Modern garage layout. The subtleties of arranging a garage: interesting and useful ideas. Finishing the interior space is an important step in arranging a garage

Hello dear friends! Can you tell me what your garage looks like? Is it the perfect hideaway for a four-wheeled horse, or is it a warehouse where it is almost impossible to find even the most necessary things?

Indeed, the problem of cluttered garages is very relevant and widespread. Today I propose to discuss the arrangement of the garage with your own hands. Consider several options for what can be done, how to properly organize the workplace, making everything quite simple and beautiful.

In fact, there are many ideas for what you can do in your own garage. And these ideas are drawn from the vastness of YouTube, drive2 and other automotive communities. Arranging a garage is a kind of tuning. Only concerning it will be what surrounds your car.

Starting with zoning

Even if you have a small room, you can make a sample of an ideal workshop, where there is a place for a workbench, for a viewing hole and even a small area for relaxation.

Quite often, car owners have at their disposal a car storage space that has dimensions such as 3 × 6 or 6 × 4 meters. This is a stone garage in a cooperative, or a variation of a metal quick-release garage, which is often used in the country and in private homes. But I will say right away that metal garages are not the most convenient and practical. In winter it is incredibly cold there, and in summer it is outrageously hot due to the heating of the metal.

The garage can be compared to the rooms in your house or apartment. Therefore, the issue of zoning should be approached very carefully.

Before equipping a garage and buying everything for repair and improvement, I advise you to consider a few zoning rules.

Here you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The presence of a passage zone. A permanent free passage should be provided here. Here are the items that you take with you when leaving the garage. That is, clothes, keys, personal items;
  • Easy access. Another zone where all the most necessary and most frequently used things, objects, tools and devices are placed;
  • Long, thin and tall items. These are garden accessories, shovels, cleaning products in and around the garage. Provide for them a separate zone with a fairly convenient passage;
  • Area for bulky items. These are all the things you rarely use. The ideal solution would be the organization of a mezzanine or suspension systems;
  • Area for things of frequent use. The thicker you need them, the closer they should be placed to you;
  • Workspace. If you have machines, you are doing some kind of hobby in the garage, be sure to allocate a separate zone for it.

For clarity, you can study various photo and video materials, understand the principles of zoning and apply them to your garage.

Useful and interesting arrangement ideas

Separately, I would like to consider several interesting ideas that are aimed at creating the most comfortable, practical and convenient garage.

Not everyone knows, but the concept of a garage comes from the French language, and means a pier or harbor. Agree, it sounds quite symbolic and explains a lot to the wives of those men who like to spend a lot of time in the garage. At the same time, they go there not just because of the need to fix the car, change wheels or replace consumables. This is a way to relax, escape from the daily routine. Therefore, such hobbies should be supported and encouraged. But this does not apply to daily gatherings with friends in the garage.

And in order for your harbor to be comfortable, tidy, always pleasing to the eye and amuse your soul, you need to create the appropriate conditions inside.

I suggest doing this with:

  • magnetic tapes;
  • hanging jars;
  • perforated panels;
  • bike racks;
  • labels;
  • open shelves;
  • their hands;
  • own fantasy;
  • personal needs.

If you put it all together, you get a fairly harmonious and practical interior in the garage. Don't be afraid to apply such terms to what some perceive as a warehouse. With effort, a car garage will become much more than just a place to store a car.

Now let's separately go through all the presented ideas for arrangement.

Magnets are our everything

The garage provides for the use of copious amounts of metal objects. Moreover, many of them are small in size, they are constantly needed at hand, but are lost every now and then.

To solve this problem, you can use magnetic stripes or tapes. This is a real find for storing various tools, brushes with metal arms and other items within reach and visibility. Such strips are installed on the walls, thereby saving space in cabinets, drawers and shelving. It is optimal to place the magnets near the work area, in the workbench area and above the racks. It is better to keep the tapes at eye level or slightly higher.

You understand that hanging ribbons close to the floor does not make any sense. Having applied this idea in the garage, you will surely want to install magnetic holders in your kitchen at home.

Perforated panels

An excellent solution for those who want to equip their own garage, but at the same time suffer from a copious amount of small and medium tools. They are constantly needed, but it is difficult to find them among all the rubbish.

