Selection, installation and connection of film underfloor heating. High-quality installation of film underfloor heating Covering a warm floor from an electric film

Infrared film underfloor heating is a new material that has a high degree of energy saving. In the construction market, this material appeared quite recently, but has already won a well-deserved authority.

Its distinguishing feature is that it can fit perfectly under any coating (laminate, tile, linoleum, etc.) and it does not require pouring a cement screed.

The infrared film floor has another significant plus. Its installation is not complicated at all, and anyone can do it, and it is very easy to dismantle when moving to a new apartment.

Specifications of infrared film floor

Infrared film floor has the following technical characteristics:

Its voltage in the electrical network is from two hundred and twenty to two hundred and thirty Volts and fifty Hz;

  • Its power consumption depends mainly on the type of infrared film used (150 watts per square meter; 220 watts per square meter; 400 watts per square meter);
  • The temperature of the working surface should be up to forty-five degrees Celsius at 150 watts; up to sixty degrees Celsius at 200 watts; up to eighty degrees Celsius at 400 watts;
  • Wavelength from seven to twenty microns;
  • There is no electromagnetic field.

Calculation of the infrared film floor

Do-it-yourself installation of an infrared film underfloor heating

1. First you need to prepare the floor surface. Then we put heat-insulating material on it. If it is planned to put carpet or linoleum on the floor, then any type of insulation with a sheet thickness of three to five millimeters is suitable for you, and we glue all joints with adhesive tape.

And if it is planned to lay ceramic tiles on the floor, then thermal insulation made of technical cork with a thickness of two millimeters is suitable.

Do-it-yourself infrared film warm floor: scheme

2. Before installing a warm floor, you need to determine the place where you will place the thermostat. Then draw up and write down a detailed layout of the installation, no matter what goes wrong in the process of laying the infrared film. Remember that the film is laid in places where open areas of the floor are located and furniture is not planned to be installed.

Then we proceed to cutting the film into strips of the sizes we need along special lines and lay them out copper strip down, but with contacts to the wall (a thermostat will be installed on it later) in accordance with the diagram you have drawn up.

4. Let's start connecting the film to the wiring. It is necessary to install contact clamps on the edge of the copper strip, and then connect the contact wires to the clamps.

6. Then you need to connect the floor temperature sensor. This is done from the back of the film. And then be sure to insulate.

7. After the film floor heating is completely laid, it is necessary to isolate all contacts suitable for it and connect it to the electrical network.

8. Before proceeding with laying the flooring, it is necessary to test the infrared floor heating. Pay special attention to the fact that there was no heating at the joints and various sincere.

9. In order to provide additional protection, it is possible to lay a polyethylene film over the infrared film underfloor heating. And now you can start installing the finish coating of your floor.

Remember that when laying ceramic tiles, you need to allow the screed under it to dry for about twenty days before you begin to fully use the warm floor.

Do-it-yourself installation of an infrared warm floor video

Therapeutic effects of infrared film underfloor heating

For many years, infrared rays have been used in medicine to treat many diseases. It has been proven that infrared light has a very beneficial effect on all damaged tissues.

Thanks to its influence, they gradually recover after surgery or serious injury. By infrared radiation, the film warm floor has a therapeutic effect on the entire human body.

Scientists have proven that our body itself produces a certain amount of infrared rays with a frequency of up to twenty microns, but a film warm floor gives our body infrared pulses with a frequency of seven to twenty microns.

They are very similar to the infrared pulses of the human body. Therefore, this type of warm floor contributes to the fact that fatigue and stress are reduced, blood microcirculation improves several times.

In the market of heating equipment, film underfloor heating has turned from exotic into an effective, popular and economical alternative to traditional heating solutions. The reason for the popularity is very simple - the appearance on the market of relatively inexpensive film materials, the installation of which does not require serious expenses and special skills. Any home master can install such solutions. Connecting a film underfloor heating to electricity is no more difficult than connecting any other device. Let's look at the various ways to install this system, the advantages and disadvantages, the best models and manufacturers.

Operating principle

Most heating systems are based on the principles of direct heat exchange. For example, traditional radiators or radiators transfer heat through the air, which naturally or forcedly distributes heat throughout the room. At the same time, infrared radiation is minimized.

Similar processes occur in water and electric "warm floors". The only difference is that it is not the battery that is warming up, but the concrete screed, in which a network of pipes or a cable is installed. Heat is transferred from the screed to the finishing floor covering, and only then the air in the room warms up.

Such systems are characterized by inertia - it is necessary to spend more energy on preheating the concrete screed. The concrete floor cools down slowly, which determines the efficiency of heating.

Film systems are based on a different principle. Between two fairly dense layers of polyester are parallel strips of carbon paste. Each strip on each side is connected to a copper bus, which is connected to the electrical network. When a current passes through such a strip, it emits infrared radiation without heating to high temperatures. It is quite hard - the wavelength is about 20 microns. This stream of powerful energy can heat any surface or object in its path. Energy is not wasted on the transfer of heat over a distance. The sun's rays heat up in the same way - everything that they touch is heated.


The underfloor heating film is quite thin - its thickness is only 5 hundredths of a millimeter. If necessary, it is easily mounted under any finishing floor coverings. Unlike a water or cable floor, the system does not require complex work in the process of pouring the screed. The arrangement of peat insulating layers is also not required. In addition, infrared film floor heating does not lead to a significant increase in the level of the screed, which can be a decisive issue in a city apartment.

The floor surface is heated evenly. Laminate with frequent temperature changes can be "naughty" - the seams may diverge, or the coating swells. In the case of decisions, this will never happen. The heating element, even with a broken thermostat, does not heat up above 40 degrees Celsius. Such a laminate is not critical.

In multi-storey buildings, there are certain difficulties with pouring the screed due to the weighting of the interfloor ceilings. With film floors, such problems will not arise at all.

Infrared radiation not only heats the surface of the finished flooring itself, but also, passing through the coating, gives off heat to other surfaces and objects in the room. This allows you to get the most comfortable microclimate.

It is very important that the energy is transmitted almost instantly - upon arrival at home, without large expenditures of electricity, the temperature is easily brought to a comfortable level. The electronic control system is easily integrated into smart home systems. You can create a program for remote switching on the “warm floor” or switching on by a timer.

