How to wash the shower tray. How to wash the shower cabin, how to clean the glass from limescale. Features of cleaning various surfaces

Many people install showers instead of bathtubs. They have many advantages: compact in size, easy to use, and often also multifunctional. It may seem that the structures do not need special care, but if you neglect the simple rules of cleaning, unattractive stains and stains may appear on the surface. You can wash the shower cabin with store or folk remedies.

When choosing a detergent, consider the type of dirt and the type of material for which it will be used. The shower cabin has plastic and glass elements, chrome parts, and the tray can be made of acrylic or enamelled steel.

store funds

In stores, the choice of cleaning products for plumbing and showers is huge. It is better to buy a spray, gel, cream or liquid. Good for dealing with pollution

  • "Cif" - a special composition of creamy consistency, which copes well with lime, soap deposits and rust, has a pleasant smell and has bleaching properties.
  • "Mr. Muscle" - a spray that will help restore transparency and shine to glass doors.
  • "Acrilan" - a liquid that is applied with a spray gun, can be used to combat severe pollution and mold.
  • "Tilex" is a product that not only copes well with grease stains from soap, but also has antibacterial properties, which is very important when caring for a shower cabin.

The list of household chemicals that are suitable for home use can be continued for a long time. To verify this, just visit the appropriate department in any store. When choosing a product, study the composition and purpose, since some gels and creams based on ammonia, alcohol and other aggressive substances are incompatible with certain materials.

Note! Do not use various powders and liquid formulations containing abrasive particles to clean the shower cabin. The abrasive leaves scratches in which dirt is easily clogged, and it will become more and more difficult to clean it every time.

Another tool for cleaning the shower cabin - video:

If you think that household chemicals are harmful to humans, you can use folk remedies. In the piggy bank of experienced housewives, there are usually several recipes that help to cope even with complex and neglected pollution.

table vinegar

Vinegar helps to effectively fight limescale. It easily destroys deposits of mineral salts that are contained in water, restores shine to chrome elements and destroys most bacteria, and also eliminates soap scum. Use it like this:

  1. Prepare a solution by mixing one cup of vinegar with two cups of water.
  2. Using a spray bottle, spray the solution onto the shower cabin, paying particular attention to the contaminated areas.
  3. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with plain water.

If your faucet or hydromassage head has heavy lime deposits, vinegar will also help get rid of them. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and moisten a rag or napkin with plenty of water in the prepared solution. Put it on problem areas and leave for a few hours or overnight, then rinse with clean water. If the part is easily unscrewed, it can be removed and lowered into the vinegar solution.

Note! Vinegar is a corrosive substance, so be sure to use rubber gloves to protect yourself when working with it.

Lemon acid

Often, housewives wash the shower with citric acid, because this is one of the simplest, most effective, inexpensive and safe methods. The principle of using a food additive is very similar to vinegar:

  1. Dissolve a 100-gram sachet of citric acid in 0.5 liters of warm water.
  2. Spray the prepared mixture onto contaminated surfaces with a spray bottle.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, it can be washed off with clean water.

To give chrome elements a special shine, additionally wipe them with a slice of fresh lemon.

Citric acid can also be used in combination with baking soda. In a glass of warm water, dilute a small bag of citric acid (20–30 gr.) And 20 gr. soda. Use the prepared solution according to the above principle.

Vodka or alcohol

Medical alcohol or vodka will not only quickly remove dirt and stains, but will also additionally disinfect the shower cabin. To do this, mix a spoonful of strong drink with two tablespoons of clean water. Soak a soft cloth or cloth in the prepared mixture and wipe the problem areas. Then wipe dry with a dry cloth. To enhance the effect, add a spoonful of vinegar.

Toothpaste or powder

If you want to restore the cleanliness of an acrylic or enamel tray, use toothpaste. Apply it in a thin layer on the surface to be treated. After a while, you need to remove the paste with a sponge and wash the walls with clean water.

An alternative can be tooth powder, which is even better at dealing with various types of dirt. Sprinkle them on problem areas and lightly rub with a damp cloth, then rinse. Tooth powder has a mild effect, so it is not able to damage acrylic or enamel.


If you want the glass to sparkle clean, use ammonia:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of the substance in a liter of cold water.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the solution.
  3. Wipe glass surfaces with it.

