The cheapest heating of a private house. The most economical ways of autonomous heating of a private house. Hybrid heating systems

For our country, home heating is one of the main problematic issues. In winter, when the temperature drops almost to the limit, it is impossible to survive without heating. However, there is also the other side of the coin - this is the cost. The purchase, installation and maintenance of special equipment can cost a pretty penny to their owners. Therefore, for many, the only optimal option is cheap heating. In this article we will talk in more detail about inexpensive and high-quality heating of a private house.

Cottage insulation

The most important thing that owners should understand is that energy-saving largely depends on the quality of insulation. If your house is insulated very well and reliably, then the savings will be very decent, even regardless of the heating equipment used. Alternatively, you can insulate your house after its construction is completed. In any case, this is quite beneficial, because in such a situation the heating system will have to work a little less intensively and, accordingly, consume less energy and fuel.

It should be understood that a well-insulated cottage is a cottage that has low rates of heat loss, which leads to a decrease in the costs associated with its heating.

To have economical heating at home, you can lay the foundation for it at the very beginning, during the construction process. For example, in construction it is necessary to use special progressive technologies and heat-insulating materials, such as building blocks and polystyrene foam. In general, it is polystyrene foam that is recognized as one of the highest quality materials, characterized by a low degree of thermal conductivity. Therefore, leading experts recommend using it for.

Benefits of insulation

Remarkable thermal insulation qualities of the manufactured structures, coupled with low cost, allow these technologies to be used with maximum benefit for the financial budget of your family. To make sure that the cheapest way to heat a private house is just insulation, a simple example allows. Compared with an ordinary house, the thermal insulation characteristics of which are at an average level, a well-insulated house consumes approximately 2 times less energy. So if earlier you needed, for example, 100 kW for heating a cottage, now this value will be reduced to 50.

Another advantage of an insulated building is that heating equipment is now less dependent on electricity. In addition to significant savings on thermal units (its power directly affects the cost of purchase and installation), there is a wide opportunity when choosing the appropriate equipment. For example, for economical heating of a country house, it means that the operation of heat pumps and solar panels, as well as electric or solid fuel boilers, becomes cheaper and more cost-effective.

Use of automation

It is possible to achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of heating a private house through the use of various automation tools. First of all, you should know that an increase in the temperature in the cottage by one degree Celsius corresponds to an increase in energy costs by approximately 5%. That is, if your heating system has a small error in measuring temperature, then you can seriously spend money on this alone.

Possible scheme of heating in the house.

However, to avoid a significant increase in the cost of heating allows automation, which constantly maintains the temperature at a predetermined level, and the fluctuations do not reach even half a degree. This not only frees up the time associated with adjusting the heating system with your own hands, but also prevents unplanned overheating of the room to high temperatures, since sometimes the room warms up to 27-28 degrees Celsius.

In addition, economical heating of the house using automation makes it possible to maintain the temperature in the house at a not very high level, for example, at around 17 degrees. This mode of operation of the automatic system may be required if you leave, for example, for the weekend. To prevent the house from cooling down and not overheating, it is recommended to set the operating mode at a lower temperature. As practice shows, the operation of automatic devices can reduce energy consumption by about 30%. You should be aware that the cost of acquiring such devices is not very high, while they will pay off very quickly.

Precise temperature control

The most effective means of achieving economical heating is the installation of thermostatic heads and room temperature sensors, which must be mounted directly on the heating elements. To install a temperature sensor, it is required to lay special communications connecting the sensor to the heating boiler, therefore it is recommended to carry out this work even at the stage of building construction.

However, such problems can be avoided if you buy a wireless sensor. Naturally, its cost is somewhat higher than traditional boilers, however, in this case, one cannot do without additional costs.

Reduced room temperature mode

This will also require the installation of additional devices - a programmer and controlled room temperature sensors. This sensor is very easy to install, the same can be said about its operation - just press a few buttons, and the mode will be changed instantly.

