Reinforced concrete support: main varieties and application features. Light poles - offer in Nizhny Novgorod Reinforced concrete poles for outdoor lighting

Reinforced concrete lighting poles are used in urban and suburban conditions for lighting streets and highways, sidewalks, warehouse and industrial sites and other facilities. Reinforced concrete poles are also used for suspension of overhead lines with voltage up to 10 kilovolts. For lines with a voltage of 35 kV, supports made of centrifuged concrete are used.

This type of lighting poles is produced in various shapes and sizes by centrifugation or vibrocompression from high quality concrete reinforced with steel wire. The main brands of lighting poles:

  • SVN, C (reinforced concrete support has the shape of an octahedron). H × M - 9-10.5 meters, weight 810-1700 kilograms;
  • SCS, SNCs (annular section). H × M - 9-11 meters, weight 700-1050 kilograms;
  • SKTs (reinforced concrete support round, conical). The height of the supports is 9-11 meters, the weight is 700-1050 kilograms;
  • NE and START (trapezoidal section). The height of the supports is 9.5-16.5 meters, weight - 800-3500 kilograms.

Advantages and disadvantages of using reinforced concrete pillars as lighting poles

Reinforced concrete racks as supports for installing fixtures have the following advantages:

  • Resistance to corrosion, chemical compositions, rotting;
  • Fire resistance and seismic resistance;
  • Durability. Subject to the technology of production of poles, their transportation and installation, they will stand for more than 50 years;
  • manufacturability;
  • Low operating costs;
  • Low cost of construction (cheaper only).


  • Heavy weight. One support weighs from 700 and more kilograms. They are more difficult to load, transport and assemble;
  • Difficulty of dismantling. It will not be difficult to bring down the support with a tractor or other transport, but difficulties arise when the metal frame is released and the subsequent processing of pieces of concrete. In the first case, it is necessary to use an expensive installation, in the second - to pay a lot for complete disposal;
  • Weak resistance to mechanical stress. Reinforced concrete supports are "afraid" of sharp shocks, shocks and other loads.

Reinforced concrete supports appeared after wooden ones and are still actively used today. However, they are increasingly being replaced, which, in comparison with them, have more positive properties.

Pole production

Reinforced concrete street lighting poles are produced in several stages:

This stage includes cutting the reinforcement of a certain class according to standard sizes using special machine tools, upsetting anchor heads, winding the contour spirals, bending the ground loop rods and loops.

To prepare the concrete mixture, inert components, chemical additives and cement are prepared. All this is poured into a concrete mixer, poured with water and begin to knead. After a few minutes, when the solution takes the desired consistency, it is poured into the concrete paver.

For the production of supports, special molds are used. They are cleaned and lubricated, after which pre-made spirals are laid there. After that, proceed to the preparation of the rods. They are heated, pulled through the spirals, laid on the stops of the form and fixed. Next, the spirals are stretched and in 3 places they are attached to the rods, liners are fixed at the ends, technological tubes and loops are installed, fixing them to the formwork.

Now it's up to the little things. Concrete is poured from the paver into molds, compacted with a deep vibrator, and then the surface is leveled with a trowel or otherwise.

Drying products

Products are covered with polyethylene along the entire length, having previously laid long boards between the filled forms. Then the billet heating system is started and after a certain time the film is removed.

The bases are ready. With the help of a hoist they are moved to a certain place, stored and checked for quality. Next, ground loop rods are welded to them, painted, concrete strength is determined, marked and stamped. Supports are ready for use and sale.

Requirements for transportation, storage and operation of supports

The following rules for the transportation of reinforced concrete supports are subject to compliance:

  • When unloading and unloading the supports, they must not be subjected to jerks, sharp shocks and dropping;
  • Slinging must be done in two places, at an equal distance from the center;
  • When transporting supports, boards must be placed under them at a distance of 0.5 meters from each other;
  • During transportation, reinforced concrete supports must be secured with guy wires;
  • When storing supports in a warehouse, every 5 meters it is necessary to install gaskets, and lay the racks in three rows.

Prior to the start of earthworks, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate project, coordinate it with local authorities. The project should reflect:

  1. Features of the terrain where it is planned to install a support or supports;
  2. Type and type of soil;
  3. The type of supports used.

After the preparation and approval of the project, the workers go to the site and proceed to install the support.
Installation of reinforced concrete supports is carried out in the following order:

  • Mark the site;
  • Dig a trench under the power cable;
  • A pit is prepared, a meter wide by a meter, a depth of 120 centimeters under the support;
  • A hole is drilled in the center of the pit, one meter deep, a little more than the width of the rack;
  • They install the support in the prepared niche, pour a little rubble on its bottom and ram it. Then the support is filled to the end, continuing tamping. Before backfilling the pit, do not forget to center the support.

