Modern wallpaper for the hallway and corridor. How to choose wallpaper for the corridor that expands the space? Varieties of modern wallpaper

There should be no imperfections in the interior of the home: it is important to take care of every room, including the hallway and corridor. Wallpaper is of great importance in the decoration of these rooms. Being one of the key design elements, they make the walls look neat and tidy. The choice of wallpaper for the hallway and corridor is subject to a number of features. Before buying, you should study the types, fashionable shades, colors, pattern combinations, texture and other nuances.


Wallpaper is a wall and ceiling finishing material of various types. This finish is internal. Wallpaper is sold mainly in the form of rolled products, although, thanks to modern production technologies, another type of material packed in bags is also offered to the attention of buyers.

It is the type of wallpaper that determines the method of gluing the surface of the walls: they are glued in the form of cuts of the desired length or smeared with a spatula.

In production, different raw materials are used, which determine the quality and performance characteristics of each type of wallpaper.

The most common materials are paper, textiles and vinyl. Today, this cladding is much more interesting than the products of the Soviet era: modern manufacturing companies offer a wide range of products, which is often the accent of the premises.

If it was previously believed that wallpaper for the hallway and corridor was of no particular importance, today the opinion has changed radically: such a cladding helps determine the status of the owners of the house, it indicates their taste preferences and determines aesthetic perception.


The choice of material is based on knowledge of the varieties. There are many of them, however, not all raw materials are suitable for a hallway or a narrow corridor. And it's not about color at all: the texture and pattern do not fit, which either reduce the space of already small rooms, or glow too much, or create a feeling of heaviness. In addition, some varieties are not suitable in style.

The most popular types of finishes, which are appropriate in almost every style of interior composition, are wallpapers: paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile, paintable, liquid, glass, natural, 3D.

Roll products differ in different widths, which is very convenient and allows you to paste over the walls as accurately as possible, without bubbles and folds.

  • paper wallpaper- budget canvases with a paper base and a pattern or photo printing applied to it. They differ in thickness, can be quite thin and are divided into two categories: simplex (single-layer) and duplex (two-layer). The first of them are simpler, cheaper and more difficult to stick, the latter are able to hold out on the walls for more than 5 years without requiring gluing. These canvases are afraid of moisture, therefore, upon contact with water, they can move away from the walls.
  • Vinyl analogues are distinguished by a porous surface structure. Unlike paper sheets, they consist of two layers: a vinyl top and a non-woven backing. In some products, the base is paper. This finish is expensive, although it does not justify its price, since after some time it releases formaldehyde fumes into the air. Vivid representatives of the variety are silk-screened wallpapers - smooth, solid and foamed canvases, the colors of which are embossed, from which the canvases become similar to fabric.

  • non-woven The wallpaper looks like vinyl. They are quite dense, made of polymers or textile fibers. Such canvases are breathable, they are fireproof, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so they are suitable for a sun-drenched hallway. The texture is pleasant in that it hides the small irregularities of the walls, which is a significant plus. However, non-woven coatings accumulate dust on the surface and have a structure that requires careful handling.
  • Textile wallpaper is similar to a decorative covering with woven threads pasted on a paper backing. The threads can be interlaced or arranged in parallel (as close as possible). This finish is quite controversial. It demonstrates the well-being of the owners of the house, however, in pasting it is rather capricious and does not allow the slightest hit of glue on the surface of the front side. It is difficult to glue it, moreover, you will have to apply the composition only to the wall, which is not always convenient and sufficient for maximum adhesion.

  • Wall finish for painting- wallpapers of predominantly white color, meter wide, made on a paper basis. The structure of the material is embossed, has a different simple pattern, often similar to chaotic stucco. Due to the unusual relief, an interesting pattern is created during painting, while you can hide the unevenness of the wall. The material is attractive because it can be painted many times: the paint lays down evenly, painting all the recesses of the relief.
  • The liquid wallpaper- a product of a new generation, which is the only one from the line of interior wall decoration that is produced in bags and resembles glue-wool. Moreover, the similarity is not only external: the material is also diluted with warm water and allowed to brew for the right time (about a day), tightly closing the bag. The finished raw material is smeared on the wall: the appearance of the cladding is original, heterogeneous, resembling an uneven mosaic. The uniqueness of the material is the ability to perform any pattern. To do this, after priming on the wall, draw the desired composition, then fill the wall with different shades of wallpaper. The disadvantage of raw materials is the fear of getting on the surface of the water.

