Electric heating in the country with radiators, convectors, fan heaters and infrared installations. Heating radiators: choosing the right option for a private house, installation technology Which radiator batteries to buy for a summer residence

One of the main components of a home heating system is a radiator - a heating battery, as we used to call it. Consider radiators for heating - which ones are better for a private house, what are they made of?

Living in a private house has many advantages, along with this, a lot of worries and efforts fall on our shoulders, we strive to ensure that everything is equipped competently and of high quality. An autonomous heating system in a private house is one of the main aspects responsible for comfortable living. You will not be dependent on a centralized system, you will always be able to heat your home, regardless of the heating schedule (as is the case in urban residential buildings). Your own heating system can be calculated and installed as you wish, and, of course, each of us strives to ensure that everything in this matter is done reliably, for many years to come.

The right choice of equipment is important both for the budget and for subsequent comfortable operation. Today, the construction market offers a wide range of modern heating equipment. When choosing radiators, you should consider options with a favorable price ratio and a limiting heat transfer rate. Judging objectively, any batteries can be suitable for a home heating system, but there are still certain nuances.

Heating radiators - which are better

What are modern batteries? If we consider the so-called steel options, then there are panel or tubular models. Despite the fact that they are considered the most budgetary, they are characterized by good heat dissipation, relative compactness. Panel models consist of two metal plates interconnected by welding. Due to their area, such radiators are able to give a lot of heat.

Panel option, photo:

Tubular options will come out to you a little more expensive than panel counterparts, they have a very concise appearance, somewhat reminiscent of old cast-iron batteries. They can have a variety of designs, shapes and sizes.

Tubular batteries, photo:

Some models of steel radiators have an internal polymer coating that prevents corrosion processes.

Advantages of steel structures:

  • reasonable price along with high efficiency;
  • do not oxidize from low-quality water;
  • long operating life
  • light weight
  • convenient sizes.

The disadvantages include:

  • rough appearance (panel version);
  • require flushing every 3-4 years (to avoid slagging of the system);
  • need constant filling with water (to avoid activation of corrosion processes).

Aluminum radiators

Due to their low weight, they can be mounted even on thin walls and partitions. They have an aesthetic modern design, are characterized by high heat dissipation. Cons - a short service life (15-17 years), susceptibility to corrosion, leaks can form at the joints of sections. According to the specifics of connecting sections, aluminum batteries are arranged, solid and combined. One-piece models are more reliable, they do not have connections through which water can seep over time. The assembled radiators allow you to replace the sections that have become unusable. Combined models have the qualities of the first two analogues.

Aluminum batteries, photo:

Bimetal heating radiators

They are considered the most "advanced" and improved. These batteries combine the qualities of different types of metal - heat dissipation of aluminum, resistance to rust (inside they are made of copper or high quality steel). A bimetallic radiator has a layer of anti-corrosion coating both inside and outside (for more expensive models). The declared service life of such batteries is 40 years. They have a higher price compared to all other types of radiators, but the cash costs are offset by quality and high performance.

Bimetallic version, photo:

Cast iron radiators

The most durable, reliable and time-tested. The first cast iron batteries appeared more than 100 years ago. Everyone knows their appearance, despite the fact that the life of this radiator is 50 years, they can still be found in many houses now. Such batteries cool down slowly, retain heat longer (compared to, for example, an aluminum counterpart) - this factor allows you to reduce gas costs.

Examples of modern cast iron batteries, photo:

Cast iron heating radiator is highly resistant to corrosion processes, has a large wall thickness. Despite the fact that the internal volume of the sections is quite large and requires a large amount of water to fill, this feature allows you to provide heat to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Such batteries are heavy and require appropriate powerful brackets for mounting. Over the years, their appearance has not changed much, but today you can find improved versions of modern cast-iron radiators on sale. The outer surface of such structures has an improved design that is suitable for a certain style in the interior (classic, retro).

At a price, these radiators are more expensive than aluminum models, but cheaper than bimetallic ones.

Which radiators are good

After a small comparative analysis of the proposed models for a private house, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • If you want a reliable economy option, then choose a high quality aluminum battery from a well-established manufacturer. They are aesthetic, have a low weight, and will work perfectly in a home autonomous heating system.
  • If the issue of price does not bother you, then choose sectional bimetallic radiators - they are good in all aspects.
  • Reliable, solid cast-iron options will keep heat in your house for a long time, and it is also very convenient to dry things on them in the cold season.

To the question - heating radiators, which are better for a private house, the answer will be as follows: in each individual case, you need to calculate your capabilities and take into account the requirements of your individual heating system. It is necessary not only to calculate the correct number of radiators, but also to produce high-quality thermal insulation of the whole house. If the dwelling is poorly insulated, not a single radiator will help in the fight against cold.