It is difficult to imagine inexpensive heating without such a system. If you need to leave the house for a relatively long period, then you can switch the sensor to heating mode, for example, by 17 degrees, with one movement of your hand. Upon returning home, you will again need a few seconds to return the previous temperature to the room. As a result, the house warmed up in your absence, but this will not cause you big expenses.


The programmer, which acts as an alternative to a controlled sensor, also contributes to economical heating of the house. According to the owners, such a device is even more convenient and comfortable to use. There are several modes of operation - automatic and manual. With manual, everything is clear - the owner sets the necessary temperature indicators, which will be constantly maintained for a certain time.

In automatic mode, it is possible to set the temperature for different times of the day. For example, while you are working, the programmer sets the temperature at the same level, but half an hour before your arrival home, more intense heating starts so that the house has time to warm up. This greatly simplifies the maintenance of heating compared to setting the temperature yourself.

Energy Saving Technologies

One of the types of equipment that has also found wide application for economical heating of the house. The uniqueness of such equipment lies in their efficiency - this figure exceeds 100% and reaches 110%. You should be aware that such high rates can be achieved only if the heating system is designed taking into account the longest operating time of the low-temperature heating mode.

Warm floor

It is also the best option if low-temperature heating is required. It is worth noting that underfloor heating, when working together with a condensing boiler, makes it possible to count on fast and economical heating of the house, especially when compared with traditional radiator batteries.

Due to the successful distribution of air temperature, a person will always feel cozy and comfortable, while using a minimum of thermal energy.

Alternative sources of thermal energy

There are many different heating devices and units that contribute to economical heating. These include heat pumps, solar panels, solid fuel heating boilers, or. All of the above equipment can be installed both with your own hands and using the services of professional installation.

The use of each of them is more appropriate than gas or electric heating. However, it must be remembered that the cost of acquiring such elements is quite high, in addition, you will have to spend money on installation and maintenance. The cost of such an alternative energy source will be beaten off in a few years, so you should not worry much about this.

Thus, there are many ways and opportunities to save some money on heating without compromising the temperature level in the house. On the contrary, the installation of additional energy-saving devices greatly simplifies and automates the processes of regulation and setting the necessary temperature conditions. Therefore, the use of such devices is not only profitable, but also very convenient.

When thinking about which heating system to choose for a house or summer cottage, they often think about the use of electricity. The advantage of this type of energy carrier is its environmental friendliness, "cleanliness" and high reliability of electric heaters. The downside is a considerable price, which is why electric heating is not the most popular way of heating.

What can it be

Heating a home with electricity can be done in many ways. Whatever type of heating you choose, its efficiency largely depends on how well the house is insulated. This issue should be given maximum time.

Heating your home with electricity is the cleanest way

First of all, you need to decide on the type of system: it can be air, water and steam, you can also heat it with warm floors. Let's briefly go over the main advantages of each of the systems.

Steam heating (do not confuse with water)

Steam heating is very effective, but dangerous - the temperature of heating radiators and pipes going to them is about one hundred degrees (higher or lower depends on the type of system chosen). The system is very similar to the water system, but more economical at the stage of arrangement: much fewer radiator sections are required, pipes can be taken with a smaller section.

In general, in view of the high danger, it is prohibited in public and apartment buildings, but it can be done in a private house. An electric steam boiler can act as a heat source in this system. So this is also one of the varieties of electric heating, although it is completely unpopular.


Air heating using electricity can be organized using other heaters powered by electricity - ceramic heating panels, infrared emitters. These systems are good because they immediately begin to heat the air in the room. They are also attracted by low costs at the stage of arrangement - there is no need to build anything. Bought heaters, installed, turned on, began to warm up.

The disadvantage of this method of heating is the active circulation of air in the room (uncomfortable) and with such heating the air is too dry (an installation to increase humidity is required). Another disadvantage is the need for almost constant work. If electric heaters are installed with thermostats, this is not so critical, since they will turn off when the set temperature is reached. But low inertia leads to the fact that the room cools down quickly and, therefore, most of the equipment is in operation.