  • Glass fiber- a kind of material with a fiberglass structure. It is made by a special method, reminiscent of knitting. Glass fibers are used in the work. In order for the material to acquire a stable shape, it is treated with special impregnations. Glass fiber is an original solution for the design of a hallway or corridor, they are not subject to decay, are acceptable, do not contain harmful toxins and can be painted.
  • Facing with 3D effect- a variety with a three-dimensional (three-dimensional) image. A canvas with visual distortion can change the volume of space, therefore it is an appropriate type of finish. 3D wallpapers have a dense structure that is resistant to accidental mechanical damage. They do not burn and fit perfectly on the walls without forming bubbles. However, with a lot of advantages, this finish does not always look good on the wall: in order for the illusion to be harmonious, you need a small print or more space.

  • Lined up natural wallpaper included products from jute, leaves. In addition to them, bamboo and cork coatings are interesting. Compared to other analogues, these materials are quite expensive, although their quality characteristics are quite high. They are moisture resistant, look great and expensive, elevate the design to the right level with a premium look, and blend in with a variety of environments. Their distinguishing feature is the shade of sand color and appearance, which is far from the classic presentation.

What wallpaper to choose?

In a huge selection of wall finishes, it is difficult to buy what you need at a glance. Sometimes there are a lot of options around, which, with their diversity, divert attention from the desired canvas.

In order not to get confused when buying, you should outline an algorithm:

  • viewing the existing furnishings of the hallway or corridor;
  • the choice of shade and pattern, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace and lighting capabilities;
  • choice of canvas in the store (several options);
  • identifying the pros and cons (method of gluing, complexity, resistance to abrasion under mechanical stress);
  • calculation of the quantity, taking into account the observance of the figure;
  • a purchase based on value for money and premium.

Wallpaper is not bought solely on the basis of appearance. Of course, it should be beautiful and have a pleasant texture. However, this alone is not enough. Often, at first glance, the canvas seems special, and upon re-examination, it irritates the eyes.

It is worth looking at several types of canvases, given the unevenness of the walls, the thickness of the wallpaper, the relevance of their theme in a particular interior composition.

To simplify the choice, it is worth taking note of a few useful tips:

  • the type of wallpaper should be “correct”: it is important to pay attention to the strength, the average thickness of the material, the absence of a porous structure (it breaks off in small pieces during accidental mechanical action);
  • excessively thick and textured canvases are more difficult to clad, if the walls have irregularities, they can quickly move away between the joints;
  • matting and a small strip in the interior of the hallway or corridor create wall ripples: such drawings look great up close, but hit the eyes from a distance;
  • it's time to forget about standard solutions, today they are commonplace: depending on the pattern, the wallpaper can be combined in paired rolls or glued horizontally to the wall;

  • a large wallpaper print destroys a small space, so it will not work for a narrow corridor or a tiny hallway;
  • if the room is narrow, you can glue paired wallpapers, drawing attention to the edges of the width (on the long sides it is better to choose plain canvases);
  • if the space is small, it is better to choose washable wallpaper: this way you can extend the life of the wall coverings and make it easier to keep the walls clean;
  • if there are plastic panels in the interior of the hallway or corridor, dense embossed wallpapers are suitable as a companion: they are better combined with the smooth texture of plastic.

It is necessary to pay attention to the subtleties of color combinations. Today, gluing wallpaper on the wall means being a designer. It is not enough to choose a beautiful pattern and an interesting base.

It is important to take into account the combination with furnishings, the depth and saturation of the shade:

  • despite practical considerations, dark shades will create the illusion of a reduction in space, they will put pressure on the floor;
  • you can’t buy canvases in the same color as the floor covering: this creates the feeling that the floor is wrapped around the walls;
  • if the hallway or corridor is replete with small items, a large print is excluded: it will create an atmosphere of disorder;
  • if a color is chosen that is not in the interior of the room, you can not do without support through design elements (hangers, floor lamps, lamps, rugs);
  • if the room has a window, wallpaper in the color of the curtains is excluded (the walls should be different from the curtains).


Color solutions for wallpaper for the hallway and corridor are multifaceted. There are no rigid frames: delicate taste is important. Some manage to complete the design using dark shades, and at the same time the hallway looks stylish and status. As a basis, you can take the ideas of experienced designers.

Conventionally, all shades are divided into practical and beautiful. The first group includes canvases of beige and diluted brown scales. Of all the shades of the color palette, they most harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway and corridor. This is a classic, appropriate outside the choice of style.

The canvases of the second group are divided into two types: pastel shades and rich colors. Muted light colors include lilac, gray-pink, blue, turquoise and delicate peach shades. The bright tones of the palette include soft green, burgundy, wine red paints. The colors look muted, due to the texture of the canvases they look expensive and stylish.