The solution can also be used to clean the walls. If a little glycerin is added to the mixture, then it will not only cope with pollution of various origins, but also leave an invisible film on the surface that will repel water.

Note! When working with ammonia, a strong unpleasant odor will appear in the room, so even before starting work, open the window.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another remedy from the home first aid kit, hydrogen peroxide, can also get rid of limescale. It is excellent and in just a few minutes will soften, or even completely dissolve, deposits of mineral salts on the walls, mixer and other details. It is enough to moisten a soft cloth in peroxide and wipe the problem areas with it. If the plaque cannot be removed immediately, a napkin soaked in an antiseptic can be left for a while.

Daily Care

Soap and limescale is quite difficult to remove, but it can be prevented. To do this, regularly (daily or once every few days) you should perform simple actions:

  1. After taking a shower, wash the walls with hot and then cold water.
  2. Rinse off suds and soap residue well, paying special attention to corners and hard-to-reach places, from which dirt and deposits will be much more difficult to wash out. For these purposes, it is best to use a shower with a hose.
  3. Dry the walls and other elements of the shower cabin. Do not leave water splashes, as salt deposits may form after them.

Simple manipulations that take no more than 15 minutes will greatly simplify the care of the structure in the future and help maintain its attractive appearance.


Once every 10-14 days, the shower cabin should be thoroughly cleaned from various contaminants. General cleaning should also be carried out in cases where the structure has not been used for a long time, for example, you were away.

General cleaning is carried out in several main stages:

  • Cleaning of walls and plastic elements. Get rid of lime deposits and other types of contaminants. To do this, apply the selected product to the surface, leave for a while and rinse with clean water. When cleaning walls, pay special attention to the seams between the tiles, as this is a favorite place for mold.
  • Washing glass doors. Thoroughly wash the glass from soap stains. Well, special sprays for windows and glasses will cope with this task. A solution of vinegar, citric acid or ammonia is also suitable. Use the product as directed, then wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  • Cleaning chrome elements. Thoroughly clean the mixer, hydromassage head and other elements from mineral salts. With the help of purchased or folk remedies, return them to an attractive shine.
  • Tray washing. The last step is to wash the pan. When choosing a detergent, consider the material from which it is made. For example, for acrylic pallets it is strictly forbidden to use formulations with formaldehyde, formic acid. Enameled pallets are more resistant to chemicals, but it is better to refuse abrasive.

Going to do a general cleaning in the shower, arm yourself with the following tools and fixtures:

  • soft rags and microfiber;
  • spray gun;
  • rubber scraper;
  • foam sponge;
  • toothbrush.

We remove limescale from the shower cabin - video:

Do not use hard brushes or metal scrapers as they may leave scratches.

Advice! If stubborn dirt cannot be dealt with by traditional methods, use a steam cleaner. Under the pressure of hot steam, no dirt can resist.

Mold control

It is not difficult to wash a plastic or glass shower stall, but it is much more difficult to deal with a fungus. If you notice black spots in the corners, in the seams and hard-to-reach places, immediately use special antifungal compounds. Use them according to the instructions. An alternative would be a mixture of baking soda, ammonia and vinegar.

Mix half a glass of vinegar and ammonia solution, add 0.25 cups of soda. Clean the problem areas with the prepared mixture. They can be lightly rubbed with a toothbrush. Leave for a while and then rinse off.

We fight mold in the bathroom - video:

Clean the shower stall in time, wash off soap stains and wipe the walls dry, then it will be much easier to keep it clean.

Recently, showers have become very popular, as they are easy to use. However, caring for them is much more difficult than for bathrooms, since plaque forms on the glass walls quite quickly. Below we will look at how to wash the shower cabin with folk remedies or special household chemicals in order to return it to its original appearance.

General information

There are quite a few reasons for the formation of plaque on the glass of shower cabins:

  • Poor quality water;
  • sebum;
  • Soap, etc.

It is often difficult to get rid of this plaque. In addition, the booth requires careful maintenance, otherwise its surface may be damaged. However, housewives still have some secrets that allow you to keep the plumbing fixture in its original form for a long time.

Cabin materials

In order to qualitatively and safely take care of the shower cabin with your own hands, you need to know what materials it is made of. Most often, this plumbing consists of the following elements:

When choosing a surface cleaner, it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the material from which it is made.

