How to heat your home with electricity. Electric heating of a country house: options and prices for equipment. Electric heating is the most economical: without a boiler

When arranging a private house, one of the most important issues facing the owners is the organization of a reliable and effective system heating. Depending on the available sources energy for this, boilers operating on natural gas, solid or liquid fuel or electricity. This article will talk about electrical systems ah, which are often the most suitable choice considering the available alternatives.

An autonomous heating system with electricity can be based on two design principles:

Which of these methods is better is an open question. Water electric heating benefits due to the greater thermal inertness of the liquid, and the use of convectors significantly reduces the installation cost, since it requires minimal installation work.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with electricity

Of course, the ideal heating system for a private house in terms of operating costs is a gas boiler with water heating. However, not all places have the possibility of mains gas supply, and if it is, then the cost of connection can be very high. So heating with electricity is in many cases optimal solution due to a number of advantages:

  • low initial costs. There is no need to pay for design, laying a pipe to the house, installing a chimney and installing a large number of security sensors;
  • ease of use. There are no rapidly failing elements in the system components (heat exchangers, fans, sensors, etc.), in addition, it does not need periodic maintenance work;
  • safety. At correct installation any threat to the life and activities of people is completely absent;
  • silent operation, environmentally friendly, durable.

However, like any modern engineering system, electric heating has its drawbacks:

  • The main disadvantage of such a system is traditionally considered a high power consumption. There is a strong opinion that, in terms of the cost of consumed resources, heating with electricity is about ten times more expensive than gas heating. Is this really so, we will figure it out at the end of the article;
  • dependence on the mains voltage. In many places, especially in rural areas, power outages can seriously complicate life in winter period. Your own generator, of course, will help a lot in such a situation, but this is a serious additional expense during the installation period;
  • high power consumption. On average, it is considered that the consumption of electricity for heating 10 m 2 of area is approximately 1 kW. Therefore, for example, in a private house with an area of ​​150 m 2, it is necessary to ensure the consumption of 15 kW only for heating. Given the widespread shortage of electricity, such capacities per consumer may simply not be available.

As effective measure in the fight against these shortcomings in the conditions of a private house, it is possible to recommend the maximum high-quality insulation. The less heat loss in the house, the less heat is needed to heat it and the less electricity will be consumed during the heating season.

In addition, the widespread introduction of multi-tariff meters makes it possible to distribute the consumed energy by time of day and shift the load peak to the period of the lowest tariffs.

Practical example

Now let's try to evaluate how much more expensive heating with electricity is actually than with gas. We will count total consumption for heating for 15 years of continuous use of the system in a private house during the heating seasons. For a rough estimate, it is enough to consider the cost of gas and electricity approximately equal to 4.0 and 3.80 rubles. per 1 kW, respectively (this roughly corresponds to the tariffs for the private sector in the Moscow region at the end of 2013).

Suppose that the area of ​​​​our private house is 150 m 2. This means that in order to compensate for heat losses, under the condition of average statistical thermal insulation, it is necessary to ensure the generation of 15 kW of thermal energy.

Let's assume that heating season lasts 5 months, during which there are both cold and warm days. Therefore, we will assume that, on average, half of the maximum value of heat energy, i.e. 7.5 kW, is sufficient (in practice, this is approximately what happens).

  • In one year, it is necessary to produce 150 * 7.5 * 24 = 27,000 kW of thermal energy.
  • When heating with electricity, the heating cost will be 27,000 * 4 = 108,000 rubles. for the season.
  • For gas boiler with a power of 24 kW (we take Baxi Luna-3 Comfort 240 Fi), the maximum productivity is 2.84 m 3 / h. This means that 1 m 3 of gas will provide a heating power of a private house of 8.45 kW.
  • Given the boiler efficiency of 90%, we will adjust this figure to 8.45 * 0.9 = 7.61 kW
  • Thus, the gas consumption for the season will be 27,000 / 7.61 = 3548 m 3 of gas, the cost of such a volume will be equal to 3548 * 3.8 = 13,482 rubles.

