How to pump up the back of the thigh. Hamstring Exercises - Perfect Legs

Why pump up back hips? No one sees it, no one asks to see it, so why waste so much time and effort? Read the answer in this article

Doubt why and, most importantly, how to pump up the back of the thigh to an athlete? To answer the first question, look at a professional bodybuilder. What do you see? That's right, balance.

This term can be heard more and more often in the world. Those who have balance have a chance to become a champion, and those who do not have it are forced to suffer defeat. Balance is not only about the aesthetics and proportions of competitive uniforms, it plays a key role in practical functionality both in and out of the gym. Some antagonist muscles are extremely important for, muscle mass and performance, so it is important for any athlete to pay attention to the balance between training volume and intensity.

Add this complex to your main workout and you will feel the back of your thighs burning!

100% return and desire to act! Add to that correct technique- and the back of the thighs is guaranteed to pump up, at once increasing your strength indicators and the external harmony of the body.

It is believed that stretching exercises can prevent sports injuries. Stretching stimulates muscle activity and increases the range of motion of joints.

Bodybuilding is a sport where everything matters on performance day. Here, it is the details that decide who walks away victorious and who goes home. An athlete who has done all the work on physical fitness and balance will be successful. So, it should not differ from the rest of the body and be exactly the same developed.

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To warm up the muscles of the area being worked out, jump rope at a fast pace for 5-6 minutes.

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand up straight. Lower your arms along the body. Tighten your abs and don't arch your back. Keeping your torso straight, take a wide step back with your right foot. Lower into a lunge so that your right knee almost touches the ground. Return to the starting position, trying to ensure that the main load in the movement falls on the left leg. Perform the exercise on the left leg to complete the rep. Do 20-30 repetitions, changing legs.

Lie on the floor on your back right leg bend at the knee, foot on the floor. Straighten your left leg. Stretch your arms along the body. Leaning on your right foot, push off the floor and lift your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line from the heel of your left foot to your shoulders. Hold for two counts and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times and change legs.

Get on all fours. The back is straight, the elbows are exactly under the shoulder joints. Place a dumbbell under your left knee and hold it with your foot. Slowly lift your left leg up so that your thigh forms a straight line with your body. Raise your leg up, as if trying to reach the buttocks with your heel. Do 15-20 reps and lower your knee to the floor. Change your leg.

Stand straight on the left side of the step platform. Place your right foot in the middle of the step, feet wider than shoulders. Bend your elbows and squat slightly. Push off with your right foot from the step, jump to the right so as to jump over the step. The right foot should be on the floor, the left on. Do the exercise for two minutes.

Come into a plank position with your arms directly under your shoulders and your legs together. Place your feet on the floor. Do not lower the pelvis - the body should form a straight line. Keeping your arms perpendicular to your body, slowly bring your knee forward, pulling it towards your chest. Return your leg to its original position and move it to the side. Return to the starting position again. Do 20 reps and switch legs.

Be sure to stretch your muscles after your workout. rear surface. Sit on the floor with legs straight and extended forward. Spread your legs as wide as possible and stretch in turn, first to the toe of one foot, then the other. You should feel tension in your back muscles. hips. If the exercise is easy for you, spread your legs wider and lower your body, trying to press your chest to the floor.


Back of the thigh. Sit down, leaning on your hands, connect your knees together. Put your feet on your toes. Stand up straight, hands on your belt. Run in place with high hips. Sit on the mat with your legs together. Lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands.

Useful advice

Back of the thigh. The best hamstring exercises are those that involve maximum amount muscles, which helps not only to increase strength and mass, but also to properly work out the relief of your muscles. In this case, we are talking about basic exercises that involve several joints at once.


  • back of the thighs

Inner part The hips are one of the most problematic areas for many women. Systematic physical exercises will help to significantly improve the appearance of the inner thigh. Conduct classes at least 3 times a week and the result will be noticeable in a month.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. As you exhale, transfer your body weight to your right leg and bend it at the knee, with an inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the lunge on the left leg. Do 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

Stand near the back of a chair, transfer your body weight to your left leg and rise on your toes. Swing your right foot up and to the right, then up and to the left. Do 20 reps. Change your leg.