When the construction work in the house is completed, the question arises of how to arrange the heating system so that the house is warm. The main unit of the heating system is, of course, heating radiators. Their choice must be approached with particular seriousness, because the strength, durability and reliability of your system depends on it.

The downside is the prohibitively high price, which is beyond the reach of the middle class. You can buy cheap models of bimetallic radiators, but only the name remains of the qualities.

It is not advisable to use bimetallic radiators for a private house due to the high cost. They have the greatest strength, but the local network of the heating system does not have high pressure, so the advantage of this radiator is useless in this case.

By structure, radiators are divided into tubular, sectional, convector and panel.

Steel radiators

All batteries have their drawbacks, which are functional in nature. The convector radiator is durable, economical, safe and quite beautiful. The only negative is the high price, because they are made from high-quality and expensive materials.

Correctly give preference to one or another type of radiators will help such a characteristic as power. It's easy to calculate: in a room with a ceiling height of 300 cm and one window, 100 watts will be needed to heat one square meter. When the room has two external walls, add another 20%. If there are two external walls and two windows, add 30%. When the window exits to the north side - 10% should be thrown. An important factor will be the installation of radiators, because no matter how good you buy batteries, if they are installed incorrectly, there is still zero sense from this. Heat loss

  1. Batteries must be placed under the windows
  2. their length must correspond to the length of the window, or at least half the length
  3. in the corner room, you can install an additional pair of radiators along the outer wall
  4. it is better to mount heating risers in the corners. This will ensure their heating and the ability to avoid blackening of the wall and the formation of mold.
  5. they must always be available.

When choosing heating radiators, you should rely on the technical characteristics of the radiators and the heating system itself, as well as the budget. With proper study, you can always find a middle ground for yourself.

The radiator is a necessary link in the heating mechanism of a private dwelling or apartment. He is responsible for keeping the room comfortable and warm. Therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost and external design, but also the technical characteristics of a particular product. After all, if the characteristics declared by the creator of the radiator are not the same in reality, then the device will soon wear out and break down simply inevitable.

Main characteristics

In a private house, unlike high-rise buildings, an autonomous heating mechanism is being installed, that is, a system that does not depend on a conventional boiler room in any way. For this reason, the temperature of the coolant, as well as the network pressure, will be completely different.

When you choose heating batteries to be installed in a private house, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  • In buildings of this type, the pressure on the coolant, tanks and radiator pipes will be significantly less. In fact, radiator batteries will not experience such loads, which is why you can pick up any model, even with thin walls.
  • In buildings of this type, the length of pipes from the heat source to the radiator is small when compared with multi-storey buildings. For this reason, heat losses are practically zero, and the heat carrier will heat up more. That is, in a private house, models should be installed that will withstand such temperatures.
  • It takes quite a bit of liquid to fill such a heating system. If desired, ethyl alcohol and antifreeze can be added to it. So you can make protection for radiators and pipes if the boiler does not turn on for a long time.
  • Even the slightest possibility of the occurrence of so-called water hammers is excluded. True, in private-type houses, a problem may appear, expressed in the freezing of water in pipes. This will cause the batteries to simply burst if a person forgets to drain the water from there before leaving.

When choosing heating radiators for a private house, you should start from the main parameter - the area that you are going to heat. In the same cottages, the space requiring heating will be large, and so will the energy costs. It is best to install such batteries that will allow for high-quality heating with a minimum of heat costs.


It should be said that heating batteries are of various types. And here we are talking not so much about their shape and size, but about the material from which they are made. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that different metals have different heat transfer rates, which is why the efficiency of batteries can vary significantly.

If we talk specifically about the types, then there are radiators:

  • from cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic;
  • vacuum;
  • of steel;
  • quartz.

Now let's talk about each type in more detail.

Cast iron

The models in question have been installed in our homes for over a hundred years. They are still in great demand today due to the fact that they provide high-quality space heating. They were also among the most popular in the USSR.

If we talk about their advantages, then we should name:

  • long operating period;
  • excellent thermal performance;
  • high strength, since batteries can easily withstand high pressure inside and easily endure mechanical stress;
  • work even with poor quality coolant;
  • are resistant to corrosion.

At the same time, cast-iron models have a number of disadvantages:

  • large dimensions, which significantly complicates transportation, maintenance and installation;
  • low thermal conductivity due to the massiveness of the metal and the fact that its surface is porous;
  • batteries need systematic and constant care - painting and maintenance;
  • the walls should have good fastenings for their installation;
  • occupy a large area.

In addition, cast-iron models do not have a very attractive appearance, which almost always distinguishes them from the interior in a not the best way. Therefore, it is often necessary to put additional decorations on such radiators.


If we talk about this type of radiators, then they are divided into three categories:

  • panel;
  • from sections;
  • from pipes.

