Erius: features of use for allergies, instructions, reviews. Erinus - alpine plant Erius plant

Composition and form of release

Coated tablets, one contains desloratadine 5 mg. Pack of 10

pharmachologic effect

Long-acting antihistamine, blocker of peripheral histamine H1 receptors.


Seasonal (pollinosis) and year-round allergic rhinitis (elimination or relief of sneezing, nasal congestion, discharge of mucus from the nose, itching in the nose, itching of the palate, itching and redness of the eyes, watery eyes). Chronic idiopathic urticaria (reduction or elimination of pruritus, rash).


Hereditarily transmitted diseases due to the presence of sucrose and sorbitol in the preparation: fructose intolerance; malabsorption of glucose / galactose; insufficiency of sucrase / isomaltase in the body. Pregnancy. The period of lactation (breastfeeding). Children's age up to 1 year. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Dosage and administration

For adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 5 mg 1 time / day, regardless of food intake. The drug is recommended to be taken at the same time of day. The tablet should be swallowed whole, without chewing, with a small amount of water.

Side effect

In a small number of cases, increased fatigue, dry mouth and headache were noted. Very rarely, signs of tachycardia, palpitations, increased activity of liver enzymes, an increase in the concentration of bilirubin, allergic reactions. In children under 2 years of age, diarrhea, insomnia and fever have been observed with the use of syrup.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).


Treatment. In case of accidental ingestion of a large amount of the drug - gastric lavage, activated charcoal. If necessary - symptomatic therapy. Desloratadine is not excreted by hemodialysis, the effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis has not been established.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years.

Lobelia Erinus is a beautiful one that will decorate any area or window sill. It will turn your carpet bed into something amazing. The plant gets along well with other flowers and creates an extraordinary composition.

All plants are attacked by pests and. Lobelia erinus is also no exception. Among the most common diseases are:

  • Damage by root rot or fungal diseases. They lead to the fact that the foliage darkens, flower stalks decrease. The plant may even die. External signs lesions can be seen even without close examination. And if the fungi infect the cells, then this will be more difficult. To avoid this, it is necessary to take preventive measures.
  • Among the first signs of damage to such a common disease for Loberia as rust, it can be noted that the foliage is covered with brown or orange spores. In this case, diseased leaves should be removed immediately, and the flower itself should be treated with a special antibacterial solution. It can be purchased at the store.

Also, lobelia erinus can affect spider mites. They appear when the water regime. At low humidity, they multiply very quickly and cover the leaves with brown spots. This leads to the fact that the leaf part dies off completely.

As preventive measures treat the plant with a soapy composition.

Thus, lobelia erinus is not only unusual name plant, but also really unusual, which will give your site or window sill some zest. The carpet paths that he is able to create will not leave anyone indifferent. In order for loberia to bring joy for a long time, it is enough just to give it your attention and the plants will inspire you to new feats and deeds.

More information can be found in the video.

The genus is represented by only one species - alpine erinus. This is a low plant only about 5-10 cm tall. Forms beautiful "pillows", blooming profusely in May-June. The leaves are bluish-green with soft hairs collected in rosettes, delicate flowers in inflorescences-brushes. In the natural species, the color of the flowers is pink, varietal plants may have white or orange-red flowers.

Erinus alpine prefers sunny or slightly shaded areas with well-drained, calcium-rich soil. In the garden, the plant is used mainly in rock gardens in rocky walls, crevices between stones, crevices, as well as for planting in containers or tuff stones. Erinus alpine can also be grown in room culture on a sunny windowsill.

Erinus is propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. It does not grow in one place for a long time, it dies, but it is easily renewed by self-sowing. Light shelter is needed for the winter.

Erinus seeds are small, they are sown superficially for seedlings in March-April. Seedlings appear after 3-4 weeks, they dive, and in June they are planted in a permanent place.

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Lobelia erinus: cultivation and reproduction

This wonderful flower is good everywhere. It will decorate a carpet bed, will be a companion of matrikaria, marigolds, salvia, petunias, alyssum and other plants. Ampel lobelia looks wonderful in hanging planters and baskets, both alone and in company with other flowers.

Lobelia is valued for its friendly, abundant and long (until frost) flowering. She is irresistible in her blue and light blue outfit. If you bring a container of lobelia into a warm room before frost, it will continue to bloom like a houseplant.

Lobelia got its name in honor of the botanist De Lobel. The extensive genus Lobelia (Lobelia) has many annual and perennial herbaceous plants. But in culture, Lobelia erinus (Lobelia erinus) is mainly common. It is a perennial that is cultivated as an annual in the temperate zone.

Lobelia erinus is a small, strongly branching, densely leafy plant, abundantly covered with small (1–1.5 cm) flowers of white, blue, blue, pink color. The plant can have the shape of a ball with a diameter of 10–25 cm or form hanging shoots up to 30–40 cm long. Such forms are commonly called ampelous. Its branches, adjacent to the ground, are able to form roots. The leaves of the plant are small, ovate, with serrated edges. Lobelia blooms from June until frost.

Gardeners most often meet five garden forms lobelia erinus, differing in bush habit:

  • sprawling lobelia - 15 cm high and shoots 15–30 cm long;
  • compact lobelia - dense bush, almost spherical, 15–20 cm high;
  • upright lobelia - 20–25 cm high; dwarf lobelia - with compact bushes 8–12 cm high;
  • hanging lobelia - ampelous form of lobelia.


Lobelia is cold-resistant, photophilous and moisture-loving. It grows and develops best in a sunlit place with enough moisture. During the dry period, at high temperatures and dry air, it does not grow well and may stop flowering. Soils for lobelia need loose, nutritious, but without excess organic fertilizers. She does not tolerate fresh manure either. On very fertilized soils, lobelia grows actively, but at the expense of flowering.


Lobelia reproduces mainly by very small, almost dusty seeds. It is usually grown in seedlings. Sowing seeds is carried out in late March or early April. The soil in the box is carefully leveled, slightly compacted. Since lobelia seedlings suffer greatly from the black leg, humus should not be added to the soil mixture for growing seedlings, but made from equal parts of soddy soil, peat and sand.

Since the seeds are very small, for uniform sowing, I mix them with dry fine sand (1: 5) and do not plant them in the soil, but only press them against it. Many gardeners, in order to prevent thickening of seedlings, first pour snow on the ground with a layer of about 1 cm, and only then scatter seeds over the snow.

The container with crops is covered with a film, aired daily and condensate is removed. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is periodically sprayed with water from a sprayer so as not to wash off the seeds.

Lobelia usually sprouts in 10-12 days amicably and densely. Seedlings dive usually in a bunch of 5-7 pieces. To do this, grooves 1 cm deep are made in the prepared soil, the lobelia seedlings are carefully picked up with a toothpick (usually 3-5 pieces are captured) and placed with their roots in the grooves. After filling the entire row, sprinkle the roots with earth. After finishing the pick, the seedlings are watered and put in a place where there is no bright sun. When the pick takes root, they are rearranged in the sun.

