How to wash matte stretch ceilings with a steam generator. How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks: important tips and tricks. How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks with a low degree of pollution

It is considered not only beautiful, but also durable coating. However, if it is used long enough, the surface may lose its original appearance. The situation will be saved by cleaning and proper care. It is important to remember that matte and must be cared for in different ways.

Features of care

Before you wash the stretch matte ceiling, you need to deal with the variety of means for carrying out such work. Some believe that nothing special needs to be done, it is enough just to keep the external cleanliness. However, there is another opinion that says that the ceiling needs careful periodic cleaning and tightening of the sagging canvas. If you solved the issue of matte without streaks at home, but it was not possible to achieve a positive result, and the material turned out to be damaged, then in the future it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technology of work in more detail. It is noteworthy that even if the ceiling sags, it can be removed and then hung again. But in this case, you can not do without the help of professionals.

Ceiling cleaners

If you are faced with the task of how to wash a stretch matte ceiling, then it is important to decide which cleaning products to use. It is also important to understand what technology to use. Not every tool is suitable for caring for a matte ceiling. For example, abrasive and harsh chemicals should not be used as they could damage the material. Among the abrasives, dry powders and substances that are intended for use in a dry form can be distinguished. They may scratch the material. Even if diluted in water, they do not cease to be dangerous due to the presence of insoluble elements.

Acids, solvents and alkalis are considered active substances, they are also banned. It is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the mixture, among which there should not be acetone, which will simply melt the film. The best tool is a special composition, which is recommended by the manufacturer. You can buy it at hardware stores. If there is no such product on sale, but you still intend to wash the ceiling, then you can use the usual soap solution, which does its job perfectly.

Before washing the stretch matte ceiling, you can prepare products for cleaning mirrors and glasses. Some of them contain ammonia, but if there are no other harmful substances, then you can use them. The simplest solution will be the application which is presented in the form of a solution or gel. The main task before using such compounds is to check the mixture for the absence of active chemical compounds. Moreover, the use of such products should be accompanied by dilution with water until a small amount of foam can be obtained. It is easier to apply to the surface, and you can use a soft cloth. With it, you will eliminate stains, bubbles and traces of foam on the surface.

Cleaning Method

Many owners of private houses and apartments are thinking about how to wash a stretch matte ceiling. Before starting work, you must remove all jewelry from your hands, including rings, bracelets and rings that could damage the coating. Not all cases require complex techniques, often simpler measures can be dispensed with, this is especially true for matt coatings that can be easily cleaned with water or a conventional vacuum cleaner. On such surfaces, water will not leave streaks, and care for the hostess will be much easier.

Before washing the matte stretch ceiling, you can prepare a brush from a vacuum cleaner, which simply walks over the surface, in most cases this is enough. It is better if the brush is as soft as possible, while taking care not to touch the canvas with the sharp edges of the nozzle, as there is a high risk of tissue damage. If you were not able to get rid of pollution completely, then you need to use a more serious approach to resolving the issue. You can wash the fabric by first checking how the detergent works on the fabric in the corner of the room. If damage occurs, it will not be evident.

If you are still thinking about how to wash a matte stretch ceiling, then you need to start work after checking the product on a separate section of the ceiling. Once you are sure that the detergent composition is safe, it can be applied to the entire base of the canvas, making circular movements. Do not press on the coating, as the film may be damaged. Glossy surfaces are best not to be cleaned using this technology, as stains may remain on them. In order to exclude their appearance, you can use gels for washing mirrors, and with the help of ammonia it will be possible to achieve an attractive shine and remove grease, which most often occurs in kitchens. After it was possible to wash the matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home, you can treat the surface with a dry rag that does not leave lint on the base.

Caring for matte fabric ceilings

If fabric matte ceilings are installed in the rooms of your apartment or house, then caring for them will be the easiest. It is not necessary to use special detergents, in addition, it can be dangerous for the appearance of the coating. Dry cleaning will suffice. Experts advise using the most minimal amount of water, and if you use a sponge, then it should be squeezed well. Otherwise, it may leave streaks on the film. It is most convenient to use a stepladder for this, but you should not be afraid that cleaning will be required very often. It is enough to clean the base every six months, regardless of whether a cheap or expensive type of material was used in the repair. The exceptions are rooms whose conditions are characterized by a high degree of pollution, this includes bathrooms and kitchens, where the cleanliness of the ceiling needs to be monitored more often.

