High-quality sound insulation of walls in an apartment and a private house. Modern materials guarantee efficiency. The best soundproofing of the walls in the apartment - we do it ourselves! Soundproofing materials for walls in the apartment

The owners of apartments in high-rise buildings sooner or later begin to think about soundproofing. Such measures have to be resorted to due to extraneous sounds penetrating into the dwelling. Noisy neighbors, crying children, sounds from consumer electronics or construction tools, etc. - all this becomes the reason for the start of work on soundproofing the apartment.

  • Air (pets, ongoing construction in the neighborhood, vehicles passing by, etc.);
  • Shock. These are sounds from impact on walls and partitions (perforator operation, hammer blows, drilling, etc.)
  • Structural. This is any noise penetrating through the structural elements of a building.

To protect against various kinds of extraneous noise, a set of measures is taken to soundproof walls, ceilings, and floors. For this, special materials with sound-proofing and sound-absorbing properties are used.

Sound-absorbing materials serve to ensure that the sound coming from the room does not return back into the room. The structure is usually fibrous, granular or cellular.

Soundproofing materials prevent outside noise from penetrating. And the thicker and denser they are, the more protected the room from extraneous sounds.

The best option is a combination of both types of materials. As a result, you can achieve a fairly high level of protection of the premises from extraneous noise, both from your side and from your neighbors.

Types of soundproofing materials

In general, such materials are necessary in order for sound waves to be extinguished (dissolved) in them. This is achieved by applying a special structure.

The materials themselves are divided into:

  • Soft. These are mainly fiberglass based boards, mineral wool, etc.;
  • Rigid. Materials having a porous structure, for example, gypsum, perlite, pumice, vermiculite;
  • Semi-rigid. Foam type, can absorb up to 75% of noise.

Until recently, such a combination was practically impossible - the soundproofing layer turned out to be very bulky, and its installation was rather labor-intensive.

Nowadays, such problems are solved thanks to the development and production of modern materials for sound insulation, which have exceptional noise and sound absorbing properties.

What is the best material to soundproof an apartment?

mineral wool

The most common and one of the most effective materials is mineral wool, produced in mats and rolls. It is believed that mineral wool does not transmit about 99% of noise. This is a universal material and is suitable for soundproofing any surfaces in the apartment.

The only thing that deters many from using mineral wool is the need to install a frame in the space of which it fits.

Advantages of mineral wool as sound insulation

  • Light weight;
  • Affordable cost;
  • incombustibility;
  • Simple installation (laying);
  • Efficiency;
  • Additional thermal insulation;

Main disadvantages- the need for a frame and loss of properties after exposure to moisture. Therefore, mineral wool is usually not used in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, showers, etc.). Although in this case there is a way out - the installation of a vapor barrier material. How effective it will be depends on the level of humidity.


Another great sound-reflecting material is cork. It is usually produced in slabs and can be laid on almost any surface. Cork is considered the most effective for impact noise protection. For soundproofing the ceiling is not suitable, but for the floor - just right.

This is a modern soundproofing material. It is produced in the form of plates, fastened with a puncher and dowel-nails with umbrellas. Installation is very simple and you can easily handle it with your own hands.

Many manufacturers and experts claim that ZIPS is the best material for soundproofing. The only drawback for many apartment owners is the high cost.

Another modern material that has recently appeared on the market. It has good soundproofing qualities. It is made of their synthetic components. It is recommended to lay in several layers, since this material is produced with a thickness of only 5-8 mm, which, as practice shows, is not enough for an apartment.

Such panels are attached directly to the wall, after which all joints are filled with acoustic sealant. The thickness varies from 4 to 12 cm. The outer surface is suitable for finishing (putty, painting, wallpaper, drywall, etc.)

Suitable for complex protection of the premises from extraneous noise or as an independent material, but with less effect.


  • Dense and thin, while providing quite a decent level of noise protection;
  • For production, mainly argonite is used, which is safe for human health.
  • Flexible, easy to fit at any angle.

Do not know what material to soundproof the walls in the apartment? This is not surprising - in construction stores the choice is simply huge and it can be very difficult to choose a decent option from the whole variety of products. Next, we list the most popular and most effective brands of soundproofing materials.

The best material for soundproofing walls in an apartment: a review of brands

Before proceeding with the choice of sound insulation, you need to know about such a parameter as decibels (db) - this is an indicator of the sound level. The permissible level in an apartment building during the day is 40-45 dB, at night (from 7:00 to 23:00) - 25-30 dB.