And after 2–3 weeks, the seedlings dive into pots with a diameter of about 5 cm. A bunch (3–5 pieces) of seedlings is usually planted in one hole to obtain strong compact bushes. It is easier to do this with a thin pick stick. Every 12-15 days, seedlings should be fed with complex fertilizers.

AT open ground plants are planted at the end of May at a distance of 10–20 cm from each other. Flowering lobelia begins in seedlings and continues until frost. And in order for the flowering to be plentiful and long, the plants must be fed 1-2 times during flowering and watered with a lack of moisture in the soil.

Lobelia responds well to clipping and pinching. If you shorten its shoots, it quickly resumes its growth, becomes more magnificent, blooms more amicably and transforms.

And varieties with double flowers and especially interesting varieties of lobelia are propagated by cuttings. For this, selected mother plants planted in August in pots and after rooting left in the room. In March, cuttings are started and large plants are obtained by the end of May.


Lobelia is widely used to decorate garden plots. Most often, borders, ridges, magnificent blue carpet flower beds are made from it. It looks great on slides and in flowerpots. And ampelous forms of lobelia are good for balcony boxes and hanging baskets.

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Lobelia erius - "butterflies" in your garden

The unusual shape of small flowers resembles a butterfly that is about to take off. Looking at a low grassy bush, one gets the feeling that the garden is full of tender moths that played for a long time and sat down to rest. Due to long flowering, ease of cultivation and care, landscape designers have fallen in love with Lobelia erius, and they widely use it in landscaping to create mixborders, borders, for planting in flowerpots and so on. Let's talk in more detail about this beautiful, unpretentious flower.

The history of lobelia and its use.

Your name delicate flower received in honor of the physician Matthias L'Obel, who faithfully served the English kings. Brought from the sultry continent, the plant quickly fell in love with flower growers and landscape designers in Europe and neighboring countries.

A perennial flower, whose homeland is Africa, perfectly tolerates temperatures as low as -1 degrees. In our country, lobelia is more of an annual when grown outdoors. A medium-sized, lush bush of undersized greenery is literally strewn with small "butterflies" of saturated colors. Flowering usually begins in spring and lasts until frost. And when grown in flowerpots on covered terraces, you can enjoy bright colors almost all year round.

Initially, the flower has only blue shades buds. Today, thanks to breeders, the color gamut has expanded significantly, now you can create a flower garden using white, pink, red, purple, blue, blue "butterflies".

The height of the green part of the bush reaches about 20 centimeters, has many branches. Bright sparks of flowers with a diameter of up to 2 centimeters, in favorable conditions, densely cover the greenery, almost completely hiding it from sight. Ampel varieties are somewhat more magnificent and "higher" their shoots reach up to 40 centimeters.

Reproduction and cultivation of seedlings, care.

Lobelia propagates most often by seeds. Although cuttings are also possible. Which method is suitable for you to improve the site, decide for yourself.

Lobelia has small seeds, planting which can be intimidating for beginners. For getting early flowering, sowing seedlings must begin in the second half of February. For this container, they are filled with loose, light soil, medium acidity. Mix black earth with peat, sand and vermiculite or perlite. The latest additives will allow more even distribution of moisture in the soil, and retain it for a longer period.

Then, seeds are scattered on top of slightly moistened soil; for easier and more uniform sowing, you can mix them with sand or earth. After sowing, the flowerpot must be covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm, bright place. Desired temperature environment about 20 degrees or more. Every day for 5-10 minutes, the shelter is removed for ventilation. Watering is done by spraying as needed. Make sure that the water droplets are as small as possible and do not kill the seedlings. You will see the first greenery in 1.5 weeks. 2 weeks after disembarkation, the shelter can be completely removed.

If you don't want to mess around with making the right mix, use peat tablets. Remove the wrapper from them, and spread the seeds on their surface. Growing in this way will allow you to avoid the hassle of transplanting, greatly facilitating this process. There is a wide range of seeds on the market. Pay attention to the manufacturers that carry out the granulation of planting material. In each soluble capsule, the amount of seeds required for 1 tablet is prudently sealed. The cost of such packages is somewhat higher than that of traditional ones, but it is also easier to work with such seeds.

If the seeds are fresh and of high quality, then the seedlings will be friendly, their growth will please you. Organize watering moderately, but at the same time try so that the drops do not fall on the plant itself. Young shoots are very fragile and still weak, so they need care. The temperature can be slightly lowered, +15 degrees will be enough.

When the bushes grow a little, they need to be seated and swooped down. Experienced landscape designers and gardeners recommend doing this 3 weeks after germination. For work, use small scissors and tweezers. Since the seedlings are not large, it is easier to move them in groups of 3-7 pieces.

In low light, the bushes can stretch up significantly, in this case, cut off the tops and move the container to a brighter place or arrange a backlight.

Closer to the time of planting in open ground, the plants must be hardened off. To do this, they are taken out in the sun during the day, first for a short time, then for the whole day. Watch the shoots carefully. If their legs begin to darken, this indicates overflow. It is necessary to dry the soil a little.

Growing lobelia in garden design.

Creating a flower garden using lobelia must begin with the choice of location. Despite the fact that the flower adapts to the shade, more lush bloom achieved in the sun. Any loose soil will do, if necessary, create a drainage layer, as the plant does not like stagnant moisture in the roots. In order for the soil not to dry out, perlite and vermiculite can be added to it, they will help retain and distribute moisture, creating comfortable conditions for the root system.

Planting seedlings is done as soon as the spring night frosts stop. Bushes are located at a distance of centimeters from each other. If you have not prepared the seedlings, you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. This should be done in April, when the earth warms up. As with growing seedlings, the seeds are not sprinkled on top of anything. Flowering of such plants will be later.

Fertilize the plant once a month, with complexes with a minimum nitrogen content. Since this element causes the rapid growth of the green part to the detriment of flowering. As with any plants in the landscape design of gardens and orchards, Lobelia erius needs care. The buds on the bushes will appear in groups, and will also begin to fade, new "butterflies" will appear to replace them. For abundant flowering, the bushes must be trimmed, removing the fading parts.

When growing a plant in flowerpots, it may take more frequent watering. It all depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. When the soil dries out, flowering is reduced.

Balsam, alicium, petunias, begonias and other plants will become excellent neighbors and companions in a flower bed for buds - "butterflies". Keep in mind the low growth of Lobelia erium when choosing what to plant nearby.

Lobelia in winter.

In open ground, with the onset of frost, the bushes die. But if you want to prolong the enjoyment of them, you can move the plants into flowerpots, placing them on covered terraces, balconies and in winter gardens. Do not forget that the plant loves the sun, for flowering it is necessary to regularly trim the bush, removing unnecessary shoots and old buds.

