Cheap analogue of erespal for children. Erespal - cheap analogues, a list with prices, which helps better. Erespal or Inspiron - which is better


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    For some reason, this "Erespal" (in syrup) was constantly prescribed to my 4-year-old child, who has frequent bronchitis, by a pediatrician. And this despite the fact that it is not included in the main treatment protocols. It turns out that I gave the child this muck to drink and did not know if he had tachycardia or not (((I recently had the flu, the cough was terrible - they prescribed ... For some reason, this "Erespal" (in syrup) was constantly prescribed to my 4-year-old child, who has frequent bronchitis, by a pediatrician. And this despite the fact that it is not included in the main treatment protocols. It turns out that I gave the child this muck to drink and didn’t know if he had tachycardia or not (((I recently had the flu, the cough was terrible - they prescribed this Erespal to me with the caveat: they say, try to drink 1 tablet if you feel a frequent heartbeat - stop drinking. I didn’t even start. Why I bought it - I don’t understand (


    After an acute respiratory infection, I had a cough for a long time, so I went to the doctor. She listened to me and prescribed "Erespal", but warned: if I feel tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), then immediately cancel the drug. When I returned home, I started taking pills one at a time in the morning and one in the evening. At first everything was fine, but the next day before going to bed I felt that ... After an acute respiratory infection, I had a cough for a long time, so I went to the doctor. She listened to me and prescribed "Erespal", but warned: if I feel tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), then immediately cancel the drug. When I returned home, I started taking pills one at a time in the morning and one in the evening. At first everything was fine, but the next day before going to bed I felt that my heart was pounding too much. She drank valocordin, but still could not sleep for a long time. Of course, I stopped drinking Erespal, and the therapist prescribed another drug. So be careful and listen to your body.

    I just treated a child for a cough a month ago. We have everything as always. It starts with snot that smoothly flows to the throat and coughing begins. A friend advised cough syrup Erespal. And lately I have such a habit. Before I buy a medicine, I read the composition on the Internet and ... I just treated a child for a cough a month ago. We have everything as always. It starts with snot that smoothly flows to the throat and coughing begins. A friend advised cough syrup Erespal.
    And lately I have such a habit. Before buying a medicine, I read the composition on the Internet and look for analogues for the active ingredient. And there are analogues many times cheaper. We are often deceived...
    Offering an expensive drug, you can find an analogue much cheaper.
    In this case, I found Inspiron syrup for the child. The active component is the same, and the price is almost half as much. There are also Fosidal and Bronchomax. But I don't know their value. Inspiron has been a great help. The child recovered quickly.


    The child coughs after this syrup so that the lungs seem to jump out, without it he coughs, but at least not to the point of vomiting!

    My daughter had severe bronchitis. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, but I didn’t buy an antibiotic, because some of us have allergies, and in general I didn’t want to stuff the child with such filth, Erespal syrup was prescribed in parallel with the antibiotic. I started looking for information on the internet. I read reviews about Erespal, people write that the drug ... My daughter had severe bronchitis. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, but I didn’t buy an antibiotic, because some of us have allergies, and in general I didn’t want to stuff the child with such filth, Erespal syrup was prescribed in parallel with the antibiotic. I started looking for information on the internet. I read reviews about Erespal, people write that the drug is not very good. But I took a chance. She gave Erespal according to the instructions, but without an antibiotic. The result - after 5 days of admission, the child practically stopped coughing. Here's antibiotic treatment for you (I mean, it's not always necessary, and doctors just play it safe)

Children often get sick and for their treatment special preparations are used to cope with colds and other diseases without causing damage to the body. The group of children's medicines also includes Erespal syrup. In this article, we will talk about the features of this drug, about what it treats, and about existing analogues that can be bought at an affordable price.

The drug Erespal is used for children's cough. With its help, uncomfortable symptoms and other manifestations of respiratory diseases are eliminated. Erespal is prescribed for both wet and dry coughs. It belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is produced in two forms, but babies are given only syrup. If a child was prescribed Erespal, parents should learn more about the principle of its action, ask the doctor about side effects and optimal dosages for children. You should also ask about analogues capable of giving a similar healing effect.

