Electrolysis heating boilers. Electrode boiler - what is it and how to install it yourself. Requirements for the installation and operation of the boiler

When conducting heating in a private house, or upgrading an existing system, the owners are faced with the problem of choosing a boiler. A wide range of products gives rise to many questions and doubts. If with devices operating on a water heating element it’s still somehow clear, then few people are familiar with the electrode heating principle.

Boilers of the electrode type belong to the electric type of heating. Through the work of engineers, inefficient heating elements were replaced by blocks of electrodes that act as heating elements.

Areas of use

- Living spaces;

- industrial building;

- for underfloor heating system;

- to create a thermal curtain;

- in double-circuit systems, the use of hot water supply is permissible.

The principle of operation of the electrode boiler

The principle of distribution of the coolant depends on the type of ion boiler system:

In closed ones, it is planned to install a circulation pump for the forced movement of the coolant and an expansion tank for the initial stage of heating;

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In open systems, the movement of the coolant is carried out in a natural way.

Heating of the coolant occurs due to the movement of ions between the electrodes. The process of randomly moving positive and negative particles is accompanied by the release of thermal energy, which is used to heat water or antifreeze liquid in the system.

The electrodes perform the function of a generator of an electric field of alternating action.

Advantages of the electrode boiler

High power (single-phase and three-phase from 2 kW to 50 kW);

Small dimensions;

Fast heating;

Does not have a chimney in the design;

High efficiency (95-97%);

Regulates the pressure in the system;

Safe operation;

Ability to connect automation;

Resistant to voltage fluctuations;

It is permissible to use several boilers in one room;

Ecological type of heating.

Cons of the boiler

Only alternating current is applied;

Scale formation on the electrodes;

Mandatory grounding work during installation;

Coolant temperature control (over 75 ° there is an overexpenditure of electricity).

Requirements for the installation and operation of the boiler

For the efficient and safe operation of the equipment, a specialist is involved in the installation and configuration of the boiler. Installed in accordance with the requirements of the device will last a long time without breakdowns. A competent master will acquaint you with the rules of operation.

Read also: Sewerage device in a private house: external sewerage

The temperature range that ensures the operation of the boiler ranges from 10 to 40 degrees.

Humidity in the room should not exceed 75%.

The installation site of the equipment must have a separate room with sufficient space for basic maintenance. Automation and control devices are also located there.

The presence of grounding is an integral part of the installation.

When buying a boiler, you need to make sure that it is complete.

The device is installed low in relation to the radiators for pressure regulation.

The junction of the boiler with the system is complemented by fixing it to the wall.

During operation, electrode equipment is subject to technical control and maintenance.

How to choose an electrode boiler

Compliance with the power of the boiler and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room;

Complete set of the heating device;

Economical operation;

manufacturer's reputation;

Ability to connect other devices;

Use of cellular communication for remote control;

Connection features.

If the installation is envisaged in a two-story house, two boilers should be used for each group of radiators.

For efficient heating and rational consumption of electricity, it is recommended to equip the system with a circulation pump, battery thermostats and temperature sensors.

Many people associate electric heating at home with the installation of appropriate water boilers with heating elements, convectors or laying warm film floors. However, there are many more options. In modern private houses, electrode or ion boilers are installed, in which a pair of primitive electrodes transfer energy to the coolant without any intermediaries.

For the first time, ion-type heating boilers were developed and implemented in the Soviet Union to heat submarine compartments. The units did not cause additional noise, had compact dimensions, there was no need for designing exhaust systems for them, and they effectively heated sea water, which is used as the main coolant.

The heat carrier, which circulates through the pipes and enters the working tank of the boiler, comes into direct contact with the electric current. Ions charged with different signs begin to move randomly and colliding. Due to the resulting resistance, the coolant is heated.

History of appearance and principle of operation

Within just 1 second, each of the electrodes collides with the others up to 50 times, changing its sign. Due to the influence of alternating current, the liquid is not divided into oxygen and hydrogen, retaining its structure. An increase in temperature entails an increase in pressure, which forces the coolant to circulate.

To achieve maximum efficiency of the electrode boiler, you will have to constantly monitor the ohmic resistance of the liquid. At a classic room temperature (20-25 degrees), it should not exceed 3 thousand ohms.

Do not pour distilled water into the heating system. It does not contain any salts in the form of impurities, which means that you should not expect it to be heated in this way - there will be no medium between the electrodes for the formation of an electrical circuit.