The infrared floor does not dry the air and creates a certain background. It is believed that it is useful for people with chronic respiratory diseases.


Most of the models on the film flooring market are domestic or South Korean. The most famous brands are Q-Term, Heat Plus, RexVA, Stem, Hit-Light. Before the consumer, when buying, the question arises of which film underfloor heating is better.

Heat Plus products

Heat Plus is known for the fact that among its customers are not only ordinary buyers. Samsung is a regular customer. Most of the products are shipped to Japan. Products have the highest efficiency among analogues. Under soft topcoats, the company offers extra-strong premium films. For rooms with high humidity, models of increased power are recommended. This is the only brand that manufactures under-tile film. The products are completely safe. We can say that these are the best film underfloor heating.


This brand also managed to find its niche. Installation of a warm floor does not require special skills - the company produces ready-made kits. You can purchase a complete set, where, in addition to the film, there are all components. Installing a film underfloor heating is carried out completely by hand. The service life of the products is quite high, and the manufacturer's warranty is 15 years.

Economy segment

Here you can choose from the following brands. These are Hi-Heat, Rexva, Korea Healting. All companies produce infrared film for underfloor heating of quite normal quality. Products differ from the premium segment in smaller thickness, as well as heating temperature. And although this film is not very durable and its quality cannot compete with German ones, it is quite possible to use it under a screed. Manufacturer's warranty of 5 years or more (depending on the specific manufacturer).

Preparing for installation

Before connecting a film underfloor heating, you should carefully consider the scheme. When drawing up a scheme, a variety of principles are taken into account.

So, the surface of the subfloor is never completely covered with infrared foam. Films are not placed where stationary furniture will be installed. Why do they do it? Such an enclosed space will interfere with normal heat exchange with the laminate surface. Overheating can damage the laminate.

For these reasons, film floors are placed at a safe distance from walls and from stationary heating devices. Retreat must be at least 300 millimeters. Rolls of film should be oriented along a long wall in the room - this will help reduce the number of contact connections in the process of connecting a film underfloor heating. It is necessary to cut the film only in special places - there are corresponding marks on its surface.

The films are laid out with an interval between adjacent sheets of not more than 50 millimeters. It is forbidden to overlap the product. In order to get full heating, you need to lay the film on 60-70 percent of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Switching Features

The first step is to find the best place to mount the thermostat. It must be installed no lower than 500 millimeters from the floor surface. The place is chosen so that it is convenient to run the cable and connect the device to a 220-volt network.

The total power of all elements can be very high. Therefore, they do not directly connect the film underfloor heating to the outlet. It is better to provide for the wiring of a dedicated power line. The cable must have an appropriate cross section. A mandatory rule is a separate machine. It is safer to include an RCD device in the circuit.

Most thermostats are designed for wall mounting in a standard wall socket. To conduct the cable, a strobe measuring 20x20 millimeters is made in the floor surface. Then a corrugated pipe is laid on the bottom, and the wires are removed into it. You can also use a cable channel.

When it is planned to lay wires to connect the film floor, it is important to consider that these wires do not intersect. The connection scheme may be different. Most often, cables are connected on one side of the films. But there are situations when it is more advantageous to connect zero and phase wires with strips on opposite sides of the room. This method requires care. It is important not to connect two pins to the same copper bar.

After the scheme has been created, you can proceed to connecting the film underfloor heating with your own hands.

Surface preparation

When laying under laminate, there are requirements for the base floor. The surface must be flat and primed. The first stage is a thorough cleaning of the rough base from any dust and debris. Next, the surface is covered with a special substrate. The part of the substrate with the foil should be on the outside. The substrate is laid end-to-end, fixed to the floor surface with double-sided tape. Parts of the substrate are interconnected with a special adhesive tape.


All work should be carried out as carefully as possible. The integrity of the film must not be violated. In case of breaks or any other damage to the current-carrying part, the fragment must be replaced.

Film elements are laid so that the copper bus is at the bottom. An adhesive tape is used to fix to the substrate. After laying the element, the places of the cuts of the current-carrying bus are immediately isolated. In the future, these places will be needed to connect the wires of the film underfloor heating. Bitumen tape is included for insulation.

In the part of the canvas under which the temperature sensor will be installed, a place and a channel for the cable are cut out in the substrate for the sensor. The sensor housing should be installed approximately in the center of the web.

Terminal installation

Next, you need to install the terminals in the places where the film underfloor heating will be connected under the laminate. Many models already come with clip-on terminals. The upper part of the clip is inserted into the contact incision. The second petal should be at the bottom of the carbon film.

Next, carefully, but tightly, both parts of the clip must be compressed with pliers. This ensures reliable contact with the copper current-carrying bus. Some types of floors differ in a different connection system - on rivets. How to connect a film underfloor heating, we will consider further.

DIY cable laying

The cable is laid exactly according to a pre-made scheme. The stripped wires are installed in the terminal connected to the carbon film. Then all contact groups are carefully isolated. Where is bituminous tape used? It is glued on top and bottom of the film. As a result, when connecting a film underfloor heating with your own hands, you should get a completely sealed capsule. It is important that there are no bald spots.

Underfloor heating and thermostat

After the laying stage is completed, all wires must converge near the thermostatic device.

An important recommendation: if several sections are connected to the device, then there should be no twists and other similar connections. In this case, when connecting a film underfloor heating to a thermostat, certified terminal connections are used.

We continue to study the question of how to properly connect a film underfloor heating. Next, the wires are mounted to the connector on the thermostat strictly according to the instructions. Mark the connection points for the supply wires and ground wires, as well as the load. Additionally, a temperature sensor is connected to the thermostat. Then the device is installed in a regular place.


Installing laminate on such a floor is practically no different from standard technology. After the installation of the finishing coating is completed, you can start the system. But here you need to proceed carefully. If a film underfloor heating was connected to a thermostat, then the system is not set to full power. It is best to first set the value within 20 degrees and gradually, adding five degrees, bring the installation to the design level of operation. If you immediately start the heating system at full capacity, this can lead to sad consequences.

Increased attention to infrared warm floors is fully justified, because. the technical characteristics of this innovative heating system demonstrate a number of advantages and allow you to equip an energy-efficient home.