Cabin Cleaning Tools

Before washing the shower stall from various contaminants, it is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • rubber scraper– allows you to get rid of dirt on the surface of the glass walls.
  • synthetic sponge- useful for washing the pallet.
  • Rag made of non-woven fibers- for wiping the walls and the pallet after cleaning them.

Note! When washing the shower cabin, it is necessary to abandon metal sponges, hard brushes and powder products, as they will damage its surface.

Folk remedies

The greatest difficulty for housewives is cleaning windows, mirrors and taps ().

To remove plaque from these surfaces, there is a folk, time-tested remedy:

  • Two tablespoons of clean water should be mixed with a tablespoon of vodka.
  • Then in this solution you need to moisten a towel and wipe the contaminated surfaces with it.
  • After that, all cleaned surfaces should be wiped dry with a soft cloth.

After washing the walls, it comes to the pallet. If it is made of acrylic or enameled steel, it can be cleaned well with ordinary toothpaste. It only needs to be applied in a thin layer to the contaminated area and then washed off with warm water.

A popular folk detergent that can clean a variety of surfaces is citric acid.

Instructions for its use are as follows:

  • In a glass of warm water you need to mix - 30 g of citric acid and 20 g of soda.
  • The contents of the glass must be poured into a spray bottle and shaken thoroughly.
  • Next, the solution should be applied to the contaminated surface and wait 10 minutes.
  • After that, the composition must be washed off with water, after which the surfaces will become shiny.

Note! Do not clean plastic with baking soda, as it can scratch it.

Rust can be removed with vinegar. It must be applied to the damaged surface with a spray gun. After half an hour, the vinegar must be washed off along with the rust.

In case of formation of fungus on the walls, they must be treated with a weak solution of chlorine. After that, the walls must be rinsed with clean water and the room well ventilated.

Advice! To prevent the formation of fungus, it is necessary to leave the shower door ajar and at the same time periodically ventilate the bathroom.

Special household chemicals

If the shower stall is in a rather neglected state, most likely, you will have to use special household chemicals. Of course, the price of such compounds is quite high, but, as a rule, they are more effective than folk remedies.

The only thing before using any household chemicals, you need to make sure that it does not contain:

  • Formaldehydes;
  • Organic substances (acetone and various solvents);
  • Formic acid.

In the photo - spray for washing showers

The most common compositions are all kinds of sprays for washing walls, pallets and other elements. After applying them, the glass or plastic surface must be cleaned with a scraper that removes even contaminants invisible to the eye.

Often washing of shutters and walls is carried out by means for washing windows. After applying them, it is desirable to treat the surface with a double-sided scraper (a sponge is located on one side, and rubber on the other).

Note! It is necessary to wash the cabin from the inside with the doors open. Otherwise, cleaning with household chemicals may lead to poisoning.

To clean surfaces from soap stains and limescale, use strong paste or creamy compositions. After applying such a paste to problem areas, you need to wait the required time (indicated on the package), then rinse it off with water. And you need to rinse it off as thoroughly as possible so that there are no streaks left.

Advice! To clean hard-to-reach places, you can use an old toothbrush. At the same time, it is necessary to treat surfaces with it carefully, without the use of force, so that microcracks do not form.

After cleaning all surfaces, they must be wiped dry with a dry towel, otherwise limescale may form after drying. Here, perhaps, is all the basic information on how to wash the shower. If you clean at least once a month, then this operation will not cause any difficulties.


And other pollution can be different means. The most important thing is to choose cleaners so that they do not damage the surface of the plumbing. In addition, it is important to clean in a timely manner, because the dirt gradually accumulates and eats in, which complicates the task.

You can find some additional information on this topic from the video in this article.

The formation of limescale on taps, showers, sinks, toilets is an additional chore for every housewife. Due to poor water quality and other factors, it is necessary to fight with various means against deposits on plumbing.

The market is full of various offers, with the help of which, allegedly, you can remove any rust or plaque. But this advertisement is far from the actual state of affairs. Few means are able to cope with such "growths", therefore, not only store means, but also folk methods are used. It is important not to damage the surface of the plumbing equipment and thereby not spoil it.

shower care

Modern housewives are concerned about the question of how often to clean the shower cabin and the shower so that it looks good and lasts a long time. In this case, two tips can be given:

  • After daily use, wipe plumbing from drops of water. Make sure that water does not remain in the pan, but drops on the glass surface.
  • Once a week, carry out treatment using special products that prevent the formation of not only limescale, but rust and mold. They are selected depending on the surface of the booth.