Additional instructions on how to make an electrode boiler yourself

Characteristics: advantages and disadvantages

An ion-type electrode boiler is characterized not only by all the advantages of electric heating equipment, but also by its own features. In an extensive list, the most significant can be identified:

  • The efficiency of installations tends to the absolute maximum - not less than 95%
  • No pollutants or ion radiation harmful to humans are released into the environment
  • High power in a relatively small body compared to other boilers
  • It is possible to install several units at once to increase productivity, separate installation of an ion-type boiler as an additional or backup heat source
  • A small inertia makes it possible to quickly respond to changes in ambient temperature and fully automate the heating process through programmable automation
  • No need for a chimney
  • The equipment is not harmed by an insufficient amount of coolant inside the working tank
  • Power surges do not affect heating performance and stability

How to choose an electric boiler for heating you can

Of course, ion boilers have numerous and very significant advantages. If you do not take into account the negative aspects that occur more often during the operation of the equipment, all the benefits are lost.

Among the negative aspects it is worth noting:

About other ways of electric heating of the house,

Device and specifications

The construction of an ion boiler is at first glance complex, but it is simple and not forced. Outwardly, it is a seamless steel pipe, which is covered with a polyamide electrical insulating layer. Manufacturers have tried to protect people as much as possible from electric shock and leakage of expensive energy.

In addition to the tubular body, the electrode boiler contains:

  1. The working electrode, which is made of special alloys and is held by protected polyamide nuts (in models operating from a 3-phase network, three electrodes are provided at once)
  2. Coolant inlet and outlet pipes
  3. Ground terminals
  4. Terminals supplying power to the housing
  5. Rubber insulating pads

The shape of the outer casing of ion heating boilers is cylindrical. Most common household models meet the following characteristics:

  • Length - up to 60 cm
  • Diameter - up to 32 cm
  • Weight - about 10-12 kg
  • Equipment power - from 2 to 50 kW

For domestic needs, compact single-phase models with a power of not more than 6 kW are used. They are enough to fully provide heat for a cottage with an area of ​​80-150 square meters. For large industrial areas, 3-phase equipment is used. A 50 kW installation is capable of heating a room up to 1600 sq. m.

However, the electrode boiler works most efficiently in conjunction with control automation, which includes the following elements:

  • Starter block
  • Surge Protection
  • control controller

Additionally, control GSM modules can be installed for remote activation or deactivation. Low inertia allows you to quickly respond to temperature fluctuations in the environment.

Due attention should be paid to the quality and temperature of the coolant. The optimal liquid in a heating system with an ionic boiler is considered to be heated to 75 degrees. In this case, the power consumption will correspond to that specified in the documents. Otherwise, two situations are possible:

  1. Temperatures below 75 degrees - electricity consumption decreases along with the efficiency of the installation
  2. Temperatures above 75 degrees - electricity consumption will increase, however, the already high efficiency rates will remain at the same level

Video guide

A simple do-it-yourself ion boiler

Having become acquainted with the features and principle by which ion heating boilers operate, it is time to ask the question: how to assemble such equipment with your own hands? First you need to prepare the tool and materials:

  • Steel pipe with a diameter of 5-10 cm
  • Ground and neutral wire terminals
  • electrodes
  • wires
  • Metal tee and coupling
  • Tenacity and desire

Before you start putting everything together, there are three very important safety rules to remember:

  • Only the phase is supplied to the electrode
  • Only the neutral wire is supplied to the housing
  • Reliable grounding is required

To assemble the ion electrode boiler, just follow the following instructions:

  • First, a pipe 25-30 cm long is prepared, which will act as a hull
  • Surfaces must be smooth and free of corrosion, notches from the ends are cleaned
  • On the one hand, electrodes are installed by means of a tee
  • A tee is also necessary to organize the outlet and inlet of the coolant
  • On the second side, they make a connection to the heating main
  • Install an insulating gasket between the electrode and the tee (heat-resistant plastic will do)

  • To achieve tightness, threaded connections must be exactly matched to each other.
  • To fix the zero terminal and grounding, 1-2 bolts are welded to the body

Putting everything together, you can embed the boiler into the heating system. Such home-made equipment is unlikely to be able to heat a private house, but for small utility areas or a garage it will be an ideal solution. You can close the installation with a decorative casing, while trying not to restrict free access to it.

