The nature of a number of octave frequency bands. Purification of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Industrial lighting. Symbolism and Frequency Calculations in Population Genetics

Noise characteristics and impact

Industrial noise is characterized by a spectrum, which consists of sound waves of different frequencies.

In the study of noise, the usually audible range of 16 Hz - 20 kHz is divided into frequency bands and the sound pressure, intensity or sound power per band is determined.

As a rule, the noise spectrum is characterized by the levels of these quantities, distributed over octave frequency bands.

The frequency band, the upper limit of which is twice the lower limit, i.e. f2 = 2 f1 , is called an octave.

For a more detailed study of noise, third-octave frequency bands are sometimes used, for which

f2 = 21/3 f1 = 1.26 f1 .

The main parameters characterizing the sound wave are:

  • sound pressure pzv, Pa;
  • sound intensity I, W/m2.
  • sound wave length l, m;
  • wave propagation speed s, m/s;
  • · oscillation frequency f, Hz.

The octave or third octave band is usually given by the geometric mean frequency:

The manifestation of the harmful effects of noise on the human body is very diverse.

Prolonged exposure to intense noise (above 80 dBA) on human hearing leads to its partial or complete loss. Depending on the duration and intensity of noise exposure, there is a greater or lesser decrease in the sensitivity of the hearing organs, expressed as a temporary shift in the hearing threshold, which disappears after the end of noise exposure, and with a long duration and (or) intensity of noise, irreversible hearing loss (deafness) occurs, characterized by permanent change in hearing threshold.

There are the following degrees of hearing loss:

I degree (mild hearing loss) - hearing loss in the region of speech frequencies is 10 - 20 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20 - 60 dB;

II degree (moderate hearing loss) - hearing loss in the region of speech frequencies is 21 - 30 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20 - 65 dB;

III degree (significant hearing loss) - hearing loss in the region of speech frequencies is 31 dB or more, at a frequency of 4000 Hz - 20 - 78 dB.

The effect of noise on the human body is not limited to the effect on the organ of hearing. Through the fibers of the auditory nerves, noise irritation is transmitted to the central and autonomic nervous systems, and through them it affects the internal organs, leading to significant changes in the functional state of the body, affects the mental state of a person, causing a feeling of anxiety and irritation. A person exposed to intense (more than 80 dB) noise spends on average 10 - 20% more physical and neuropsychic effort in order to maintain the output achieved by him at a sound level below 70 dB(A). An increase of 10-15% in the total morbidity of workers in noisy industries has been established. The impact on the autonomic nervous system is manifested even at low sound levels (40 - 70 dB (A). Of the vegetative reactions, the most pronounced is the violation of peripheral circulation due to the narrowing of the capillaries of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as an increase in blood pressure (at sound levels above 85 dBA).

The impact of noise on the central nervous system causes an increase in the latent (hidden) period of the visual motor reaction, leads to impaired mobility of nervous processes, changes in electroencephalographic parameters, disrupts the bioelectrical activity of the brain with the manifestation of general functional changes in the body (already with a noise of 50 - 60 dBA), significantly changes the biopotentials of the brain, their dynamics, causes biochemical changes in the structures of the brain.

With impulsive and irregular noises, the degree of noise exposure increases.

Changes in the functional state of the central and autonomic nervous systems occur much earlier and at lower noise levels than a decrease in auditory sensitivity.

Currently, "noise disease" is characterized by a complex of symptoms:

  • - Decreased auditory sensitivity;
  • - a change in the function of digestion, expressed in a decrease in acidity;
  • -cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • - neuroendocrine disorders.

Those working in conditions of prolonged noise exposure experience irritability, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, ear pain, etc. Noise exposure can cause negative changes in the emotional state of a person, up to stressful ones. All this reduces the working capacity of a person and his productivity, quality and safety of work. It has been established that during work requiring increased attention, with an increase in sound level from 70 to 90 dBA, labor productivity decreases by 20%.

Ultrasounds (above 20,000 Hz) also cause hearing damage, although the human ear does not respond to them. Powerful ultrasound affects the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord, causing a burning sensation in the external auditory canal and a feeling of nausea.