Acrylic shower enclosure cleaning

Acrylic material is considered capricious, but due to its affordability, preference is given to it. To clean such a tray, use cleaning powders, ordinary sponges, brushes with medium bristles, detergents, which include alkali, alcohol.

Some try to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places with a toothbrush. The main thing is to clean the pan in a timely manner. Acrylic - the material is delicate and it is not worth scrubbing with coarse and metal brushes, the cabin will become unusable.

Effective folk remedies for plaque, mold and scale

Many housewives do not trust chemistry and use improvised means. What cleaning methods at home will not harm, but will ensure the cleanliness of plumbing equipment? What is better to use to forget about scale, mold and limescale for a long time?


Many have heard about how table vinegar copes with scale in kettles. The shower cabin is no exception. To use this cleaning method, it is recommended to collect a small amount of 9% vinegar in a spray bottle, then spray on contaminated areas and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with water. This tool removes limestone in the small openings of shower heads or hydromassages.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will cope with problem areas on the pallet and glass of the shower cabin. To do this, dissolve 1 pack of acid in 1 liter of hot water, apply to the surface, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Be sure to wipe the surface dry.

Oxalic acid

Cleaning with oxalic acid is done as follows:

  1. Dilute the product with water 5:1. Using a sponge, apply to contaminated areas and let stand for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. It is important to avoid getting acid on silicone and rubber.
  2. Treat the pan with ammonia, rinse the entire surface thoroughly. Wipe dry.

Everyone's favorite Coca-Cola is used to wash plumbing equipment. It perfectly removes limescale from faucets and cabins in general. Therefore, it is worth considering whether to use it as a drink.

Baking soda

Instead of cleaning powder, baking soda will serve. It can be widely used in the household (besides cooking). In shower cabins there will be no trace of dirt and plaque after its application. There is a disadvantage of this method - the risk of scratching the surface.


Cleaning plumbing with toothpowder is similar to cleaning with baking soda. The advantage is that the surface is not damaged. Ideal for acrylic and metal products.

Alcohol, vodka

To add shine to the glass of the shower cabin, it is recommended to dilute alcohol (vodka) with water in a 2: 1 ratio in a spray bottle. Apply the composition to the surface and wipe dry with a rag. All pollution will disappear without a trace.


Plumbing can also shine with the help of ammonia, but in combination with soda and water.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 4 tbsp. l. ammonia with 2 liters of water.
  • The entire surface is treated with this solution and washed off after 10 minutes.

The most common household chemicals

On sale you can find different means for cleaning not only showers, but also any other plumbing. Their choice largely depends on which surface is contaminated and with what. It could be rust or limescale.

Conventionally, household chemicals can be divided into the following types.

  • Products containing acid remove rust and plaque, but acrylic cannot be cleaned with them.
  • Cleaning powders remove dirt from any surface.
  • Products containing alcohol are used for glasses.
  • When performing any cleaning work, wear thick rubber gloves.
  • When using scented cleaners, turn on the hood and open windows while cleaning.

There are many ways to bring cleanliness and shine to the bathroom. Each hostess herself chooses a method with which it is easy and safe to work. Life experience will help in choosing, starting from price, quality and result.

Just a few decades ago, such a type of washing organization as a “shower cabin” was available only for wealthy families, and in simple average houses they did not even hear about such a miracle. Currently, such separate washing boxes are one of the most common options for organizing a bathroom. It is unlikely that any businesslike owner will refuse to organize a separate room for a shower in his house, even having an ordinary bath at his disposal.

Like all plumbing in the bathroom, the bathing area is prone to the formation of lime contamination on all elements: mixer, walls, bottom and doors.

Let's figure out how to properly get rid of salt sediment, maintain the original appearance and performance of the shower room.

Types of shower cabins

There are many options for the execution of washing boxes. The bathing cabin can not only be purchased ready-made, but also assembled from suitable moisture-resistant materials.