Lie on your right side, leaning on your elbow right hand. Bend the left leg at the knee, place the foot behind the right leg so that the knee looks straight up. Strain your straight right leg and make swinging upward movements without touching the floor. Repeat the exercise 40 times on each leg.

Get on your knees, place your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Lift the right leg bent at the knee up and to the right, do 20 repetitions. Do the exercise with your left leg.

The back of the thigh has an extensive muscle that needs to be developed not only by athletes, but also by people who follow their figure. Back thigh workout, bring muscles into tone, relieve possible problems associated with diseases of the ligaments and blood vessels.

TOP 5 most effective back thigh exercises

Exercise 1. Deadlift

You need a stand and a bar. The weight of the barbell depends on your physical condition and muscle development. Girls are not recommended to take a barbell more than ten kilograms (five on both sides). The load should go to the legs, do not connect the back and body to the work, they should not be mobile.

  1. Get on the stand and squat down. The bar must be kept outstretched arms but preferably without touching the floor.
  2. Slowly straighten your legs so that the bar is at the level of your knees, then sit down again. Make sure that the load is only on the muscles of the legs.
  3. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise ten times in several approaches.

As a result of training, with the implementation of this exercise, your muscles of the back of the thigh will noticeably tighten and strengthen. There will be an opportunity to give yourself stronger loads. It will be possible to increase the weight of the bar. All muscle groups on the legs will begin to work in full force.

You will see the effect after two weeks of daily or alternating (every other day) training. To achieve the effect of the exercise, be sure to perform it correctly.

Exercise deadlift, standing on a stand, must be combined with other exercises. Being a beginner in such workouts, it is better to do them every other day. This is necessary for muscle recovery after exercise and their gradual development without the risk of injury and overload.

Exercise 2. Swings with a dumbbell

To perform the exercise, you will need a dumbbell. The severity must be selected based on your muscle potential.

  1. The feet must be placed wider than the shoulders. The dumbbell must be taken on outstretched arms from the chest. Stand straight.
  2. With your arms tilted, guide the dumbbell between your legs. Thus, it should be between the knees and under the buttocks.
  3. While straightening the legs and straightening the body, return the dumbbell to its original position. (Hold it in front of the chest with outstretched arms).

With the right technical execution, you will develop upper part muscles of the back of the thigh and muscles of the buttocks.

The effect is achieved after a few workouts.

Video exercises:

Do not hold the dumbbell at the top. Set the rhythm of the exercise under the inhalation and exhalation. The result that you can achieve depends on the technicality of execution.

Exercise 3. Squats on one leg

There are two options for doing the exercise. In one of them, the free leg is bent and pressed against the body with the hands, and in the other, it should be straightened parallel to the floor. The second option in the common people is called "Pistol Exercise".

  1. It is necessary to stand on the right leg, while slightly bending it at the knee. The left leg must be bent, raising the knee up, for convenience, you can clasp it with your hands.
  2. The supporting leg will be in the process of training and physical activity. Squats on the supporting leg are the basis of the exercise.
  3. After completing the squat, return to the starting position. It is necessary to repeat squats 15-20 times in one approach.

This exercise gives the necessary load on the back of the thigh, bringing it into tone and pulling it up.

The effect of the exercise depends on your efforts. It must be performed before the appearance of pain in the muscles in order to achieve the best result.

Video exercises:

Since the load on the legs goes alternately, it must be distributed equally. The same number of squats on each leg will give the desired effect. While one leg is resting, the other is working, so the approaches can not be separated by breaks. If you have difficulties with balance, you can lean one of your hands against the wall, it will be necessary to gradually get rid of this habit.

Exercise 4

Another effective hamstring exercise is the King row.

  1. Stand on your right leg and bend your left knee. In this case, it is necessary to direct it not forward, but backward, so that the foot is parallel to your back.
  2. Hands must be pulled with fingers to the floor, and the back should be slightly bent.
  3. When bending the supporting leg, stretch your fingers to the floor. It is advisable to touch it.
  4. After completing the exercise several times, repeat it by changing the leg.

The effect of this exercise can be seen after a few sessions, as it works gradually without causing muscle overload.

At correct execution you will feel the back of your thigh stretch.

Video exercises:

Exercise must be done in several approaches. Follow the correct execution technique. If you do not feel tension in the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh, then you are doing it incorrectly.