Special perforated boards are available for sale, which can often be seen in American garages. An extremely successful and convenient idea that allows using hooks, nylon holders and other fastening systems to place tools and accessories in a minimal space. Since the panel is hung on the wall and there are many perforations on it, literally every centimeter of the area will be used wisely.

It is most correct to install panels in the work area, where your garage workbench is located.

Bicycle racks

If you are a cyclist and you have a whole arsenal of two-wheelers in your garage, then you can use old pallets wisely. They make excellent racks.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arrangement boils down to installing a couple of pallets with the letter G. As a result, you will get an opening for bicycles that will be calmly held without stands.

Also, there is enough space between the boards to accommodate a scooter or an urban bike. If you want to improve the appearance of the racks, treat them with sandpaper, varnish or paint in several layers.

Jars on the walls

Hanging cans look very advantageous in the interior of the garage. But their main advantage is a high level of practicality and ease of use.

I have repeatedly seen how banks were hung on the walls under the shelves. Their purpose is quite obvious. This is a repository for various bolts, nuts, self-tapping screws, studs, washers, nails, etc. Everything that can be useful in the process.

Remember how difficult it is to constantly open cans with one hand, since the other is busy holding some kind of tool or material. In fact, you will need several plastic containers, which are fixed on the wall in a certain sequence that is convenient for you. They contain various fasteners.

In fact, such jars eliminate the need to store them on shelves and racks, sort and constantly sort them out. You have a clear sequence and a certain number of hanging containers. You will always know where everything is, how much is left and where you need to reach to get the necessary self-tapping screw or some kind of washer for the used bolt and nut.

open shelves

It is best to use open shelves in the garage. Let it seem to you that closed doors look more presentable or more interesting. Here you need to judge from the standpoint of practicality and convenience.

With open shelves that go with all the previous furnishing ideas, you will always know where everything is and where it is. It is optimal to use removable structures.

If you use closed shelves, drawers, and boxes to store your garage supplies, I highly recommend signing them and using labels. This is a real salvation in situations when you are trying to find the right things and objects, but forgot where you put them after the next cleaning.

Today we will discuss a very broad topic: how to equip a garage inside with your own hands? Many motorists think about this issue, since such a room is used not only to store a car, but also serves as a workshop for many men. I want to create an efficient and comfortable workplace without spending a lot of money and effort.

And it is not strange that the issue of arranging a garage is raised so often, because for a real car enthusiast, the garage is a second home, many spend their free time there. And only the reasonable equipment of your garage will make it possible to use it at 100%, despite the fact that the garage is usually small in size.

It is the correct arrangement of shelves and racks that will allow you to work freely without embarrassing yourself. To do this, you must carefully examine the garage room and identify the so-called extra areas (those near which you walk a little). If you install shelves in such places, you will rationally use the free space. How to equip a garage yourself without much waste? You will learn this from this article.

How to plan all areas of the garage when building

It is easiest for those who think about arranging a garage even before it is built. Then you can take into account the size of the dimensions of the car and the available tables, as well as other things.

When designing, you can take into account the location of various zones and control their size so that everything works out perfectly, and the car fits with all the planned objects. If you have not yet built a garage, but are only thinking about it, you can think about a two-story building. After all, then the workshop can be made upstairs, and the car will stand in free space without any problems.

But what about those who do not build a garage themselves, but bought a ready-made one? Arranging a garage in this case will be a little more difficult. But, do not despair, with perseverance and a responsible approach, you can cope with any problem.

Before you start clearing the garage of things, carefully consider the location of the car and individual details, it is best to sketch out a plan on a piece of paper. In order to visually evaluate the garage, get rid of everything superfluous, then you will not miss anything and it will be easier to navigate in space. Then you need to take into account the margin of space so that your car can drive in and out without problems and wasting time on unnecessary maneuvering. Also look at the type of gate, you may need to change them, or even change them. If your plans include insulating the walls of the garage, then a few centimeters should be given to the insulating material.

Be sure to consider protection against thieves and a method of heating, this is very important, because excess moisture can appear in the garage, which, in turn, will lead to fungus.

Basic requirement: order in the garage

In our garages there is not only a car, but also spare parts with tools, as well as winter or summer pairs of tires. If all these necessary things are lying around anywhere, then a productive and free garage will definitely not work out.