At the end of autumn, if desired, you can collect seeds for next year. And you can leave the plant until completely dry in the ground. Then the seeds will fall into the soil, and in the next season you will see some of them come up. However, the shoots will not be friendly and uniform. If you decide to experiment and wait for new shoots, the landscape designer does not recommend digging up the soil so that the seeds do not fall into the deeper layers. They need light to germinate.

Experienced gardeners often use the method of sowing seeds in the snow. You can read about this method in our previous articles.

Creation landscape design, this is not an easy job, and it is advisable to trust it to professionals. Contact us, and your yard and garden will be fragrant with aromas, delight you with bright colors and delight your guests.

127018, Moscow, st. Skladochnaya, house 1, building 18.

Lobelia Erinus - from sowing to flower care

lobelia erinus

Loberia breeding methods

The subtleties of flower care

Lobelia Erinus - beautiful flower, which will decorate any area or window sill. It will turn your carpet bed into something amazing. The plant gets along well with other flowers and creates an extraordinary composition.

Features and characteristics of the plant

Lobelia Erinus is very much appreciated among professional flower growers and just flower lovers for its abundant flowering which continues until frost. If the plant is transplanted into a pot before the onset of cold weather, then it will continue to throw flowers for a long time and delight you as a houseplant.

It is worth mentioning that this beautiful plant was named after the French De Lobel. It is a small, strongly branching bush with more leaves, which during the flowering period is covered with small flowers of a wide variety of colors - white, blue, blue, pink and their shades.

Lobelia can have a spherical bush or form long, hanging shoots.

They fit snugly to the ground and create the effect of a carpet. The period of flower stalks begins in June and ends with the onset of the first cold weather. There are several types of lobelia, which differ in the size of the bush. It:

  • Spreading. It has long shoots and a small height of 15 centimeters.
  • Compact. The bush is quite dense and has the shape of an almost perfect ball.
  • Upright.
  • Dwarf. Has small compact bushes eight centimeters high.
  • Hanging. It is an ampelous form, the shoots of which spread along the ground, take root and create a colorful path.

Thus, Lobelia erinus is quite an attractive plant that will decorate any garden or flower bed. Breeding it at home, you will not regret it a bit. And the flower, in turn, will delight the eye until the onset of the cold weather itself.

Optimal conditions for growing a flower

It is worth paying attention to the following characteristics of lobelia:

Therefore, when growing this plant, you need to plant it in a place well lit by the sun and water it regularly. Timely watering is the main condition for successful growth and abundant peduncle. During a period of drought, high temperatures and dry air, if you do not adhere to this condition, then the plant will simply grow weakly and even stop producing flowers.

An important condition optimal cultivation is soil selection.

It should be loose, nutritious and without excess organic fertilizers. Do not feed her with fresh manure. The flower cannot bear it. It is best if the soil is fertilized even before planting the plant in the ground. Otherwise, it will actively grow, but not bloom at all. Knowing these conditions, you can grow beautiful plants without special costs strength on your part.

Lobelia propagation methods

Please note that the flower reproduces with the help of small seeds. And it should be grown in the usual seedling way, if the seedlings have grown, then it can be safely planted in open ground.

  • Seeds, as a rule, begin to be sown from the end of February until the end of the first spring month. Please note that the daylight hours are not so big yet, so the sprouts will have to be illuminated with a lamp.
  • Dishes for sowing seeds should be low and wide. They retain their similarity up to 4 years.
  • When sowing, they are not sprinkled with earth, but simply sown on their surface.
  • Mix the seeds with sand or peat.
  • If there is still snow on the street, you can pour a thin layer of snow on top of the ground and sow seeds from above.
  • After the seeds have been sown, they must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle with a light solution of potassium permanganate to avoid infection of the seedlings.
  • Then watering should be carried out through the pot or continue to spray.
  • The top of the pallet must be covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect. Having covered, it is advisable to wipe every day and turn over, while allowing the substrate to breathe.
  • As a rule, the seeds already sprout in the second week. At first they small size and grow very slowly.

As soon as the first sprouts appear, the glass or film is removed every day, first for half an hour, and then the ventilation time is increased to two hours. Then they remove it altogether. This will allow the seedlings to get used to the dry air.

As soon as the seedling leaves appear, it is necessary to dive, that is, transplanted into a separate vessel.

You need to dive into loose and light soil. Since the seedlings are weak, pick with plastic tweezers. Don't forget lighting. Water gently so that fragile seedlings can break under the influence of the flow of water.

After picking, loberia will begin to grow actively, so it needs to be pinched every 3 weeks. As soon as the seedlings began to grow, plant its soil. Stick to these little rules for sowing seeds, your seedlings will quickly grow.

The subtleties of flower care

The process of caring for lobelia is not so complicated. It can be broken down into several points:

  1. Seating place. We have already said that it is advisable to plant the plant in a well-lit place, maximum in partial shade. If the water stagnates there, then you need to install a drain.
  2. Priming. For a flower ideal option there will be garden cultivated soil. It should not be overfed with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Them a large number of will stimulate the growth of a plant that will not bloom.
  3. The process of watering and top dressing. The flower must be watered as the earth dries out. Especially she needs water in the hot season. Top dressing is carried out using a mixture of minerals with a small admixture of nitrogen or wood ash. It is carried out twice a year - at the end of spring and at the end of summer, in order to stimulate the green mass to grow and release new shoots for the peduncle.
  4. A haircut. If you notice that the plant has begun to bloom weakly, trim the ends of the stems. Do not be afraid for loberia - its bushes from such a procedure will become much more magnificent and will bloom longer.
  5. Selection of planting material. Seeds are collected in autumn. Pay attention to the fact that the plant from which you collect the seeds does not hurt.

As you can see, everything is very simple and unpretentious. Feel free to plant lobelia and watch the riot of colors on your site or windowsill.

Pests, diseases and their prevention

All plants are susceptible to pests and diseases. Lobelia erinus is also no exception. Among the most common diseases are:

  • Damage by root rot or fungal diseases. They lead to the fact that the foliage darkens, flower stalks decrease. The plant may even die. External signs of damage can be seen even without a close examination. And if the fungi infect the cells, then this will be more difficult. To avoid this, it is necessary to take preventive measures.
  • Among the first signs of damage to such a common disease for Loberia as rust, it can be noted that the foliage is covered with brown or orange spores. In this case, diseased leaves should be removed immediately, and the flower itself should be treated with a special antibacterial solution. It can be purchased at the store.

Also, spider mites can affect lobelia erinus. They appear in cases where the water regime is not respected. At low humidity, they multiply very quickly and cover the leaves with brown spots. This leads to the fact that the leaf part dies off completely.

As a preventive measure, treat the plant with a soapy composition.

