Location of heating pipes in panel houses. Panel heating systems. Heating system wiring diagram

city ​​apartment- a hearth of comfort and coziness, a place to live, which many of our compatriots choose for themselves. Indeed, in modern apartment building there is everything that a person needs for a normal life, from hot water supply to centralized heating and sewerage.

It should be noted that a huge role in ensuring comfortable atmosphere in the apartment, it is the heating system that plays. At present, the scheme of the heating system a lot of storey building has some design differences from the autonomous one, and it is they that guarantee efficient heating apartments even in the most severe frosts.

The heating system of an apartment building: features

The instruction for the heating scheme of any modern high-rise building requires mandatory compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation - SNiP and GOST. According to these standards, heating in an apartment should provide a temperature in the range of 20-22C, and humidity - 30-45%.

Advice. In older houses, such parameters may not be achieved.
In this case, it is important to first competently perform the thermal insulation of all cracks, replace the radiators, and only then contact the heat supply company.

The achievement of such indicators of temperature and humidity is achieved due to the special design of the system, the use of only high-quality equipment. Even at the design stage of the heating scheme multi-storey buildings qualified heating engineers carefully calculate all the subtleties of its work, achieve the same coolant pressure in the pipes, both on the first and on top floor buildings.

One of the main features of modern centralized system heating high-rise buildings is work on superheated water. Such a coolant comes directly from the CHP, has a temperature of about 130-150C, and a pressure of 6-10 atm. Steam generation in the system is excluded due to high pressure - it also helps to distill water even to the highest point of the house.

The return temperature, which is also assumed by the heating scheme of a multi-storey building, is about 60-70C. In winter and summer time year, the temperature readings of the water may vary - the values ​​\u200b\u200bare dependent only on the environment.

Elevator node - a feature of the heating system of a high-rise building

As mentioned earlier, the coolant in the heating system of any multi-storey building has a temperature of about 130C. Of course, there are no such hot batteries in any apartment and simply cannot be. The thing is that the supply line, through which hot water flows, is connected to the return line by a special jumper - elevator node.

The heating scheme in an apartment building with an elevator unit has some features, since the unit itself performs certain functions.

  • The coolant, which has a high temperature, enters this device, which plays the role of a certain injector-doser. Immediately after this, the main heat transfer process occurs;

  • superheated water under high pressure passes through the elevator nozzle and injects the coolant from the return. At the same time, water from the return pipeline also enters the heating system for recirculation;
  • As a result of such processes, it is possible to achieve mixing of the coolant, bringing its temperature to a certain level, which will be able to provide effective heating of apartments throughout the building.

This scheme is the most efficient and productive, allows you to achieve better conditions for living, both on the first and on the last floor of a high-rise building.

Design features of the heating scheme of a multi-storey building: elements, components, main units

If you move along the thermal system from the elevator unit, you can also see all kinds of valves. The role of such details is also great, because they provide heating control, both for individual entrances and for the whole house. As a rule, such valves can be adjusted manually. Of course, only specialists of the relevant state services are engaged in this, and if any need arises.

In more modern houses With large quantity floors, in addition to, in fact, thermal valves, there can also be located a variety of collectors, heat meters and other equipment, up to automation. Naturally, such a technique makes it possible to achieve more productive heating, efficient distribution of the coolant over all floors, up to the very last ones.

Schemes for piping in a multi-storey building

Usually, in most high-rise buildings, both old and new, from the top or lower wiring. It should be noted that depending on the design of the building and other parameters (up to the region where the building was built), the location of the supply and return may vary.

Depending on the design of the building, the coolant in the risers of the heating circuit can move in different ways - from top to bottom or vice versa. Also, in some houses universal risers are installed, they are designed for alternate supply hot water up and, accordingly, cold down.

Radiators in heating a multi-storey building: main types

As you can see in many photos and videos, high-rise buildings the most various types heating batteries. This is due to the fact that the system is universal, has a relatively optimal ratio of temperature and water pressure.

Among the most basic types of radiators are:

  1. Cast iron batteries. The traditional type, which today can be found even in the newest high-rise buildings. They are distinguished by low cost and simplicity - you can even install them yourself;
  2. Steel heaters. More modern version, different high quality, reliability and beautiful appearance.
    A practical option in which you can effectively use the elements to adjust the temperature of the heating in the room;

Advice. It is steel batteries that perfectly combine price-quality parameters, and therefore their heating specialists recommend installing them in high-rise buildings.

