Snowboard. Snowboarding. Snowboarder's tutorial. Let's learn, learn to ride. Education. Correct riding. Techniques, skills

Soon the snowboarders will open the skiing season and if you dream of joining them, it's time to learn. The easiest way to learn snowboarding is with an experienced instructor or an equally experienced friend, but you can learn the basics on your own.

The main thing you need to learn: fasten the snowboard, stand on it, roll, fall correctly. It also does not hurt to master the rules of climbing the mountain. I plan to start snowboarding myself this year, so let's learn together.

Where to begin

Before you get on a snowboard, you must take all measures for your safety. A protective helmet and goggles are required. If possible, wear knee pads. Clothing should be comfortable and spacious enough. You don't have to buy special snowboarding gear, but you don't have to be hot or cold. Keep in mind that you will be actively moving.

Arriving on a mountain or a place where you will practice, do not rush to fasten the bindings. Do a simple warm-up and stretch. Knead and warm up all the muscles and ligaments.
Choose places for training where there are not many visitors. Or visit them on those days when there is a minimum number of skiers and snowboarders on the hill.

If you have to climb a mountain where there are no lifts, you can follow these tips:

  • Attach the board to your wrist so it doesn't accidentally roll away.
  • Secure the board with the bindings on the back, with the sliding surface towards the jacket.
  • If you have a board lead, you can use that. But don't forget to fasten it to your wrist.
  • You can carry the board up the mountain under your arm.

How to fasten fasteners

Stand on a flat surface, fasten the leash to your front leg and the snowboard itself. Lay the board with the sliding side down. It will be easier for you to keep your balance if you step on the board with your back foot. Let the heel stay in the snow. After you fasten the first leg, carefully fix the second.

Snowboard bindings are different. If you have rented equipment, ask the administrator on site to explain how to use the bindings. Then on the mountain you will not have to figure out how to snap the mount.

First steps

Choose a very small hill to learn how to fall correctly. This way you will avoid unnecessary injury.

When descending a mountain, as soon as you realize that you are losing balance and are about to fall, sit down and hug your knees as if. Then sharply squeeze your hands and straighten your legs. Most likely, you will not be able to fall into the snow on your face, as your body weight will shift back.

Try to land on the "fifth point". To make it not very painful, you need to have time to group in time. Transfer the center of gravity to the heels, tilt your head, pressing your chin to the body, press your hands and especially your elbows to your chest. It remains to sit down a little and relax the muscles. Falling on your ass in this way will minimize injury and discomfort.

How to get up after a fall? Many beginner snowboarders struggle with this. Since it is unusual that both legs are fixed on the board.
Position the board perpendicular to your body. If possible, bury the board a little in the snow so that it does not go right away. After that, try to stand up. It's a little easier to get up after a fall if you kneel first. Then lift yourself up by pressing both hands on the edges of the board.

  • If you find it difficult to keep your balance right away, you can start to learn to snowboard with only your front foot fastened. And help yourself push off and keep your balance.
  • Choose the gentlest slope to begin with.
  • Don't try to learn how to edge right away.
  • Try to keep your back straight and your legs slightly bent.
  • To stop, turn your board perpendicular to the downhill, leaning back and putting your weight on one edge of the snowboard.
  • If possible, take a couple of lessons from an instructor.
  • Falls are unavoidable, as are bruises. Therefore, be prepared for bruises and for the muscles to be very sore at first.
P.S. Do not give up the idea of ​​mastering a snowboard after the first falls. Train regularly, at least once a week, gradually increasing the load and difficulty.

Snowboarding is fashionable, fun and very exciting. But how do you learn how to snowboard properly? To do this, you can ask friends, hire an instructor, or just read a few recommendations. You will see, there is nothing complicated in this!

Snowboarding is a risky sport, which also has its own rules of behavior on the slope, driving, stopping, braking ... What do all these regulations say?

