a plot of land for growing products is owned by an entrepreneur, and he does not plan to sell goods on an especially large scale, hire staff and sell products to legal entities.

When it comes to growing not “for oneself and a neighbor”, it becomes necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or a peasant farm. How to do it?

How should I apply for an IP?

It is necessary to register the activity of the farm as an individual entrepreneur if the goods will be sold with the involvement of employees and on a large scale:

  • in small shops;
  • hypermarkets;
  • restaurants;
  • Cafe.

Status Assignment individual entrepreneur makes it possible to have some benefits for running a greenhouse business.

To get them, you will need to register (which is not so difficult even for a beginner).

You will need to collect and submit to the tax office documents:

  • registration application in the form P21001;
  • a photocopy of the passport of the founder of the farm;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • a photocopy of the document on assignment of TIN (if any).

After five days, you can pick up documents confirming registration.

For up-to-date information and detailed information, see the website of the Federal Tax Service:

How to register a KFH?

The process of registration of peasant farms contains the same stages of registration as the registration of individual entrepreneurial activity.

To register a peasant farm, you will need to collect a package of papers and take it to the tax service:

  • application for registration of the farm, which must be certified by notary services;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • list of selected codes according to OKVED-2;
  • photocopies of documents confirming family ties other people with the founder (this data may be needed to search for a person if he decides to hide from the law).

Detailed and up-to-date information on the registration of a peasant farm is available on the website of the State Tax Service:

If a greenhouse business is founded not by one, but by several members, then a contract is drawn up between the partners.

It contains the following points:

  • contact phone numbers;
  • the founders must choose one person to lead the greenhouse business, the business plan of which is developed by all members;
  • the rights and obligations of all founders must be clearly defined;
  • the procedure for the admission and exit of members of the greenhouse business into society;
  • photocopies of all passports are also attached.

To clarify the list of documents, you must consult a notary or a lawyer.

Unlike registration of an individual entrepreneur, this procedure is quite complicated, therefore it is better not to take risks, but to trust the specialists.

Greenhouses are not subject to licensing. The only “but”: if you decide to sell goods to wholesale buyers, you will need to undergo mandatory sanitary control.

Also, if you install greenhouse heating of the farm, the state of the systems should be checked by the fire safety inspection.

Only after completing the relevant documentation, you can begin to implement the business plan.

Greenhouse business: two sides of the coin

Before starting each case, its weak and strengths. This will allow you to evaluate the feasibility of bringing the idea to life.

Advantages of the greenhouse business

  • minimum investment to start your own business;
  • the greenhouse business will quickly pay for itself with proper implementation;
  • high profitability of the idea;
  • opportunity to use own goods for your needs.

Disadvantages of business idea farming

  • you will have to pay a large amount for the use of electricity monthly;
  • greenhouse business is seasonal view trade;
  • will have to solve issues with the transportation and storage of products before they hit the counter.

In every business, there may be certain problems that require a lightning-fast solution. But with experience, the head of the greenhouse enterprise develops the skills to quickly resolve issues, and he will be able to significantly expand the farm.

Therefore, the shortcomings indicated above should not be feared if you are determined to bring the idea to life.

Having found out all the nuances that are associated with paperwork and the pros and cons of a business, you can move on to the practical part.

Types of greenhouses for organizing a greenhouse business

Greenhouse business currently offers 3 types of structures:

This greenhouse material requires no effort to install.

But even if many years of experience with it is not needed, this does not mean that polyethylene can be treated without special care.

For example, if the greenhouse material was poorly stretched and fixed, in the morning only torn parts from the common canvas can be found.

This can happen due to a strong gust of wind that walked inside the greenhouse structures. But if you do not allow air to enter the greenhouse, the plants overheat and die!

Therefore, there is only one way out: securely fasten the material and monitor the state of the economy.

After choosing one of the types of greenhouses, you can begin to develop a greenhouse business plan, taking into account the crop.

Greenhouse business plan: crop choice

There are many crops and plants that can be grown on the farm. The profitability of the greenhouse business really depends on your choice.

We will not analyze absolutely all types of vegetation available for cultivation.

Better yet, we will provide 4 categories that provide maximum business profitability.