Composition and action

The syrup is produced by a French pharmaceutical company; in Russia, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva Corporation is engaged in its production. In pharmacies, it is presented in plastic bottles with a volume of 150 or 250 ml. The required doses are measured using a measuring cup.

The medicine is a clear liquid with a yellow or brown tint. During storage, a precipitate may appear in it, which disappears when shaken. The advantage is the fact that the drug is sweet, it has a honey-vanilla flavor and is liked by children.

The main component of Erespla is fenspiride, in syrups it has the form of hydrochloride. For 100 ml of the drug, it accounts for 200 mg of the active substance. This means that from one milliliter of the drug, the patient receives fenspiride in an amount of 2 mg. The list of auxiliary components of Erespal syrup includes licorice root (extract).

So that the drug does not deteriorate and does not lose its liquid consistency, potassium sorbate, artesian water and a few more ingredients are added to it. Sucrose gives sweetness to the syrup, and flavors of natural origin give a pleasant smell. But their number is insignificant (in 100 ml about 0.29 mg).

The drug Erespal relieves the inflammatory process, it acts directly on the cause of inflammation, and this is its main advantage in comparison with analogues. Similar drugs eliminate only cough and promote sputum discharge.

Erespal syrup blocks H-1 histamine receptors. By binding to inflammatory activators, these receptors lead to the appearance of edema, so the body defends itself. When blocking H-1 histamine receptors, no matter how much histamine is synthesized, the body stops responding to edema provocations. Due to the action of Erespal, the release of biologically active components (arachidonic acid products, free radicals) that support inflammation decreases. These substances, in addition to maintaining the inflammatory response, also cause bronchial constriction.

As a result of bronchial stenosis, little air enters the body, it begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen, shortness of breath occurs. Thanks to Erespal, which blocks the release of inflammation-supporting substances, narrowing of the bronchi is prevented. Alpha-adrenergic receptors are involved in the synthesis of difficult-to-separate sputum. If these substances are affected by Erespal, young patients do not have to suffer from sputum.

The action of the syrup is comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids. But Erespal advantageously differs from them in the absence of side effects.

Attention! Erespal is not an antibacterial drug. It is unacceptable for them to treat diseases that have developed against the background of pathogenic bacteria entering the body. But this does not mean that it cannot be used in complex therapy as an anti-inflammatory drug that relieves swelling and allergic reactions.

Analogues for children

We list the most popular analogues of Erespal that can be given to children. This list includes:

  • Epistat;
  • Siresp;
  • Erispivirus.

The drug Epistat is available in the form of tablets and syrup by a Hungarian company, but children (from the age of two) can only be given syrup.

Siresp is made in Poland, it is given to babies over two years old.

Erispirus is produced by a Slovenian pharmaceutical company. Children from 24 months old are allowed syrup, and from 14 years old tablets.

If it becomes necessary to give a small patient not Erespal, but a drug with another active ingredient, the pediatrician may prescribe a medicine that has a similar effect.

It could be Singulair or Lazolvan.

The first, which is a 4 mg chewable tablet, is prescribed for babies who have reached the age of 2 years. A dosage of 6 mg is allowed for children from 6 years of age.

The main component of Lazolvan, which thins the mucus in the bronchi and promotes its separation, is ambroxol. This drug is presented in pharmacies not only in syrup and tablets, but also in the form of a solution for inhalation. Lazolvan is allowed for children of any age, even infants.

Side effects

  1. During therapy with Erespal, the following side effects may occur:
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, diarrhea.
  3. Increased heart rate and lower blood pressure.
  4. Dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness.
  5. Rashes on the skin, swelling and other forms of allergies.

If, during the treatment with Erespal, the child has one or several of the above signs at once, consult a pediatrician. In case of allergic reactions, the syrup should be noted as soon as possible.

Interaction with other drugs

If the baby is already taking some medications, then the doctor should be informed about this before the start of Erespal therapy. This drug should not be taken with drugs that have a sedative effect, as it enhances their effect on the central nervous system. The manufacturer does not report on incompatibility with other groups of medicines. Erespal is often taken together with drugs from the group of mucolytics and antibiotics.