Infrared film underfloor heating - what is it

Infrared underfloor heating is popular due to its unique operating principle. Although it is a variation (because it requires electricity to function), the infrared floor is much more economical and safer than its predecessor.

The principle of operation of IR underfloor heating is based on the release of thermal energy in the infrared range. Long waves of radiation heat a person and the surfaces of surrounding objects: furniture, walls. And they, in turn, being a secondary source of heat (reflectors) heat the air in the room. This approach to home heating allows you to subjectively feel the heat before the air warms up.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared underfloor heating

  • no electromagnetic radiation;
  • simultaneous damage to the entire system is reduced to zero, thanks to the parallel connection of units;
  • installation on any surface (horizontal, vertical, inclined) does not cause difficulties;
  • uniform heating of the floor surface. What is very important when an infrared warm floor is installed under the laminate;
  • do-it-yourself installation will not be difficult;
  • it is possible to dismantle the film, for example, when moving;
  • installation of the floor is possible in a room for any purpose (including wet ones) and under any type of coating;
  • let's allow installation of the film in an open area (veranda, terrace) and closed (rooms in an apartment or house, office, warehouse, etc.);
  • high heat transfer (97%) and efficiency (30% higher compared to other electric underfloor heating systems).
  • the need to comply with the rules for connecting and operating the system;
  • not recommended as the main source of heating due to the high inertia of the system (heats up quickly, cools down quickly);
  • unlike, film is unstable to mechanical stress and damage.

Types of infrared film underfloor heating

Despite the relative novelty of the infrared heating system, manufacturers offer several varieties of them:

  • film infrared heat-insulated floor. The essence of this system is that the heating element is a fiber laid between two layers of a polymer film. The heating film is flexible, durable, wear-resistant, and also a good dielectric.

In turn, the film floor has its own varieties. The division is based on the composition of the heating element:

  • carbon - carbon-graphite;
  • bimetallic - copper and aluminum.

The first system has become more widespread among users.

  • . The peculiarity of the system is that the function of the heating element is performed by carbon rods connected by a wire. This is the most innovative of the systems, allowing you to reduce heating costs by 60% (compared to other systems). The ubiquity of carbon rod floors is hindered only by their high price.

Comparison of these systems for specific operating conditions will make it possible to find out which infrared warm floor is better.

Do-it-yourself installation of infrared floor heating

Installation instructions for infrared film underfloor heating consists of a number of successive steps, which you need to study in detail in order to eliminate the possibility of an error:

  1. Creation (development) of the project and calculation.
  2. Selection of equipment and materials.
  3. Installation of the IR warm floor system.
  4. Test run (verification).
  5. Clean finish.

Stage 1 - project development and calculation

An important feature of the installation of an infrared film floor is that it is not mounted under furniture. Thus, when starting to calculate the required amount of material and determining the place for laying the film, it is necessary to subtract the area under which the film will not be laid.

Note. For the system to be considered effective, the film must cover at least 80% of the surface of the room if the film floor is the main heating system of the house / apartment and at least 40% if it is an auxiliary (alternative, additional).

Calculation of infrared film underfloor heating

  • calculation of the total area of ​​​​the premises: Sp \u003d a * b * 2;
  • calculation of the heating area Sb \u003d Sp - (X, Y, Z)

a, b - length and width of the room, m;

Sb - heating area, sq.m.;

X, Y, Z - fixed and / or low-standing interior items (furniture, household appliances, etc.).

Note. The calculation of the heated area is made taking into account the fact that the IR film is laid no closer than 100 mm to any vertical (adjacent) surface or object.

After calculating the heated area, you need to calculate the sufficient power of the system. You should know that the power range of the heating film is 150-220 W / m2.

Calculation of energy consumption of infrared floor heating

The energy consumption indicator for a film floor can be calculated by the formula: E \u003d Sp * k * T

Where, E - energy consumption, W / h;

Sp is the total area of ​​the premises, sq.m.;

k - conversion factor (depends on the set temperature, if the system is turned on by 40% - the coefficient will be 0.4);

T - thermal power floor.

It is easy to calculate the cost of heating with an infrared floor, knowing the electricity tariff in a particular region.

Calculation of the power of infrared floor heating

A situation is possible when the area of ​​​​the room is large enough and for the installation of a film heating system it is necessary to use several sets of infrared film - in this case, their power is summed up. P total = P1 + P2 + ... + Pi,

If part of the kit was used, the calculation is made according to the formula:

P total = 110 L

P total - the total power of the film floor, W;

P1…Pi is the power of a single set of film, W.

L is the length of the infrared film that is used during installation;

110 – film floor power conversion factor.

Calculation of the number of thermostats and their installation location

The function of the thermostat for infrared floor heating is to regulate the level of heating.

As for the quantity, you should know that when connecting several sets of film flooring, it is necessary to install several thermostats, because the power consumption of the warm floor is summed up.

It is advisable to install the thermostat at a height of at least 150-200 mm. above the level of the finish coating, and for comfortable use at a height of about a meter (the height of the outlets). The second option is possible if the infrared floor heating system is installed before the repair work is performed.

Advice. The thermostat is placed on the wall, which is located perpendicular to the direction of laying the strips. This technique will reduce the length of the wire.

The thermostat is mounted next to the electrical wiring in a hidden or external way.

When the permissible load on the thermostat is exceeded, two connection options are used:

  • zoning and connecting each zone to its own thermostat;
  • inclusion in the circuit of a solid state relay or magnetic starter. In this case, the system will be controlled by one relay. Such a connection requires certain knowledge, which requires the involvement of an electrician.

The scheme for laying infrared film for underfloor heating includes an indication of the direction of placement of the strips. Manufacturers and craftsmen recommend laying the film along the longer of the sides, this will reduce the number of cuts in the heating film when cornering.

Rules for placement (laying) of infrared floor film:

  • the first row of film should be placed no closer than 100 mm. to the wall (or to another object), but no further than 400 mm;
  • film cut line pitch – 250 mm. Cutting the film in other places is prohibited;
  • the distance between adjacent film strips is at least 10 mm;
  • the maximum allowable length of the floor strip is 8,000 mm.