1. Growing vegetables

Such a greenhouse economy will bring good profit in the cold season.

You can grow:

  • cucumbers;
  • pepper of different types;
  • tomatoes;

Which culture is considered the most popular, the graph clearly shows:

Of course, in summer time doing such a business would be unprofitable. But if trade is carried out during the cold season, then the prices displayed on the shelves for vegetables will compensate for all costs.

In addition, the greenhouse business can be combined with outdoor cultivation.

The main costs of growing vegetables are associated with greenhouse heating, lighting, irrigation and, in some cases, soil heating.

2. Berries in a greenhouse

What do you think, which berry is especially valued in winter time?

Growing brings the greatest profit from the greenhouse business.

The demand for this berry remains consistently high throughout the cold season, so there should be no problems with the sale of goods.

3. Greens in greenhouses for sale

A greenhouse business plan developed for growing dill, parsley or similar crops will quickly pay for itself, since this product always remains in demand among consumers.

The greens on the table are not only healthy, but also delicious and beautiful decoration any dish.

4. Growing flowers in a greenhouse

The greenhouse business, whose business plan is based on the cultivation and cultivation of flowers, is considered the most profitable area.

The best-selling flowers that will quickly help recoup investments in the implementation of a business plan:

  • roses;
  • orchids;
  • tulips;
  • lilies.

Of course, growing roses and exotic varieties will cause a lot of problems. But after selling the goods and receiving the proceeds, the founder will be satisfied - this is guaranteed.

When starting to create a greenhouse business plan, you need to study the market, product sales statistics and prioritize.

The founder must realistically evaluate his capabilities and determine whether he is able to grow the products demanded by the consumer.

Methods of growing products in greenhouses

1) Hydroponics

The least expensive and most common method is hydroponics.

The process of plant growth in this way is automated, so vegetables, berries, fruits grow much faster than in vivo.

The crop, which will subsequently be sold, grows in a container. Water, saturated with various mineral compounds and fertilizers, enters there with the help of special tubes.

But such a quick method contains a rather significant disadvantage in the sales market - this is a watery and unnatural taste of the product.

The buyer will immediately distinguish a bunch of greenery grown in a garden bed from a bundle that has grown hydroponically.

However, numbers are inexorable things. Statistics say that 92% on the shelves are grown in this way.

2) Intermediate option

There is also an intermediate method that lies between hydroponic and in-soil cultivation.

It lies in the fact that peat and natural soil are added to the nutrient solutions.

The advantage of this method is that the plants will not have a watery, but already familiar “earthy” taste. Minus - additional expenses to provide conditions for growing.

With this method, the entrepreneur gains a significant competitive advantage - a more "live" taste, which is appreciated not only by retail customers.

This criterion is important for the sale of products in cafes, restaurants.

3) Mobile beds

A greenhouse business, the business plan of which is developed on growing conditions on mobile beds, makes it possible to obtain products of the highest quality with maximum approximation to the natural taste.

A novice entrepreneur must choose a crop and a method of cultivation, and then draw up financial section greenhouse business plan. The indicative estimate below will serve as an example for you.

You will learn about the advantages and prospects of the greenhouse business from the issue of the Agronomics program:

Greenhouse business: business plan with financial calculations

The main costs for the economy: land rent, construction of greenhouses, purchase of inventory, equipment, plants, wages, fertilizers.

Greenhouse expenses

This greenhouse business plan did not include the salary of the manager, only auxiliary workers. This is due to the fact that the founder at first can handle this work himself.

If a manager wants to grow crops on 1 hectare of land, then he needs to hire about 11 workers to carefully control the farm. But if the greenhouse business is based on advanced technologies and the latest equipment, then the number of staff can be reduced.

Payback of greenhouse farming

It is quite difficult to give an accurate assessment and the payback period of the economy, since it depends on many factors:

  • With the territorial placement of greenhouses in some regions, you can get more than four crops per season. And in others - one or two.
  • The place where the greenhouse business is located is also of great importance.

    When creating a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the costs of transportation costs and calculate how much gasoline will need to be poured into the car to deliver goods from greenhouses to points of sale.

According to average statistics, a greenhouse economy will be able to pay for itself in 1-2 years.

