How to fertilize flowering early tomatoes. How to speed up the flowering of tomatoes in the greenhouse. What substances do tomatoes need for growth

So you are interested in how to increase the yield of your tomatoes, namely, you want to know how and with what to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse during the season: after planting seedlings before flowering, during flowering and during the period of active fruiting.

Below you will find information on how to properly fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse, what fertilizers are best used from planting seedlings to harvesting.

It should be understood that tomatoes need to be fed as needed. In other words, if you properly filled the soil with nutrients during the preparation of the beds (or put it in the hole), then most likely you will not need any top dressing.

However! If the plant begins to signal that something is missing, then you have no choice: you need to fertilize, and as soon as possible.

When tomatoes urgently need top dressing - signs of a lack of macro- and microelements

Sometimes in the process of development, tomatoes themselves indicate a lack of a certain element in the diet. This is expressed by characteristic external signs (as a rule, it is on the leaves).

  • nitrogen deficiency. Plants begin to lag behind in growth, stretch out, the foliage becomes smaller and acquires a pale green color with a yellow tint, the stem becomes thin and soft.

  • Phosphorus deficiency. The plant as a whole darkens, more precisely, its leaves acquire a bluish tint with purple veins, and can also wrap inwards.

By the way! More information about the reasons why tomatoes can curl leaves, you can find .

  • Potassium deficiency. Expressed curling the tips of the leaves and a characteristic brown border along their edges (they also say what is happening marginal burn).

  • If not enough zinc, then the leaves become very fragile and rough (rough) and can also curl downwards, and orange-brown chlorosis forms on older leaves.

  • If not enough boron, then the leaves lighten up and twist again.
  • With a lack copper and sulfur, young leaves usually wither, and then may turn bluish-green in color and curl upwards ( into a tube).
  • Flaw calcium manifested in the fact that the leaves streaks turn white, and they themselves curl up.

Note! More information about the reasons why leaves can curl in tomatoes, you can find .

  • When there is a shortage gland- leaves turn yellow and droop, while also sometimes twisting.

  • Flaw magnesium.

In this case, you need to top dressing with a certain macro- or micro-fertilizeror complex microfertilizer, for example, Humat +7 or similar.

Video: lack of nutrients in tomatoes and the causes of leaf curl

Feeding methods

There are 2 ways or types of feeding any plant (including tomatoes):

  • root (watering under the root);
  • foliar or foliar (by leaves).

Root top dressing imply the application of fertilizers directly under the root of the plant, as a rule, in liquid form(i.e. the solution is prepared first = granular or liquid fertilizers are dissolved in water). Most often, this is how macronutrients.

Although you can also apply fertilizer first dry(especially), and then already irrigate.

Concerning foliar (leaf dressings), then they are used as additional ones, since they are most effective when the plant especially needs certain trace elements(which is manifested in its appearance), in other words, they are carried out out of necessity.

Although sometimes the leaves are fed with complex fertilizers such as calcium nitrate (nitrogen + calcium).

Interesting! Foliar feeding increases the digestibility of fertilizers during critical periods of growth and development, thereby compensating for the deficiency of macro- and microelements and improving the efficiency of fertilizer application (increases the availability of other nutrients, especially against the background of nitrogen application).

Feeding rules

  • For feeding, you should choose morning or evening hours, or daytime if worth overcast weather.
  • Feeding is very convenient combine with irrigation.

Directly before applying mineral fertilizer anyway you need irrigate, because it is always recommended to feed on moist soil.

  • Exemplary liquid fertilizer consumption for 1 plant - about 0.5 liters.
  • Feeding is better regularly, every 7-14 days to constantly feed the plant (you can do this more often, while necessarily reducing the concentration of fertilizer).

By the way! Tomatoes begin to consume food from the soil especially intensively when the 3rd brush is tied up and the 4th one begins to bloom. It is during this period that it is necessary to begin to actively feed the tomatoes with potash fertilizers (with the addition of calcium, magnesium, boron), and doing this every 5-7 days.