Features of the installation of ion boilers

A prerequisite for the installation of ion heating boilers is the presence of a safety valve, a pressure gauge and an automatic air vent. The equipment must be placed in a vertical position (horizontal or at an angle are unacceptable). At the same time, about 1.5 m of supply pipes are not galvanized steel.

The zero terminal is usually located at the bottom of the boiler. A ground wire with a resistance of up to 4 ohms and a cross section of more than 4 mm is connected to it. You should not rely solely on RAM - it is not able to help with leakage currents. The resistance must also comply with the rules of the PUE.

If the heating system is completely new, it is not necessary to prepare the pipes - they must be clean inside. When the boiler crashes into an already operating line, flushing with inhibitors is mandatory. The markets offer a wide range of products for removing deposits, salts and scale. However, each manufacturer of electrode boilers indicates those that he considers the best for his equipment. Their opinion should be followed. Neglecting washing, it will not be possible to establish the exact ohmic resistance.

It is very important to choose heating radiators for the ion boiler. Models with a large internal volume will not work, since more than 10 liters of coolant will be required per 1 kW of power. The boiler will constantly work, wasting part of the electricity in vain. The ideal ratio of boiler power and the total volume of the heating system is 8 liters per 1 kW.

If we talk about materials, it is better to install modern aluminum and bimetallic radiators with minimal inertia. When choosing aluminum models, preference is given to primary type material (not remelted). Compared to the secondary, it contains fewer impurities, reducing the ohmic resistance.

Cast iron radiators are the least compatible with an ion boiler, as they are the most susceptible to pollution. If it is not possible to replace them, experts recommend observing several important conditions:

  • The documents must indicate compliance with the European standard
  • Mandatory installation of coarse filters and sludge traps
  • Once again, the total volume of the coolant is produced and equipment suitable for power is selected

Manufacturers and average cost

Many manufacturers of heating equipment have their own lines of ion-type boilers. Some of the most popular brands on the market include:

  • EOU (Ukraine)
  • Stafor EKO LLC (Latvia)
  • ZAO Firma Galan (Russia)

Small power ion boilers (2-3 kW) cost about 3000-3500 thousand rubles. The higher the performance of the equipment, the higher the price. In addition to heating equipment, additional automation is needed. It is purchased separately and will cost about 5-6.5 thousand rubles.

Before buying, due attention is paid to the warranty period. Most manufacturers set it to 2-3 years. By observing the operational requirements and regularly (every 3-4 years) replacing the electrodes, the service life can be extended up to 10-12 years.

Summing up

After analyzing all the pros and cons of ion heating equipment, we can conclude that it is profitable. In some aspects he wins, in others he can lose significantly.

However, before choosing heating systems operating on electrical equipment, it is worth considering a number of features:

  • If the radiators are divided into groups by floors, the installation of an ion boiler is recommended on each of them
  • The pipes forming the contour are recommended to be wrapped with insulation
  • You can use antifreeze as a coolant, given its high fluidity

Ionic boilers are not suitable for systems with a warm baseboard or warm floor. They are not capable of reaching a constant operating temperature of 30-45 degrees.

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that when choosing an energy source for the heating system of your own home, the most acceptable, and sometimes even the only possible option is the use of electricity. Gas networks have not yet arrived in every settlement and not in every building. The use of solid fuel becomes profitable only in those regions where it is really available and cheap. As for diesel fuel boilers, this is generally a separate conversation, since such equipment itself is very expensive, and organizing the correct and safe storage of at least a minimum supply of diesel fuel is also not an easy task.

Electricity, presumably, is in every country house. It is clear that many are scared off by the high level of tariffs, but it happens that there is simply no other way out. The natural desire of the owners is to choose equipment with minimal energy consumption and maximum heat transfer. Therefore, such a high interest of consumers has recently been caused by an electrode boiler for heating a private house.

Against the background of their "brother-competitors", that is, electric boilers of other types, it is the electrode boilers that can be called the most controversial in terms of reviews, according to the incredible qualities attributed to them, which are adjacent to devastating criticism. These polar opinions should be taken with caution, since in such situations, most likely, the truth is located somewhere between the extremes.

You might be interested in knowing which one is right for you.

The purpose of this publication is to help an ignorant reader understand what an electrode boiler is, how it works. And, of course, how much attention should be paid to real and imaginary advantages and disadvantages. A brief overview of the models available for sale will be given, and some issues regarding the installation and maintenance of such equipment will be raised.

