How to build a greenhouse with your own hands in one weekend. How to build a winter greenhouse with your own hands How to build a greenhouse

First of all, the greenhouse is designed to protect various garden and garden plants from the impact of negative atmospheric factors (hail, rain, snow, wind, and so on).

A favorable atmosphere is created inside the structure, which allows you to grow various fruit crops, and their yield in such conditions increases several times.

As for vegetables and herbs, their harvest time comes much earlier compared to the same species if they are grown outdoors.

A huge advantage of installing greenhouses on garden plot is the fact that excellent harvested crop, and in the case of some crops and more than once, it can provide vegetables and herbs for the entire winter-spring period.

This can be very cost-effective, especially considering that the price of these products in stores during the indicated period of time is quite high.

A place to install a greenhouse

The idea to build a greenhouse with their own hands comes to the mind of many gardeners and gardeners. But before starting work, you must first familiarize yourself with the stages of construction of this structure and, most importantly, determine the shape of the greenhouse and its location.

It must be remembered that it is not set for one year. The average time of its operation can be almost ten years.

The best option in this matter would be to consult with specialists. Their advice can be obtained either directly (if such a master is included in the social circle) or via the Internet.

  • The place where the greenhouse will be installed must be flat, protected from wind loads. In the same time Sun rays must completely cover and heat the structure.
  • No need to arrange a greenhouse in dark places, near a fence or trees.

  • In the case of the winter version of the greenhouse and growing plants in cold season, it must be taken into account that the snow that has fallen on the coating of the structure may prevent the penetration of sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that this does not happen and remove the snow caps in time.

In addition, due to insufficient supply of light and water heat to the greenhouse, it is possible to organize the supply of electricity and arrange irrigation in the greenhouse by installing an irrigation system.

Where to start building a greenhouse?

When building any structure, including greenhouses, it is best to start the process with design. Create drawings of the greenhouse, reflecting its external forms and the main materials that will be used for its construction.

The structure itself can be small, with an area of ​​​​about two by three meters and a height of two and a half meters. Or large, three by six meters in area with a similar height.

Of the most popular configurations that are used when installing greenhouses, arched and gable greenhouses stand out. When choosing one of the species, not the last, but possibly the most leading role, plays the factor of choosing the types of crops that will be grown in the greenhouse in the future.

For example, the arched type is more suitable for planting undersized crops, that is, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. The gable type will contribute to the better growth of tall crops (tomatoes of this species, cucumbers and flowers).

In general, creating a good greenhouse project is not difficult. If you can’t do it yourself, then on the Internet there are always various standard projects similar structures.

Selection of materials for coating and frame

One of the most common base materials used in the construction of greenhouses is polycarbonate. Its attractiveness comes from a number of characteristics, the advantages of this material in comparison with other types of materials used in the construction of similar garden structures such as film or glass.


Among the main characteristics are: light transmission, thermal conductivity and strength. One of the main advantages of the material is its lightness and plasticity. Internal composition polycarbonate allows you to bend sheets without the risk of destruction.

In addition, an additional advantage is the price component. Polycarbonate is considered a cheap material, which further increases its demand.

Already in the direct process of installing polycarbonate sheets, it is best to use a double sheet fastening system. Rigid and with opening. Thus, a ventilation system is formed in the greenhouse.

Having decided on the material for covering the greenhouse, you can proceed to the selection of the frame. There exists wide selection profiles that can be used during installation frame system. This may include metal pipes with round, rectangular or square section.

Each designated type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Galvanized pipes are considered the most suitable square section. This profile is perfectly characterized by high strength, as well as the presence of galvanization, which protects the structure from corrosion.

However, plastic is gaining wide popularity among materials today. Metal pipes are in many ways inferior to plastic pipes, and this has already been appreciated by many.


The plastic greenhouse is a modern quality construction, characterized by many positive qualities due to the special properties of the material.

Of these, it is worth noting that plastic pipes are easy to cut, glue and weld. It's ecological pure material, not subject to corrosion, mold, withstand various atmospheric loads.

Given the appearance of the greenhouse, you can choose either rigid PVC pipes for gable or single-sided structures, or flexible PP or PVC for arched types.

In the end, whatever the choice of someone for whom a greenhouse made of pipes with their own hands is already decision, he can always compare and choose the most best option frame.

Foundation for a greenhouse

Of course, it is not worth installing a greenhouse on clean ground. A foundation is needed. In the expectation that the structure itself belongs to lightweight types, however, requiring stability, the basis for it is made as follows:


  • A trench is being dug.
  • Sand bedding is arranged with tamping 20 centimeters thick.
  • Formwork is placed along the trench around the entire perimeter on both sides.
  • A reinforcing mesh is laid on the bottom of the trench over the entire area of ​​the sandy base.
  • The trench is filled with concrete. The upper level mark of the concrete is equal to the width of the installed formwork board.

When performing these works, it must be remembered that if the greenhouse itself is installed very quickly (within one or two days), then when building the foundation, it will take almost a month for a good setting. Therefore, such work should be done in advance.

Final stage

When the design is completely ready, it will be possible to proceed to the internal equipment. Placing beds and passages, determining the places for piping for irrigation, and so on.

Many people like to take pictures of their work. Some prefer to shoot the whole process of work, while others like to take pictures of the results of work.