The internal order not only attracts people to itself, it is useful to those who work in the garage. Clients will be happy.

Now, we will list the advantages that tidy garages have:

  • having foreseen everything and thought over a certain place for each detail, you can save space for other things or simply freely move around the sections of the garage;
  • when repairing a car, it will be easier to concentrate in the process of work;
  • you will save time, because if the garage is a mess, it is very difficult to find the right part or tool.

What you need to consider when arranging a garage-workshop

How to properly equip a garage in order to create not just a storage place, but a workshop?

  1. The first thing to think about is buying boxes for storing bolts and other small parts that are easy to lose in the garage. But do not buy one or two boxes, in fact there are many tools that require a separate place, not a wall holder.
  2. Next, make or purchase stands with built-in holders. But there is a cheaper option: to avoid unnecessary costs, order a wooden stand, and you can nail homemade holders on it.
  3. Don't forget the shelves, they are very easy to keep organized. Also remember about budget options, because you can restore an old table with built-in shelves, for this, remove the old coating and apply varnish.
  4. Many garage spaces provide a workbench, it needs enough space. It is very important to install shelves next to it, then during work it will be possible not to walk through the entire garage for the necessary tools.

Many garages don't have room for enough shelves, which can be a problem. But how to make a workshop in a small garage? So that the shelves do not take your necessary place, you can get by with hooks. You need to equip hooks on the walls.

What you need to know when arranging a viewing hole

First, think about whether you need a viewing hole at all. If you have an expensive car, then you probably go to the service. And not everyone can be well versed in cars. Here the question is about necessity, not a beautiful view in the workshop.

But still, if you decide that you need a viewing hole, we will help you with the construction.

Where to begin? We all know that any structures do not begin to build until they mark out its dimensions. Such actions are very necessary, because we will build a pit in the finished garage. This, in turn, is difficult to do; it will be necessary to build in a limited space.

Take this seriously, because if you don’t guess with the size, there can be two extremes:

  1. If the pit is too large, then parking will be difficult. You will worry every time that the car may fall into a hole.
  2. If the inspection hole is too small, it will be inconvenient to carry out repair work.

Determine the size based on the design of the room and the dimensions of your car. But it is possible to make a hole, based on standard or generally accepted sizes.

The width of the standard pit is 70 cm. This is enough for the sedan class, especially for the Zhiguli. If you have a truck, you need to throw 10-15 centimeters. Leave about 20 centimeters for maneuvering.

Make the length of the pit for the garage based on personal requirements for the car, however, making it less than two meters seems not logical.

Now you can see a photo that will help you orient yourself.

It is impossible to say the exact depth of standard holes, because it depends on your height. If the head rests on the bottom, it will be inconvenient, or even impossible, to carry out repair work. Therefore, find out the clearance height of your car (clearance is the height from the ground to the threshold) and calculate that standing in the pit, from the head to the bottom was 20-25 cm.

Note! It is better to make the hole a little deeper than too small. In any case, you can substitute a stool, but shortening the legs will not work.

Now that you have calculated the size of the viewing hole, you can begin excavation. You can do it yourself. As for concrete work, the situation is more complicated. This video will make it easier for you.

How to make a cozy garage

Since a man spends a lot of time in the garage, comfort is necessary. Then the work will go faster and with joy, because physical labor is the basis for joy. When you see the result, you want to continue.

To do this, one should not forget about the little things that many do not notice, but they are what make comfort. It can be a picture or a figurine made from improvised materials, and even better from spare parts. The photo below confirms that a cozy garage is better than a regular one.

But what should be required? Now some little things and details will be listed:

A little advice. Sign boxes for storing small parts and tools. Then it will be much easier to find the object you need.


For many, heating is very important. In winter, when most garages have high humidity, it will be hard to work. So think about heating.

Those who are not particularly bothered by the cold prefer to insulate the walls and ceiling in the garage. Then the temperature will not fall below zero. But there are people who are not used to working at low temperatures. What should they do? There are several solutions:

Many are leaning towards the other option, as electricity is expensive and firewood can be bought cheaply.