  1. Rule one: respect for others. We all must behave on the slope so as not to disturb the people around us, not to harm them and ourselves. We are also responsible for the health of our equipment.
  2. Rule two: control the speed. Controlled movement is the key to a normal descent along the slope and the absence of injuries, and our movement will become controlled only when we realize our capabilities and compare them with the surrounding conditions - snow, slope, wind, the number of people on the slope. In crowded places for skiing, we drive slowly, take our time, move within the field of vision, do not accelerate at the ski lifts, avoid places with limited visibility.
  3. Rule three: choose direction. The one who rides behind chooses the direction so as not to interfere with the rider in front. Snowboarding may be a free sport, but whoever is in front will always have an advantage, which means that we keep our distance and anticipate the movements of the rider in front of us.
  4. Rule four: we overtake. We can overtake as soon as our hearts desire: top and bottom, left and right. But only under one condition - we leave enough room for the overtaken to maneuver (regardless of whether he is driving or standing still).
  5. Rule five: get out and start moving. Coming out onto an already marked track or just starting to move after a stop, we look in the direction of the top of the slope in order to be sure that no one will suffer from our sudden movement.
  6. Rule six: stop on the slope. In places where the track narrows or makes a sharp turn, stopping is a very bad idea. Even after a fall, this area must be left immediately.

Last but not least important rules, which must be observed, tell us to remember the markings on the track, help neighbors down the slope and exchange contact details with them after unpleasant incidents.

put on snowboarding is needed in one of two ways:

  • either standing on some level place (on a platform or a gentle slope) so that the board does not leave under the snowboarder;
  • or sitting in the snow.

The second method is more suitable for beginners - it's easier!

So, put your foot in the fastening groove on the board, fasten the upper fastening clip to the end, and then the lower one. This should be done tight enough so that the leg does not “dangle”, but it is also important not to overtighten it - the fasteners should not pinch the snowboarder’s leg.

Filmed the board is very simple - you just need to open the mounts!

Learning to snowboard

Each style of riding has its own board with a certain shape and size. All boards have a toe and a heel, and each of them has an edge that allows you to properly load the board. For example, for freestyle you need soft board, and for high speeds - as rigid as possible.

  • Freestyle- freestyle riding, which includes various tricks: flips, somersaults, jumps, etc. Freestyle requires a light board with the same nose and tail, soft boots and bindings, maximum equipment.
  • Freeride(free skiing) is skiing on virgin lands, where there are no special tracks. With this ride, the snow is pressed under the board until it can turn the rider. On the icy slopes, this process occurs quickly, on the "powder" - slowly. For such skiing, you need wide and long boards, soft boots and bindings for them, and special equipment.
  • Carving- This is skiing at high speeds on pre-prepared routes. This technique is quite complex, and it takes a lot of time to learn it. There are practically no special tracks at domestic ski resorts, so carving is poorly developed in our country. This style requires a hard board, hard boots and bindings.
  • Jibbing called a technique in which a snowboarder rides on all possible surfaces ... except snow. But to master this technique, you will have to sharpen the edge on the board and say goodbye to the smooth glossy surface for riding on it forever.
  • border cross- technology used in Olympic Games, where athletes must pass a difficult track with many jumps and obstacles. Fortunately, there is no time track here.
So how do you stand on a snowboard?

The legs are bent, the weight is evenly distributed on both legs. Such a stand is called "50 to 50". The body of the body should be positioned straight, slightly rotate the pelvis forward, relax the arms. One hand is directed forward and the other to the side so that you can easily find balance.

Now it remains to choose one of two positions - backside (facing the mountain) and frontside (facing the descent). Everyone, you can go! But how to brake and turn?

Braking (as well as turning) starts with weight transfer to the front leg. Despite the fact that we instinctively lean back when accelerating, we should not do this when braking - we will fall.

To make it easier for yourself and overcome fear, you can reach the tip of the fingers of one hand to the nose of the board.

Weight distribution when braking and the turn should be as follows: we give 30% of the weight to the leg standing behind, and 70% to the front leg. At the same time, you can put your hands in front of you.