The nuances of the work

If you are faced with the question of how to wash a matte stretch ceiling, then you must determine the material at its base. If we are talking about a vinyl coating, then it will easily endure the effects of products intended for the care of PVC products. This includes "Mr. Muscle", which is produced for the care of plastic windows. With it, it will be possible to clean excluding the formation of stains. This does not require re-polishing. However, you still have to wipe the surface dry every time, otherwise wet traces will leave hair that will change the color of the ceiling after drying.

Quite often, housewives think about how to properly wash matte stretch ceilings. If you do this every six months, then small spots should not be ignored. They can remain, for example, after an awkwardly opened bottle of champagne. If you notice a yellow spot on the ceiling, then you can’t wait for it to dry, it will be easier to wash fresh dirt. Manufacturers advise to immediately blot the dirt with a napkin.

Features of washing the ceiling in the kitchen

Before washing the matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you should not stock up on any aggressive substances, since the coating in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is cared for using the same technology. The only difference is more frequent washing procedures. It should be remembered that fabric matte canvases are less durable than PVC coating, so they must be treated as carefully and carefully as possible. Sometimes they penetrate the structure and change the color of the surface, so it is best to abandon such substances in favor of ordinary water. For heavy soiling, it is recommended to use a powder solution. However, the particles must be completely dissolved. It is also important to take into account that the same area should not be rubbed for an excessively long time, as it may be damaged, and after drying, the color may change.

What else you need to know about the care of the ceiling in the kitchen

It is far from always possible to wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks, but only if the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed. If you decide to ennoble the kitchen with a stretch fabric, then it is better to accompany the repair work with the installation of a hood, as it will eliminate greasy soot, which most often settles on the ceiling surface. Through an open window, street dust can also enter, which also contributes to surface pollution. In addition, you should not smoke in a room where there are stretch ceilings.


After washing with special products, rinse the surface with clean water and then wipe dry. If you are still thinking about how you can wash matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen, then some experts advise using dishwashing detergents.

Matte stretch ceiling looks great in the interior. Many people are attracted by the variety of color shades, ease of installation of the structure and its durability. In addition, the material has dust-repellent properties and is highly resistant to dirt.

Any product requires care, and a stretch ceiling is no exception.

  • Dust sooner or later appears even on the most expensive and high-quality fabric.
  • If you fail to open a sparkling drink, the ceiling may become stained.
  • Drops of moisture dry up on the stretch ceiling installed in the bathroom.

In order for the coating to retain an attractive appearance for as long as possible, it is important to know how to wash a stretch matte ceiling and how to do it correctly.

Caring for a matte ceiling is much easier than a glossy one. Whatever we decide to wash the stretch ceiling, the matte material compares favorably with the glossy one in that it easier to wash without streaks.

A damaged ceiling cannot be repaired - it can only be replaced. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully care for the material. When washing, do not use great force - the material can be deformed under pressure.

Attention! It is forbidden to use:

  • coarse brushes and sponges;
  • plastic and metal scrapers;
  • abrasive substances, including soda;
  • hot water - wash the ceiling with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 40 degrees;
  • liquids based on acetone, acid or alkali - the coating will deform and change color.

How often to wash the stretch matte ceiling?

M The stretch ceiling should be cleaned as it gets dirty. Basically, cleaning the product is necessary once every six months. The kitchen, bathroom and loggia will require more frequent wet cleaning. It is important to wash a soiled ceiling as soon as possible, because getting rid of stubborn dirt is much more difficult than fresh dirt.

Ceiling installation companies offer special detergents that care for the material.

With the help of a product in the form of a spray, you can quickly and easily clean the ceiling. The only downside to these products is high price.

How else can you wash matte stretch ceilings without streaks? Help to cope with the task:

  • washing powder;
  • laundry soap;
  • means for care of glasses and mirrors;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • ammonia solution.

Special fixtures

Choose a tool that will help you quickly and easily clean the surface. In order to understand how to wash matte stretch ceilings, you need to assess the degree of pollution.

After the repair, the walls, floor and ceiling are covered with a thick layer of dust. Before washing the stretch ceiling, matte or glossy, you need to get rid of fine dust using the dry cleaning- this is necessary so that there are no stains after wet cleaning. Remove plaque most effectively with a vacuum cleaner.

Note: you can vacuum the material only if you know for sure that the structure is firmly fixed, otherwise you will have to repair the product.

If very little dust or cobwebs have accumulated on the ceiling, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a soft, lint-free cloth or sponge.

