Choosing economical panel heaters. Infrared panels - ideal heating for your home Infrared heating panels

Ceramic heating panels are modern alternative classic radiators. Heat transfer is carried out using electricity or water, and the panel itself can be located behind false ceiling, above and on the walls.


The device is quite complex. The heating device consists of several layers of innovative materials:

Principle of operation

Equipment of this type emits two types of energy: radiation and convection. Most importantly, the ceramic heater emits infrared rays that heat the objects that surround the panel. This is the most effective option heating system.

Varieties of panel heating

Panel heating refers to systems various types. They are united common feature- heating of the surfaces of the room and the absence of radiators. Depending on the type of coolant, electric and water heating are distinguished.


Water panel heating is a piping system with hot water under the wall or flooring. Most often, such a system is used for floors than for walls.

Thanks to warm floor a person feels comfortable even in the coldest weather. It is pleasant to walk on the floor, its installation is carried out over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, so there are no warm and cold zones. At the same time, its temperature should not be more than 30 ºC, otherwise it will be inconvenient to walk on it.

The disadvantages of this system include the difficulties of installation - this procedure requires dismantling old screed, pipe laying and insulating layer. If any malfunctions occur, such a system is very difficult to repair, since it is necessary to remove the screed and floor covering.


Currently, panel radiant heating is gaining more and more popularity - this is an improved heat distribution scheme. If a classic radiator heats the air, the heat of which is transferred to surrounding objects, then infrared ceramic panels give off heat to objects that carry out its further transfer.

In most cases, the following heating devices are used:

  1. STEP panels are one of the most economical types of heating devices. Their body is made of a galvanized metal box, inside of which there is a reflective heat-insulating layer and a powerful heating element. Radiation from the device heats objects that are in the room. It can be used in premises of any purpose, as it is completely safe.
  2. Ceramic panels that combine infrared heater and convector. The front panel is made of glass-ceramic, with low power consumption, the heating element has a high heat transfer coefficient. On the back side, a heat-accumulating coating is provided that provides natural convection.
  3. EINT panels are infrared long-wave heaters. There are wall, floor and ceiling panels, they can be installed in private houses, apartments and offices. They are safe and reliable, do not create fire hazards and do not dry the air.

Advantages and features of ceramic panels


Ceramic panels can completely replace radiators, the heat from them will be more than enough for a comfortable feeling. Savings due to the high heat transfer coefficient electrical energy data heating appliances can reach up to 30%. Electricity consumption per 1 m 2 reaches only 50 W, while the consumption of a conventional radiator is more than 100 W per 1 m 2. The consumption is reduced due to the convection type of heating and the ceramic element. In addition, in order to avoid overpayments for excess heat, it is recommended to install thermostats on ceramic heating panels.


When choosing a heater, safety is an important factor, especially if there are small children in the house. Ceramic panels do not heat up, as they consist of environmentally friendly materials. Also, the design does not provide for the presence of protruding parts.

Panels are not afraid of penetration of dirt, dust and water. Therefore, these heaters can be installed in rooms with a swimming pool, bathrooms, etc. Ceramic heating panels are not afraid of overloads in the electrical network.

Environmental friendliness

In this heater, the heating element does not come into contact with air, so oxygen is not burned and the air does not dry out. This is especially true for those who suffer from respiratory diseases.

Ceramic panels (consumer reviews confirm this) do not emit harmful substances, do not emit unpleasant odors and are completely silent. Such equipment can be installed in children's rooms.


Durability is the parameter that every consumer would like. Ceramic heating panels are designed in such a way that the resource of consumption increases several times, since the equipment is insured against accidental damage, it is not afraid of external influences.


The design allows them to fit perfectly into any interior. Discreet colors, laconic lines make them universal, this equipment do not violate the aesthetics of the room.

Ceramic heating panels: expert reviews

As mentioned above, space heating occurs due to soft heat flows. Doctors say that this is an ideal state in which the human body feels comfortable.

Durability, reliability, moisture-proof, explosion-proof and Fire safety create the possibility of using these heating devices in office and residential premises for any purpose as an auxiliary or main house, apartment, modules and trade pavilions, as well as public and municipal facilities).

By installing ceramic heating panels (reviews confirm this) in preschool and childcare facilities (bedrooms, game rooms), you significantly increase the comfort of the stay of children, and also reduce the risk of colds. To provide for children additional security, these devices are equipped protective screens. The absence of protruding parts and low surface temperature make ceramic heating panels absolutely safe for children of any age.