As for white and yellow shades, their choice is not so popular. White color is easily soiled, so it is not suitable for rooms with high traffic. Yellow gives way to beige and milky: this way the walls look more premium. Black colors in the interior of the hallway and corridor are out of place. The maximum that they are supposed to do is to decorate the elements of the wallpaper pattern (and then in a small amount).


Decorating canvases is a special topic. Each brand strives to release something unique that can attract the buyer. In a competitive environment, canvases are distinguished by a variety of textures and patterns.

The choice of wallpaper must obey two rules:

  1. practicality;
  2. beauty.

The design takes into account several factors, among which texture is of particular importance.

She may be:

  • smooth, thanks to which the drawings have clear and expressive lines (lace and floral motifs, geometric shapes, flowers, striped wallpaper);
  • with a relief pattern (including 3D), which allows the canvases to look voluminous (velor wallpaper, embossing);
  • with an imitation of the texture of different materials (under the laminate, tile laying, weaving, crocodile skin, tortoise shell, zebra or python skin, with pebbles).

The main condition is relevance: the wallpaper must be in harmony with the general design idea, match at least one shade with the existing environment, follow the desired theme in style.

They should bring positive notes (warm shades) and home comfort into the premises (catchy metallized and fluorescent canvases that create the illusion of a disco are excluded). In general, the situation should correspond to the whole style of the apartment.

Sticking selected wallpapers

Wallpapering is a simple matter, but many people have a lot of questions. Some are interested in where to start decorating the walls, others do not know how to glue the canvases correctly. It may seem that each canvas has its own tricks and features of gluing.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem:

  • if the walls were pasted over with other wallpaper before repair, they should be removed with a spray gun and water (it is easier to remove the old coating, the canvases are removed in large fragments, and there is practically no dust);
  • each roll indicates the method of gluing (sometimes it has a schematic representation);
  • thin canvases are overlapped, overlapping one another, thick wallpapers are glued close to each other (butt);

  • since there is rarely a window in these rooms, the first canvas is glued from the door, then go clockwise around and return from the back of the door;
  • if the canvases are textured and dense, it doesn’t matter where to glue it from: you can start working from the corner (this way you can draw the corner as accurately as possible without distortions and folds);
  • the pasting method is influenced by design options for the location of the wallpaper: if this is a patchwork technique, the cut-out fragments will have to be pasted from the middle or according to the markings applied.

Fashion options

Since wallpaper of the same design is boring, you can decorate the walls of the hallway and corridor with different techniques of experienced stylists.

The most interesting stylistic solutions are:

  • horizontal combination- gluing the canvases perpendicular to the floor by the method of alternation, taking into account the features of the pattern (relevant for the strip);
  • vertical interleaving- a technique similar to the previous one, but with a slight difference: the pattern is distinguished less than a plain canvas (it is better to decorate the center with a print, start alternating along the edges, making plain stripes wider);

Presenting a picture of a home interior, in no case should we forget about the hallway. This room, or rather, the atmosphere in it, is the hallmark of your home, because the local interior is the first thing your guests see. As for you and your household, then, moving around the apartment, going out on business and returning to your home from the street, you have no choice but to contemplate your entrance hall. So it turns out that it is she who creates the atmosphere that reigns in the house, and the impression of you as its owner. So, the arrangement of this room should be given the closest attention. Moreover, to update its interior with your own hands, you will not need so much effort and money.

How to choose wallpaper for the hallway?

Dirt and dust always accumulate in the hallway. Based on this, the finish for the room should be chosen, as they say, hardy, that is, resistant to wear and dirt and, most importantly, as easy to clean as possible. Therefore, if your choice fell on wallpaper, they must be washable. And there are several types on the market:

  1. Vinyl wallpapers

They have high tensile and tensile strength. Their front layer is made of a fairly durable PVC film with a pattern or pattern, and the base is made of special paper. As a result, they are very easy to wash, and they practically do not fade in the sun.

PVC wallpaper is ideal for a narrow and cramped hallway. But decorating a spacious and high room with them can cost a pretty penny, since they are quite expensive.

  1. fiberglass wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is universal - after pasting the walls, the material can be painted in any color. Subsequently, it can be changed, because cullet is resistant to solvents. In addition, they are distinguished by high resistance to mechanical damage, and detergents and water are not at all afraid of them.

  1. Cork wallpaper

The front layer of these wallpapers is made of cork, while the base is made of special fibrous paper. They will look great in a spacious hallway or well-lit, as in most cases they absorb a lot of light.