  1. Aluminum and. The price of such radiators, of course, is somewhat higher than that of steel or cast iron. But also performance just amazing.
    Good heat transfer, stylish appearance and light weight - this is an incomplete list of the qualities that non-ferrous batteries have.


If we consider such characteristics of heating batteries for multi-storey building systems as the number of sections and dimensions of products, then they directly depend on the process and rate of cooling of the coolant. As a rule, the choice of parameters of heaters is made by means of a special calculation.

It is important to remember that if it becomes necessary to replace the heaters in the apartment with new ones, it is important not to disrupt the performance and performance of the entire system as a whole. Also, you can not throw out the jumpers in the pipelines, otherwise the service company will still require them to be restored, and this is fraught with unnecessary financial and labor costs.

In general, heating schemes for multi-storey buildings (not only residential, but also administrative and industrial) are productive and efficient in operation. But at the same time, if we consider old buildings, then heating in them requires not even complete replacement but rather modernization. In apartments, for example, you can install new batteries, pipes and modern equipment for automation.

Residents of Russia, especially its northern part, believe that if the walls are thin, then it will be cold in the house in winter. But then what can we say about houses with walls in which several rows of bricks or multi-centimeter concrete block? After all, it's still cold. And in panel houses when building buildings Special attention are given to insulating materials, which, despite the small thickness of the walls, retain heat well in winter.

Not so long ago, panel houses came to the domestic construction market. The technology for creating such houses originates in countries such as Canada and the Scandinavian states. Agree, in Canada and Norway the climate is far from being hot. But people live in panel houses and do not think of building large-scale cottages for themselves, and heating in a panel house is not a problem for northerners. It's all about technology that can withstand frosts below minus 30 degrees. The fact is that between the two panels, builders lay a special insulation material. It turns out such a “sandwich” that does not let the cold into the room, but at the same time the walls “breathe” freely.

Also, in the project of building a house, it is always taken into account which heating system is best to carry out. The main thing is not to trust crooks, but to turn to experienced craftsmen and engineers. Construction work panel house and installation acceptable and optimal system heating require high qualifications. Holding in the house heating equipment- the process is laborious. It all depends on the requests of the owners and total area panel house.

There are several optimal effective ways conduct heating in a panel house, namely: install convector, heat pump, water heating boilers.

Which heating method to choose?

Many prefer mobile heaters: oil coolers, convectors. Convectors operate on electricity, their convenience lies in mobility, but they require large financial expenses. Oil heaters are powered by mineral oil inside the steel case. But the connection comes from the mains, and it is advisable to use them only as an additional coolant. Such heating in a panel house is too expensive.

Good way to buy heat pumps with high technical performance. Energy saving reaches 30% compared to other types of boilers. But the high cost and long work to install the device make many people abandon this idea.

In the absence of supplied natural gas in the area, it is possible to install a water heating boiler for solid fuel (coal, wood, peat) or electric. Liquid fuel boilers are very beneficial, which burns for a long time, continuously releasing heat into the room.

If the house is held natural gas- here you shouldn’t even think about it - install heating in a panel house only through a gas boiler. There are many advantages:

  • cost savings,
  • gas is much cheaper than electricity, firewood and coal,
  • constancy of fuel supply,
  • no soot and soot.

Water heating boilers occupy the first place in the list of heating systems. The operation of the boilers depends on installed system radiator coolant. Now you can buy radiators different types: aluminum, cast iron, steel, bimetallic.

Cast iron is becoming a thing of the past due to poor wear resistance and the severity of the metal. Aluminum and steel - light in weight, have maximum heat dissipation. But the first in a series of batteries are bimetallic radiators. They have maximum heat transfer and lightness, are resistant to any type of coolant, to chemical additives in fuel. Exterior finish contemporary bimetallic radiators fits easily into any cozy design premises.

There are many scattered throughout the former union apartment buildings with "in-wall" heating system. They can be found both in Moscow and in Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, as well as in many cities of Belarus and Ukraine. But what is this "battery in the wall" - a whim or stupidity of Soviet architects? Or is it too early an innovation? And what to do with it today: change it or leave it as it is?

Reasons for the appearance of houses with intra-wall batteries

In the Brezhnev era, when such housing was being built, main task architects and builders had to provide the population with their own living space as soon as possible. And the formation of a centralized heating system at the stage of pouring reinforced concrete structures was a perfectly logical step.

Plus, the batteries inside the walls are really innovative and practical solution. At correct styling pipes and quality workmanship reinforced concrete with good insulation it is by no means the street air that is heated, as many believe, but the stoves themselves.