The absence of cavities and gaps prevents the accumulation of dirt and dust, which ensures convenience and ease of maintenance of this type of heaters. And most importantly, there is no longer a need to periodically paint radiators. It is enough to wipe the surface with a cotton cloth and detergent containing no abrasive ingredients.

Many consumers noted the ease of installation of these heaters. In a room of about 60 m2, this heating system can be installed in one working day. Also, the installation can be carried out in stages, which is especially convenient for large areas.

If standard heating devices are not able to provide comfortable atmosphere in the home, you have to purchase additional sources of heat. AT recent times Infrared heating panels have gained popularity. They are compact in size and show high performance. Automation allows you to control the main parameters of the operation of such devices.

Relatively compact heating source

Work principles

The dimensions of conventional heating appliances are much smaller than the area they have to heat. To create optimal temperature in an apartment, radiators have to spend quite a lot of time. Infrared heating panels cope with this task faster.

Their effectiveness is due to the fact that various surfaces and objects in the home well absorb infrared rays emanating from such devices. Even furniture after heating turns into a kind of heating source. So that the thermal energy created in the dwelling does not go beyond the rooms, Do not point infrared heaters at surfaces such as:

  • ceiling,
  • walls;
  • door structures.

In this video you will learn how infrared panels work:

Thermal infrared devices have one more difference from conventional heating radiators: during operation they do not absorb oxygen. Therefore, they can be used to create a comfortable microclimate in city apartments, private houses, offices, as well as industrial premises and in warehouses.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The device has certain advantages compared to conventional heating devices. Main advantages:

  • any room can be heated to a temperature of up to + 50 ° C;
  • during the operation of IR panels, optimal temperature regime and humidity;
  • during the operation of the devices, convection air flows do not occur, so there is no dust in the premises;
  • thanks to the thermostat, a certain temperature regime is maintained in the apartment and energy is saved;
  • devices minimize the difference between the air temperature at floor level and at the ceiling;
  • the ability to place infrared heating not only on ceiling surface but also on the walls;
  • over installed panel can be laid tile or drywall, stick wallpaper, while this will not affect the efficiency of the device;
  • long service life - 50 years.

Similar panels are wear-resistant

Before choosing infrared heating devices their shortcomings must be taken into account.. The heat emanating from them can be felt quite quickly after starting work. But its distribution is spotty. This means that it will be quite hot in one place, while the temperature will be colder in another. Is not in the best way will affect the well-being - a person will often have headaches.

The panels do not heat the air, but only objects, so it may appear strong plastic smell. It will be especially noticeable if the panels are directed towards household appliances. The power of such devices is at the level of 1200 W - it is only enough to heat a room of 8 square meters to the optimum temperature. m.

Constant exposure to infrared rays can adversely affect the visual function of a person.

Device types

Available today big variety IR panels. Based on your needs, you can easily find the right equipment.

According to such a parameter as the method of installation, it is divided into two main types:

  1. Mounted. These devices are distinguished by a colored case made of metal. It heats up thanks to the emitter installed in the design. After installation with wall mounts, the infrared panel is ready for use, you just need to plug it into a power outlet.
  2. Built-in. Thermal infrared panels of this type are based on drywall, on which two layers of the emitter are placed, as well as insulation. An IR emitter is installed in the upper part - a carbon conductive thread. On top of it is protective covering from a polymer. The devices are connected to a 220 V network.

There are also designer wall panels, they may have different sizes and colors. Panels in the form of a plinth are also available in stores. Placed around the perimeter of the room, they replace the usual plinth.

If you finish the walls with drywall, then wall-mounted infrared heating can be used as the main source of thermal energy. If the apartment has the usual cast iron radiators such a device would be a good option for backup heating.

Selection rules

The use of such devices is more effective method heating your own home. But you need to know how to choose the right equipment. First of all, you need to decide for what purpose the device will be used.

If you need a model that will be the main source of heating, then first of all you should pay attention to the power. It is desirable that the device has at least 100 W / sq.m. If in a city apartment the ceiling height is more than 3.5 m, then it is necessary to focus on the norm of 120-130 W / sq. m.

Approach the choice of panels should be more careful, start from your needs

There are other factors that may affect the selection of an infrared heater:

  1. Walls in the room. Their type, as well as the presence of insulation on their surface.
  2. Glazing quality. It matters here what type of windows are installed in the openings, how effectively the sashes are pressed against the frame, whether there are energy-saving glasses in the products.
  3. ceiling characteristics. What state is it in ceiling what is located on top - another apartment or roof.