It is not necessary to decorate the entire room with a cork. Small inserts in areas of the most intense wear will significantly increase the life of the interior and keep the feeling of cleanliness and order.

  1. The liquid wallpaper

As a matter of fact, this is not really wallpaper, but rather decorative plaster, which is applied to the walls or its individual sections with a thin layer and with the help of a spatula acquires a unique relief texture. Lacquer coating will allow you to care for them with a simple damp sponge.

How to choose color, pattern and texture?

When decorating the hallway, one should not forget that perhaps the most important role in the interior is played by lighting. A large and bright entrance hall opens up a fairly wide scope for imagination, but compact and dark rooms need a special approach. Therefore, it is better that the wallpaper in this room is light and saturated. Well, if you still like dark colors, consider installing additional lighting, say in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hanger or bedside table with shoes.

Design ideas for the interior of the hallway in the photo

Too bright shades absorb a lot of light, so you should not be especially zealous with them. If you want, you can make small inserts and thereby divide the room into a zone or make it visually wider or higher.

Any pattern on the wallpaper gives a fairly powerful visual effect. A large and bright ornament is able to make a room too large, and therefore seemingly empty and unfinished, more comfortable, and in a small hallway to emphasize individual details of the situation. Monochromatic wallpaper or canvas with a small pattern contribute to the visual expansion of space and focus on details.

Stone, brick, wood, leather, tile or even decorative plaster look quite presentable, but decorating the hallway with them is impressive. Therefore, a fairly popular technique is pasting the hallway with wallpaper that imitates various materials not only with a pattern, but with texture. For example, the entrance area can be decorated with bamboo or stone, which will give the interior originality and inspire a sense of style into it.

Background pasting of all the walls of the hallway with textured wallpaper - under brick, stone, decorative plaster, etc. - should not be done. Unless they have a soft color, or you yourself like loft-style interiors. Otherwise, the situation in the room will be too difficult to perceive.

The combination of wallpaper and the feeling of space in the hallway

Decorating the hallway with plain wallpaper can seem boring. In addition, the layout of the apartment does not always suit its owners. The most common technique for giving the interior individuality and visual correction of space is the combination of wallpaper. By combining different colors, patterns and textures, you can create an emphasis on the merits and hide the flaws of the situation, adding zest to it.

Options for combining wallpaper when decorating the hallway in the photo

If the room in your hallway is small, pay attention to the combination of plain wallpaper and canvas with a vertical pattern. Such inserts will provide a clear vertical zoning and make the room higher. With a lack of lighting, the upper part of the walls can be pasted over with lighter light wallpaper with a fine texture - together with additional illumination of individual zones, this will create a feeling of depth of space.

The horizontal division of the interior with wallpaper is a less common technique, which, however, looks great in spacious and bright rooms. This combination creates a feeling of freedom, but it should not be used in narrow and cramped hallways, as the room with them will seem even more elongated and therefore pressing from the sides.

Wallpaper in the hallway should not contrast too much with each other, unless such a combination is part of the overall design intent. By the way, there must be harmony in the latter, so the decoration for the hallway should be selected to match the decor of the entire apartment.

When choosing color combinations, designers use the "color wheel". It contains 12 primary colors. Those that are nearby are called related - their combination creates a feeling of calm and harmony. Colors in opposite sectors are complementary, so that their combinations can bring a sense of energy and revitalization to the atmosphere.

A little more about shades

Will this or that color, pattern or texture of wallpaper be appropriate when decorating the hallway? To determine this before the purchase and not bite your elbows later, after the completion of the interior renovation work, you should use the multifaceted design experience. And he says the following:

- peach colour creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, is able to cheer up on a rainy day and goes well with beige, pink, light brown, golden and white tones;

- beige color- pastel - creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere, in combination with white tones makes the atmosphere lighter, while with dark ones they bring a sense of rigor and style into it;

- golden color brings a feeling of warmth into the interior and is used mainly with light, earthy shades, while in combination with dark saturated colors it can create what is called a gothic atmosphere;

- yellow is associated with summer and good mood and goes well with literally any other shades, so it is very suitable for decorating small cramped hallways with a lack of lighting;

- Orange color symbolizes energy and strength, improves mood and encourages communication - use it rationally in combination with plain light or rich wallpaper; has a calming effect and allows you to create a strict, stylish and noble interior, looks good in the hallway with sufficient lighting and in combination with beige, yellow or light green;- Blue colour- cold, so it has a calming effect, relieves fatigue and creates a feeling of warmth and comfort, especially in combination with yellow and orange shades.