If you have purchased a ready-made washing box or corner, then you should carefully read the product passport. Usually, a product passport is issued along with a check when buying a shower cabin in a store. In the product passport, the manufacturer indicates what materials the bottom and doors are made of and gives recommendations for caring for the product.

The doors of the washing room in budget products are made of plastic, in more expensive models glass is used.

It is worth paying special attention to the material from which the bottom of the shower is made. Acrylic or enamel coating can be used as a coating. In some models, the bottom is made of stainless materials.

Particularly skilled craftsmen can build a built-in shower box on their own. Usually, in this case, the bottom and walls of the room are lined with ceramic tiles, and the doors are used in plastic or glass versions.

How to reduce water hardness

With regular use of the washing room, no matter how clean we leave it after use, the formation of a trace of salt is inevitable. Where does it come from and why is it so difficult to wash it off with a regular rinse?

Limescale is a white precipitate, formed mainly by calcium carbonate salts, as well as salts of other minerals. The formation of a white precipitate is also influenced by soap and shampoo residues that settle during the procedure. Accordingly, by reducing the amount of salts, you can reduce the hardness and reduce the rate of formation of a salt mark on the walls of the washing room.

Softening methods:

  • Installation in the water supply system of a special filter with a reagent. Lime, lime-soda mixture, soda-sodium mixture and synthetic softeners can be used as a reagent. The lime method is most suitable for reducing the hardness of a solution with a high content of carbonate compounds. The lime-soda method is used with a low salt content - up to 1.4-1.8 mg-eq / l. The soda-sodium method is used to reduce the hardness of a liquid in which carbonate hardness slightly predominates over non-carbonate hardness. The use of synthetic reagents is advisable if the softener filter is installed on the entire water system as a whole. In this case, softened water is used not only in rooms or bathing areas, but also in washing machines and dishwashers.
  • membrane method. This salt reduction method is based on "sieving" the solution through a semi-permeable membrane under pressure. Such a membrane allows only H2O molecules to pass through. Accordingly, all impurities of salts and organics settle on the membrane. This cleaning method is based on the operation of reverse osmosis filters. With the help of such a filter, it is possible to qualitatively prepare water not only for bathing, but also for food use and drinking.
  • magnetic method. This method refers to a method of reducing stiffness under the influence of the magnetic field of permanent magnets. H2O, flowing through a magnetic field, changes its physical properties. As a result of this reaction, silicates, salts of magnesium and calcium, lose their ability to be deposited in the form of solid deposits and scale. In addition, after magnetic treatment, the water itself loosens and removes previously deposited scale.
  • electromagnetic method. With this method, H2O is exposed to electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency, which are generated by a special device based on a microprocessor. With this exposure, calcium and magnesium ions lose their ability to form sediment and scale and are removed from the system along with liquids into the sewer.

How to remove lime deposits from stainless steel

Stainless steel is a material that is highly resistant to corrosion, scratches and stains. Stainless steel shower trays are not subject to deformation over time and have a fairly budget price tag. All these advantages make stainless steel bottoms very attractive for everyday use.

  • Fill the pan with "almost boiling water". You should not fill the bathing "cuvette" to the very brim, in this case it will be quite difficult for you not to spill boiling water around the washing room. Add a few tablespoons of dishwashing gel to hot water and lather well. Using a soft sponge, thoroughly scrub the surface of the entire pan. Empty the tub, rinse with cold water. Do not use abrasives when cleaning stainless steel products. Such products can leave scratches on the stainless steel itself and ruin the appearance of the coating.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean and shine. Mix one part of peroxide with three parts of wine vinegar, and with a soft cloth, apply the resulting composition to the stainless steel coating. Rub it. Do not mix too much of the working composition, for the first time it is enough to use one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and three tablespoons of vinegar. This method will allow not only to clean the salt sediment in the stainless steel shower tray, but also to additionally disinfect the shower box, which is very important for pet owners.
  • When caring for a bathing cabin, you can also use special products recommended by the manufacturer to remove white deposits from stainless steel coatings. Such substances are specially designed for gentle care of stainless steel. Be sure to read the instructions for use on the back of the package. If you are not sure that the purchased product is really suitable for caring for a stainless steel product, then first try it on an inconspicuous area.

How to remove limescale from tiles

As a rule, ceramic tiles covered with a white coating cease to shine, fade and acquire a whitish, grayish or beige tint. For regular maintenance of tiles, it is recommended to use liquid and creamy products. Dry powders can scratch the front of the tile and it will become not only difficult, but almost impossible to restore its former shine to it.