For wet cleaning you will need a small piece of flannel or suede fabric. In the household department of any supermarket, you can buy a special microfiber cloth that attracts dust. In order not to scratch or tear the coating, it is best to clean the ceiling with your hands, refusing to use a mop.

Step-by-step instruction

Having decided how to wash the stretch matte ceiling, let's take a closer look at how this should be done.

  • Remove your rings and bracelets before you clean up so you don't scratch the canvas.
  • If you need to use a vacuum cleaner, use a soft, lint-free brush and be gentle on the material. The nozzle should be placed a few centimeters from the coating, avoiding a snug fit to the ceiling. If you bring the brush closer, the material may sag. Be extremely careful not to scratch the surface with the edges of the nozzle.
  • If you are using an aerosol, spray the liquid on a small area, wipe it with a soft cloth and treat the entire area in this way.
  • Soap or powder should be completely dissolved in warm water so that no solid particles remain. Apply foam to a napkin or sponge and process the ceiling with smooth movements, from one wall to another. Avoid circular movements, otherwise streaks will form.
  • After treating the entire area, thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the chemical with clean water. Check for stains or streaks on the surface.
  • After washing, dry the coating with a clean cloth.

How to care for the ceiling in the kitchen?

The ceiling covering in the cooking room is the most polluted, so it has to be cleaned much more often than in other rooms. How to wash matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen to get rid of grease and soot? You can use the same product as for ceilings in other rooms, only in larger quantities. Spots to follow gently wipe with a well-wrung cloth moistened with a solution. After applying household chemicals, rinse the ceiling with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

If the dirt cannot be removed, in no case should you put pressure on the material and scrape the surface with sharp objects. By contacting a cleaning company, you will save time and nerves. Installing a powerful kitchen hood helps maintain cleanliness.

Precautionary measures

  • Use rubber gloves to protect your face and exposed skin from chemicals. To avoid falling, do not stand on furniture - use a strong and reliable stepladder.
  • When using a detergent for the first time, test it in the most inconspicuous place. To do this, apply the solution, wait 15 minutes and evaluate the result. Thus, you will be convinced that this liquid is exactly what you can wash the matte stretch ceiling with.
  • Having learned how to wash the stretch ceiling and regularly and carefully caring for it, you will ensure that the matte material will retain its beauty for many years.


Watch a useful video on how to care for a stretch ceiling:

It will not be necessary to wash the matte stretch ceiling often, because one of the main advantages of such a finish is practicality and convenience. Modern matte stretch ceilings are made of durable PVC film, very resistant to various types of pollution. Some sellers position their product as "absolutely maintenance-free". But in real conditions, sooner or later, any ceiling will require cleaning, especially if there are small children and teenagers in the house who manage to get anything dirty. Ceilings in areas such as the kitchen also require special care. How to wash a matte stretch ceiling so as not to damage it and not leave streaks on the surface? What detergents can be used and should they be used at all?

Ceiling care instructions

Ceilings are cleaned as they become dirty. Most often this will need to be done in the following rooms.

  • Kitchen . It is clear that kitchen fat and soot, even if there is a good hood over the stove, will still settle on the ceiling.
  • Bathroom . The bathrooms are not heavily polluted, but if there is poor ventilation, then condensation will constantly settle on the ceiling. Drying, the drops leave stains and marks on the coating.
  • Loggias and balconies. Stretch ceilings do not accumulate dust, they also have antistatic properties, which to some extent protect the surface from pollution. But over time, even on the highest quality coating, settled street dirt will be found, especially if your area cannot be called environmentally friendly.

In general, the rules for caring for matte stretch ceilings come down to a number of recommendations on what not to do when washing and cleaning a PVC surface.

Hard brushes for washing stretch ceilings can not be used

What can't be done?

But what you should not do if you decide to wash the matte stretch ceiling:

  • use hot water - the water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C;
  • use abrasive detergents and materials;
  • wash the ceiling with acetone-based products - it dissolves the PVC film;
  • use hard or sharp objects, hard brushes for washing;
  • resort to the help of a mop - the risk of damaging the tension coating in this case is quite high;
  • use only approved detergents;
  • do not apply a stain remover without first testing it on a small area of ​​the film, hidden from view.

Dry cleaning

The dry cleaning method will help freshen up a slightly dusty ceiling. In this case, use a soft, lint-free cloth to clean the coating. It can be microfiber, a suede cloth or a special non-woven cloth with an electrostatic effect. Such wipes are used to remove dust from polished surfaces - they attract dirt to themselves and do not leave streaks.

