Ceiling design of the dining room kitchen. Which ceiling for the kitchen to choose, the pros and cons, real photos. Plasterboard ceiling

The kitchen is part of every apartment or house, combining several functions: in this room they cook, dine or just relax with a cup of tea. It is here that preparations are made for every celebration, party and celebration. In this regard, the question of competent finishing ceiling. Examples of ceiling design in the kitchen can be seen in the photo below.

Plasterboard ceiling with built-in lights in the interior of the kitchen

Features of creating a ceiling design in the kitchen

Thinking over the design of the kitchen, it is important to take into account its main purpose - in this room, food is cooked for all year round. Accordingly, there is constantly an increased temperature regime and high humidity. In addition, it requires regular maintenance of cleanliness. Such conditions are considered aggressive in relation to many modern building / finishing materials. The design of the ceiling in the kitchen (a photo of the numerous options of which is not a problem to find on the Internet today) should definitely be thought out taking into account all of the above.

Stretch ceiling in conjunction with a drywall box with built-in lighting

There are several basic requirements for the materials used to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. They include:

Advice! In addition to the above characteristics, it is advisable to give preference to such materials and ceiling designs that will help hide the following elements kitchen area: electrical wiring, ventilation system, etc.

Decorating the kitchen ceiling with wooden slats

Materials for decorating ceilings in the kitchen

The above requirements define the boundaries in terms of material selection. Masters involved in repair and finishing works, recommend stopping at:

  • water-dispersion paint;
  • decorative plaster;
  • PVC panels from trusted manufacturers;
  • Lining made of high-quality plastic or natural wood subjected to special treatment;
  • Aluminum panels (when installing rack ceilings);
  • Mirror tiles (when creating mirror surfaces);
  • PVC film (with the device stretch ceilings);
  • Moisture resistant drywall for suspended ceiling structures.

Plastic panels on the ceiling in the interior of the kitchen in the style of "modern"

Use waterborne paint decorative plaster and mirror panels suitable for designing flat (or relatively flat) ceilings. Such materials provide an opportunity to get a neat, rich and easy to clean, that is, a fairly practical surface. However, in order to create some special, refined or unusual design ceiling in the kitchen they do not quite fit. But how a budget option, for example, ceilings painted with high-quality paint are very popular today.

The use of curly ceiling tiles in the design of the kitchen ceiling

Types of ceiling structures

Thinking over the design of the ceiling in the kitchen, it certainly does not hurt to look at photos of its various options on specialized sites. In addition, you need to take into account the individual taste preferences of all the inhabitants of the house, and only then choose the most practical option depending on their financial capabilities.

The chocolate shade of the stretch ceiling elegantly harmonizes with the overall interior of the kitchen

Moisture resistant drywall

Moisture-resistant drywall acts as the base material. In the process of creating a structure, its sheets are attached to a special frame. The peculiarity of the process of creating such a design from other types of ceilings is that on last step it is necessary to perform puttying and painting the surface should be finished with puttying and painting.

Zoning the kitchen with drywall boxes on the ceiling

Creating a ceiling surface from drywall sheets is a rather expensive pleasure. Nevertheless, this ceiling design option is very much in demand today. Indeed, in addition to the fact that such a construction has flat surface, with the help of drywall, it is possible to create ceilings of absolutely any configuration, including multi-level, having curved sections, with niches for lamps, etc.

Plasterboard ceiling with built-in lights and ceiling chandelier

Stretch ceiling

Such a variant of the ceiling structure as a stretch ceiling for the kitchen today is the most modern and especially in demand. In this way, you can create an absolutely even, shiny or matte surface of any color, with or without a pattern. A matte surface is obtained when using a fabric, while a film acts as a material for a glossy stretch ceiling. The glossy design device is more expensive and labor intensive.

Stretch ceiling color "coffee with milk" in the interior of the kitchen

The main advantage of such ceilings is that they are able to hold a fairly large amount of water. That is, in the event of a leak from above, the material will simply stretch, hold back the flow of water, which will eliminate the appearance of stains on the walls, swelling of the floors, short circuit (damage) of kitchen equipment.

Smooth glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen

PVC panels

Such designs are successfully used at the present time not only in kitchens, but even in bathrooms. This material is now available in various color shades, it perfectly holds its shape for ten years.