Scheme for feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse: what fertilizers and when to use

Like all plants, tomatoes require the whole complex of macro- and microelements, namely: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and especially magnesium, calcium, boron, iron, zinc and other micronutrients.

There are three main stages of feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse: after planting in the ground (before flowering), during flowering and the formation of ovaries, and during fruiting.

As a result, you need to make about 5-7 root dressings and 1-2 foliar dressings (per leaf):

  1. nitrogen - under the root (you can skip and go straight to the next one).
  2. nitrogen-calcium - under the root or along the leaves.
  3. nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium top dressing or phosphorus-potassium.
  4. spraying with boron on leaves and flowers.
  5. nitrogen-calcium - on the leaves (if necessary).
  6. potassium-nitrogen supplement.
  7. potassium supplement.
  8. potassium supplement.
  9. potassium supplement.

After planting in the greenhouse: before flowering and during the budding period (beginning of flowering)

  • Potassium nitrate(20-30 grams per 10 liters of water);

13.6% nitrogen and 46% potassium.

  • Borofoska (15-20 grams per 10 liters);

It also includes phosphorus (10%), calcium (20%), potassium (16%), magnesium (2%). In other words, all the nutrients necessary for tomatoes.

  • Kalimagnesia (15-20 grams per 10 liters);

Kalimagnesia (kalimag) contains, in addition to potassium (about 26-28%), also magnesium (about 8-9%).

By the way! As magnesium fertilizer magnesium sulfate or magnesium nitrate can be used.

  • Potassium monophosphate (10-20 grams per 10 liters of water);

Potassium monophosphate is the fastest and most easily digestible form of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (phosphorus - 50%, potassium - 33%).

However, such a fertilizer will be quite expensive, and besides, tomatoes do not need such an amount of phosphorus. Although, if your soil is rather poor, then you can use it.

Video: top dressing of tomatoes during fruiting is important to increase the yield

It is also very good to feed tomatoes with various humates, especially potassium humate. Moreover, it (potassium humate) can be mixed with others mineral fertilizers.

Or you can use Humate +7 with micronutrients.

Specialized fertilizers for tomatoes

Of course, if you don't want to bother with the selection and preparation of certain fertilizers, then the easiest way is to feed with special fertilizers for tomatoes (which are also suitable for peppers and eggplants). They already, as a rule, have all the macro- and microelements necessary for the culture (use and dilute everything according to the instructions on the packages):

  • Agricola for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.

  • baby from Fusco"Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants."

  • Gumi Omi"Tomato, eggplant, pepper."

  • Hera for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

  • And many others.

Answers to the most popular questions about feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse

In general, all the answers have already been given above, but if you want answers to specific questions, then here they are.

How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse so that they are plump?

Naturally, all gardeners dream that after planting in the greenhouse, tomato seedlings take root as quickly as possible and enter the fruiting phase.

But if the seedlings have a thin, elongated stem, then you can not count on a good harvest. Therefore, it is so important that during the active growing season they receive good nutrition and grow plump stems that can withstand the load of the future harvest.

In order for the tomatoes in the greenhouse to be plump, they should be fed 10-14 days after planting nitrogen, and also better nitrogen-calcium fertilizers, in other words, it is:

  • , (you can directly on the leaves), calcium nitrate, bird or chicken droppings, mullein, green manure (infusion of herbs, usually nettle).

How to fertilize tomatoes during flowering so that there are more ovaries?

Root, and preferably foliar (leaf) top dressing of tomatoes will help you with this. boron. It is boron that will help the tomatoes tie the maximum number of fruits, especially if during their flowering period there is unfavorable weather (for example, elevated temperature).

Thus, as a means for feeding tomatoes with boron during flowering, you can use:

  • boric acid (5-10 grams per 10 liters);

By the way! Alternatively, you can use a pharmacy solution of boric acid, but the usual one is better.