No less dangerous are the infrasonic effects of acoustic vibrations (less than 20 Hz). With sufficient intensity, infrasounds can affect the vestibular apparatus, reducing auditory susceptibility and increasing fatigue and irritability, and lead to impaired coordination. Infrafrequency oscillations with a frequency of 7 Hz play a special role. As a result of their coincidence with the natural frequency of the alpha rhythm of the brain, not only hearing impairments are observed, but internal bleeding may also occur. Infrasounds (6 - 8 Hz) can lead to disruption of cardiac activity and blood circulation.

frequency band in which the upper cut-off frequency is twice the lower cut-off frequency. (See: GOST 23499-79. Sound-absorbing and sound-proof building materials and products. Classification and general technical requirements.)

Source: "House: Building terminology", Moscow: Buk-press, 2006.

  • - frequency synthesizer - a device for converting a constant frequency of electrical oscillations of a highly stable reference oscillator into any other frequency with the required accuracy and stability ...

    Encyclopedia of technology

  • - any FREQUENCY created by MODULATION that is added to the CARRIER WAVE...

    Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

  • - the frequency range of electromagnetic radiation, located in the spectrum between ultra-high television frequencies and frequencies of the far infrared region ...

    Collier Encyclopedia

  • - a device that attenuates certain frequency ranges in a signal ...

    Great Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - a device for converting post. electric frequency oscillations of a highly stable reference oscillator to any other frequency with the required high accuracy and stability ...

    Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

  • - "... The nominal frequency range is the frequency range set by the manufacturer for the device, expressed by the upper and lower limits ..." Source: "GOST 27570.0-87 ...

    Official terminology

  • - "... 74) instantaneous bandwidth - a frequency band in which the output signal power level remains constant within 3 dB without adjusting the main operating parameters;..." Source: Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated 27 ...

    Official terminology

  • - "... 103) relative bandwidth - the instantaneous bandwidth divided by the average carrier frequency, expressed as a percentage;..." Source: Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated March 27 ...

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - microwave technology, a field of science and technology related to the study and use of the properties of electromagnetic oscillations and waves in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 300 GHz. These boundaries are conditional: in some cases, the lower ...
  • - s in radio engineering, maintaining a constant frequency of electrical oscillations in an autogenerator ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY technique - a field of science and technology related to the study and use of the properties of electromagnetic oscillations and waves in the microwave range. The theory of the microwave electromagnetic field is based on the general laws...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - About the alternation of successes and failures in life. With prolonged problems, it is said that life has gone along black stripes, there is no respite ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

"octave band" in books

Symbolism and Frequency Calculations in Population Genetics

From the book Human Genetics with the Basics of General Genetics [Study Guide] author Kurchanov Nikolai Anatolievich

Symbolism and calculations of frequencies in population genetics Special symbols are used to designate allele frequencies in population genetics: p is the frequency of allele A; q is the frequency of allele a; then p + q = 1. To calculate the genotype frequencies, the binomial square formula is used: where p2

Our five frequencies

From the book Aliens from the Future: Theory and Practice of Time Travel author Goldberg Bruce

Our Five Frequencies In 1957, Hugh Everett III proved that the future consisted of an unlimited number of parallel worlds, or frequencies, with a doctorate in quantum mechanics.

New law of frequencies

From the book What Light Tells author Suvorov Sergey Georgievich

The New Law of Frequencies In the 19th century, physics already had what seemed to be a complete doctrine of vibrations. According to this doctrine, any oscillating body excites waves of the same frequency as the frequency of the body's oscillations. For example, if a string vibrates at a frequency of 400 cycles,


Chapter 1. Principle of frequency attenuation

1. Formulation of the principle of frequency attenuation and frequency duplication. Examples

From the book Empire - II [with illustrations] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

1. Formulation of the principle of frequency attenuation and frequency duplication. Examples 1. 1. Formulation of the principle In the works of ... A. T. Fomenko formulated the fundamental principle of frequency attenuation, which makes it possible to build natural statistical models of evolution in time

1.1.5. Microtransmitter with FM in the frequency range 80-100 MHz

the author Gromov V I

1.1.5. Microtransmitter with FM in the frequency range of 80-100 MHz The scheme of an ultra-low-power transmitter in the range of 80-100 MHz with frequency modulation is shown in fig. 26.gif. Its output power is 0.5 mW, the current consumption does not exceed 2 mA. Power is supplied from a battery

1.2.1. Radio transmitter with AM in the frequency range 27-30 MHz

From the book Security Encyclopedia the author Gromov V I

1.2.1. AM radio transmitter in the 27-30 MHz band The device described below operates in the 27-30 MHz band with a carrier frequency amplitude modulation. The main advantage is that it is powered by the mains. It uses the same network to radiate

1.2.2. FM radio transmitter in the frequency range 1-30 MHz

From the book Security Encyclopedia the author Gromov V I

1.2.2. FM radio transmitter in the frequency range 1-30 MHz The device described below can operate in the range 1-30 MHz with frequency modulation. The radio transmitter is powered by 220 V. The same network is used by the device as an antenna. Scheme

Microwave technique

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Technology author Team of authors

Microwave technology Microwave technology is a field of science and technology that is associated with the study and application of the properties of electromagnetic waves and oscillations in the range of 300 MHz - 300 GHz. In abbreviated form, microwave technology is called microwave technology. by Keown J.