Thus, lobelia erinus is not only an unusual name for a plant, but also really unusual flower, which will give your site or window sill some zest. The carpet paths that he is able to create will not leave anyone indifferent. In order for loberia to bring joy for a long time, it is enough just to give it your attention and the plants will inspire you to new feats and deeds.

More information can be found in the video.

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Erinus: reproduction, photo, care, watering

General information:

Erinus (Erinus) - semi-evergreen perennial. Erinus belongs to the Norichnikov family. There are two types of this plant. The birthplace of Erinus is considered South and Central Europe and North Africa. Erinus is not a poisonous plant.

Erinus grows from five to ten cm in height. The width of the bushes can grow up to thirty cm. With abundant growth, a whole kind of flowering Erinus carpet is formed, which looks quite decorative. From the creeping stem of Erinus, white juice stands out - milk.

The leaves of Erinus have a grayish tint, they are very small, covered with fluff, and slightly serrated at the ends. Rosettes form from the leaves. Inflorescences are located on low stems. The inflorescences are made up of small flowers pink, white or red, odorless. The flowering process begins in May and continues throughout June.

Erinus is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens, rock gardens and indoors. When growing a plant such as Erinus, certain conditions must be observed.

Erinus - care:


A sunny place should be chosen for Erinus. However, the flower can come to terms with partial shade.


Erinus normally tolerates light frosts, and in winter, when growing it in the garden, it does not require additional shelter or warming.


When watering, seasonality must be taken into account. In summer, do not allow the soil to dry out. And in winter, before watering it is necessary, make sure that the top layer of soil is dry. If there is more than enough moisture, the flowering process may be delayed.


Especially to increase the humidity for this plant is not worth it. Moderate humidity is perfect for Erinus.

Top dressing:

Too much fertilizer and nutrients negatively affects the plant. If Erinus feels an excess of fertility, then the active growth foliage, which will adversely affect the flowering process, respectively. Erinus is fed occasionally, alternating between mineral and organic fertilizers.


The soil mixture for Erinus should be well saturated with calcium. In this case, the soil may be infertile, dry and well-drained. The soil must contain river sand. A transplant is usually not required by Erinus, he can grow in the same place for several years. Only occasionally, when the bushes lose their decorative effect, will you have to plant new bushes between the old bushes so that there are no bald spots. When growing Erinus indoors, it will have to be transplanted at intervals of two years.


Erinus is propagated by seed and by dividing the bush. When propagated by seed, Erinus seeds are placed in moist and nutritious soil, without covering them. soil mixture. For containers with seeds, provide long-term bright lighting and an air temperature of at least eighteen degrees. Within fifteen days, seedlings should appear, after which, two weeks later, it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers in the substrate with seedlings. Plant several plants in one pot for more decorative look. And they are planted in open ground after the frosts have stopped. The distance between the bushes is left at twenty-two cm. You can also sow the seeds immediately in open ground, it is best to do this in the fall.

Some features:

After Erinus fades, it is necessary to prune the bushes. This will promote the formation of new shoots and possibly even re-flowering.

Erinus - diseases and pests:

Gray rot can harm the plant.

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Erinus (Erinus)

The genus of plants ERINUS (ERINUS), is represented by only one species, namely ERINUS ALPIAN (E. ALPINUS). Highly interesting story associated with the genus name. The ancient Roman naturalist Pedanius Dioscorides gave the name ERINEOS to one of the plants that secrete milky juice, and a little later, with the same term, Carl Linnaeus singled out a genus of plants that lack the process of secreting milky juice.

Magnificent, captivating with their elegance and simplicity, these plants grow on the high-altitude limestone slopes of the mountains of the Alps and the Iberian Peninsula, as well as Sardinia and the Bolearic Islands. ERINUS ALPINE is represented by perennial bushy plants, the low and graceful stems of which turn into inflorescences. The leaves of ERINUS are gray-green in color and covered with fine hairs. The shape of the leaves is serrated and very interesting. Small pink flowers usually appear in May-June, and during this time the entire ERINUS bush turns into a soft, pink pillow. In culture, artificially bred plant varieties are used. ALBUS (ALBUS), which differs from ERINUS ALPINE in the color of inflorescences - they are painted in him White color. In the variety DR. HENLE (DR. HAHNLE), the flowers have a rich brick red color.

Usually after a few years, plants are best replaced with new specimens. In the center of the ERINUS bush, bald spots can form. They can be easily closed by planting young ones in place of dead plants. ERINUS easily tolerates long periods without transplants, but when kept indoors, the plant is best replanted once every one to two years. If it becomes apparent that the pot is becoming too small for ERINUS, an unscheduled transplant can be made into a larger container.

Antihistamines have a fairly wide spectrum of action, but work selectively, eliminating only some clinical manifestations. Erius is one of these remedies - indications for use do not include so many symptoms, so it is important to carefully study the instructions and recommendations before taking it.

Erius allergy medicine

The medication in question is an H1-receptor blocker based on desloratadine. This substance prevents the occurrence of chains of allergic reactions due to its intense anti-inflammatory effect and mild immunosuppressive action.

The desired concentration of the active ingredient is reached quickly, in just half an hour after taking 1 tablet. Maximum amount desloratadine is detected after 3 hours. Erius has a high bioavailability, as it is well absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, is absorbed by 83-89%. In this case, the component is easily excreted in the urine and feces, partially unchanged.

Thus, the use of Erius is advisable during exacerbations of allergies for the rapid relief of obvious signs of the disease. This is especially true for pollinosis in the spring and early autumn.

Today we will talk about the antihistamine Erius, its instructions for use, medical indications and contraindications. We will also highlight reviews on this drug, analogues, prices, side effects of the drug, features of taking Erius during pregnancy and in childhood, comparison with Lordestin and Telfast.

Composition and form of release

Active substance - desloratadine.

Erius tablets- biconvex round-shaped coated tablets in a blister pack of 7, 10 tablets in a carton box No. 7,10.
Syrup Erius- transparent liquid orange color 0.5 mg / ml in graduated dark glass bottles of 60/120 ml with a dosing plastic spoon in a cardboard box, 1 bottle.

Manufacturer: Schering-Plough Labo N.V., Belgium (subsidiary of Schering-Plough Corporation/USA)

pharmachologic effect


Antihistamine drug (active metabolite of loratadine), has a long-term effect. Inhibits various reactions of allergic inflammation (release of histamine, prostaglandin D2).

Thus, it prevents the development and reduces the manifestations of allergic reactions. The drug has an antiexudative and antipruritic effect, reduces capillary permeability, relieves spasm of smooth muscles, tissue edema.

The drug does not have a sedative effect and does not affect the central nervous system, does not affect psychomotor reactions. The effect of the drug, after ingestion, appears after 30 minutes and lasts throughout the day.


The drug after oral administration is rapidly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In plasma, it is determined after 30 minutes. Through the BBB does not penetrate. Clinically pronounced cumulation when taking therapeutic doses is not observed.