  • special drug Boroplus.

And also such special preparations, how "Tomato" or "Ovary"(it happens like for tomatoes, So universal for all cultures).

How to feed tomatoes so that there is no blossom end rot of the fruit?

Calcium fertilizers are used to prevent blossom end rot. So, before flowering and/or after fruit set can be used such complex fertilizer as calcium nitrate, which contains nitrogen - 14.9%, calcium - 27%.

By the way! You can do both root and foliar (foliar) top dressing, i.e. spraying.

How to feed tomatoes to ripen faster?

Potash fertilizers are your choice. Exactly thanks to potassium your tomatoes will rather ripen and fill with colors.

As for specific fertilizers, these can be the following:

  • solution-infusion (100-200 grams per 10 liters of water).
  • potassium nitrate (20-30 grams per 10 liters);
  • potassium magnesia (15-20 grams per 10 liters);
  • potassium monophosphate (10-20 grams per 10 liters).

Thus, if you feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse correctly and on time, you will definitely be able to get a rich harvest of delicious and sweet tomatoes.

Video: what, when and how to feed tomatoes (in 2 parts)

In contact with

Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants. accompanied by the formation of new ovaries, and as a result - new fruits. Since tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, they do not require the presence of insects. During flowering, it is only recommended to slightly shake the branches on which the inflorescences are located. You can also tap the stem every 4 days during flowering so that pollen from the upper flowers falls to the lower ones.

The most favorable temperature during flowering is + 22-25 degrees. Therefore, the most favorable place for their cultivation is a greenhouse, where the air temperature can be controlled. During flowering, high relative humidity should not be allowed, the air should be rather dry.

Caring for tomatoes during flowering

Proper care of tomatoes during flowering is very important. By and large, it comes down to timely watering, pinching and feeding. Watering plants during this period should not be too plentiful, in moderation. Do not allow tomatoes to be waterlogged. When watering, it is also impossible to allow droplets of water to fall on the leaves, since dampness can provoke the development of late blight.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering

flowering tomato- This is a very important stage of fruit ripening. During flowering, the second feeding of plants is carried out. If during the first top dressing we used nitrogen fertilizers to accelerate the growth of green mass, then this time special emphasis should be placed on potash top dressing.

At the same time, it must be remembered that tomatoes really do not like an excess of fertilizers in the soil - they begin to stretch, the inflorescences fall off without setting the ovary. Correctly determine the dosage of top dressing - this is half the battle done.

As mentioned above, the emphasis should be on potash fertilizers. Potassium is just necessary for the formation of new fruits. In no case should we forget about phosphorus, it is necessary at all stages of plant growth, including during flowering. Phosphorus helps to strengthen the roots.

Ash is very good as a fertilizer. For top dressing, along the rows - make small grooves 10-15 centimeters from the plant, lay ash there, sprinkle with earth and water.

The introduction of small portions of biohumus has a very positive effect on the development of tomatoes during flowering. It is best to do this when loosening.

Pasynkovanie tomatoes during flowering

During flowering, it is necessary to pinch tomatoes. During this period, it is necessary to help the bush to form correctly. Stepping is done so that the plants give more fruits and that they are larger.

Pasynkovanie is the removal of the lower side leaves and stepchildren.

During flowering, a second pinching is performed.

Pinching will not only promote better fruit formation and ripening, but will also protect your plants from late blight.

- This is a very important process, on which the yield will directly depend. At this time, your plants need special care, following which you will get the desired harvest!

Also watch the video on this topic.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering:

Proper feeding of tomatoes is the key to a good harvest

The opinion that tomatoes are able to grow without additional fertilizers has the right to life. But, the goal of every gardener is a high yield of tasty and sugary fruits, which can only be achieved by regular feeding of tomatoes.

Why fertilize tomatoes

Compliance with the temperature regime, providing the necessary humidity and illumination in the greenhouse are important conditions for growing tomatoes, but without proper plant nutrition, it is unlikely to get an excellent harvest.