In most regions of Russia, the season for growing vegetables, berries and herbs is quite short. You can lengthen it using greenhouses. Growing various vegetables, fruits and herbs all year round you can provide yourself stable income. To minimize losses, it is important to choose the right crops for cultivation and establish uninterrupted sales.

Growing vegetables, flowers, and other produce in greenhouses has many benefits that make this type of business attractive to beginners. Among them:

  • relatively low cost of entry;
  • the ability to work with a variety of cultures;
  • short payback periods;
  • good demand for quality products.

When planning to start a greenhouse business, you need to take into account the complexity. These include:

  • high costs for heating greenhouses;
  • implementation difficulties;
  • working with a perishable product guarantees a high percentage of defects.

In greenhouses, you can grow any crop, from banal leaf lettuce to exotic indoor plants. Beginning growers prefer tomatoes and cucumbers, these vegetables are the easiest to sell. However, experts say that the most profitable option- flowers. The second place is occupied by a variety of greens, and vegetables are in an honorable third.

Types of greenhouses: what to choose for a beginner?

Greenhouses for growing plants can be built independently, but more often specialists are invited to build them. There are many modifications that differ in shape, size, materials and other features:

  1. The easiest option is an unheated greenhouse. It is suitable for growing early ground vegetables, seedlings. The greenhouse will protect plants from night cooling and the first frosts, but it is not suitable for use in winter.
  2. Partially heated greenhouse guarantees a temperature not lower than 5 degrees, which is suitable for growing seedlings flower crops and thermophilic exotic plants.
  3. The most reliable all-season option is a heated winter greenhouse. This design is equipped with a heating system that prevents the temperature from dropping below 13 degrees. In such a greenhouse, you can grow any, even the most heat-loving vegetables and berries, herbs, flowers, seedlings.

The type of greenhouses is also influenced by its shape. Experts distinguish three categories that are most common:

  1. Wall. The structure is attached to the house so that one wall is common. Such a device makes it possible to save on heating, but significantly limits the size of the greenhouse. Perfect option for winter garden, covered veranda or greenhouses.
  2. Arched. A popular design in which it is convenient to grow vegetables, herbs, flowers. This form is more often used for greenhouses and partially heated greenhouses.
  3. Pitched. A greenhouse in the form of a house is suitable for growing tall and climbing plants.

glazed pitched roof provides good lighting and additional heating, in winter snow does not linger on it.

Depending on the internal device greenhouses can be:

  1. Shelving. Racks are attached to the side walls, on which plants planted in pots and boxes are placed in tiers. Often used when growing hydroponically (in a liquid nutrient solution).
  2. Ground. In this case, ridges are organized in the greenhouse, plants are planted in rows in prepared soil. For such greenhouses, heating with a cable laid underground is desirable.

Sales of finished products

The owner of a greenhouse or greenhouse business will have to carefully consider the issue of selling products. Grown vegetables, berries and greens can be:

  • sell on the market independently or through a hired seller;
  • submit for sale in grocery store or a supermarket
  • sell to wholesale buyers;
  • offer restaurants and cafes;
  • sell through an online store or an agricultural cooperative.

The most profitable option is independent retail sales. Wholesalers buy products at the lowest price, and stores cannot guarantee the sale of the entire batch taken. The returned balances will have to be added to the losses.

Owners of several greenhouses facing the need to implement big harvest, costs buy a car for the prompt delivery of products to customers, as well as hire a manager, who will be looking for new distribution channels.

How to open flower shop from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with calculations - read

Winter greenhouse business plan

The greenhouse business does not require excessive investments. You can start with the construction of one greenhouse, gradually expanding and improving the economy.

At the initial stage, you will have to spend:

  • for the construction and equipment of a greenhouse (about 120 sq. m) - 200,000 rubles;
  • for the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, fuel - from 30,00 rubles per month

Greenhouse as a business: profitability and payback period

When growing vegetables or herbs in such a greenhouse, it is possible to make a profit from 100,000 rubles per month. Thus, a single construction will pay off in 2 seasons. The profitability of the business is about 70%.