Sometimes a little cement is poured into the bottom of the pit to create a solid foundation.

Installation of reinforced concrete lighting poles can be done in a different way. For this you need:

  • Order a truck crane with a nozzle-drill;
  • Drill a hole in the right place, with a width slightly more than the width of the support and a depth of one and a half meters;
  • Install the support in the drilled hole;
  • Fill the hole with sand.

After mounting the supports, the brackets are installed, the fixtures are installed, the lamps are screwed in and the fixtures are connected to the mains. If the support is hollow inside, the cable is inserted into a special hole at the bottom of the support. In other cases, the cable is attached to a pole, or air power is supplied.

Grounding of reinforced concrete supports

On the supports of overhead lines up to 1 kV, it is necessary to carry out grounding devices designed to protect against lightning surges and re-grounding. The equipment installed on the poles must also be grounded; for this, the luminaire housings are connected to the ground loop.

The ground loop is made of metal pins with a diameter of at least 6 millimeters or metal corners. They are installed in a triangle and connected to each other with a metal strip. The resistance of the grounding device should be no more than 30 ohms.

Checking the condition of the supports

With a certain frequency, maintenance of reinforced concrete supports and their elements is performed:

  • Corrosion of metal parts of reinforced concrete supports - with a frequency of 1 time in three years;
  • The appearance of cracks - 1 time in six years, starting from the third year of operation of the support;
  • Checking bolted connections and nuts of anchor bolts - 1 time in two years (for two years);
  • Checking the condition of stepchildren and racks - 1 time in 3 years.

In addition, periodically check, repair or replace:

  • Lamp;
  • Fixtures;
  • Control gear and "shield";
  • Switching devices in the control room;
  • counters;
  • Broken wires.
Rack brand Dimensions, mm Mass tn. Bending moment, tf*m. Frost resistance Waterproof Concrete class
L b b 1 h 1 b 2 h 2
SV 110-5 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 5,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 18

Stand CB 110-5

Reinforced concrete products are used in the construction of various kinds of reinforced concrete structures, including in the field of electric power industry. The plants produce a wide range of reinforced concrete products: wall and foundation elements, rings, beams, and other products. Reinforced concrete racks are used in the construction of power lines.

Rack brand SV 110-5 one of the most common in the construction and reconstruction of power lines. Reinforced concrete products have a number of advantages over wooden and metal supports. Support SV 110-5 is a trapezoidal reinforced concrete column. It must be manufactured in accordance with GOST 23613-79.

Reinforced concrete rack SV 110-5 was developed for laying a power line with a voltage of 0.4 to 10 kV. Also, these supports can be used for the construction of lighting electrical networks.

Support SV 110-5 dimensions

Stand height (length) - 11,000 millimeters Detailed dimensions and drawing are shown above.

SV 110-5 characteristics

  • geometric volume - 0.5698 cubic meters;
  • design bending moment - 5 tf * m (tf - ton-force or 9806.65 N in the SI system of units);
  • support mass - 1125 kilograms;
  • the volume of concrete per rack is 0.45 cubic meters.

Power transmission lines using SV 110-5 are allowed to be built in various climatic conditions, including, they can withstand seismic activity up to nine points on the Richter scale, as well as temperatures up to minus 55 degrees Celsius.

SV 110-5 price

The price of CB 110-5 depends on the cost of manufacturing the support (the cost of raw materials), the cost of delivery. Undoubtedly, the price is also influenced by such economic indicators as supply and demand. Support SV 110-5, the price for which you can find in our price list, is always available in the warehouse of OOO TK Norma-cable. Our company works with several manufacturers from Russia and CIS countries. The price for this brand of support is indicated on our website without discounts.

SV 110-5 buy

Buy SV 110-5 you can contact our managers by phone. You can also consult with Norma-cable employees on the characteristics, possibilities of using racks, as well as find out the final price for SV 110-5, taking into account discounts and special offers.