Wall panels KRAFT

They are wood fiber boards. One side is covered with corrugated cardboard, the other side is covered with waxed paper. Environmentally friendly and efficient material. Mounted by gluing. The front part is subject to fine finishing (puttying, painting or wallpaper).


  • Noise reduction: up to 23 dB;
  • Dimensions: 2700 x 580 mm;
  • Weight: 5.5 kg;
  • Thickness: 12mm.

Panels EcoSoundIzol

They are made of quartz sand and cardboard (7 layers). Installation is easy to do with your own hands - the panels are glued to the wall with liquid nails. Environmentally friendly material, safe for health.

  • Noise protection: up to 38 dB;
  • Weight: 10.5 kg or 18.5 kg;
  • Dimensions: 1200 x 450 mm or 1200 x 800 mm;
  • Thickness: 13 mm.

ISOTEX - sound and heat insulation panels

For production, fiber of coniferous trees is used. Distinctive features: flexibility, strength, elasticity, easy installation (thorn-groove system), stylish decorative design. Ideal for impact and airborne sound protection. Easy to cut with a hacksaw or even a construction knife.

  • Noise protection level: 23 dB;
  • Weight: 1.2 kg;
  • Dimensions: 2700 x 580 mm;
  • Thickness: 12mm.

Sound and heat insulation panels ISOPLAAT for walls

Protects the room not only from noise, but also from the penetration of cold. The panels are "planted" on liquid nails, the front side is suitable for any type of finish.

  • Noise protection: 23 dB;
  • Weight: 4 kg;
  • Dimensions: 2700 x 1200 mm;
  • Thickness; 10 mm.

Overview of floor soundproofing materials in an apartment

To protect the floor from extraneous noise, roll underlays are used for parquet, linoleum, laminate, etc. The most effective option is a “floating” floor (multilayer structure consisting of a base plate, screed and underlay)


Rolled material with excellent noise, heat, waterproofing properties. Protects well from impact noise. It is used for installation of a "floating" floor as a substrate. Recommended for use in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and ordinary apartments.


The best option for both noise and vibration isolation of the floor. Distinctive features: easy installation and affordable price. The basis is fiberglass and bitumen.


It is produced in the form of plates, designed for soundproofing walls, ceilings and floors. In the latter case, it fits into the lag structure. 100% consists of crushed basalt stone without harmful impurities.


Membrane material in rolls. Ideal for floor soundproofing against impact noise. Provides protection level up to 26 dB. Thickness - 6mm.

What material to choose for soundproofing the ceiling?

For the ceiling, a suspended structure is usually mounted, into which soundproofing material is laid. Some panels can be mounted on dowel nails with large hats (umbrellas) or liquid nails.

Zvukanet Acoustic

Roll, membrane material, suitable for soundproofing walls and ceilings. The front side is prepared for wallpapering.


  • Noise protection: up to 21 dB;
  • Roll width: 500 mm;
  • Roll length: 14 m;
  • Thickness: 5 mm.


This is a modern heat and sound insulating material made on the basis of polyester fiber. The composition does not use harmful adhesives. It resembles foam rubber and is suitable for use in a hinged structure.

  • Dimensions: 1250 x 600 mm;
  • Thickness: 50mm;
  • Colors: green, gray and white.


Roll material for sound insulation. It has excellent performance and high density. It has a self-adhesive surface that facilitates the installation process.

  • Dimensions: 5000 x 1220 mm;
  • Thickness: 3.7mm;
  • Noise protection level: up to 28 dB.

Some useful tips when choosing a material for noise and sound insulation.

For a reliable result after soundproofing walls, ceilings or floors, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

  • Whatever manufacturers and sellers promise when offering ultra-thin panels and slabs, the effectiveness depends on the thickness of the soundproofing material. A barrier with a thickness of at least 50 mm can absorb sound waves. In such isolation, the noise "gets stuck" both on one side and on the other. Of course, you will have to sacrifice the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but soundproofing will be more effective.
  • For soundproofing the ceiling, it is better to use basalt mineral wool with a thickness of at least 30 mm and a density of at least 40 kg / m3.
  • Before carrying out work, you should make sure that there are no cracks, voids, joints, and, if any, repair them with putty. It is also necessary to fill all openings under sockets, switches, junction boxes with mounting foam or other material.
  • If you want to perform a comprehensive soundproofing of an apartment with modern materials, then it is better to contact acoustic specialists who will calculate the required level of sound absorption, the necessary characteristics of the material.