  • To slow down using the back end, hands should be taken to the side, pointing them to the back, move the weight to the front leg - the board will begin to turn. As a result of this, we turn around or lean on the heel of the front foot and stop.
  • To slow down on the front edge, hands should be directed to the chest. The weight of the body is transferred to the front foot, and we lean on its toe, feeling how the board unfolds.
You can fall both forward and backward. When falling forward the legs should be slightly bent to reduce the height of the fall, put the elbows forward and bend them at the chest, reducing the impact on the knees.

Such a fall will look like we are going to dive into the snow with a “pike”. The head must be turned so as not to hit the face on a hard surface.

When falling back the center of gravity also shifts lower, the chin is pressed against the chest, and the fall itself looks like we decided to just roll over our back.

How to climb the slope on the lift

How to climb the slope after an exciting trip down? On a drag lift, preferably find a partner on the rise, so that in case of loss of balance, it can be leaned on.

Another way is to lift with the front leg strapped in and the back leg unbuckled to help balance. If both legs are fastened into the mount, the balance must be returned with small jumps.

How to choose the right slope for skiing

Where can I learn to snowboard?

To choose the right slope for skiing, follow the signs. It's simple: for students and beginners, there are usually special smooth and sloping tracks.

Each skiing technique most often has its own slope, it is only important to correctly assess your capabilities, and boldly go to conquer it!

Trying to start your snowboarding journey from slopes intended for other purposes, such as boarder cross or carving, is not worth it: even if the slope is empty, there can always be someone less attentive and faster on it.

  1. For riding you need to choose suitable clothes, which consists of three layers:
    - basic, including underwear, which will retain body heat and remove moisture;
    - a middle layer consisting of ordinary clothes or clothes with a fleece lining, which will additionally keep the body and remove moisture from the body to the outside;
    - the outer layer, which is a jacket and pants, which protects the body from wind and repels moisture.
  2. Before riding, preferably a little warm up and do a little warm-up to reduce the risk of injury.
  3. Don't forget to take hat, gloves and goggles: warm clothes will save you from cooling, and glasses will protect your eyes from the bright sun.
  4. Climbing the slope, a snowboard can be carried to the side of you, under your arm, holding it strictly in the center or dragging it through the snow (an option for those who do not feel sorry for their board), or you can take it behind your back across your body and hold it with both hands.
  5. Rolling, better do it not alone: the company is not only more fun, but also safer.
  6. Is always look around, let others pass and avoid those who drive slower than you!

How to learn to snowboard - video

And now let's watch a detailed video tutorial that will answer all your questions and help you quickly learn how to snowboard.

How did you learn to snowboard? Tell us your story in the field for

We present you snowboarding lessons from "Trajectory". First, the basics: how to put on a snowboard, how to learn to slide on the bottom and top edge, how to brake and how to fall safely.

How to fasten into bindings

Most beginner snowboarders put on their board while sitting in the snow.

And I'll tell you how to buckle up without sitting on the snow. To begin with, we need to find flat space, but if there is none, we can do a very simple thing - dig a small hole. After we have done this, we stand a little on the board with one foot, we fasten the other leg.

After we have fastened one leg, we knock down the snow a little more. We feel support and fasten the second leg. That's all! This simple tutorial will keep your hoodies dry and dry and comfortable all day long. Bye everyone!

Herringbone, edging

There are three ways to learn to ride.

  1. One of them is to take an instructor, but this is not always cheap.
  2. The second way is to use the help of your friends, but friends cannot always teach you how to ride correctly and efficiently.
  3. The third way is to learn by yourself, with the help of some tips and video tutorials.

The very first exercise that you need to learn how to do is the so-called "herringbone riding". Herringbone riding is when you ride first from left to right or from right to left on the back edge - this exercise allows you to learn balance and keep on the back edge correctly.

The next exercise is the herringbone on the front edge: everything is the same, only you do it on the front edge. That is, it is riding on the front edge backwards from left to right, and then from right to left.

Once you have mastered the herringbone exercise, you need to learn how to turn on your snowboard from back to front and vice versa, from front to back. Everything is super easy. When turning from the back edge to the front edge, the head turns first, the shoulders follow the head, and then you slowly transfer your weight to the front edge from the back edge and accordingly shift further and ride on the front edge.