Wipe off the dust in a circular motion. If you see cobwebs in the corners, it is not necessary to clean the entire ceiling. It is enough to remove the dirt with a soft sweeping brush without touching the film itself.

For dry cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner. You will need a special cloth nozzle, but even in this case, you should not touch the surface of the stretch ceiling so as not to damage the structure. Hold the nozzle a few inches from the surface so that you can remove the dust without damaging the ceiling.


If you have firmly decided that you can’t do without wet cleaning, then first pick up a good care product. Professionals recommend using special detergents for stretch ceilings. They are available in the form of aerosols or sprays.

You can take care of the film coating using other household chemicals.

  • In rooms where grease is the main contaminant, you can use dishwashing liquid, washing powder or gel, and even ordinary soap solution. Dilute the product in water so that no solid particles remain, and feel free to start washing.
  • In other situations, use glass cleaners containing ammonia to care for the coating. They perfectly clean from dust, small fatty contaminants and do not leave streaks. You can prepare a solution yourself from pharmacy ammonia: approximately 50 ml of ammonia is consumed per 1 liter of water.

If you are not sure about the detergent, then do a simple test. Apply working solution to a small area of ​​PVC film, wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. If the film is not damaged, this product can be used to care for the coating.

Required Tools

To wash a stretch ceiling, you will need:

  • ladder;
  • bucket;
  • detergent solution;
  • a plastic bottle with a spray (if the product is not aerosol);
  • sponge or rag.

As already mentioned, the sponge should not be abrasive, and it is better to use soft and non-woven rags - microfiber, suede, special napkins.

If you really want to clean the ceiling, you can use a mop with a cloth nozzle, but you must be sure of the strength of the film construction. It is better not to risk it and wash the surface with your hands.

How to wash the ceiling?

First, go over the ceiling with a dry cloth, removing the top layer of dust. Then proceed directly to the washing process:

  • dilute the detergent in water with a temperature of 30-40 ° C;
  • soak a sponge in the solution;
  • if you are using a stretch ceiling spray, soak the sponge in plain water;
  • spray on the surface;
  • clean the film in a circular motion, without pressing hard on the ceiling;
  • if you use detergent solutions, then rinse them off with plain water so as not to leave streaks;
  • after washing, walk along the stretch ceiling with a dry cloth.

Washing matte stretch ceilings is somewhat easier than glossy ones - as a rule, there are no streaks on them even after applying washing powder solutions.

Now you know how to wash a matte stretch ceiling. Use special care products for PVC film and do not apply mechanical force. To avoid the appearance of streaks, wipe the film with a dry cloth at the end of work.

The sellers certainly assured that your brand new stretch ceiling will never have to be washed. That the antistatic properties of the ceiling cloth will forever prevent dust and dirt from settling on it.

Stretch ceilings, indeed, never get dirty, but only in one case: they are installed in a sterile clean apartment in which no one lives. In all other situations they need regular care. There are some features in how to wash stretch ceilings at home.

The purity of a product can be affected by many reasons. Here are just a few of them:

  • live in your apartment children. The ceiling will inevitably suffer from wise children's fun. Plasticine, water pistols, balls, soda - this is only a small part of what the product will have to experience for itself. How to properly wash a stretch ceiling? - someday, yes, all happy parents ask themselves;
  • Do you like fresh air and ventilate the room. Street dust particles are not very selective. Covering all open surfaces in the house, they will not disregard the ceiling;
  • you cook food at home. Not a single hood will save the kitchen ceiling from soot, traces of grease and steam, even if you are extremely careful;
  • you wash yourself. Condensate, drying on the stretch ceiling of the bathroom, leaves quite noticeable prints;
  • you like to celebrate holidays at home. A spot on the ceiling from a flying cork is another good scenario. There could be a hole;
  • you started repair. In this case, washing the ceiling structure cannot be avoided. The construction dust that covered it is at least unhealthy and a good reason to learn how to clean a stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • you smoke indoors. Tobacco smoke is the surest and fastest way to yellow streaks and gray ash deposits on the product.

Thus, the stretch ceiling will become dirty even if you are a perfect tidy. If it is necessary for the ceiling to be clean - behind it need to look after. This problem is easy to deal with if you clearly know how to wash stretch ceilings.

How not to harm

Considering what the stretch ceiling is made of, washing it yourself is not a difficult task.

More than 90% of the produced ceiling cloths are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the rest are made of polyester woven material. PVC is a dielectric and, indeed, does not accumulate dirt and dust well. Thanks to this excellent property, it will not take much work to wash the stretch ceiling. In addition, PVC is a waterproof material with low flammability, resistant to alcohols, hydrocarbons (including gasoline, kerosene), salt solutions and acids.