Steel panel batteries are also called convectors, because heat is supplied precisely with the help of the convection process. They usually have a rectangular shape, which is formed by two welded panels. The coolant moves between them through special channels. Such a radiator has a small weight, small dimensions, which makes it possible to heat up in a short time and maintain a good temperature.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then the main problem is poor resistance to mechanical damage and not very good pressure indicators. In addition, such models are very susceptible to corrosion.

In terms of characteristics, steel batteries from sections are somewhat similar to cast iron batteries, although they have a number of serious differences:

  • the pressure inside here is at the level of 16 atmospheres;
  • due to the presence of welded joints, radiators have increased strength;
  • long service life - up to 50 years.

This type of radiators is not very common, because their significant drawback is the high cost. Tubular steel batteries are similar in functionality to sectional and panel radiators, but their price will be even higher. The main reason for this is that they have a rather pleasant appearance, which allows you to find a model for the interior. Yes, and on such batteries it is extremely convenient to dry things, which will be important for families with small children.


Aluminum belongs to the category of metals that conduct heat very well. For this reason, such radiators can provide full-fledged heating of almost any room.

Their advantages are:

  • excellent thermal performance;
  • small sizes;
  • good pressure of the working type, which ranges from 12-18 atmospheres;
  • small mass.

The coolant in radiators of this type circulates very well, which allows for excellent heat transfer. Such circulation is possible here due to the presence of free tubes of the inter-collector type. On the market, such models are quite widely represented.

The cost of aluminum batteries will depend on the manufacturer, but in general, it is quite affordable due to the low price of aluminum itself. In addition, such models have an attractive appearance, which makes it possible to consider them not only as a heating device, but also as part of the interior of the room. Thanks to its strict and neat geometric shapes, such a battery can easily fit into any interior.

But aluminum models also have their drawbacks:

  • they are extremely sensitive to the quality of the coolant, which is why they require water filtration installations;
  • very susceptible to serious pressure drops, so you need to constantly monitor its level;
  • rather poorly resist the formation of corrosion, even despite the presence of a protective polymer-based coating;
  • have a short service life - no more than 15 years.

In addition, the positive return of such batteries is not always an advantage. The good work of such a battery drives warm air up, which accumulates near the ceiling, which can cause a sharp temperature drop. Therefore, before buying such batteries, you should calculate the amount of heat needed for the room.

Aluminum batteries are divided into three categories, which will differ from each other in terms of device and capabilities:

  • Sectional arranged. Their device makes it possible to replace plates that have broken.
  • Whole. They have a solid construction and are flexible.
  • Combined. They combine the best of the two categories mentioned above. Considered one of the best solutions for owners of their own homes. If the operating conditions are fully observed, then such radiators can last 10-15 years and will really effectively heat the house when it is cold outside.


As a rule, the internal part of such radiators is made of steel or copper, which allows them to work well and enhance safety. And the outer side is usually equipped with aluminum fins. To date, bimetallic batteries are considered the best solution in this area. According to manufacturers, their batteries can last about 40 years. At the same time, they have a high cost, but still their characteristics have ensured them an excellent position in the market. It is advisable to buy such solutions if the issue of price is not the main one. But they will definitely pay back the money invested and will work for quite a long time.


Recently, the vacuum type of batteries has begun to gain popularity. When compared to other types, they have a number of advantages. For example, they require a smaller amount of coolant, which will come into contact through the wall with a special solution based on lithium and boron, which has a boiling point of +35 degrees. Also, these radiators have excellent safety features.

If you name other advantages, then it should be noted:

  • reduction of the coolant level for the functioning of the mechanism by 80 percent;
  • reducing the use of coolant from a centralized heat supply mechanism by a factor of three;
  • if induction boilers are used, up to 40 percent of electrical energy can be saved;
  • to carry out the installation of such batteries is quite simple even independently;
  • in radiators there is absolutely no corrosion, as well as air jams;
  • there is no need to use a powerful circulation pump unit due to low local resistance;
  • high heat output.


Heating appliances made of quartz are a novelty in this segment. This type of battery can not be called high-tech, because it is an extremely simple option. Using batteries of this type, you can make an efficient, reliable and economical heating mechanism in the room that will keep you warm in the winter. The quartz radiator will fit into any interior of the house.

Its design is simple and is a monolithic plate, inside which a heating element is built, made of a chromium-nickel alloy. The slab is made from a special mortar based on quartz sand. The use of such sand is not accidental, because it can give off heat for a long time, which it previously accumulated. Even if such a radiator is disconnected from the heating network, it will be warm for a long time, which will significantly reduce electricity consumption.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of battery, then we should name:

  • Profitability. A small consumption of electrical energy is the main advantage of quartz heaters, because other solutions consume a significantly larger amount of electrical energy and their other advantages simply come to naught, because the price of electricity is quite high.
  • significant heat capacity. A quartz slab has a rather serious thermal inertia. It heats up for a long time and cools down slowly, as already mentioned above.
  • Durability. In this case, the heating element does not come into contact with the environment, which prevents it from oxidizing and significantly increases the service life.
  • You can connect a thermostat, which allows you to get automatic control of the heating system.
  • Quite a low cost when compared with electric-type water heaters or other heating devices.