At each stage of development, a tomato bush needs a complex of micro and macro elements. With insufficient nutrition, plants develop poorly or stop growing altogether, the ovary of fruits is poor, and their ripening is protracted. Therefore, it is important to know how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse in order to provide them with the necessary minerals.

Excessive watering and fertilizing when growing tomatoes negatively affects plants, so it is important to strictly observe rationing. Oversaturation with organic matter leads to "fatting" of the bushes. In this case, the green mass develops violently, but the fruits are practically not tied. Excessive feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse with mineral fertilizers leads to dehydration of the bushes, as a result of which the plants may die.

Tomatoes are rather capricious plants. By the appearance of tomato bushes, you can determine which element they lack:

  • with a lack of phosphorus, the lower part of the bush and leaf petioles become purple;
  • nitrogen - light green color of the bush and yellowed leaves;
  • calcium - leaf curl and vertex rot on fruits.

At different stages of plant development, the need for minerals is different, so top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting will be different.

Top dressing tomato after planting in the ground

The initial stage of plant development is very important, since during this period the root system is formed. It is important to know when and how to feed tomatoes after planting in the ground to help them adapt to new conditions and stimulate them to develop.

In the first days after planting seedlings, plants get used to new conditions, so the first top dressing is carried out after 10-14 days. During this period, immature tomatoes need nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which give a powerful impetus to growth.

Feeding on mullein

Prepare a nutrient solution by mixing the following ingredients for the first top dressing:

  • 1 liter of mullein;
  • half a glass of ash;
  • 1.5 st. spoons (or 1.5 matchboxes) of superphosphate;
  • 10 liters of water.

The consumption rate of this solution is half a liter for each bush.

Before fertilizing, the soil in the greenhouse is plentifully watered. Otherwise, direct contact of the fertilizer with the roots can cause a burn and, as a result, the death of the plant.

Top dressing for tomatoes Green tea

A good result is the feeding of tomatoes with folk remedies, among which the most popular is Green Tea. To prepare it you need:

  • 50 liters of water;
  • 5 kg of any grass (weeds, nettles, mowed lawn grass), which is finely chopped beforehand;
  • 1 bucket of mullein;
  • 1 glass of ash.

All ingredients are mixed in a large barrel, covered tightly (for example, tightened with foil) and put in a sunny place. The liquid begins to ferment under the influence of heat. It is advisable to stir this infusion every day so that air bubbles come out. After two weeks, the solution is ready and it must be brought to 100 liters with water. Top dressing is applied at the root at the rate of 2 l / bush after preliminary watering.

Fertilizer on chicken manure

Tomatoes respond well to dressing under the root with chicken droppings. To prepare the solution, a third of a bucket of dry manure is poured with water and insisted for at least a week, stirring every day. Fermented litter is diluted with water (1 liter of litter slurry per bucket of water) and 1 liter of solution is added under each bush, trying not to get on the leaves.

The second feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse will be needed 10 days after the first. It is carried out with the same solutions.

Watering young tomato bushes

Immediately after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, before fertilizing, each bush is watered with 4-5 liters of water. The next watering is carried out together with re-feeding, after 7-10 days.

Under each bush you will need 2-3 liters of water. This watering is repeated twice a week until the onset of the flowering period.

Fertilizing tomatoes during flowering

During the flowering of tomatoes, their need for nutrients changes. At this stage, the emphasis is on potash and phosphate fertilizers, and the application of nitrogen fertilizers should be minimized. Top dressing of tomatoes in July during flowering contributes to the abundant fruit set.

There are many recipes for preparing solutions that feed tomatoes during flowering. Consider the most effective of them.

Yeast top dressing

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast is very popular among gardeners. It is carried out during the period of budding and blooming of the first flowers. To prepare a yeast-based solution, you will need:

  • 10 gr. dry yeast;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Mix these components and let it brew for 2-3 hours in the sun, then dilute with water (1:10) and water the plants under the root. Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast during this period requires the simultaneous introduction of wood ash into the aisles.