Basic device and principle of operation of the electrode boiler

It will be much easier for some readers to understand the device and principle of operation of the electrode boiler if they remember the simple way to quickly boil water using a simple device. In student dormitories, where commandants strictly enforced the prohibition of having electric heaters, such a device was probably hidden in every room. This is a cable, at one end of which there is a plug for connecting to the network. And on the other - two razor blades, fixed in one way or another, but always so that there is a small gap between them. Instead of blades, other metal plates were also used: in the army barracks, for example, horseshoes for boots were often used. The essence of this has not changed.

After lowering such an “assembly” into the water and connecting it to a 220 volt network, the water heated up very quickly. We didn't have to wait long - it took less than a minute for a glass to boil. The same principle is used in electrode, or, as they are often called, ion boilers.

Warning: such experiments are very dangerous and should not be repeated. There is a high probability of electrical injury or a fire hazard from a short circuit. Nowadays, there are plenty of miniature factory-made boilers.

What is the matter here, due to which such rapid heating is carried out? To understand the principle, it is necessary to remember some physical laws.

Even ordinary water (unless, of course, distilled water is taken into account) has electrolytic qualities - the substances dissolved in it acquire an ionic structure, that is, a set of positively and negatively charged particles. If two DC electrodes are lowered into such a medium, then the directed movement of ions will begin: negatively charged (anions) - to the positive conductor (cathode), and positive (cations) - to the anode. This process is called electrolysis.

But in our case, an alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz is used. This means that the polarity of electrodes immersed in water changes at a rate of 50 times per second. Naturally, the movement of ions under such conditions is not directed, but turns into an oscillatory one, with a change in direction with the same frequency. Since such oscillations occur in a sufficiently dense water medium, which provides significant resistance to movement, the movement energy is converted into heat. In the space between the electrodes there is a very rapid heating, which leads to the boiling of water.

The electrode boiler works in the same way, only the generated thermal energy is already transferred by the coolant flow through the heat exchange points - radiators. In all other types of electric boilers, certain metal parts act as a "transfer link". This can be a tubular body of a heating element, a labyrinth of internal channels, or the body itself - in induction-type devices. In the forehead case, the coolant warms up only due to direct heat transfer. But in the electrode circuit there is no such “intermediary” in principle - the liquid medium itself, which is currently between the conductors immersed in it, heats up.

They say, and it seems to be true, that such technology was transferred to the life of a person from the military industry - this is how water is heated for heating the compartments of submarines and surface ships. This is supported by a combination of the necessary qualities - compactness, speed, efficiency, fire safety.

A small digression so as not to return to the problems of terminology. Electrode boilers are sometimes called ion boilers - why, probably, it is clear. However, sometimes manufacturers focus on just such a formulation, trying to draw a certain line between these two concepts. They motivate by the fact that their devices implement high-precision control at the level of the "quantity and quality of ions" involved in the heating process. This can be perceived as a publicity stunt or taken seriously - in any case, such control is assigned to some electronics unit and requires the use of a precisely adjusted composition of the electrolyte-coolant. But the principle of operation of the heating circuit itself does not change at all from this. So it will not be a big mistake to use either of these two formulations.

But the name “cathode” or “anode” boiler is completely incorrect, since in constant voltage mode such a circuit is simply inoperable.

How is an electrode heating boiler arranged?

The simplicity of the principle of operation of such a boiler determines the very simple device of the heating device itself. Despite the fairly wide variety of models currently on sale, almost all of them are outwardly similar to each other and have approximately the same layout.

The only difference is in some nuances of the external design in various manufacturers, and in the features of the control equipment (which, in fact, most often is no longer a boiler and is purchased separately).

Electronic boilers can be designed to operate on AC 220 V, or on three-phase - 380 V. This predetermines some difference in their design.

Consider first how a single-phase boiler works.

It is a cylindrical metal case (pos. 1). This department serves not only to ensure the flow of the coolant - the metal walls of the case play the role of one of the electrodes. To do this, a terminal for connecting a “neutral” wire (pos. 2) is provided on the case. The figure shows a simplified view, but often this terminal is located hidden, as it is removed in the boiler's switching unit.

The cylindrical part of the body on one side ends with a branch pipe for connecting to the heating circuit supply pipe (pos. 3) - it is from here that the coolant heated in the boiler will flow into the system (shown by a pink arrow). The coolant is supplied through another branch pipe located perpendicular to the axis of the main cylinder (pos. 4 and blue arrow, respectively).