Winter greenhouse as a business requires a careful approach and a sensitive response to market fluctuations. Be prepared to change direction by opting for more popular crops. Mobility, entrepreneurial spirit and the absence of stereotypes in matters of implementation will allow you to quickly achieve success.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

To come up with a more profitable production than agriculture (especially off-season), to this day, no one has succeeded. The profitability of agribusiness with a competent approach breaks all records. This means that the business plan for the production of greenhouses and crop production in greenhouse farms will be of more and more interest to enterprising people.

Profitable business

Modern technological progress has reached a unique high level. With the use of the latest offers of agricultural machinery, the use of physical force is practically reduced to zero.

The yield of highly productive new varieties and hybrids with unique resistance to negative climatic factors gives the entrepreneur confidence in the return on investment.

And only seasonal natural "quirks" can definitely spoil the deal.

How to stand against the May sub-zero temperatures(when the thermometer needle drops to -10C)?

Or against drought/rain for several weeks, when the soil at a depth of more than 30 cm turns into dust/dirt?

It is easy and simple to prevent the disastrous consequences of such climatic excesses - to build a greenhouse on the planting area. Calculate financial expenses using the typical ready business plan greenhouses - this significantly increases the guarantee of agricultural activity.

Sample business plan - the beginning of success

Actually, to fill farming with a guarantee of stable high yield possible at any stage. There is no need to invent something cosmic in order to escape from anomalous climate changes.

It is quite enough to think over the greenhouse business plan and, armed with such a shield, go to success. Of course, consider already finished example, as an ideal option for implementation on your site, is an erroneous position.

The specifics of soil and climatic conditions and social factors a particular region - everything is too individual.

It is for this reason that at the very beginning of farming or before sectoral changes, it is imperative to carry out a series of marketing research. In the course of these economic studies, it is easy to find out such defining parameters:

  • is the level of demand for specific products in the market of the region;
  • - calculate the financial costs of agricultural technology of this particular plant (needs for chemical treatment, the use of pesticides, green manure, fertilizers);
  • - the need for irrigation and heating in the greenhouse.

There are many Internet sites where you can find and download a greenhouse business plan in a few seconds. But will this option really be suitable? There is only one solution - to create your own, working business plan with the help of high-level specialists.

The entrepreneur will not make the largest investments in the implementation of the agrotechnical measures described above. 30% of all costs fall on high-quality construction and technical equipment of the greenhouse.

The next factor, which is clearly important for the correct assessment of the cost of this agricultural project, is the amount of wages of employees.

Indeed, depending on the scale of the greenhouse economy (for example, a business plan for growing strawberries in a greenhouse, which can occupy tens of hectares), process such land areas alone will be impossible.

In conclusion, it is worth determining the amount of tax payments. Products even from one hectare can no longer be considered a small subsidiary plot.

Here authorized bodies will require not only the registration of the owner as a private entrepreneur, but also a series of relevant sanitary and medical permits for the production and sale of these products.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing successful company on a franchise basis. We invite you to get to know.

Why it is easier and more convenient to start a business with a franchise can be found in the selection of articles published in the section:

Greenhouse farming brings the greatest profit during the off-season growing season.

Developing a business plan winter greenhouse for growing vegetables, herbs, flower crops, this project will become several times more profitable than greenhouse farming in summer (even under the most unfavorable abnormal conditions).

In conclusion, it remains to add folk wisdom: “The road will be mastered by the walking one!”. So, any whim of the weather can be restored under favorable consequences.

The greenhouse business plan, which can be downloaded for free on our website, will help you think over and avoid unreasonable waste.

The demand for environmentally friendly agricultural products is always quite high. Therefore, the profitability of agribusiness is beyond doubt!

Watch video: “Business secrets: Maxim Kashirin”

It is quite realistic to organize a highly profitable agricultural business in Russia. In the article we will talk about how to equip greenhouses, what crops to grow and how to properly organize work in them.

An approach

Many experts recognize that it is one of the most highly profitable segments of agriculture. This market is not yet complete, so those who decide to invest in its development will not encounter obstacles in their path in the form of fierce competition with others. domestic producers. And it is not so difficult to compete with imported vegetables and berries.

Before you build greenhouses, you need to decide on the crops that you will grow. It can be tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, radishes. Also, one of the most profitable areas is the cultivation of greenery: dill, parsley, basil, lettuce, and so on.