And according to technology, heat should be reflected inside the premises. As a result, much less energy is required for comfortable heating. And the air in the rooms is not as humid as with conventional wall-mounted radiators. Today similar technological solution more and more widely used in European countries precisely because of the economy and practicality.

In the Soviet years, the technology of laying batteries inside the walls was quite common and covered many regions. Such houses were built from series 91, 121, 1-515, 464, 1605 and many others. Each research institute sought to "improve" the design. And in some, only a riser was laid inside the plates, in others, the entire heating system was completely. In some projects, pipes in the walls of the facade, while others, on the contrary, were laid exclusively in interior rooms.

Battery in the wall: how to get rid of it and is it worth it?

The main problem with such batteries is the inability to close them when it gets hot. Plus, the houses are aging and the pipes in them, of course, too. An outburst can happen at any moment. And if in a building with “open” heating pipes they can be replaced with new ones without tangible problems. Then with the "immured" will have to work hard.

Moreover, in most cases, the first step will be to order a project for the reconstruction of the heating system, and go through a lot of approvals. Design and estimate documentation can also be done on the side, and you will have to go to the housing office for approvals. It is best to entrust the work to them.

Battery replacement options

    1. Batteries with pipes are built into the facade walls.

Most likely, any work in this case will be strictly prohibited. After all, the design of the building includes heat from these pipes along the facade. And any individual changes are simply unacceptable. The only solution would be to order a rework of the heating system throughout the house with insulation external walls. It will be necessary to break through the ceilings, equip the risers and only then connect new radiators to them.

    1. Piping in inner slabs.

There are serious restrictions on bearing walls. As a rule, batteries were embedded in them. And any demolitions or penetrations are not allowed. The only thing that can be done is to find “mortgages” in the corners of the plates. These are such pockets in concrete, where the slabs and heating risers were connected to each other. These places are easy to find by tapping. After connecting the pipes, the voids were filled with a solution that sounded very different from factory concrete. Then the coil in the wall is tightly closed and a new radiator with a bypass is inserted.

    1. The batteries are inside, but outside there are riser outlets.

In some series of houses, although the batteries are in the walls, the bends of the pipes are visible in the corners of the rooms. Everything is much simpler here. Getting close to them and crashing into the system will not be difficult. In addition, you do not have to make a project and go through lengthy approvals.

Whatever the situation, you need to clearly understand that the battery embedded in the wall is in fact the common riser of the entire entrance. And any changes on it affect the quality of heating for all neighbors from above and below. Whatever is done, you can not block the riser or narrow it.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the series of a house and the configuration of pipes inside the panels. It will be necessary to raise documents of Soviet projects. It will be possible to find on your own only by touch approximately where such a battery is laid.

All this work will cost a lot of money. And problems with heat can be completely different.

Before “taking out” the batteries from the walls, you should contact the house management company and demand to identify the reasons for the lack of heat in the rooms. Perhaps, in the embedded pipes, it simply formed airlock or there are flaws in the sealing of the seams. Or, from time to time, the insulation inside the panels simply decayed. In many cases, they will fix problems without altering the heating system or will be forced to install an external battery for free.

Most often, for many years, using such a blessing as a modern centralized heating system, we are absolutely not interested in how it works and how it works. More precisely, we are not interested in this as long as her work suits us. But imagine the situation - almost all the residents of your house are not satisfied with the heating system, and everyone is ready to connect separate autonomous systems. In this case, the question arises - how did everything work before, and whether the apartments can be heated independently of each other. Of course, in this case, it will be necessary to calculate the heating in an apartment building, draw up a project - all this is done by special services.

In fact, during the construction of any house, regardless of the number of floors in the past few years (or even decades), the same enough simple circuit building heating. That is, both in a three-story and in a twelve-story house, the same schemes for creating a heating system are used. Of course, there may be minor differences that the design of the heating system implies. apartment building, but in most cases - the identity is complete.

What is the scheme of the heating system of a multi-storey building?

At a certain stage of construction, a special thermal route is installed in the house. A certain number of thermal valves are mounted on it, from which the process of powering the heating units takes place in the future. The number of valves (and nodes, respectively) directly depends on the number of floors (risers) and apartments in the house. The next element after the introductory valve is a sump. It is not uncommon for two of these system elements to be installed at once. If the project of the house provides for an open-type Khrushchev heating scheme, this requires the installation of a valve on the hot water supply after the sump, which is necessary for emergency removal of the coolant from the system. These valves are installed by means of a tie-in. There are two mounting options - on the coolant supply pipe, or on the return pipe.

