Flowers look like balls. Beautiful pelargonium: plant varieties with photos and descriptions. Basic rules of care. Ivy-leaved pelargoniums - Ivy-leaved pelargoniums

What is pelargonium? In everyday life, this plant is well known to most of us as geranium. In fact, such a generalization is not entirely accurate: although the flower belongs to the geranium family, it stands out in a separate genus.

The birthplace of pelargoniums is South Africa, where some of the species of this plant reach two meters in height. Accordingly, this flower can live only in a warm and fairly dry climate, where the temperature remains above 10-12 degrees all year round. However, lovers of indoor plants have long been addicted to growing it on the windowsill.

The attractiveness of pelargonium as a houseplant is determined by its relative, high growth rate, beautiful and abundant flowering. Depending on the variety, the flowers can be of a very different shade. Today in stores you can find specimens with inflorescences from bright burgundy and pink to salmon and white. And they are not only monophonic, but also two-color. And the forms of flowers are simply amazing in their diversity.

Breeding new varieties - history

For the first time this plant was brought to Europe in the 17th century, and immediately gained popularity. In Victorian England, the plant became widespread as a kind of living flavoring for the air. Now it is found all over the world, and in our country it is considered one of the most familiar inhabitants of window sills.

The efforts of breeders and the diversity of wild varieties have made it possible to create hundreds of interspecific hybrids and varieties, sometimes completely different from each other.

For example, since the second half of the 18th century, a group of “unique” varieties has been cultivated - these are hybrids of royal pelargonium and brilliant pelargonium.

And the amazing angelic pelargoniums were bred by amateur florist Arthur Langley-Smith in 1825. He managed to get them by crossing a short descendant of the Angeline pelargonium and the curly pelargonium. At first, the hybrids bore the name of the author, but then they began to be called simply "angels".

Varieties of pelargonium with a photo

There are several hundred types of pelargoniums and their hybrids. Rather conventionally, they are divided into several groups that have external differences, their own preferences in content and various properties.

Zonal pelargonium

This plant differs from its relatives by a spot on each leaf, which divides it into darker and lighter zones. Such a plant grows to a height of 20 cm to one and a half meters, depending on the variety.
Zonal pelargonium: photo Miniature (up to 15 cm) varieties include Algernon, Alice, Excalibur, Honeywood Suzanne.
Slightly higher, up to 20 cm, grow Clatterbridge, Ragamuffin, Aurora Toscana, Garnet Rosebud (rosebud pelargonium).
Plants of varieties Rumba Fire, Merkur 2000, Alba reach half a meter in height.

And, finally, the largest bushes are obtained from varietal pelargoniums of the Fiat and Irene groups - Fiat Neon, Dark Red Irene, Irene Salmon, Irene Modesty.

Ivy Pelargonium

This type of pelargonium is an ampelous plant with dense glossy leaves. Most often used in balcony boxes, flowerpots and flowerpots, but still winters indoors.
Ivy pelargonium: photo Popular varieties such as:

  • Bernardo. A compact shrub with light green leaves and scarlet rose-like flowers.
  • Crocodile. Beautiful dark leaves with golden veins, semi-double flowers of a delicate but rich pink color.
  • Jacky Gauld. A spectacular combination of geranium leaves with a wavy edge and surprisingly lush inflorescences of white flowers in the form of a rose.

Pelargonium Violotsvetnaya or Pelargonium Angel

These plants produce flowers that are very similar to violet flowers and last a long time. They like to winter and tie buds in coolness, a temperature of 15 degrees is ideal for this.
Pelargonium Angel (violet): photo In February, the plants are pruned to form the shape of a bush. There are many varieties, for example:

  • Eskay Verglo. Unusual and beautiful fringed leaves make this plant look attractive even without flowers. The upper petals of the violet-like flowers are wine-red, while the lower petals are white-pink with an openwork pink pattern.
  • Berkswell Bonanza. A compact shrub with dense dark leaves and graceful dark purple flowers adorned with a pink border.
  • Debbie. Flowers of an unusual shape with sharp tips of the petals. The upper ones are purple-red, and the lower ones are white with light purple streaks.

Fragrant Pelargonium

Pelargoniums with modest flowers and fragrant leaves of a decorative form can resemble the usual geranium very remotely. At home, they do not always bloom, but the main value of such a plant is its smell.