But with special pride, friends and acquaintances are always presented with a photo of a greenhouse made by their own hands, where tomatoes, eggplants and all kinds of other vegetables and greens are already ripening to their full height.

DIY greenhouse photo

A greenhouse is essentially a unique part of your garden, because the vagaries of nature do not dominate it. The greenhouse will allow you to grow vegetables in winter or admire the plants and flowers of your home all year round. winter garden. And it's especially nice when it's done. with my own hands. After all, the crop harvested in it will be especially tasty, and it is important that by building a greenhouse with your own hands, you will save a considerable amount. Of course, a number of questions immediately arise. What greenhouses are there and which one to choose? Where is the best place to put it? What material to choose? But don't worry, we'll answer all these questions and more. So, how to build a greenhouse with your own hands.

First of all, it is worth noting that buildings intended for growing plants are divided into greenhouses and greenhouses. The greenhouse is a more solid and complex structure. It usually has a foundation, walls and roof made of various materials. The design of the greenhouse is much simpler, it is small and mobile. A greenhouse, in principle, is not provided for the entire plant growth cycle. It is designed for growing seedlings, which are then planted in the ground.

Greenhouses are primarily divided into summer (seasonal) and winter (capital).

winter greenhouse

It is better to place a winter greenhouse closer to the communications of your home. Since the heating system must be conducted from them. Of course, you can heat the greenhouse with a stove, but it will be too troublesome. The stove must be constantly heated to maintain a stable temperature level. A capital greenhouse will definitely require a strong foundation and supports to withstand all weather factors.

Here we should also mention the greenhouse-thermos, deepened into the ground by several meters. But these greenhouses are erected an order of magnitude less frequently due to the high labor intensity and cost. For it, it is necessary to dig a foundation pit, make a strong foundation and walls from thermoblocks, install a heating system and much more.

summer greenhouse

Summer greenhouses usually mean greenhouses covered with dense polyethylene. This is the most simple and cheap option covering the greenhouse, which will last a couple of seasons with careful use. Usually they construct either a wooden frame or a frame made of PVC pipes, on which the film is attached in the spring. A large selection of inexpensive seasonal greenhouses is also available. They have an easily foldable, non-bulky design that will be easy to hide at the end of the season if necessary.

According to their shape, greenhouses are divided into:

  • arched
  • lean-to
  • gable
  • Mittlider's greenhouse
  • domed greenhouses
  • polygonal

arched greenhouse has an arched shape of the roof, thanks to which the sun's rays will be evenly distributed over the entire area and, accordingly, the plants will receive the maximum sunlight and warm. Also, this shape prevents the accumulation a large number snow, so that deformation does not threaten her, and your work will be reduced.

Shed greenhouses usually attached on one side to any solid construction of the site. Perhaps, ideal option will be if it is attached on the south side of a residential, heated house. In this option, you will save not only space on your site, but also energy for heating. But in this option, unlike the previous one, snow can accumulate, so you should be careful during snowfalls.

And the most common today - gable greenhouses. They can be both winter and summer. The main advantage of these greenhouses is their size. There is plenty of room for you and your plants. In such a greenhouse, some part of the area can even be allocated as a recreation area.

The form Mittlider's greenhouses It is usually based on a gable structure (less often arched). But still, we singled it out as a separate view because of its unique two-level roof that allows you to make a transom (windows in the picture below). transom in this case- this is a complete ventilation system that eliminates all the disadvantages of ventilation of other types of greenhouses. It not only ventilates, but also supplies the plants with the carbon dioxide they need to feed.

domed greenhouse is more of a design element than a fully functional greenhouse. However, it is great for growing flowers and will look great in a snowy garden. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the domed shape provides a number of significant advantages. Among them, it is worth noting strength and stability, and most importantly, good illumination throughout the day. The disadvantage is the small size, which is often not very convenient to work with. Such a greenhouse is difficult to manufacture, so they usually buy ready-made structures.

polygonal greenhouses have, as a rule, an octahedral shape, which gives them a number of advantages, but also makes their construction more expensive and laborious. The advantages include an attractive appearance, which makes them a real decoration of the garden, as well as a number of practical qualities. It is convenient to install racks and work in them, but, most importantly, at least one of the eight faces is constantly at the best angle to the sun.

Choosing a place for a greenhouse

The effectiveness of the greenhouse will largely depend on its location. Pay attention to the following:

  1. If you are planning a solid greenhouse, then to ensure necessary conditions plants (lighting, wind) build it from west to east.
  2. The amount of soil, as well as its slope, plays an important role. The greenhouse is placed only on level ground. If the soil is clay, first it must be sprinkled with gravel, and then pour a layer fertile land. It is not necessary to install a greenhouse in a lowland, on sandy soil, in swampy areas.
  3. Given the need for a supply of communications, remember the proximity to the house. As mentioned above, a good option would be to add a greenhouse to a house or other building near it. This, for example, will facilitate heating and protection from the wind and will be beneficial with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Most importantly, do not forget that this building should not interfere with the access of the sun.
  4. For improvement temperature regime, deepen the greenhouse by 70-80 centimeters. When deepening, remember to undersized plants, since with excessive deepening they may receive less light.
  5. Do not place the greenhouse close to the trees, they will create unnecessary shade for the plants.