Low-Pass Filters As a small introductory overview, consider the RC low-pass filter shown in fig. 4.1, a. Element parameters: R=100 kOhm, C=1 nF and V=1?0°B. The output signal V(2) is taken from the capacitor. The input file for this circuit provides for the construction

What gives knowledge of natural frequencies

From the book Understand Risks. How to choose the right course author Gigerenzer Gerd

Benefits of knowing natural frequencies We have already seen that using the concept of natural frequency of an event helps us understand what a positive HIV test result means and that it is more beneficial to change the original choice in the Monty Hall problem. Why is it so?

Rice. 2. Changing the ratio of reference frequencies

From Comparative Theology Book 1 author Academy of Management of Global and Regional Processes of Social and Economic Development

Rice. Fig. 2. Change in the ratio of the reference frequencies of biological and social time In the upper part of fig. Figure 2 conventionally shows the total duration of the global historical process (the time scale is conditional, uneven). Below are two axes of time. On them

The process of transferring vibrations in a medium is called wave.

Rice. 1 Wave motion

The main characteristic of wave motion is the wavelength, the so-called. the distance between two points on a wave that are in the same phase. Another characteristic is the amplitude of the wave - the distance by which the oscillating particle deviates from the equilibrium position.

The wave motion is also characterized by the frequency f this movement and the speed of propagation.

Frequency - the number of oscillations per unit of time (usually per second, s), measured in hertz, Hz.

The frequency of sound waves perceived by a normal human ear ranges from 16 to 16,000 Hz. Oscillations with a frequency of less than 16 Hz are called infrasound, more than 16,000 Hz - ultrasound.

Rice. 2[__] Frequency in octave intervals

Sound how a physical phenomenon is a wave motion of an elastic medium; as a physical phenomenon, it appears as a sensation perceived by the organ of hearing when exposed to sound waves in the frequency range of 16-16000 Hz. In other words sound called the mechanical vibrations of an elastic body in the frequency range of human hearing.

The process of distribution of oscillatory motion in a medium is called sound wave. The region of the medium in which sound waves propagate is called sound field.

Sound waves, like any wave motion, are characterized by a wavelength λ in m, a frequency f in hertz, Hz, and oscillation period T in seconds, s, as well as the speed of their propagation FROM in m/s.

The relationship between these quantities can be represented as follows:

λ \u003d C / f \u003d C T (1)

If the displacement of the particles of the medium occurs in the direction of propagation of the sound wave, then such waves are called longitudinal. In air and liquids, sound propagates only in the form of longitudinal waves. In solids, along with longitudinal waves, the formation of transverse and bending waves occurs.

In order to analyze the sound field, the sound range (16-16000 Hz) is divided into bands (intervals, steps).

Octave band - the frequency range in which the upper cutoff frequency f 2 twice the bottom f 1 .

One-third octave frequency band - the frequency range in which this ratio is 1.26 ( f 2 = 1,26 f one). Octave and one-third octave bands are characterized by the geometric mean frequency of the band


The boundary and geometric mean frequencies of the octave and one-third octave bands are given in Table. P1.

Table A.1

Boundary and geometric mean

frequencies of octave and one-third octave bands, Hz

Cutoff frequencies for bands Geometric mean frequencies for bands
octave third-octave octave third-octave
28-35,5 31,5
45-90 45-56
90-180 90-112
180-355 180-224
355-710 355-450
710-1400 710-900
1400-2800 1400-1800
2800-5600 2800-3540
5600-11200 5600-7100

For air, the dependence of velocity on temperature looks like:

FROM = 331,4 + 0,6t, m/s (3)

where 331.4 is the speed of sound in air at 0ºС;

t– ambient temperature, ºС.

Table 1

The speed of sound in various materials

If we take the average speed of sound in air as 340 m/s, then we can get a frequency-dependent wavelength.

The change in the state of the medium in the sound field is characterized by the sound pressure p and the oscillatory velocity of the particles of the medium V.