  • Fire safety. The temperature of such a battery will not exceed 95 degrees, due to which the ignition of materials that are near the heater is completely excluded. This allows you to mount the device on almost any surface, including wood, plastic and drywall.
  • Electrical safety. Such a battery does not create serious loads on the power grid and can operate smoothly throughout almost the entire season.
  • Just installed. The quartz battery is attached to the wall with brackets.
  • They do not require maintenance and do not require serious maintenance. The only thing to do with such a battery is to wipe the dust off it.

Popular manufacturers and reviews

In the segment of cast iron models, the most famous manufacturers are the Chinese companies Tokio and Konner. A good domestic model of such batteries would be MS-140.

If we talk about steel panel solutions, then the products of Korado, Buderus and Lideya are considered to be of the highest quality. But tubular steel solutions are usually produced by foreign companies. Among them, Zehnder, Arbonia and Delonghi products should be highlighted.

Aluminum batteries are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. Among them are such well-known manufacturers as Global, Ferroli and Rifar.

Bimetallic models are produced by both foreign and domestic firms. If we talk about domestic ones, then we should name the Teplopribor brand, and if we talk about foreign ones, then these are products of the brands Polywarm, Sira, Royal Thermo Vittoria and the German company Kermi. When choosing ceramic batteries, you should pay attention to the products of the Teplako brand.

Now let's talk about the experience of using different types of batteries by users and their feedback. This is logical, because manufacturers often say one thing, but in practice we get something completely different. If we talk about cast-iron radiators, then users note that even beautiful solutions are not easy to install and they have a rather serious mass. In addition, they often require additional brackets to be installed.

Let's talk about aluminum radiators in more detail, having read the reviews of users of batteries of various brands. If we talk about aluminum batteries from Sira, users note that they heat up well and have an excellent appearance. Also, users note the good heat dissipation of models. But many are not very happy with the considerable cost of solutions from this company. Users also praise such batteries from Global and note that they heat well in combination with a boiler and have an excellent appearance. The same applies to solutions from Rifar.

Users also do not ignore bimetallic batteries and generally speak very flatteringly about them. For example, Rifar batteries look great in various interiors, are quite durable and can withstand high pressure and high temperature of the coolant. In general, it is impossible to make any clear rating of radiators, because they all have a number of their positive and negative sides. One thing can be clearly noted - in any case, it should be individually determined which batteries in a particular private building will be the best solution.

Which is better to choose?

If you want to choose an economical option for a country wooden private building, then it is best to install high-quality aluminum radiators. Such solutions have everything you need: modern design, lightness, affordable price, and their negative sides are not so serious in the conditions of an autonomous heating mechanism of a private house.

If money is not such a serious issue, then it would be an excellent solution to install sectional-type bimetallic batteries, especially when it comes to a copper-aluminum combination. And if there are small children in the house, then in order to protect them and the rest of the household, you can opt for convection options, completed with certain protection options. If it is necessary to hide the radiators, floor convection solutions can be used.

If the house has a stove with a water circuit, the simplest solid fuel boiler, or your house is equipped with gas heating, then you can use time-tested cast iron batteries. Despite the fact that their choice entails difficulties with installation and weight, at the same time they can significantly smooth out temperature fluctuations and store heat for a longer time. And now you can easily pick up options with a nice design, if you can afford them.

Installation rules

Radiator-type heating in your own home is a guarantee of comfort and coziness in autumn and winter. It is good when such a mechanism has already been connected to a centralized heating mechanism. If something like this is not there, then it becomes necessary to use autonomous heating. If we are talking about how to install the heating system with our own hands correctly, then it should be said that the most important element will be the choice of options for connecting radiators in a house of our own construction.

A number of people do not even suspect that this plays a very significant role in the heat transfer of the heater, the circulation of the heat carrier inside it and the speed of hot water. The above as a whole will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the entire mechanism.

The first thing to deal with is piping. This can be called an important point, because the residents of their own houses at the stage of their construction are rarely able to clearly and correctly calculate the costs that will be made to form the heating system, therefore, they have to make savings on various kinds of materials. Typically, the pipe connection method can be either one- or two-pipe. The first option is economical, in which a pipe is laid from the heating boiler along the floor, going through all the walls and rooms and which returns to the boiler. Radiators should be installed on top of it, and the connection will be made using pipes from below. At the same time, hot water flows into the pipes, completely filling the batteries. Then the water descends and through another pipe enters the pipe. In fact, there is a serial connection of radiators due to the bottom connection. But there is a minus, because at the end of such a connection in all subsequent radiators, the temperature of the heat carrier will be lower.