Among all electric heaters, infrared installations are considered more economical, but they also “pull” a decent amount of electricity. So this method of heating is often used as an additional one - during severe cold weather. The second area of ​​​​application is cottages, where they live only periodically. With this mode of visits, only the necessary rooms can be heated upon arrival. In this case, the advantage of this type of electric heating is that it is not afraid of freezing (only when choosing heaters, pay attention to whether they tolerate freezing).

Electric underfloor heating

This electric heating can be both additional - to increase the level of comfort, and the main one. Electric heaters for underfloor heating can be different:

  • heating cables (resistive and self-regulating);
  • heating cable mats (easier to install);
  • carbon films (with infrared radiation);
  • carbon mats (not yet very reliable in operation).

This option of electric heating is only suitable for houses with permanent residence - too much time (and resources) is spent on warming up the concrete slab, in which the heater is usually “packed”. And that seems to be a disadvantage. But on the other hand, a large heated mass helps to maintain a stable temperature in the house. Another positive point: it takes several days for such a stove to cool completely, so temporary power outages in this case are not very scary.

Electric heating with underfloor heating cannot be called very economical. The amount of payment depends on the degree of insulation of the house. But it is worth remembering that it is necessary to make an electric floor heating only in tandem with a thermostat and temperature sensors. In this case, the heaters will turn on only part of the time and the bills will be relatively small. Well, the fact that underfloor heating is the most comfortable way of heating, there is probably no need to say.

Water heating by electric boilers

In fact, this is a heating system familiar to everyone with pipes, radiators and which circulates in the system. The only difference is that the boiler runs on electricity. Electric boilers are of three types:

  • on heating elements;
  • induction;
  • electrode.

Boilers on heating elements are the most common. Induction and electrode are used less frequently. Manufacturers (and many users) say that they are more economical. As for savings, there are still disputes, but there is no need to argue about the size. The induction boiler looks like a piece of medium-diameter pipe. It takes up very little space, is easy to install, and can work offline.

It is a little more difficult with the electrode one: you need to monitor the condition of the electrodes, select the composition for the coolant (usually a certain amount of salt is poured in to increase the conductivity of the water). So periodic maintenance for such a boiler is a must.

What type of electric heating to choose

The type of heating system is usually chosen based on its purpose. It is more rational to make electric heating of a dacha of an air type - less installation costs, low inertia - this is what is required. But this is only if you do not plan to maintain positive temperatures in it all winter.

For a permanent home, electric underfloor heating or water heating are suitable. By the way, a warm floor can be made and, but whether it makes sense when using an electric boiler, you need to think about it. Both of these systems have a large inertia, which can rather be assessed as a plus - they cool down for a long time. The disadvantages of these systems are high costs during the arrangement.

When installing electric floor heating under the tile, it is necessary to lay the heating elements in the screed, and this takes a lot of time. If the flooring is laminate or linoleum (special), everything is much simpler. (and linoleum) is laid on a flat base, on a special substrate. A laminate or a rigid base for linoleum (plywood) is mounted on top.

Water electric heating is standard. However, in some cases, there is an opportunity to save.

How to make water electric heating economical

Many regions have introduced multi-zone tariffs. If such tariffs are provided for in your area, you can make the cost of electric heating minimal. This will require the installation of a multi-tariff meter and a heat accumulator (TA). A heat accumulator is a large container of water. In our case, it serves to accumulate heat during the period of the “night”, cheaper tariff.

During the time when electricity is much cheaper, the water in the tank heats up to quite respectable temperatures. During high tariffs, heating does not work, and the temperature in the network is maintained using the heat that has been accumulated in the heat accumulator. Such a system really helps to save money, but the specific result depends on the region - tariffs are very different in different regions.

The most expensive resource today is energy. But you can’t do without them even in summer, and in winter, heating your home is a significant expense item. How to determine the most economical way at home?

There is an inverse relationship between the efficiency of heating and the cost of equipment: the more expensive the purchase, the cheaper the operation will be.

What is the most economical heating in a private house - there is no universal answer to this question.