Some complexity and abundance of system elements district heating due to the fact that it uses highly heated water as a heat carrier. Essentially, only high blood pressure in the pipes of the system through which it moves, it prevents the liquid from turning into steam.

If the supplied water has a very high temperature, it becomes necessary to use hot water from the waste. This is due to the fact that in the areas that produce the outflow of the spent coolant, the pressure is much lower than in the supply ones. After the temperature of the coolant drops to a normal level, the liquid again enters the system from the supply.

It should be noted that most often the heating unit is made in a small closed room, which can only be entered by representatives of the utility company serving this heating system. This is due to safety requirements and is applicable in almost all modern multi-storey buildings.

Of course, the question involuntarily arises - if the temperature of the coolant in the system often reaches a critical point, then why are the batteries in apartments, basically, a little warm? In fact, everything is pretty banal.

Only the scheme of operation of the system provides for a certain number of elements that will protect the system at an elevated temperature of the coolant.

However, quite often utility companies simply save fuel by heating the coolant to a level that is extremely far from what is actually required. In addition, very often during the installation of the system, due to the negligence of workers, gross mistakes, which subsequently leads to a strong heat loss.

Of course, few people have heard the term "elevator node" before. It can be safely called an injector, which includes a heating scheme for a nine-story panel house or a house with fewer floors. After all, it is into it through a special nozzle that the coolant heated almost to the limit enters. Here, the return water is injected, after which the liquid begins to actively circulate in the heating system. As a matter of fact, after the coolant and return have entered the system through the elevator assembly, they get the temperature that we feel when we touch the battery.

Often, depending on the plan, which implies an apartment building heating project, on thermal node valves can be installed various types. In many ways, their appearance depends on how many rooms should be heated, whether this unit is involved in heating one riser (entrance) or the entire house. In addition, sometimes, in addition to valves, an additional manifold is installed, on which, in turn, locking elements are fixed. Often separate plot the introductory system is used to install meters. Most often, one metering device is used for one entrance.

The principle of building a heating system

Speaking about the principle of operation of the heating scheme for multi-storey buildings, a few words should be said about its construction. It's actually quite simple. Most modern houses a single-pipe centralized heating scheme is used for a five-story house or a house with a smaller / larger number of floors. That is, the heating scheme of a 5-storey building is a single (for one entrance) riser, in which the coolant can be supplied both from below and from above.

In this case, there are two options for the location of the supply element - in the attic or in the basement. Return pipes are always laid in the basement.

In accordance with the location of the supply element, two types of coolant orientation are also distinguished. So, provided that the supply pipes are located in the basement, there is an oncoming movement of the coolant. And if the supply element is in the attic, then it is a passing direction.

Many are interested in how the radiator area is determined for a particular room. In fact, everything is quite simple - it is only necessary to take into account the cooling rate of the coolant (water) used.

Most of us mistakenly believe that the higher the house, the more complicated and confusing the heating scheme of a multi-storey building is. But this is a wrong opinion. In fact, in general, the number of apartments that need to be heated affects the calculation of heating in an apartment building.

An apartment in a high-rise building is an urban alternative to private houses, and very a large number of of people. The popularity of city apartments is not strange, because they have everything that a person needs for comfortable living: heating, sewerage and hot water supply. And if the last two points do not need special introduction, then the heating scheme of a multi-storey building requires detailed consideration. From point of view design features, the centralized heating system in an apartment building has a number of differences from autonomous structures, which allows it to provide the house with thermal energy in the cold season.

Features of the heating system of apartment buildings

When installing heating in multi-storey buildings, it is necessary to without fail comply with the requirements set regulatory documentation, which includes SNiP and GOST. These documents state that heating structure should provide apartments with a constant temperature within 20-22 degrees, and humidity should vary from 30 to 45 percent.

Despite the existence of standards, many houses, especially old ones, do not meet these indicators. If this is the case, then first of all you need to deal with the installation of thermal insulation and change the heating devices, and only then contact the heat supply company. The heating of a three-story house, the scheme of which is shown in the photo, can be cited as an example of a good heating scheme.

To achieve the required parameters, use complex structure requiring quality equipment. When creating a project for the heating system of an apartment building, specialists use all their knowledge to achieve an even distribution of heat in all sections of the heating main and create a comparable pressure on each tier of the building. One of the integral elements of the work of such a design is the work on a superheated coolant, which provides for the heating scheme of a three-story house or other skyscrapers.