But for all its merits, it is, alas, easily cut. Stretch fabric for ceilings is thin and very tightly stretched film, which can be accidentally pierced. There is another property of this material that is important to consider when cleaning: PVC film dissolves in acetone, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methyl ethyl ketone and other solvents.

Attention! Washing ceilings are easy to cut. Do not use sharp objects when washing it.

There are several important rules on how to wash stretch ceilings without harming the canvas. Remember them:

  • Do not use powder or paste abrasive detergents. This is just the case when you can overdo it. Even their smallest particles instantly leave scratches on the material;
  • strictly forbid yourself to use aggressive chemicals with PVC solvents (for example, acetone) included in their composition. After such experiments, you will no longer need to know how to wash the stretch ceiling. After all, he will melt before your eyes;
  • remove rings and bracelets before cleaning to avoid scratches and cuts. In addition to the fact that your favorite jewelry will harm the canvas, they themselves can be hopelessly damaged by chemicals;
  • leave any scrapers, knives, other tools, sandpaper with which you planned to scrape dried dirt from the film for other surfaces. The film will tear from any awkward movement;
  • even medium-hard brushes and washcloths are a real threat to PVC fabrics. Don't use them while cleaning;
  • think carefully about using a mop. With a long handle, it is difficult to control the pressure, and there is a risk of tearing the canvas. However, many people prefer it;
  • do not hurry. No sudden movements. Do not press on the canvas, so as not to tear it. Work very carefully.

Attention! When buying a detergent, make sure that it can wash stretch ceilings.

In order not to worry about how to wash the stretch ceiling at home and keep it safe and sound, you can contact the services professional cleaning. But is it worth spending honestly earned money when washing stretch ceilings is not more difficult, and even easier than washing any other ones. You just need to follow simple instructions.

Prepare properly

Purchase detergents specially designed for PVC films. If possible, contact your dealer and find out how to clean the stretch ceiling. He will certainly recommend specific brands.

You can successfully apply more affordable means. Choose from the following:

  • soap solution. Make it with warm (about 40%) water and soap shavings or laundry detergent. Be careful with the latter: the powder should not contain bleach so that the material does not shed. How to clean a stretch ceiling if it is not made of PVC, but of fabric? Wash with soapy water;
  • window cleaner. It must be alcohol based. They can wash the stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • m detergent for dishes. Particularly suitable for kitchen ceilings, as perfectly removes fat;
  • alcohol solution. To prepare it, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1/10. The solution cleans the glossy stretch ceiling well. Cleaning them will give an incredible shine to the product.

Whatever tool you choose, try before cleaning apply it on a tiny area of ​​​​the canvas, the most hidden from view. After drying, the ceiling should not shed or deform.

Prepare soft, lint-free, cloth wipes such as flannel or microfiber. Suitable and soft comfortable sponges.

How to clean stretch ceilings if it is difficult to get to them? Take care of your convenience and use a ladder. Of course, you can also climb onto the table, but it is difficult to move it and it is inconvenient to get off it.

If you still decide to get to the surface with a mop, be sure to wrap its working part with a soft cloth.

Attention! A mop can damage the stretch ceiling. Work carefully.


How to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks at home depends on the texture of the canvas, the nature of the pollution and the cleaning method.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning carried out if there are no visible spots, and the ceiling only needs to be cleaned from accumulated dust. To do this, gently, without pressure, walk on it with a dry soft cloth. This applies to all types of surfaces.

If there is a lot of dust, for example, you are repairing something, use vacuum cleaner. Set it to low power, and walk along the surface, holding the nozzle no less than 5 cm from it.

Wet cleaning

It is produced if there is visible pollution, for example, left drink marks or nicotine residue. Washing will have to tinker longer, but the result is worth it.


When caring for a glossy canvas, it is important to understand how to wash the stretch ceiling so that there are no streaks. It is on this surface that stains are especially visible. Perfect fit here alcohol-based sprays which are used for glass. Just spray the product on the surface, wipe gently in a circular motion, and then wipe dry. To make the glossy surface sparkle, you can wipe it alcohol solution.

Attention! Do not wash glossy stretch ceilings with alcohol-based products.


These cloths have a rough structure, and the dirt is a little more difficult to wash off. But divorces on them are practically not noticeable. Use any of the above. Wet a soft cloth with the solution, wring it out, and gently wipe the surface. You can not wipe dry, there will be no stains.