All these factors have a significant impact on the heat loss in the room.

Mounting Features

Along with high efficiency Infrared heating has the advantage that the installation procedure is quite simple. It is enough to follow all the instructions contained in the installation instructions. It can be found on the website of the equipment manufacturer. Then it remains only to turn on the device in the network, and you can enjoy pleasant microclimate in a dwelling.

Such devices can be installed on walls and ceilings. If the latter option is chosen, then:

  1. When carrying out manipulations, suitable fasteners should be used. It must be reliable in order to withstand the weight of the installed device.
  2. The heater is fixed with the fasteners that come with it. Usually these are steel chains or rigid brackets.
  3. During installation, it is necessary to completely exclude the contact of the heating surface with substances and materials that are classified as combustible and can ignite when heated.
  4. It is necessary to ensure high-quality insulation of the electrical wiring contacts when installing the device, using a special tape or plastic caps.

Installing an embedded system is a more complex procedure that takes place in several stages.

Installation begins with what is on the ceiling surface needs to be fixed thermal insulation material based on lavsan. Arranged insulation should cover not only the entire surface of the ceiling, but also part of the wall. In this case, the loss of thermal energy in the corners of the dwelling will be minimized. A thermal film should be installed on top of the laid coating. For reliable fastening to the ceiling, it is necessary to use places that are intended for cutting. In this case, damage to the conductors will be excluded, and the heating elements will not be damaged.

When the installation of the thermal film is completed, the contacts should be insulated on one side. Connect the wire on the other. For this separate sections ceilings are connected in parallel. After that, you should choose a place on the wall and mount the thermostat there. This device will provide the ability to control the operating modes of infrared heating.

It remains to check the performance of the system. If it functions well and the film heats up, then you can go to finishing ceiling. Usually, lining, PVC or drywall are used for this operation - materials that do not differ in heat-reflecting properties.

Infrared heating - the solution of a new time for efficient heating dwellings. The advantages of such devices have already been appreciated by many apartment owners. It is enough to purchase the device, install it correctly, and the apartment will be warm. The room warms up quickly high temperature. Ordinary heating radiators are not capable of this.

To make your home comfortable in our latitudes in winter, heating needs to be installed. And than more funds from the owner, best quality heating system can be installed.

And for budget option suitable for panel heating. In this case, the room is heated from heating panels built into the wall or floor.

On the this moment there are several types, water, electric and infrared.

Thermal panels: what is it?

Comfort temperature in the room is not created by heating the surrounding air. First they heat up walls and from them heat is transferred to the room.

It is necessary to regulate the average temperature of the heated surface, depending on where it is located. For example, ceiling panels are subjected to maximum heating, the least - up to 40 °C- floor.

The heating device of SIP panels consists of of two steel sheets , fastened by welding, between them are pipes with a coolant (this is if the role of the latter is played by water).

When electricity is applied, heating elements concreted into the wall. To achieve a greater effect, the panels must be placed under the window. In this case, the falling cold flow is neutralized.

Pros and cons

Advantages panel heating:

  • The heating elements of the panels located in the wall allow reduce heating costs by up to 20%. The only thing that is required is that the room is well ventilated. If air exchange is carried out through filters, this is not economical. Since the intensity of ventilation is extremely low.
  • The location of the heat carriers inside the walls allows you to reduce the optimum temperature in the house by several degrees. For example, with convective heating, a person feels comfortable when in a room not less than 18—20 °C, with panel - required 15°C.
  • Saving usable space.
  • Provided uniform heating premises.
  • Even at low temperature there is no effect of "cold" walls.

Disadvantages of panel radiant heating:

  • This type of heating shows slow reaction that the external loads have already changed.
  • Due to being heating element in the thickness of the walls difficult to repair. We'll have to dismantle the wall, the floor.
  • Requires a specific location.
  • Panels located in the floor are less efficient as the maximum heating temperature is limited 30, rarely 40 °C.

Types of panel heating for the home

Exist the following types panel heating.

water system

The most popular scheme, due to the fact that it successfully combines low cost and high efficiency. In city dwellings, panel system located by default. AT individual houses placed only if it is intended for year-round living.

Represents located in the thickness of the walls metal pipes small diameter, which is launched water or other technical liquid.

Principle of operation: water, heated in the boiler, moves through pipes that heat the wall, and it heats the air in the room.