Interesting information: .
Fragrant pelargonium: photo There are varieties that mimic the aroma of spices, oranges, mint, chocolate, etc. It is used in folk medicine. Requires regular pinching, without which it can turn into a real vine. Popular varieties: Crispum Peach Cream (peach), Ardwick Cinnamon (cinnamon), Fringed Apple (apple), Royal Oak (pine needles), Sarah Jane (citrus).

Large-flowered or royal pelargonium

A more capricious plant than the previous ones, but it is distinguished by large beautiful flowers of various colors and shapes. The ideal temperature for this flower in summer is up to 25 degrees, and in winter - 12-15 degrees. Royal pelargonium does not tolerate transplanting well, does not like drafts, direct sunlight and too dry air. But subject to all these conditions and good lighting, to which it is quite demanding, such a pelargonium blooms almost all year round and pleases the owners with a pleasant aroma of leaves.
Royal pelargonium: photo Popular varieties:

  • Hazel Heather. Very large pink flowers with a maroon pattern at the base of each petal. Abundant flowering.
  • Askham Fringed Aztec. A small plant reaching 30 cm in height. It blooms with large, burgundy flowers with a white border of a beautiful shape.
  • Black Prince - reaches 40 cm, gives dark plum flowers with a thin bright white border.

Succulent Pelargonium

An exotic plant with a hard stem, sometimes with thorns on it. It can be used for the art of bonsai, and the result is surprisingly spectacular. Just like other pelargoniums, these Africans love light and relative coolness. They have an active growth period in the winter, and the rules of care are comparable to other succulents.
Succulent pelargonium: photo Succulent pelargoniums include humpbacked, cortus-leaved, fleshy, fluffy, angular and thick-stemmed.

Features of care for varietal pelargonium

This perennial plant is undemanding to care, but loves the sun. For a long and abundant flowering, she needs at least 4-6 hours of good lighting, otherwise the plant is strongly stretched in height and blooms poorly. The soil is desirable light, neutral or slightly acidic. It is necessary to water the plant moderately, as the soil dries out: it is very harmful to it and will lead to rotting of the roots. But pelargonium tolerates a small drought easily, and even begins to bloom more actively. By the way, withered leaves and flowers should be removed so that new ones grow faster instead of them.

In the spring, to promote good flowering, the tops of the shoots can be pinched. In warm summer, when the temperature does not drop below 10-12 degrees, the plant can also live on the street. But, unfortunately, it can only winter in the middle lane in the house.

How to propagate pelargonium?

Pelargonium is easily propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Cuttings are best rooted from January, using sand or perlite for this. The formation of roots takes about three weeks, after which the young plant is ready for planting in the ground.

Seeds are recommended to be sown in January-February, using peat or a mixture of peat and sand as a substrate. They usually do not rush to germinate seeds, so for about three weeks you just need to moisten the soil by covering it with a film. When three true leaves appear on young plants, they can be transplanted into separate pots. After the 6th leaf, it is recommended to pinch the flower so that it grows more magnificently.

Geranium classification

Pelargonium zonal "Night Rose F1"

Pelargonium (more commonly called "geranium") is available in almost every home. This plant has an interesting history and many species, the care of which has its own subtleties.

Pelargonium (geranium) belongs to the geranium family. Homeland are the subtropics of South Africa. The genus includes more than 250 species.

In 1631, the English royal botanist John Tradescant grew three plants from the seeds of the fragrant Indian geranium. Pelargoniums began to be called pelargoniums only in 1789, but for a century and a half people got used to calling them geraniums, and they still call them that way.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties and hybrids of pelargoniums are constantly being created, now there are thousands of varieties and types of geraniums that differ in the size and shape of flowers and leaves, as well as their color.

It is believed that there are no geraniums, only bright yellow and pure blue. And the rest of the colors are at your service! At the time of abundant flowering, geranium gives the windows a festive look. Geraniums plant balconies, verandas, loggias. They are used in flower arrangements in semi-shady areas of the garden.

Pelargonium seeds

Geraniums are easy to grow from seed.

Angel Geraniums (violet)

In this type of geranium, flowers look like pansies, they are also called violet flowers, the plants bloom all summer with luxurious hanging flower caps.

The variety was obtained by crossing with wild-growing species, the bush is compact, the height of the plant is not more than 30 cm.

Examples of varieties of Angels: Orange, Perfume, Randy, Blueberry, Quantock Dymond.

Geraniums are unique, a hybrid of royal and brilliant geraniums

This is a hybrid of royal and brilliant pelargonium, the leaves are strongly dissected, have a spicy smell, the flowers are similar to the flowers of royal pelargonium.

For flowering, fertilizing with potash fertilizers is necessary.