Finishing the kitchen PVC ceiling panels

The undeniable advantages of such a surface are that:

  • The installation of a plastic ceiling requires a small financial investment;
  • The plastic surface is extremely resistant to high humidity;
  • Such structures serve and preserve a beautiful appearance over a long period of operation;
  • Their installation can be done without the involvement of specialists, that is, do it yourself.
  • Per plastic panels easy to care for.

PVC panels are in perfect harmony with the overall interior of the kitchen

Kitchen Design

Huge range of colors / texture solutions / sizes modern materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen helps to realize the absolutely unrealistic fantasies of the designer, the owners of the house or apartment. But there are some rules to keep in mind.

Plasterboard ceiling in the interior of a modern kitchen


A large kitchen, made in the style of a classic, fits the ceiling warm colors having a matte texture - can be done false ceiling from fabric or suspended from drywall. If the budget is small, then the surface of the ceiling can simply be painted with a matte quality paint designed for use in aggressive conditions.

The combination of coffee and white color in the design of the ceiling in the kitchen in a classic style

Traditional white ceiling contrasts especially well with dark (especially black) furniture - this is always true, regardless of the style of the room.

White plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen with a classic kitchen set


The ceiling in the kitchen in this style should be characterized by a passive role. It is optimal that the same shade is used to decorate the walls and ceiling, and what material it will be made of does not really matter.

The use of PVC panels in the kitchen in the "modern" style


You can create a kitchen style in an apartment with such an interior using a combination of a glossy gray ceiling, metal decor elements and brick walls painted in white, dark gray or even black.

Ceiling design in the kitchen in the style of "loft"

It's important to know! If you correctly determine the shape, design and color scheme, then you can divide the kitchen into certain zones. In addition, in combination with competently organized system lighting, you can make the kitchen visually much larger.

The original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating the ceiling in the loft style

Summing up, it can be argued that competent planning is the main stage of repair. The main thing is in no case to save on the quality of materials for decorating the ceiling.


Photo gallery (51 photos)

Many owners, having planned repairs, are considering: the ceiling in the kitchen - which is better? They look at photos, consult with friends, not daring to give preference to one or another option. The design of the kitchen room must be approached with all responsibility, because it is for this room that the greatest functional loads are characteristic. To do right choice, you should carefully study the information for each type ceiling finish and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each.

What to consider when choosing a ceiling for the kitchen

In order for the ceiling in the kitchen to serve faithfully for a long time, it is recommended to give preference to high-quality materials. high humidity, soot stains that occur during cooking, the smell of food that eats into the walls and ceiling - all this negatively affects kitchen surfaces.

Therefore, when choosing a material, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  • Structures should be fireproof;
  • The ceiling must be adapted to easily tolerate high humidity;
  • The ceiling surface should be resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  • The surface should be easy to clean.

The external data of the structures also have great importance. Modern products features a variety of designs and textures.

Types of ceiling finishes in the kitchen

What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen, everyone decides, depending on household habits and the characteristics of the kitchen space. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all types in terms of practicality and durability.

painted ceiling

At first glance, this finishing option will seem the simplest. However, this is not entirely true: to make a flawless coating, serious preparation is required.

All work can be done independently. It is recommended to choose paint with water emulsion characteristics so that later the surface can be easily cleaned with liquid products.

Before painting, the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned with a special trowel or spatula. In the case of a surface with an uneven relief, it is recommended to use a primer or putty. These funds should be applied in several layers, but each next one is distributed only after the previous layer dries. Thus, the base for applying paint is prepared.

The painted ceiling has several advantages:

  • convenient to use;
  • requires minimal financial investment;
  • long service life;
  • with the help of paint, the ceiling can be given any shade;

The main disadvantage of this type of design is the duration of work, which can take several days.


Pasting the ceiling surface with wallpaper is traditional way design. Here you do not need to have special skills and buy expensive materials. It is enough to buy wallpaper suitable for general interior premises. Better choose moisture resistant coatings They are easy and convenient to clean if heavily soiled.

Minor defects in the ceiling in the form of small cracks or spots will mask the canvases well modern wallpaper. But if the irregularities are large, then it is better to treat the surface with putty and primer before gluing.

Rack and cassette ceilings

Today, the popularity of rack and cassette structures is growing. Their beauty, strength and other virtues are impressive. However, not everyone can afford such pleasure. In addition, such ceilings are suspended, that is, the height of the room will decrease, and not everyone will like it.

Rack (and cassette) ceiling is not afraid of leaks. Made of steel and aluminum, it is not only able to withstand a large number of water, but also its long-term effect.