There are two ways to solve this moment:

  • connect a special circulation pump to the entire mechanism, which allows you to distribute hot water evenly over all heating appliances;
  • connect additional batteries in the last rooms, which will increase the heat transfer area to the maximum.

If we talk about two-pipe wiring, then for your own home, such a connection system will be more effective. But at the same time, at the initial stage, the costs will be significant due to the fact that it will be necessary to separate two pipes. One must be installed to supply hot water, and the second must be connected to drain it.

When everything became clear with this issue, you should stop your attention on the scheme for connecting heating batteries. The most common will be the side. To make it, pipes should be led out to the side of the wall and connected to two battery pipes - top and bottom. From above, a pipe is usually connected that supplies the coolant, and from below - the output. A diagonal type connection will also be effective. To perform it, you must first connect a pipe supplying a coolant to the nozzle at the top, and a return pipe to the lower one, located on the other side. It turns out that the coolant will be transported diagonally inside the radiator. The effectiveness of such a mechanism will depend on how the liquid is distributed in the radiator. It is rare that several battery sections can be cold. This happens only in cases where the ability to pass or the pressure is rather weak.

Note that the connection of the radiator from below can be not only in single-pipe, but also in two-pipe versions. But such a system is considered extremely inefficient. In this case, it will still be necessary to install a circulation pump, which will significantly increase the cost of creating a heating mechanism and create electricity costs that are needed to operate the pump. If you say what you don’t need to do, then this is not to replace the water supply with a return line. Typically, the presence of this problem shows debugging.

When installing decorative screens, the visibility of the thermostat is blocked, which is not necessary. Batteries will take a long time to warm up. At the same time, you can not mount the thermostat head in a vertical position, because this will lead to its unstable operation.

Do-it-yourself installation of heating radiators in your own home is associated with a number of points, which do not give to say that this is an easy process. Its complexity also lies in the fact that in each individual case it is necessary to select batteries for a particular building, and also to know exactly how pipes pass in a private house that has already been built. Also, an equally important fact will be understanding the needs for heating and making all the necessary calculations.

In addition, we should not forget that there are various connection schemes and what may be inefficient in one house, in another will be a great solution. If you decide to do the installation of heating radiators yourself, then you should carefully study the theoretical points, and if possible, at least consult with a specialist who will tell you what you should pay special attention to during the installation of radiators and the heating system as a whole.

The choice of radiators for your own home is not an easy task, especially for a person who is not familiar with the heating equipment market. To greatly simplify this process, we will consider all types of batteries and determine which heating radiators are best suited for your home.

Living outside the city has many advantages, but to provide comfortable living conditions, you need to make a lot of effort. One of the most important points is the selection and installation of the heating system. It should not only work efficiently, but also save the family budget. And for this, you should purchase the best option for a heating battery.

What factors should be considered when choosing a radiator

In any hardware store there is a huge assortment of heating equipment. For this reason, before going to the building supermarket, determine the following parameters, on which the amount of heat required for the room will depend:

  • Thermal losses of the building (taking into account: decomposition of the building material (refers to wood), ceiling height, number of windows and doors, glass thickness, etc.).
  • Required temperature.
  • The thermal power of the device is determined by the following formula: S * h*41:42, where S is the area of ​​the room; h is the height of the room; 41 - minimum power per 1 cubic meter S; 42 - nominal thermal conductivity of one section according to the passport.
  • The heating radiator, as a rule, is located under the window, therefore its maximum size is determined by the following measurements (in cm): from the floor 7-12, from the walls - 3-5, to the windowsill - 10-15.

It is also important to note for yourself:

  • weight (the complexity of installation depends on it);
  • appearance (affects the aesthetics of the interior);
  • value for money (is the determining factor).

Which heating batteries are better: types and characteristics

All heating radiators differ in design and class of material used.

According to the shape and texture, there are many options, it all depends on your taste preferences. Whether they are wide or narrow, plain or colored, backlit or with designer painting - it's up to you. The main thing is that they function according to the declared characteristics.

Regarding the method of operation and the type of material used, batteries are divided into 4 classes:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • bimetallic.

To understand which heating radiators to choose for a private house, you need to consider their options in more detail.

Cast iron

For more than 100 years, cast iron heating technology has been very popular. This is justified by the number of positive qualities of cast iron batteries:

  • Significant heat dissipation (they heat up to 130 degrees and remain hot for 5-6 hours).
  • Durability (service life can be 50 years or more).
  • High level of strength (external mechanical damage, as well as high pressure inside the system will not damage the structure).
  • Corrosion resistance under sudden temperature changes and constant influence of condensate.
  • Unpretentiousness to the quality of the coolant (filters at the inlet to the heating system are not required).
  • Availability (low cost).