The project of infrared film underfloor heating should contain:

  • calculation of usable area;
  • calculation of system power;
  • the place of installation of the thermostat (and their number, when installing a warm floor in a large room);
  • the direction of laying the film strips;
  • number of stripes (depending on the width of the film).

The result of the design should be an installation diagram, which is necessary both for installation work and for further operation and repair.

Stage 2 - selection of equipment and building materials

Film underfloor heating is sold as a kit, which includes:

  • infrared film for underfloor heating;
  • connecting clips;
  • scotch;
  • thermostat;
  • temperature sensor.

Note. The set depends on the manufacturer. For example, heat plus, caleo systems contain everything you need to work.

Additionally you need to buy:

  • electric wire (preferably copper, stranded, with a cross section of 1.5-2.5 mm);
  • thermal insulation material. Electric infrared floor heating allows the use of any type of insulation: foil film (with polymer coating), polyethylene foam, natural cork, etc.
  • waterproofing film;

Tool: mounting knife, scissors, pliers, screwdriver, wire cutters, adhesive tape, hammer, tester, drill bit (nozzle for drill), puncher, square, pencil.

Stage 3 - installation of infrared floor heating

Step-by-step instructions for beginners with no experience in construction:

1. Preparation (learning security measures)

If the work is performed by a non-professional, you need to familiarize yourself with the installation technique and safety measures:

  • minimize walking on the laid film. Protection of the film from mechanical damage, which is possible when moving along it, is achieved through the use of soft covering material (thickness from 5 mm);
  • do not allow installation of heavy objects on the film;
  • prevent the instrument from falling onto the film.

Safety rules for installing IR floor heating:

  • it is forbidden to connect a heating film rolled into a roll to the power source;
  • film installation is carried out with no power supply;
  • connection to the power supply is carried out strictly according to SNiP and PUE;
  • film installation rules are observed (length, indents, absence of overlaps, etc.);
  • only suitable insulation is used;
  • installation of the film under furniture and other heavy objects is excluded;
  • installation of a film under low-standing objects is excluded. These are all items having an air gap between the bottom surface and the floor of less than 400 mm;
  • contact of the film with communications, fittings and other obstacles is not allowed;
  • isolation of all contacts (clamps) and cutting line of conductive copper bars is provided;
  • the film floor is not installed in rooms where there is a high risk of frequent water ingress;
  • mandatory installation of an RCD (residual current device);
  • break, cut, bend the heating cable;
  • mount the film at temperatures below -5 °C.

2. Preparation of the thermostat installation site

Includes chasing the wall (for wires and temperature sensor) to the floor and drilling a hole for the appliance. The thermostat is powered from the nearest outlet.

Advice. It is advisable to lay the wires in the corrugation, this technique will simplify maintenance and repair if necessary.

3. Foundation preparation

Infrared film is laid only on a flat and clean surface. Horizontal deviation of the surface exceeding 3 mm is also unacceptable. Masters recommend treating the surface with a primer.

Note. Dismantling of the old floor (draft) is not required if its surface is satisfactory.

4. Laying the waterproofing film

The function of the waterproofing film is to protect the underfloor heating electrical system from moisture coming from below.

5. Installation of thermal insulation material

According to user reviews, the insulation allows you to increase the heating efficiency due to the fact that the heat does not go down. However, when installing an infrared floor heating system on the second floor, rarely anyone used a heater, because. thermal energy will heat the ceiling between the first and second floors.

Advice. Foil insulation should be laid with the metallized side to the floor.

6. Laying infrared floor heating

  • drawing markings for laying on the floor;
  • preparation of a strip of film of the desired length. Please note that the film can only be cut along the cut line;
  • the film is located towards the wall that is intended for the installation of the thermostat. The strip is oriented with a copper heater down;
  • the recommended distance from the wall of 100 mm is maintained;
  • the recommended indent (gap) between the edges of the infrared film sheets of 50-100 mm is maintained (film overlap is not allowed);
  • strips near the walls are glued to the insulation with adhesive tape (squares, but not a continuous strip). This will avoid shifting the canvas.

7. Installation of clips

Metal clamps must be attached to the ends of the copper bus. When installing, it is necessary that one side of the clamp is inserted between the copper bar and the film. And the second was located above the copper surface. Crimping is carried out evenly, without distortions.

8. Connecting the wires of the infrared floor

The wires are installed on the clamp, followed by insulation and tight crimping. The ends of the copper bus are also insulated at the point of cutting. The requirement of parallel connection of wires is observed (right with right, left with left). In order not to get confused, it is convenient to use a wire of different colors. Then the wires will be laid under the plinth.

Advice. So that the clip with the wire does not protrude above the film, it can be placed in a heater. Previously, a square is cut out in the insulation for the clamp.

9. Installing the temperature sensor for the thermostat

10. Connecting the infrared floor heating to the thermostat

Stage 4 - test launch of the system (check)

Test connection of an infrared heat-insulated floor is an obligatory step before laying a final floor covering.

The normal laying of the film floor is evidenced by:

  • absence of extraneous noise (cod);
  • lack of spark;
  • uniform heating of the film.

Additionally, the reliability of the insulation of the wire connection points is checked.

Stage 5 - fine finishing

Before installing the flooring, the film floor must be covered with a polyethylene film (100-200 microns). Further work is carried out in accordance with the instructions for laying the floor covering.

The specifics of laying the film floor for different types of coatings is shown in the picture:

- , parquet board

Infrared floor heating on a wooden floor is laid in the same way.

– infrared warm floor under linoleum, carpet – infrared warm floor under tiles, stone

Masters do not advise using a film floor under a tile, due to the need to perform “wet” work, which reduces the heat transfer of the floor.

Operation of infrared film underfloor heating

  • if a significant amount of water gets on the film floor, it must be immediately turned off and dried (naturally);
  • you can not turn on the system in order, for example, to dry the carpet after wet cleaning);
  • it is not allowed to fasten something (for example, a door stop or a plinth) using hardware. They will damage the film sections;
  • it is forbidden to spread carpets, blankets, metallized films (foil) on the floor, as well as rearrange furniture. This may cause the system to overheat.