Ceiling tiles

Using styrofoam ceiling tiles is a very common way to finish a ceiling. This option has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • Relatively low price of the material;
  • The ability to hide some ceiling defects due to the fact that these plates can be slightly bent;
  • Installation of plates does not require any special skills, since everyone can easily attach them;
  • Such material is not afraid of water vapor and is easy to wash.

However, in addition to the advantages, it is necessary to take into account significant disadvantages. The popularity of this type of finish in recent times fell sharply. People often try to choose other ways to finish the ceiling in the kitchen. If the tile is white, then it will quickly get dirty. And if you choose a material of a different color, then you will have to pay significantly more for it.

Plastic ceilings in the kitchen

Plastic is perfect material for decorating the surface of a room where a lot of moisture accumulates. Such ceilings can have various sizes and suitable for any room, thanks to its characteristics.

This type of ceiling is made of PVC panels with different shades and invoices. The advantages of such surfaces are indisputable:

  • plastic ceilings will be inexpensive;
  • resistant to moisture accumulation;
  • easy to wash;
  • durable;
  • installing them yourself will not be difficult.

Important! When fixing plastic ceilings, care should be taken. You can deform the surface with strong pressure.

Plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen is a very popular trend lately. This type is in many ways similar to the plastic version. It also does not require special training surface, it is possible to carry out communications over it. When installed, it will take a few centimeters of the height of the room.

What distinguishes this type of ceiling from other structures is the fact that its installation should be completed with putty and painting. base material, - plasterboard sheets - mounted on a special frame.

Do ceiling surface from drywall - not a cheap pleasure. But the result is worth it. Not only will the ceiling turn out to be even - anything can be made from such material, in accordance with the design ideas of the hostess of the kitchen. Wish curved lines - please! Wants to make multi-level surfaces or unusual niches for lighting fixtures- no problem! But it is better to consult with a professional designer.

Of the minuses: it is impossible to wash such a surface. If a electric hood missing, the ceiling will quickly lose its original color.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen

In the interior of the kitchen of a modern hostess, you can increasingly find stretch ceilings. They are installed by experts. The dimensions of the kitchen and the wishes of the owners about the design are taken into account.

Not knowing which ceiling in the kitchen is better to install, you should first clearly understand what exactly you want to see in the end. So, stretch ceilings can be glossy or matte, have a uniform shade or photo printing, this is clearly visible in the photo.

The main advantages of such a ceiling are:

  • resistance to leaks and fluctuations in humidity;
  • strength;
  • comfortable operation;

Starting repairs, it is necessary to think over thoroughly all the details of interior design. It is important that all repairs are not only financially practical, but also durable. Some details, such as, for example, the ceiling, are made for more than one year. Consider the main options for ceiling covering in the kitchen.

In today's variety of ceiling covering options, you can easily get confused by an unreasonable person in this matter. Therefore, it is first recommended to study in detail each type of ceiling, and only then begin to mount it.

After determining the significant advantages and disadvantages of each ceiling option, it will be easier for the buyer to make a choice. Let's consider them below.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The main material used in the manufacture of stretch ceilings is vinyl. For the manufacture of such a ceiling, thin sheets are used, interconnected using high-frequency current.

As a result, canvases are obtained up to five meters in length, which makes it possible to make the ceiling seamless in small areas.

Stretch ceiling advantages:

  • Fast installation.
  • Able to withstand about a hundred liters of water per meter. This ability will come in handy if your neighbors suddenly flood you. The tension web will simply bend, and after the water is pumped out, it will return to its original position.
  • Since the material used for the manufacture of such a ceiling has an average degree of flammability, then it can rightfully be considered fireproof.
  • Variety of designs and colors.
  • Resistant to liquid precipitation and moisture, which in the kitchen prevails in excess due to constant temperature changes.


  • exposed mechanical influences so be careful with sharp objects.
  • Reduces the height of the ceiling by four to five centimeters.
  • For large areas, a visible joint of the canvases is possible.
  • For the first time after the installation of such a canvas an unpleasant odor may be present.

Stretch ceiling can be of different design:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin;
  • FROM decoration. The most commonly used images are flowers, maps, birds, clouds, portraits, starry sky.

There is a myth that a stretch ceiling can provoke the appearance of mold and mildew. But this is far from true. Their appearance is associated with excess moisture.

Since it is impossible to treat a moldy place with a special antiseptic without dismantling the entire stretch fabric, it is recommended to treat the entire ceiling with a solution before installing it.