To protect your home from extraneous noise, which often causes nervous breakdowns and depression, you will have to make a little effort and financial costs. At first glance, it may seem that this work is difficult, but having understood some of the nuances, types and brands of soundproofing materials, it becomes clear that the process is not so complicated.

As the quality of housing improves, when the issue of the number of square meters has ceased to be the only determining factor, the problem of soundproofing residential premises is becoming increasingly relevant. However, due to the fact that this question is quite specific, i.e. in the theory of acoustics there are a lot of implicit features and "illogical" conclusions from the point of view of common sense, a large number of myths and misconceptions have arisen and established themselves in this area.

This leads to the fact that a large number of people have formed a stable stereotype about what materials, if necessary, can solve all the problems of insufficient sound insulation. However, the practical use of such materials at best will leave the situation without visible changes, at worst - will lead to an increase in noise in the room. As a first example:

The myth of the soundproofing properties of cork

Almost everyone believes that cork is a good sound insulator. Statements of this kind can be found on many building forums. And the "technology" of application is "developed" to the smallest detail. If you hear a neighbor behind the wall, you need to paste a cork over the wall that is common with your neighbor, if the noise comes from the ceiling, then the ceiling. And the resulting acoustic effect is amazing ... with its absence! But what's the matter? After all, the seller showed acoustic test data, where the effect of sound insulation was indicated, and not a very small effect - about 20 dB! Is it cheating?!

Not really. The numbers are true. But the fact is that such figures were obtained not for "sound insulation in general", but only for the so-called impact sound insulation. In addition, the indicated values ​​​​are valid only for the case when this cork coating is laid under a concrete screed or parquet board from a neighbor from above. Then you really hear the neighbor's steps quieter by 20 dB compared to how if the neighbor did not have this pad under his feet. But for music or the sound of the neighbor's voice, as well as for all other cases of using cork in other cases, these "sound insulation" figures, unfortunately, have nothing to do. The effect is not just barely noticeable, it is zero! Of course, cork is an environmentally friendly and warm material, but you should not attribute all possible soundproof properties to it.

All of the above also applies to foam, polyethylene foam (PPE), polyurethane foam and other similar materials that have different trademarks starting with "foam-" and ending with "-fol", "-fom" and "-lon". Even with an increase in the thickness of these materials up to 50 mm, their soundproofing properties (with the exception of impact noise insulation) leave much to be desired.

Another misconception closely related to the first. Let's denote it as:

The myth of thin soundproofing

The basis for this misconception is the struggle to improve the acoustic comfort of the room, along with the desire to preserve the original square meters. It is quite understandable the desire to maintain the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​​​the room, moreover, for typical apartments with a small footage and a low ceiling. According to statistical observations, the vast majority of people are ready to donate "for sound insulation" an increase in the thickness of the wall and ceiling no more than 10 - 20 mm. In addition, there is a requirement to obtain a rigid front surface ready for painting or wallpapering.

Here, all the same materials come to the rescue: cork, PPE, polyurethane foam up to 10 mm thick. Thermal soundproofing is added to them in a separate line. But for this case, these materials are sewn up with a layer of drywall, which acts as a rigid wall, ready for finishing.

Since the acoustic properties of cork and PPE for soundproofing walls and ceilings were discussed above, we will focus on thermal soundproofing.

Thermozvukoizol (TZI) is a rolled material, where Lutrasil polymeric material is used as a shell (like a duvet cover), and super-thin fiberglass fibers are used as stuffing (blanket). The thickness of such material fluctuates around 5-8 mm. I do not presume to discuss the thermal insulation qualities of VBI, but as for sound insulation:

Firstly, TZI is not soundproofing, but sound-absorbing material. Thus, we cannot talk about his own sound insulation. We can only talk about the sound insulation of the structure in which it is used as a filler.

Secondly, the sound insulation of such a design largely depends on the thickness of the sound-absorbing material located inside. The thickness of the VBI, at which this material will be effective in a soundproof structure, should be at least 40 - 50 mm. And this is 5 - 7 layers. With a layer thickness of 8 mm, the acoustic effect of this material is VERY SMALL. As, however, in any other materials the same thickness. Nothing can be done - the law of acoustics!

ZIPS panels can be recommended as a really effective material for additional soundproofing of walls and ceilings. For example, ZIPS-Vector panels with a structure thickness of 53 mm increase sound insulation by 9-11 dB, and the latest ZIPS-III-Ultra with the same thickness - by 11-13 dB. The panels are patented and currently have no analogues in the world.

Thus, with a total thickness of the structure of additional sound insulation of 20 - 30 mm (including a layer of drywall), one should not expect any increase in sound insulation that is noticeable to the ear.