Video instruction for installation of infrared floor

Underfloor heating designs are constantly being improved, as a result, new types and modifications of these systems appear. One of these innovations is infrared film underfloor heating, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Many people, due to lack of information, consider such floors to be dangerous and even unhealthy. In fact, these systems are as safe as any others, provided that they are properly installed and that the rules of use are followed during operation. Some home craftsmen prefer to mount a film underfloor heating with their own hands.

General arrangement of infrared floors

The device of film floors is quite complicated, so their design is assembled exclusively in the factory. A special nanostructure based on carbon materials is used as a heating element. With the help of carbon atoms, a hexagonal lattice is formed, which generates infrared radiation invisible to the human eye.

This lattice is placed between layers of dense polymers. Its elements are interconnected through copper bars, which are coated with a silver coating. The strips are spaced 15 mm apart. Layers of polymeric materials protect the heating elements from mechanical stress, fire, moisture and other negative factors.

Polymers not only protect, but also transmit infrared radiation well. Thanks to these qualities, installation of an electric heat-insulated floor under a tile and other types of coverings is possible.


Before deciding on the use of such systems in specific conditions, it is necessary to carefully study their main technical characteristics. The film warm floor is produced in widths from 0.5 to 1.0 m, and the length of the roll is 50 m. The thickness ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 mm.

One square meter of film consumes 25-85 Wh of power. The heating element is capable of creating a working temperature of 30-50 0 C on its surface. It is important to know this when choosing a warm floor under a tile. Thanks to these parameters, film underfloor heating often serves as the main heating of apartments or private houses.


The minimum area to be covered by the heating system is 70% of the total floor area. However, in places with a cold climate in winter, these floors are connected and used only as additional heating. In these situations, they experience an increased load, which they simply cannot cope with.

Sometimes infrared floors serve as emergency heating in case of failure of the central heating system during severe frosts. Film heating, powered by the electrical network, is quite capable of keeping the temperature level in the room close to comfortable and preventing hypothermia of the people living here.

Infrared systems can be installed not only on floors, but also on other surfaces - ceilings or walls. They are ideal for bathrooms where they only turn on when needed. To do this, laying electric underfloor heating, after which the tiled floors will be constantly warm, and the air in the room will pick up the desired temperature.

Impact on the environment and the human body

The properties of film floors are not yet fully understood, since they began to be used relatively recently. In this regard, the most contradictory judgments arise regarding these systems. There is an opinion about the beneficial effect of infrared radiation on the human body. Allegedly, it is completely harmless and serves as an effective tool for the prevention of many diseases.

However, both supporters and opponents of film floors are wrong. The fact is that the emitted electromagnetic waves have an extremely low intensity and do not have any negative effect on a person. Much more radiation emits, used under tiles and with other coatings. However, it is considered completely safe and harmless to health.

With such a low level of radiation, film floors do not have a positive effect on the human body. The positive influence of electromagnetic fields is possible only when the temperatures of the human body and the infrared wave coincide. Such a state is almost impossible to achieve at home. More useful is the uniform heat of the heated room and the optimal humidity.

There is an erroneous opinion about the impossibility of using an infrared floor in conjunction with or preventing the passage of radiation. Indeed, the rays from the film do not pass through such a floor barrier, but in this case they first heat up themselves, and only then the heat from them enters the space of the room. If other types of floor coverings are used, the heat directly warms the air and spreads immediately to the entire height.

The procedure for laying and connecting the system

As a rule, the installation of infrared floors is performed. Some home craftsmen can do the installation of underfloor heating under the tiles with their own hands if they have certain work skills and follow the sequence of operations.

The standard installation scheme includes the following work steps:

  • At the very beginning, a plan is drawn up according to which the film will be laid out. The installation locations of the thermostat and temperature sensor are determined in advance. After that, the thermostat is installed in its place. All this is done before laying other floor elements.
  • The foundation is being prepared. It should be smooth, clean and dry.
  • If it is impossible to create a flat surface, chipboard or plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm is installed on the floor.
  • Protective waterproofing device. For this, a film with a thickness of 50 microns or more is best suited.
  • Laying. Usually, a lavsan film or the same metallized and polypropylene coating is used with the film. It is not recommended to use materials with aluminum foil.
  • The roll is cut into separate strips along the marked lines. The length of each strip is determined in accordance with the scheme.
  • Installation of a film underfloor heating is carried out on the thermal insulation with the tires down and fixed with adhesive tape. The strips must not overlap.
  • To connect the elements to each other, special contacts are used.
  • After installing the temperature sensor, the system is connected to the thermostat, after which the film underfloor heating is connected to the electrical network.
  • At the final stage, the floor covering is laid.

Mounting Features

Some owners, in order to save money, mount systems in a combined version. In this case, the underfloor heating system is installed by specialists, and the preparatory work and laying of the floor covering is carried out on their own. Particular attention should be paid to how to properly lay the underfloor heating under the tiles.

On the unfolded film, you need to move very carefully, otherwise you can damage the heating elements. Also, you can not drop and put any construction tools on the film coating.

The placement plan should indicate the places where furniture and other heavy objects will be located. They are strictly forbidden to be installed on a film coating. Otherwise, overheating of the floor may occur, and the film, furniture and flooring will be damaged.

Particular attention should be paid to the temperature sensor. The accuracy of the readings largely depends on its correct installation. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions in the instruction manual.

It is undesirable to turn on infrared floors immediately after installing the laminate flooring. The laminate must be warmed up in natural conditions for a certain period of time until its temperature is equal to that which is in the room. This rule is also relevant for other types of flooring.

Advantages of infrared underfloor heating

Even in the short time during which film floors have been used, the following positive qualities of these systems have already manifested themselves:

  • Simple and convenient laying of film underfloor heating, no concrete screed. All work can be completed within a few hours. Installation of film floors is relatively inexpensive.
  • These systems are used with almost any type of flooring: parquet, laminate, linoleum, carpet. In addition, installation of a warm floor under a tile is possible.
  • Due to the low thickness of the film, the thickness of the floor does not increase, and the height of the room does not decrease.
  • Rapid heating of the elements and the same rapid completion of heating due to the low heating inertia. The rooms are heated evenly, there are no temperature differences in the direction from the floor to the ceiling.
  • A warm electric film floor is resistant to increased loads on floor coverings typical for public buildings, offices, gyms, etc.
  • It is not allowed to dry the air in the room, the humidity is maintained at an optimal level. There is an opinion that infrared radiation has an anti-allergic effect, eliminates unpleasant odors.
  • Film floors can be installed and included in the general. Their use can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%.