Exercise 5. Lunges with jumping

Lunges are the most common hamstring exercises. This exercise does not have to be done in the gym, it is well suited for home conditions. In addition, the lunge exercise does not require additional props, such as a dumbbell or barbell.

  1. It is necessary to stand in the main stance: arms along the body, legs together. Make sure your back is straight.
  2. Step forward with your foot. It is best to start with the right leg.
  3. Change legs while jumping up. In order for the jump to be at a sufficiently large distance from the floor, help yourself with a wave of your hands.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to perform this exercise daily.

Exercise well tightens the muscles of the legs and ensures that the body is kept in good shape.

Video exercises:

It is best to perform the exercise in sports shoes. Performing this exercise barefoot can cause injury. The most common of these is foot injury. Keep the balance of the body normal when jumping out, try to keep the body straight without falling to one side or another.

In order to develop your body, you need to choose the right exercises. The training of the back of the thigh should be combined, that is, it should consist of various loads, in which case the muscles will become strong and tightened evenly. Follow the correct execution of the exercises and repeat them in several approaches.

The biceps femoris includes several flexor muscles located on the back of the femoral part of the leg. Their main function is to bend the legs in knee joint.

Prolonged sitting, prolonged bed rest, and muscle overload can have a negative effect on the hamstrings. Therefore, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to know how to pump up the hamstring muscles and exercise regularly in gym or at home.

Important: Most athletes often strive more carefully. At the same time, a certain load is also placed on the biceps, but this is not enough for the uniform development of the muscular system of the legs. Your workout should include isolated hamstring exercises.

Anatomical features of the biceps femoris

To figure out how to pump up the thigh muscles, you need to study the structure of this muscle group, as well as the functions they perform.

The back muscles of the femoral part of the legs include:

  • biceps;
  • semimembranous;
  • semitendinous.

The biceps muscle consists of two bundles running along the thigh and attached to the head of the fibula. The semitendinosus runs along the inside of the thigh. Semimembranosus from above is attached to the ischial tuberosity and reaches the tibia.

The main functions of the biceps femoris are:

  • flexion of the leg at the knee joint;
  • stabilize the knee
  • in combination with the gluteus maximus muscle, it is involved in the extension of the body;
  • leg rotation.

Usually in fitness and bodybuilding they use a set of traditional basic and isolated exercises that involve all the muscles of the back of the thighs.

Pumping up your legs at home is not so difficult. All that is needed is the desire to achieve the goals set by all means and firm confidence in one's abilities. Before starting training, you should consult with a trainer who, in accordance with your physical fitness, will select a set of exercises and determine the training regimen.

Stepping onto the platform

The tension of the muscles of the legs when lifting to the platform allows you to clearly isolate the posterior thigh muscles. In addition, it helps to solve the problem of how to pump up the lateral thigh muscle without fear of injuring your back. The exercise is more gentle on the spinal column than bench presses and deep squats, so it is recommended for people with problems in the lumbar region.

To increase the load, dumbbells are used. When performed, they are held in each hand along the torso. Starting with the right foot, take a step onto an elevated platform. Leaning on it with the entire surface of the foot, put the left foot to the right. To return to the starting position, lower the left leg first.

Instead of dumbbells for men, you can use a barbell, holding it on your shoulders. Don't take it right away big weight. When performing steps on the platform, it is difficult for a beginner to keep balance without weighting. The average number of repetitions is 8-12 times.

Leg curls

Exercise is one of the most effective, aimed at the biceps of the thigh lying down. Properly performing it, you can improve the relief and shape of the thigh. Visually lengthens it due to the thickening of all muscle bundles.

First of all, you should adjust the simulator to your height. The exercise is performed lying on the bench with your back up. With fully extended legs, the back surface of the lower leg rests against a movable roller with a certain weight. The body must be level. During exhalation, bend the legs, raising the roller as much as possible. After a few seconds, exhaling, lower the legs to their original position. On average, do 10 - 12 repetitions.

Important: To prevent back and hamstring injuries, do not use too much weight at once. Your body must always be in a stable position.

Standing leg curls are aimed at working out all the muscle groups of the back of the thigh. For girls, this exercise is attractive in that it trains and tightens the bottom of the biceps. Due to which the femoral part is visually lengthened, thereby improving the proportions of the legs.