When turning from the front edge to the back edge, everything is exactly the same - first the head goes, the shoulders follow the head, then the edge changes from the front edge to the back edge. Do not forget that you cannot ride on straight legs, your legs should always be bent. When riding in either direction, you should have a more bent front leg, you should press on it to speed up or slow down. When snowboarding, the center of gravity is kept either on the front leg or exactly in the middle of the board. Do not stick out your ass when skiing, but keep it exactly above the snowboard and everything will work out for you.

It is very important when snowboarding that every movement of the head should be followed by a movement of the shoulders and, accordingly, the legs should follow at the end. That is, first there is a turn of the head, then the shoulders, then the legs.

Braking, safe falls

Today we will tell you about the correct technique for falling and braking on a snowboard.

So let's start with a fall, the first way is a deliberate fall, respectively, you fall on purpose and doing some somersault or something like that, just for fun, well, and accordingly prepare yourself for someone else to fall.

The next way to fall is when you fall on your back while catching the back edge. When you fall, in no case do not put your hands under your butt, so to speak, collect your hands in front all the time, and you will exclude injuries to the hands, elbows, shoulders, and so on. And of course, when you fall on your back, you can roll a short distance and just somersault, as if everything was so conceived, so as not to fall in the eyes of the girls who are looking at you.

Facing forward as you catch the leading edge. The easiest way, of course, is to substitute the shoulder, but in this case you can damage either the collarbone or get some other unwanted injury. Correct technique falling with the fact that you have caught the toe edge is that you need to jump forward a little and straighten your arms. Slightly absorbing the fall, you remove them and roll forward like a penguin on your stomach until you stop. That's all!

Now we will tell you about braking. Once you have mastered the herringbone on the front and rear edges, it is very important to learn how to brake properly. When braking over the back edge, instead of leaning on your front foot, you are pushing back leg forward, and balance on the trailing edge by increasing the pressure on it accordingly.

As in the herringbone exercise, when braking over the toe edge, you should do the same thing, only in reverse. That is, you ride on the toe edge, push your back foot forward, and balance on the toe edge by pushing harder and harder on it. The harder you press on the front edge, the faster you stop accordingly.

See you on the slope!

How to learn to snowboard without an instructor

This article is 8-9 years old. I shortened the original article so that it was within the framework of the blog - a modern user does not like to read a lot of text.
He loves when there are a lot of pictures, 5 lines of adapted text, and below the "Like!"
I wrote the article “How to learn to snowboard on your own” according to my feelings at that time, since I learned to snowboard on my own and everything below is written - this is the result of my trial and error.

It cannot be said that I ride cool and impeccably. No.
I ride sucks, but for my own pleasure

You bought beautiful snowboard clothes, gloves, thermal underwear, a balaclava and a helmet to boot.
It is possible that you bought a snowboard, bindings and boots.
Even if you have not bought something WHERE to ride, the main thing is that you have WHERE to ride.

In short, you can just hang out in the arena by taking the elevator up from the ski village - the arena is always full of restaurants, bars and people who will look askance at your wonderful snowboard suit. You can stop reading the article and order five glasses of schnapps. For the rest, I continue:

The first thing to do before picking up a snowboard is to determine what stance you will be snowboarding in.
Which leg will be your front (did you forget that they ride sideways on the board?) - this is the stance.
Left front - you are a regular. Front right leg - you goofy

How to determine which leg you have in front:
- remember your childhood and how you rolled on your feet on the ice on the way to school. Which leg was in front - that front leg. Well, or ask a friend to suddenly push yourself in the back - which leg unconsciously took the first step forward - that one and the front one. Make further adjustments to your equipment, taking into account which leg you have in front.

1) First exercise:
Held on flat surface. You don't have to go up the hill!
Fasten the bindings on the front leg.
Tighten the top strap first, then the bottom strap. Get up and feel uncomfortable.
All this bullshit will soon pass, but at first the board fastened to the leg causes a feeling of terrible inconvenience ...
Chat with a board on your leg ... just don't kill anyone nearby!
The exercise is the following:
1.1) you have to try to ride straight on the board, like on a scooter or skateboard, pushing with your free leg.
In order not to fall often, try to do small but frequent pushes with your free leg.
My front leg is on the left. When I need to overcome some distance on a flat surface, the right foot pushes off to the right of the board. When I go to the lift, my free right foot is to the right of the board. When I cling to the “mop”, my right foot is to the left of the board (behind it).
Feel how comfortable you are.