Cons of film systems

Despite the mass of undoubted advantages, infrared systems have certain disadvantages, which sometimes become decisive.

In order to avoid pitfalls, it is necessary to take into account the following features when it is necessary to solve the problem of how to lay a warm floor:

  • Mounting the system quite often takes longer than expected by the manufacturers. This happens even with the participation of experienced specialists in the work.
  • Sometimes the clamps are not tightly connected, which leads to poor contact between the individual elements of the floor. Damaged clamps are no longer suitable and you have to use new contacts.
  • The process of laying a warm floor should take place on a perfectly flat surface. Even slight distortions lead to its breaks after the floor covering has already been laid on top.
  • Despite the small thickness of the film itself, in the end, the thickness of the warm floor can be up to 35 mm, which is achieved by laying chipboard or plywood, as well as thermal and waterproofing materials together with the floor covering.
  • High reliability of the system is possible only if all recommendations and instructions are strictly observed, and high-quality work is performed.
  • The declared 20% savings on heating can be achieved only in the case of high-quality insulation of the premises and uninterrupted centralized heating.

Despite these shortcomings, film floors are becoming increasingly popular with modern homeowners. Ionized air really destroys unpleasant odors by blocking the molecules of these substances. Therefore, the effect of infrared radiation effectively cleans clothes, upholstered furniture and other objects in an industrial way.

The best systems from manufacturers

The modern market for infrared floors is filled with various types of these products from well-known manufacturers. The price of products varies greatly depending on the quality of the film, the configuration of the system, the popularity of a particular manufacturer. These can be expensive European floors, fully equipped, up to self-regulating systems, or inexpensive products from Chinese companies. In order to determine which is better one should consider different options.

The most famous and popular representatives in this area are the following:

  • Q-Term- a Korean company that produces universal film floors, which are installed not only in residential, but also in public buildings. Q-Term are equipped with carbon fiber heating elements with a power of 130-230 W, so it is quite possible to install a warm floor under the tiles. Rolls are available in widths from 0.5 to 1 meter, which makes installation faster and more convenient. Although the products are quite expensive, they are best suited for installation under a tiled floor.
  • Caleo- also a Korean manufacturer. The products are of good quality combined with low cost. Rolls of universal film have a width of 50 cm and a power of 180-220 watts. Caleo occasionally develops spontaneous tears or deformities.
  • Calorique- high quality film floors from an American manufacturer. The main advantages of the film are high strength and flexibility, resistance to mechanical stress. This is the best underfloor heating for tiles. Calorique systems are considered the most durable and reliable, very popular, despite the high cost.
  • heat plus is a Korean manufacturer that produces high-quality infrared film underfloor heating with carbon heaters. The width of the rolls is in the range of 50-80 cm, and the power of the system is 150-220 W, depending on the modification. High-power products are produced with an energy consumption of about 400 watts. As a rule, they are intended for loggias, open terraces, etc. It is allowed to lay underfloor heating under the tiles. HeatPlus is equipped with anti-spark protection. Warranty period of operation - at least 15 years.
  • RexVa- Korean high quality film. Equipped with an anti-spark grid, it is completely safe to operate. It has increased resistance to breakage and tearing. Release of rolls 0.5 wide; 0.8 and 1 meter. The power consumption reaches 350 watts.
  • Okondol is a Korean manufacturer that produces film systems that are particularly strong and durable. The warranty period for Okondol floors is 30-50 years. Universal design with multi-layer protection suitable for all types of floor coverings.

The market for heating systems film underfloor heating from exotic types of heating have already turned into a popular, efficient and quite economical alternative to classical systems. The reason is simple - the appearance of modern film materials, which are relatively inexpensive and accessible, do not require serious capital expenditures when equipping the premises and are quickly mounted, including independently with minimal skills.

This article will be a detailed analysis of the features of infrared film underfloor heating made in Russia and South Korea. You will learn a lot of useful things, in particular:

note that here we consider infrared floor heating as an additional source of heat in residential premises. If you are interested in the installation of film underfloor heating as the main type of heating system, we recommend using a heating ceiling based on appropriate film materials. This is much more efficient.

Types, device and principle of operation of infrared film floors

Most of the film materials used on the Russian market for organizing underfloor heating are of South Korean or domestic origin. This is due to several factors:

. uniform heating of the material over almost the entire area;
. convenient standard sizes: mainly roll deliveries with a length of 100 m of various widths (500-1000 mm) with a cutting step of 200-250 mm;
. several types of power in the range of 110-400 W / sq.m;
. record quality guarantees (10-20 years of operation);
. the optimal cost available to most consumers.

The most famous manufacturers of infrared film materials are Q-Term, heat plus, RexVA, STEM Energy, « Hit-Lite and several other companies. These are carbon-based electric heaters supplied in coils, the features of which we will analyze.

Installation of a film underfloor heating includes laying a special film, across which carbon-fiber heaters are located (see figure), which have a linear shape.

These heaters have a strictly calculated resistivity. When an electric current passes here, the electrical energy is converted into thermal energy, that is, the film heats up. The resulting heat is evenly distributed over the entire surface, quickly warming up the coating of your finished floor.

current-carrying copper strips(tires) are located on both edges of the roll. A variety of standard sizes and marking of cut lines allows you to cut the film material right on the spot with virtually no loss. In addition, due to the great flexibility, elasticity and minimum thickness (total 0.338 mm) the material adheres perfectly to any surface, without requiring its special preparation when installing a film underfloor heating. Weight of one "square" electric heater 0.4 kg.

The main types of power of South Korean films: 150, 220, 300, 400 W/sq.m(there are also less common options). The width of the material most often has the following steps: 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 m. All South Korean heaters have proven themselves perfectly. The main thing is the exact scheme for connecting a film underfloor heating, high-quality installation in accordance with the instructions provided and proper operation. Many of these heaters are suitable not only for equipping underfloor heating, but also for heating ceilings (including as the main sources of heat).