In addition to these, perhaps the most common misconceptions, there are others, less known, but no less significant. Therefore, in matters of ensuring the required sound insulation of premises, it is best to immediately contact specialists. Sometimes a single glance is enough for a professional acoustician to immediately assess the ineffectiveness of the proposed measures or the materials used. But the most unpleasant thing is to spend time, effort and money, and not feel the results of your work.

All noise can be classified into three categories: airborne, impact and structural. The most common type, of course, is airborne noise - these are the sounds of passing vehicles, the buzzing of equipment and the sounds made by animals and people.
The ability of a material to protect from noise will tell you the index of sound insulation – Rw.

Impact noise, as the name implies, occurs when shocks appear, for example, when hammering nails or moving furniture. Finally, structural noise is the sounds of nature penetrating through the structural elements of the house.
The key characteristics of a soundproofing material are the actual sound insulation and sound absorption. It must reflect or absorb sound, preventing it from entering the room.

From the point of view of acoustic engineers, there are no soundproofing materials in nature - only special designs in which structure is extremely important. Often, builders use multilayer systems in which sheets of dense drywall alternate with layers of porous materials, such as mineral wool. But, unfortunately, they reduce living space and are quite expensive.

The secret of effective sound-proofing is a combination of special design and material.

Overview of popular soundproofing materials

Modern technologies allow the use of simpler and more profitable materials that provide isolation from external and internal noise. So, ZIPS sandwich panels have proven themselves well on the market. They are a combination of dense gypsum fiber and soft glass wool layers. Their thickness varies from 40 to 130 mm, and Rw is 10 dB.

A thinner material is ISOPLAAT heat and sound insulation boards. Their thickness does not exceed 25 mm, while their sound insulation index is twice as high as that of ZIPS - 23 dB. In addition, ISOPLAAT is made from environmentally friendly fibers of coniferous trees. The plates are mounted with glue and "breathe" well.

The thinnest panels are EcoZvukoIzol and Kraft - 12 mm and 13 mm, respectively. The former are made of a seven-layer cardboard profile with the addition of quartz sand, the latter are made of fibreboard. Both those and others are easily attached with ordinary glue. The sound insulation index of both is approximately equal to 23 dB.

Finally, it is worth warning about the most common misconceptions. There is an opinion that materials such as cork, PPE, polyurethane foam do a good job of soundproofing and at the same time, thanks to their small thickness, they help to save square meters. In fact, this is not entirely true - they only absorb impact noise, but do not at all isolate from the air.

The comfort and even the state of health of the residents depends on what kind of sound insulation is made in the apartment. Conventional fences in residential buildings do not provide complete protection of dwellings from noise coming from the street and from neighboring apartments.

The only solution to the problem is reliable protection against. The photo below shows how the frame is mounted with heat and sound insulation under drywall.

Before you make noise insulation, you first need to understand the types of sound interference and how to protect against them.

The types of noise are:

  • shock - is formed from the mechanical impact on the building structure: the sound of heels, the fall of objects on the floor, the jumps of children, etc .;
  • structural - periodic mechanical impacts on the building structure and the spread of vibration throughout the building: the operation of power tools, rearrangement of furniture, etc .;
  • air - transmission of sound waves through the air from the street, from neighboring apartments from working audio and television equipment, colloquial speech, etc.

Before you fight with the spread of sound and getting it into the apartment, you need to know how to transmit it.

Sound waves travel in two ways:

  • direct - sound transmission into windows or through adjacent surfaces;
  • indirect - passing through the supporting structures of the building, communications, holes and crevices.

Factors affecting sound propagation:

  • doors and windows do not have seals;
  • materials of building structures have poor soundproofing properties;
  • voids, cracks and cracks in structures have the property of resonance;
  • low-quality finishing materials.

What to fight: with noise or sounds

Many consider soundproofing and noise cancellation to be synonymous, but they are not. There are differences between them. Sound insulation of walls and floors consists in changing the spectrum of unwanted sounds to such a level that meaningful components that are audible become indistinct.

Even with the same intensity, an indistinct sound causes less irritation, and with prolonged exposure does not harm a person.

Noise isolation is the general suppression of extraneous sounds. The noise background remains, but is not perceived psychophysiologically. Even harsh sounds do not cross the threshold of comfort. You can hear them, but they are not annoying.

A person does not need complete silence and is even harmful. There should always be some background noise.