Milk fertilizer

During the formation of ovaries, gardeners use fertilizing tomatoes with iodine and milk. For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 15 drops of iodine.

This solution is carried out foliar top dressing of tomatoes. They are sprayed with bushes in the morning or evening from a spray bottle, preventing it from running off the leaves. An iodine solution with milk stimulates the development of ovaries, and is also an effective tool for preventing the appearance of late blight.

Preparations for feeding tomatoes

When wondering how to fertilize tomatoes during flowering, do not forget about agricultural chemistry. The most effective fertilizer is superphosphate. The working solution is prepared as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate pour 1 liter of hot water;
  • keep the solution for 12 hours (until the fertilizer is completely dissolved);
  • dilute the solution with water to 10 l;
  • spray tomatoes, preferably in the evening.

It will not be superfluous to treat tomatoes with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 10 liters of water). It has a positive effect on fruit formation, but it is also impossible to overdo it with this drug. Such top dressing is carried out only once.

Of the complex mineral fertilizers for tomatoes, potassium monophosphate, Mortar, Kemira Lux, Master Agro are widely used. They contain all the necessary elements for tomatoes during flowering in the optimal ratio.

How to water tomatoes during flowering

With the onset of the budding period, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week, but the rate per bush increases to 5 liters. You should also follow the general rules:

  • Watering should be regular;
  • Water stagnation must not be allowed;
  • If the soil is dry, you need to water the tomatoes gradually, first moistening the top layer of soil;
  • It is preferable to organize a drip irrigation system.

Improperly organized watering can cause empty flowers to be thrown out and the ovary to fall off.

How to feed tomatoes during the fruiting period

To quickly ripen the fruits and improve their taste, it is important to feed the tomatoes during fruiting in the greenhouse.

For amicable ripening of fruits, the following composition is prepared for feeding:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry sodium humate;
  • 10 liters of water.

Another option for preparing a nutrient solution is also possible:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid sodium humate;
  • 10 liters of water.

Make a solution under the root of tomatoes at the rate of 5 l / m².

Complex fertilizers for fruiting tomatoes

Prepare it as follows:

  • in a bucket of water, 1 liter of manure or litter is diluted;
  • add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer (Azofoska, Mortar, Kerama-universal, New ideal);
  • add 1 g of manganese (or copper sulfate);
  • to bring under the root for low-growing varieties of tomatoes - 1.5 liters, for tall ones - 2.5 liters.

How to water tomatoes during fruiting

At the stage of formation of tomatoes, the plant needs a lot of liquid, so watering becomes more frequent up to two times a week. At the same time, the irrigation rate is reduced, and can be from 1 to 3 liters per bush, depending on climatic conditions and the coating used in the greenhouse.

During this period, it is especially important to control soil moisture. An excess of water will cause root rot and late blight, and a lack of moisture will weaken the plants, as a result of which they can also get sick.


If signs of a trace element deficiency appear on tomato bushes, it is advisable to replenish it with foliar top dressing. So the leaves will quickly absorb the scarce elements, and after a few hours the first results of spraying will appear.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting is an important step in caring for plants. Providing tomatoes with the necessary nutrients at every stage of plant development, you will get a generous harvest of juicy, tasty, and most importantly - healthy fruits.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering is very important.

There are several ways to carry it out and quite a few different means for this purpose.

This article will help you understand this issue and choose the most appropriate method of feeding.

Have your tomatoes bloomed yet? Do not waste your time, have time to properly feed them and they will reward you with a bountiful harvest!

The main reason why you should not neglect feeding at this time is that lack of nutrition can lead to the formation of a large number of empty flowers in the plant.

They will take nutrients from the developing fruits, which will lead to a significant decrease in the volume of the crop.

It can also be very bad for tomato seeds.. Seeds of weakened plants germinate poorly, seedlings from them are weak and often sick.