The difference is, of course, quite significant. If we bring the calculated consumption to an interval of 15 years, we get:

  • the cost of electric heating will be: 108,000 * 15 = 1,620,000 rubles.
  • gas heating costs will be equal to: 13,482 * 15 = 202,230 rubles.

Now let's try to estimate the indirect costs of maintaining each system. If we do not take into account the small costs of replacing the coolant, then the cost Supplies and operation of the system on electricity is zero. For gas heating, on the contrary, very significant investments will be required:

  1. The cost of connecting a private house to the main gas network"turnkey" in the Moscow region is approximately 700,000 rubles;
  2. The gas boiler requires regular maintenance. If you choose an average service company, the annual contract will cost about 8,000 rubles. In total, in 15 years another 120,000 rubles will run up;
  3. Another quite probable expense will be that in 15 years the gas boiler will most likely fail, so you will have to buy a new one. Its cost with installation will be approximately 50,000 rubles.

Total owner gas system will be forced to spend an additional 870,000 rubles. At the same time, we do not take into account the costs that are quite likely in private use, such as repair or replacement of nozzles, fans, heat exchangers. Another factor that increases the cost of ownership gas equipment, there may be a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler due to the formation of scale or limescale on the surface of the heat exchanger or the formation of ice on coaxial pipe chimney.

Let's summarize. For 15 years of operation, the owner of the system electric heating will spend 1,620,000 rubles. Gas heating in exactly the same house will require an investment of 1,072,230 rubles. That is, a competent analysis shows that the difference will not be 10 times, as often written by many authors who do not quite understand the issue, but only one and a half.

So, when designing a heating system for a private house, you should not blindly trust the popular belief that electric heating is an order of magnitude more expensive than gas heating. Therefore, in the absence of prospects for connecting to a gas pipeline over the next few years, you can safely buy an electric boiler and equip a water heating system. She will last reliably. long years, and when a branch from the gas pipeline appears in your area, you can simply change the boiler and save yourself in operating costs for the rest of your life.

Heating residential premises with the help of electricity is a modern, environmentally safe and convenient type of heating an apartment or a private house. The main factor that prevents the widespread use of this heating method is the rather high cost of the energy carrier and the mandatory modernization of old electrical wiring.

Naturally, today most effective view heating remains gas. But what to do if suburban area Or is there no central gas pipeline in the village to which you can connect? It is correct to use the energy resources that are available - electricity or solid fuel. At the same time, the latter fuel, despite its availability, requires special storage conditions.

Why is electric heating popular?

The reasons that make a person opt for an electric energy carrier for heating a house are as follows:

  • in the private or suburban residential sector simply no centralized gas supply;
  • price electrical equipment for heating residential premises is an order of magnitude lower than gas analogues;
  • Huge range of heating systems using electricity as energy resources;
  • P ease of use and installation of electric heating.

However, not everything is as perfect as it might seem at first glance - the electric space heating system requires powerful electrical wiring, the parameters of which will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated house. If the room was built without taking into account the installation of an electric heating system, it is imperative that the power line be upgraded.

The main types of electric heating systems

Heating an apartment is always associated with old cast iron radiators under the window sills and a feeling of discomfort, since often the heat supplied from the central heating network not enough to create an optimal indoor climate into strong winter frosts. However, the use electrical energy made it possible to erase the prevailing stereotypes through the use of the following heat sources:

  • electric heating boilers;
  • convection heaters;
  • infrared heat sources;
  • underfloor heating powered by electricity.

But in order to figure out which electric heating is the most economical, you need to study all the features of each individual method of heating houses.

Home heating with an electric boiler

By its principle, such a heating system is similar to a centralized heat supply with a single distinctive feature, which is in the placement of a heat source indoors. Thanks to this, the homeowner gets the opportunity to adjust the temperature in a wide range.