Plants are very decorative.

Succulent Pelargoniums

Among succulent pelargoniums, there are forms with thorns and without thorns. They have repeatedly branching, decoratively curved stems, woody at the base, in which moisture accumulates. During the dry season, the plants shed their leaves.

Succulent pelargoniums are notable for their unusual whimsical silhouettes of their stems, resembling miniature copies of baobabs or some fantastic creatures. These pelargoniums are valued when creating bonsai compositions, for exotic decoration of interiors, for landscaping small-form architecture and stone gardens.

About 10 species belong to succulent pelargoniums, most often humpbacked pelargonium (P. qibbosum L`Herit.), cortus-leaved pelargonium (P.cortusaefolium L`Herit.), and when creating bonsai - fleshy pelargonium (P.carnosum L` Herit.), regular pelargonium (P.alternans Wendl.), fluffy pelargonium (P. crithmifolium Smith.), thick-stemmed pelargonium (P. crassicaule L`Herit.), angular pelargonium (P. tetragonum L`Herit.).

Pelargonium varieties

Examples of varieties of some different types of pelargonium.




Gwen Levington

Emma fran Bengstbo

Appleblossom Rosebud

Cook's Scarlet and White

Westdale Appleblossom

As well as:


  • Natalie
  • Honeywood Suzanne

Golden leaf

  • Golden Anniversary


  • Lancastrian

Evie - hybrids :

  • Creamery (lemon)
  • Millfield rose

Zonarctic :

  • Lara Mandarin
  • Lara Alf
  • Unicorn Zonarctic Rose
  • Lara Envoy


  • Winston Churchill
  • Chelsea Gem
Balkan geranium, or large-rhizome- Geranium macrorrhizum

In nature, it grows in the subalpine meadows of the Alps, the Balkans, and the Carpathians. It was introduced into culture in the 17th century.

Perennial. It differs from other geraniums in its long, thick, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, rhizome, branching along the soil surface. Due to the rapidly growing rhizome, the large-rhizome geranium forms a dense, closed thicket. Rosettes of basal leaves extend from the rhizome on long, up to 20 cm, petioles. The leaves are oblong-rounded, 6-10 cm wide, divided into 5-7 lobes, coarsely serrated along the edge, brilliant green. The stems rise above the thicket of leaves by 5-10 cm. Numerous bright purple or reddish flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are located on umbrella-shaped peduncles. Geranium blooms in June and blooms for 20-30 days. Seeds ripen in late July-August.

The whole plant is hairy and very fragrant. A thicket of geraniums on a hot sunny day smells of the south, mountains, even if it grows in wooded Russia. The appearance of the thicket is very attractive all season, sometimes the leaves even overwinter.

Geranium macrorrhizum "Variegatum"
Photo by Olena Ukleina

Geranium macrorrhizum
Photo EDSR.

Geranium macrorrhizum "Album"
Photo of Lazebnaya Elena

Geranium macrorhizum "Pindus"
Photo by M.Barbuhatti

G. macrorrhizum `Spessart`
Photo by Andrey Ganov

G. macrorrhizum `Ingverse Variety`
Photo by Andrey Ganov

But usually in October-November, the leaves become red or golden in color, which is very beautiful. Geranium large rhizome can be used in rockeries, where it grows around stones, emphasizing their beauty. In mixed flower beds, it is planted in the foreground. Here it serves as a backdrop for taller plants, such as whitened cornflower, coreopsis, evening primrose, cinquefoil.

A long-lived and trouble-free plant. It is a creeping, ground-covering shrub up to 30 cm tall. The leaf is palmately complex, deeply dissected, large, bright green, sticky and fragrant. Turns brick red in autumn. Inflorescences from whitish-pink to carmine, thyroid. It blooms in June, often again closer to autumn.

"Spessagt"- white-pink inflorescences. It grows violently, changes color in autumn, differs in wintering leaves.
"Ingwersen's Variety"- pale pink inflorescences, bloom luxuriantly .
"Inverse"- a variety with purple-pink flowers.
"Czakor"- purple-red inflorescences, grows in a bush.
"Variegata"- a variety with striped leaves, creamy yellow stripes. This geranium propagates by segments of rhizomes with a bud. The most favorable time is the end of August - the beginning of September. Seed propagation can also be used. When sown before winter, seedlings appear in spring and bloom in the second year. This variety Geranium thrives in dry, well-drained, lime-rich soils, prefers full sun, leaves grow larger in partial shade, grows faster, but does not flower as profusely.