The maximum concentration in the blood is after 3 hours. The half-life is, on average, 27 hours.

Indications for use

  • Rapid relief of allergy symptoms, including allergic rhinitis and seasonal hay fever (swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation, cough).
  • Reduction of rash and pruritus in chronic idiopathic urticaria.
  • Indications for the use of the drug on the recommendation of a doctor can be expanded and prescribed for other allergic conditions and diseases.

Erius contraindications

Hypersensitivity to the drug, children under 12 years old (for tablets) and up to 1 year old (for syrup), breast-feeding, pregnancy, genetic diseases (impaired absorption of glucose / galactose, fructose intolerance, sucrase deficiency).

Take with caution in moderate to severe renal impairment.

Erius side effects

When taking tablets, there may be increased fatigue, headache, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting. Much less often - palpitations, tachycardia, an increase in the concentration of bilirubin and the activity of liver enzymes, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, local allergic reactions.

When taking syrup, children under 2 years of age may experience insomnia, diarrhea, fever. Children over 12 years of age may experience increased fatigue, headache, dry mouth.

Erius instructions for use - method and dosage

Erius tablets, instructions for use - appoint adults once a day, one tablet of 5 mg. The drug is recommended not to chew, swallow the tablet whole with water.

The duration of the drug is determined by the course and severity of the disease. Most often, treatment is stopped after relief of the symptoms of the disease, but may be prolonged in allergic rhinitis throughout the entire period of contact with the allergen.

Syrup Erius, instructions for use - children from one to five years old are prescribed 2.5 ml of syrup once a day. For children 6-11 years old, 5 ml of syrup, and for adolescents after 12 years of age, the medicine is prescribed at a dose of 10 ml once a day. Drops of syrup should be taken with water.


When taking Erius at a dose exceeding five times the therapeutic dose for 2 weeks, no clinically significant overdose symptoms were detected.

No clinically significant interactions with other drugs have been identified. The drug does not potentiate the effect of ethanol (alcohol) on the central nervous system. Food intake and alcohol do not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Terms of sale
Without recipe.

Storage conditions
At temperatures up to 30°C.

Best before date
2 years.

Erius during pregnancy

The drug is not recommended during pregnancy, since there are no reliable clinical data on the safety of the drug for the fetus and mother. Since the drug quickly passes into breast milk, it should not be used during breastfeeding.

Erius for children

The appointment of antiallergic 2nd and 3rd generations is more appropriate in children. It is important that the drug has no effect on psychomotor functions and cardiotoxic effects. It is highly safe for children and has special form edition for this age group.

The instruction for Erius syrup for children indicates that syrup for children is contraindicated for children under 1 year old, and tablets for children under 12 years old, since the safety of its use has not been established.

It is important that with prolonged use, the effectiveness of the drug is maintained and there is no need to replace it with another agent. This is important in the treatment of chronic allergic diseases, which sometimes require constant use.

Erius syrup for children, reviews of which are positive, is often prescribed for allergic rhinitis. Parents note that in the first week of treatment, nasal discharge, itching and sneezing decrease, complete relief of symptoms, including nasal congestion, after 2 weeks. In children with atopic dermatitis, itching disappeared on the 5th day, and the rash decreased on the 7th day.

Erius analogs

Erius analogues, which have the same active substance and ATX code - Alergomax, Alernova, Alersis, Allergo-Norm, Allergostop, Desloratadine, Dezorus, Lordes, Lordestin, Trexil Neo, Telfast, Fribris, Edem, Eridez and others.

The price of analogues varies widely, there are analogues at a higher and lower price than Erius, but in many ways, the price depends on the manufacturer, packaging, number of tablets in the package. If the patient has a special sensitivity to desloratadine, then synonyms for the drug can be selected. For example, the drug "Zodak" can be used as an analogue of the syrup "Erius".

What is better Erius or Telfast?

Telfast belongs to the II generation of (non-sedative) antihistamines. These 2 drugs differ in the active substance, in this case it is fexofenadine, which is not metabolized in the body, so its pharmacokinetics do not change with impaired liver and kidney function. Maximum safe. The action is manifested after 1 hour, and a maximum - after 6 hours. The final half-life is 11-15 hours, so in some cases the drug is prescribed 2 times a day. There is no syrup form, which limits intake in young children. It is possible to use the drug in children from 6 years of age (tablets 30 mg).

Desloratadine - the active substance of Erius - is the only blocker of H1-histamine receptors, which in studies has shown a decongestive effect - it reduces nasal congestion in seasonal allergic rhinitis. It is effective in the combination of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, as well as in chronic urticaria.

In terms of activity against H1 receptors, Erius is 3-4 times superior to drugs of the second generation. Its important property is the presence of anti-inflammatory activity. The action begins after 30 minutes and reaches a maximum after 1 hour. The long half-life provides a therapeutic effect during the day.

Characterized by a high level of security. Does not cause negative phenomena from the cardiovascular system and is well tolerated. It is used in children from 1 year old (syrup) and over 12 years old (tablets).

What to choose Lordestin or Erius?

Lordestin and Erius have one active substance - desloratadine, apparently the effectiveness of the drugs is the same. It is produced in the same dosage, the half-life is up to 27 hours, therefore it is taken 1 time per day. There is no syrup form. The drug is taken in children from 12 years of age.

Drugs differ in manufacturer and cost. Lordestin is a generic, manufactured by Gideon Richter-RUS (Russia), the cost of 30 tablets is 752 rubles. The second drug is original, the manufacturer is Schering-Plough Labo N.V. (Belgium), the cost of 10 tablets is 548 rubles.

Reviews about Erius

Reviews about Erius in tablets.

In most reviews, patients speak of the drug as good remedy.

“... I have been allergic since the age of 16. Allergy to dust mite. I do wet cleaning all the time. What kind of allergy pills I have not tried. Now I take Erius - this is an excellent medicine for allergies, one might say my salvation. Rapid suppresses the action of allergens, there is no drowsiness. After completing a ten-day course, I do not feel allergy attacks. I can visit freely without any problems.”

Erius syrup reviews varied, but mostly positive.

» … the child is 14 months old. Allergy from birth, manifested by swelling and rash. The doctor prescribed the syrup and told how to take it. A wonderful result, on the second day the allergy symptoms disappear, we can walk with the baby as much as we like. The effect after the course of treatment persists for another 10-15 days. We drank 2 courses, the symptoms of allergy after its cancellation became not so pronounced. The syrup tastes good, the child drinks it without objection.

Reviews of doctors.

A drug with clinically significant anti-allergic properties and proven anti-inflammatory activity. It inhibits the development of the initial phase of the allergic response, stops allergic inflammation, thereby improving the quality of life of patients. Good tolerance and a high degree of safety make it possible to recommend the drug for the treatment of adults and children with allergic seasonal rhinitis and chronic urticaria.

With prolonged use of Erius, resistance to it does not occur, which makes it possible to prescribe it for a long period (up to a year) in diseases such as allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma.