How can you safely care for a shower lined with ceramic tiles:

  • 9% vinegar solution. Pour 9% vinegar into a spray bottle and spray on tiled walls. Leave the mixture for 2-3 minutes, and then intensively brush the entire surface of the tile with a brush. Wash off with cool water.
  • Lemon acid. Apply lemon powder to wet walls with a soft dampened sponge. Rub vigorously, leave for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse off the remaining powder. Wipe the ceramic tile walls dry with a dry cloth.
  • Special household liquids for cleaning tiles from salt deposits.

How to clean an enamel and acrylic bath from limescale

Acrylic is one of the modern materials used to make bathtubs. Very quickly, acrylic containers have earned the trust of many housewives. And this is not surprising. After all, acrylic bathing "cuvettes" have a rich white color, intense shine and low weight, which greatly simplifies their purchase and installation.

Acrylic bathtub must not be cleaned with abrasive materials and powders. Just like stainless steel, acrylic requires “gentle” handling.

Let's see what substances you can use to care for acrylic bathtubs and pallets:

  • Lemon acid. Apply lemon powder to a wet bath, leave for 5-10 minutes. If the powder has not completely dissolved, then moisten it again on top and leave to stand for another 5-10 minutes. With a non-rigid sponge, rub the entire acrylic coating of the bathing “cuvette”. Rinse the surface.
  • There is a second way to use citric acid to clean acrylic. Dissolve a bag of lemon in two glasses of warm H2O. With a sponge dipped in the resulting composition, carefully spoil the entire surface of the shower tray or bath. If it was not possible to wash off the yellowness or plaque the first time, then repeat the procedure again until the acrylic bathing “cuvette” acquires its former whiteness and shine.
  • Specially developed products for cleaning acrylic coatings. Such creamy substances can be purchased at a regular hardware store. Before first use, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions for use.

How to clean a bathroom faucet

The easiest and most gentle way to remove accumulated salt deposits on a tap or mixer is hot water. Disconnect the watering can and mixer handles from the system and dip them in boiling water for a few minutes. Under the action of boiling water, the salt precipitate will begin to soften and it will be easy to remove it with a regular sponge of medium softness without the use of any detergent compositions.

If the use of boiling water did not help, then you should refrain from using various mechanical influences. By doing this, you can not only spoil the top coating of the faucet and watering can, but also damage the faucet itself.

For severe pollution, you should try the following products:

  • 9% vinegar. Soak a soft cloth in vinegar and rub the faucet. Vinegar will not only dissolve salt deposits, but also add shine to chrome finishes.
  • Use specially designed formulations. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for each application.

How to remove limescale from glass

The most famous and effective substances to combat white plaque are vinegar and ammonia.

Let's figure out how to apply them correctly so that the effect is maximum:

  • Run hot water or steam into the bathing cabin. Under the action of hot steam, salt deposits soften and are easily removed.
  • Prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon vinegar essence and 1 cup H2O. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply to the glass doors. If there is no spray gun, then you can simply moisten a soft cloth or household sponge in vinegar solution and apply it to the glass. Remember that skin contact with acetic acid can cause irritation, use rubber household gloves. Leave the solution for a quarter of an hour, and then rub it intensively with a soft cloth and rinse.

When washing glasses, do not use harsh abrasive materials. When they are used, subtle cracks remain on the glass, which over time are heavily clogged with lime deposits and caring for the washing box becomes noticeably more complicated. Also, with the appearance of microcracks, the glass loses its luster and becomes dull.

  • Prepare a mixture of ammonia and H2O in a ratio of 1:10 (20 ml per 200 ml H2O). Rub the glass with a soft sponge or cloth soaked in the prepared mixture. Rinse the glass and wipe dry with a dry cloth.

Remember that you need to work with ammonia in a well-ventilated area!

  • Acetic acid and ammonia can be replaced by citric acid. Prepare a mixture of 20 g of lemon and a glass of warm water. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply to the walls of the shower box. After a quarter of an hour, rub the surface with a household sponge or rag and wash off the remnants of the mixture.
  • Special detergents for glasses. Apply cleaning agent to the glass walls and doors according to the manufacturer's instructions. Wash away. Wipe the glasses dry with a soft, dry cloth.