The price of a stretch ceiling has a significant run-up in the minimum and maximum rates. As a rule, the lowest square meter costs about five dollars.

The maximum value is unlimited. If we consider the average price, then we can give a value of ten to fifteen dollars per 1 square meter.

The cost of a stretch ceiling depends on the following indicators:

  • ceiling size;
  • what corners in the kitchen (round or square);
  • number of recessed fixtures;
  • need to go around uneven surfaces in the form of pipes;
  • type of ceiling: glossy will cost more than all other options.


Most often used with defective ceilings: uneven slabs, targets or other irregularities that need to be masked.


  • Flexible and moisture resistant material used.
  • The ability to hide wiring and other wires.
  • Allows you to zone the room.
  • Additional soundproofing.
  • During the draft of the building itself, they do not give cracks.
  • Various design variations and colors.


  • Significantly reduce the height of the ceiling (from seven centimeters).
  • Difficulty of installation.

According to its installation, a plasterboard ceiling can be:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • multilevel.

FROM plasterboard ceiling it is also possible to use additional decor in the form of mirrors, glass, wood.

As for the cost of such a ceiling, prices start at ten dollars per square meter. The rest all depends on the chosen design and the decor used.


The main advantage of this type of ceiling covering will be the combination of aesthetic appearance and ease of care. In their design, they differ in size and number of sections in one panel.


  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Easily tolerate flooding with water from the upper floors.
  • Hide wires and other communications.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Have no smell.
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Diverse design.


The main disadvantage is a decrease in the height of the ceiling by a few centimeters.

Due varied design plastic ceiling loved by many people. Panels can imitate wood, marble, metal, bamboo and so on. As for the color, most often light shades are used for the ceiling.

The cost of such a ceiling is considered one of the most affordable. The price starts from three dollars per square meter.



  • Hides ceiling irregularities.
  • Hide wires and other communications.
  • Fast installation.
  • Available used materials.


As in the above options for ceiling coverings, the height of the ceiling is reduced.

The cost of such a ceiling depends on the material used. average price varies within ten to fifteen dollars per square meter.

Two-level ceiling in the kitchen

With this type of ceiling covering, you can easily hide the irregularities of the ceiling or various pipes and wires.

The most common materials used for mounting a two-level ceiling:

  • drywall;
  • stretch fabric;
  • rack ceilings;
  • ceiling panels;
  • noble stone.


  • Well zoned room.
  • Visually make the kitchen bigger.
  • Well mask communication and wires.


  • The height of the ceilings is reduced by several centimeters.
  • The price depends on the chosen design and the material used.


Slatted ceiling allows you to recreate unique design due to the good flexibility of the rails themselves. And the diversity in color scheme allows you to choose suitable shade for an individual kitchen interior.


  • It tolerates moisture well.
  • Ease of care.
  • The gap between the rails allows you to change the lighting over time without dismantling the entire ceiling.
  • Durable and well tolerated by mechanical stress.
  • Does not accumulate dust.
  • Low price.


  • because of suspended structure reduces the height of ceilings by several centimeters.
  • If it is necessary to change the ceiling covering in a particular section of the ceiling, the entire ceiling is dismantled.

The cost depends on the material of the rails. The average price of such a ceiling reaches ten to fifteen dollars per square meter.

wooden ceiling

The tree gives coziness and sophistication to the whole room. In addition, this material "breathes", which proves its high environmental friendliness.


  • Keeps warm.
  • Additional layer of soundproofing.
  • Hides communications and wires.
  • Aesthetic appearance.


The main disadvantage of such a ceiling covering is that the tree does not tolerate moisture well. And there's plenty of it in the kitchen. But various impregnations for the ceiling will help to cope with this problem. They will save the tree from rapid decay.

Most often wooden ceiling used in country style, where the tree creates a cozy home environment. Great option for those who love nature and a quiet lifestyle.

The cost of such a ceiling depends on the type of wood used, as well as the design. If you take an oak coffered ceiling, then the price starts from one hundred and fifty dollars per square meter. Not everyone can afford these financial expenses on the ceiling.

Wallpaper on the ceiling

Probably, it is the oldest and time-tested type of ceiling covering. In addition, a very budget option. The main thing to do before buying wallpaper is to decide on the quality.

As a rule, light wallpaper is chosen for the ceiling, with high ability permeability and moisture resistance. It should be noted that it is better to choose neutral colors, as they hide accumulated fat.