Sound pressure p is the difference between the instantaneous value of the total pressure and the average (atmospheric) pressure, which is observed in the medium in the absence of a sound field. The unit of measurement of sound pressure p is N / m 2, 1 N / m 2 \u003d 1 Pa (Pascal).

The oscillatory speed of the particles of the medium V called the instantaneous value of the speed of the oscillatory motion of the particles of the medium during the propagation of a sound wave in it. The oscillatory speed of the particles of the medium is a vector quantity, the unit of measurement is m/s.

The relationship between these physical quantities in a plane traveling wave is determined by the relation

p = Vρс, (4)

where ρ is the density of the medium. The value ρс - constant for a given medium - is called acoustic (wave) resistance and for air under normal atmospheric conditions (р = 10 5 Pa, t = 20°С) ρс = 408 Pa·s/m.

The propagation of a sound wave is accompanied by the transfer of energy. The average flow of sound energy passing per unit time through a unit surface normal to the propagation of a sound wave is called the sound intensity I, which is measured in W / m 2. The relationship between sound pressure and sound intensity in a traveling wave is established by the relation:

, (5)

where the bar means time averaging.

Another energy characteristic of the sound field is the sound energy density ω in J/m 3 , which is equal to the amount of sound energy contained in a unit volume.

For plane sound waves, it is determined by the relation

Sound intensity is a vector, and sound energy density is a scalar quantity.

A person perceives sound only in certain intervals. The minimum value of sound pressure that a person perceives as sound is called the hearing threshold (p 0 = 2 10 -5 Pa). The maximum value of sound pressure that a person perceives without the risk of hearing damage is called the pain threshold (p = 2 10 2 Pa). The hearing threshold corresponds to sounds with intensity I 0 = 10 -12 W / m 2, and the pain threshold - I = 10 2 W / m 2.

The concept of the so-called level is introduced, in which absolute values ​​are taken in relation to certain values ​​(at the threshold of hearing), and this ratio is logarithmic. The unit of measure is the decibel (dB). In this way, decibel is a number that expresses the ratio of two quantities on a logarithmic scale.

Sound intensity level, dB,

Sound pressure level, dB,

Rice. 3 The area of ​​​​human auditory perception of sound

Since the decibel is a logarithmic value, arithmetic operations with it have their own characteristics, for example:

L 1 + L 2 \u003d 70 dB + 70 dB \u003d 10lg (10 0.1 70 + 10 0.1 70) \u003d

10lg (10 7 + 10 7) \u003d 10lg (2 10 7) \u003d 10 7.3 \u003d 73 dB

The decibel addition formula is:

L 1 + L 2 \u003d 10lg (10 0.1 L 1 + 10 0.1 L 2)

In general terms, in the presence of several sound sources, the total sound pressure levels are determined by the formula

, (9)

where L i are the terms of sound pressure levels, dB;

n is the total number of terms.

L 1 - L 2, dB
ΔL(L 1 > L 2), dB 2,5 1,8 1,5 1,2 0,8 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,2

L = L 1 + ΔL (L 1 > L 2) (10)

Example. It is required to find the total levels for three terms: L 1 = 86 dB; L 2 = 80 dB; L 3 = 88 dB. Difference ΔL 3.1 =2 dB; correction ΔL 1 =2 dB; L 3.1 = 90 dB; L 3.1 - L 2 \u003d 10 dB, correction ΔL 2 \u003d 0.4 dB; L 3,1,2 = 90.4 dB.

Instruments for measuring noise are called sound level meters. These devices consist of a microphone, an amplifier and a measuring device with scales. A, B, C and D. A complete characterization of noise can be obtained by measuring the sound pressure level on a scale FROM and its frequency response (distribution of noise components by frequency and sound pressure level). In order to bring the measurement results closer to the subjective perception of a person, the concept of a corrected sound pressure level has been introduced. The most commonly used sound level meter correction BUT.

Rice. four BUT sound level meter

The standard correction value ΔL A is given below

Frequency, Hz 31,5
Correction ΔL A, dB 26,2 16,1 8,6 3,2 -1,2 -1 -1,1

Corrective sound pressure level

L A \u003d L - ΔL A (11)

called the sound level in dBA.

Thus, the definition of sound levels in dBA is the following - this is the energy sum of octave sound pressure levels in the normalized frequency range, corrected for the frequency response BUT sound level meter.