Among Russian manufacturers of infrared electric heaters, ZEBRA EVO-300 WF occupies a special place. This is a great company development. PSO "Evolution", which gained fame after the release of popular heaters for heating ceilings (ZEBRA EVO-300 of the PRO and SOFT series). EVO-300 WF was created specifically for underfloor heating. "Zebra" is a modular device, equipped with ground loop and aluminum foil case.

The main advantage of "Zebra" WF - one-sided thermal radiation, at which up to 95% of the energy goes directly to heating, providing a record efficiency of the system.

Approximate wiring diagram for underfloor heating film ZEBRA EVO-300 WF presented below. The user manual can be downloaded.

Advantages of film underfloor heating

There are many advantages to underfloor heating, here are just the most basic advantages that are highlighted by everyone who installed a film underfloor heating:

Rapid heating of the room. Direct impact on the floor material significantly increases the heating rate compared to the vast majority of alternative systems.

Ease and simplicity of installation.

There is no need to make a screed: the material fits perfectly under most types of finishing coating: laminate, linoleum or carpet.

The room loses practically nothing in height (we remind you that the thickness of the electric heaters is only 0.388 mm).

You can be completely calm, no water leaks threaten you.

The infrared system works completely invisibly and completely silently, everything happens automatically according to your settings.

The control is carried out using a thermostat, which is equipped with an external temperature sensor that responds to changes in parameters within 0.5 degrees.

The manufacturer guarantees the perfect functioning of the infrared floor heating from 10 to 20 years(depending on the specific company). The actual service life of electric heaters exceeds 25 years.

Cons of film underfloor heating

We do not idealize underfloor heating at all and objectively admit that it also has disadvantages. The disadvantages of such heating include:

The high cost of heating for rooms with a very large area and high ceilings.

temperature limits. According to SanPiN (SNiP RF 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"), the floor surface in rooms where people are constantly located should not heat up above 26 ° C. And the temperature of the floor where people are temporarily allowed to be raised to 31 ° C. Attempts to excessively raise the temperature of the floor (when the temperature is -30 ° C and below) will lead to discomfort: it will become too hot to walk on it.

Installation of a film underfloor heating is possible only in open areas, free from furniture without legs. Otherwise, there is a threat of critical overheating of the film and its premature failure.

The system dries the air. This is due to the natural convection of air during heating. This is especially evident when using infrared floor heating as the main source of heating. In this case, we recommend installing humidifiers.

Energy consumption of film underfloor heating

To find out the maximum power consumption of the system, just pay attention to the marking. For example, with a heater power of 220 W/sq.m per 1 hour of operation, 1 "square" of an electric underfloor heating consumes 220 Wh (0.22 kWh). At the same time, please note that the main energy consumption occurs when the room is heated, and maintaining the set temperature requires periodic switching on, the frequency of which depends on the heat loss of the building envelope, as well as the parameters you set on the thermostat. Of course, the thermal insulation of the object should be at least at the level of the recommendations of the SNiP of the corresponding region.

The temperature sensor is located directly on the surface of the film material, under the fine finish of the floor. Imagine that you set the thermostat to 26 ° C, which is most comfortable for you. When this temperature value is reached, the sensor will fix it, give a signal to the control device, and the thermostat will turn off the power. Then the floor will gradually cool down, and the speed of the process directly depends on the level of heat loss - and the thermostat will again supply power to the electric heaters.

Thus, the actual power consumption at a particular facility directly depends on the frequency of switching on / off the system. The greater the heat loss, the higher the consumption. We recommend that you always insulate the floor (a layer of ordinary building insulation 100 mm thick is enough). In this case, the specific average power consumption will be about 20-30W per 1 sq.m of heated area.

The most common mistake buyers make with electric underfloor heating is that they want to insulate their floor with it. But the film material does not retain heat: its task is to generate thermal energy. And to keep the received heat should special heaters, which must be provided in the constructive floor. The modern market offers a lot of available options for insulation from various companies from different materials (Knauff, Isoverr, polystyrene foam, etc.) with a thickness of 30 to 100 mm (the thickness is selected depending on the climatic features of the region and the design of the insulation object).

What will happen if the installation of the underfloor heating film is made without insulation? In some cases, the system can handle heating your space, but in most cases, it can't. Without insulation, thermal energy will simply be lost, go into the atmosphere, into the ground, or be absorbed by ceilings. But in any case, the excessive consumption of electricity is inevitable, because the system will have to work almost constantly to compensate for heat loss.

Is it possible to use special substrates up to 5 mm thick, because they also reduce thermal conductivity? Yes, such a substrate is better than nothing at all. However, the effectiveness of insulation is manifested when the minimum thickness of the insulation material in the floor structure is from 100 mm.

Calculation of film underfloor heating

For the efficiency of the infrared floor heating, the correct preliminary calculation of its power is important. Let's give an example in which a warm floor is planned to be used as additional heat source(that is, a boiler or central heating works in parallel). In this case, it is enough to cover with a film up to 50 % gender.

To begin with, we determine the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bheating. Effective area- these are only its open areas that are not occupied by furniture, etc. The figure below shows that the useful heating area is 8.6 sq.m(S = 4.1 x 2.1 m).

Based on the size of the usable area, we select the standard sizes and the number of film electric heaters, while it is desirable to close the entire usable area to the maximum. Here we will use the South Korean film capacity 150 W/sq.m with width 500 mm. It will turn out 4 segments of 4 meters, that is, 8 square meters of electric heaters with a total capacity 1.2 kW(8 sq.m x 150 W/sq.m = 1200 W). We get the load current 5.5 A(1200W / 220V = 5.5A).

We recommend drawing up a laying plan before installation. On it you will need to mark the place of laying the film segments, the distance between the strips, the connection diagram of the film underfloor heating, including the location of the power wires and the temperature sensor coming from the thermostat.

Note! It is strictly not allowed to lay electric heaters with an overlap! Along the perimeter, indents from walls and stationary heating systems should be provided along 10-20 cm. Between the strips of heaters, an indent of up to 50 mm.

Another very important point. At the site where the installation is planned film underfloor heating, must have additional electrical power. Quite often, in its absence and high energy consumption (the system operates in several rooms at the same time, including as the main one), network congestion problem. This leads to the constant operation of the introductory machine and other troubles.