  • Affordable price.
  • A wide range of.
  • Using moisture resistant wallpaper it will be easy to take care of the ceiling.
  • Possibility of repainting.
  • Ease of sticking.


  • Does not tolerate steam well.
  • Short service life.
  • Perfectly flat ceiling.
  • It is impossible to hide wires and other communications.

Table of approximate cost of work and material (rub)

Choosing the color of the ceiling for the kitchen

Whatever material is used to decorate the ceiling, the color scheme is of great importance. Most often, white and other light shades are selected for the ceiling. But there are also very eccentric design options, where there is a place for dark colors.

white ceiling

Traditional ceiling color. Its main advantage is that it visually enlarges the space and makes the room brighter. Looks impressive glossy ceiling white.

black ceiling

You have to be careful with this color. It is best to consult with experienced designers who will prompt best option dark shade on the ceiling.

At correct reception there may be an illusion of the absence of a ceiling. Black ceiling fit only for kitchens with high ceilings.

red ceiling

As a rule, purposeful people, with a stable life position and with obvious qualities of an unsurpassed leader, prefer the red color. For the ceiling, red is used quite rarely. But if you apply it, you get a very beautiful interior.

One of the conditions for the presence of such a color on the ceiling is its competent combination with other shades of the kitchen. The result is an incredible effect of luxury.

It is worth remembering that the red ceiling will be the center of attention in such a kitchen, so the rest of the interior should be done in more restrained colors. Red color awakens appetite, so it will be very appropriate for the kitchen.

Drawing on the ceiling

Modern technologies allow high precision transfer the image to the ceiling. Plus, competent lighting and then you get an incredible beauty of the ceiling.

Most often, the pattern is used on stretch ceilings. For the kitchen, the ideal option would be images of flowers, the sky, animals, kitchen utensils. great idea may be the placement of photographs of households on the ceiling.

Which is better: glossy or matte ceiling?

It is difficult to say exactly which type of ceiling is best suited for the kitchen. It all depends on the personal taste of the owner of the apartment, as well as on the size of the room and lighting. If the kitchen large areas, then designers are advised to give preference to the matte version.

For connoisseurs of gloss, it is better to choose a two-level ceiling for the kitchen.

Glossy ceiling beautiful lighting can seduce with its beautiful reflection. In addition, this type of ceiling is visually able to enlarge the kitchen, which serves great solution for a small space.

The matte ceiling still refers more to. One of its advantages will be the absence of visually visible joints of the ceiling covering. Also on matte finish dust will not be visible. It is not in vain that the matte surface is mainly chosen for the kitchen.

But for the combined ceiling is also suitable. The use of glossy inserts on a matte finish will visually make the room more voluminous and expressive.

After analyzing all the above information, everyone will be able to find perfect option ceiling covering just for you. You should not blindly pursue fashion or succumb to the visual effect received from what you see in a neighboring apartment or beautiful picture in the Internet.

If you still have not decided on the choice of material for the ceiling, then seek help from experienced designers who will select an interesting and suitable design just right for your kitchen.

You can also see photos of real ceilings in the kitchen, maybe after that your inspiration will come to you.

Ceiling in the kitchen (real photos)

The kitchen requires a special approach in design. And this specificity lies in the perfect balance between beauty, style, convenience, safety, functionality and cost. Since repairs most often start from the ceiling, today we will look at the design options for this "fifth wall" and help you find the best balance.

50 real photos will demonstrate the modern design of the ceiling in the kitchen, and the characteristics of popular finishing materials that we have collected will highlight the practical side of the issue and help you make the final choice.

Extravagant glossy surfaces look great in modern interiors, complementing the facades of furniture and increasing the kitchen in volume.

Matte ceilings in appearance are no different from the usual whitewash. Both those and others get along well with photo printing.

The main trump card of film stretch ceilings is the ability to save your interior from being flooded by neighbors from above. Compared to film fabrics, fabric canvases are more durable, but they let water through and will not save you from the flood.

Cons of PVC ceilings:

  • require careful and careful care;
  • the vinyl included in the film causes concern among supporters of eco-materials;
  • restrictions in the power of lighting devices associated with the characteristics of the material;
  • when installed, the room heats up to 60 degrees.

Examples of the use of stretch ceilings in the kitchen are waiting for you in the photo below.

Plasterboard ceilings

As you might guess, we saved the most interesting for later. Moisture resistant drywall is a universal companion of all the previously listed materials. He participates in the creation of one- and two-level structures, helps to correct the relief of the ceiling, hide pipes, divide the kitchen into zones and provide them with the necessary lighting.