Noise levels

Soundproofing properties are laid in the load-bearing enclosing structures during design and construction. First of all, they are provided with their massiveness. Protection against airborne noise by walls and ceilings is set in the range of 45-55 dB.

Now this is not enough: for acoustic comfort, it should not exceed the level of 62 dB, and for interior partitions - 52 dB. Most building envelopes require additional installation of sound insulation.

Sound insulation index and sound absorption coefficient

Protective equipment can reflect sound or absorb it. Sound-reflecting materials are selected according to the sound insulation index Rw - a numerical characteristic in decibels, showing their ability to reflect sound.

In sound insulation, mass and density play the main role. The higher these parameters, the higher the protective properties. The most common are concrete, brick, MDF, drywall.

Indices of sound insulation materials

MaterialThickness cmConstruction weight, kg/m²Airborne sound insulation index, dB
ceramic brick12 (half brick)267 40
silicate brick12 (half brick)330 45
Aerated concrete blocks10 74 40
Gypsum concrete slabs10 92 40-45
GKL (one layer) with a wooden frame8,5 30-40 35
GKL (one layer) with a metal profile frame10 21,5 40
glass blocks10 65-75 45
Sliding wood, glass, aluminum- 6-20 -

Rw depends on the thickness of the partition and its density. It is advisable to attach light soundproofing material to the walls, since increasing their thickness by 2 times improves protection by only 10-15 dB, which indicates low efficiency. Here you can solve the problem if you buy material with Rw = 15-20dB in a hardware store and cover the wall with it. After that, the conversation behind the wall becomes inaudible.

In the calculations, another indicator is used - the sound absorption coefficient. The ability to reduce the strength of sound due to its absorption is possessed by porous, soft and cellular structures. In their environment, sound overcomes many obstacles and weakens.

To evaluate sound absorption, a scale between 0 and 1 is used. The closer the parameter approaches the upper limit, the better the sound insulation of the walls or floor of the protective material. Equality to zero means total reflection of the sound. The table below shows the values ​​of the sound absorption coefficient of some materials. It follows from this that its value is also affected by the frequency of the sound.

Sound absorption coefficient of materials

material, objectFrequency response, Hz
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Gypsum plaster0,02 0,026 0,04 0,062 0,058 0,028
lime plaster0,024 0,046 0,06 0,085 0,043 0,056
Fibreboard (Fibreboard), 12 mm0,22 0,30 0,34 0,32 0,41 0,42
Gypsum panel 10 mm with a distance from the wall of 100 mm0,41 0,28 0,15 0,06 0,05 0,02
Parquet floor0,04 0,04 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,07
Plank floor on logs0,20 0,15 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,07
Glazed window frames0,35 0,25 0,18 0,12 0,07 0,04
Doors lacquered0,03 0,02 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,04
Woolen carpet 9 mm thick for concrete0,02 0,08 0,21 0,26 0,27 0,37

The sound-absorbing properties of materials become noticeable from a thickness of about 50 mm. They are divided into three categories of rigidity:

  • Soft - with a fibrous chaotic structure. These include felt, cotton wool, basalt wool. The advantage of mats or panels from them is a high sound absorption coefficient (0.7-0.95) with a low specific weight (no more than 80 kg / m³). A significant effect is achieved starting from a thickness of at least 10 cm.
  • Semi-solid - plates with fibers and cells. Materials contain mineral wool or foamed polymers. Their sound absorption coefficient is slightly lower (0.5-0.8), and the specific gravity reaches 130 kg / m³.
  • Solid - products containing cotton wool in the form of granules or suspensions with fillers such as vermiculite or pumice. The sound absorption coefficient is about 0.5, and the specific gravity is up to 400 kg/m³.

Installing soundproofing from mats and panels requires a lot of space in the room. The space occupied can be reduced by gluing panels with exterior decorative trim directly to the wall.

Soundproofing from airborne noise

They are part of structures where Rw is in the range of 0-20 dB. A person perceives this as a reduction in noise by 2 times.

Increasing the mass of the wall is inefficient and leads to an increase in the load on the base of the building. It is possible to reduce the thickness of sound insulation by using multilayer panels, where both sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing properties of different layers are used.

It is important that air gaps are created between them. Especially the sound wave weakens when passing from one material to another through the air gap. Specialists offer sound-absorbing materials as part of multilayer structures.

Homogeneous products give less effect than multilayer boards. Hard and soft products must be alternated, where the former are responsible for sound insulation, and the latter for sound absorption. Cotton mattresses are made no thinner than 5 cm and occupy more than half of the structure in terms of thickness.