Such a heating system is much more economical than a central heating supply. Although it was not spared by the common disadvantages of water heating:

  • electric heating boiler provides for the presence of piping to the batteries;
  • the cost of the boiler, although less than the gas counterpart, is still quite large;
  • if you are using a system with natural circulation coolant, then you need to observe the slope of the pipes during installation and monitor the absence of air pockets.

In addition, if we take into account the ever-increasing cost of energy resources, an electric boiler in a home heating system can hardly be called the most economical option heating. In addition, scale is deposited on the main heating elements, which leads to a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the boiler.

Convection type heater

The electric convector can rightfully be attributed to one of the progressive heating devices. This area of ​​space heating is represented in the most a wide range shapes, power indicators and mounting methods electric heaters. The consumer is given the opportunity to choose a miniature wall product or a floor electric convector high power. There is no need for any preparation to install the device.

If we consider the principle of operation of the convector, then it can be both using a coolant and air. In the case of using liquid heating occurs due to heating elements tubular type , after which the thermal energy is distributed along the fins of the device and heats the room. To speed up heat transfer, some convector models are additionally equipped with a fan. Air units provide for direct heating of metal fins with further heat transfer to the environment.

The main advantage of such a heater is its ease of installation, which is limited to mounting two brackets into the wall, if this wall convector. In turn, the installation of all other models of convection-type electric heaters comes down to the banal inclusion of the device in a socket.

Underfloor heating system

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard of warm floors. Based on the name, this floor heating system b. At the same time, the main features of such heating devices the following criteria can be included:

  • the complexity of the installation work, due to the installation of the heating element in the floor;
  • high level of efficiency - temperature indicators practically do not differ anywhere in the room.

If we consider the varieties of underfloor heating, then usually this electrical cables with a high coefficient of resistance or film heating elements, which are foil metal.

Electric heater with infrared heat source

AT recent times very popular low temperature infrared panels With wall way mounts. A feature of such heating is not the radiation of heat by the device, but heating of all surfaces that fall into the zone of action of infrared radiation. In addition, such heaters operating on electricity have the following advantages:

Infrared panel in most cases is used as a zonal heat source. Simply put, infrared rays are directly directed at a person and the area in which he is located. Thanks to this, in a separate part of the room, a comfortable temperature. At the same time, the remaining zones in the room have a lower temperature regime.

What is better not to use in heating with electricity?

Despite the fact that most heating electrical devices are economical, among them there are models that not advisable to use in everyday life due to high energy consumption. At the top of the list of losers is the oil cooler. Such devices have high power, which simply devours electrical energy, which affects utility bills.

In addition to the fact that such heaters consume a huge amount of electricity, they are inefficient and warm the room very slowly. For example, and infrared emitter with much lower power consumption heats up the room many times faster the same area. At the same time, due to the peculiarity of placing such a device on the ceiling or wall, it does not occupy usable space indoors as opposed to an oil cooler.

Another less recommended option for space heating is a fan heater. Besides the fact that it burns oxygen and drives dust around the room, the fan heater makes an annoying noise. At the same time, they cannot be attributed to economical and efficient heaters, despite high power device.

The most economical electric heating

The question of which is the most economical electric heating does not have an exact answer. Someone will give preference to electric boilers that can heat large areas. Some prefer to use infrared wall panels that create a comfortable microclimate in a certain area, someone likes an electric convector, and some create a system of warm floors in the house.

The use of electric energy for heating residential premises is a good, although not the most economical alternative to gas. Very often, due to the lack of a central gas pipeline near the house, electric heating is the only option to keep warm in winter. But before the homeowner makes the final choice, he needs to learn how to understand design features and efficiency different types electric heating of residential premises.

The choice of a heating system is a key issue, the solution of which depends on the comfort of living and safety. financial resources owner. Considering various options, you should pay attention to electric heating in a private house, evaluate its pros and cons in order to compare it with other offers.