An example of determining the sound level in dBA

Characteristics Sound pressure levels, dB, and corrections in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz
Measured sound source characteristic, L
Standard frequency response BUT sound level meter ΔL A -40 -26 -16 -9 -3 +1 +1
Spectrum of the instrument corrected for the filter BUT
Addition results
Sound level, L A, dBA

Basic concepts and definitions. Auditory perception as a means of obtaining information is the second most important (after visual) psychophysiological process for a person.

Noise- any sound that is undesirable for a person. Sound waves excite vibrations of the particles of the sound medium, as a result of which atmospheric pressure changes.

Sound pressure is the difference between the instantaneous pressure value at a point in the medium and the static pressure at the same point, i.e. pressure in an undisturbed medium: P \u003d R mg - R st .

Sound pressure is a sign-variable quantity. At the moments of condensation (compression or compaction) of the particles of the medium, it is positive; at the moments of rarefaction - negative.

The organs of hearing perceive not instantaneous, but root-mean-square sound pressure:

Pressure averaging time: T o = 30 - 100 ms.

When a sound wave propagates, energy transfer.

The average energy flux at a point in a medium per unit time, per unit surface, normal to the direction of wave propagation, is called sound intensity (strength of sound) at this point.

The intensity, W / m 2, is related to the sound pressure dependence

where ρ×s– specific acoustic impedance.

The values ​​of sound pressure and sound intensity, which have to be dealt with in the practice of noise control, can vary over a wide range: in pressure - up to 10 8 times, in intensity - up to 10 16 times. It is somewhat inconvenient to operate with such figures.

In addition, the auditory analyzer obeys the basic psychophysical law (Weber-Fechner):

where E- the intensity of sensations; I is the intensity of the stimulus; FROM and To are some constants.

Therefore, they introduced logarithmic quantities sound pressure level and sound intensity.

Sound pressure level, dB:

where R o= 2×10 -5 Pa – threshold sound pressure; R is the root-mean-square value of the sound pressure.

Sound intensity level, dB:

where I is the effective sound intensity; I o\u003d 10 -12 W / m 2 - sound intensity corresponding to the threshold of hearing (at a frequency of 1000 Hz).

The value of the intensity level is used in obtaining formulas for acoustic calculations, and the sound pressure level is used to measure noise and assess its impact on a person, since the hearing organ is sensitive not to intensity, but to RMS pressure.

Intensity Imax and sound pressure value Pmax corresponding to the pain threshold: Imax= 10 2 W/m, Pmax\u003d 2 × 10 2 Pa.

Noise frequency spectrum– dependence of the intensity level (sound pressure level) on frequency: L = L(ƒ). The entire audible frequency range is divided into 9 octave bands. Octave band, or octave is the frequency range for which the condition

There are the following types of spectra:

- discrete (linear)- a spectrum, the sinusoidal components of which are separated from each other in frequency (Fig. 6.1);

Octave band - a frequency band in which the upper cut-off frequency fv is equal to twice the lower frequency fn, i.e. fv / fn \u003d 2.

The octave band is characterized by the geometric mean frequency fСГ:

fv=2* fn=357*2=714 Hz

Answer: the upper limit frequency is 714 Hz, the lower limit frequency is 357 Hz.

2.4 Electromagnetic fields and radiation

It is believed that electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 20-30 cm is the most harmful to the human body. What is the frequency of these waves? What parameters are normalized for this range?

The wave frequency is determined by the following formula:

c is the speed of light in vacuum ;

is the wavelength,

Determine the wave frequencies for the extreme points of the wavelength range :

Thus, we obtain that for the wavelength range corresponds to the following frequency range .

The effective value of the electric field strength, measured at a distance of 1 m from the TV screen, turned out to be equal to E V/m. Distance protection is an effective way to protect against electromagnetic radiation. Assuming that the intensity E decreases with distance

proportionally to the cube, to determine at what distance the accepted by a number of researchers as a safe value Edop. = 0.5 V / m will be measured? What is E at a distance of x = 2 m and at a distance of 4 m recommended by hygienists?

Since the intensity E decreases with distance in proportion to the cube, we determine at what distance the accepted by a number of researchers as a safe value Edop. = 0.5 V / m will be measured:

We also determine the tension E at various distances from the TV screen:

And in conclusion, we determine the tension E at the recommended TV viewing distance:

Thus, we get that the tension decreases with increasing distance from the radiation source, in this case, the TV. The most recommended distance r = 4 m is preferable, as it is the best option, which provides the most comfortable TV viewing, and there is also a small value of the operating voltage.