List of cheap Erespal substitutes

Erespal has many cheap substitutes. The active substance of such drugs is the same, but there are differences in the composition of the auxiliary components. Substitutes can be used to treat a child if it is necessary to save the family budget.

To purchase Erespal in the pharmacy network, you must provide a prescription issued by a pediatrician or other doctor. A bottle of volumes of 150 ml costs about 260-280 rubles. The cost of a 250 ml bottle is in the range of 430-500 rubles.

Analogue drugs are cheaper. For example, for the Polish medicine Siresp you will have to pay about 170 rubles. The drug Erispirus, produced in Slovenia, costs about the same as the drug from Poland.

When choosing analogues, attention should be paid to the concentration of the active substance and auxiliary components.

There is no significant difference in the cost of Erespal and its analogues. Decide which drug to give preference together with the pediatrician.

Often, with infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, doctors prescribe a drug called Erespal. This drug belongs to the group of bronchodilators, so it is not so cheap. If the patient does not have the opportunity to buy this drug, then doctors prescribe erespal analogues. In this article, we will analyze not only the expensive analogues of Erespal, but also consider the cheapest analogue of Erespal.

Common cheap drug analogues

The well-known Ambrobene, it is just the cheapest analogue of the main medicine. But, in these means, there is a slight difference. So which is better? Only a doctor can answer these two questions. But, it must be understood that the differences between the two drugs is that they have a different composition. From this we can conclude that the side effects will also be different. Therefore, before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

The answer to the question, which is better? It all depends on what disease you are taking it for. If you have a cough, then it is better to use cheap Ambrobene. Its cost is within 150 rubles per pack in tablets. Ambrobene syrup can also serve as a substitute, its cost is 120 rubles.

Well helps and Fluditec. The manufacturer of this medicine is France. It has a good mucolytic spectrum of action. Fluditec can be used in the treatment of not only adults, but also children. For example, for children, doctors can prescribe a syrup of 20 mg, and for an adult, 50 mg.

Its cost varies within 300 rubles. Please note that unlike Erespal, Fluditec has a smaller list of side effects, but a larger list of contraindications.

Many site users, as well as patients, ask the question, what is better to take Prospan or Erespal? Immediately it is necessary to answer one more question, what exactly are you treating? If you have a cough with abundant expectorant sputum, then it is better to use a herbal remedy in treatment. In this case, there is only one herbal remedy, and that is Prospan. The second medicine has a stronger spectrum of action, therefore it incorporates chemical components.
Therefore, if you are treating a cough, then it is better to use Prospan, with a more severe course of the disease, doctors prefer Erespal.

Additional analogues of the drug erespal

A drug such as erispirus has also proven itself well. This medicine is really unique as it has a good bronchodilator as well as anti-inflammatory spectrum of action. Let's take a look at the difference between the two.

Erispirus is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, unlike the second drug.
Additional features of Erespal are that it has a good antispasmodic spectrum of action.

Pay special attention, not everyone can use Erespal in treatment, like the second one. In the first case, a contraindication for use is the age of up to 18 years, and only for the tablet form of release. The second remedy cannot be used in the treatment of children if they have not cut their hair at the age of 14.

What else can replace the drug?

The main analogues of Erispal:

A good medicine with an excellent composition - Inspiron

Its cost ranges from 80-200 rubles. For example, tablets can be purchased for 80 rubles. In childhood, doctors prescribe syrup, it costs a little more, about 190 rubles.

Expensive analogue of the main drug Bronchipret

It costs around 400 rubles, while it has a wide spectrum of action. It is often prescribed for coughs, especially with sputum that is difficult to separate. This one has an excellent expectorant effect, so it quickly copes with a nasty cough. In addition, it is worth noting that the remedy is related to phytopreparations.

A very cheap remedy that helps get rid of infections in the upper and lower respiratory tract. The cost is within 100 rubles. The composition contains the excellent substance fenspiride hydrochloride, so the drug can be used in the treatment of infectious or chronic ENT diseases.