Modern systems, powered by electricity, are very diverse. Not all of them consume excessively large amounts of electricity. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Electric heating systems are among the most environmentally friendly. They do not emit any emissions into the atmosphere

This is fundamentally wrong, because electrical systems have many significant advantages that distinguish them from other types of heating:

  • Safety. The equipment does not work with open flame and explosive substances, like other heating devices. Good quality wiring reliable protection from possible fire.
  • Easy to manage and maintain. Automatic systems regulate the operation of the equipment, which requires minimal human intervention. There are no items that require regular replacement or cleaning.
  • Complete environmental safety. During operation, the system does not emit toxic substances, so it can be mounted in any premises.
  • No need to store fuel. Therefore, a special room for storing combustible materials is not required.
  • Compactness. Most of the equipment is different small size. Diverse design devices makes it easy to choose a model for any interior style.
  • low cost. Compared heating appliances other types, the price of such equipment is much lower.

Of the significant shortcomings of electrical systems, in addition to the rather high cost of electricity, in fairness it should be noted the complete energy dependence of the equipment.

This means that in the event of a power outage, all appliances will stop working, which will be especially noticeable in areas with frequent power outages. In addition, for uninterrupted operation equipment will need a powerful electrical network, which is far from being available everywhere.

For the arrangement of water heating with an electric boiler, only a closed system with an expansion tank equipped with a membrane is chosen, with which the pressure in the system is regulated

Water heating with electric boiler

Represents standard system with liquid coolant circulating through heating circuit. Its main difference lies in the fact that the heat carrier is heated only through the use of electric boiler.

Because of this, such a system will have some features. First of all, it can only be of a closed type and must be equipped

Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid uneven heating of the premises, losses in the speed and power of heat exchange, which will lead to excessive consumption of electricity and, accordingly, unjustified costs. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to install a system with natural circulation.

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Let's see what is more affordable for a private homeowner, gas or electricity. On the one hand, as Alexey Miller reported, at the beginning of 2017, gasification of settlements in Russia reached 67%. On the other hand, the allocation of land for private construction should be accompanied by obtaining a permit for its electrification. From this we can conclude that the site for building your own house will most likely be electrified than gasified. This means that electricity, and not gas, is still more accessible for heating a private house.

Features of electrification of cottage settlements

You hardly find cottage village, without electricity. Even if such settlements are found, buying a house or a plot on them is an occupation, to put it mildly, strange. By general rules The electrification of the village must comply with the following rules:

  • The construction of power lines in the village should be carried out according to specifications for the technological connection of electrical installations, which is included in the set of agreed and approved documentation (POZT and PPMT). POZT and PPMT are projects of organization and development / planning and land surveying. The village is supplied with electricity according to the second category of reliability with two independent feeders 110/10 kV.
  • The village itself has at least one transformer substation (transformer substation) 10/0.4 kV.
  • For each house, a separate electrical input panel should be provided, with individual counter electricity metering. As a rule, 15 kW of power is allocated to the house, with a voltage of 380 or 220 V.

Here we will stop. 15 kW of allocated power per house is very good indicator, which works only for cottage settlements. For villages, various associations, this indicator of allocated electrical power drops to 5 kW. This is quite enough for life, but not at all enough for electric heating of the house.

Conclusion 1

To implement a project for heating a house with electricity, you will have to think in advance and / or decide on the allocation of additional electrical capacities.

Additional electrical power

To start a conversation about the allocation of additional electrical power, it is reasonable to calculate how much it is needed for various types electric heating. I will do this a little lower, here is an approximate version.

The calculation of the power of the required heating boiler, according to the most simplified scheme, gives that for a house of 100 meters, a minimum boiler power of 10 kW is needed. With the movement to the North and the center of Russia, this power increases by 1.2-1.5 times.

Important! Whatever allocated power your home has, the connection electrical device with a capacity of 10 kW or more, requires approval by the energy supply organization and Energy Supervision. Allocation of additional capacities is done in the same place.