In forests, the cheapest fuel can be firewood, in areas of coal or peat mining - respectively, coal or peat.

Somewhere there is an opportunity to connect gas, but somewhere it is not. The most economical electric heating is expensive anyway, but there are options to choose from.

For heating houses are used:

  • and convectors;
  • solid fuel - firewood, pellets, coal, peat, briquettes, woodworking and crop production waste;
  • liquid fuel;
  • , other electrical appliances;
  • heat pumps. We will not consider this option: the installation of the system is very expensive, it pays off from 10 years;
  • solar panels and collectors. Installation is not justified: batteries collect little energy on winter and cloudy days.

The purchase of a diesel boiler is justified when the economy is large (for example, a farm), and the owners have access to cheap fuel. Diesel boilers are produced only with high power; for a medium-sized house, these are not required.

And the equipment has many disadvantages: environmental damage, noisy operation, large dimensions and weight, fire hazard. Environmentally harmful and fire hazardous is also a compact modification of the liquid-fuel unit - a mining boiler. It is low-power, but they don’t put it in the house, only in utility buildings.

Another option is how to save on heating a private house: purchase a combined / universal boiler for two or more types of fuel. When buying it will cost more than any other.

But, firstly, under no circumstances will you be left without heating: in the absence of one energy carrier, you will switch to another. Secondly, there is room for savings. For example, expensive electricity can be burned only at “cheap” night time (with two-tariff payment), and during the day it can be heated with wood or coal.

System features

Not all methods of heating a private house include a water pipeline, although it is the most popular. Another option is air heating. This includes gas and electric convectors, all other electrical appliances, except for an electric boiler - it works with liquid heat carriers.

In the solid fuel category, this is a Buleryan boiler - it heats the room according to the principle of convection through pipes extending from the furnace. With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, air ducts are connected to the nozzles.

Scheme of the device of the boiler "Buleryan".

If we talk about water systems, the first question is competent design. In a small one-story house, you can install a system with natural circulation, without a pump, and do without electricity at all. For a large area, this option is not suitable, heating will be uneven and inefficient.

In a large house, beam wiring outperforms others in terms of efficiency: all heaters receive a hot coolant. No need to set the initial high temperature, and this is fuel saving.

If you prefer underfloor heating as heating devices, your choice is a condensing boiler (). They are low temperature, but the efficiency is the highest in the category.

Relatively recently, a new way of heating houses has appeared in Russia - biogas. Also gas, but obtained by "home" methods, you do not have to pay for it. How to make cheap heating in the house: install an airtight container, put organic waste in it regularly and add water. The gas that is released during fermentation is redirected to the domestic gas pipeline.

solid fuel

Wood burning is the most economical heating of a private house without gas (). In addition to firewood, there are units on other types of fuel. The choice depends on what is cheaper for you. If there is more than one cheap fuel, buy a boiler with two fireboxes.

You can save on operation if you purchase a long-burning boiler ().

There are three types:

  • with an extended chamber and metered oxygen supply;
  • with top ignition;
  • pyrolysis, burning, in addition to the fuel itself, the pyrolysis gas released during combustion.

It is necessary to put firewood into the furnace of an ordinary boiler at least every two hours. For the most "long-playing" pyrolysis fuels are added twice a day (). This is not only more convenient, but also much more economical.


Let's try to choose cheap heating of a private house in this category. When installing a water system, a boiler is used. It is more expensive to operate than others, but with proper organized heating, costs can be reduced.

Other options:

  • oil coolers;
  • heat guns and fan heaters;
  • convectors;
  • infrared equipment.

Guns consume a lot, they are not designed for permanent work. This is an emergency option when you need to warm the house in a matter of minutes. Oil heaters consume less. Convectors are even more profitable, especially with good placement: floor and baseboard convectors are considered the most effective. The devices are low-power, for full heating you will have to install several pieces.

Warm floors are cable and infrared. Experts call infrared floors more economical and efficient. High efficiency is achieved due to the fact that not only the principle of convection works, but also the reflection of heat waves from any objects in the room, ceilings, walls.