After adjusting the simulator to your parameters, grab the handrails with your hands and slightly bend your lower back. Rest the front surface of the thigh in a special support, place the lower part of the lower leg under the roller.

During exhalation, bend the leg, raising the roller as high as possible, and linger in this position for a few seconds. Then inhale and lower the leg to its original position. It is enough to do 10-12 times for each leg in turn.

Seated leg curls help solve this difficult task how to pump up the inner thigh muscles. The exercise trains the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles well, aligning them with more developed biceps.

Having adjusted the simulator to your parameters, take a sitting position. Your knees should go over the edge of the bench. The lower part of the lower leg rests on the roller. In the process of exhalation, the legs are bent, lowering the roller, and briefly linger in this position. Then, exhaling, slowly return the legs to their original position.

Similarly, leg extensions are performed, only the roller is located on the front of the lower leg. In this case, the front muscles of the legs are trained, in particular the medial wide muscle of the thigh. How to pump it up in the gym, the trainer will tell you in more detail.

Performing a Romanian lift

Performed with a barbell. She is held with her hands in front of her with an overhand grip at a distance slightly wider than her shoulders. Legs should be slightly bent, back and arms straight, hips pulled back.

Important: Try to strictly adhere to the rules for performing traction with a barbell. because of high load on the back, you can get a spinal injury.

The video shows exercises on the back of the thigh

On the exhale, straining the hips, completely straighten the body and raise the barbell. Then the bar is lowered to about the middle of the lower leg. Without stopping, repeat the upward movement until the body is fully extended. Perform 8-12 times.

A complete workout, including basic and isolated exercises, will allow you to thoroughly and evenly pump your leg muscles. After completing the workout, stretching the biceps femoris will help speed up the recovery processes and eliminate pain in the back muscles of the legs.

If a girl wants to give her legs and buttocks a beautiful shape, then work should be done on all muscle groups. Exercises for the back of the thigh help to get rid of excess fat in this area, cellulite, and for their implementation they allocate part of the workout on specialized simulators. You can use these muscle groups as part of a basic movement (several joints) or isolated (specific study). Below are popular options for pumping up the back of the thigh.

Muscles of the back of the thigh

The anatomy of this part of the leg is in some ways similar to the arm. For example, the back muscles of the thigh are also called the biceps or biceps, but the leg does not have a triceps. This is the largest group, which, as a rule, should be downloaded. Smaller groups (semitendinosus, semimembranosus) receive their share of the load when training the thighs. The biceps of the leg is responsible for flexion at the knee joint and extension from a sitting position.

How to tighten your hips

The task before an athlete can be both in reducing body fat in this area and building muscle mass. Some girls want to get rid of cellulite (which is especially noticeable here), while others have very thin legs by nature and want to give them shape. To tighten the hips, you need to regularly create an unusual load for them, which will directly affect the muscles. Helps you reach your goal balanced diet, which will contain a minimum of calories and a lot of protein (a substance that is involved in building muscle tissue).

Exercises for the back of the thigh can be divided into basic and isolated. In the first case, the target muscle groups are involved together with others when performing the movement, in the second, only the biceps femoris muscle is purposefully loaded. It is recommended to start with basic training and end with isolation exercises to achieve the maximum “load”.

How to pump up the back of the thigh

The choice of training method, type of exercise depends on the goal (to lose weight or gain muscle mass). For example, you can pump up the back of the thigh by performing a small number of approaches with a lot of weight, while the muscle itself will not become larger. Muscle fibers will be strengthened, they will become denser and the legs will be strong, beautifully shaped, but will not increase. If you do approaches with a small weight, but large quantity repetitions, then the growth of muscle mass will accelerate. This option is suitable for girls who perform exercises for the back of the thigh in order to increase volume.

Exercises for the back of the thigh

Most of the movements can be performed at home, but some can only be done on special simulators. For example, hip flexion is very convenient to perform in the gym. In a special simulator, you put your feet under the roller and simply pull your heels towards your buttocks. The back of the thigh works purposefully, all other muscles are not involved. It is convenient for people who have injuries of the lower back, knees and work with vertical load they can't. The most popular options for tightening the back of the thigh are described below.