In any case, before you buy any of the above drugs yourself, you need to consult a doctor. After all, if you choose the wrong medicine, serious health complications can occur.

Remember, you need to take care of your health. If you do not have the opportunity to buy the prescribed remedy, do not despair. The doctor will be able to choose the drug according to your budget.

When coughing of various origins, a modern medicine is prescribed that has bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. Erespal's analogs, like this remedy, suppress an allergic reaction and inflammation. Best of all, such drugs help with bronchospasm caused by histamine.

Release form and composition (active ingredient)

Erespal is produced in the form of a clear syrup, which contains 2 mg / ml of fenspiride hydrochloride (0.2 g in 100 ml of the product). An auxiliary role in the composition is played by natural honey, water, alcohol, licorice root extract, vanillin tincture, glycerol, sucrose and water.

There is also a solid dosage form of the drug, which is produced by the joint Franco-Russian company Servier. The content of fenspiride in Erespal tablets is 80 mg, the auxiliary components are povidone, calcium hydrogen phosphate, anhydrous colloidal silica, magnesium stearate.

The active substance reduces the influence of the conditions under which bronchial obstruction develops, at the same time it exhibits anti-inflammatory activity.

Fenspiride reduces the production of cytokines and other factors in the body associated with the development of inflammation in the airways and bronchospasm. The drug has an H1-antihistamine effect. The agent has the ability to reduce the active secretion in the bronchi by blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors.

Instructions for use of the cough medicine

Erespal tablets and syrup relieve cough and sputum discharge, eliminate sore throat, reduce hoarseness, and help with bronchospasm. The drug is prescribed for lesions of the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract.

Erespal does not act on viruses and bacteria - the cause of infectious diseases.

The instructions for use indicate that small patients can drink the syrup. Tablets are prescribed for adults and adolescents over 14 years of age. It is optimal to take one tablet before breakfast and dinner. A maximum of 240 mg of fenspiride can be taken per day, which corresponds to 3 tablets.

The dose of the drug in liquid form for babies weighing up to 10 kg is 2–4 tsp, which corresponds to 10–20 ml of the drug. The syrup can be added to a bottle of tea or infant formula. Children weighing over 10 kg are given 2-4 tbsp. l. Erespal. The dose in ml is 30-60.

Teenagers and adults can also drink syrup if for some reason they do not take pills. The dose is from 3 to 6 tbsp. l. This amount corresponds to 45–90 ml/day. Shake the bottle of syrup every time before use. The medicine is recommended to be taken before meals.

The drug in the indicated doses is taken for diseases of the respiratory system:

  • laryngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheobronchitis, bronchitis;
  • cough with respiratory tract infections;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs;
  • influenza, whooping cough, measles.

The duration of treatment with Erespal depends on the type of disease, the severity of its course, the patient's condition. The average duration of therapy for inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract is 3 weeks. It is possible to extend up to 30 days, repeat the course, but only after consulting a doctor.

The use of Erespal does not cancel antibiotic therapy. Antibacterial drugs and Erespal are prescribed for infectious diseases that are accompanied by a cough, including otitis media and sinusitis. Antibiotics will not help with the viral nature of the inflammation. Also, antimicrobial agents are not taken for allergic diseases.

List of Russian analogues in the form of syrup

A number of domestically produced drugs contain the same amount of fenspiride that is used in Erespal. The cost of the French drug is more than 250 rubles (150 ml bottle), over 480 rubles (250 ml). Cheaper analogues produced in Russia or by joint pharmaceutical ventures. You can choose drug substitutes that have a similar therapeutic effect.

The domestic structural analogue of Erespal for children is Eladon syrup. The generic contains an identical amount of fenspiride (2 mg/ml). Produce bottles of 150 ml and 200 ml. Another analogue in the form of syrup is Fespalen. The drug in liquid dosage form is produced by the Russian company Ozon. The volume of bottles is 100 and 150 ml. More often in pharmacies you can find Eladon and Fespalen in solid dosage form.