For a very cold winter, one floor may not be enough. In such cases, the infrared film is also installed on the walls and ceiling.

Video about how cheaper it is to heat a country house.

One of the undeniable advantages of private houses over city apartments is the ability to choose the best type of heating yourself. It is much more pleasant to realize that the heat in your home does not depend on the moods of various utilities, the prevention of systems will take place when it is convenient for you. In the end, you know exactly what you are paying for and how much. That is why, even during the design of a house, or during the construction process, many people ask themselves the question: “which option is better and ". One of the main criteria for such a choice is the concept of benefit.

And before determining what is the most profitable heating of a private house, it is worthwhile to figure out what exactly it is. After all, the benefits are also different.

For example, for someone, in the understanding it is profitable, meaning, it is inexpensive to invest in the installation of equipment, but the costs, over time, can easily reduce this benefit to zero, due to the high cost of the resources expended. Others prefer to spend initially, and then benefit from more economical spending.

Both options are fair in their own way, because in the first case, the house can be built for sale. And the further fate, in terms of heating costs, is no longer your concern.

But, if the house is yours, and you plan to stay in it for a long period, then it is wiser to start from the benefits of the second option.

So, it is worth paying attention not only to the cost of equipment, but also to the installation of heating itself, and to calculate in advance the optimally beneficial, specifically for you, type of resources used to maintain the efficiency of the heating system.

Types of heating systems of a private house

Think about which of the listed types of fuel is more economical in your case and is available.

Fuel types used:

  • Sorted coal;
  • Ordinary firewood;
  • Briquettes based on wood or peat;
  • Liquid fuel (fuel oil of light grades, diesel fuel, diesel fuel for);
  • Electricity;
  • Natural or liquefied gas.

Having decided, it is worth considering what type of systems, the type of fuel that is beneficial to you, will be powered.

  • Air;
  • Electrical;
  • Water.

Electric heating systems of a private house

What are the features, advantages and disadvantages of the above heating systems? Let's figure it out:

Air heating system of a private house: pros and cons

The air heating system works on the principle of industrial supply ventilation, driving air through a heater or a built-in heat exchanger, where it is heated and distributed throughout the room through specially designated channels.

Key advantages of the system

Due to the absence of a coolant, you will never encounter problems with freezing or leakage. This implies the absence of expenses for off-season preventive work.

Due to the built-in humidifiers in the system, you can not worry about the overdried air in the room.

The rate of heating of the living space air is quite high. The efficiency is not lower than 90%.

The main type of consumption is gas. Although there are hybrid systems. The cost of such, initially higher than gas analogues, but is offset by the fact that one furnace can heat not only air, but also water systems. For those who plan to have combined heating for all occasions, it is worth considering this option in more detail.

What are the cons:

The disadvantages of the system include, first of all, the need for a fairly spacious room for the installation of a heat generator.

Domestic gas, due to the high content of paraffins in its composition, is poorly suited for the equipment of an American manufacturer. As a solution, you can purchase a hybrid analogue made in Germany, running on the type of fuel you need.

Noise. The operation of the system, unfortunately, is not silent. Therefore, if silence in your home is a priority for you, you should either abandon the air type of heating in principle, or choose the quietest option that the market offers.

Heating with electricity in a private house: the pros and cons

Electric type of heating has diverse applications and can be both the main and additional source of heat regulation for your home. They can be built-in, overhead and even portable. There are several types:

  • infrared heating;
  • convection;
  • Underfloor heating system.

The principle of operation of the first type is to convert electrical energy into infrared radiation, which heats the room that has fallen into the radius of the radiation. It is also worth paying attention to the unique ability of the effect in question. Namely, the fact that objects are heated directly. All other types and types of heating warm up the air. And he, as you know, is not the best conductor of heat. Mounts to the ceiling, walls and even the floor of your home.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

Has a number of special advantages. For example, a number of useful properties that are inherent in infrared therapies. Another feature associated with radiation is that even after the system is disconnected from the network, heated objects continue to give off heat.