A particular problem in the use of electric heating arises in associations. In them, no more than 5 kW are allocated to the house, and connecting electric boilers without allocating additional power is simply not possible.

Other electric heating of a country house

But heating a house with an electric boiler is not the only option for heating with electricity. Let's look at everything modern types electric heating, and also think about how much of them can really be used for heating country house.

Note: We are talking about country houses permanent residence where you need to heat the house every day, and not three days a week. Although I will also say something about such dachas.

There are several options to make electric heating of a country house. unites them, general principle work, namely, the use of the transition of electrical energy in thermal energy heating elements, which in turn is spent on heating either the air in the room or the coolant in the heating system. The coolant circulating through the heating system, through radiators, heats the air in the rooms in the house.

In the article we will consider following types electric home heating:

  • Electric boiler;
  • Electric convectors;
  • Underfloor heating (electric);
  • Infrared electrical emitters
  • PLEN system.

electric boiler

A modern electric boiler is a high-tech device with highest efficiency reaching 98%. The popularity of electric boilers is due to their compactness (dimensions), silent operation, powerful automation, ease of connection, elementary care and the availability of electric current.

However, the high cost of electricity and the possible difficulty of obtaining additional capacity does not allow them to displace other types of boilers from the market.

The principle of operation of electric boilers

The principle of operation of electric boilers is quite simple. Heating of the thermal element (elements) of the boiler from the electric current passing through it leads to heating of the heat carrier of the heating system.

For the operation of the boiler, a connection to a power source is required, usually powerful enough. Therefore, before buying a boiler, you need to carefully consider connecting additional electrical power. Electric boilers up to 12 kW, connected to a power supply of 220 or 380 Volts, more powerful boilers from 12 kW work only from 380V.

According to the installation method electric boilers Available for both wall and floor mounting. Especially popular boilers wall-mounted, because of its compactness.

To the pluses of boilers wall type, we can attribute the presence of a built-in expansion tank for water and a built-in circulation pump. True, these advantages are not present in all models and not in all manufacturers. For example, a picture of an electric boiler device.

Types of electric heating boilers

It is worth remembering the types of electric boilers. There are three of them:

  • Boilers with electrode heaters

Electrode electric boilers do NOT have heating elements. Electric current flows directly through the coolant, which causes it to heat up;

  • Boilers with heating elements

TEN are ribbed electric heaters, familiar to everyone from old electric kettles;

  • Boilers with induction elements

Here, the heat carrier is heated by eddy currents induced in the core of the magnetic coil when an alternating current passes through it.

Electric heating cost

We consider the cost of heating the boiler. House 100 meters, need a boiler 10 kW. We carry out the calculation for permanent job(maximum).

  • 10 kW×24 hours×30 days=7200 kW per month.
  • 7200 kW × 3 rubles = 21600 rubles per month.

Which is not true in practice. The boiler does not always work, it is controlled by automation and its operation depends on the weather. The estimated cost can be reduced by 3-4 times. That is, in practice, you can expect that 5-6 thousand rubles are needed for heating with an electric boiler per month.


Conclusion on electric boilers

Electric boilers are good for everyone, if they were not so expensive. You can find disputes and facts about the cost of heating with electric boilers on the net. However, modern boiler automation and new heating technologies make it possible to reduce the cost of electric heating.

Heating with electric convectors (radiators)

The idea of ​​heating with convectors is quite simple. Houses are placed under each window electric radiators heating with power control. These radiators are mounted on the wall and plugged into a special electrical outlet for operation. The power of convectors is from 1 kW to 3 kW.

Pros right away.

  • An elementary installation that does not require permissions. However, a check is required, and preferably a new electrical wiring to power the convectors.
  • The cost of the entire system is 2-3 times cheaper than installing an electric boiler.
  • No maintenance required. I plugged it in - it works, it broke - I replaced it.