It is very important to find appropriate place. For your farm should be close to the market, the main communication systems - sources of electricity, water, gas. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the transport interchange.

Farm types

Depending on the size, several types of greenhouses can be distinguished. So, if you want to grow vegetables in small quantities, coping with the processing of the site on your own, then you will need a small area, even your household plot. It will be possible to install 2-3 structures on it. It will be a small greenhouse. It is not necessary to register such ancillary production as entrepreneurship, even if you plan to sell surplus products.

If you have a medium-sized farm, then such a business needs to be registered in a local tax office. This is necessary even if you manage on your own, but develop enough products to sell.

Large greenhouse farms in Russia occupy large areas. They can be processed only with the involvement of hired workers. The owners of such farms must register individual entrepreneurship or register another form of business, such as a limited liability company.

Selection of options

If you have decided on the location of the greenhouse and what exactly you will grow, then you can proceed with the construction of the structures themselves. So, you can buy them or make your own. At the same time, please note that film greenhouses are not able to provide optimal temperature and humidity needed for crops grown during cold periods. The best option are structures made of polycarbonate or glass. It is clear that buying a finished greenhouse will cost more than building it yourself.

But at the same time, it is important to know that film options are the cheapest, they are safe, they are easy to dismantle if necessary. Glass passes well Sun rays. This material adds strength to the structure itself. But at the same time, it is unreliable, it is easy to break it. Polycarbonate is durable, passes well sunlight. Greenhouses made of this material can be operated, but a foundation is required for their construction.

Project preparation

One of the stages in the development of any business is the creation of a business plan. The greenhouse project should include information about its location, transport interchange, types of crops grown, possible markets for products, competitors. In addition, all potential income and costs should be calculated in the plan, and possible unforeseen situations should be considered. It is also important to immediately calculate how much the construction of greenhouses will cost you, how water will be supplied to them, how to heat and light them. Also, the expenditure side must include all costs for equipment, seeds or seedlings, means for the destruction of weeds and pests, fertilizers. If you plan to attract employees, you need to calculate their wages. Separately, you should think about transportation costs.

After calculating the potential spending, you can begin to determine possible income. To do this, you need to know the potential yield of the crops you plan to grow and their purchase prices. It is better to immediately make several calculation options, because you cannot hope for a maximum yield in the first year of doing business. A well-designed greenhouse plan will help optimize all costs and evaluate income. At right approach To start a business, investments pay off in less than 2 years.


Particular attention should be paid to the place where your greenhouses will be located. It is necessary to take into account not only transport interchange and proximity to sales markets. It is important to evaluate the land on which you plan to place greenhouse farms. If they are flooded during the spring floods, they automatically become unusable. You should also avoid areas where frost can last for a long time. These include deep valleys, ravines. Do not place greenhouses on the hills.

Attention should be paid to the possibility of summing up communications. To do this, it is advisable to visit the electricity, water and gas supply companies for an approximate calculation of the connection cost. Before erecting greenhouses, it is advisable to check the quality of the supplied water. If it turns out to be bad, then you will need additional greenhouse equipment that will clean it. For irrigation, it is desirable to use only the water that contains an acceptable amount of iron, salts, a normal pH level, and there are no microorganisms that cause decay.

Necessary equipment

The development of a greenhouse economy requires quite large investments at the start. This is not only the construction of the structures themselves. It is important to approach the arrangement of the greenhouse correctly. So, first of all, you need to organize its heating. This point is especially important if you plan to install a permanent structure in which vegetables will be grown all year round. You also need to pay attention to watering. Ideally for a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​more than 100 square meters. meters it is desirable to organize drip irrigation. Do not forget that in the winter season the days are much shorter, so you will have to provide additional electric lighting.

You will also have to spend money on inventory. It will be necessary to buy tools for tillage, carts, buckets, sprayers and other equipment for greenhouses.


If you have no experience in running an agricultural business, then it will be difficult for you to estimate how many people you might need. Of course, you will not need anyone if you are building a small structure on your site. And if your complex will include greenhouses with an area of ​​​​several hectares, then it is better to take care of the selection of people in advance. At the same time, it should be taken into account that required amount personnel depends on the types of cultivated crops. For example, 1 person can serve 0.3 hectares when growing tomatoes, and 0.2 hectares when growing cucumbers.