Black is a depressing color, so it should be used to a minimum. But white is the color of lightness and openness. In decorating the hallway, he gives complete freedom of action, which must be used so that the interior is not boring and does not resemble a hospital corridor.

In the interior of the hallway, you can use almost any color - pink, red, blue, purple and even black. Having given free rein to your imagination, you can create your own style that will delight you and your household and surprise the guests of your home. But at the same time, one should not forget that the wall decoration in the hallway should be in harmony with the floor and ceiling, as well as with the local furnishings and the rest of the interior. Therefore, the main thing when choosing wallpapers is a competent combination, the visual effect of which you will really like.

If you want to show off your home living conditions, it all starts in the hallway. Neighbors passing by are sure to touch your corner of the eye out of the corner of your eye.

And what will they think? But it depends on how beautifully decorated the hallway. Basically, the eye falls on finishing materials.

For example, beautiful wallpaper or painted walls instantly stand out. But it's all so standard, and people can get the impression of something more original and weighty.

In this article, we will discuss how effective wall murals in the hallway can be.

The modern market of finishing materials offers a wide range of them. Nevertheless, we recommend paying attention to the photo wallpaper.

The choice of design is really quite large. This makes the job easier and harder at the same time. Firstly, it is not always possible to immediately choose what you need for the general interior of the room.

Secondly, some wallpapers are not so easy to glue on their own, which means you need a very functional material. Thirdly, the more popular the style and the higher the quality, the more you have to pay for it.

Pay attention to the photo wallpaper in the hallway, because we will talk about them today. Wall murals in the interior of the hallway today are very comfortable and stylish.

If you want to decorate your corridor, but at the same time remain practical, this wall decoration option will be very effective. Decorative wall decoration is always in fashion.

Wall murals in the design of the hallway pursue the goal - beauty and originality. The variety of subjects helps to achieve this. With a high probability, you will choose just the style that will clearly be combined with the interior of the room.

The most common subjects are nature and animals, history and modernity, abstraction and more. You can decorate with photo wallpaper not only walls, but also furniture, doors, decorative details.

Since there are no windows in the corridor, this specifically simplifies the work of wall decoration. For in this case, you do not have to choose a style strictly for curtains, curtains and window frames, which are not here.

Selection by criteria

You can choose any wallpaper you like. A huge range of them is available in hardware stores, specialized salons, or made to order.

Coatings are distinguished by color, texture, size and shape. In recent years, production has been carried out using the latest equipment in accordance with modern standards.

This greatly improves the quality and speed of production. Previously, photo wallpapers were not as presentable as they are now. There was a low quality of the drawing and the usual plot.

But now you can get material with higher photo resolution, original colors, guaranteed durability. To make a successful choice of wallpaper for your home interior, you should adhere to some principles.

To expand the area of ​​​​the corridor room, use large format images. Plus, this includes the introduction of cold shades (blue, black, gray, etc.) But you need to be careful with this, because the corridor will turn out to be too dark anyway.

Pictures or stripes stretched in some direction expand the overall space. But if the house has a narrow hallway, it is better not to joke much with this method. Because otherwise the room will become somehow compressed.

In addition to cold colors, you can allow to diversify the interior with something bright.

Tricky take! When using large ones, the effect of a large area is created.

Position on the walls

Before sticking photo wallpapers, many people ask themselves: Where to? For example, the photo already speaks for the required location.

If the room cannot boast of its large size, it is worth choosing wallpaper in accordance with the scale of the hallway. Large sizes are out of place on small walls.

But if the tone of the wallpaper is light, you can stick panoramic wallpapers on the entire area of ​​​​the wall. At the same time, do not forget about compactness.

The small size of the finishing material will always look attractive in the design of the hallway. In addition to the photo wallpapers themselves, various decorative elements will not interfere.

Photo wallpaper in the hallway

It is not easy to arrange the corridor and the hallway correctly: the areas are usually small, and the functionality should be wide. Moreover, both of these rooms are a link that unites all the rooms into a single whole. Therefore, it is not easy to choose wallpaper for the corridor.

What wallpaper to choose in the corridor

Since the room is a walk-through, with a heavy load, there are increased requirements for finishing in terms of strength characteristics, and all materials must be well washed and cleaned. From these points of view, you need to choose the type of wallpaper, and then talk about colors, patterns and combinations.


Vinyl coating (polyvinyl chloride or PVC) creates a very dense and durable film on the surface. Such wallpapers are also called detergents - for their ability to normally tolerate cleaning with a rag with detergents.