Erius price, where to buy

The price of Erius in tablets 5 mg No. 7 in pharmacies in Moscow varies between 365-460 rubles per package; No. 10 - from 482 to 628 rubles at the date of publication.
The price of Erius syrup 2.5 g in a 60 ml bottle ranges from 525 to 646 rubles; in a bottle of 120 ml, syrup for children costs from 670 to 870 rubles per pack.

You can buy all forms of the drug without difficulty in most pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities.

Forms of release and composition

"Erius" is produced in the form:

  1. Lozenges 2.5 mg and 5 mg.
  2. Film-coated tablets 5 mg.
  3. Syrup (children's form of the drug).

Other forms, whether drops, spray or ointment, are not released.

The active ingredient in Erius is desloratadine.

Pharmacological properties

A modern antihistamine that blocks histamine receptors in the body and thereby stops the development of an allergic reaction. The active substance of the drug "Erius", instructions for use about this, selectively affects neurotransmitters that affect blistering-hyperemic and other skin reactions, while not penetrating the blood-brain barrier. Numerous studies have proven that the use of Erius can suppress such body reactions as:

  • development of acute bronchospasm;
  • production of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines;
  • IgE-dependent release of leukotriene C4, prostaglandin D2 and histamine;
  • an increase in the adhesiveness of P-selectin;
  • adhesion of eosinophilic granulocytes and chemotaxis.

Syrup, tablets "Erius": what does the medicine help with when prescribed

Indications for use include:

  • urticaria (reduction or elimination of skin itching, rash);
  • allergic rhinitis (elimination or relief of sneezing, nasal congestion, discharge of mucus from the nose, itching in the nose, itching of the palate, itching and redness of the eyes, watery eyes).

Instructions for use "Erius"


Assign adults once a day, one tablet of 5 mg. The drug is recommended not to chew, swallow the tablet whole with water. The duration of the drug is determined by the course and severity of the disease.

Most often, treatment is stopped after relief of the symptoms of the disease, but may be prolonged in allergic rhinitis throughout the entire period of contact with the allergen.

Syrup "Erius": instructions for use

Children from one to five years old are prescribed 2.5 ml of syrup once a day. For children 6-11 years old, 5 ml of syrup, and for adolescents after 12 years of age, the medicine is prescribed at a dose of 10 ml once a day. Drops of syrup should be taken with water.


In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, it is necessary to refuse its use. Also, the instructions for Erius do not recommend taking this drug for people suffering from fructose intolerance. Patients with diseases associated with malabsorption of galactose or glucose should also refrain from taking this drug.

The use of "Erius" is not recommended for pregnant women, since the level of its safety for such patients has not been fully studied. It is also not recommended to take the medication for women during lactation, since the active substance can penetrate into milk. With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with renal insufficiency.

Side effect

  • insomnia;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • heartbeat;
  • angioedema;
  • dry mouth;
  • rash;
  • headache;
  • hives;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature.

Analogues of the drug "Erius"

Full analogues for the active substance:

  1. Desloratadine hemisulfate.
  2. Desloratadine.
  3. Desloratadine Teva.
  4. Lordestin.

Analogues also include drugs:

  1. Allergo-Norm.
  2. Allergostop.
  3. Alergomax.
  4. Alernov.
  5. Alersis.
  6. Dezorus.
  7. Lordes.
  8. Telfast.
  9. Trexil Neo.
  10. Fribris.
  11. Erides.
  12. Eden.


In pharmacies, the price of Erius, 5 mg tablets (Moscow), is 520 rubles for 10 pieces. The syrup costs 740 rubles (60 ml bottle). The price of the drug in Minsk reaches 12 - 22 Bel. rubles. In Kyiv, the medicine is sold for 159 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - for 3,760 tenge.


Doctors say about Erius: “A drug with clinically significant anti-allergic properties and proven anti-inflammatory activity. It inhibits the development of the initial phase of the allergic response, stops allergic inflammation, thereby improving the quality of life of patients.

With long-term use of Erius, resistance to it does not occur, which allows it to be prescribed for a long period (up to a year) in diseases such as allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma. Good tolerance and a high degree of safety make it possible to recommend the drug for the treatment of adults and children with allergic seasonal rhinitis and chronic urticaria.

Characteristics of the drug "Erius"

The basis of "Erius" - desloratadine, is effective and safe for allergic reactions. For children under 12 years of age, the drug is available in the form of a syrup. The dyes and flavorings that are part of the children's syrup change the taste of the drug without causing a feeling of rejection to the taste of the antihistamine in a small child. The action of the drug "Erius" begins already 30 minutes after ingestion. The speed of the drug will be appreciated by mothers of children suffering from allergic asthma and severe allergies.

The effect of the "Erius" action lasts throughout the day, while not having a sedative effect and not in any way affecting the concentration of attention.

Instructions for use

Most often, the drug is prescribed for children in the following cases:

  • During an asthmatic attack provoked by an allergic reaction;
  • An allergic reaction that manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes (rash, hives, eczema, etc.);
  • Allergic rhinitis, including with severe swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • Conjunctivitis, allergic.

Dosage of the drug

Allergists, regardless of the age of the child, advise taking Erius syrup no more than 1 time per day. Taking the drug does not depend on the use of food.

  • For children from 2 to 6 years old, the daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 2.5 ml;
  • For children from 7 years old, the dosage is about 5 ml;
  • Allergists prescribe Erius syrup from 6 months also 2.5 ml.

Reception of "Erius" is not prohibited from a year, many allergists prescribe syrup from 6 months. However, in a number of clinical studies it has been proven that syrup aged from six months to 2 years causes a large number side effects that do not occur in older children.

The tablet form of "Erius" is prohibited for children under 12 years of age due to recorded cases of side effects of the drug.

During the period of taking "Erius" in infancy, parents should pay special attention to the well-being of the child, because. in the event of a side effect, urgent medical attention will be required. Taking the drug is allowed for a long time, but taking more than 2 weeks is prescribed only by an allergist.

As clinical observations showed, during the intake of Erius syrup for more than 38 days, patients did not experience a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug's effect on the body. It is best to use Erius during the season of exacerbation of allergies or allergic rhinitis, provoked by the flowering of certain plants, pollen, etc.


Contraindications for taking the drug "Erius":

  • Individual intolerance to diazolin and other components of the drug (see the full content of excipients in the instructions for the drug);
  • Infants and children under 2 years of age (proven cases of increased side effects on the body);
  • Individual intolerance to the drug (each organism may react differently to the drug, in some cases it was observed when Erius, on the contrary, provoked an increase in the manifestation of an allergic reaction, in which case it is necessary to immediately stop giving the child an antihistamine);
  • Pregnancy and lactation (in most cases, many drugs are prohibited during this period, in order to protect the health and life of the child).