There are a huge number of varieties of pelargoniums and the classification of some species is still uncertain. Let's move on to the most famous plants that can be found in every person in the house.

Orange Pelargonium grows up to 35 cm in height. An unusual look with a peach cap on each bud and a greenish tint on the edge. With good care for 4 seasons, it changes 240 inflorescences. Provides a pleasant view on the balcony. Does not require increased attention. Prefers semi-shady areas. Watering should be plentiful, in winter a little less. In summer, it is best to take it out into the fresh air. You can plant seeds in any weather.

Ivy pelargonium white. The foliage is medium in size, dark green. Compact plant. It grows slowly, but the buds of this variety are worth it. Flowers grow large up to 6 cm, the shape is folded in the form of a rose. If you hold the plant a little in the sun, you can achieve a slight lilac hue. Pelargonium Anita has the same beautiful inflorescences in the form of a rose. It is easy to grow and grows well. Read about it.

It differs from all the others, because even the origin of this plant is still unclear. The species is not included in any classification, which is why the only one is named. Its foliage refers to dissected leaves. The aroma is spicy, without an extra dose of harshness. Small flowers look like a bird's feather. Plants can have both one-color and two-color foliage. The variety is tall. The peak of popularity of uniques took place at the end of the 19th century.

Refers to zonal pelargonium. Their flowers are whitish with a pinkish tinge in the middle. Leaves are small. In a pot it looks spectacular and without unnecessary flaws. Takes on a brighter tone in the sun. And in winter, it requires special care and feeding. Pelargonium Silk also belongs to zonal species. It is a true decoration of the house. You will learn about the varieties of this variety.

Miniature golden-leaved pelargonium. Belongs to the zonal group. Despite the small size, the flowers are large, white-pink in color, on which there is a pleasant golden tint. The leaves are semi-double with a light green tint. Each leaf has a bright brown zone. Blooms at a fast pace. Unpretentious. In a small pot, the flower looks compact and fluffy.

Zonal Pelargonium. The petals are wavy with serrated edges in the shape of a carnation. Light shading. Spectacular bush, unpretentious in flowering. Has a pastel orange tone. In order for a flower to sprout, it needs pruning. Bushes well, looks large and grew. The leaves are compact. Inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. Quite a well-known variety. Mostly good flowering occurs in the summer. This plant needs feeding.

A small semi-double specific pelargonium. The first flowers gives a size of 4 cm. It grows in large caps. The bush is elegant, compact, but rather capricious. Not very tall. After pruning, it does not give sprouts immediately, most often it only replaces. Responds to temperature changes. Gentle variety. It has a peach color with a pale white edging of the petals. The trunk is almost always not leafy. Formation does not happen immediately. In hot weather, it can throw leaves. The plant is worthy of attention for its dissimilarity.

Small zonal pelargonium with salmon color. The lining of the petals is light, and the leaves themselves have a dark zone. Neat fluffy shrub. From the heat, the hat becomes white and thick, which makes for a pleasant contrast. Shoots form quickly. Bright and pleasant to look at. Almost always there are many buds. The plant itself is small, which is why it will look perfect on the windowsill. Useful spraying. Take out to the balcony only in hot weather. Dwarf variety.

Thick double flower in the form of an unopened rose bud. The petals of this plant are rich red. Each rosette is 1 cm. In hot weather, the red color becomes a little paler, and in winter, on the contrary, it acquires a bright shade. The inflorescence is dense. Peduncles of medium height. Green leaves with a cream colored mosaic pattern. Belong to the type of zonal. Blooms in the form of a cap. Grows to medium size over time.

Pelargonium Albina grows quite quickly. Already after the cutting has appeared, the peduncle rises for 3 days. However, the first bloom is not particularly abundant. 4 flowers grow on 1 peduncle. Large plant. Relate to zonal, by growth it is considered a dwarf. The leaves are intense green. The flowers themselves are double, white with a small red stamen, tightly collected. Due to the density of this species, the plant looks collected and neat. He loves top dressing, so thanks to courtship, the flowers become larger. Suitable for beginners who are afraid to take responsibility.

Zonal variety of dwarf speckled pelargonium. Florists are attracted by bright, golden-green leaves with creamy double flowers and red veins. The flower is decorated with light bright crimson specks. Durable. With a neat form, blooms profusely. The bush is well-fed and strong. Does not throw leaves, bush itself.

A neat decorative border and a barely noticeable pink color that echoes white distinguish this plant variety from other terry types. The inflorescences are dense and tender, voluminous compared to the dwarf type. In the sun, dovepoint blossoms turn from white to pink. Peduncles are short.