Exactly in the center of the main working cylinder is the second electrode (pos. 5). Naturally, the necessary gap between it and the walls must be observed - it is in this gap that the coolant will quickly heat up. On this side, the working cylinder is muffled - a switching unit is located here, including a terminal for connecting the phase wire. (pos. 6).

The figure, just for clarity, shows a kind of "layout", a home-made boiler. Naturally, in factory-assembled models, all this looks more accurate.

The differences in three-phase models, in fact, are only in the design of the electrodes, and in the associated increase in the dimensions of the entire product.

A terminal connection is still provided on the boiler body, it is intended for switching the zero and ground wires. And inside the working cylinder there are three electrodes (according to the number of phases), which are structurally placed on a common dielectric block at equal distances - at the corners of an equilateral triangle.

The electrodes are a replaceable part of the boiler - in case of failure, they can be replaced with new ones.

Of course, in the area where the working central cylinder is muffled by the switching unit, reliable hydro- and electrical insulation is provided. In factory models, in order to minimize the likelihood of electrical injury to the inhabitants of the apartment, the body is covered with a special insulating polyamide compound.

The dimensions of electrode boilers can vary greatly - from miniature heaters that serve only one or a few heating radiators, to powerful installations that can provide heat to a large building. Often, such boilers are combined into a kind of "batteries" with parallel connection, and put into operation simultaneously or selectively, as it becomes necessary to maintain more or less heating power.

In fact, most models of boilers on the body itself no longer have any control or additional devices. All monitoring and control functions are placed in separate modules of varying degrees of complexity.

The simplest set of control equipment is equipped with a temperature sensor that is installed on the supply pipe and controls the degree of heating of the coolant. More accurate systems already have two sensors - at the inlet and outlet to the boiler. The required heating level is set on the control panel, and the automation will supply power to the electrodes based on the current values, taking into account their hysteresis (set range).

There are also much more complex control and management schemes - they are a “chip” of some manufacturers of such equipment. Basically, they are designed to maintain comfortable conditions at the lowest possible energy consumption.

We will deal with the advantages and disadvantages of the electrode boiler

This is probably the most important question - in the course of the presentation it has already been noted that a lot of real and far-fetched advantages and disadvantages are attributed to such equipment. Therefore, it is better to understand slowly - for each item.

What do they say about the advantages of ion boilers?

  • If we consider electric boilers of equal power, then in terms of compact size and low weight, ion boilers are out of competition.

This is an indisputable quality - indeed, the simplicity of the contraction predetermines the small size. This is especially pronounced in comparison with induction models, which are "famous" for their massiveness and considerable dimensions.

  • The electrode boiler does not require coordination procedures during installation, it does not need a chimney and additional supply ventilation.

You can’t argue with this, but all electric boiler equipment in general has the same advantages, and electrode models do not stand out in this regard.

  • The electrodes are credited with literally “fabulous” efficiency indicators - supposedly their electricity consumption is almost half that of other electric boilers.

By and large, all electric stakes have an efficiency tending to 100% - there are no friction units, no mechanical gears, there is absolutely no removal of combustion products - all electrical energy is converted into heat. Another thing is that, say, boilers that use the resistive heating principle are more inertial, that is, they need more time to reach the nominal mode, and in the electrode “acceleration” it takes much faster. But in the future, there will hardly be any advantages. It is simply not serious to expect some kind of “inflow of energy from outside”, since the fundamental law of physics on the conservation of energy cannot be deceived.

  • Electrode boilers are safe from the point of view that if the coolant flows out of the heating system, they will not lead to overheating and burnout.

This property of them is quite obvious. If there is no water (coolant) in the working cylinder, then the circuit is simply open, and the boiler cannot operate in such conditions in principle.

  • Ion boilers are insensitive to mains voltage fluctuations.

This is a rather controversial, if not even an absurd statement. Look at any heater that works on a resistive type - it is also unpretentious to voltage drops, its current heating power is simply reduced. From this point of view, the electrode boiler is not much different from it. And by and large, a stable voltage is necessary not so much for the heater as for the monitoring and control unit and additional equipment of the heating system. So, in conditions of instability in the local power grid, it is still difficult to do without installing a stabilizer.

Precise control electronics for heating boilers require a stable voltage!

Read more about how it works, how to choose it correctly from the variety offered for sale - read in a separate publication of our portal.