For children with kidney failure or other diseases of the given organ, the syrup should be taken with special attention definitely under medical supervision. Independently with such diseases, parents should not give Erius syrup.

Side effects

When taking Erius syrup, the following side effects on the body are observed:

  • Children's age up to 2 years: fever, diarrhea, pronounced insomnia;
  • Possible allergic reactions: anaphylactic shock, angioedema, various allergic manifestations on the skin
  • Digestive system: pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, increased levels of bilirubin and renal enzymes in the blood;
  • Cardiovascular system: the appearance of tachycardia and increased heart rate;
  • Central nervous system: increased drowsiness, pronounced dizziness.

An overdose is very dangerous for the baby's life, because. has strong side effects. In case of overdose, call immediately ambulance and wash the child's stomach.


All analogues of the drug "Erius" do not have full identification with it. Some analogues can be used from a year, while others are strictly prohibited. Analogues based on the same active substance as "Erius":

  • Desloratadine;
  • Desal;
  • Lodestin;
  • Nalorius;
  • Ezlor;
  • Elyse.

Lordestin is analogue number one. It is absolutely identical to "Erius" and it is recommended to give it to children with intolerance to certain components of the drug. The effect after administration is achieved within 30 minutes and lasts throughout the day. However, in cases of intolerance to desloratadine by the child's body, the drug is also not desirable. For the price, Lordestin is cheaper than Erius.

"Diazolin" - the most cheap analogue"Erius". The effectiveness of the drug is no less, however, it has a large number of side effects. Referring to the antihistamines of the old generation, it causes increased drowsiness. Instructions for use of the drug describes in detail the side effects of "Diazolin".

"Blogir-3" is another of the analogues of "Erius". It has the same direct effect as the drug in question. The instruction describes in detail a large number of side effects. The use is prohibited for children suffering from kidney diseases and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of "Blogir-3" for up to a year is strictly prohibited.

"Suprastin" - an analogue of the old generation. Widely used in the treatment of allergies. "Suprastin" has a large number of side effects and is strictly prohibited in diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. The drug is prohibited for use in newborns, including premature babies. Allergists can prescribe Suprastin tablets from the age of 1. However, without the permission of a doctor, the drug is forbidden to be given to infants. Due to the fact that it is available only in tablets or in solution for injection, it is inconvenient for use in childhood. It has a peculiar pungent taste. However, despite these shortcomings, the mechanism of action surpasses "Erius" and its other analogues. It is often used to relieve anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma and other acute situations when it is necessary to provide first aid to a child. It begins to act 1-1.5 hours after oral administration. In the case of an injection, the effect occurs after 15-20 minutes. Instructions for use of the drug contains complete information about the analogue.

Zyrtec is a new generation antihistamine. Drops "Zirtek" in contrast to the syrup "Erius" can be given in infancy from 6 months. Does not cause pronounced side effects, like Erius. Relieves allergy symptoms 25 minutes after ingestion. However, unlike "Erius" for children, it has a sedative effect on the nervous system. In addition, Zirtek drops have a sharp, specific odor and a bitter taste. Erius syrup due to the presence of dyes and flavors, it is much easier to give little child than drops "Zirtek".

According to the direct mechanism of action, Zirtek is the best analogue of Erius. The mechanism of action on the body of both drugs is equivalent, although there are some differences. If Erius syrup is used to eliminate allergic rhinitis, skin manifestations of allergies, then Zirtek tablets and drops can relieve Quincke's edema, hay fever.

Drops "Zirtek" are the most identical and the best analogue of syrup "Erius". But at the same time, in terms of its pharmaceutical composition, Zirtek is more effective for allergies.

Analogues of "Erius" are presented in a wide range and are always available for free sale. Before buying analogues, you need to consult a doctor - Erius has the fewest side effects than other antihistamines.

Erius- an antihistamine, a selective blocker of peripheral H1-histamine receptors. Active ingredient erius is desloratadine - the active primary metabolite loratadine. The drug does not cause sedation. It has been shown that taking the recommended dose (5 mg per day) causes an incidence of drowsiness that does not differ from the placebo group. In preclinical phase studies, no quantitative or qualitative differences were found between loratadine and desloratadine in terms of comparative dose toxicity (given the concentration of the active metabolite, desloratadine).

After internal administration, Erius selectively blocks peripheral histamine H1 receptors, and does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. According to numerous studies, erius has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action. It has been established that desloratadine suppresses a cascade of various reactions that are the basis of allergic inflammation:
. production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukins: IL-4, IL-8, IL-6, IL-13);
. isolation of RANTES and other pro-inflammatory chemokines;
. chemotaxis and adhesion of eosinophilic granulocytes;
. IgE-dependent release of prostaglandin D2, histamine and leukotriene C4;
. the formation of superoxide anion by polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes (activated);
. expression of P-selectin and other adhesion molecules;
. acute atopic bronchospasm in animal experiments.

Clinical studies have shown that taking Erius every day at a dosage of 20 mg for 2 weeks is not accompanied by statistically significant and clinically significant disorders of the cardiovascular system. No elongation was found Q-T interval when used for 10 days, a dose 9 times greater than the average therapeutic dose (45 mg per day). Also, studies have shown that taking the drug at a dose of 7.5 mg per day does not cause changes in psychomotor reactions.

Desloratadine after internal administration after 30 minutes begins to be determined in the blood plasma. Cmax in blood plasma is observed after 3 hours. The half-life is 27 hours (on average). The degree of cumulation correlates with the frequency of application (1 r / s) and the half-life (27 hours). Clinically significant cumulation when taking a dosage of 5-20 mg once a day for 1 week was not detected. Bioavailability erius proportional to the administered dose (in the range of 5-20 mg). 83-87% of desloratadine binds to plasma proteins.

Conducted comparative cross-sectional studies have proven bioequivalence dosage forms erius in the form of syrup and tablets. Desloratadine is neither an inhibitor nor a substrate of P-glycoprotein and does not suppress the cytochrome system (CYP 2D6 or CYP 3A4). The distribution of desloratadine, unlike other antihistamines, is not affected by taking it simultaneously with erius grapefruit juice or fatty foods (with a single dose of 7.5 mg).

Indications for use:
. Allergic rhinitis, including persistent and intermittent, hay fever (for the rapid relief of symptoms such as itching in the eyes, rhinorrhea, sneezing, itching, congestion and swelling of the nasal mucosa, conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation, cough, itching in the sky);
. for the relief of symptoms of idiopathic chronic urticaria (reduction in the number of elements of rashes, reduction of itching).

Mode of application:
Erius - tablets
For adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 tablet (5 mg) is prescribed once a day. Do not chew the tablet, drink plenty of water. The drug is taken regardless of the time of the meal. It is recommended to take at the same time. Duration of admission is determined by the course of the disease and its severity. In the treatment of intermittent allergic rhinitis erius reception Stop when symptoms resolve and resume when they reappearance. With persistent rhinitis, continuous treatment may be prescribed (for the entire period of patient contact with the allergen).