The basis for vinyl wallpaper can be paper or interlining. It is easier to glue non-woven. You simply apply glue to the surface of the wall and apply the cut-to-size canvas. Such wallpaper for the corridor can also be glued to slightly uneven walls.

Paper-based wallpaper must first be smeared with glue and folded so that the smeared surface is inside. At this time, it is necessary to smear the wall, and then glue a slightly softened canvas. This is where the danger lies: soaked paper is easy to stretch, which will cause distortions, folds and other troubles to appear on the wall. So it is easier to work with a non-woven base, especially since they better hide surface imperfections and there is no need to carefully level the walls. However, there is one “but” - are they more expensive than paper-based ones? and the difference is about 40%.

In addition to the different bases, vinyl wallpapers also differ in the way they are applied.

Any type of vinyl wallpaper will work well in a hallway. They are highly durable, fade resistant, wash well. The average service life is about 7-10 years. Vanillin wallpaper for the corridor is good for everyone, except that some of them are difficult to join, but this can be dealt with by gluing a special tape at the junction.

Glass fiber

This type of wallpaper is paintable. The canvas has a certain relief, most often medium-sized. The relief of the pattern allows you to hide flaws in the processing of the wall. You can paint from 3 to 8 times - depending on the type (and price) of the paintings. well pass air, are vapor-permeable, do not emit harmful substances. In general, a good choice if you are satisfied with painted walls.

Liquid formulations

Is it a mixture of cellulose, cotton, and sometimes chemical? fibers with a coloring pigment and an adhesive composition. There are two forms of release: ready-to-use in the Vedas or in bags for dilution with water. Apply with spatulas to the prepared surface. It should not be ideally even: the layer thickness can be up to 5 mm, but too much consumption is financially unprofitable.

The composition is applied with a spatula. Some craftsmen use plastic plexiglass, some use ordinary stainless steel, and someone generally works with “trowels”. There are many techniques, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

According to the characteristics of the surface, liquid wallpaper for the corridor is a good option. Since the compositions are painted to the full depth, scratches are not visible, many of them can be washed not just with a rag, but also with a brush. But before buying, check all the performance characteristics and features. They may have significant differences.


There is also a group of wallpapers, in the manufacture of which natural materials are used. On the base, most often fabric or interlining, cork chips or bamboo are glued. They look great - the surface is natural. However, they have their own characteristics. The cork is torn off, which can be a problem in families with children. Some types of bamboo sheets need to be varnished, and they also need to be glued to a special glue. Although I must say that bamboo wallpaper for an oriental-style corridor is a godsend: they look magical.

Bamboo wallpaper for an oriental style corridor is a great choice

Cork look no worse with the right approach. An example can be seen in the photo. Above - wallpaper from bamboo, below - from cork.

How to glue: the choice of color and design

The color design of the corridor often has to be matched to the existing decor of other rooms in the apartment or house. And this means that you have to stick to the same range or choose from matching colors. Moreover, the choice of color is complicated by the presence of a large number of doors. It is impossible to ignore them.

The best option if you are planning multi-color wallpaper for the corridor, and you can find those in which there is a color similar to the color of the doors.

In the corridor with light doors, light shades look more organic.

If the color is too dark - wenge, for example, then you will have to beat it with a plinth and / or decorative elements, and the walls in such a corridor are definitely better than light ones: against their background, dark doorways look like decoration.

If we talk about colors in general, then you can use any. Even the dark ones. But they look good in spacious rooms with plenty of light (). And one condition: it is better to avoid variegation and small drawings. They make the room even smaller. If your corridor is small and narrow, then you will have to choose from light, neutral tones, and with a soft pattern.

In general, narrow corridors are a separate conversation. With the help of some tricks, you can achieve the effect of expanding space. For example, with a sufficient ceiling height, in a narrow corridor, approximately in the middle of the wall, you can make a strip of a different color. This technique allows you to "destroy" the walls to the sides. The effect is increased if there is a large mirror or mirrored cabinet doors on the opposite wall.

You can use striped wallpaper in a narrow corridor. But you need to look for wide bands. Narrow ones will create a variegated effect. If none are found, you can combine two colors of the same type (). If the ceilings are high, you can place the stripes horizontally, if not - vertically.

In order not to overload a small space with color alternation, the stripes are placed in fragments, the rest is glued with plain wallpaper. This, by the way, is one of the methods of combining in the interior.

One wall is striped - the rest are plain painted

How to combine wallpaper in the hallway

If desired, you can combine a strip with a large floral ornament. But it is extremely difficult to choose wallpapers from different collections without the appropriate skills. In this case, it is easier to use a single collection. Many manufacturers produce canvases with different patterns, which are combined with each other. An example of a combination of striped and floral wallpaper in the corridor is in the photo below.