However, such systems, due to their shortcomings, are gradually being replaced by other, more advanced ones.

Cast iron heating radiators are larger than other models, which makes them difficult to transport, install and maintain. They also have other disadvantages in operation:

  • Low thermal conductivity. For good heat transfer, it is necessary that the temperature of the coolant be 70-80 degrees. (Justified by the massiveness and porous surface of the metal).
  • They require systematic care (periodic painting and cleaning).
  • Bulky (take up a lot of space). They do not fit into the interior of the housing, although original fences or partitions can be used to improve their appearance. There are also special design solutions from French and German manufacturers that will look good with a certain style of interior. These batteries look very nice, but their cost is high.
  • Require good fastening to the wall due to the large weight.

Cast iron batteries are produced in China (KONNER and Tokio) and Russia (MS-140).


Aluminum is distinguished by significant thermal conductivity, therefore, products made from it are very productive.


  • Ease.
  • Compactness.
  • Powerful working pressure (12-18 atmospheres).
  • Ease of operation (sections are easy to remove / install).
  • Significant heat transfer due to the shape of the sections.
  • Increased heat transfer. Due to the volumetric cross-sectional area of ​​the intercollector tubes, the heat agent circulates faster and gives off heat to the metal.
  • Variety of sizes.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Attractive appearance.

Along with the advantages of aluminum radiators, there are also disadvantages:

  • Increased susceptibility to pressure drop and composition of the heating agent (quality filtration and pressure gauges are required to control filling pressure).
  • Instability to chemical factors (corrosion), so pay attention to the presence of a protective polymer film (coating) on ​​the surface of the product.
  • Rapid wear (10-15 years of operation).

According to the layout of the sections, there are three categories of aluminum radiators: solid, arranged sectional and combined. But which heating radiator is better:

  1. One-piece is distinguished by strength and plasticity;
  2. Arranged sectional panels (typesetting) make it possible to replace failed plates;
  3. Combined - combines both functions, but also costs more. Similar systems are manufactured by companies: Condor, RIFAR, Global, Ferroli.


They are divided into three subgroups according to the structure of the internal system.


Rectangular radiators, consisting of two welded panels with grooves, recesses, dining channels, in which the carrier circulates. Such a heating battery is quite light and compact, allowing you to dial the required temperature in a short period of time. Another name is convectors, since heat is supplied by convection (75%).

Their disadvantages include:

  • low working pressure;
  • shock sensitivity;
  • susceptibility to corrosion.

Manufacturers produce radiators with top and bottom connections, which allows you to lay heating in the floor. Manufacturing companies: Buderus, Lideya, Corado.

Steel sectional

Similar to cast iron, but have significant positive differences.

  • Strength provided by welded joints.
  • Internal pressure of 16 atmospheres.
  • Durability (up to half a century).

Although they are not available to a wide range of consumers, due to their considerable cost.


It is worth noting their high price right away, because they stand out for their perfect design and effective functionality. Tubular radiators make it possible to implement your own design ideas in a heated room. Produced by foreign companies: Delonghi, Zehnder, Arbonia.


According to the external features, they do not differ from aluminum ones. Their internal part is made of stainless steel or copper. This greatly increases their safety, service life and reliability.

Despite their cost, they have long and confidently been leaders in the heat engineering market. Therefore, we can say with confidence: which bimetallic heating radiators will last better and longer in your cottage - compensate for the money costs with the quality of work.

Based on the above, it can be noted that both subspecies are suitable for use in private homes. Now we will conduct a comparative analysis of a number of features and find out which of them should still be preferred.

Heat volume

An aluminum heating radiator (its section) provides 200 watts of energy. One part is released in the form of radiation, and the second is converted. Within 10 minutes after switching on, the air in the room begins to warm up, which makes it possible to save a lot.

Bimetallic heat transfer occurs differently: the steel core slightly slows down its spread. In principle, this indicator may differ depending on the model. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.

Heat carrier temperature

Bimetal is able to maintain water temperatures up to 130 degrees, but aluminum is only up to 110.

Life time

Bimetallic radiators combine the properties of two metals, therefore, their service life is longer (15-20 years) compared to their competitors (about 10 years).


Both radiators are light in weight, the steel mount is mounted on screws and ordinary plastic dowels. With the help of a set of keys and shaped tools, the installation and replacement of components is carried out.

Aluminum or bimetallic batteries, which is better in terms of service life

In our country, the composition of water includes many chemical impurities, and since aluminum tends to react with various substances, this is highly undesirable for it, since rust will simply eat its walls. For normal operation, the pH should not exceed 8 units.