Mary belongs to the terry zonal pelargoniums. The inflorescences are tight, reminiscent of a rose. They grow up to 10 cm. The flowers themselves are white with a small green in the center. When blooming, it may acquire a slight pinkish tint. The bush is fluffy. Blooms profusely in spring and summer. Repotting should be done annually. Loves the sun and heat. Tries to bloom even in low light. Feeding prefers complex. The name of this variety goes well with the name.

The wavy petals of pelargonium lacquer are painted orange, and become completely white towards the edge of the flower. The distinctly colored color can only be seen in the sun. The color fades in the shadows. The plant belongs to the usual zonal variety, but in addition it requires careful shaping. The leaves are elegant, thanks to the contrasting border of a brownish-green hue.

In the center of the leaf there is a light shade in the form of a butterfly, which, after basking in the sun, can give a bronze tint. The flower itself is large with a peach color and a needle shape. The variety is not tall, flower stalks are short. Requires shaping. Bushes and blooms for a long time. Rain and heat are not afraid. Looks great on the balcony in summer. The size can be easily adjusted with a small flowerpot. Hardy, fast growing. It is the unusual leaves that make this species special.

Plant of terry zonal pelargonium. Flowers in the form of a red shade of a rose. The flower itself is bright and velvety. Blooms profusely, looks compact. The hat is round. The leaves are green, iridescent with a slight brown tint. Live has a very bright colorful color.

In summer, in gardens, flower beds and balconies, you can see this type of plant. Differs in lush flowering and grace. Quite demanding to care. It blooms for a short time, about 5 months. But if you see this plant at least once, you immediately want to bring it to your windowsill. Royal pelargonium grows up to 60 cm in height.

It differs from its colleagues in folded multi-colored leaves, dense sheet platinum and serrated edges.

On a note. Not everyone can make such a beauty bloom. This individual prefers warmth and sunlight for continuous abundant flowering.

It can tolerate a little shade, but it will bloom a little less luxuriantly. The soil prefers nutritious. You can add a little clay mixture to the soil. In cold weather, the temperature should be at least 12ºС.

Tamara is many-sided and unique. The flowers are like dense white-pink marshmallows. The color is changeable with pink streaks and a border of the same color. The plant is soft and airy. Compact shrub with small leaves. It blooms from infancy and never ceases to please the process. The petals are neat, with pointed tips.

Sunny side required. The soil should be constantly moist, but in moderation. Spray recommended. Red pelargonium grows up to 30 cm in length. It should be placed on the balcony immediately after the frost has passed.

It has a bright shade and universal resistance to all weather conditions. The variety branches well. There are huge inflorescences. The color of this type of pelargonium is similar to wine red. The leaves are ivy. Grows fast. Landing 30×30.

The plant has a height of 30 cm with good branching. The color is white-pink. The inflorescences are large. The leaves are green with a slight dark tint. Drought-resistant. Preference is given to sunny places with fertile soil. Landing is possible from the end of January. The seed depth is 0.5 cm. If the temperature is kept at 20 ° C, then seedlings can be seen in a week.

Pelargonium refers to non-terry, ivy. Large caps and beautifully colored color in various shades. Blooms profusely, completely covered with inflorescences. Two types of Tuscany are currently popular. Read about Pelargonium Tuscany and Edwards elegans.


Bright, wide-opening, deep red flowers. Each leaf is dark green with a bright brown ring. Refers to semi-double. The bush is harmonious, never stretches. The lower part of the flower must be tamped tightly.


Large crimson-red flowers with white dots on the leaves. The bush is fluffy. It grows slowly, but branches very well. The leaves are medium-sized, painted in dark green. The bush is low, the average height is up to 25 cm. The color is very saturated. Does not require growth regulators.

Herbaceous plant with fragrant aroma. The height of the bush is 25 cm. The leaves are rounded, green with a small red border. The flowers are pink in color with a slight pallor in the form of a spherical inflorescence. The plant prefers light. For top dressing, a turf mixture is chosen, and moderate moisture is preferred. If the flower is treated with love, then flowering will continue all summer. In autumn, a transplant and a bright place in the room are necessary. For seed germination, the temperature must reach 20°C.

The difference between black velvet in unusual chocolate leaves, which create a perfect combination with bright red inflorescences. If the bush is formed recently, then you can notice that at the initial stage there is a bronze coating on the sheets. The height of black velvet reaches about 40 cm. The shoots are strong. Loves the light, but the sun's rays should not touch the petals.