  • The heating of water in the electrode boiler is so rapid that the necessary pressure is created by itself, which makes it possible to manage with natural circulation, without the use of pumps.

This is, of course, a profound misconception. Indeed, immediately after startup, this effect can be expressed to a certain extent, but when the system reaches the design mode, the difference in the density of the coolant at the inlet and outlet of the boiler will not differ in any way from systems with other models of heating devices.

The pump in the system, especially equipped with an electric boiler, becomes an indispensable element - such an addition makes it more economical and manageable. And the cost of powering the pump is incomparable with the energy losses that are wasted to ensure the movement of the coolant through the pipes in a system with natural circulation. So the electrode pump does not create any preferences in this regard.

  • The compactness of electrode boilers allows them to be installed in existing heating systems as additional sources of thermal energy.

Yes, this is practiced, and the electrode boiler, depending on the power and dimensions of the model, can be installed both in the boiler room and directly in residential premises, right next to the radiators. An electrical device can be launched "to help" the main one, come "to replace" when the main heat source needs some kind of technological or maintenance pause. Especially successful is the use of electric boilers in conjunction with other boilers with their common connection to buffer tanks - this allows you to accumulate energy potential during the period of the night preferential tariff.

Buffer tank (heat accumulator) - optimization of the home heating system

The accumulation of heat generated by a solid fuel boiler during the period of burning a wood-burning bookmark, or by an electric one - during the operation of a preferential tariff - is a direct way to increase the efficiency of the heating system operation. How it works, and how to properly approach the choice of such equipment - in a separate publication of the portal.

If a mixed circuit is used using an electrode and another boiler, then either the common heat carrier must comply with the electrode heating principle, or a buffer tank with an additional heat exchanger is used that does not allow mixing of heat carriers.

  • The low inertia of the electrode boiler greatly simplifies the process of fine adjustment of the heating system.

A very controversial statement - complete with simple control systems, this will only lead to more frequent start and stop cycles, which is not a blessing at all. In addition, electrolytes tend to change their electrical characteristics when heated, and not linearly. This makes the correct debugging of the heating system and precise control of it - not an easy task. Electric boilers with heating elements or induction in this regard look preferable.

  • The operation of electrode boilers does not harm the environment.

This property is inherent in all electrical installations in general - there are no emissions into the atmosphere. But, on the other hand, electrode boilers are even less “safe”, the weeks of their “brothers” are a matter of the chemical composition of the coolant used, which often contains very toxic substances. Disposal of such liquids must be carried out by specialists, in accordance with all the rules, in no case is it allowed to drain either onto the ground or into the sewer system.

  • Electrode boilers are famous for their low cost.

Again, it would seem indisputable, since the price of the heaters themselves, indeed, lies in a very affordable range. But very often there is also a “marketing trap”. Add to the cost of the boiler the price of the control unit, temperature sensors, circulation pump - and the overall result will be quite comparable with, say, a heating element boiler, in the layout of which all these nodes are already provided.

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And without additional monitoring and control devices, operating an electrode boiler is not only unprofitable, but also very dangerous: leaving the process of extremely rapid heating of water uncontrolled is the same as planting a bomb with a frozen action - sooner or later it will definitely explode.

So, when buying, you should focus not only on the widely advertised low cost of electrode boilers, but also on the price level of everything necessary for their efficient and safe operation of hardware content.

Real and far-fetched disadvantages of electrode boilers

Even a cursory glance at the negative aspects attributed to electrode boilers can form a prejudice against such a heating system in advance. However, is it all true? Let's look a little deeper here.

  • The coolant must always be of high quality, with a properly selected, balanced chemical composition.

This is true, and such a requirement sometimes causes a lot of trouble. The composition should give good ionization, have sufficient heat capacity, a wide operating temperature range, be safe from all points of view and not cause active chemical corrosion of the metal parts of the system. The liquid should not have too high resistance, otherwise the current may not flow through it at all. In a word, there are many criteria.

It can be very difficult for an inexperienced owner to choose the optimal composition, and the composition filled “by eye” is quite capable, although ensuring the operation of the system in principle, to drastically reduce its efficiency, minimizing all the main advantages of ion boilers. If we also take into account the fact that the coolant quickly “ages” and changes its qualities, requires regular replacement, then this, of course, in the aggregate, raises a lot of questions about the ease of operation of such a system.