Sound insulation of walls is carried out using frame and frameless structures. Sandwich panels are placed between load-bearing walls and plasterboard cladding. At the same time, the attachment points contain vibration-isolating pads so that there are no sound bridges.

Soundproofing against impact and structure-borne noise

To prevent the sound wave from being transmitted through building structures, complex sound insulation is used. Floor protection is especially important, for example, with a screed up to 60 mm thick. An effective design is a floating floor, consisting of an elastic layer of sound insulation, on floor slabs and a prefabricated or monolithic screed laid on it.

Now buildings are often put into operation without finishing, where the floor consists only of a ceiling. If the upstairs neighbors do not protect their floors from impact noise, this will create problems for everyone living on the lower floors in the future.

Materials for soundproofing load-bearing walls

A popular material is fiberglass with chaotic fine fibers. Elastic glass threads absorb sound waves well. Thin material is suitable for pasting the joints of building structures and can be used for walls.

  • Styrofoam- a good material that provides moisture resistance, heat, and noise insulation. The disadvantage is the combustibility of the material.
  • Mineral wool- non-combustible material and the best sound insulation in terms of price-quality ratio. It is often used for laying under drywall, but it loses its properties when moisture gets into it. Therefore, it is used mainly in dry rooms and with reliable waterproofing.
  • Cork- high-quality and environmentally friendly material is used more often for the floor. The advantage is the low thickness of the coating, but the material is not very effective compared to others. Application is limited due to the high price.

Modern soundproofing materials

The increasing noise level leads to the need to create reliable protection against it. To do this, use noise-absorbing materials in the form of thick mattresses or sound-reflecting wall panels. The best sound insulation is achieved by combining these methods.

Before you make the soundproofing of the walls, first of all, you should establish the source of noise. If the city noise does not interfere, and the sounds come from the neighbors, it is not necessary to isolate the outer walls.

You need to know what insulation materials to choose for walls, their advantages and disadvantages.

Plasterboard structures filled with porous materials protect the premises well from noise and cold. The disadvantages are the loss of space, the complexity and laboriousness of installation, the accumulation of dust and moisture inside.

Wood-based decorative panels are easy to assemble thanks to the tenon-and-groove connection. On the outer surface there is already a decorative coating, which eliminates the need for finishing. This soundproof eco-friendly wall material allows you to quickly decorate a large room, although it is far from the cheapest.

Polyurethane sheets have good soundproofing properties. Moreover, their thickness is 15 mm. The material is convenient to mount due to its low weight, elasticity and ease of processing. The disadvantages are high price and flammability.

Styrofoam or Styrofoam is a foamed thermoplastic with microscopic air cavities. It is a reliable thermal insulator, but it provides poor noise protection.

The soundproofing membranes are only 35 mm thick and can be combined with other materials. The material is highly flexible and quite dense. Its cost is also high.

Sandwich panels are sound-absorbing material placed between gypsum sheets. The material is more used to protect public spaces, trading floors, pavilions due to the large thickness of the panels. Fastened with dowels or screws.

Soundproofing the walls in the apartment

Do it yourself at the stage of repair. It is advisable to produce such interior decoration with sufficient room sizes, since up to 8 cm will be removed from each wall.

For work, you should purchase profiles, drywall sheets, sound-absorbing material and fasteners. The effectiveness of sound insulation can be significantly improved by using:

  • modern sound-proof and sound-absorbing materials;
  • soundproof pads under the frame;
  • special profile;
  • lining of greater thickness (can be made double).

First, a strong frame is built along the width of the mat, for example, from mineral wool. A soft tape is placed under the guide profiles to protect against vibrations. It is better to make two layers of insulation. Soundproof tape is also glued to the racks.

Then the wiring is laid. It is important to follow the rules of electrical and fire safety, especially if combustible material is used for sound absorption. The ends of the wires are brought out.

The sound-absorbing material fits tightly. These can be panels, mattresses made of mineral wool, fiberglass, etc. There should be no gaps in the joints and cavities inside the frame. It is also not recommended to apply a lot of cotton wool, otherwise bumps form on the walls afterwards. Mattresses should be fastened with dowels with wide caps.

An effective addition to mineral wool is a soundproof membrane. It is mounted on top of the slab or on a layer of insulation.

The wall is covered with drywall. You can purchase acoustic plasterboards with holes that reduce the noise level and a non-woven fabric glued on the inside. The two-layer casing significantly increases the protective properties. Only the seams should not match. This will require more frame racks. Repair will cost more, but it's worth it.