Pelargonium is unpretentious, but this does not mean that she does not need care. Periodically, you need to check the soil and water on time. Fertilizers prefer mineral. Sowing 1 cm. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out.

The hybrid variety grows well at home. It looks like a large shrub up to 75 cm in height. Rounded green leaves. Umbrella-shaped flowers up to 3 cm, come in multi-colored shades, namely: white, red, purple and. Flowering lasts six months.

The most popular pelargonium hybrids include two species.


Rare hybrid plant. A wine-red flower with a black stripe down the middle. This hybrid plant is easy to care for, but demanding of light. Moderate watering required. An adult plant reaches a height of 20 cm.

Miss Stapleton

The plant never sleeps. This heart-shaped hybrid looks like a bouquet of pink roses. The stems are hard with stipules in the form of thorns.

Rosaceous pelargonium. Flowers are dense, terry. Petals have two colors. The inside is like red wine, and the wrong side is silver. Inflorescences are dense. Leaves greenish, folded.

Madame Pelargonium has several varieties. Let's consider the main ones.


Type of terry zonal pelargonium. Fluffy bush. Blooms profusely. The flowers are like dark red wine., there are bright and large inflorescences. It is necessary to keep the soil moist and spray as often as possible.


Graceful pelargonium with variegated leaves. Leaves on long legs, gray-green with a wide cream border. Has thin stems. Belongs to the dwarf group (read about caring for dwarf pelargonium at home). Blooms bright pink. The variety almost does not bloom, but captivates with its beauty. The bush is compact, pleasant to look at.

Large flowers resembling a rose. The plant is white, with a rich white-pink border. Tight hats. The bush needs shaping. The leaves are green, have a dark zone. Requires special care.

Terry ivy pelargonium. The flowers look like a blue-lilac hue. Compact bush. Needs a sunny area. Requires daily care. The plant needs additional minerals.

For the first time, miniature pelargoniums appeared in England. The height of a small pelargonium starts from 8 cm and ends at 15 cm. Ideal for the home, they can also be placed on balcony boxes. Leaves come in multi-colored green hues. Pelargoniums are light and airy, but this is not their only advantage. Differ in compactness. They can bloom in any decade of the year.

Among the most worthy breeders is Stanley Stringer. He was born in a small village called Ockold. He started breeding at the age of 50. The most popular grown variety remains Alde, which can still be seen on the shelves today.

Deacons are also dwarf varieties of Stringer. Among them, the best are: tangerine and moonlight. The flowers of the mandarin are orange-red, while those of the moonlight are white-purple. The most impressive thing is that such a miniature plant has very large flowers.

One of his last cultivations is a golden goblet, which had a creamy hue, and the petals were strewn with red dots. After himself, Stringer left about 160 varieties of pelargonium.

Rai Bitwell started his life as a postman. Therefore, he has a number of geographical names of varieties. Bitwell became famous for the fact that he managed to bring out a new type of variety with polka dots. And they were covered with: red, pink and purple dots.

Among the varieties with small spots, the most popular are milden, semer and elmsett. Milden has green-yellow leaves with bright white flowers covered with pale pinkish speckles. Semer is a dwarf variety of pink flowers with red dots. Elmsett is a zonal species of pale pink flowers flecked with red. The latter species was named after Bidwell. The variety is decorated in wine color with green-red foliage.

And last but not least the famous breeder Brian West. West is known for having developed a variety whose leaves resemble stars, because of this the variety is called. Varieties have spread throughout the world. Even despite the unusual shape and the fact that they do not quite resemble pelargoniums, you can care for them in the same way as for ordinary varieties.

There is also another interesting and unusual variety of pelargonium -. This is a plant with very unusual and beautiful flowers. Instead of the usual flowers, inflorescences appear in the form of tulip buds. We talked about such a plant of the Patricia Andrea variety in, and you will learn about the Red Pandora tulip-shaped pelargonium.

In recent years, Vesta came into being with miniature plants up to 8 cm. The cultivars were named anni popham.

Care rules

All plants require special care, and pelargoniums are no exception. Usually the flower is in the room, and begins to bloom profusely in the summer. In winter, it is necessary to ensure the temperature is not lower than 15 ° C and to avoid waterlogging of the soil. The plant is best left on the sunny side, but only where there are no drafts.

Pruning is carried out after flowering - in the fall. But if the roots have grown well, make an exception. For pruning, you need to leave shoots of about 10 cm. Do not forget about top dressing for each flower. Transplantation is recommended in February.