Fabric products have a peculiarity - they cannot be cleaned with either alcohol sprays or dishwashing liquids. Ideal for them - soap solution. Wetting the rag, you need to wring it out well, since the material becomes heavy from the water and dries for a long time.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the ceiling sheet needs the most care. Fat and steam are the eternal companions of cooking. It is advisable to wipe the surface here as soon as stains appear, because old fat is difficult to clean. Wash the kitchen ceiling with the same liquid detergent you use for washing dishes, as long as it does not contain abrasives. And always, when cooking, turn on the hood.

Special pollution

The applied efforts will be enough to remove, for example, soot stains. But how to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks if there are traces of primer, paint or glue on it?

Modern paint and primer are polymers. They are not very sensitive to mechanical and physical influences. It is almost impossible to remove them. But you can try.

Soak stains of water-based paint with water several times. It will swell and you can try to remove it. If it doesn't work, fix it white spirit and carefully remove any residue. Perhaps a pale trace will still remain.

You can try to remove the glue stain with the same white spirit or glass cleaner. It erases better.

With a primer, everything is much more complicated. We wipe a fresh stain with white spirit, and if the stain is old - we invite professionals from the cleaning service or just put up with it.

Useful video

In the video, let's see how to wash stretch ceilings without streaks:

Wash ceiling sheets only when necessary. Regular wet cleaning protects them well from dirt. If you keep the apartment clean, then you will need to wash the stretch ceilings only once every two years.

How to wash stretch ceilings more and more modern people are interested, since almost every fourth family that dares to repair decides to install such a ceiling canvas. Sooner or later, they will all have to think about how to preserve and not spoil this beauty in the house. If these thoughts have visited you, then we will be happy to tell you and show on the video how to properly wash and clean stretch ceilings so that they always look like new.

The material used for stretch ceilings is short-lived. Much, of course, depends on the quality of the canvas itself, but whatever the ceiling, its structure is very delicate, and therefore requires especially reverent care.

If there are children in your house, then it is better not to bring pistols with small bullets or arrows into the house, because when playing with them, it will not be difficult to leave a hole in the stretch ceiling.

Yes, and the celebration of any celebration can turn into a big nuisance: you just have to carelessly open a bottle of champagne - and you are provided with a hole in the stretch ceiling. Therefore, you should be more careful if your house has such ceilings. They will have to be handled with more care than conventional plastic coating.

Before the advent of stretch ceilings, just from the very thought of perfectly washing glass without streaks, it became uncomfortable, but with ceilings the situation is much more delicate. If stretch ceilings are made of PVC or film, then it will be much easier to remove dirt from such a surface than from a fabric web. But in case you, God forbid, are flooded by neighbors, the troubleshooting specialists will only drain the water from the fabric stretch ceiling - and you're done.

It is worth remembering the main reasons that contribute to the pollution of ceilings from stretch surfaces and PVC. Fortunately, the need to wash them does not arise so often, but there are special places in the apartment where you can easily pollute the surface of the ceiling. One such place is the bathroom. It is enough to take a careless shower once - and you are guaranteed drips on the ceiling. If the child is always actively bathing in the bathroom, we advise you to think about a horizontal curtain: this will be a very good protection to prevent pollution of the ceiling. In summer, the surface of the stretch ceiling becomes dirty from excessive dust in the apartment, but the kitchen has a special degree of pollution, in which all the soot accumulates on the ceiling. So it is better to refrain from installing stretch ceilings in the kitchen, otherwise you will have to wash them regularly.

When washing stretch ceilings, experiment on which detergent is more effective, because this is fraught with disastrous consequences for the ceiling material. The material may even sag in some places, brighten or wrinkle, so for starters before washing the ceiling, it is better to test the detergent on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface: if after 15 minutes no changes have occurred with the ceiling, you can safely proceed to the processing of the entire surface.

To carefully wash the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to use detergents that do not form a thick foam and do not contain abrasive particles. Even the use of ordinary baking soda can significantly compromise the integrity of the surface.

For washing, you can use only not a concentrated solution, but foam. Before starting this crucial procedure, it is better to remove all rings, bracelets and all kinds of jewelry so as not to hook on the smooth surface of the stretch ceiling and not damage its structure. Apply the resulting foam to a soft sponge and carefully remove the contaminated areas of the tension surface.

It is important to remember that for washing the stretch ceiling hot water cannot be used: you can take only warm enough, with a maximum temperature of 35 degrees.