If the dew point is inside the room, moisture will accumulate under the soundproofing. Expedient is the external thermal insulation of load-bearing walls. Then the wall inside will be dry, and mold will not form.

When using external insulation with soundproofing properties, interior decoration may not be necessary. If you use a soundproofing material in the composition of the plaster, the effect of sound protection will increase.

Soundproof panel manufacturers

The PhoneStar panels of the German company Wolf Bavaria produce material of European quality. The presence of subsidiaries in Russia allows you to buy material at affordable prices. The panels are suitable for reducing airborne and impact sound with a thickness of only 12 mm, which gives them undeniable advantages over thick sound-absorbing mats that occupy a significant usable area of ​​the premises.

The domestic company EcoZvukoIzol produces similar plates using German technology. The small thickness of the panels (13 mm) and the availability of a range of sizes make it possible to use them in apartments, industrial and public buildings.

Acoustic Group, a German company, has developed an innovative product with unique acoustic properties - the ZIPS panel system. The basis is a wood fiber with a magnesite binder, which has a high sound-absorbing ability. The company has also developed anti-vibration materials that can be used in combination with sound absorbing boards. The product is available in numerous design options.

"EcoHor" - acoustic plates with a stylish design and good performance.

Video: floor soundproofing

Noise insulation of walls is most effective when comprehensive protection is in place, including the reflection and absorption of sound waves, as well as thermal insulation. First of all, you should determine the source of noise, and then choose effective protective equipment against it. Soundproofing the walls is done by hand, if everything is done correctly.

High-quality soundproofing of the dwelling requires additional measures: installation of double-glazed windows, finishing the apartment with cladding with high sound-reflecting properties, etc.

When making major repairs or moving into a new apartment, you need to take care not only of obvious things like a washbasin in the bathroom, but also of invisible factors of your comfort. Soundproofing the walls in the apartment - that's what will allow you to enjoy the silence and strengthen the nervous system!

The nervous system suffers the most from noise. Doctors diagnose insomnia, hysteria, apathy, and a decline in vitality in people who are “sick” with noise. This "disease", if you think about it, is waiting for us everywhere, it is worth stepping over the threshold - the noise of vehicles, the squabble of passengers on the bus, the rumble in the office or at the factory. Progress is certainly accompanied by an increase in the noise level! The only place we expect to find salvation from it is our own home.

However, thin walls cannot protect us even from the usual conversation of neighbors, not to mention a quarrel or a noisy feast. The maximum noise level that a person at work can carry is 85 dB, although already at such decibels it is recommended to wear protective headphones. At home, this figure should not exceed 30 dB at night and 40 dB during the day. It is not necessary to measure them - trust your feelings. If extraneous sounds annoy you, then they are too loud.

Most often, conflicts due to noise arise among residents of panel and block houses. Modern materials and technologies that do not allow extraneous sounds to penetrate your home will help you avoid quarrels. However, do not forget to make soundproofing even if the source of the noise is yourself!

On the market you will find a lot of solutions to this problem, but do not rush to fork out. You can also get rid of noise with improvised means. Your task is to eliminate the mistakes and shortcomings of the builders. Our tips may seem too simple to you, however, by following them in a complex, you will significantly improve the acoustic condition of the apartment.

Soundproofing walls in an apartment - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Outlets

First of all, pay attention to the sockets located on the inter-apartment walls. Quite often, for ease of installation, builders make a through hole in the wall to make it easier to mount sockets. It is very easy to verify the special role of sockets in breaking silence - at the moments when you hear noise, gently put your ear to the socket, and you will see that it is just the weak link.

Turning off the electricity in the apartment for a while, dismantle the product. It is quite possible that you will even stumble upon the bottom of a neighbor's outlet. Insert a pre-prepared washer made of compacted mineral wool or basalt fiber into the hole. Then apply a layer of gypsum mortar on top of the washer, leaving room for your outlet. If the wall seemed quite thin to you, you should think about moving the outlet to another place. However, if nothing bothers you, install the product in place.

It should not be used as a noise insulator - it is very dense and poorly dissipates and reflects sound, moreover, some of its types are quite combustible. If we are late with advice, then just plaster the foam properly.

Step 2: Cable Junction Boxes

In new buildings, junction boxes for connecting electrical networks are usually hidden under the ceiling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe center of the inter-apartment walls. As in the case of sockets, they can be installed in through holes. Everything that prevents sounds from penetrating from the next room and vice versa is plastic covers. Alas, their sound absorption coefficient is quite low.