Working mode

Before starting your business, you need to look at the most profitable greenhouse farms in Russia. Ideally, to maximize income, you need to harvest several crops per year. This can be done only if you immediately spend money on the construction of capital structures. In this case, it will be possible to grow vegetables in a greenhouse both in summer and in winter. True, in the cold season you will have to additionally heat the room, and in the warm season - to ensure the maximum flow of air from the outside. For these purposes, it is desirable to make a greenhouse with windows that can be opened.

Here are the buildings covered with foil, can be used from February-March to November. During the period winter frosts they are unable to protect plants.

The nuances of doing business

Before you get started, you need to decide how exactly you will grow your chosen crops. So, at present, modern hydroponic technologies are used in advanced farms. This allows you to receive maximum yields. This greenhouse technology is aimed at creating ideal conditions for plants, accelerate their growth and obtain better quality products.

But the cultivation vegetable crops on normal soils is more labor intensive. In addition, hydroponic technologies also provide more rational use water and nutrients required by plants.

Alternative business

Most of the people who decide to do agriculture They only think about food. But growing vegetables or even berries is not the ultimate dream for many. Some are thinking about what purposes greenhouses can still be used for. Flowers are one of alternative options. They are in demand throughout the year.

In developed countries, they know that the creation of flower greenhouses is one of the most profitable projects. You can do cultivation of roses, tulips. And you can choose a slightly different direction. No less profitable is the cultivation of indoor plants in pots and their subsequent sale. It can be violets, orchids, various palm trees, citrus trees.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs are bought all year round. They are also grown in greenhouses suburban area, and in specially built greenhouses. This business brings a good income. But understand all the intricacies of the case, so as not to fail.

To draw up a business plan and start implementing a greenhouse business, analyze what products can be grown in the region. In regions where cucumbers are grown without greenhouses, they the final price turns out to be low for most of the year, which does not cover the cost. A cold region with unsuitable soils makes it impossible to grow a range of crops - find golden mean which is in line with market demand.

Don't focus your business on one crop - it's easier, more cost-effective, more flexible to grow a range of similar, interchangeable, complementary products that rotate seasonally, maximize effective use land and ensure the beneficial use of the available areas so that the soil does not stand idle without bringing profit and does not exhaust the content of nutrients necessary for plant growth.

When researching the market, pay attention to the end audience. When it is possible to use large areas and create farming with a huge output finished products, focus on mass consumer markets, large wholesale buyers. But when there are few free funds at your disposal to start a business, pay attention to rare products and their varieties that are sold through HoReCa networks, they are interested in supplies and high prices than for consumer goods.

The type of greenhouses is distinguished by materials, purpose, location, type of frame, assembly method.

According to the intended purpose, greenhouses are divided into the cultivation of certain crops - separate requirements are put forward for them.

According to the materials, greenhouses are also divided widely. The material of the frame, the cover of the greenhouse is taken into account, which opens up space for combinations. To create a frame for small greenhouses, wood, polycarbonates or aluminum are used. Large capital structures using glass or plastic hard coating require the use of steel or reinforced concrete supports and piles.

According to the location, the greenhouse can be isolated, wall-mounted or basement (underground). Wall-mounted are used either in small households, where there is strict restriction on available space or as part of a large agricultural complex.

When creating an enterprise plan, you will need to find sales outlets for the finished product, calculate sales volumes, and then start construction, purchase necessary equipment, hire workers.

Greenhouse business by industry:

  1. Vegetable.

The greenhouse business on greenery pays off faster. Cold winters in mid-latitudes require big investments for heating and lighting. It is more profitable to build a greenhouse in the southern regions in order to make deliveries to other regions. And transportation costs are lower than heating tariffs. This is general concepts greenhouse business, but consider them in more detail.


Due to the constant improvement of cultivation technology and the rapid development of this sector of the economy, competition is high. This reduces the profitability of production. Equipment requires regular upgrades and investments. In order to keep up with new trends, it is necessary to introduce new products and expand production.