  • home is heating up in a quarter of an hour;
  • cheapness;
  • simplicity panels in installation.
  • cannot be applied liquid other than water;
  • cools down quickly.

The convection process is quite slow, so you need to place the radiator as low as possible, otherwise the floor of the room will be cool.

Electrical panels

Principle of operation: the device creates a stream of infrared rays having a certain wavelength. They are warm solid bodies and not air. As a result, at a temperature about 18 °C, the person feels quite comfortable.

Important! All solid bodies in the room, falling under the action of rays and heating up, become sources of secondary radiation. Therefore, it seems that warmth surrounds you from all sides.

IR panels are qualified by location:

  • Ceiling considered most effective, since in this case the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is heated. Yes, they can get hot. up to 900 °C These are shortwave devices.
  • wall panels. They are recommended to be placed as low as possible - the effect will be greater. Maximum heating up to 400 °C.


  • You can find out that the device has earned in just 10 minutes.
  • No creation convective air currents, which means that dust will not move around the room.
  • Do not require ongoing maintenance and work control.
  • Externally, the panels look very attractive.
  • Space saving thanks to its compact size.
  • Wide area of ​​use.

Attention! Of the minuses, it is worth noting rapid cooling of the room and pretty high power consumption.

Recently, heaters have begun to be mounted on plasterboard cladding walls. It's much cheaper.

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Ceramic from the company Nikaten

The material of the panels is natural ceramics, due to its ability to quickly accumulate heat and slowly release it to the environment as it cools.

monolithic metal structure with applied polymer coated to which ceramics are sealed. A flexible heat-resistant cable is laid between the case and ceramics, which serves as a heating element. On the facial side of the tile working temperature can reach 80 °C, from the back - up to 90 °C.

In itself, the device combines two types of heating - infrared and convection. This ensures fast and uniform heating of the air in the room.

Photo 1. Ceramic hybrid infrared panel model Easy Heat, power - 700 W, manufacturer - "KAM-IN".


  • Approved for use in any premises. including where there is high humidity.
  • A thermal effect is created that has a beneficial effect on the human body. In its effect, it resembles the effect of the "Russian stove".
  • With an average panel power at 370 W consumes electricity at the level of a desktop computer. After simple calculations, you can find out that, compared with fan heaters and convectors, it saves up to 30% electricity. And if you install a thermostat and a multi-tariff meter, then the percentage can be raised by a couple more points.
  • Long service life - up to 30 years old.

There are practically no minuses, only that the panels after installation cannot be moved to another room, and it is forbidden to dry things on them.

One of the popular brands is the company Nikaten.

Their designs combine two types of heat - infrared (70%) and convection (30%) This ensures uniform heating throughout the room.

Devices are used as the main or additional source of heating. In terms of cash equivalent, allow the homeowner to save from 20 to 35 rubles. per square footage.

Heating panels

Heat is transferred by radiation. This does not heat up the air, but walls, furniture, etc. All this is due to the fact that the walls, ceiling and floor of the room are used as heating systems.

Their advantage is that the average temperature in the room may be less than the generally accepted one, but the person will feel comfortable. Gives significant savings in the form of a reduction in heating costs.

There are also disadvantages: poor maintainability, high cost of installation and debugging.

Finding the optimal heater for some can be real problem. Presented for sale wide selection similar equipment. Each device has certain advantages and disadvantages. today they are considered one of the best options for creating full-fledged heating in a private house or apartment. User reviews will help you understand how the presented devices behave in everyday life.

general characteristics

Beside distinctive features characterized ceramic panel. Heater This type combines a convector and an infrared electrical appliance. The heating element in this design is located between the rear and front panels. Design features contribute to the rapid heat transfer of the material.

The front panel is made of glass ceramics. This material is known for its high heat dissipation. When the heating element is turned on, very little time passes until the front smooth surface of the heater reaches the set temperature. The radiator in this case performs the function of an emitter of infrared rays.

The back side of such a heater has a layer of insulation. This material accumulates thermal energy, increasing the efficiency of the heater. It reflects the heated flows into the room, but at the same time acts on the principle of convection.


There may be several types. There are wall, floor heating devices, as well as equipment that can be installed on a table or cabinet.

Almost all ceramic wall panels are large when compared with other types of heaters. However, their appearance is aesthetic. Good ergonomics allow them to fit into almost any type of interior. It is best to install them on flat surfaces.