In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to design the parameters of the facility's power supply in connection with the additional electric power of the heated floor.

The choice of the section of the electric cable for the film floor heating

The choice of the section of the electric cable for the film underfloor heating is made depending on area of ​​materials used and correspondingly, power of individual groups of film heaters. These recommendations are made taking into account the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), as well as taking into account the underestimated wire cross-section data of some manufacturers. So, a wire marked 2.5 sq. mm actually turns out to have a cross section of 2-2.1 sq. mm. Below is a table with the recommended cross-section of copper wire, depending on the maximum area of ​​the heaters and the power of one group.

Film heater power (W/sqm) Cross section of copper wire ( Recommended max area of ​​film heaters of one group (sq.m)
150 1,5 up to 12
150 2,5 12 to 20
150 4,0 20 to 30
220 1,5 up to 8
220 2,5 8 to 14
220 4,0 from 14 to 24

If the area of ​​the heaters of a group exceeds the values ​​indicated in the table, then when connected, they must be divided into subgroups of the allowable area in accordance with the recommendations. Example: 28 square meters of infrared floor heating with a power of 150 W / sq. m can easily be divided into 2 subgroups of 14 "squares". In this case, each subgroup is connected to the power line with a separate wire with a cross section of 2.5 sq. mm.

Note! The choice of the cross section of the power wire for connecting an electric floor heating is very important. If you install wires with an underestimated cross section (relative to the recommended one), this threatens to overheat the wire, melt the insulating layer, which can lead to a fire!

Temperature controllers for underfloor heating film

The thermostat is the control device, or simply the brain of the film heating system. It is he who allows you to automatically control and manage the heating process, maintaining a pre-set temperature. The main difference between thermostats for underfloor heating - remote temperature sensor, which is located on the surface of the film, immediately under the fine finish of the floor.

We constantly monitor the equipment market, selecting temperature controllers for our customers, which can definitely be trusted to control the underfloor heating film. These devices include RTC 70.26, RTC E 31.116, E 51.716, E 91.716 and some others. You can freely find a description of the advantages and a connection diagram for each device on our website.

Accessories and tools for underfloor heating film

This includes almost everything that can be included in the system, from the substrate to the machines, adhesive tape and connecting contacts to the tools that will be needed during installation. Consider the required components using the same example that was used above. So, the useful heating area is 8.6 sq.m, there are 4 film segments, the total power of the heaters is 1.2 kW. According to these data, we will select additional materials and equipment:

. Substrate for heaters. An isolon with a thickness of up to 5 mm and an area of ​​​​10 sq.m is ideal here. This is both additional thermal insulation and protection of the film from accidental damage on the base of the floor. Attention! The substrate must be without metal coating (aluminum foil).
. Polyethylene. Performs a protective function against accidental water leaks. Enough 10 m² of polyethylene with a thickness of 50 microns.
. Automatic switch for 10 A - 1 pc.
. Modular box (for 4 modules).
. PuGV wire 1 x 1.5 sq. mm - 2 pieces of red and blue, 10 running meters each.
. Connecting clips (clips) - 2 pcs. per heater + spare pair, total 10 pcs.
. Bituminous tape for insulating the ends of the films (based on 30 pieces of 50 x 50 mm: 6 for each electric heater plus a small margin).
. Household (ordinary) adhesive tape for fixing materials.

Mounting tools: screwdriver, wire cutters, pliers, mounting knife, scissors, electric tester.

Scheme of connection of a film heat-insulated floor

Film floor heating works from a standard network 220 V, 50 Hz. Connecting films to the network - parallel. A schematic diagram of connecting a film underfloor heating (again, focusing on our example) is presented below.

1 . Estimated group load data.
2 . Circuit breaker 10 A.
3 . Temperature controller RTC 70.26.
4 . Group wires PuGV 1 x 1.5 sq. mm.
5 . Insulation of the connection point of the group wire to the film.
6 . Insulation of current-carrying copper bars at the ends of the strip.
7 . Remote temperature sensor.

Preparation and installation of a warm film floor

Underfloor heating can be installed under almost any fine finish: laminate and parquet, linoleum and carpet, parquet board. We recommend entrusting installation work to professionals. However, this does not mean that the installation cannot be done independently - you just need to have knowledge of electrical engineering and follow step-by-step instructions. For example, we present a video in which specialists perform installation of infrared film underfloor heating firms heat plus.

The video clearly explains the correct sequence of installation of the underfloor heating film. In addition, we focus your attention on several important issues that many users face:

. After cutting, the South Korean film material must be laid copper strip down. This does not affect the level of heating, since the radiation goes in both directions. On one side, the contact clamps “stick out” a little. It is she who fits "face" into the floor and is recessed into the cutout of the isolone substrate. This ensures the most even surface for finishing the floor.

. Necessarily insulate with bituminous tape places for cutting the copper bus when cutting the roll, which are located at the ends of the strips.

. Group wires can be connected with special connectors (clamps) or soldering. High-quality soldering is more reliable, but if you do not have the skills of these works, then special clamps will help out in this case. It's easy to do it step by step:

1 . Use a screwdriver or utility knife to pry up the cover over the tire cut, insert the clamp plate between the layers to ensure contact.

2 . Connect the connectors to each of the two electrodes, gently crimp them first with your fingers and then with pliers.

3 . Insert the mounting wires into the cylindrical sockets of the connectors and crimp with pliers or pliers.

Note! Incorrectly installed and loose connectors cause overheating of the electrical circuit and failure of the system!

. All connections are insulated with butyl rubber insulating tape (cut 50 x 50 mm), after which the contact is “kneaded” with fingers. It is necessary to ensure that the connecting clips are located in the middle of the piece of adhesive tape (see photo).

. To place connections and group wires, we recommend preparing special grooves in thermal insulation, where and fix them with ordinary tape. So they will not interfere with the laying of the coating. The temperature sensor should be installed in the same way.

Note! Start laying the fine finish of the floor should only be after completion of commissioning. They include the inclusion of a film underfloor heating with a set temperature of 30 ° C. Then the performance of each heater strip is checked, the total load is measured (in our example it is 5.5 A).

You can profitably buy infrared film underfloor heating and all accessories for it in our online store, link below.