Greenhouse frame

One of key elements the structure of the greenhouse, which ensures its strength and stability, is the frame. There are three most common and popular types of frame: metal, wood, plastic (PVC). Briefly about each of them:

  • plus wooden frame is the convenience of its erection and more opportunities for improvisation. To protect against weather factors, wood will require mandatory processing, but despite this, the wooden frame will still yield in terms of durability to the other two. The main advantage of this material is its environmental friendliness.
  • Metal carcass stands out for its durability. It is not worth worrying about during strong winds or snowfall. There are different options for metal frames, but if you choose steel profile, remember the need for an anti-corrosion coating.
  • PVC frame considered reliable and safe. The strength of this frame will primarily depend on the thickness of the selected profile. By using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) you can create a completely airtight system in your greenhouse and adjust the microclimate in it as you wish.

Greenhouse cover

For reliable protection plants will need good stuff to cover the greenhouse. Most common: glass, different types films and products from all the same PVC.

When choosing glass for a greenhouse, keep in mind that it must have high strength in order to withstand all weather disasters. The best choice will be strained glass or triplex. In the event that it is not possible to supply one of these options, the installation of several glasses may be an option.

Film- the most popular greenhouse cover option today. With the right choice and proper care, it can last a long time. Now specially for greenhouses and hotbeds are produced different kinds films. For example:

  • Reinforced film is a particularly strong material that helps in protecting plants from frost. Most often, gardeners choose it.
  • Light-transforming film - converts ultraviolet radiation into infrared, which in turn promotes plant growth.

PVC products is a cell phone and monolithic polycarbonate and well translucent acrylic plastic. Polycarbonate is in the greatest demand. It has a number of notable advantages:

  • relatively low price;
  • material flexibility;
  • does not fade and looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • good thermal insulation due to the air gap;
  • resistant to temperature changes and other weather factors;
  • the lightness of the material, which allows you not to build an impressive frame and foundation for it;
  • well scatters the sun's rays;
  • ease of installation and dismantling;
  • durability.

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands

Before building a greenhouse, you must have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future building. To do this, you need to draw up a scheme of the greenhouse, calculate the amount required material and of course prepare the place. In order for you to get an idea of ​​the progress of construction, let's look at a visual photo example of the construction of one of the greenhouse options.

Aluminum pipes are used for the frame of the greenhouse.

To give pipes required form We use a simple pipe bender.

Clearly, if you are using PVC pipes, this step will not be needed.

The result should be the following.

In our example, pipes are used to fix the arches of the greenhouse frame. larger diameter. They are driven to a depth of 40-50 cm. The height of the pipes above the ground should be about 30-40 cm.

Instead of pipes of a larger diameter, ordinary fittings with the same dimensions can be used for fastening. It is hammered into the ground in the same way, and the arches of the frame are put on from above.

Along the perimeter we install boards (plinth), pre-treated with an antiseptic. Then we drill a hole through the board and both pipes. Then securely fasten with bolts. We fasten the boards to each other with metal jumpers.

Using a wooden beam, we collect the frames of the "fronts".

We fasten the transverse arcs with a longitudinal pipe.

We sheathe the wooden frame with siding or plain plywood, and then paint it.

We cover all potentially sharp and rough edges so as not to tear the film.

It remains to put the door and cover the greenhouse with foil. Let's talk more about film mounting options.

Fixing the film on the greenhouse

We list the most popular mounting options:

  • Wooden slats nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws. Alternatively, instead of rails, you can use chopped linoleum or packing tape, and fasten them with a construction stapler. But this option is better to use for a reinforced film, since other types will inevitably tear over time from gusts of wind.
  • Clamps, clips. Now there is a large selection of such mounts, so there will be no problems in acquiring. But if desired, they can be made independently, for example, from PVC pipes. It's not difficult at all, and with a little experimentation, you're sure to make the right ones. If you buy metal clips, then do not forget to put something under them, as heating up in the sun, the metal can ruin the film.
  • Mesh is the safest mounting option. After we cover the greenhouse with a film, we lay a grid on top of it, which is tied to the body. Of course, some additional film mount, at least minimal, should be present. Otherwise, after each heavy rain you will have to correct it. Instead of a net, a rope can in principle be used, although this is more troublesome.

We reviewed with you, we hope that this article was useful to you.

Today, any gardener can create a greenhouse at their summer cottage on their own. In order to build a greenhouse or greenhouse on your own, you need to create a plan, follow step by step instructions and have minimal experience with construction tools.

  • main advantages in self construction greenhouses;
  • the main difference between winter and summer structures;
  • types of greenhouses;
  • stationary and collapsible structures;
  • choose the material for the frame;
  • types of greenhouse foundation;
  • materials used to cover greenhouses;
  • in what cases can you do without a foundation?
  • creation of diagrams and drawings;
  • main stages of greenhouse construction;
  • equipment.

The main advantages in self-construction of a greenhouse

At the moment, in the process of growing vegetables in summer cottages and household plots, you can use various types of greenhouse structures, created on your own or purchased in specialized stores. Today, anyone can build a greenhouse of any size.

How your greenhouse building will look depends primarily on the materials that you will use to make it. This design will differ in the minimum price and the possibility of building a greenhouse at any time convenient for you. You can create very original designs, while they will not be inferior to factory designs. For the manufacture of summer structures, polyethylene is most often used.