By the way, pay attention, the color of the door almost exactly matches one of the stripes, and the jambs - on the other. Perhaps that is why this option looks beautiful.

There is a classic combination option: when 1/3 of the walls at the top or bottom are covered with other wallpapers. The lower part, as a rule, is made darker, the upper part is lighter. This technique visually "lowers" the ceiling, which is useful if the room is narrow and high.

The lower third is darker - one way to combine

Moreover, the lower part is not necessarily monophonic. It can be a medium-sized pattern, a strip, sometimes a monogram. It all depends on the style of the apartment or house.

Another version of the same technique is in the photo below. In this case, the darker part occupies 2/3 of the walls, and so that the room does not seem gloomy, a large floral pattern is chosen.

Wall mural

Modern technologies allow you to transfer any images to paper. With the advent of high-quality large-format photo printing, it became possible not to assemble an image from pieces, but to glue it as a continuous sheet. This looks much better. Wall murals are also used in the corridor.

But, with such a design of the walls, one condition must be observed: everything else is very calm, almost monochrome. The main focus is photography. Otherwise, something incomprehensible will turn out.

Flowers, plants, nature - the second popular motif

Wallpaper for the corridor: photo ideas

A bit of gold on the walls - new in the wallpaper design of the last season

Poppies on the wall - cheerfully

Blue wallpaper is a rarity in the hallway

Different patterns and textures in the same range - a great combination

striped corridor

For a classic interior, a classic pattern is suitable

A combination of smooth and foamed vinyl, backlighting does the trick

Below - bamboo wallpaper, above - smooth

One accent wall is lilac, the rest are neutral

Different wallpapers of the same collection

It's no secret that your home starts with a hallway. Your guests are struck by the interior of the corridor, its design, decoration and other little things. Many people have a question about that, for their hallway.

Wallpaper is used to decorate the room most often. They give the room a cozy atmosphere, besides they are offered in different colors and patterns. Wallpaper leaves a pleasant feeling when you touch it. If you decide to paste over your corridor with such material, then be sure that you will definitely increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway in visual terms. It will no longer be perceived as a "draft".

Stylish wallpaper in the interior of the hallway

Let's try to figure out which wallpaper to choose in the hallway so that it is light and spacious, uplifting.

Of the types listed below, you should pay special attention to liquid, vinyl and washable. Glass fiber is often additionally painted, because. initially they are white, and this color is not very practical. Paper wallpapers are not recommended for use in the hallway, but they are the most affordable and therefore are still sometimes used with extreme financial constraints.

The liquid wallpaper

A capricious, maintenance-requiring method for decorative finishing, that is, a true professional in their field should be engaged in pasting them. In fact, in terms of application features, they have more similar elements with plaster. After complete drying, a monophonic and beautiful background is formed.

Two colors of liquid wallpaper are separated by a golden border

If you are an adherent of a pleasant background coverage, then this material was created just for you. Nowadays, manufacturers have not yet come up with many color options for liquid wallpaper. Naturally, before deciding to use the same wallpaper, it is recommended to look at them live. It is possible that you will refuse their choice.

Liquid wallpaper with filler

Liquid wallpaper is one of the most modern solutions for your hallway. In fact, this is such a dry mixture that must be diluted with water and applied using a spatula. To date, some liquid wallpaper has a unique antistatic effect.

Liquid wallpaper - almost like decorative plaster

The material boasts excellent heat and sound insulation. If the area is dirty, you can remove it with a spatula. After removal, it is important to apply a new layer. After drying, it will merge with the first.

Washable wallpaper

There is nothing unusual about washable wallpaper. In practice, these are completely ordinary paper wallpapers, which are covered with a special layer that can be easily wiped with a damp sponge or soft brush. It is worth remembering that they are still wallpaper, so do not overdo it with cleaning dirt from them.

Washable masonry wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers

Do not lose their popularity and vinyl wallpaper. Firstly, they are cheap, but have a different texture. The color range is wide, you can choose from many patterns. Their original texture is achieved through the process of foaming vinyl. Thanks to this technology, you can hide certain irregularities near the walls.

High-quality vinyl wallpapers guarantee you a high degree of resistance to various damages. If you cover the walls with vinyl wallpaper, then even cracks cannot appear on the walls. As we have already said, thanks to them, you can successfully hide minor irregularities on the surface of the wall. This feature is especially useful for people who decide to repair in a new building.