  • The use of ion boilers limits the owners with a choice of heating radiators

A perfectly fair reproach. Indeed, cast-iron or steel radiators are contraindicated for such heating systems. Possible phenomena of corrosion of ferrous metals can disrupt the chemical composition of the coolant, reduce its electrolytic qualities. In addition, the excessively high heat capacity of cast iron, combined with the large internal volume of such batteries, will lead to the fact that the electrode boiler will work almost without pauses, and you will have to forget about efficiency.

The best option for such boilers is this. Good quality aluminium. But inexpensive radiators made of recycled aluminum (usually manufactured using extrusion technology) are not recommended - the metal will contain many impurities, and this circumstance will very quickly disrupt the balanced chemical composition of the coolant.

  • Another disadvantage from the same series is that such boilers should not be used in an open heating system.

That's right - free access of atmospheric air to the coolant can, firstly, dramatically increase its corrosiveness, and secondly, unbalance the required chemical composition of the liquid.

  • Water from the heating system must not be used for domestic or technical needs.

It is not clear why this is attributed only to electrode boilers? It would never occur to a good owner to take water from the heating circuit, regardless of which boiler is installed in it! There are other ways to get hot water for this, for example, installing an indirect heating boiler. And the electrode boiler is no different from others in this regard.

  • A circuit using an electrode boiler always puts forward special requirements for reliable grounding.

Yes it is. The importance is great already from the positions that the body of the electrode boilers itself is one of the electrodes, unlike all other types of equipment. If in other devices it is fashionable to confine ourselves to installing an RCD, in this case such a measure will be ineffective, also due to the peculiarities of the principle of operation - the RCD will work constantly due to inevitable leaks. So, to ensure safety - only reliable grounding.

However, in fairness, we note that high-quality grounding is necessary in general for all powerful electrical appliances. So this is not, in the literal sense of the word, a disadvantage of ion boilers, but simply belongs to the category of increased requirements for ensuring the safety of their operation.

  • The upper limit of heating the coolant in systems with electrode boilers is 75 degrees.

All boilers have a heating threshold - for this, there are control and management units to monitor this. In electrode boilers, this threshold is due to the fact that at higher heating values, strong changes begin in the electrolytic characteristics of the coolant, which leads to unnecessary excess consumption of electricity without any useful heat transfer.

However, for home autonomous heating systems, such a temperature threshold is usually quite enough for efficient space heating.

  • The electrodes of ion boilers have a non-positive service life, quickly overgrow, and require replacement.

Very debatable. Perhaps such a conclusion was made by those owners who used low-quality coolant, which led to the rapid formation of scale. Under normal conditions, the electrodes serve a lot.

But even if the deadline for replacing failed components has come (and this happens with absolutely any electrical equipment), then such an operation cannot be called particularly costly or complicated.

  • Installing an electrode boiler, debugging and starting the heating system are quite complex procedures that require the involvement of specialists.

Here it would be necessary to separate the concepts. The installation of the boiler in the heating circuit, on the contrary, is very simple and understandable. But as for debugging - then, alas, we have to agree with this. It is extremely difficult to correctly assess the chemical composition of the coolant, the overall efficiency of the system, without having the appropriate experience and without the necessary equipment. This means that you should be prepared for the annual call of specialists for preventive work before the start of the heating season.

We hope that the information in this section of the publication will help to carefully assess the prospects for installing this type of boiler. If, in the opinion of potential owners, the advantages of this heating principle outweigh the existing disadvantages, then you can proceed to the choice from the range available for sale. More on this in the next section of the post.

Overview of the Russian market for electrode boilers

It should be noted that despite the inconsistency in the assessment of electrode boilers, their popularity is quite high and even tends to grow. Naturally, manufacturers take this into account, and present a considerable number of models to the Russian market. Consider the most popular brands in our area.

Boilers of the company "Galan"

This is a Moscow company that has become a pioneer in the production of electrode heating equipment. Moreover, some information allows us to say that this is a leader in the development of innovative technology - not only among Russian companies, but also on a wider, global scale.

The first developments were patented and put into mass production in the early 1990s. It can be said with a high degree of certainty that the Galan brand still remains a kind of “trendsetter” in this area.

If you set a search query on the Internet on the topic “electrode boiler”, then almost certainly the first lines in the list of information received will be occupied by Galan products.

Prices for the model range of Galan boilers

Galan boilers

The modern range of electrode heaters for heating systems is represented by three product lines. Each of them has several models of different capacities.