Domestic substitutes for Erespal in tablets

Structural analogues in solid dosage form - tablets Codestim, Fenspiride, Eladon, Fespalen. The content of the active ingredient, indications and methods of using generics are completely the same as Erespal tablets. Affordable drug Eladon. The cost of a package (30 tablets) is 250 rubles.

Foreign similar funds

A syrup with the active ingredient fenspiride - a complete structural analogue of Erespal - is produced in Poland. The cost of the drug Siresp - from 160 to 186 rubles. Epistat is produced in Hungary and Romania. Tablets contain 80 mg, syrup - 2 mg / ml fenspiride. Erispirus is a drug manufactured in Slovenia, Turkey and Switzerland. The composition is identical to Erespal tablets and syrup.

It is difficult to find an adequate replacement for Erespal. The original remedy and generics are modern drugs that have a complex effect. You can use Erespal substitutes from other therapeutic groups that are useful for various symptoms.

With a strong cough with copious sputum, Ambroxol tablets are taken. The drug has a mucolytic effect, improves expectoration. Ambroxol and other products with an identical composition (Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Flavamed max) do not have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Medicines are taken for diseases listed in the list of Erespal's indications.

The composition of the complex treatment of cough, in addition to mucolytic drugs, includes antihistamines in tablets:

Close in properties to the anti-allergic drugs Ketotifen. In Russia, Ketotifen and Ketof tablets are produced. The drug reduces the secretion of histamine and other inflammatory mediators by mast cells and basophils. The effect of Ketotifen develops with continuous use for 6-8 weeks. The remedy prevents the development of bronchospasm, is used for bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, hay fever.

It should be noted that drugs with identical active ingredients have the same indications and contraindications. The most similar in properties and use are drugs containing the same active ingredients in the same dosage.

Agents from other therapeutic groups may be substitutes. However, there are big differences in the therapeutic effects, contraindications and side effects of various active substances.

If necessary, replace Erespal, it is better to choose a structural analogue of Russian or foreign production. The cost of generics is almost always lower than the original drug. You can save money without compromising the quality of care.

The French medicine Erespal is very popular in otolaryngology and pulmonology. It is used as part of a comprehensive treatment for many pathologies of the respiratory system. However, many people are trying to find analogues cheaper than erespal. It is best to do this with your doctor.

Description of the drug

The active ingredient of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride, which provides inhibition of the metabolism of a special substance - arachidonic acid. It is she who activates inflammation in the lungs. By changing the rheological characteristics of the secret, the drug eliminates dry cough. It also helps reduce mucus synthesis.

Indications for taking this medicine include the following:

  • acute and chronic form of bronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • respiratory syndrome with ARVI, influenza or whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis, pharyngitis or tracheitis of an allergic nature.

Erespal should be taken half an hour before meals. It is recommended to shake the vial before starting treatment. The dosage is selected depending on age and weight:

  • children under 2 years of age who weigh less than 10 kg are prescribed 10-20 ml, and the daily volume is divided into 3 times;
  • at 2-14 years old, 30-60 ml are shown, which are divided into 3 applications;
  • adults are given tablets: 1 piece with a dosage of 80 mg 2-3 times a day.

List of cheap analogues of Erespal with price indication

If erespal syrup did not fit, the doctor should select an analogue. Specialists prescribe such medicines:

  • bronchicum- the cost is approximately 400 rubles;
  • ambrobene- tablets with a dosage of 100 mg cost about 150 rubles, 100 ml of syrup will cost about 120 rubles;
  • - 100 ml of syrup costs 230 rubles, tablets with a dosage of 30 mg will cost 200 rubles;
  • fluditec- 125 ml of syrup can be bought for 300 rubles;
  • - 150 ml of syrup costs about 200 rubles, tablets with a dosage of 80 mg will cost 150 rubles;
  • phosidal- 150 ml of syrup costs 180 rubles;
  • bronchitis- 100 ml of syrup can be bought for 400 rubles;
  • - 100 ml of syrup costs about 220 rubles;
  • - a tablet form with a dosage of 80 mg costs 180 rubles, 100 ml of syrup can be purchased for 100 rubles;
  • - tablets with a dosage of 80 mg cost 240 rubles, 150 ml of syrup can be purchased for 170 rubles.