It is recommended to wash the stretch ceiling either with a very soft sponge or with a small piece of flannel fabric. Fiberglass material is perfect, which will remove all dirt from the stretch ceiling and leave no streaks. These materials are very gentle, using them, you can delicately wash the stretch fabric without damage.

After wet wrinkling of the ceiling, it is necessary to use a dry flannel cloth or fiberglass material for polishing, you can also use delicate paper napkins. They carefully absorb the remaining moisture from the stretch ceiling and save the glossy surface from streaks.

For more efficient and faster washing of stretch ceilings, you can purchase special sprays that are designed specifically for stretch surfaces; they can be easily found in any household chemicals store. Means with ammonia or ammonium hydroxide are currently the most effective for washing stretch ceilings.

For delicate and thin surfaces of stretch ceilings, any store has special polishes for sale, they are great for washing smooth surfaces. Products containing alcohol in their composition will perfectly cope with the gloss. You can also use sprays for glass surfaces, but you must carefully study the composition or instructions on the package, as these products can be different, and many are not suitable for treating PVC surfaces.

Based on personal experience, I can advise a universal detergent from Amway. I washed the kitchen matte stretch ceilings with it, on which a thin layer of fat had already formed. It is necessary to dilute the product, according to the instructions, then pour it into a container with a sprayer and apply it to the surface of the stretch ceiling for 20 minutes. Then, with ease and without much difficulty, wipe off the remnants of the product with a soft flannel cloth or dry wipes.

In rooms where there is no particular pollution on the ceilings, you can use clean warm water without any detergents to wash stretch fabrics. But getting rid of divorce is quite difficult. So add a little alcohol or vodka to the water. And then there will be no trace of stains on the surface.

Now, when creating a stretch fabric, an agent is immediately applied to it, which has an antistatic property, due to which dust practically does not stick to the stretch ceiling.

Features of cleaning at home

Washing stretch ceilings at home will not be difficult if you periodically rub their surface with a soft flannel cloth or paper towels. But this is not enough to maintain the beautiful appearance of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, one cannot do without other procedures that will return the former beauty to the stretch fabric.

  1. Control the force of pressing on the surface of the stretch fabric with a mop, cloth or sponge. The force of impact should be minimal, but at the same time sufficient to remove contaminants. You can practice a little in a small area in the corner of the ceiling, so as not to harm the main canvas;
  2. If you have high ceilings, then when washing them at home, you will need a stepladder or a long mop with fiberglass. Before climbing under the ceiling, you need to make sure that the stepladder does not stagger, so that in the event of a fall, you do not break the stretch fabric with a mop or hurt yourself;
  3. Remove all jewelry from your hands so as not to damage the delicate structure of the canvas.

So let's get started. Let's start with bathroom recommendations. Condensation often collects on the ceiling in the bathroom, which can be easily removed with a fiber cloth or dry towels. If the condensate could not be wiped off while it was still wet, then as it dries, spots form on the stretch fabric that can no longer be removed with a regular rag or towel. In this case, it is necessary to use a soap solution or a solution with the addition of ammonia. You can prepare it by adding a tablespoon of ammonia to one liter of water. The method of preparing a stain remover from a stretch ceiling at home is up to you to choose. You can remove dirt by soaking a rag in any of the solutions and wiping the stretch fabric, and then dry its surface with a soft paper towel.

You can wash the kitchen stretch ceiling at home, as well as remove greasy stains and a layer of kitchen soot from it with dishwashing liquid. To do this, take a small container, add warm water to it and lather a teaspoon of detergent. It is important for us to achieve exactly thick foam, since it is not recommended to process a stretch film surface with a solution. Take a soft sponge or fiber, apply a little foam and wipe the surface of the stretch ceiling. After that, the remnants of the product are washed off with clean water, wetting another rag into it. Also, to remove greasy stains from the stretch ceiling, you can use a solution of ammonium hydroxide. If there are stains on the glossy ceiling after such cleaning, then you can use a special polish or at home make a soft solution of alcohol and warm water. But in no case should you use acetone-containing products, as well as products that contain abrasive particles or a kerosene solution. This will only spoil the fabric of the stretch ceiling.

You are lucky if the surface of your stretch ceiling is matte. In this case, you can deal with pollution problems with a regular eraser. The main thing here is not to overdo it, as you can damage the surface of the canvas. When caring for a matte stretch ceiling at home, you can use a vacuum cleaner, only the brush should be as soft as possible so as not to harm the surface. If, nevertheless, trouble happened, and you accidentally damaged the canvas, then this place must be carefully sealed with adhesive tape and the installers should be called. They can easily replace the entire structure with special tools.