All ceramic panels require installation close to the floor. At the same time, the maximum effect from their use is achieved. Floor models often have the ability to turn. This allows you to direct the heated air in different directions.

by the most miniature appliances are desktop ceramic heaters. They have a stylish look. Such devices can also be rotated.


Differ in the increased energy efficiency. Their distinguishing feature is thermal power. When installing a conventional radiator, the standard value of electricity consumption is 100 W / m². A ceramic heater is able to fully heat the room at a standard of 50 W / m². This indicates that the costs of the owners of such equipment for energy resources will be 2 times less.

The energy consumption of the ceramic panel per hour is 375 W when heated to 80 ºС. The size of such equipment is 60x60x12 cm. For comparison, an oil convector consumes 1.5-2 kW per hour continuous work at the same heat level. The presented ceramic panel can independently heat a room with an area of ​​10m².

At the same time, such devices will not dry the air in the room. This will avoid purchasing an additional humidifier. White ceramic panels are usually on sale, but there are other colors. They are ordered directly from suppliers.

Reviews about ceramic panels

Ceramic panel reviews about which users provide is known for its positive qualities. Many owners note that this is one of the the best views heating appliances. Such panels consume much less electricity than other types. heating technology. In this case, the heating of the room occurs much faster.

Panels are compact. Manufacturers offer various ways installation of such technology. Everyone can choose for themselves the best option. Stylish design front panel allows the device to harmoniously fit into the interior.

In addition, it is noted high level the safety of such devices. They are allowed to be installed even in children's institutions. No noise is heard during operation. Also, the panels do not emit odor, are made of environmentally friendly clean materials. The presence of a thermostat allows you to adjust optimal mode operation of such equipment. The service life of ceramic heaters, according to experts and users, is about 30 years.

Safety and environmental friendliness

They are safe in all respects. Its front surface does not heat up to such a temperature that, if accidentally touched, a burn remains on the skin. There are practically no protruding parts in the design. Therefore, this form is considered safe even for small children.

The device does not fail if dust, water or dirt accumulates inside. They can be installed in showers, bathrooms and baths. Also during power outages electrical part won't break. In such devices, a special protection system is provided.

The environmental friendliness of the heater is ensured by the absence of interaction between the heating elements and the air in the room. This ensures that oxygen is not burned off and the microclimate in the room remains healthy. When working in environment no substances harmful to health are emitted, there is no smell. Therefore, such devices are suitable even for people with respiratory diseases, allergies.

Weight and compactness

Ceramic heating panels can have various dimensions. However, whatever type of device is chosen by the buyer, such a device will be much lighter than a similar oil heater. This is great advantage during installation and operation. If the panel needs to be moved from one room to another, almost anyone can do it.

The compactness of ceramic models simplifies the issue of choosing an installation site. They will harmoniously look both under the window and in the center of the room. Some types of devices can be installed on the table. In this case, the user will warm up much faster if he is near this equipment.

Gas ceramic heater

Exist ceramic panels, which are heated not by electricity, but by gas. In some homes, this is an advantage. If you need heating Vacation home in the village, or warehouse space You can buy similar equipment. In this case, heating the room will be cheaper.

For such a ceramic panel, a separate gas cylinder. There will be no flame during operation of the device. However, the ceramic surface can get very hot. Such devices should not be left unattended, let small children near them.

On a hike, such a heater will allow you to cook food on the panel. Therefore, such a technique is in demand today.

Equipment selection

Choosing ceramic panels, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers. Cheap types of equipment often quickly become unusable. You should also purchase ceramic heaters from conscientious sellers. They can provide all necessary documentation on the compliance of the quality of the device with the stated requirements.

The cost of panels may be slightly higher than that of other heating devices. However, low power consumption, long service life and many other advantages make such an acquisition profitable.

Having considered ceramic panels, as well as user reviews about the features of the operation of such equipment, we can conclude that this is high-quality, efficient equipment.

Heating has always been a serious and responsible matter, and today it has acquired another of the most important angles - efficiency, when heating, for example, a private residential building of 250-300 m2, the issue of operating costs takes on a specific shape and makes you approach the choice of heating devices very carefully.

Features of ceramic batteries

the most important hallmark ceramic heating appliances is a symbiosis of a convector and an infrared heater. A heating element is located between the front and back panels. The front panel, which is a flat smooth surface, is made of glass-ceramic. The heat transfer of this material is very high, and the radiator device gives the ceramic panel the function of an infrared emitter. The rear panel, facing the glass-ceramic front panel, is covered with a heat-accumulating layer, and also reflects heat into the room, but like a convector.