In short: the essence of the exercise is to feel the board, get used to the uncomfortable twisted, fastened leg.
This will come in handy when moving between lifts and when climbing on a “mop” (rope lift).

After you have run and hit on one leg to your heart's content, we will complicate the exercise:
1.2) now after pushing, put your free foot next to the binding and try to keep your balance while rolling in a straight line.
This is such an exercise-torment and this is just the beginning ...

Kaif, of course, not yet. But you can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
You need to spend at least half an hour on exercises, after that it’s good to sit on a stump and drink a glass of schnapps

2) Second exercise:
We find a small roll-out from the slope, almost gentle, but no longer flat as in the first exercise. We will make sure that there are no frostbitten personalities and grandmothers with grandchildren nearby. We repeat exercise 1.2, but we are already sliding away as we are going downhill and most importantly: try to stand on the board correctly - your weight should be evenly distributed on two legs, and even more correct if 70% of your weight falls on the front, fastened leg.
At the same time, the upper half of your body (from the navel to the top of the head) is turned in the direction of movement, and the legs stand as they stood - they are fastened.
After stopping, we return to the starting position, while performing exercise 1.1

We suffer like this for another half an hour.
At the end of the workout, while on the move, try to transfer your weight to your toes (as if standing on tiptoe), and then to your heels (snowboarders' legs should always be bent at the knees, and the body turned in the direction of travel).
You will notice that as you do this, the board begins to change its linear motion and begins to turn in the direction of transferring body weight ...

2.1) Correct stance:
Important. How do you drive? Hope you look forward and not sideways...
So, bend your legs slightly at the knees, amortize them - good! Now relax.

Now turn your whole body forward along the way: your head, shoulders and torso are always facing forward!
Behind the body, the hip section also slightly turns, so to speak.
But fastened legs do not allow him to rotate far ...

And where to put your hands, you ask. They need to be balanced, keeping balance, let them be where it is more convenient for you.
The main thing is that they are not in the pockets. Let your hands hold an imaginary steering wheel in front of you.

3) Third exercise (there are two exercises left before getting the promised buzz):
How do you get off the ground with a board strapped to your feet? Simple, but first recommendations on how to fasten your legs.

Get on the slope. And standing with your back to the descent, insure the rolling of the board down with your back foot, while baiting the fasteners of the boot of the front foot to the fastening.
After that, turn 180 degrees to face the slope and sit down on the snow.

Now, pulling the board towards you, tighten your front leg, then fasten your back.
After this unpleasant procedure, you can sit on the slope, enjoy the views.
However, you have to go.

Pull the board to your chest (bend your knees, and right hand grab the board, bending at the same time), then stand up with a jerk, pushing off the ground with your left hand. AND….
falling headfirst off a slope...
Although sometimes it happens that when you turn 90 degrees, you shout Yes! drift down...

It can be easier: raise your legs with the board up and roll over as in a lower break from your back to your stomach.
You rise, first taking the “cancer” pose, and then pushing off with your hands, the normal snowboarder’s position is called backside (i.e. facing uphill).
The previous fall stance was called frontside, that is, with the back uphill and the face down the mountain.

Well, now the exercise itself.
We stand in the backside stance (it’s more convenient - the ground is closer, in front of the nose), and the toes of the boots rest against the snow, and the heels are raised above the slope (it would be on tiptoe).
It is necessary to slightly lower the heels (and, accordingly, the back edge of the board) down, the board begins to slide down, like a bulldozer, raking snow with the front edge.

By lifting your heels, you adjust the speed of sliding to a complete stop.
Just do not lower your heels (respectively, the back edge) to the surface of the snow! - then you will feel the charm of flying backwards ...