Designers claim: to bring to life unusual ideas false ceiling designs in the kitchen (and in any other room) - combine!

Plasterboard ceiling is often combined with stretch fabrics, which are somewhat capricious in terms of lighting. In this case, drywall takes over the perimeter of the kitchen and lighting. working area. The combination looks no less organic drywall sheets with wood and tiles.

The high plasticity of the material allows you to create structures with smooth, curved shapes that repeat similar outlines. kitchen set. It looks, you see, very harmonious.

Two-level ceilings - a great opportunity to apply LED backlight without which it is difficult to imagine modern interior, or fill the kitchen with a play of light and shadow. Spirals, flowers, stars, geometric figures regular and irregular shapes – the design options are endless. It remains only to choose the one that best suits the layout and requirements of your kitchen.

On this, perhaps, our review is completed. We wish you a quick and durable repair!

For each person repair in own house rather troublesome and responsible task. All rooms of the dwelling require special attention when choosing design and elements of finishing materials.

For the design of the kitchen, the finish is chosen very scrupulously. After all, the place itself is special. The design of the ceiling in the kitchen must match general view rooms, fully match the color shades.

To date, began to create complex and unique designs. But how to properly and effectively finish the ceiling surface? It all depends on the capabilities and fantasies of the owner of the apartment. You should not save on materials for structures if you want their service life to be as long as possible.

How to choose a finish on the ceiling in the kitchen

The market range of materials for the ceiling surface is very wide. Which one is best suited for the kitchen atmosphere depends on the wishes of the owner of the apartment.

It is worth considering the fact that when cooking, fumes and soot will settle on the ceiling, no matter what kind of hood is in the room. And if the neighbors flooded the dwelling, then yellow spots will appear on the surface.

Summing up all possible situations, the finish is chosen very carefully, studying all the characteristics and advantages so that the money spent is not in vain.

  • Important criteria for the use of ceiling material in the kitchen
  • The design must be non-porous to prevent dirt and odor from settling in the cracks.
  • A quality finish is good when it can be easily cleaned.
  • An important point is moisture resistance.
  • The material must be with safe properties in case of fire.
  • Should not, under any circumstances, harm human health.

Plaster for the ceiling and possible ways to use it

The cheapest and quality material for finishing is putty and plaster. Materials are popular through their positive property, hide all irregularities and defects on the surface.

They are fire resistant. The height of the ceiling after applying the plaster does not change, since the thickness of the layer is not large.

Whitewash material

A very long time ago, lime was used to create a perfectly white ceiling. The material is economical, natural and fireproof. Anyone can whitewash the ceiling surface.

But the fact is that lime absorbs all kitchen odors, you will often have to do renovation work.


If the ceiling in the kitchen is perfectly flat, then you can paint it with paint with water-based properties. Thanks to a variety of shades, the owner of the room to create best ceiling in the kitchen.

To date, paint manufacturers have taken care of their features. The material dries quickly, odorless, easy to clean.

Styrofoam boards

All cracks and irregularities in the ceiling are hidden under ceiling tiles. Even the most inept person will cope with the installation. The lining can be easily washed.

The coating is considered not modern, and their appearance is too simple, which indicates the only flaws.

The ceiling is decorated with suspended structures

A frame is being made, which serves to perform the main work finishing material. The base coat does not need to be applied, because it will be covered by the structure. Communication systems are hidden inside the frame, and lamps are mounted outside.

If the kitchen is in high-rise building, then suspended ceiling provide good sound insulation.

Drywall constructions

With the help of drywall, designers can realize even the most intricate fantasies. The material is produced both flat and multi-level. Quite often, structures are painted as finishing work.

Care for them depends on the quality finishing. For the kitchen, drywall with moisture-repellent characteristics is chosen. To update the color, it is simply repainted.

Stretch ceiling

Durable and moisture-resistant stretch coatings are made using a polyvinyl chloride film. If there was a flood and you were flooded from above, then the ceiling will save you from influences on furniture and other items in the room.

Has good benefits. Ecologically pure material copes well with negative factors during operation.

suspended ceiling structure for the kitchen with a glossy surface.

Thanks to the mirror reflector, the dimensions of the kitchen visually increase. The most basic and significant advantages of PVC is a graceful appearance. Production is possible multilevel structures. The film makes it possible to make a separate zoning, using different shades, textures and shapes in the kitchen.

Photo of the design of the ceiling in the kitchen