Structural analogues of the drug, which have the same active substance, include drugs bronchomax, erispirus, fosidal and inspiron. Other substances have a similar effect, but have certain features.

The instruction to Erespal analogues notes that they all help to cleanse the bronchi and remove a viscous secret that disrupts breathing. Thanks to this, it is possible to stop the inflammation. Medicines provide liquefaction and excretion of sputum, elimination of inflammation, spasms and swelling.

Pathologies that need to be treated using erespal are characterized by rather serious symptoms, which is why it is so important to take the remedy under the supervision of a qualified therapist or pulmonologist. The choice of Erespal analogues for children and adults is also better to entrust to a specialist.

Erespal or Inspiron - which is better

Inspiron is considered a complete analogue of Erespal. This remedy is produced in the form of cough syrup. It has the same composition and properties as erespal. Some patients even note the higher effectiveness of inspiron, although it costs less.

So, this remedy is prescribed in such situations:

  • moist cough;
  • whooping cough;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system due to allergic reactions;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • measles;
  • rhinitis.

For children under 14 years of age, the following proportions should be used to calculate the daily volume: 4 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. If necessary, the medicine can be mixed with food. Babies who weigh less than 10 kg should be given no more than 20 ml per day. Children who weigh 10-45 kg should take 90 ml of medication per day.

Adult patients are prescribed the same amount. However, such people are rarely prescribed the drug in the form of a syrup. Most often, adults are recommended to take the tablet form of the drug.

Inspiron also has certain contraindications and can cause unpleasant consequences. When using the remedy, there is a risk of rashes, nausea, vomiting, redness on the body, pain in the stomach. In difficult cases, Quincke's edema even develops. In rare situations, the drug provokes general weakness and increased drowsiness.

The medicine should not be used by people who have intolerance to the ingredients. With great care, the substance is prescribed to patients with diabetes or difficulty in the absorption of sucrose or fructose.

Erespal or ambrobene

When choosing Erespal or Ambrobene, it is worth considering the properties of these drugs. So, ambrobene is a mucolytic drug that has an expectorant effect and helps relieve coughing fits. The medicine has an antioxidant effect and perfectly liquefies thick sputum. Due to this, its removal from the organs of the respiratory system is significantly accelerated.

The main advantage of the drug is its low cost.. The substance can be used by pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimester. At the same time, ambrobene also has some disadvantages when compared with erespal. In particular, the agent does not have an antihistamine effect, does not have an anti-exudate effect, and does not cope with inflammation as well. If a person has inflammatory processes that are accompanied by obstruction, it is recommended to use erespal.

Erespal or ascoril - what to choose

Askoril or Erespal - which is better? This question is relevant for many patients. Ascoril promotes the elimination of bronchospasm, ensures the excretion of sputum and increases the vital capacity of the lungs. This is especially true in the development of asthma or chronic pulmonary obstruction.

After using this remedy, the patient's respiratory function is restored literally in half an hour. This is due to the presence of salbutamol in the composition of ascoril. By itself, this substance can be attributed to first aid during asthmatic attacks. This feature of the composition is considered an undoubted advantage of the substance. In addition, the drug is used for tuberculosis and the development of pulmonary emphysema.

Askoril is cheaper than Erespal. However, the drug also has certain disadvantages.. The main one is an impressive list of contraindications. At the same time, with complex pathologies of the lower respiratory system, these drugs are prescribed simultaneously.

Erespal or bronchomax

Experts recommend using bronchomax in such situations:

  • inflammatory lesions of the respiratory system;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic pathologies of ENT organs of an infectious nature;
  • sinusitis;
  • measles;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • puffiness in the presence of seasonal allergies.

Bronchomax is recommended to be consumed before meals. Adult patients are usually prescribed a tablet form of the drug. It should be applied 2-3 times a day. For children, the substance is prescribed in the following proportion: 4 ml per 1 kg of the baby's weight.