The main differences between winter and summer structures

At the moment, you can independently build both a winter and a summer version of the greenhouse. But, before starting the construction of one of the options for such a design, it is worth determining the main differences between these types. A winter greenhouse will require large financial investments from you.

The main differences are in the materials that are used to build greenhouses. Plastic film is suitable for summer greenhouses, it is not suitable for winter greenhouses. Winter greenhouses are most often covered with high-quality glass or polycarbonate (transparent). Thin polycarbonate can also be used to create a summer greenhouse.

If you are planning to build a winter greenhouse, then you should pay Special attention the foundation of this structure, since the foundation affects the efficiency heating system used in the greenhouse. The frame for a winter greenhouse should be made reliable; lighter options are suitable for summer structures. These features must be taken into account in the process of creating durable and efficient greenhouses.

Greenhouse types

Often, greenhouses are created for growing a certain kind plants, while taking into account their characteristics, including required level illumination, and comfortable temperature for plant growth.

A shed greenhouse can be called one of the most versatile options for arranging a winter garden or a greenhouse, this is due to the possibility of creating an internal transition to the building. This will allow you to maintain the greenhouse at any time of the year. Note that a shed greenhouse is best built in the southern part of the house.

Greenhouses with gable roof, which look like small houses, common in different regions our country. They can be safely called one of the most popular designs.

Drop-shaped structures are durable and have increased light transmission, snow does not linger on their surface, but there are difficulties associated with their installation, so creating such a structure on your own is quite difficult.

A domed greenhouse looks very original, while it has certain advantages in comparison with other types of structures. Such structures can be installed in seismically hazardous areas, they can significantly save the consumption of building materials. A dome-shaped greenhouse must be well insulated and sealed.

The polygonal view of the greenhouse provides excellent light transmission, has an attractive appearance, it is more resistant to strong gusts of wind. Installation of such a design will require more time and effort, the main thing is to properly organize the space in order to ensure uniform heating of the air in the greenhouse.

There are Dutch greenhouses that are distinguished by their reliability and durability. In this type of greenhouse, the walls are placed with a slope in order to improve the illumination, this has a positive effect on the amount of harvest. The cost of building this type of structure is negligible.

Today you can often find tunnel greenhouses. Such designs make it possible to protect plants from bad weather conditions and gusts of wind. Thus, with minimal investment, you can get a high yield of garden crops. This version of the greenhouse is the most optimal for building on your own. Often such greenhouses are used for growing tomatoes and peppers.

Stationary and collapsible structures

All greenhouses and greenhouses that are used in gardens and household plots can be divided into stationary and collapsible.

Collapsible structures have recently begun to be used in home gardening. Such a collapsible greenhouse consists of a lightweight collapsible frame, often collapsible greenhouses differ small size so they can be easily installed in different places site. Small collapsible greenhouses will cost inexpensively, while assembling such a greenhouse is very simple.

Vegetable growers have long used stationary greenhouses for growing garden crops. Such greenhouses consist of a foundation and a metal frame, on which a coating is subsequently installed. Most summer residents and gardeners prefer to use stationary greenhouses, this is due to their durability, as well as more comfortable work in the greenhouse.

Choosing a material for the frame

The frame of the greenhouse and the door must be distinguished by increased rigidity, while they must be strong, which will allow the structure to withstand temperature fluctuations in different seasons, gusts of wind and the weight of the snow mass. But, it is worth considering that when creating a greenhouse, it is necessary to minimize the number of elements that reduce the level of illumination in the greenhouse.

While creating collapsible structures use materials that are lightweight and easy to install. At the moment, only a few types of materials are used to create the frame of greenhouses, which differ in their characteristics and cost.

Wood is the cheapest and available material which does not require the use of special knowledge and specialized equipment. The wooden structure is lightweight, environmentally friendly, but it can start to rot, so it must be treated with antiseptics.

Aluminum makes it possible to build durable and lightweight structures that differ high level rigidity, they can withstand heavy loads. In order to connect aluminum parts, a household riveter or nuts are used, which are inserted into drilled holes. This option is not as popular due to the higher cost of aluminum.

Plastic allows you to create light and durable structures, it does not rot and cannot be destroyed by corrosion. It is very flexible, therefore it makes it possible to create structures of a wide variety of shapes, which is useful in the construction of arched greenhouses and greenhouses with a gable roof. But plastic must necessarily be attached to the ground or base.

Steel is used to build a frame quite often, and it is necessary to create strip foundation for the base of the greenhouse. Frames made of galvanized steel are resistant to corrosion, which allows to increase the life of the structure.

Profile for drywall, characterized by low weight and easy installation. Based on practice, a frame made from a drywall profile is very convenient during operation, it can last a very long time and be collapsible. The profile can be used for the construction of lean-to and gable structures, as well as for arched greenhouses.

Window frames, as a material for the frame of greenhouses, make it possible to build greenhouses with acceptable thermal insulation indicators, and this can be done as soon as possible with significant cost savings. It is worth noting short term service of such a design, even if you plan to process the wooden part of the window structure, the maximum service life will be no more than five years.

Other materials are not used to create the frame of greenhouse structures.

Varieties of the greenhouse foundation

The light weight and significant windage of greenhouses can cause the structure to overturn during strong gusts of wind, so the greenhouse frame must be installed on a reliable and solid foundation. The type of foundation is chosen depending on the estimated mass of the structure.