How to clean the hydromassage system

If the bath is equipped with a jacuzzi, then the hydromassage elements also require special care.

If used regularly, the hydromassage system should be cleaned once a week. If you rarely use the Jacuzzi, then do not neglect cleaning the system once every 2-3 weeks. otherwise, untimely care can cause breakdowns and blockages.

How to clean the hydromassage complex:

  • fill the system above the nozzles with warm water;
  • add a special cleaner according to the instructions;
  • turn on the jacuzzi for a quarter of an hour;
  • completely drain the used liquid;
  • fill the system with clean warm water;
  • run the jacuzzi for 5 minutes;
  • Drain all liquids from the wash box.

Remember that when using special cleaning compounds, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for use.

If there is no special tool at hand, then you can use the following method:

  • Take 2 liters of 7% bleach solution and pour it into a Jacuzzi filled with warm water. Further, according to the instructions above, start the jacuzzi for a quarter of an hour and then remove the remnants of the detergent composition and flush the system.

A shower cabin can be increasingly found in modern apartments. It is comfortable, functional and saves a lot of space. But during operation, plaque settles on the doors and metal parts of the shower cabin, which spoils the appearance. The difficulty lies in the fact that the details of the booth are made of different materials, and each requires an individual approach. Therefore, among the variety of proposed means, the question "how to wash the shower" remains relevant.

General rules of care

There are general rules for caring for a shower cabin that will help you do a general cleaning efficiently and as rarely as possible:

  • After each use, the booth must be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.
  • When the cab is not in use, try to leave the doors open for natural ventilation and moisture reduction.
  • Every week, clean using a special product for shower cabins, after which rinse the cabin thoroughly and wipe it dry again.

How to get rid of limescale

Cleaning the shower cabin from lime and soap deposits should be done regularly. Limescale is formed from the salts contained in the water. Therefore, effective care products contain acids in their composition, which, reacting, dissolve plaque. You can also use less aggressive household acids when cleaning:

Lemon acid

To prepare the solution, you need to take a tablespoon of acid and a glass of hot water. Mix everything thoroughly until the lemon is completely dissolved. It is important to make sure that no granules are left of the acid, as they can scratch the surface. Apply the composition of the product to the surface with a sponge for dishes. In case of heavy contamination and soapy deposits, the solution must be left for 15-20 minutes, and then the surface should be cleaned and its residues washed off.


Vinegar and water must be mixed in proportions of 1: 1. Apply the prepared mixture to the surface and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water, and at the end of cleaning, wipe the walls with a dry cloth.

Citric acid + soda

The tool does an excellent job of removing soap scum. To do this, mix a tablespoon of lemon and soda in a glass of warm water. Pour into a spray bottle and shake well to mix. Spray the resulting foaming solution onto the surface and wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Attention! When cleaning, do not forget to wear gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Cleaning chrome-plated metal surfaces

Limescale is especially noticeable on metal surfaces: taps, mixers, hoses, frame. Removing it is quite simple: use popular household chemicals: Cif, Cilit Bang, Sarma Sanita, Sanoks. Apply detergent to the surface and wait for the time indicated in the instructions. Thus, you can effectively clean the cabin from plaque. You can also use a solution of vinegar or citric acid, as described above. About,

  • If a faucet or a steel hose is heavily scaled, a cloth soaked in vinegar, which is wrapped around, will come to the rescue.
  • If the showerhead holes are clogged, you can use the effective CilitBang or vinegar. In particularly difficult cases, it will be possible to clean the sprayer by immersing it in a bag of vinegar and leaving it overnight. During this time, the plaque will soften and easily move away.

Cleaning plastic surfaces

To clean the plastic from which the walls and doors of the shower cabin are made, you should carefully consider the choice of means. It should not contain aggressive acids, alkalis, alcohols and formaldehyde. Do not use abrasives, it is better to give preference to cleaning creams and aerosols. Before using the product, test it on an inconspicuous area. Plastic is recommended to be washed as often as possible, and after each use, wash off soap deposits. If this is not done, the plastic will inevitably darken.

Plastic is a rather unstable material, so use sponges and rags with a soft surface to clean it.

Advice! Dishwashing detergents are effective in combating soap scum and dirt.