Characteristics of reinforced concrete racks (supports) of power lines of the brand SV

Rack brand Dimensions, mm Mass tn. Bending moment, tf*m. Frost-
Concrete class
L b b 1 h 1 b 2 h 2
SV 95-2 9500 165 150 240 150 165 0,75 2,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 27
SV 95-3s 9500 165 150 240 150 165 0,75 3,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 27
SV 95-3 9500 185 171 265 175 165 0,90 3,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 22
SV 110-35 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 3,5 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 18
SV 110-5 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 5,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 18
SV 110-49 11000 185 170 280 175 165 1,13 5,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 18
SV 164-12 16400 200 210 380 - 390 3,55 12,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B30 -
SV 164-20 16400 200 210 380 - 390 3,55 20,0 F 1 200-300 W6-8 B40 -

Legend: L- rack length; h 1 ; h 2 - the height of the rack at the base and top; b; b 1 ; b 2 - the width of the rack at the base and top

Buy reinforced concrete poles for power transmission lines SV110-35 KV, SV-110-5 10-50 KV, SV-95 0.4 KV, 5KV, 6KV, 10 KV, 20 KV prices in Moscow with delivery in Russia

Reinforced concrete lighting poles are used in megacities, as well as in small towns. With their help, parks, squares, roads, territories of industrial buildings and warehouse complexes, areas of cafes, restaurants, etc. are illuminated. Also, reinforced concrete poles can be used for suspension of overhead lines with a low voltage level.

Do you want to buy reinforced concrete reinforced concrete structures? Our online store offers a large selection of reinforced concrete poles for outdoor lighting. We are independently engaged in the production of products, therefore we guarantee its full compliance with the established standards of GOST and TU.

Each client can get acquainted with the offered goods through the catalog, as well as get advice from managers. To do this, contact us through the feedback form or call the specified phone number.

The specifics of the production of structures

Reinforced concrete lighting poles are made in several stages. First, the fittings of the desired size and class are selected. Then it is chopped using a special machine, the contour spirals are wound and other manipulations are carried out. The concrete mixture is prepared using cement, various inert and chemical components and water. After thorough mixing of the composition and obtaining the desired consistency, the mass is poured into the concrete paver.

The production of poles for outdoor lighting is carried out in special forms. Metal spirals are laid in them according to a certain technology. After that, the container is poured with the prepared concrete mixture and leveled with tools. Drying of structures is carried out in the preform heating system.

Advantages of reinforced concrete products

The use of reinforced concrete products for organizing street lighting is in high demand. This is due to the large number of advantages that the supports are characterized by:

  • resistance to corrosion and various negative environmental influences;
  • fire resistance and seismic resistance;
  • long service life. Subject to the rules of transportation and installation of reinforced concrete, supports can last more than half a century;
  • low price of structures;
  • manufacturability.

Installation of reinforced concrete poles for outdoor lighting is carried out according to a pre-designed scheme. Here it is important to take into account the specifics of the soil, the climatic features of the area, in order to choose the most durable installation option. The height of the support is also taken into account, since in such cases its weight is much greater. Due to the presence of some difficulties in the installation, it is recommended to entrust the work exclusively to competent specialists.

Our online store sells reinforced concrete racks for power transmission line supports and other products of our own production. We offer exclusively tested and reliable goods, which allows you to be sure of its quality and compliance with all regulatory requirements. Our managers, if necessary, will advise you on the available range, will announce prices and delivery terms.

Reinforced concrete light poles help support various lighting fixtures. When preparing construction work, it is first necessary to secure the construction site. These works include the selection of a type of device for lighting and a method of installation. Several types of building materials are used as a support, including reinforced concrete. The latter is the most stable, but has certain disadvantages. Reinforced concrete structures for external lighting very dependent on weather conditions and temperature extremes, but have a long service life.

Reinforced concrete light poles have several important advantages that distinguish them from all other types of supporting structures:

  • protection against rust, decomposition and exposure to chemicals;
  • long service life. If you carry out high-quality installation and transportation, the costs will be small;
  • high level fire protection;
  • ease of manufacture, convenient repair;
  • no high costs for any work.

In addition, reinforced concrete lighting racks have certain disadvantages, due to which they may not be suitable for the construction of certain types of objects:

  • significant bearing weight makes the loading, installation and transportation of elements more difficult and, accordingly, more expensive;
  • it is impossible to remove the reinforced concrete pole without special transport;
  • processing and removal of the post is very complex and costly;
  • lighting poles react very poorly to temperature and any weather changes;
  • RC lighting poles are vulnerable to chipping and cracking.

Reinforced concrete supports SV are used for external illumination of streets, sidewalks, industrial areas and highways. They can also be used to illuminate parks and areas near residential buildings.

There are several types of reinforced concrete light racks:

  • end,
  • corner,
  • intermediate,
  • anchor.

When developing light racks for industrial use, tension or frame reinforcement is used.

Light RC-stands and are marked depending on the structural mass, reinforcement method and dimensions. In addition, they differ in temperature regime, the level of resistance to cold, the possibility of moisture absorption, load and voltage drops.

All information on reinforced concrete street lighting poles is kindly provided by Samara Plant of Reinforced Concrete Products LLC. Here you can buy reinforced concrete products at competitive prices.