We do the same in the frontside stance, only now the heels press the snow, and the toes rise up.
Do this exercise several times until your leg muscles hurt.
This is out of habit and effort. Further it will be easier!

Remember the rule: movement from the mountain on a snowboard is made on one edge.
Which? The one closer to the top of the mountain.
Unclear? And there is one edge for all: you go in an arc to the left on the left edge, you go in an arc to the right on the right edge.

Anyone who does not comply with this rule falls as if after hooking.
In the people it is called "caught the edge."

4) Fourth exercise (a little bit left):
It's called a "sinking pendulum"
We become in the backside rack (“on tiptoe”). The weight of the body evenly loads the board, the front edge is crushed into the snow. Now we transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, remaining on tiptoe. The board begins to move to the left and down, gradually turning its nose towards the descent. To stop, we shift the weight of the body to right leg: The board stops for a moment and starts moving to the right and down. And so, until the end of the slope, draw a “spring” on the snow.
We fix a couple of times and stand in the frontside rack ("on the heels"). We do the same, considering the queue for beer below.

Well, before moving on to the buzz, read the section below. It will be very useful to you now.)))

How to fall on a snowboard

You will fall often, less often ... But you will always fall.
When a person does not fall, he does not develop, becomes covered with cobwebs and turns into a mountaineer with a glass of cocoa in his hand.
Do not be afraid to fall, if you fall correctly and you have a helmet on your head and good gloves on your hands, then falling is kind of fun.

So: for snowboarders, both legs are on the same plane and, unlike skiers, dislocations, leg fractures, tendon sprains are rare.
The sore spots in snowboarding are the head (hence the need for a helmet), buttocks, knees (knee pads are needed) and arms since they don't have poles and just hang around like that.
Falling forward is riskier than falling backwards.
Therefore, consider this fall.

So, you fly face forward.
The first thing to do is to clench your fingers into a fist, otherwise a dislocation of the hand (if you try to portray the “fell-wrung out” scene) or a knocked out joint (if at that time you showed your friends with your finger that everything is fine with you).
During the fall, try to group and touch the snow sideways with your hand pressed to it.
Try to lift your legs up when you fall on your side, then by inertia you will roll over to the other side and, standing on a snowboard, ride as if nothing had happened ...
It's called cool.

When falling back, the affected part is the back, butt and head.
Try not to fall flat.
Bend your back with a wheel, turning into a rocking chair, you may be lucky and you will roll over and get on a snowboard and ride further - this is called cool squared.
When falling backwards, the impact softens the pack, just don't stuff it with beer.
It's better to put a spare sweater and gloves in there.

Consolidation and development of more complex

Completed turns. Without this, you will not go and will go down the traverse like a falling leaf or a pendulum.

  1. Movement from the backside stance (on tiptoe). Shift your weight onto your front foot. The board turns nose down, from the slope
  2. The heels are raised, the board is turned over with the front edge. The legs are bent at the knees. Face and torso turned in the direction of movement

3. We give the snowboard freedom by lowering the heels slightly (but not completely, so as not to catch the edge). The board turns nose down again

  1. Picking up speed a little, we begin to prepare for the turn into opposite side. Weight from 50-50 is again transferred to the front leg

5. We fall back slightly, crushing the heels, raising the socks and turning over with the back edge. Knees bent, don't forget that. Look forward, not down

  1. Relieve pressure on the heels. The load on the board is 50-50. The nose of the board again tends to turn around down the slope
  • We load the front edge again, standing on tiptoe and raising the heels. The board goes into the next arc
  • And so on. That is, they drive in arcs, extinguishing speed and maneuvering. Nothing without this. Next, consider CUT TURNS and JUMPS

It’s quite difficult to take photos during a wheelchair: everything happens in dynamics, the photographer needs to roll a little behind, and no one wants to do this. Therefore, in this article, I had the audacity to copy 6-8 photos from foreign photo sharing sites. And in the end, about one thing, for which you generally go to the mountains and snowboard.

Physical education and all those exercises that you performed. Your body, as well as certain muscle groups, joints, and tendons, may be getting stressed for the first time in years. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the body for possible falls.