But there are also disadvantages:

Main disadvantage electric convectors this is high inertia. They heat up for a long time, warm up the room for a long time, and cool down quickly when turned off.

That's why special meaning in effective heating by convectors, the quality of home insulation plays a role. In this type of heating, the insulation and thermal insulation of the house play a decisive role.

Calculation of convector heating

The calculation of convector heating is standard: per 10 sq. meters of the house you need 1 kW of convector power.

In practice, according to forums and reviews, we can draw conclusions:

  • Electric heating with convectors, not suitable for big houses and houses with high ceilings warm air accumulates at the top). More often it is used for baths and houses up to 40 square meters. meters, including 2 floors;
  • It takes several hours to fully warm up the house in winter from outside temperature, which makes it difficult comfortable rest visits;
  • A lot of time is spent on additional heating with a sharp decrease in temperature;
  • The cost of heating with convectors ranges from 12 thousand to 15 thousand rubles for three winter months (from 3 to 6 thousand per month), for a house 40-50 square meters. meters.

Output for convectors

Electric heating of a country house with convectors is not the best option. How separate way home heating, convectors do not fit well, due to the long warm-up of the room. To solve the problem of long warm-up, use additional electric heating infrared heaters or underfloor heating. Convectors serve to maintain heat, and around the clock. Also, they require special good insulation at home.

Electric underfloor heating

Electric underfloor heating is an undoubted option for heating with electricity. Here are several options for implementation, depending on the house:

  • Cable underfloor heating (wooden or polystyrene system);
  • Warm mats;
  • infrared film.

All these systems have the same drawback as convectors, they warm up the room for a long time, and cool down quickly. In practice, electric underfloor heating is recommended as an additional source of heating or, as it is called, a source of comfort heating.

A good example is an apartment. There is central heating, and in severe frosts or for additional comfort, we make and turn on warm floors for local purposes (bath, kitchen, nursery).

Warm up your home with electric warm floors impossible.

Infrared electric emitters (heaters)

These are powerful sources of scattered infrared radiation (radiant heating), which does not heat the whole room, but the place mainly under this heater. Household heaters of floor, wall and ceiling execution are issued.

The thermal element of such heaters is a safe heating element. Emitter power from 300 to 600 watts. With their help, you can heat a room from 3 to 6 meters.

These sources are used to create comfortable heating conditions, as well as to quickly warm up the room. However, they are practically not suitable for permanent heating due to the high cost of the devices themselves and the cost of electricity consumed.

IR heating cost

We consider the cost, the house is 100 meters usable area. To heat such a house, you need 10 kW heaters. We consider: For 1 meter of area you need 100 W of an IR heater. For 100 square meters you need 10 kW. We multiply 10 kW by 24 hours and by 30 days. We get 7200 kW per month. It costs 1 kW 3 rubles (for example), we get 21,600 rubles per month.

Infrared films (PLEN)

With specially rendered this type of heating from the "warm floors" and that's why. infrared warm films(PLEN) are quite economical and began to be used not only for floor heating, but also for walls and ceilings. We look at the photo.

By mounting the film on the floor, walls and even ceilings, enough comfortable heating at home. Real Pros radiant radiation (IR):

  • Warming up the room in less than an hour;
  • Use of automation by thermostat;
  • Silent operation;
  • Quick and easy installation.

The cost of heating PLEN

The main question, as always, is the cost. PLEN (film radiant electric heater) consumes 15–20 W/m2 per hour. We consider the house 100 meters of usable area. Film cover 70% of the ceiling.


Long gone are the days when the only way heating of a private house was a wood-burning stove. Modern technologies and materials allow you to choose a heating method from a variety of existing ones, but experts unanimously argue that in the future it is the electric heating of a private house that will be a priority. Everyone knows that mineral reserves are far from endless and the time will come when gas will have to be completely abandoned and switched to a cleaner energy source - electricity.

Electrical heating systems have a lot of undeniable advantages, and often it can be just the only affordable way heating.