How it works? Water comes directly from the thermal power plant and is heated to 130-150 degrees. In addition, the pressure is increased to 6-10 atmospheres, so the formation of steam is impossible - high pressure will drive water through all floors of the house without loss. The temperature of the liquid in the return pipeline in this case can reach 60-70 degrees. Of course, in different time of the year temperature regime may vary, since it is directly related to the ambient temperature.

Purpose and principle of operation of the elevator unit

It was said above that water heating system high-rise building heats up to 130 degrees. But consumers do not need such a temperature, and it is absolutely pointless to heat batteries to such a value, regardless of the number of floors: the heating system of a nine-story building in this case will not be different from any other. Everything is explained quite simply: the heating supply in multi-storey buildings is completed by a device that goes into the return circuit, which is called an elevator unit. What is the meaning of this node, and what functions are assigned to it?

warmed up high temperature the coolant enters the elevator unit, which, according to the principle of its operation, is similar to the dosing injector. It is after this process that the liquid carries out heat exchange. Leaving through the elevator nozzle, the high-pressure coolant exits through the return line.

In addition, through the same channel, the liquid enters the heating system for recirculation. All these processes together make it possible to mix the coolant, bringing it to optimal temperature, which is enough to heat all apartments. The use of an elevator node in the scheme allows you to provide the most quality heating in high-rise buildings, regardless of the height.

Design features of the heating circuit

There are different valves in the heating circuit behind the elevator unit. Their role cannot be underestimated, since they make it possible to regulate heating in individual entrances or in the whole house. Most often, the adjustment of the valves is carried out manually by employees of the heat supply company, if such a need arises.

Often used in modern buildings additional elements, such as collectors, heat meters for batteries and other equipment. AT last years almost every heating system high-rise buildings equipped with automation to minimize human intervention in the operation of the structure (read: "Weather-dependent automation of heating systems - about automation and controllers for boilers with examples"). All the details described allow you to achieve better performance, increase efficiency and make it possible to more evenly distribute thermal energy for all apartments.

Piping in a multi-storey building

As a rule, in multi-storey buildings, a single-pipe wiring diagram with top or bottom filling is used. The location of the forward and return pipes can vary depending on many factors, including even the region where the building is located. For example, the heating scheme in a five-story building will be structurally different from heating in three-story buildings.

When designing a heating system, all these factors are taken into account, and the most successful scheme is created that allows you to bring all the parameters to the maximum. The project may involve various options pouring the coolant: from the bottom up or vice versa. In individual houses, universal risers are installed, which ensure the rotation of the movement of the coolant.

Types of radiators for heating apartment buildings

In multi-storey buildings, there is no single rule that allows the use of a specific type of radiator, so the choice is not particularly limited. The heating scheme of a multi-storey building is quite versatile and has a good balance between temperature and pressure.

The main models of radiators used in apartments include the following devices:

  1. Cast iron batteries. Often used even in the most modern buildings. They are cheap and very easy to install: usually by installing of this type radiators are handled by the apartment owners themselves.
  2. Steel heaters. This option is a logical continuation of the development of new heating appliances. Being more modern, steel heating panels demonstrate good aesthetic qualities, are quite reliable and practical. Very well combined with the regulating elements of the heating system. Experts agree that it is steel batteries that can be called optimal when used in apartments.
  3. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Products made of aluminum are very much appreciated by the owners of private houses and apartments. aluminum batteries have the most best performance, when compared with previous options: excellent external data, low weight and compactness are perfectly combined with high operational characteristics. The only disadvantage of these devices, which often scares off buyers, is the high cost. Nevertheless, experts do not recommend saving on heating and believe that such an investment will pay off pretty quickly.


The correct choice of batteries for a centralized heating system depends on the performance indicators that are inherent in the coolant in the area. Knowing the rate of cooling of the coolant and the themes of its movement, it is possible to calculate required amount radiator sections, its dimensions and material. Do not forget that when replacing heating devices, it is necessary to follow all the rules, since their violation can lead to defects in the system, and then the heating in the wall of the panel house will not perform its functions.

Fulfill repair work in the heating system of an apartment building, it is also not recommended on its own, especially if it is heating within the walls of a panel house: practice shows that residents of houses, without having the appropriate knowledge, are able to throw away an important element of the system, considering it unnecessary.

Centralized heating systems demonstrate good qualities, but they need to be constantly maintained in working condition, and for this you need to monitor many indicators, including thermal insulation, equipment wear and regular replacement of spent elements.