Thus, saving your energy costs. If we consider the floor system of infrared heating, then any type of coating is suitable for it, in contrast to the analogue of the electric one. With high thermal insulation of your home, the developers guarantee very economical consumption. The declared figures are at least 65% savings. Easy to install. Not afraid of sudden voltage drops in the network.

Cons of electric heating of a private house

When it comes to ceilings, it is not always possible to get into the interior composition. Therefore, lovers of aesthetics should consider in advance the design of the ceilings in which the tapes will be mounted. If the thermal insulation of the house is low, then there are chances not to fall into the percentage superiority of the cost-effectiveness promised by the manufacturers.

Convection heating of a private house: pros and cons

It is built on the principle of circulation of natural air flows, heated by a heating element built into the convector. Mounted on the wall and in the floor. It can also be used as a portable heat source.

Advantages of convection heating

You can safely call mobility, the possibility of installation in an already built house. Modern convectors do not dry the air. Safety of use. If the convector suddenly falls or breaks, it is instantly disconnected from the network, thanks to the built-in protection against fire and short circuit in the network. Installation is elementary. Put on the floor or attach to the wall next to the output electrical point. Low cost of equipment compared to other systems.

Cons of convection heating

There are no particular cons. Except that the power source of the system is purely electric and cannot be hybrid.

Heating a private house with underfloor heating: the pros and cons

The "warm floor" system is an electrical circuit consisting of a special heating cable in Teflon insulation. When current is applied, the filaments heat up to the parameters set by the software, while releasing heat that heats the floor.

Advantages of electric underfloor heating

The advantages of this type of heating are usually called a comfortable feeling from the contact of a bare foot with a warm surface. This is especially true for bathrooms and pools. With high-quality installation, the system is quite long in operation, does not require maintenance.

Cons of electric underfloor heating

There are downsides to this kind of fun. There is an opinion that "warm floors" are harmful to health, due to electromagnetic radiation. And partly this is true. Partly because, when installing a system from a cheap manufacturer, protective screens are not included.

More expensive analogues use better materials with protection, reducing the harm of radiation to a level comparable to the operation of a conventional TV or microwave. So, basically, the minus of this method of heating comes down to the financial side of the issue, since an important factor is not only the cost and installation, but also the coverage that follows after the installation of the system.

It is not recommended to cover the floor or laying PVC tiles, the adhesive of which includes harmful chemical elements. Under these conditions, you can enjoy underfloor heating in your room with little or no harm.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

All of the types of electric heating listed above have a number of common positive aspects. They are easy to install, relatively inexpensive, environmentally friendly, do not dry the air.

The systems are absolutely silent in use. The possibility of embedding in the interior. They do not need maintenance, they are easily replaced in case of breakage. It is possible to regulate the temperature, and do it locally. For example, warm one room more, and in the winter garden, on the contrary, maintain lower temperatures.

Equipped with built-in thermostats that allow you to adjust the required degree of heating, without unnecessary energy consumption. When the set temperature is reached, the sensor will work and turn off the system. It is an alternative to combustible energy sources, provided that they are expensive or not available, as such, in your area.

Unlike air or water heating systems, it is possible to connect to solar panels, which will allow you to receive an additional, free source, subject to sunny weather.

Disadvantages of electric heating of a private house

The reverse side of the coin will be a possible (with your individual calculations) unprofitability, relative to the current cost of electricity. There is also a risk of being left without heating in the event of a power outage in bad weather, or if there are interruptions in the supply of voltage to the area where your home is located.

Water heating systems in a private house

Now let's move on to the third, water heating system. A closed circuit of pipes mounted or laid outside, with a built-in heat generator (boiler or furnace) and heat transfer points (radiator batteries). The water heated by the boiler circulates through the system and heats the space. Sometimes, by analogy with electric "warm floors", it is mounted on the floor.

Consider three types of water circulation and their features.

  • natural;
  • Forced;
  • Combined.