It is not easy to equip a garage with your own hands, but if such work is approached responsibly, the result will justify these small monetary and power expenditures. Various videos on the Internet will help you in your work, do not be lazy to look for answers to questions. Equipped garage will contribute to the speed of work.

If you own a car and like to always keep it in order, then you just need a garage. After all, for a responsible car owner, car care can take several hours a day, being outdoors all this time is not very convenient, especially if the weather is not very good. Moreover, the garage is not only a room for repairing and keeping the car clean, but also a place that allows you to store a large number of tools and things that are rarely used in the main house. If your old dream is a comfortable and beautiful arrangement of the garage inside with your own hands, then our article is just for you!

How to equip a garage inside with your own hands: photos and useful tips

It's no secret that for many males, a garage is not only a workshop and tool storage, but also soulful place, where you can be alone with yourself, listen to your favorite music in the process of minor car repairs, and just sit in the evening with friends in a pleasant company. That is why it is so important for a man that the arrangement of the garage is convenient, and the interior is beautiful and pleasing to the eye. And the best part is if all the decoration of the garage inside is done by hand! After all, this is both a reason for pride and a big savings. And in order not to forget anything when arranging and decorating the garage, we will consider the most important aspects in this article and show some photos of the design of the most successful interiors.


Before proceeding with the selection of design and finishing, it is necessary to study several important factors, such as:

Material selection

To make a decoration with your own hands, you need follow the basic rules that are applied to the materials. Namely:

  • maximum unpretentiousness in care;
  • absolute incombustibility;
  • resistance to pollution of any kind, whether chemical or mechanical;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • wear resistance.

If a garage is important for you not only as a place for car repairs, but also as a place to relax and meet friends, then you will have to fork out for beautiful and functional materials. There are several ways to decorate the interior of the garage. We will focus on the most popular and answering the maximum number of requirements.

Plaster. Quite a budget option, which will allow not only to align the walls, but also, if desired, give them a decorative relief. To avoid cracking, it is necessary to cover with a layer of special paint.

clapboard. It is very convenient for warming the room, since it is easy to hide any insulating material behind it. The most fireproof and waterproof material from which lining can be made is polyvinyl chloride. But this option has a significant disadvantage - fragility. Any blow, especially something sharp and heavy, will certainly lead to its damage, and as a result, the replacement of the panel.

Ceramic tile. Laying tiles is a more expensive and energy-intensive process. But on the other hand, it is very easy to wash and it will serve you for at least ten years. Moreover, it is fireproof, as it does not burn at all, which is very important when working with flammable liquids and materials.

It is very important to think floor material, because it has to support the heavy weight of the machine, racks and accidentally dropped tools. Fire safety and water resistance are also one of the main requirements. The most common option is a reinforced mesh poured with concrete. Such a floor will withstand any spilled liquid, heavy loads and meets all safety standards. For a more beautiful look, you can use self-leveling floors. Be sure to consider a drainage system to avoid fluid accumulation and subsequent mold.

To maintain order in the storage and use of tools and materials, the best solution would be construction of racks and shelves. To date, building supermarkets offer the widest range of ready-made racks, but their price and size may not always satisfy you. Therefore, a great option would be to make them yourself, moreover, it is not so difficult. To get started, determine the number and size of all your tools, as well as things that are just in storage in the garage. Make the necessary markup and proceed to the construction of racks.

The bottom shelf for ease of cleaning is mounted no lower than twenty centimeters from the floor. It is better to perforate all shelves - this will facilitate their maintenance in order and will not allow them to rot or rust. The base of the rack is made of a metal profile, and the shelves are made of processed board or plywood. With a lack of space for a large number of racks and shelves, mounting hooks are very often used. Tool shields are very easy to use. This option is especially good for placing garden supplies, ladders, sports equipment and other frequently used items.

When building a garage an important aspect is ventilation. It is her task to clean the air from toxic and unpleasant fumes of various automotive fluids and exhaust gases. It can be either natural - openings near the gate at a height of about twenty centimeters from the top, or forced - the installation of special fans connected to the exhaust pipe.

Choice of interior design

It’s great if you can afford a large room for a garage, but it also happens that there is very little space, but its functionality should be very wide. But in both cases, I want to see not just a gray concrete floor and plain plastered walls, but cozy corner where you can spend time with pleasure doing repairs or other things.