It is very important to think over the project of electric heating even at the stage of building a house, since in the future the installation of equipment in an already finished room may lead to the need for rework, and, as a result, to additional costs. An accurate thermal calculation must be done taking into account the norms of SNiP. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in increased energy costs.

Pros and cons of heating a house with electricity

Electric heating of a private house has the following advantages:

Simplicity and ease of installation

For self-assembly no expensive tools or special knowledge required. All equipment has small dimensions, is mounted quickly and at minimal cost.

All devices are easily transported and transferred to different rooms. A separate boiler room and chimney are also not required.


Electrical systems do not form carbon monoxide, combustion products are completely absent. Harmful emissions are not allocated even when the system breaks down or disassembles.

Low initial costs

No need for preparation project documentation with the invitation of special services. No permits are needed.

Reliability and quietness

Electric heating does not need regular service with the involvement of specialists. All units operate absolutely silently, as there is no fan and circulation pump in the system.

Ease of operation

There are no elements in the system that could quickly fail. There is no need to constantly monitor sensors and fuel levels.

System control unit.

High level of efficiency

Allows you to quickly heat a private house even in the most very coldy. Electric heating is always equipped with a special system that makes it possible to regulate the temperature in each private room, which allows you to significantly save financial costs during the heating season.

Cons of work

The main disadvantage of electric heating is the high consumption of electricity. In some areas, the price of energy is quite high, so this method may simply be unprofitable.

The second disadvantage is energy dependence. If the electricity is cut off for any reason, space heating will not be possible.

Using a generator.

Decided to heat the house with electricity? It is necessary to take into account the condition and power of the electrical wiring. For a large private house, a three-phase power supply may be required. You will need to know exactly how much power is allocated to the house and how much of the allocated power can be given to heating.

Options for electric heating of a private house

Currently, there are many heating devices powered by electricity on the construction market. Electric heating can work both directly and with the help of a circulating coolant - antifreeze, oil or water.

Oil coolers

This type of heating has been known for a very long time, and it still retains its popularity. These are mobile units, often on wheels, working directly from electrical outlet. The efficiency of such devices is 100%, since electrical energy is converted into heat directly, without any transmitting devices.

An oil cooler can heat small room, but for the whole house this method will certainly not work.

It is quite popular and effective method heating capable of maintaining optimal balance indoor humidity without burning oxygen. Excellent specifications and a wide range of capacities allows the use of electric convectors for heating both a small room and a large private house.

The basis of the convector is heating element - a converter of electrical energy into thermal energy. The principle of operation is based on air convection. Cold air enters through the slots in the lower part of the body of the heating device, inside the device the air is heated from the heating element and exits through the slots in the upper part of the body.

The heating electric convector itself is enclosed in a metal casing, which has an aesthetic appearance and easily fits into any interior. The convector can be floor-mounted, but most often the choice is made in favor of wall device. The convector can work both separately and in the system, under the control of one temperature controller.

Air conditioners operating in heating mode can also be attributed to electric heating devices. Experts believe that such heating is the most economical, since the cost of electricity is fully covered by the generated heat. In addition, costs can be reduced through adjustment.

But this type of heating has many disadvantages, and the most important of them is the technical complexity of maintenance. In addition, air conditioners have an initial high cost, and in the event of a breakdown, calling a specialist will bring additional financial costs.

infrared heating

Infrared (film) heating can be called an innovative, but steadily gaining popularity way of heating a private house. Such heating is quite economical in the process of use, but expensive in terms of the cost of equipment and installation.

The principle of operation of infrared heating is as follows: the heat emanating from the heating element is evenly radiated with the help of a heater on the surface of nearby objects, and they, in turn, give off heat to the air.

Infrared heaters consume little energy and avoid irrational temperature distribution, since both zonal and spot heating can be performed. After turning off the equipment, objects retain and give off heat for a long time. Mounting and dismantling of the equipment is very simple and easy to do by yourself.