The foundation of bricks is easy to build, it is reliable and suitable for most greenhouses. Note that the creation of such a foundation for a greenhouse is a complex and lengthy process.

The stone foundation is durable and reliable. A properly created stone foundation will be able to withstand a heavy metal frame made of profiles and fiberglass. Such a foundation is used to create capital greenhouses, it is expensive.

A concrete foundation is one of the most inexpensive options that will allow you to quickly create the foundation for your future greenhouse. Initially, a formwork is created, after which the concrete mixture is poured and the rods are installed in order to secure the frame of the greenhouse in the future.

The simplest and cheapest is wooden base for a greenhouse. But, to use such a basis, even taking into account its processing antiseptics, it will be possible no more than five seasons, so such a base should not be installed under capital greenhouses.

Materials used to cover greenhouses

Glass can be used to cover a greenhouse or greenhouse, polyethylene film, polycarbonate (translucent). Each of these materials has its own positive and negative characteristics, which must be taken into account, giving preference to one or another material.

Polyethylene film is one of the cheapest materials, but in terms of durability, the film cannot compete with glass and polycarbonate. The film, regardless of its quality, must be changed at least once every three years. When creating an arched arc greenhouse, a double layer of film is most often used, this provides the most comfortable conditions for the growth of various crops. The film is characterized by excellent light transmission, but the sun's rays adversely affect the film, wearing it out and reducing light transmission. On the inside film, condensation often occurs.

Glass has traditionally been used in greenhouses and is durable and has a high level of light transmission, providing excellent thermal insulation. When using glass to create greenhouses, it is worth remembering that it heats up very quickly and has a large mass. Glass is an expensive material, and replacing it will not cost you very cheaply.

Polycarbonate is a hard plastic that has characteristics such as transparency and a cellular structure. Distinctive features material are considered durability, impact resistance, light transmission. Polycarbonate flexible material, so it can be used to create tunnel or arch type greenhouses.

In some cases, other materials may be used. For example, you can find combined greenhouses in which the roof of the structure is covered with a film, and the side parts of the frame are made of glass.

In what cases can you do without a foundation?

The foundation is the foundation that allows you to ensure the proper level of structural stability, maintain its integrity, and the strength of the entire greenhouse. But today you can find various protected ground structures that do not provide for the need to equip the foundation.

First of all, we are talking about lightweight portable structures. They are distinguished by their low weight; such structures protect fastenings to the ground using pegs from windage. If we are talking about stationary greenhouses, then the arrangement of the foundation is mandatory, which allows you to create durable and stable structures.

Create diagrams and drawings

Before you start building a greenhouse or greenhouse on your own, you need to draw up a competent plan, draw drawings and diagrams of future buildings. Drawings of the future greenhouse can be any. At the moment, on the Web you can find diagrams of classic models of greenhouses created from wood back in Soviet times, but there are also modern models, as well as schemes of Mitlider's greenhouses.

When choosing a drawing for a future building, it is worth starting from the requirements that you will impose on the greenhouse. In particular, it is worth considering the features of the materials used for the construction of the greenhouse, as well as the goals that you set for such a protected ground construction.

You can independently create a diagram of the future structure or use an option already developed by someone. If you do not want to waste your time and effort, then it is preferable to use already ready-made schemes The main thing is to choose a scheme that will satisfy your needs.

The main stages of the construction of the greenhouse

The process of self-creation of a greenhouse or greenhouse consists of several stages, while they must be performed in a certain sequence:

  • you must select the type of structure;
  • create a drawing and diagram or use ready-made drawings;
  • creation of a structure frame;
  • earthworks, which include the arrangement of the foundation, the foundation for the frame;
  • fixing the supporting frame of the greenhouse;
  • greenhouse cover installation.

The features of each of the stages depend on the materials used, as well as on the future characteristics of the greenhouse, including its size, as well as on the season in which it will be used.


Creating a greenhouse, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, such a microclimate can be provided through the use of specialized equipment for greenhouses. In order to ensure the maximum yield of cultivated crops and their quality, it is necessary to modernize greenhouses and greenhouses. Growing plants in greenhouse conditions requires the use of systems for space heating, watering plants, if necessary, additional lighting, and systems that provide ventilation.

The use of an irrigation system (subsoil, drip) makes it possible to save water, and also reduces the cost of time and effort, relieving gardeners and summer residents from the need to irrigate manually.

Heating in greenhouses can be organized in several ways, the choice of equipment used will depend on the existing communication system. At the moment, gardeners use stove, gas or electric heating greenhouses.

Ventilation in a greenhouse is of great importance, and affects plants regardless of the stages of their growth and development. Ventilation allows you to protect plants from overheating and provides the necessary air exchange in the greenhouse. In order to ensure natural ventilation, you can open doors and windows. If more intensive air circulation is required, it is necessary to install an exhaust or circulation fan.

Additional lighting must be used when growing seedlings. Also, such lighting will be needed when growing any garden crops that are planted in regions with a short daylight hours. The use of special lamps makes it possible to provide plants with the necessary level of illumination, especially in early spring, winter and in last month autumn.

Today, many gardeners and summer residents cannot imagine working on the site without the use of greenhouses.

For the first time in our country, K. Timiryazev was able to grow plants using greenhouses. In 1872, he built a growing house on the territory of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences, in which he grew different cultures. Such a prototype modern greenhouses gave impetus to the development and implementation of the most various types greenhouses, which make it possible to extend the fruiting period of plants, and improve the quality of the crop.