Bimetallic radiators are better protected by a special coating from the effects of a too active heat agent - they are not so susceptible to rust. However, there are cases when hydrogen enters the liquid, then the components begin to rot very rapidly.

Manufacturers are constantly improving their products. And answering the question which bimetallic radiators are better, it is necessary to highlight the brands Polywarm, Teplopribor, Royal Thermo Vittoria, Sira. One of the most famous manufacturers is Kermi, Germany.


Warmth in the house creates a cozy atmosphere. To always feel comfortable in your home, you need to correctly calculate the number of radiators and choose them.

When buying heaters for a private house according to the recommendations of experts, you can easily choose exactly those heating batteries that are best suited for you and satisfy individual needs.

Efficiency and durability of the heating system private house depends on many factors, including from properly selected heating radiators. It is important to understand their characteristics and features even before starting the installation and decide which of them best meet the requirements you have presented.

Features of heating in a private house

In country houses and cottages, the heating system is usually connected to and differs from centralized systems. The most important ones are:

  • coolant pressure - it usually does not exceed 3 atm .;
  • type and quality of the coolant.

Unlike centralized systems. in autonomous. correct operation of the boiler. the possibility of water hammer is virtually eliminated. This feature, as well as the low pressure of the coolant, allows you to use almost any type of radiator without fear of destruction and leakage.

If water is used as the heat transfer medium, its quality can also affect the operating conditions of the radiators. In particular, hard water with a large amount of salts can cause sediment to form on the inner surface of radiators, and, as a result, to narrow the clearance and reduce heat transfer.

The type of system - open or closed - is also important.

In an open system oxygen dissolved in water is constantly present, which at elevated temperatures leads to rather active corrosion of some types of radiators.
In closed systems With a membrane expansion tank, oxygen, during the initial heating of the coolant, binds into insoluble compounds - metal oxides, after which corrosion stops until a fresh portion of water is poured.

Also, in private heating systems, antifreezes are sometimes used that do not freeze at sub-zero temperatures. Their use allows you to stop the boiler in the winter, which is convenient for country cottages and houses used for periodic residence. Not all types of radiators can be used in systems with antifreeze.

Types of radiators and their features

Currently, the market offers a huge selection of models from various materials and with different heat dissipation. Before choosing heating radiators for a country or private house, you need to study their features and technical characteristics.

The most common types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • anodized;
  • bimetallic.

They differ in shape, appearance, allowable pressure, heat transfer, as well as other characteristics, having studied which you can make the best choice.

Cast iron

They have a prefabricated structure and consist of the required number of sections, providing the necessary heat transfer for the room. The history of the use of cast iron radiators is very long; they began to be used in heating systems more than a century ago. At the same time, their durability has been tested by time, and in houses of old buildings you can find normally functioning cast-iron radiators installed more than half a century ago.

Advantages of cast iron models:

  • sufficient resistance to corrosion in systems with any water quality;
  • high heat capacity to avoid temperature fluctuations - cast-iron radiators cool down slowly, which is important when heating a house with a solid fuel boiler with regular stops for cleaning and maintenance;
  • durability and strength;
  • modern models have an attractive original design.

Disadvantages of cast iron models:

  • rather high price, higher than that of aluminum and steel models;
  • big weight;
  • in systems using antifreeze, it is better not to use prefabricated radiators due to its increased fluidity.


They can be made in the form of panels or have a tubular design. Steel panel radiators, completely unsuitable for centralized systems due to the low pressure limit, are widely used in private homes. They have a small thickness, aesthetic design and low price.

Tubular steel batteries are similar in design to cast iron batteries and have a prefabricated sectional structure. They are more expensive than panel ones, but at the same time they have a more aesthetic and attractive appearance and can decorate the design of the room.

Advantages of steel models:

  • low price, panel models have the most budgetary ones on the market;
  • sufficient resistance to corrosion, resistance to leakage when using antifreeze;
  • long service life;
  • light weight, compact size.


  • tendency to form insoluble sediment when used in systems with hard water, which requires periodic flushing;
  • for the summer period, the coolant cannot be drained - this will lead to rapid corrosion of steel.


This type of radiators is widely used due to the combination of low price and good heat dissipation. The modular design allows you to choose the required number of sections. However, the use of aluminum radiators for heating a private house has a number of features.

Distinctive feature of aluminum- resistance to corrosion in atmospheric conditions in a neutral environment. With a low quality of the coolant, when the pH shifts, active corrosion of aluminum begins with the release of hydrogen. This creates air in the system, which can lead to noise, bubbling, and in some cases to a sharp increase in system pressure, ruptures and leaks. To avoid corrosion, aluminum is coated with a layer of protective coating on the inside and resistant powder paint on the outside.

Advantages of aluminum radiators:

  • high heat transfer coefficient, fast heating;
  • high allowable pressure, resistance to water hammer;
  • light weight;
  • attractive laconic design;
  • ease of care and maintenance;
  • some models are equipped with a built-in thermal head that allows you to adjust the temperature.