That is why you need to equip the garage with all your heart and applying imagination. And if there are few ideas of your own, then in this section we suggest you draw inspiration from photos of garages of various sizes. Check out the interior design using a few photos as an example, and dozens of ideas will surely arise in your head on how to make your garage cozy with your own hands.

With your own hands, analyze three factors:

  • what kind breakdowns your car was repaired at a service station, but you could fix them yourself if you had access to the appropriate conditions;
  • how often do you need to use tool and how, whether repairs are underway or planned in the house - it is necessary for the most accurate working space for a workbench, machines, etc.;
  • level of occurrence ground water. For obvious reasons, it is better not to start digging a viewing hole or a place for a basement without asking neighbors, or even better - attracting experts.

Can build a garage with your own hands. How? See below.

Do-it-yourself garage arrangement inside - photo:

Inventory of the internal space

It is divided into 3 subspecies: walls, ceiling and of course interior space. The organization of space in the garage is very important. There is one rule common to all garages - for maximum effect, fill vertically.

That is, you should have racks, roof rails, cabinets, etc. placed as far as possible along the walls and ceiling, so that the central space is as large as possible. free.

How to equip a garage with your own hands? The arrangement of a workplace in the garage begins with the choice of a place. "Working corner" and it is recommended to place it at the opposite wall from the entrance.

Although, if you often use them, then you can put them near the left wall if you are right-handed, and near the right wall if you are left-handed. Workbench You can order or make your own.

To make such homemade garage fixtures, use profile pipe or wood.

IMPORTANT! The workbench should be of your height and firmly fixed to the base. Those. when they work on it, it should be motionless.

For arranging a small garage, it is advisable to do tool shield. It can be placed above the workbench. First, it will give significant space savings.

And secondly, when working, everything you need will be at your fingertips.

Shield can be placed all over the wall, but only on the condition that you do not have so many other things that need garage storage.

To store tools, you need to make a do-it-yourself garage fixture. You will find photos and how to take them in.

So shelving will be somewhat more difficult. It can be made from a profile, but for greater reliability it is recommended to use a corner. To make it normal rack requires minimal welder skills.

Often shelving they cook right in the garage, but it may turn out that they will be “not allowed to travel abroad”, (more precisely, non-working days) and if you have to sell the garage or a house with a garage, then pick it up shelving without their preliminary cutting will not work. Consider the possibility of their disassembly and removal outside the premises.

Often such structures are non-separable. There are tips to make them on bolts, but this is not entirely reliable - the risk of distortion is high. As a compromise, it is proposed to make the side walls welded, and the corners that form the shelves - bolted. This will enable them disassembly/assembly in case of relocation.

Another storage option is cabinets and lockers. They protect it from dust, moisture and dampness, but they themselves take up space. Therefore, in small garages, if possible, it is better to refuse them.

If you are a fisherman, then you definitely need to store somewhere pvc boat. To do this, you can make your own device for the garage. Read more about it in. If you want to make useful crafts for the garage with your own hands, then read the article on mobile alarms.

You will learn about the design inside, outside and how to make a garage arrangement with your own hands (photo).

Main large equipment

Hiding in the garage is desirable. But if this is not possible, for example, the garage is not sheathed and made of metal, then open wiring should be laid in a corrugated sleeve or a plastic box. In both the first and second cases, it is highly desirable to make a ground loop.

Ventilation and heating

It can be done outside or inside, if space permits.

The walls and the entrance group should not let the cold through, only in this case you can move on to the options.

The most common and relatively inexpensive are considered and.

But be extremely careful if any are made artisanal way. All flammable items and liquids must be stored in a safe place.

The safest, but also the most expensive, are water () types of heating.

Now you know how equip a garage with your own hands. As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for arranging a garage. The main thing is to pick something for yourself.

Remember, for the most efficient organization of space, without overpaying for unnecessary features, build infrastructure only for those needs that arise most often. Remember that the distance from the car to workbenches, shelving, etc. should be not less than a meter.

It is not in vain that a garage in men is considered a personal territory and a “working room”. Since many of you have vehicles, you also need to have a well-equipped facility for its maintenance. Today, there are a huge number of ideas on how to furnish and make the most productive use of the space inside the garage. Read more about them in the article below.