Each summer resident and owner own house, sooner or later there is a desire to have on your site good greenhouse. After all, everyone knows that vegetables and herbs from their own greenhouse, also grown with their own hands, are much tastier and healthier than purchased ones. Therefore, someone follows the path of buying a finished greenhouse. Someone buys a disassembled greenhouse and assembles it on the site as a constructor. But a considerable part of gardeners want to build a greenhouse with their own hands. After all, everyone knows: if you want to do something well, do it yourself.

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands? To begin with, let's figure out what types of greenhouses are. It is important to choose future design and greenhouse material.

Winter and summer greenhouses

All greenhouses can be divided into two large groups: winter and summer. They differ in the presence of a heating system in a winter greenhouse, which allows you to grow plants in such a greenhouse all year round. The summer greenhouse is designed for faster ripening of fruits and protection of plants from accidental frosts.

Winter greenhouses are usually more solid than summer ones. They build them closer to the house, sometimes even attaching them to the south side of the house. So they are closer to the heat source. Winter greenhouses are almost never made from film. The heating system can either be connected to the heating system of the house or be autonomous. For this, an oven is made in the greenhouse.

Video review of a self-heating winter greenhouse

Arched, single-pitched and double-pitched greenhouses

Everyone chooses the type of roof for the greenhouse based on the location of the greenhouse. As well as your personal preferences. We can only suggest the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

shed roof they usually choose by attaching a greenhouse with their own hands to the house. This type of roofing is simple in construction, economical. Under such a roof, you can make inexpensive, but solid foundation from wooden beam or metal profile pipe. The disadvantage of this roof is that snow will accumulate on such a roof.

gable roof, like a lean-to, it can have a cheap and durable frame. It is a little more expensive than a single-sided one, but more aesthetically pleasing. But snow will also accumulate on such a roof. Consider this factor when choosing a roof for a greenhouse.

Types of greenhouses. Video review

And finally arched roof. Very popular view roofs and it is well-deserved. Economical, quickly built, he won his niche very quickly. In combination with cellular polycarbonate, such a greenhouse has almost all the advantages. It does not collect snow, it is very resistant to winds and the dispersion of sunlight in it occurs naturally. The only drawback may be a frame for this type of roof. Making a strong and reliable frame will be more expensive and more difficult than for previous types of roofing. Let's talk about frames for greenhouses with our own hands.

Types and materials for the frame of the greenhouse

We continue to answer the question of how to build a greenhouse with your own hands. If you decide to build a greenhouse on your site, have chosen the type of roof for your future greenhouse, now you need to think about choosing a material for the greenhouse frame. What to build a greenhouse from?

The greenhouse frame can be made from:

  • tree
  • metal

wooden frame

Timber frames are very easy to work with. The tree is easy to process, it can be used to build a greenhouse of almost any kind. The disadvantage of such construction will be the susceptibility of the tree to decay. Therefore, the entire timber before construction has to be treated with special impregnations.

Greenhouse made of wood and film. Video building instructions


In order to assemble a metal frame, good skills are needed. After all, the metal will either have to be welded or bolted. Such a frame for a greenhouse is very expensive. But it is very durable, reliable and will last for decades. Such a frame is suitable for a capital greenhouse.

Video of building a glass and metal greenhouse


Today, the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes. This type of construction is relatively cheap, even beginners can do it. Moreover, such a construction will not take much time. The disadvantage of such a frame is its low strength. Over time, plastic pipes bend, the greenhouse loses its shape. Therefore, as a capital structure, such a frame is not suitable.

Video how to make a greenhouse from plastic pipes and film

Greenhouse cover

The materials for the walls and roof of the greenhouse are very diverse. Each has its pros and cons. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • glass
  • film
  • agrofibre
  • cellular polycarbonate

DIY glass greenhouse

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands? If you want to build a capital and durable greenhouse with your own hands, then a glass greenhouse is a good option. Moreover, such a greenhouse will not necessarily be expensive. After all, it can be built from.

Many people, when replacing old wooden windows with plastic ones, simply throw the frames into the trash. So you can get the material for your greenhouse for free. You just have to process the wood window frames and fasten them together. You will even have windows and vents ready to ventilate the plants on hot days.

Video review of a greenhouse from old window frames

However, do not forget that glass is a heavy material. Therefore, the foundation of such a greenhouse should be appropriate. It must be recessed, or . Or you can do slab foundation and take water out of it.

DIY film greenhouse

Such a greenhouse, although it requires frequent film changes, is still common. Because the film is easy to mount and it is cheap. In addition, with careful attitude, it can withstand several seasons. It is not suitable for a do-it-yourself winter greenhouse, but it copes very well with the functions of a summer one.

An ideal design option for a film greenhouse would be a frame made of plastic pipes curved by an arch. Such an arch is built in one day, it is cheap and even one person can handle it. The arch is closed with a film. And for the winter it can be removed. It is possible to modernize such a greenhouse somewhat if agrofiber (geotextile) is used instead of a film.