Plants can lose their compactness if they are not properly cared for.

On a note. It is best to get new specimens from cut cuttings that have not yet faded. Each stem should have about 5 leaves.

After cutting, the cuttings should remain for 2 hours in a dry room with fresh air. After pruning, cover them with plastic bags to help them root. For the growth of pelargonium, a temperature of at least 20 ° C is needed.

Besides beauty, Pelargoniums also have medicinal properties for humans. After all, they contain an extract that cures respiratory infections. In addition, the oil of this plant has a sedative effect. But the main thing is that the flower goes well with any design in the house and makes every housewife feel like a woman.

In nature, there are more than two hundred species of geranium. Thanks to the selection, many varieties have been developed that can satisfy the taste of any even the most demanding grower. Geraniums today adorn houses, balconies, gazebos and terraces, gardens. Many varieties are decorative not only in color, but also in foliage.

Pelargonium zonal is the most numerous type of geranium. Indoor zonal geraniums have a straight, strong stem with lush foliage. The leaves of these plants are often bordered with a reddish stripe, and emit a fragrance. The name of the variety comes from the spots on the leaves of geraniums, the spots on the leaf plates are randomly arranged, irregular and unequal in shape. Leaf plates are covered with pile, velvety to the touch. Pelargonium zonal is represented by many tall and miniature plants, differing in the shape of the leaves, the shape of the flowers and their color. Geranium is zonal, all species and varieties are well grown and have abundant flowering. One of the most popular strains to grow is Happy Thought. The plant has variegated juicy green leaves, in the center of the leaf plate of an irregular shape there is a spot of bright yellow color. The petals of a regular flower are bright scarlet. Unusual blue geranium: the five-petalled flower of the Blue Blood variety is violet in color, the petals are literally pierced with red-burgundy veins.

Important! When fertilizing domestic plants with purchased fertilizers, pay attention to the composition and amount of nitrogen in it. An excess of this element stimulates the growth of foliage in geraniums at the expense of flowering.

Zonal Pelargonium clove

A popular variety with flower growers. The flowers of this pelargonium resemble carnations, the same carved, fluffy petals. Carnation pelargonium has a wide range of colors - from pastel tones to bright carmine, from pale pink to lilac, there are two-color petals. The following varieties are popular in home cultivation:

  • Pat Hannam- the color of the petals - from pale pink to deep lilac;
  • Graffiti Violet- lilac-purple flowers;
  • Freshwater- pale pink petals.

Zonal Pelargonium stellata

This variety of room geranium is distinguished by an unusual shape of leaves and petals: the edge of the leaves seems to be written out with clear large teeth. The petals are large with torn edges, the lower petals in some varieties are distinguished by two sharp tips. The first to start breeding star pelargonium were the Australians. Some interesting varieties:

  • Peppermint Star- petals are pale closer to the center, at the tips - crimson;
  • Star Flair- against a bright crimson background, a white spot at the base of the petal clearly stands out, the shape of the petals is narrow;
  • Swiss Star- two-color, on a pale lilac background, bright coral-colored stripes are visible along the petal.

Did you know? Geranium was revered in family magic: girls wore amulets with oil or flower petals, attracting the groom, married women believed that geranium protects their family and prolongs their youth and attractiveness for their husband.

Zonal Pelargonium cactus

Pelargonium cactus looks like a disheveled: it has large flowers with very narrow, sometimes needle-like petals. These plants became popular at the end of the 19th century. Popular varieties:

  • Fascination- carmine-colored petals, long, nail-like, the edges of the petal are tucked down, which makes the shape more pointed;
  • Noel- the petals are white, twisted, bright pink anthers rise above the stamen.

Zonal pelargonium non-double, or simple

Pelargonium non-double has simple flowers, five semicircular petals, flowers can be both large and small. The brightest varieties:

  • Moulin Rouge- bright red geranium, large spherical inflorescences are formed by small flowers up to 15 pieces;
  • Santa Maria- carmine petals, from eight to twelve flowers in a round inflorescence;
  • Happy of New Life- two-tone, uneven spots of white and coral, scattered randomly over the petals, clear veins are visible on a white background.

Zonal pelargonium semi-double

Semi-double indoor geranium - a little more magnificent than a simple one, it has up to eight petals, a large palette of colors. Varieties in demand in indoor cultivation:

  • Peppermint Twist- Pelargonium variegated raspberry-white with a red stripe;
  • Georgia Peach- bright yellow flowers with rounded petals;
  • Calais- a soft pink main background, in the middle is a petal of a coral shade.