Cleaning glass doors

Caring for a glass shower cabin is quite simple. You can use any glass and mirror cleaner. The algorithm is simple: spray, rinse and wipe dry.

Advice! It is convenient to use a window cleaner to clean glass doors. On the one hand, such a brush is equipped with a sponge, and on the other - rubber, so as not to leave streaks.

Cleaning compositions can be prepared with your own hands.

ammonia + water

To clean the glass shower doors from plaque and dirt, it is recommended to use ammonia, 5 drops of which must be combined with 1 glass of water. To make the cleaning effect last longer, you can add 100 ml of glycerin to the solution, due to which a protective film forms on the glass surface.

Vodka + water

Another way to clean shower glass to a shine is to use vodka with water. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. alcohol for 2 tbsp. l. water, and process the door with the resulting solution.

Citric acid or vinegar

A solution of citric acid or vinegar will help fight limescale on the glass. The method for preparing the solution is described above.

We clean the pallet

When cleaning the shower tray, special attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. It can be enameled steel, acrylic or artificial stone.

acrylic pallet

Acrylic is a fairly popular material for making a pallet. It retains heat well, light and practical. But there is one significant drawback: acrylic is very susceptible to mechanical and chemical stress. Therefore, abrasive and aggressive detergents should not be used to care for it.

Special funds

Detergent for acrylic should not contain chlorine, alkali or acid compounds. Give preference to special ones: Cif, Acrylan, Acrylight, Unicum (for acrylic surfaces), Cinderella. With their help, it is recommended to clean no more than once a week according to the manufacturer's instructions.


And for daily cleaning of acrylic, it is enough to wash it with a sponge and soap after use. This will prevent the appearance of plaque and rust. To get rid of grease, you can use dishwashing liquid.

Toothpaste or powder

Various stains on the acrylic surface will help clean toothpaste or tooth powder. Apply the selected product to an old toothbrush and gently rub the dirt. Paste or powder should also be chosen white, without abrasive particles.

Lemon juice

Slight yellowing of the acrylic will help remove the lemon juice. Apply it on the yellowed area for half an hour and rinse with water.

enameled tray

For enameled trays, you can use both gel-like products and cleaning powders, such as Comet and Pemolux.

You can prepare a mixture for cleaning from plaque yourself. To do this, you need soda, water and lemon. All components are mixed until a slurry is formed, which is then applied to the surface to be cleaned for about half an hour. At the end of cleaning, the mixture is washed off with water.

Stone pallet

A pallet made of artificial or natural stone can be washed with any cleaning products and fixtures. It is impact resistant and does not require any special care. Rinse thoroughly after each use to remove soap residue. A pallet made of artificial stone darkens over time. Chemistry for cleaning the toilet bowl will help restore its original color. Take precautions when using it.

Using a melamine sponge

Increasingly, you can hear that many people use it to effectively clean the shower cabin. It has the form of white foam impregnated with foamed resin, which in turn draws dirt from the surface quite effectively.

The melamine sponge easily removes plaque on the walls of the shower cabin, as well as on sanitary ware and pallets. It is also very effective in combating:

  • With greasy spots
  • Soap stains
  • rust

In order to quickly clean the shower cabin, it is necessary to wet the edges of the sponge a little and treat with it the places of accumulation of plaque, dirt or rust. After the places have been thoroughly cleaned, they must be rinsed with water and wiped with a rag.

How to clean mold from shower

As you know, mold is a fungus that appears in places with high humidity. Therefore, to prevent its occurrence in the bathroom, there must be good ventilation.

And when cleaning, special attention should be paid to places where moisture accumulates - joints and seams, if the material allows - apply chlorine-based bleach for 1-2 hours. If mold has already appeared, use fungicidal cleaners, for example, "Anti-mold" from "Bugs". But to get rid of it forever, most likely it will not work, you will have to clean it regularly.

You can also clean the shower cabin from mold using folk methods.

For example, use vinegar and ammonia. It is necessary to take the components in equal proportions and apply the resulting solution to the places where mold accumulates. For easy application, it is best to use a brush and rubber gloves. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the cleaned places with a solution of soda to disinfect the surface. To do this, you need one glass of water and 1 tsp. kitchen soda. But it is better to prevent the appearance of mold and wipe the booth after each use.