Caring for a fabric stretch ceiling at home is also not difficult. To do this, you need to take a slightly moistened fiber or flannel fabric and slowly walk along the surface of the ceiling. Soapy water is well suited for this type of surface, but products containing ammonium hydroxide or alcohol-containing substances can no longer be used in this case. Spray for glass surfaces may contain dyes, so if you use it for a fabric stretch ceiling, the canvas can easily change its color, and alcohol solutions can destroy the structure of the fabric impregnation. Therefore, carefully choose care products for stretch ceilings at home and check what material yours is made of.

How to wash?

Each owner knows how to properly and carefully wash a glossy ceiling. It's no secret that when washing a glossy ceiling, you can not use any brushes, piercing and cutting objects, since even the softest brush in texture can leave traces of villi on a glossy PVC ceiling.

Any cleaning company or specialists in the installation of stretch ceilings recommend removing all jewelry from your hands when washing a glossy ceiling. Scraping the gloss membrane is also not recommended, as you can easily leave small scratches on it. Even if you just polish glossy PVC intensively, there is a chance that the canvas will be deformed.

So, for gentle washing of a glossy canvas, you can not use brushes, even the softest ones, scrapers and hard washcloths. Your choice should be stopped on a soft sponge, delicate fiber or flannel fabric. No products that contain acetone and abrasive particles (even harmless soda is not suitable for delicate cleaning of a glossy membrane).

Main rules for washing a glossy stretch ceiling come down to the following:

Stretch ceilings, especially with a glossy surface, require careful treatment and delicate care. Therefore, when using glossy stretch ceilings, follow these recommendations:

  • it is not recommended to use excessively heated objects in order to avoid softening of PVC and deformation of the ceiling structure;
  • you need to refrain from houseplants high in the ceiling and poultry;
  • in order to open a bottle of champagne, it is better to go to another room;
  • it is advisable not to bring children's toys with darts and plastic bullets into the house.

In order not to spoil the beauty of your stretch ceiling and not damage its surface, in situations in which you cannot cope on your own, it is better to turn to specialists in a cleaning company. They have special professional tools for removing dirt from stretch ceilings and the necessary tools to dismantle some sections of the stretch fabric.

Detergents for stretch ceilings

In order to keep the stretch ceiling clean, the current detergents are more than enough. Manufacturers of stretch ceilings add special components to the composition of the canvas that have an antistatic and antibacterial effect, so much less dust settles on modern polyvinyl chloride, and the ceiling itself is protected from the formation of mold on it and the development of other microorganisms. But, despite these improvements, the day comes when it is necessary to refresh the PVC membrane surface. Therefore, now we will consider what detergents you can use to refresh the cleanliness of your ceiling.

The most common means for refreshing the appearance of a stretch fabric are a porous sponge and soap and water. You can use a soft flannel or fiber cloth to clean the gloss. The main thing is that there are no small villi on its surface.

Depending on the texture of the stretch fabric and the material from which it is made, the detergent is selected individually for each type of surface:

  1. Alcohol solutions are ideal for removing dirt from a glossy membrane and giving it a special shine and reflection. This solution is prepared as follows: it is necessary to dilute one part of ammonia or ammonium hydroxide in 10 parts of warm water.
  2. If the ceiling is a little dusty, then it is enough to wipe it with a dry paper towel.
  3. The fabric ceiling can be cleaned with a soft, long-bristled brush that has been soaked in soapy water. Also, to remove dust from this type of surface, you can safely use a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Professional sprays, which are designed individually for each type of ceiling, are an excellent cleaning agent.

If during the repair process, the stretch ceiling was stained with glue, then you can wash it with dish detergent.

The main criterion when choosing detergents for washing stretch ceilings is the absence of abrasives in them. Small cleaning particles can spoil the decorative look of the coating, and on this all the beauty of the glossy ceiling will disappear.

After installing the stretch ceiling, almost everyone has small shreds of material, therefore, whether this detergent is suitable for your type of surface or not, you can check for them.

What properties your tension material has, you can check directly with the professionals who installed it. They will also advise which detergent is right for your type of surface.

Summing up

You have already familiarized yourself with the main means of cleaning the ceiling surface from dirt. Now it is worth summing up the main measures for the prevention of pollution of a PVC film:

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that caring for stretch ceilings and washing their surface will not take any of us much effort. Thanks to the delicate and timely cleaning of the surface and careful care of it, you can admire the attractiveness of stretch ceilings for many years.