Zonal pelargonium terry

Terry pelargoniums are distinguished by a large number of openwork petals and seem fluffy due to the lighter underside of the petal. The flowers are collected in dense rounded caps. The homeland of room pelargonium is South Africa, the plant is accustomed to warmth and lighting, if it does not have enough light, provide additional lighting, otherwise the flowers will be faded. Interesting varieties:

  • Pebbles- crimson petals with a light almost white center, a miniature variety;
  • Shelk Moiraс- a densely double flower of a coral pale tone, bright green foliage;
  • Brookside Fantasy- petals are two-color: a strip of a darker color stands out against a lilac background.

Zonal pelargonium rosacea

Geranium with double flowers, similar to miniature roses. A large number of petals, tightly adjacent to each other, are collected in a stuffed bud. Numerous buds form a dense ball of inflorescence. Rosaceous pelargoniums are distinguished by a variety of tones. The most popular of the varieties:

  • Apple Blossom- white petals with pale pink tips are collected around a pale green stamen;
  • Magda- lush buds of carmine tone, with a lighter underside of the petal.

Zonal tulip-shaped pelargonium

Tulip geranium flowers look like an unopened tulip. Simple non-double petals are tightly collected in buds, which, in turn, form lush inflorescences-bouquets.

A variety of tulip-shaped pelargonium was bred by American breeders from Boston, Massachusetts. One of the parents of the new variety was the pelargonium variety Fiat.

Popular varieties:

  • red pandora- bright carmine buds, veins of the same color are clearly visible on the petals, but half a ton darker;
  • Patricia Andrea- bright dark pink buds, the variety has carved large leaves;
  • Linea Andrea- attracts the attention of a pedicel covered with stiff bristles, holding a large lilac-colored bud.

Zonal Pelargonium Deacon

Deacons are miniature plants, compact in shape. This species is characterized by lush and abundant flowering. The color of the petals is pink, red and orange shades. The variety was first introduced in 1970 in the city of Chelsea at a flower fair. The author of the variety of this pelargonium, Stanley Stringer, indicated the parental varieties in the description: the zonal variety Orion and the ivy-leaved pelargonium Blue Peter. The most unusual variety - Deakon Birthday, the color of the petal is creamy pink with a coral center.

Pelargonium royal

The royal pelargonium is called the most attractive species, its height is from 16 to 40 cm and about 16 cm in diameter. Pelargonium has a wide variety of shades of flowers from white to dark purple. Flowers can be simple and double, the petals are wavy or corrugated, they are interspersed in the form of spots or stripes on the main background of the flower. The uppermost petals are velvety to the touch and larger than the rest. The royal variety is the most capricious of all, requiring increased attention when growing. Common varieties of royal pelargonium:

  • Ann Hoystead- high up to 40 cm, flowers are large, petals are dark red with large dark spots;
  • Askham Fringed Aztec- 30 cm high, double white geranium, with bright blueberry stripes along the petal;
  • Black Prince- A 40-centimeter beauty, a thick plum shade, with a thin silvery stripe along the edge of the petal.

Interesting fact! White geranium is considered a symbol of procreation, so it is customary to give it to couples who do not have children. White geranium is also considered a talisman against ruin.

Pelargonium fragrant

This variety of geranium is called fragrant because of the pleasant subtle aroma, it is enough to press the leaf of the plant with your fingers, and the gentle smell will fill the space around. The aroma of the flower combines the smells inherent in other plants: mint, ginger, lemon and others. Hybrids have been bred that smell of exotic fruits and spices: pineapple, nutmeg, kiwi. The flowers of this species are small, pink and purple shades of petals predominate. The carved leaves of the plant are beautiful, seeming terry.

The following varieties are considered in demand:

  • - up to 30 cm in height and 16 cm in diameter, the leaves are divided into three parts in the form of a blade, edged with teeth, petals are white with red dots on the upper petals, pine aroma with a slight hint of camphor;
  • Ardwick Cinnamon- not large leaves of dark green color, velvety to the touch, white flowers, raspberry spots on the upper petals, smells of cinnamon.

Pelargonium ivy, or ampelous

Pelargonium ivy is named so for the similarity of the shape of the leaves with ivy foliage, the plant is herbaceous, the branches grow up to a meter long. Most often used in decorating loggias, open terraces in hanging pots. A variety of colors - from snow-white to dark blue. Ampelous pelargonium flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, rounded in shape, can be double, semi-double and simple. The most beautiful varieties.