Erius - syrup
Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 10 ml of the drug 1 time per day. Children from 6 to 11 months - 1 mg (2 ml), from 1 year to 5 years - 1.25 mg (2.5 ml), from 6 to 11 years - 2.5 mg (5 ml) 1 once a day. The syrup is taken orally regardless of food.

Side effects:
Fatigue, headache, dry mouth, hypersensitivity reactions (including rash and anaphylactic reaction), palpitations, tachycardia, elevated liver enzymes, hepatitis, increased bilirubin. When administered to children from 6 months to 2 years, cases of diarrhea, insomnia and chills were recorded.

Indication of hypersensitivity reactions to desloratadine or other components of the drug.

On the this moment application security profile not installed erius in pregnant women, therefore, the appointment of the drug in this category of persons is not recommended. Desloratadine has been found to pass into breast milk - if erius is required during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Interaction with other drugs:
There were no cases of clinically significant changes in the content of desloratadine when combined with ketoconazole, azithromycin, erythromycin, fluoxetine and cimetidine. The absence of interaction with other drugs cannot be completely ruled out, since the enzyme that metabolizes desloratadine has not yet been found.

Overdose erius prescribe means to remove desloratadine from the gastrointestinal tract (standard measures). In the future, symptomatic therapy. In clinical studies, no serious symptoms were found when the dose was exceeded by 9 times (for adults and adolescents) - 45 mg. The drug is not amenable to elimination by hemodialysis. The likelihood of elimination by peritoneal dialysis has not been established.

Release form:
Tablets of 5 mg. In blister 7; 10 tablets. Syrup in vials of 60; 120 mg (in 1 ml - 0.5 mg of desloratadine). The bottle is packed in cardboard box. A measuring spoon is included.

Storage conditions:
In a place protected from moisture. Temperature 30°C.

Erius - tablets
Other Ingredients: Dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, talc, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, FD&C #2 blue aluminum lacquer, polyethylene glycol, carnauba wax, white wax.

Erius - syrup
Active ingredient: desloratadine.
Auxiliary ingredients: liquid sorbitol, propylene glycol, citric acid, disodium edetate, sucrose, purified water, sodium citrate dihydrate, sodium benzoate, dye (E110), fragrance (No. 15864).

Erius does not affect the ability to psychomotor response, including combinations with alcohol. The safety and efficacy of the drug in children under 6 months of age and in children under 12 years of age has not yet been finally established.

Composition of Erius

The syrup belongs to the third-generation antihistamine group of drugs, the active ingredient of which is desloratodine, a long-acting H1-histamine receptor blocker.

The drug has a kind of transparent orange tint.Erius is a metabolite of a well-known drug - loratadine. The syrup does not show a calming (sedative) effect and the child's nervous system continues to work normally.

Desloratodin is supplemented with excipients that protect the active substance and retain its shape:

  • sorbitol (liquid);
  • sucrose (disaccharide);
  • purified water;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • citric acid;
  • others.

The syrup is placed in dark glass bottles of 60 and 120 ml. The kit includes a spoon for dosing the drug.

Medicinal properties of Erius syrup

Erius allows you to stop the developing chain of allergic symptoms and alleviate the condition of the child. It does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier and actively blocks receptors (histamine). 30 minutes after taking the drug, a decrease in pathological symptoms is observed.

Erius syrup has a number of medicinal properties that eliminate the symptoms of allergic reactions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-exudative;
  • decongestant;
  • antihistamine;
  • antipruritic;
  • relieves spasm of smooth muscles;
  • eliminates the permeability of the capillaries of small vessels;
  • does not show reactivity towards the central nervous system(CNS);
  • does not suppress psychomotor.

It should be noted that Erius (syrup) acts gently, but the effectiveness of the substance is not inferior to many antiallergic drugs. Clinical trials have shown that the use of the product for 15 days does not negative impact to other organs and systems.

When is Erius syrup prescribed?

The syrup will be useful in such pathological conditions:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • hay fever;
  • urticaria with idiopathic course;
  • allergic conjunctivitis.

The composition of the drug helps children get rid of sneezing, nasal congestion and swelling of the throat. Under the action of the syrup, redness and itching of the eyes disappear, lacrimation is eliminated, and other symptoms of allergies are eliminated.

The price of Erius in syrup (60 ml) averages 600-700 rubles.

Professional doctor's response to the treatment of allergic rhinitis

Instructions for use and dosage of Erius for children

According to the current instructions for the use of Erius syrup for children, age restrictions are highlighted, where the dosages of the drug are detailed for up to a year, from 5 and 12 years.

The drug is used between meals in the following age doses:

  • children from 6 to 11 months - 2 ml of syrup;
  • children from 12 months to 5 years - 2.5 ml of syrup;
  • children from 6 to 11 years old - 5 ml of syrup;
  • children from 12 years of age are prescribed 7-10 ml of syrup.

The syrup is used once a day certain time e.g. at 11:00 am. This mode is convenient for all age categories, and especially in younger children, when it is not so easy to make the baby take medicines.

The dose of Erius may vary, therefore, in each individual case, the doctor adjusts the prescription of the medicinal syrup.

When Erius is harmful: contraindications and adverse reactions

  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the syrup;
  • children's age up to six months;
  • severe renal and hepatic pathologies.

Among the side effects in the first place are the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea (usually up to 5 years);
  • diathesis and other rashes;
  • headache;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • changes in biochemical parameters of blood (with long-term use);
  • anaphylactic shock.

Important! In case of an overdose of the drug and severe symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, loss of consciousness, call emergency medical care. The child will need gastric lavage followed by detoxification therapy.

Before the team arrives, try to get the child to drink as much as possible. more water. You can also give activated charcoal.

Make sure everyone medicines were out of reach for children.

How to store syrup?

The syrup is stored in dark place keeping the air humidity within the required limits and temperature regime(up to 30°С). The shelf life of the drug is 24 months. Then the syrup must be destroyed. If the product has changed color, become cloudy, acquired bad smell- the drug can not be used.

Analogues of the drug Erius in the form of syrup

When choosing analogues, you should pay attention to several factors. First you need to figure out why the replacement of Erius is necessary. Most often, patients are looking for a cheaper remedy. In 80% of all cases, this is the main reason for looking for another medicinal product. Unfortunately, many effective drugs are expensive and undeservedly languish on pharmacy shelves.

The patient begins to look for a syrup of another company, but with the same composition (the main active ingredient is identical). It happens that Erius syrup does not have the desired clinical effect, and then a similar antihistamine is selected, but with a different active ingredient.

The analogues of Erius in the form of syrup include the following drugs:

  • lorisan;
  • claritin;
  • peritol;
  • desloratadine;
  • erolin;
  • ketotifen;
  • kestin;
  • loratadine.