For a small greenhouse in a summer cottage, you will need almost nothing but a frame and seeds, but when you want to do a full-fledged business, pay attention to other subtleties.

If you plan to engage in year-round cultivation - take care to purchase lighting, heating equipment. Do not forget about automated watering, which saves a significant number of man-hours - you can organize it in a small greenhouse in your summer cottage.

A common method of growing produce in a greenhouse is hydroponics. With its help, greens, cucumbers and tomatoes, other types of vegetables are grown. And the vegetative cycle is 2-3 weeks, 2-3 tons of crops are harvested daily from each hectare. Such a cycle is 5-10 times faster than when growing vegetables in natural conditions. 7 people are enough to serve one hectare.

Integrated automation systems reduce the number of personnel required. Automated systems regulate watering, lighting, heating and air condition, and with the help of sensors control all parameters, up to the measurement of soil indicators with automatic adjustment of all other processes.

When you figure out what equipment you need, start writing a business plan.

Sample business plan diagram

  1. Studying the situation in this area. competitor analysis, market prices on the product, consumer demand and the quality of products available on the market.
  2. Deciding on seasonal business activity. It will require farm greenhouses - cheaper and easier. For year-round cultivation of agricultural products, industrial facilities with communications for heating and lighting are needed.
  3. Search for points of sale of products, wholesale buyers.
  4. Calculation of all expenses, future profits.
  5. Thinking through and selecting funding sources.
  6. Drafting marketing plan product promotion.
  7. Preparation of documentation and direct project of the future economy. Choice organizational form enterprises.

Let's consider each item in more detail. It is necessary to start with the preparation of project documents, where all communications are calculated in detail, which are necessary for a specific greenhouse area. You need to know exactly how much the equipment, installation, construction will cost.

Development of a plan for a greenhouse business

Select the land plot where the greenhouse will be located, the type of products grown. For growing more than one type of product - calculate what area each of them will occupy.

Calculate the approximate yield per square meter for each type of vegetable. Specify points of sale and volumes of purchases.

Sales of finished products

Deliver products to settlements that are in close proximity. This will reduce transport costs and production costs.

In the greenhouse it is possible to grow roses for sale.

Try to negotiate with big companies: supermarkets, catering establishments or food factories.

Calculate the profit for the year of work, as well as the profit that will pay for production. It is important that the parameters differ and are above the unprofitable line.

Calculation of the terms of preparation, implementation of the greenhouse business project

  • The construction of the complex, as well as the summing up of communications, is carried out in time T1. It depends on the type of greenhouse, dimensions and the number of people employed in this;
  • purchase of equipment, its installation for a period of time T2;
  • purchase planting materials, landing in the ground - T3;
  • ripening period, which depends on the technologies used - T4;
  • implementation - T5.

By calculating the time when the greenhouse will begin to make a profit. When calculating, consider the keeping quality of the goods. Greens, flowers and vegetables are perishable. Look for sales markets before opening a business, so that after harvesting you do not rush about in search of customers. Without wholesale buyers, the business will burn out.

Production nuances

When drawing up a business plan, many details are taken into account.

  1. Remoteness of the greenhouse from the communication network. They are holding their own account. Each extra meter affects the cost of production and investments in the business.
  2. Availability of the economy for transport.
  3. You can't buy land, rent it. Purchase collapsible greenhouses to dismantle when it is not possible to extend the lease of the site.
  4. Heating is the main item of expenditure. Manufacturers regularly introduce new technologies that reduce costs and improve performance.
  5. For competitiveness, include in the estimate the cost of modernizing production.

Approximate calculations for a half-hectare greenhouse

Calculate the costs to build a greenhouse for a business. This is the initial capital that is needed to start. This column includes construction works, summing up communications - water, electricity, heating, the price of equipment and seeds. Please note current expenses that accompany until the first profit.

  1. Half a hectare of a greenhouse costs about $15,000.
  2. Workers are required - a technologist, a manager and three assistants. The annual salary for them is 20–30,000 dollars.
  3. 90% of all costs will be electricity, heating and purchase additional funds– fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, and soils in some situations.
  4. With an average profitability of 15%, the payback of the economy will be up to 3 years. It depends on the products grown, prices and demand for them.