Of course, you won't be able to go right away. First, find a level place where you can easily attach the mount. Most likely, even getting on the board will be a problem for you. It's all a matter of practice. Try to feel the board, jump on it, feel its weight. When you understand what awaits you ahead, you can go on a slight slope.

The first thing to learn is how to slide on the back edge. The board has two edges - back and front. The front is the one in front of you, and the back is behind you. With your board strapped in, shift your body weight back by pushing down on the heel edge to prevent movement. To start sliding, lightly press your toes into the front edge. Try to do everything as smoothly as possible, put your hands forward, and keep your knees slightly bent. If you feel that the speed is increasing, then pull your body back to load the trailing edge. At the first stage, your task is to learn how to balance, control speed and be able to stop quickly.

Then you need to try to slide on the front edge. It will be slightly inconvenient, because you will have to ride backwards. To master this technique, you can use two methods. The first way is to immediately get up to the slope with your back. To start the movement, you need to transfer the body to the back edge, and to slow down - to the front edge. The second way: stand on the board facing the descent, and then turn 180 degrees while jumping. You can look at the track either over your shoulder or under your arm.

When you have mastered both types of sliding, you can proceed to the "Falling Leaf" exercise. Its name corresponds to the trajectory of your ride. Stand facing the descent, that is, you need to lean on the back edge. While sliding, try to load the right foot more than the left, that is, you need to put more pressure on the right heel. At the same time, turn your shoulders to the same side. You need to get the board to change direction but stay on the edge. To return to the starting position, load the opposite leg.

The last thing to learn is the rear edge braking system. To stop at high speed, lean your body back a little to bring your center of gravity to the rear edge. After doing this, you will feel that the board has begun to unfold. It is at this moment that you need to sit down a little, turn your shoulders across the slope and put pressure on the back edge. The main thing is to keep the leading edge, otherwise you will catch the slope and fall face down.

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  • Tips for Beginner Snowboarders in 2019

Snow. Winter weather has set in, and ski resorts are actively inviting to their slopes. After the summer break, many subtleties and skills have been forgotten, so it’s worth refreshing your knowledge and getting acquainted with some recommendations. It will be useful for both an experienced person and someone who is just learning to snowboard.

Remember everything

No need to go straight to difficult slopes. Even the most experienced athlete, who does not need training on, must first remember all the skills and movements, and the training slope is well suited for this.

Don't take too much

A backpack behind your back hinders movement during the descent on a snowboard. It is better to leave spare warm clothes, a thermos and other things in the storage room. They are often equipped next to the slope. It will be closer to go there if necessary than to the car.

Good company

Cheerful friends on the slope interfere only with a complete beginner who is still on a snowboard. For those who ride well, the company will cheer you up and allow you to spend time on the mountain with pleasure. Riding alone is boring.

Check equipment

Regardless of whether the board is rented or lay in the winter in your own pantry, all the equipment needs to be checked: tighten the bolts on the fasteners, set the appropriate angle of the stand, paraffin the board if there are scratches on it. It is also very useful to sharpen the edge before the start of the season. You just need to be careful and careful: with the new paraffin and sharp edge, the speed of the snowboard increases significantly. Do not accelerate too much until the muscles remember the correct movements.

Plan your trips wisely

Serious injuries often occur during periods of extreme fatigue. To prevent this, it is desirable to distribute forces reasonably. Difficult slopes are best visited in the second third of the trip. The body is already stretched, but fatigue has not yet accumulated. It is not advisable to ride the most difficult slopes at the end of the day. It is better to complete it with something simple so as not to spoil the impression.

Alcohol only at the bar

It is strictly forbidden to snowboard while drunk. This is reckless, both for yourself and for those around you. A drunken athlete is poorly oriented and controls his body, especially those who are just learning to snowboard can suffer from it. After all, a beginner simply does not have time to dodge an inadequate person rushing at him at high speed.

Don't forget about protection

Snowboarding is very traumatic, falls and collisions are frequent. A helmet is an obligatory part of the equipment on the slope, saving the most valuable part of the body - the head - from serious damage.

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