So if you prefer to grow tomatoes from your seeds, pay attention to top dressing during this period.

Important: Another possible consequence of a lack of nutrition during flowering can be a sour taste of tomatoes and a hard core.

Signs of the need for feeding

There is three main signs that you should hurry with top dressing:

  • the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and this process spreads up the stem;
  • the leaves have a purple hue;
  • leaves turn brown and wither quickly;
  • , in this case they need specialized top dressing.

Should I feed when they are in bud or already in bloom?

The best moment for top dressing is the period of abundant flowering, when the first brush blooms in some places, while the second brush is already blooming in others. That is, this is no longer the period of budding and the very first flowers, but the fruits have not yet begun to set.

What can be fertilized to have more buds?

There are three main types of fertilizer for tomatoes:

Complex fertilizers

What are the most popular complex fertilizers? Here is a list of drugs that experienced gardeners prefer:

What to look for when choosing complex fertilizers for flowering tomatoes? Please note that drugs must meet the following requirements:

  • potassium, as well as phosphorus should be much more than nitrogen;
  • the presence of: sulfur, calcium, magnesium, iron is very important;
  • the presence of humates is desirable;
  • chlorine or its constituents should be avoided.


For tomatoes, first of all, a sufficient amount of phosphorus, as well as potassium, is very important, so popular funds compensate for their deficit.

We list the main ones:

  • simple, as well as granular superphosphate. Contains from 16 to 19% phosphorus;
  • double superphosphate has 50% phosphorus;
  • potassium salt - from 30 to 40% potassium;
  • potassium chloride - 55% potassium;
  • potassium sulfate - about 50%.

Important: potassium chloride should be used only when the plants have already developed a powerful root system, since it negatively affects its development.

Organic substances - without "chemistry"

More and more gardeners are striving to grow completely safe “chemical-free” vegetables on their plot, so organic fertilizers are becoming more and more popular.

In addition to absolute environmental cleanliness, they have other advantages. They can be used not only for plant nutrition, but also for disease control..

The most common tomato disease is late blight, which manifests itself especially strongly with high humidity.

  • humates;
  • yeast;
  • ash;
  • boric acid;

Humates improve the soil. This is especially true in poor soils.

Humates also have other useful properties: increase the immunity of plants, lengthen the period of fruiting, strengthen the root system. Experienced gardeners usually recommend using Kuznetsov's GUMI (you need 2 spoons per bucket). Also popular on the market: "Humate +7", 2Gumat-Universal, "Lignohumate".

Yeast. They should be used to water plants that are stunted. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 100 g of yeast in 1 liter of warm water. After a few hours, this solution is diluted in a bucket of water. On average, one bush goes 0.5 liters.

Important: yeast reduces calcium, as well as potassium in the soil, therefore it is recommended to additionally fertilize the plants with ash after top dressing.

Ash is a source of many useful elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.

You can use it in different ways:

  • sprinkle near the bush (2 spoons, every 12-14 days);
  • make a solution and then water 2 times a month;
  • make a solution for treating the leaves and stems of tomatoes against harmful insects.

The solution that is used for root dressing can be prepared by adding 100 grams of ash to a bucket of water.

Stir again before use as the ash settles quickly. It is enough to use 0.5 liters per bush.

For foliar top dressing, you need to dissolve the sifted ash in 3 liters of water. Then boil the solution for 30 minutes, dissolve in a bucket, add a small amount of laundry soap, leave for a day.

Boric acid helps tomatoes grow faster in conditions of elevated temperatures: in greenhouses or in southern latitudes. With its lack, tomatoes are poorly tied into fruits.

To prepare a solution of boric acid, you need to dissolve 10 grams of powder in a small amount of hot water, and then add to 10 liters of cool water. It is necessary to process from the period of budding and further until the formation of ovaries. Repeat every week.

"Folk remedies

The most popular such remedy is herbal infusion.