Disadvantages of aluminum models:

  • tendency to corrosion and airing;
  • seething and noise in radiators when gas bubbles are released;
  • when temperature changes - heating or cooling - deformation of aluminum sections and a characteristic clang occur, which is eliminated by proper installation;
  • in adverse conditions, the service life of aluminum radiators is significantly reduced, leaks appear.
When using aluminum radiators for heating a private house, it is important to follow the rules of water treatment in order to prevent the ingress of solid particles that can damage the protective coating. It is not recommended to use aluminum radiators in systems with an open expansion tank.


A more expensive, but durable type of aluminum radiators with a particularly durable coating. After manufacturing, aluminum sections are processed, after which aluminum oxide is formed on the surface, which is resistant to any kind of corrosion, the appearance of solid deposits, dust and pollution.

Advantages of anodized radiators:

  • increased heat transfer;
  • resistance to damage, corrosion, destruction;
  • the use of coupling joints eliminates narrowing and leakage;
  • eliminated the main drawback of aluminum models - gas formation and corrosion.

They have only one drawback.- high price.


Their design is based on the joint work of two metals: steel and aluminum. At the same time, the advantages of steel and aluminum radiators are realized in bimetallic models - corrosion resistance and increased heat transfer. The weight of bimetallic batteries is also small.

Bimetallic radiators are a prefabricated structure, while all parts in contact with the coolant are made of steel, and the external panels that radiate heat into the room are made of aluminum coated with powder paint.

Steel, when used in systems with any type of coolant, is resistant to corrosion, and, unlike aluminum, is not prone to gas formation. The outer surface of bimetallic radiators, made of aluminum, has a high thermal conductivity, quickly heats up the room and does not weigh down the structure.

Thanks to these characteristics, bimetallic radiators are in high demand and popular with owners of private houses, even despite the high price.

Advantages of bimetallic models:

  • resistance to corrosion and sedimentation;
  • noiselessness;
  • resistance to high pressure and water hammer;
  • long service life;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • modular design allows you to choose radiators for any room.

The disadvantage of bimetallic models:

  • prefabricated structure when using antifreeze may leak;
  • high price, which is why their use in a private house is not always advisable.

What radiators are preferred for a private house

Having considered the described characteristics, we can conclude which radiators are more practical and better for heating a house.

  1. As a budget economical option, according to experts, steel panel models are perfect. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be installed in a niche under a window sill, where they create a thermal screen for cold air, or at the bottom of walls. They do not take up much space, are resistant to any coolant, including antifreeze.
  2. A more expensive option is steel tubular or cast iron prefabricated batteries. Modern models have an attractive design, do not require maintenance and painting, and are easy to clean. These types of batteries are resistant to rust and salt deposits. Their shape allows not only to heat the house, but also to dry things and shoes, which is a nice option for a summer house or a village house.
  3. The choice of wealthy people is bimetallic models with a long service life and increased heat transfer, corrosion resistance and good performance. Their installation removes the problem of heating for many years, so the initial costs pay off over time.
  4. Aluminum prefabricated radiators can be used in autonomous heating systems only with appropriate water treatment or the use of high-quality antifreeze.

Alternative to water heating

Installing a boiler in a private house is not always advisable. For example, if it is impossible to connect to gas and the price of solid fuel is high, in some regions it is easier to install cheap electric heaters.

Electricity is not a cheap resource, but if you calculate all the costs for the purchase and installation of boiler equipment and installation of the heating system, it turns out that with the help of electric heaters you can heat the house for these funds for several years. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of the owners of cottages and houses with periodic residence.

When talking about electric radiators, they usually mean convectors or oil heaters. Their use has a number of features.

Convectors outwardly similar to panel steel radiators, they have a small thickness and dimensions, different power. They can be hung on the wall or installed on the floor, usually the models are equipped with legs and brackets for mounting to a vertical plane. Most modern ones are equipped with an automatic temperature control system, and sometimes a timer. They are silent, safe, quickly heat up the room.

Oil coolers- an analogue of floor-standing cast-iron batteries, they have a prefabricated sectional design, filled with oil from the inside, which has a high heat capacity. Like convectors, they are equipped with sensors and a regulator, and sometimes with a fan. They quickly heat up the air, but it is better to use them under supervision: the oil is highly flammable, and if leaked, it can lead to a fire.

When installing electric heaters, it is necessary to properly install the electrical wiring. Heaters of high power require connection with a cable of the appropriate section to a separate machine.

Video: requirements for heating systems in a private house

The choice of radiators for a private house is a crucial step on which the performance of the system as a whole depends. It is allowed to combine different types of radiators, taking into account the specifics of using specific models, and home heating will be efficient and safe.