Vinyl - easy to clean

This type of wallpaper is not afraid of the sun's rays, if you have an entrance hall with windows. Non-woven fabric usually acts as the basis for these wallpapers. The main advantage of the material is that it is tear-resistant. To create an original decoration, you can choose special stickers. Let's imagine such a situation. You have wallpaper in the hallway of the same color, but to create variety, you can stick a large flower bud on the wall. It will look amazing.

Pay attention to silk-screen printing - a separate subspecies of vinyl. Such wallpapers will be extremely easy to care for, besides, they serve you faithfully for a long time. They, as a rule, are made on a paper basis, but with an original top layer made from special strong silk threads.

Glass fiber

We will describe another new finishing material that is actively used today - glass wall paper, which can be presented with any shade you wish. At any time, a certain area can be tinted, this step will help preserve the appearance of your hallway.

Glass fiber can be repainted in a different color at any time

If you are tired of a certain color of the walls, you can change them, and remove the old coating with a solvent. Feel free to use a brush.

Wall mural

In a small hallway, photo wallpapers will look great. For example, among the images on them, you can choose a city perspective, stairs going into the distance.

Colored photo wallpaper with a view of the old street

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the color palette you have chosen can emphasize the positive aspects of the hallway, but also highlight its main disadvantages. Remember that light plain wallpaper immediately draws attention to all detected irregularities. This can be avoided by opting for oversized printed material.

Black and white panoramic wallpaper

To visually expand the space, you can give the hallway a different color wallpaper from opposite sides. And what about the use of contrasts in the hallway? Designers are confident that this can be done. But the overall texture solution should remain the same.

Textile wallpapers

If you have high humidity in your room, then beautiful textile wallpapers can lose their visual appeal in an instant, that is, they will quickly darken. Remember that under normal conditions they will serve you for decades.

Chic textile wallpaper in the interior of a large hallway

The price of textile wallpaper is formed depending on the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the coating used.

paper wallpaper

If you are short on money, then choose paper wallpaper for your hallway. They are single and double layered. Of course, you should not expect a long service life. Maximum ten years. In addition, they are very unstable to a number of mechanical influences.

Wallpapers of this type are of several types: on the basis of a solid canvas or on the basis of special threads. If you stop at the canvas, then it is quite possible to paste over the entire room at once with one joint.

Wallpaper marking

Depending on the degree of water resistance, wallpaper can be divided into three varieties. To determine which type of you, look at the label for the wallpaper you buy:

Markings on wallpaper

  • One wave. These wallpapers need to be carefully protected. Use suede or microfiber to remove dirt. This way you will carefully deal with the dirt on the wallpaper.
  • Two waves. Wallpapers have an average degree of moisture resistance. You can wipe the dust on them with an ordinary damp cloth.
  • Three waves. The coating in this case has a high level of stability. Detergent is suitable for cleaning wallpaper. If there is a sign with a brush, then the wallpaper is heavy-duty.

- we will tell in a separate review.

Wallpaper design for the hallway and corridor

The selection of wallpaper is not a matter of one day. As a rule, the entrance hall is the smallest room in the whole house, it is necessary to approach the choice of drawing with all responsibility, knowledge of the matter and design experience.

Monochromatic wallpaper

These wallpapers are simple. They are the perfect backdrop for decor. If you opt for "plain" for the hallway, then choose washable wallpaper. Or at least washable.

Washable plain wallpaper

Stripes in the hallway

Here you have to be careful. It is possible to create a “well” in the room with inaccurate actions due to the stretching of the room in height. The strip should not be too contrasting.

Horizontal stripes are ideal for parallel and "short" walls for visual lengthening.

Photo: bright horizontal striped wallpaper


Traditional option. Functionality and aesthetic appearance will be at the highest level. You can use different shades of materials from the same collection. Thanks to the polyurethane molding, you can separate the types of wallpaper.

Combining wallpaper with wall panels

Application of abstraction

Abstract patterns look great in the hallway. It is practical, scratches, damage will be barely visible. In addition, their strength is originality.

Wallpaper with geometric patterns

wood look

If you are going to decorate all the rooms in your home in one classic style, then in the corridor it is not recommended to deviate from the severity and charm of the classics. Among the finishing materials, choose natural wood. With modernity, it is desirable to place mirrors in the corridor, metal fittings for entrance doors, as well as for your furniture, are also suitable. Metallic sheen on lighting fixtures will look amazing.

Wallpaper with imitation of folded tree trunks

In our time, pasting with rich, bright textured wallpaper that imitates natural materials has gained popularity.