It is worth starting with an important clarification: in view of the fact that the garage, unlike, is mainly a working room, its arrangement implies maximum convenience for the owner in the first place. Thus, if during the repair you are thinking about how it will look in the eyes of the guests, then the interior decoration of the garage does not have to boast of an attractive design.

Its main purpose is to provide a spacious room for later filling with a number of useful and necessary things, such as tools and practical interior items. In addition, many owners do not hesitate to turn part of the garage into a natural warehouse, which also entails the installation of various drawers, cabinets, etc.

Interior decoration

At this point, the main issue is the use of specific materials that are most suitable for the needs of this type of building. So, motorists often prefer the classic cement-filled concrete floor because of its excellent practical qualities - heat resistance, moisture resistance and low susceptibility to mechanical stress. In view of the fact that the garage has already been defined as a working space, the presence of such conditions in it is quite natural.

Similarly, you can list the least profitable finishing solutions, including wooden beams or chipboard. Wood is an excellent decorative material and is well suited for the construction of a country holiday home, but not in the case of arranging a workspace where it will be regularly exposed to harmful influences. As you know, the tree is seriously susceptible to deformation and has combustible properties, which is extremely disadvantageous and dangerous in the working conditions of the garage.

Attention! Focusing on safety standards when decorating a workspace is no less important than its practicality. Consider the possible combustibility of many materials, their moisture resistance and tendency to destruction.

Pay special attention to lighting. Create a layout for the placement of lamps and fixtures of various capacities, depending on how a particular place in the building will be used. So, the most intense light may be needed where you are going to repair or inspect the insides of your car.

The ceiling itself can be finished with several types of materials, including an ordinary layer of plaster or the use of metal sheets. At the same time, do not forget that the first option needs good waterproofing, and the second one tends to heat up quickly enough, which, coupled with a certain underdeveloped ventilation system, can make the room extremely uncomfortable to stay.

The reverse situation also deserves attention, when, in view of the cold outside, the brick and concrete building cools down significantly. The problem should be solved by providing the garage with heating. However, you should not be too zealous with the latter either, because with high rates of thermal insulation of the walls, the level of humidity in the building rises due to condensate, which will harm electrical engineering.

Interior objects: what your garage is missing

Making smart use of the available garage space so that there is enough space for work is more difficult than it seems. Priority attention here should be given to the following objects and items of interior decoration:

  1. Shelves to hold small tools or consumables, including nails, small car parts, etc.
  2. One of the most convenient options for storing a large set of working equipment is a panel with holders. Thanks to her, all the most important tools will always be in sight and directly accessible at any time.
    Steel structures, such as wall rails, used to hold large equipment and spare parts.
  3. Modular universal cabinets and cabinets with many departments can accommodate a huge amount of things needed for renovation and construction.
  4. A personal workbench in one of several known configurations, including wall-mounted, fold-out, mobile, and portable single-module workbenches. Having something like this in the garage is the dream of any car enthusiast.
  5. Racks, which can also be both stationary and mobile. Their popularity in domestic premises is due to the reliability and ease of storage of almost any equipment, materials and tools. In addition, they can be improved by screwing self-tapping screws to them, which fix small objects from falling.

All of the listed options for the decoration of the garage are offered by specialized stores with the possibility of their individual adjustment to customer requirements. However, no one bothers you to assemble these designs with your own hands.

Creative Solutions

When repairing a car, the owner often needs to get under the bottom of the vehicle to access those parts of it that cannot be reached from under the hood. To make this task easier, there are two options:

  • The inspection pit, as a classic solution from car repair shops, provides the car owner not only with the opportunity to easily inspect the bottom of the car, but also with the convenience of carrying out any repair work with direct access to the necessary tools. However, the implementation of this option in the garage is one of the most time-consuming in the process of its construction. In addition, the creation of such a pit at a high level of groundwater is excluded.
  • An alternative to the previous solution is a car lift, which, unlike a pit, does not require such a radical change in the structure of the garage. In addition, its acquisition and installation today is no longer such a cumbersome task that only the most prestigious repair centers could afford.

Thus, the garage can become a real resting place for car lovers, as well as a useful and functional space for the needs of the whole family.

Arrangement of a garage: video