The principle of operation of ceramic radiators is air convection in natural form in combination with infrared radiation. The radiator connected to the mains heats up, the panel plates give off heat calories and infrared rays into the air of the room. The heated air rises, the colder air descends, thus an exchange takes place, saturating the room with warmth.

About Specifications

The main and distinguishing feature of ceramic batteries is their thermal power. When calculating the need for heat, they take a standard value of 100 W of thermal energy per 1 m2 of the room area when installing conventional radiators, but if we are talking about ceramic radiators, then the standard figure is 50 W / m2, that is, the savings is 50%.

Ceramic battery device

The power consumption of ceramics is 0.375 kW / h at a heating temperature of + 80 ° C (for comparison: an oil heater takes 1.5-2 kW / h). At the same time, the size of the ceramic panel is 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 0.12 m. One panel will freely heat an area of ​​10 m2 in the absence of other heat sources.

Ceramic radiators in standard version- white or black, but it is possible to design the front part in the form of a picture. Trouble-free operation is guaranteed for 5 years. Such heaters do not dry the air, they do not require a battery humidifier, as for other types of radiators.

Installation of a ceramic radiator

About the advantages of ceramic heaters

None of the types of heaters has such a number of advantages:

  • efficiency (twice as profitable as oil);
  • the thermal effect is felt quickly (plate temperature +80°C);
  • compactness;
  • the ability to place not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling;
  • stylish appearance;
  • do not dry the air;
  • absolute safety (allowed for children's institutions);
  • work silently;
  • do not emit any odors;
  • equipped with thermostats;
  • network congestion is not perceived;
  • suitable for residential, office or other premises;
  • with a guarantee of 5 years, the service life is up to 30 years;
  • made from environmentally friendly materials.

Ceramic batteries are able to completely replace the heating system of a residential building or supplement the comfort of living in any apartment that is not heated enough, without the need to lay a piping system, fill it with a coolant, purchase a boiler and issue permits.

Ceramic batteries can completely replace the heating system of the whole house

If there are heaters in the living room that absorb oxygen and dry the air, you can use the novelty and hang a ceramic air humidifier on the battery. This is a great way to do without another electrical appliance and increase the percentage of humidity. It works like this: a ceramic vessel is filled with water and attached to a radiator; water evaporates and saturates the air with moisture.

You can choose a ceramic humidifier for a battery in any shape that is closest in style and color; such a device will not only not spoil the interior, on the contrary, it will add charm. The quality of water for this purpose does not matter, the container is not dangerous either for children or for animals.

Ceramic batteries have various design for every taste

The best models of ceramic batteries

The best in this sector can be considered the Hybrid panels from the manufacturer GIBROTEK LLC (Ukraine) - a stylish look, a power of 0.37 kW / h, a temperature of +80 degrees. Service life - 30 years at warranty service 5 years. The price is quite reasonable, individual development design in the form of a picture, the cost is 50% more expensive.

You can buy a ceramic battery TEPLOKERAMIK (Ukraine), it will also be a good choice. Such panels are marked with PEPC and are sold with a capacity of 0.27 kW / h to 0.5 kW / h, with a heating area of ​​4 m2 to 10 m2. The cost with the same characteristics is identical to the "Hybrid" panels, but inferior in design.

Don't know what dry ten is? Read in the article what is

About the nuances and installation of a heating battery, take a look

Ceramic radiators should be bought in specialized stores

Radiators made of thermoglass, exclusively in the ceiling version, are offered in Russia under the PION brand. The cost of such devices is half the price of the previous options.

Slightly different in design, there are ceramic radiators bsdt model R500 / 95a, made in China. They are less economical than Ukrainian models, power consumption is 500 W / h, the cost is approximately the same level.

Pick up desired model and buy ceramic heater You can shop online, saving not only money, but also time.


It should be recognized that latest models efficient and economical ceramic radiators truly outperform all previous generations of heating appliances. Compact, suitable for mounting both on walls and ceilings, quickly heating the air, equipped with thermostats, ceramic radiators can serve as independent heating residential building and an additional source of heat in case of insufficient heating of the apartment.

Decorated in the form of a picture, such devices will decorate and complement the interior of the home, and energy savings finally outweigh the scales in the direction of choosing these high-quality heating devices.

This video goes into detail about ceramic batteries heating.