Finding the boxes under the wallpaper is very simple - lightly tap the screwdriver handle on the wall, a characteristic booming sound will give out the location of the node. However, if you are not an electrician by profession, it is better not to go there yourself! This business should still be handled by a specialist, otherwise you can leave half the house without light. What does not prevent you from preparing materials for soundproofing - all the same washer made of mineral wool, gypsum mortar.

Step 3: Isolate the Risers

According to building codes, the risers of water supply and heating pipelines must be closed with vibration-isolated "sleeves" at the points of passage through the interfloor ceilings. It looks like this: a pipe of a larger diameter (comparing with a riser) is embedded in the ceiling. A gap of several centimeters should form between the walls of this pipe and the riser. It is sealed with soundproofing material and non-hardening acoustic sealant. True, this is all in theory - in practice this is done very rarely!

Often, builders simply close up risers in interfloor ceilings. After some time, gaps will necessarily form between the pipe and the ceiling, through which noise will be heard. And the risers themselves perfectly transmit impact noise, which in this case is not extinguished by anything.

If the builders are simply too lazy to fill the gap between the pipe and the sleeve, immediately correct this omission. If there is no sleeve at all, clear and remove the layer of coating around the riser, trying to penetrate deeper, but without fanaticism! Then wrap the base of the pipe with asbestos cloth or fiberglass and cement it. After cutting off the excess, seal the joints with sealant.

The older the house, the more flaws you can find! Over time, cracks through which unwanted noise penetrates form at the junction of walls, floor and ceiling. As soon as it becomes possible to make a complete or partial repair, carefully check all joints, seal all cracks. After carrying out this complex of quite feasible tasks, you may be surprised how much less noise began to penetrate into your apartment.

The market can offer dozens of options. Among them there are both really effective and novelties that have not yet been tested in practice. In any case, the law of soundproofing is immutable - if you want to achieve a significant effect, you need to use several materials.

Multilayer structures should be composed of materials of different density and nature. For example, drywall reflects sound, while mineral wool absorbs and dissipates it. By the way, it is cotton and fibrous materials that have the highest sound absorption coefficient - this is facilitated by their uneven structure. Overcoming such an inhomogeneous barrier, the sound loses its power. However, soft soundproofing materials have one significant drawback - they are too thick.

It is unlikely that you will want to lose 8-10 cm from each wall, and that is how much is required to equip a structure made of crates, cotton wool and drywall.

Semi-rigid and rigid materials have a much lower sound absorption coefficient, but they are much thinner. These include pressed rock wool boards, cork sheets, drywall, and a number of modern membranes such as stressed vinyl. Such materials should be used only in combination with each other, by themselves they will not produce the desired effect, no matter how their manufacturers praise them. It is imperative that there is also a layer of air between the layers of sound insulation - getting into such an environment, the sound is significantly dissipated.

If, after completing a set of works, you find that it has become quiet in your apartment, and only occasionally especially loud sounds are heard through the walls, it will be enough for you to apply a soundproof substrate under the wallpaper. The backing is glued like regular wallpaper, only you do not have to pick up patterns and wipe off excess glue.

Thin soundproof panels SoundGuard Ekozvukoizol with quartz sand! Only 13 mm!

The main rule in soundproofing is mass and layering. It is under this law that thin soundproofing panels with quartz filler were developed by SoundGuard. SoundGuard Ecozvukoizol panels consist of seven-layer cardboard and quartz filler - burnt sand of super fine fraction (like in an hourglass).

The thickness of the panels is 13 mm, and they weigh 1m2 - 18.5 kilograms. Due to the large weight and multi-layered panels, they provide a multiple reduction in shock and sound wave energy in the entire frequency range. In addition, this result is achieved due to the massiveness, multilayeredness, elastic-viscous consistency and free, not interconnected, filler particles.

Soundproofing panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol» title=» Soundproof panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol» width="300" height="285" />

Characteristics of soundproof panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol:

Size: 1200×800

Thickness: 13mm

Weight: 18.5 kg

Number of layers: 7

Own Airborne Noise Insulation Index (RW): 38-42 dB

Installation of panels is quite simple and does not require special skills or tools. The panels are attached directly to the walls using acoustic dowels, which are also available from the manufacturer's assortment Soundproofing materials. In case of impact noise, the panels are mounted on a vibration-decoupled frame on vibro-suspensions, using self-tapping screws.

Soundproof panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol photo» title=» Soundproof panels SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol photo" width="300" height="169" />

The panel production plant is located in St. Petersburg, but the panels have become very popular throughout Russia, so there are dealers in all major cities.