Home heating system with natural circulation

Natural circulation, as the name implies, is carried out through a natural process, the difference in the specific gravity of hot and cold water. Warm water, displaced by cold liquid, goes up, goes through a cycle, gives off heat, and, cooling, returns to the boiler.

When installing pipes, inlet and outlet, it is worth considering the nuance with a slope of at least 3 ° for normal, natural circulation and helps to reduce the effect of air accumulation called " airing».

Advantages of natural circulation systems

The advantages of this type include ease of installation, durability, noiselessness in operation.

Cons of natural circulation systems

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the inefficiency of such a system in a house with a heated area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 100 square meters.

It takes a lot of time to warm up the system and heat the room. Inability to adjust the heating temperature. It is necessary to monitor the temperature in cold weather, and it is necessary to keep the boiler working, even if you are not in the house, otherwise the pipes will freeze and may even burst.

House heating system with forced circulation

A pump is built into the forced circulation system. Or, it is already built directly into the boiler by the manufacturer. Due to the operation of the pump, the heating efficiency increases up to 30% relative to the first option. Less consumption of pipes during installation, relative to the first system. It is possible to regulate the temperature. To prevent freezing, you can use a special liquid.

The disadvantage of forced circulation lies in direct dependence on the power supply

The system combines the work of the previous two. The advantages are the same as those of the "forced" heating system. But it is possible to switch at any time convenient for you and not worry if the power supply to your house suddenly disappears.

Boilers for water heating systems offered by the market are very different and for any type of fuel. Including combined types. A choice for every type of consumption, taste and budget.

The main disadvantage of water heat exchange systems

This is the cost of installation and periodic maintenance.

How to choose the most profitable heating for a private house

The key points that you should pay attention to again, based on the information received:

1. Decide on plans for the future of this house.

2. We determine the type of fuel that is most beneficial for your region.

3. Pay attention to the area of ​​the house.

4. We think in detail where and how much we need to heat the room.

5. We choose the most suitable type of heating and its subspecies.

6. Do not forget about the quality of thermal insulation, which can significantly increase or decrease your costs in the future.

You can save on heating at home if you draw up a plan in advance, which will take into account all the key parameters of the task before you.

From practice , we can say that the cheapest ways to heat a private house will be:

  • Liquefied gas
  • diesel fuel
  • Firewood
  • Coal
  • Ready briquettes for heating

All these types of heating a private house are discussed in great detail in the following video:

The cheaper it is to heat a country house video

Heating a house with electricity is cheap - today this is not an advertising slogan, but a reality that is already familiar to a huge number of people. Compared to dozens of other options created throughout the history of mankind, this particular heating method can be considered optimal.

It does, however, have quite a few competitors. And today, when deciding which type of fuel to prefer, natural gas is often chosen. However, the opinion of specialists in the field of public utilities is unanimous: they associate the prospects for decades ahead exclusively with electricity. Hydrocarbons may run out, and current generation will continue anyway.

Heating with electricity has a number of positive qualities, and in some cases there is simply no other choice. If you intend to use electricity in your home, then be sure to prepare a blueprint before construction begins to minimize costs. Building codes and regulations will tell you how to make a thermal calculation.

Like everything in the world, heating with electricity has both pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

An economical electric heating system can be installed independently; complex tools and professional skills are not needed for its organization. The equipment itself is lighter and more compact than other heating installations.

The costs are negligible, and if necessary, it is easy to move the units to other rooms and premises. The absence of fuel combustion makes it possible to make economical electric heating without creating a chimney, chimneys and boiler rooms.

For the same reason, the formation of solid, liquid or gaseous wastes is excluded. Even if the equipment is out of order or dismantled, there is no risk of harmful substances. When choosing which heating in a private house is the most economical and convenient, many beginners stop at electric heating because there is no need to coordinate the project and obtain special permits.

All thermal heating systems are based on the circulation of air and/or water and steam. Choosing such a method as heating with electricity eliminates the need for fans, circulation pumps, which allows you to create a completely silent heating unit. In addition, the elimination of moving parts drastically reduces the risk of breakdown, and there is no longer a need to monitor instrument readings, fuel flow or fuel level in the tank.