This is one of the “great three” exercises, used by all athletes (men and women) to pump legs, back, buttocks. The deadlift technique involves a serious load on the knees, lower back, so everything should be done correctly. Incorrect tilt of the body, deflection in the back and there is a possibility of injury. To do this, you will need a bar and a stand (you can do without it, but it will be easier with it).

The weight of the projectile should be selected based on your physical fitness and condition. It is not recommended for girls to take more than 10 kg (the weight of pancakes without a bar). While squatting, try to exclude your back, lower back from work, strain your legs. The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Starting position - stand on a stand and squat down. Take the barbell, while it should not touch the floor, arms are fully extended.
  2. As you exhale, begin to straighten your legs (not your back), the bar should rise to the level of your knees, then lower yourself down again while inhaling. Concentrate on the fact that the tension should fall only on the hips.
  3. Do 2-3 sets of ten reps each.

Such exercises will help strengthen not only the back surface, but also the quadriceps, lower back. In time you will be able to take big weights(15-20 kg) to load the muscles as much as possible and get more high efficiency from training. You will be able to notice a tangible result after such classes after a month of alternating or daily training. The main condition is the observance of technology.

swing dumbbell

it effective exercise that can be done at home. Swing with dumbbells is performed at the end of the workout, after the basic movements. You will need one dumbbell, the weight is selected individually. The technique is as follows:

  1. Put your feet on the fat of your shoulders, take a dumbbell with both hands, pull them down.
  2. Stand with a slight tilt of the body forward, a slight deflection in the lower back. Direct the projectile between the legs so that it is under the buttocks at knee level, bend your legs.
  3. On the extension, straighten the body and return the dumbbell to its original position.
  4. Exercise helps to load the upper part of the biceps of the leg, buttocks. A noticeable result will be already after a few sessions.

Squats on one leg

It is very easy to technical terms exercise can be successfully performed at home. You will need to stand against the wall to hold on with one hand and have a fulcrum to maintain balance. Squats on one leg have two versions: with a fully extended leg or bent at the knee. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Stand against the wall, transfer the weight to the left leg (they will need to be changed later), slightly bending at the knee.
  2. You need to bend your right leg, raising your knee up. You can grab it free hand for convenience.
  3. Perform a squat on your left leg, dropping deep down and then return to the starting position.
  4. For each leg, do 1-15 reps.
  5. The exercise tightens, helps to pump the back of the thigh, buttocks.

King thrust

This movement can remove excess volume from the thigh. To do this, the execution does not require any additional shells. 10-15 approaches are performed for each leg, the result is felt after 3-4 workouts, while it crumples a noticeable muscle load. King's deadlift technique is as follows:

  1. Shift your weight to your right leg, bend your left. You can point it backwards instead of forwards (as in the squats above), with the foot parallel to the back.
  2. Pull your hands to the floor, bend your back slightly.
  3. At the moment of bending the supporting leg with your fingers, try to reach the floor, you can touch it.
  4. Return to original stance.

Jumping lunges

Combine this exercise with steel jumps for more efficiency and more explosive hamstrings. To complicate the exercise, people perform it on some kind of rise (hill or stairs). Jumping lunges are a popular technique for pumping the biceps in the gym and at home. Technician following:

  1. Initial drain - legs together, arms along the body, back straight (always).
  2. Take a step forward with your foot (lunge) deep.
  3. Jump and switch legs.
  4. If jumping high is not possible, help yourself with a wave of your hands.
  5. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Stretching the back of the thigh

To burn fat, cellulite, you need not only to give aerobic exercise, reduce calories and train muscles, but also stretch them. This will help relieve stress, fatigue after an intense workout. Hip stretch - milestone on the way of giving feet beautiful forms. To give elasticity to the muscle, there are not so many options and they consist in craving for socks. There are three ways to stretch the biceps femoris:

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, try to keep your back straight and stretch your hands to your socks. Make sure that there is no strong deflection in the back, try to lie with your stomach on the front surface of the thigh, as in the photo below.
  2. The second option differs in that it is performed while standing. Follow the same steps, but in an upright position.
  3. Another variation of a similar movement: stand at a table (or bench), throw one leg up on a hill and stretch your hand to your toe.

Video: swing the back of the thigh