Do-it-yourself agrofibre greenhouse

Can be used as a do-it-yourself greenhouse covering material. It passes water and steam well. Your plants will be irrigated with rainwater and will be able to "breathe" freely. White geotextile provides enough light for plants, and at the same time will not let the sun's rays burn the foliage. Such a greenhouse needs less ventilation than those made from other materials. Agrofibre is a durable material, unlike film. You can use it for many years. It does not tear, is not afraid of piercings, stretches well. Today, this is a good alternative to film.

Step-by-step video instructions for making agrofiber greenhouse

Do-it-yourself cellular polycarbonate greenhouse

Do-it-yourself such greenhouses are made for all types of roofs and frames. They are both arched and single-gable. Polycarbonate is attached to both wood and metal. They are covered with frames made of plastic and aluminum pipes. In general, this universal material to build a greenhouse with your own hands. When choosing polycarbonate, pay attention to its thickness and weight. Choose sheets with a thickness of 4 mm. Better than 6-8 mm. In addition, the sheet should be heavy enough. Do not forget that polycarbonate cannot be mounted in a horizontal position. The condensate in the combs must be free to roll and flow out. Otherwise, polycarbonate will quickly become overgrown with algae and lose its transparency.

How to make a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame. Video

We hope that our article helped you in choosing the type of your future greenhouse and we answered the question of how to build a greenhouse with your own hands. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments to the article. We are very interested, but what kind of greenhouse did you make with your own hands?

The direct purpose of the greenhouse lies in protecting plants from adverse factors, of which there are a great many. Creating a favorable microclimate in the greenhouse, which is best suited for cultivated crops, increasing their yield by several times. And greens and fresh vegetables can be obtained much earlier compared to open ground. It is no secret for everyone that their price in the winter-spring period is an order of magnitude higher than seasonal ones. Therefore, growing crops in greenhouses is highly cost-effective.

Place for a greenhouse

If you are wondering how to make a greenhouse with your own hands, it is recommended to take an interest in the general factors that influence the choice of a greenhouse. This step should be taken carefully, because you will have to buy a greenhouse for more than one year. By the way, average term The useful life of such a design is close to 10 years.

To choose a place to build a greenhouse, you need to remember that the main purpose lies in the successful growth of seeds and comfortable conditions for fruit ripening. Therefore, it is better to allocate a flat place on the site that is well protected from the wind and where sunlight enters in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is worth installing a greenhouse in a place where there are no objects that create a large shadow.

It is not recommended to place the greenhouse near fences and trees. However, sometimes placing a tree near a greenhouse is not a disadvantage, because in the summer it protects the structure from overheating, and in winter frosts allows the sun, dropping leaves, to penetrate through the branches and heat the greenhouse. You just need to make sure that it does not grow too much. But near a coniferous tree, which retains cover all year round, a greenhouse cannot be placed.

Consider also the presence of buildings near the greenhouse. It may turn out that the sun will be located above the roof in summer, and in winter, on the contrary, it will not be able to rise so high, and the building will completely shade the greenhouse all year round. It should be remembered that the greenhouse requires the supply of electricity, water and gas. Therefore, you should not place the greenhouse far from energy sources.

If you are aiming to build a winter greenhouse and grow plants in the cold season, then remember that the snow cover that is located around the greenhouse can directly reflect the sun's rays onto it. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the snow on the greenhouse cover does not interfere with the penetration of lighting.

Greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouses should be installed on a flat surface. Installation on sloping ground provokes the destruction of the frame, because snow load in winter it is unevenly distributed and is very significant for middle latitudes.

Dimensions and shape of the greenhouse

When building a greenhouse, it is recommended to determine the dimensions in advance. To do this, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site where the greenhouse will be located, and decide how much you will grow plants and what grows next to the greenhouse.

The most popular forms are arched and gable greenhouses. To correctly determine the right greenhouse shape for your land plot, you need to pay attention to two points:

  • Before making a purchase, try to determine what you will be growing. For low crops ( stunted tomatoes, eggplant and peppers) you should choose an arched greenhouse. high cultures(tall tomatoes, flowers and cucumbers) gable is better.
  • You should not forget about your own preferences, because the greenhouse should please you with its appearance.

The base of the greenhouse can be made in the form of a circle, trapezoid or rectangle, as well as their various variations. The most successful is the round greenhouse-tent, which uses sunlight efficiently. The frame material is PVC, wood or metal.

Coating materials

If you are interested in what you can make a greenhouse from, then remember that each material for covering the greenhouse has its own advantages and disadvantages. Greenhouse film attracts with its easy replacement, at a small price, low design requirements, the possibility of using a frame made of wood or metal. The shape of the greenhouse in this case can be traditional arched or arched with straight walls.

A film that is well stretched over an arched structure can be safely left for the winter. The film quietly serves up to 4 years. The disadvantages include instability to mechanical damage and low thermal insulation.

But greenhouses covered with expensive short-lived film, as well as fragile glass structures, are a thing of the past. Such structures were replaced by polycarbonate material, which is more attractive in terms of its characteristics - good light transmission and thermal conductivity, strength and price. Therefore, cellular polycarbonate has become by far the most popular material for covering greenhouses.

The main advantage of polycarbonate is its lightness and the use of such a greenhouse for up to 10 years. The possibility of bending the sheet under the greenhouse arch provides a significant increase in the load from snow. The frame is usually metal. The size of the greenhouse walls and the length of the arches depend on the size of the polycarbonate sheet.