Economic heating on electric energy warms up the building quickly, even if it's cold outside. It is possible to control the air temperature in individual rooms and set it to a certain value, which is not only more comfortable, but also helps to save money.

It is impossible not to say about the minuses. Although they say that it is quite possible to heat a house cheaply with electricity, in practice the current consumption is very high. As a result, against the background of continuously growing tariffs, this method of heating can only be called beneficial. If the supply of electrical energy stops, the heating of the home also stops completely. Of course, a complete shutdown, especially for a long time, is still rare. However, the electric heating system may work poorly due to voltage instability. As a rule, this is typical for rural areas and remote settlements. By purchasing a generator, you almost completely solve the problem, but the actual costs will be much higher. And then it will definitely not be possible to say that the cheapest heating is electric.

In addition, it should be noted that, due to the significant load, home wiring must be of impeccable quality and very powerful. If an electric method of heating a large private house is chosen, even a three-phase power supply system may be required. Immediately find out what the required power of the appliances is, and whether the current entering the house is enough for all needs.

Types of heating

There are direct heating systems and systems with coolant circulation.

Almost a classic are oil coolers. Despite its venerable age, this type of heaters remains in demand. Almost all devices are easy to move, often equipped with wheels. Electricity turns into heat, and this heat is immediately given off to the air. The problem is that within the same room or office, this option is suitable, but as a cheap heating of a private house - alas, no.

Unlike an oil cooler, an electric convector appeared relatively recently. However, such heating systems are rapidly gaining popularity due to the fact that they are easily scalable (they can work in rooms of various sizes), do not affect the water and oxygen content in the atmosphere. The basis of the convector is a heating element. Colder air masses, penetrating through the holes, take heat from the heater and, rising, exit through the same holes. The convector is hidden inside with an aesthetic casing.

Another quite possible heating system is air conditioning with a heating function. According to a number of experts, this option is the most economical heating, moreover, careful adjustment reduces current costs. However, there are also disadvantages - the increased cost of equipment and technically complex maintenance.

If you ask what type of heating a private house is the most technologically advanced, then without a doubt, the answer is infrared heating (sometimes called film heating). This is also a rather cheap way, however, the installation of equipment and it itself are still expensive. The thermal element evenly gives off heat to the room due to infrared rays, they also heat the air. This is a profitable heating with the possibility of zonal and spot heating. Making infrared heating at home with your own hands is not difficult.

A fairly popular competitor is the so-called warm floor. It is able to be both the main source of heat and auxiliary. Ecological safety, ability to work for many decades, very simple handling - these are its main advantages.

However, the risk of mechanical deformation and the inability to repair a warm floor without dismantling the coating are no less significant disadvantages. Some combination of the previous options can be considered an infrared warm floor, but it is still not found anywhere.

Electric heating

The most common way to warm a room with current is economical boilers! Their advantage lies in the relatively low price of both the equipment itself and its operation. Most people are familiar with boilers with heating elements that give off heat to water, which already delivers it to radiators. The ease of installation and the ability to accurately maintain the temperature also speak in favor of this solution. But keep in mind that although this option is the cheapest, it tends to accumulate lime, especially in hard water. It will be necessary to take special measures to soften the coolant.

In search of how to save on heating, some prefer electrode boilers.

The heater interacts with water ions, which makes the entire heating process absolutely safe. If there is no water, the boiler simply cannot work.

The disadvantage of this device is that it is required to use only water, moreover, with a strictly specified resistivity, and regularly change the electrodes.

Economical heating of a private house can also be done with the help of an induction electric boiler. Inside it there is a pipeline to which the radiating unit transmits eddy currents. There are no elements prone to wear, the formation of scale is negligible, the device can heat a large room, antifreeze is also suitable as a coolant.


So, what is the most economical heating of a private house? To answer this question, you need to take into account all the significant circumstances, all the pros and cons.

And one more thing: the rational organization of heating at home is unthinkable without the greatest possible reduction in unproductive heat losses.