Here, its most complete version will be described, which allows it to be used not only for nutrition, but also for plant protection.

The following ingredients are placed in a 200 liter barrel: five buckets of grass (nettle is best), 1 bucket of cow dung or half bird dung, 1 kilogram of ash, 3 liters of milk.

It is better to insist up to two weeks.

When watering, use 1 liter per bush.

This solution has everything that tomatoes need and at the same time in a well-digestible form.

How to encourage more fruit set

For this it is best to use diluted iodine. It not only helps fruit set, but also increases the number of ovaries and promotes the formation of more juicy fruits.

There is an easy way to make it. You just need to dilute 3 drops in 10 liters of water and pour under the bush.

But there is a more complicated way to prepare the solution, it is useful in the fight against late blight and is used for foliar treatment. To create it, you need to dilute 30 drops of iodine in 1 liter of milk, add a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and dissolve the resulting mixture in a bucket of water.

We feed foliar and root methods

There are foliar and root feeding methods. Roots are ordinary watering, only fertilizers are used instead of water.

Foliar - this is spraying on the leaves certain drugs.

Please note that spraying plants with drugs is possible only in certain weather otherwise it could cause serious damage.

Each type of top dressing has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the purposes of their use may also differ.

If you are using ready-made fertilizers, the recommended method of application should be indicated on the packaging.

If you prefer organic or "folk" remedies, read about it in the materials completely devoted to them.

Features of processing at the stage of budding and "in bloom"

It must be taken into account that excess fertilizer is harmful. It can be much more dangerous than lack of nutrition.. Because of it, the inflorescences die and the ovaries do not have time to form. Therefore, it is very important to fertilize plants during this period strictly observing the recommended dosage of drugs.

It is also very important to know that when tomatoes bloom, they do not need to be fed with fertilizers, in which the main element is nitrogen. This will lead to abundant growth of leaves and shoots, and too many plant resources will be spent on them.

Flowering will then be weak or the tomatoes will not bloom at all.

Remember, at this moment in June, the emphasis is on fertilizers, where potassium and phosphorus predominate.

Super remedy for this period

Oddly enough, but the best is to recognize the "folk" remedy - herbal infusion.

Indeed, in it, firstly, only absolutely safe substances are used, and, secondly, it is truly universal and multi-component - no additional fertilizers are needed for it.

However, there are also disadvantages: a 200-liter barrel and animal manure are sometimes difficult to get, more difficult than a bag from a store.

More It is worth noting the complex fertilizer "Universal". It really lives up to its name and, according to many gardeners, one of the best on the market. Its disadvantage is the lack of calcium.

From our article, you learned what types of dressings are available in stores in the finished version, and which ones you can make yourself from individual ingredients. We hope this knowledge will allow you to avoid mistakes when growing tomatoes and achieve high yields. If you need , use our link.

Useful video

You can learn about another effective top dressing, which is often recommended for use during this period of crop development, from the video:

Beginning vegetable growers have many questions about caring for tomatoes, including how to feed tomatoes during flowering. And for those who have been growing these vegetables for more than a year, it is interesting to learn something new. Useful information will help you get the best harvest on your plots.

Beginning vegetable growers have many questions about caring for tomatoes, including how to feed tomatoes during flowering.

Tomatoes during flowering, as in any other period, need three nutrients. These are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. These trace elements are essential for the growth and development of tomatoes.

You can understand that the plant lacks nitrogen by the state of the leaves - they turn yellow. Yellowing begins from the lower leaves and gradually rises to the top.

If the leaves begin to turn purple, then there may be a lack of phosphorus. But before introducing this element into the soil, you need to make sure that the tomatoes are not cold, as the purple leaves can also turn from the cold.

Potassium deficiency is manifested by the fact that the leaves change their color to a lighter one, and they lighten from the tip. Gradually, the color changes to brown, and then the leaves dry up. If you do not feed the tomatoes on time, during the flowering period, and then at the time of ripening, then the fruits will grow sour, and their middle will not ripen.