The location of the heaters is only limited by your imagination. They can be located on the floor, behind a hanger, on the ceiling, but not at the level of a person's head.

It should be remembered that IR emitters heat solid objects.

Underfloor heating system

Such a system can serve as the main type of heating, and additional. The principle of operation of the system is that the heat from the heated floor is evenly distributed to the ceiling. Heating sections consist of a single-core or two-core cable, covered from above with a floor covering. The thermostat can be built-in, overhead or programmable.

The advantages of this method include long term service - up to 80 years, as well as ease of maintenance and environmental friendliness.

But the warm floor is unstable to mechanical damage, and the repair of such a system is accompanied by the dismantling of the floor covering, which leads to additional financial costs. In order to determine the location of the cable damage, you will need special equipment.

If you have basic knowledge and skills, the system " warm house"It is quite possible to do it yourself.

Infrared warm floor

Heating a house with electricity using infrared floor heating can be assessed as economical and quite effective, but not widely used.

Infrared warm floor is not afraid of power surges and does not fail even with partial damage. You can arrange equipment for any floor covering, except for parquet.

Infra-red rays are capable of heating only solid objects, therefore, when heating the floor, the element itself does not heat up. Flooring gives off its heat to the air, which, by means of convection, spreads throughout the room.

Having basic skills in working with electricity, it will not be difficult to mount and connect such a floor with your own hands.

Heating with an electric boiler

Heating with electricity of a private house is most often carried out using an electric boiler, in which it is heated liquid heat carrier. Electric boilers are relatively cheap, do-it-yourself installation does not present any difficulties.

Electric boilers are divided into three types according to the heating method:

  • heating elements;
  • electrode;
  • induction.

A heating element electric boiler can be classified as traditional, in which the liquid is heated by all the usual heating elements. The heater is heated by electricity, gives off its heat to the coolant, which, in turn, distributes it through the pipeline system to the radiators installed in the rooms.

System elements.

The boiler is easy to install, equipped with a thermostat that can maintain the desired temperature. Power consumption can be adjusted by turning off a certain number of heating elements.

The disadvantages of a heating element boiler include accumulated scale on the heating element, which can quickly disable the boiler, especially if the water is hard. Therefore, sometimes you will have to use various means against lime.

Electrode boiler

The electrode electric boiler is equipped with an electrode instead of a heating element, which acts on free ions in the water, resulting in heat. This design is unique in its safety, as it is completely immune to coolant leakage. In the absence of water, the device simply stops working.

This method of heating the coolant does not provoke limescale, but the electrodes tend to gradually collapse, and then they need to be changed. In addition, only water can be used as a heat carrier - antifreeze liquid cannot be used. The water itself must resistivity a certain value, which is quite difficult to measure independently.

The "insides" of an induction boiler.

An induction electric boiler consists of a radiator and a pipeline through which the coolant circulates. The emitter generates an electromagnetic field that interacts with the metal. Electricity creates vortex flows, which, in turn, transfer energy to the coolant. Heating element missing.

The induction boiler is easy to install and maintain, does not contain wear parts, scale is formed in it in minimal quantities, and is effective for heating large rooms. The coolant can be oil, water or antifreeze.

Making an induction boiler with your own hands is not difficult, and at a cost it will come out much cheaper than purchased.

A significant disadvantage can be considered rather large dimensions and high price, in comparison with heating elements and electrode boilers. Moreover, in the case mechanical damage circuit integrity, the boiler will fail due to a dangerous rise in temperature. In this case, the device must be equipped with a sensor that turns off the boiler in the absence of water in it.


Almost all popular methods of heating a country house with electricity were considered. Each method has many advantages - this is the absence of the need for a supply of fuel, environmental friendliness, safety, noiselessness and ease of operation. But given that electricity is this moment is not cheap, it is not necessary to expect a special economic effect. Therefore it is worth Special attention to devote to the insulation of a private house in order to minimize heat loss.