If an overdose of the drug is observed, there is a risk of increased drowsiness or vice versa excitation. Nausea, vomiting, and increased fatigue may also occur. To cope with such manifestations, you need to stop the use of the drug and thoroughly rinse the stomach.

Some patients note the low effectiveness of the drug. Also, the disadvantages include an unpleasant aftertaste of bitterness.

Erespal or lazolvan - which is better

When choosing lazolvan or erespal, it is worth analyzing the properties of both drugs. So, lazolvan helps to cope with thick sputum, which is often observed with a wet cough. The tool successfully removes a viscous secret from the organs of the respiratory system.

With prolonged treatment, it is possible to achieve stable remission of chronic pathologies of the bronchi and lungs. This allows you to reduce the duration of antibiotic use, which is an indisputable advantage of the drug.

At the same time, lazolvan has a higher cost. In addition, it does not have characteristics that help to cope with obstructive phenomena and spasms of the bronchial muscles. However, in some cases, doctors prescribe the simultaneous use of these funds, which allows you to achieve excellent results.

Erespal or eladon

The active substance of eladon is fenspiride, and therefore the drug can be attributed to the structural analogues of erespal. At the same time, this medicine is produced exclusively in tablet form.

It is important to consider that these tablets are not allowed to be given to children..They can only be used from the age of 18. Each package contains 30 tablets with a dosage of 80 mg. The main indications for the use of the drug include the following:

  • nasopharyngitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • moist cough;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • otitis;
  • the appearance of hoarseness in the voice;
  • runny nose;
  • respiratory infections.

Erespal or fosidal - what to choose

Fosidal is an effective and inexpensive remedy that may well replace erespal. It can only be purchased as a syrup. The drug has a pronounced antihistamine and bronchodilating effect. With its help, you can successfully eliminate the inflammatory process.

Due to the same active ingredient, fosidal can be used to treat the following pathologies:

  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • chronic form of bronchitis, which is accompanied by respiratory failure;
  • respiratory pathologies;
  • asthma.

Erespal or bluecode

When choosing a bluecode or erespal, it is worth considering a number of key points. So, sinekod is forbidden to apply to children under 2 months. The drug is produced in several dosage forms, namely dragees, syrup and drops. The active ingredient of the substance is butamirate, which leads to the suppression of the cough center in the brain.

Usually, a synecode is prescribed when a painful dry cough appears. With the formation of sputum in the respiratory organs, it is forbidden to use this remedy. This can cause congestion in the bronchi. As a result, a person develops chronic bronchitis.

That is why the bluecode is considered a very conditional analogue of erespal. It is most often used in difficult cases such as the agonizing cough that accompanies asthma, whooping cough or tracheitis. Also, the drug helps to cope with the cough of a smoker. In addition, the tool helps to suppress the cough that occurs as a result of surgical or diagnostic procedures.

Side effects of synecode include rashes, dizziness, and stool disorders. Other non-specific reactions may also occur. All of them are quite rare. Therefore, the drug is often prescribed instead of Erespal for respiratory pathologies - most often for whooping cough.

Erespal or fluditec

When choosing Erespal or Fluditec, it is worth analyzing the composition and properties of these drugs. Fluditec is a mucolytic agent. Its active ingredient is carbocysteine, which has a dual effect:

  • enhances the activity of the cilia of the epithelium, due to which the viscous secret is quickly removed from the bronchi or lungs;
  • makes mucus less thick and reduces its synthesis.

At the same time, Fluditec is more expensive compared to Erespal. In some cases, there is a need for the simultaneous use of funds.

Erespal or erispirus

When choosing erespal or erispirus, it should be noted that these funds have an identical composition. Therefore, they differ in the same effect.

The only difference is the manufacturer. At the same time, erispirus is somewhat cheaper, because doctors often prescribe this drug.

Erespal is considered a fairly effective drug that helps to cope with the pathologies of the respiratory system. At the same time, in some situations, it becomes necessary to use analogues of the agent. In such a situation, it is best to consult a doctor.