During the flowering period, the bushes can be sprayed with a solution of water with one of the following substances:

  • urea;
  • boric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • saltpeter;
  • serum.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. any of these fertilizers.

Spraying during the flowering period contributes to better formation of ovaries, which subsequently leads to more fruits.

For spraying, it is necessary to choose the evening hours, when the heat is already subsiding. You can spend it on cloudy days. And if you do this during the hours when the sun is shining, you can get burns on the leaves from its rays. And the liquid in the heat evaporates too quickly, and the plant does not receive the right amount of nutrients.

Tomatoes during flowering, as in any other period, need three nutrients. These are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering is also carried out by watering. And this should be done at a time when the sun no longer shines, that is, in the evenings or in cloudy weather. If you water the tomatoes in the heat, then the moisture evaporates too quickly from the soil, and the solution that gets on the leaves can burn them.

Plants can be fed with a mixture of 20 g of any phosphate fertilizer, 15 g of potassium salt, 12 g of saltpeter. This amount is enough for 1 m² of plantings. The mixture is applied between the bushes of flowering tomatoes.

In garden stores, you can also purchase ready-made fertilizer formulations designed to feed flowering plants.

How to feed plants in a greenhouse

Top dressing of tomatoes growing in a greenhouse requires caution. This is especially true for fertilizers containing nitrogen. Their dosage should be approached especially carefully. When fertilizing in liquid form, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the solution. Water for him should be warm. Tomato roots suffer from temperature changes.

Heteroauxin is used to stimulate growth and better ovary formation. It is diluted in water at the rate of 20 g per 1 liter. All brushes of flowering tomatoes are sprayed with the prepared solution. This helps to grow fruits with a high content of vitamin C and sugar.

Tomato flowering is the period when you can feed the plants with organic fertilizers. Before using chicken manure or cow manure, it is necessary to water the plants in advance, that is, if top dressing is planned in the evening, then the bushes should be well watered in the morning.

Mullein is the best fertilizer for tomatoes. A solution for feeding a flowering vegetable is prepared as follows:

  • dissolve 1 liter of manure in 10 liters of water;
  • add 0.5 cups of wood ash and 1.5 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • apply the prepared fertilizer under each bush at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant.

A solution of chicken manure is prepared as follows:

  • pour dry litter into the bucket by about 1/3 of the volume;
  • pour water to the edge of the bucket;
  • insist 1 week;
  • for irrigation, dilute 1 liter of the prepared infusion in 1 bucket of water, adding about 1 liter of solution under each bush.

Growing tomatoes at the beginning of flowering (video)

What else can you feed flowering tomatoes

Wood ash is an excellent top dressing for flowering tomatoes. It is introduced into the grooves, which should be made along the beds with planted bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm. The introduced ash is sprinkled with earth, and then watered.

You can use not one ash, but a mixture of several fertilizers. To prepare it, you will need 10 liters of water, 1 liter of wood ash, 10 g of boric acid, a small bottle of iodine. All components are mixed and infused for a day. Under one bush of flowering vegetables, 1 liter of the prepared mixture is poured.

When asked how to feed tomatoes during the flowering period, the answer can also be this - yeast. The composition is prepared from 100 g of live yeast, 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Everything is mixed and infused for a day or more. Tomato bushes are watered with the prepared mixture, diluted with water at the rate of 1 cup of sourdough per 10 liters of water.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering is also carried out by watering

Even weed grass will help in feeding tomatoes. The nutrient mixture is being prepared in a barrel. 5 kg of any grass (it can be both nettle and lawn grass) should be finely chopped, poured into a barrel. Add 10 liters of manure, 1 glass of wood ash. Pour about 5 buckets of water into the barrel and stir everything. Let the mixture brew for 2 weeks, but be sure to stir it at least once a day. Then add the same amount of water. Water the tomatoes with the prepared composition - about 2 liters under each bush.