If the covering material of the greenhouse is a double-glazed window or glass, then the frame design requires reinforcement with floor trusses and internal drains. The undoubted advantages of glass are its light transmission, durability of use and warmth. But the stringent requirements of the frame due to the severity and fragility of glass lead to an increase in the popularity of replacing glass with polycarbonate.

Frame materials

There are several frame options on the market at the moment. Galvanized profile: such a frame is protected from corrosion, but at the same time it has low strength indicators. It uses thin sheets of steel, which can easily be deformed.

The steel frame, which is coated with powder paint, is a fairly durable material, but it is not durable due to corrosion. The material is also characterized by high thermal conductivity, which has a bad effect on the yield in some cases.

Galvanized steel square profile is called the best option for developers who are interested in how to make a greenhouse. This profile shows high performance durability and corrosion resistance due to galvanization.

Greenhouse foundation

The foundation of the greenhouse, in addition to the standard purpose, additionally performs an important function, being an integral part of the pocket in which high ridges. Given the fact that the foundation acts as an element of the overall structure of the greenhouse in its lower part, combining brick and concrete, it should not “walk” in the spring when the soil thaws, as this will otherwise lead to the formation of cracks and cause deformation of the arched structure.

Possible cracking of the glazing of the greenhouse. Almost every gardener faced this issue during the construction phase. garden house, therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance the most acceptable options for dealing with certain deformations.

Laying the foundation for a greenhouse involves the need to calculate the depth of soil freezing. Under the foundation, it is desirable to dig a trench, which is usually filled with sand with gradual tamping. The filling height must be at least 20 centimeters below the ground.

Around such a groove, you need to put a formwork 20 centimeters high directly above the soil. Along the entire perimeter, they are laid in the formwork metal fittings and then filled with concrete. With the help of such simple manipulations, it will be possible to create a foundation for a greenhouse in the form of a strong reinforced concrete belt, and the susceptibility to the influence of earth movement is excluded.

Frame construction and coating

The strength of the greenhouse frame allows you to reliably protect the crop from rain and wind. The construction of the frame should begin with marking the site. First of all, you need to decide what will be the dimensions for the future greenhouse. The standard option is a compact structure for a summer cottage measuring 6 by 3 meters.

After that, you can begin to assemble the greenhouse frame itself. To do this, strengthen the support posts in the soil in pre-dug holes. Along the perimeter of the structure in the amount of 6 side bars with a length of 2.15 m with 3 central bars, which have a length of 3 meters. For bars, the cross section should be 10 centimeters.

After that, the bars must be deepened at a distance of about 40-50 centimeters, followed by careful fixation. Fastening of horizontal beams is carried out along the upper part of each support. The legs of the rafters must be fixed at a step of 0.5-0.6 meters. On the north side, after that, install a door frame measuring 0.7 by 1.8 meters with further hanging the door.

Then it is recommended to make a couple. Create a frame from thin boards or logs rectangular shape for northern and southern wooden shields. The frames are deepened by approximately 40-50 centimeters, they are covered with biofuel, which is covered with a sufficient amount of straw and covered with a thick layer of soil. Please note that the northern lad of your greenhouse should be raised 10-15 centimeters above the southern lad, which is necessary for even distribution of sunlight.

At this stage, the film should be stretched on the frame of the greenhouse. It is better if a film of whole pieces is used for this purpose. From the end of the side of the greenhouse are completely closed with a film. It is necessary to fix the film using wooden slats- they are nailed directly to the supports themselves.

Creation of ventilation

In the construction of protected ground under the influence solar heat created Greenhouse effect. In the greenhouse, due to the rapid rise, air stagnates, which is an ideal environment for the spread of diseases and the reproduction of pests.

Therefore, it is recommended to regulate the microclimate in the greenhouse by creating a ventilation system that provides an influx fresh air and supports optimal humidity air. The mode of operation of the ventilation system must be coordinated with the operation of shading and heating devices.

To ventilate greenhouses, it is customary to use side and roof windows, as well as doors. The surface of devices that are intended for ventilation should reach 20% of total area buildings. Airing contributes to the hardening of fruit and vegetable crops, useful for seedlings that are grown for planting in open ground. Two weeks before planting seedlings, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse day and night. In the afternoon it is worth finishing the airing no later than 16 hours.

To keep the room warm, do not allow drafts and strong gusts of wind to penetrate inside. When air is heated, its density decreases and it rises. If you place the vents under the ridge, then warm air will come out through them, and cold air will come in to replace it through the doors, the gaps between the glasses and the cracks.

In small greenhouses, it is enough to build 1 window on each side of the roof. In general, for every 2 meters of the length of the greenhouse, there should be at least 2 vents. If you have built a large greenhouse where you plan to grow alpine plants, in this case you will have to equip a continuous row of vents on both sides of the roof.

To speed up cooling and ensure complete air exchange, it is necessary to arrange side windows in the frame, which will be located slightly above the ground surface or at the level of the racks. They can be made in the usual way or as blinds. The second option is best practiced if you plan to grow orchids and other tropical plants in the greenhouse. Side windows are not suitable for such plants, because strong air currents pass through them on windy days, which can harm the flowers.

Thus, you already know how to build a greenhouse with your own hands, choose a place for a greenhouse and its shape. Depending on your goals and financial capabilities, select the material for the coating and frame. Be sure to remember about ventilation and the process of air exchange in the greenhouse.