  • For large mansions, for apartment buildings or for heating large household or public facilities, boilers of the Galan-Volkan line are used. They operate exclusively from a three-phase power supply, and are represented by power models. 25, 36 and 50 kW.
  • Medium power line - "Geyser". It has only two models, with a capacity of 9 and 15 kW. Suitable for most medium-sized country houses.
  • Finally, the most compact models are the Ochag line, from 2 to 6 kW. Despite their modest size and only “half a kilo” of weight, very serious indicators are claimed behind them, sufficient to heat small houses.
main parameters"Volcano 50""Volcano 25""Geyser 15""Geyser 9""Hearth 6""Hearth 5""Hearth 3"
Consumed voltage, volt380 380 380 220 or 380220 220 220
Heated room, m³before 1600up to 850up to 550up to 250 / up to 340up to 200up to 120
Volume of coolant in the system, liters300-500 150- 300 100- 200 50-100 35-70 30-60 25-50
Power consumption, max, A2×37.937.5 22.7 13,7/40 27.3 22.7 13.7
Peak power consumption in kW, at tº of water 90ºС50 25 15 9 6 5 3
Power consumption in kW, on average per season (6 months) from October 15 - April 15.up to 36000 kWup to 18000 kWup to 12000 kWup to 8000 kWup to 6000 kWup to 5000 kWup to 3000 kW
Recommended outlet temperature, ºС60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Coupling diameter for connecting the boiler to the heating system32 32 32 32 25 25 25
weight. kg11.5 6,5 6,5 6,5 0.5 0.5 0.5
diameter, mm130 130 130 130 35 35 35
length, mm570 460 410 360 335 320 275
Price in the basic configuration25000 16000 15800 15500 12500 12000 11500

The Galan electrode boilers themselves are a well-established and proven design, which has been produced for a long time without any fundamental changes. But the automation for them is constantly being improved, replenished with new samples.

The basic package (the prices of which are indicated in the table) includes the Navigator control unit. If desired, you can replace it with a more advanced Navigator KT + model, of course, with an appropriate surcharge.

More expensive, “fancy” configurations are also possible, including digital temperature controllers for supply and return, circulation pump control modules, room remote room thermostats that monitor the air temperature in the premises, additional devices for ensuring protection and safety of operation.

Video: presentation video about Galan electrode boilers

Boilers electrode brand "EOU"

Under this abbreviation lies a very simple and eloquent name - "Energy-saving heating installation." A product of Russian development and production, popular in a number of countries near and far abroad and having international quality certification.

The range of EOU boilers is represented by two lines - models operating in a single-phase 220 V network, with a power of 2 to 12 kW, and designed for a three-phase 380 V supply, with a power of up to 120 kW. Interestingly, the model range retains the same external dimensions of the devices - they are shown in the illustration below.

The table below shows the characteristics of the model range of EOU boilers, designed for a single-phase power supply network, as the most popular for heating small and medium-sized private houses.

main parameters1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/12
Operating voltage, Volt~220 ~220 ~220 ~220 ~220 ~220 ~220 ~220 ~220 ~220
Power consumption. kW2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
Heated room volume, m³120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 750
Heated area, m²40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 250
Electricity consumption per day, kW2-16 3-24 4-32 5-40 6-48 7-56 8-64 9-72 10-80 12-96
The rise of water in the water system (without pump), meters of water. Art.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13
Temperature control limits,up to 95
Number of electrodes, pcs.one
Weight, no more than, kg3
The price of the device, without a control panel, rub.4500 4700 4900 5000 5300 5500 5800 6000 6200 6300
The price of a set of accessories for mounting the control panel, rub.1410 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3200 3200 3200 3200

The manufacturer declares that the equipment is ready for trouble-free operation for 30 years, and for the first decade he gives a factory warranty.

You may be interested in information about what is

Electrode (ion) boilers "Beryl"

It is not in vain that the word “ionic” is placed in parentheses in the title of this subsection - this is exactly the case already mentioned above when a manufacturer grades between electrode and ion devices of his own design. Some models provide a special electronic system for assessing the quantitative and qualitative state of the ionic medium of the coolant with the development of appropriate amendments to the operating mode of the equipment.

The model range is represented by two standard sizes - respectively, for a single-phase power supply network (power from 2 to 9 kW), and three-phase - up to 33 kW. The dimensions of the boilers are shown in the illustration below:

It can be noted that the boilers of this manufacturer have one characteristic feature: “mirror”, unlike other brands, the location of the power unit - it is located in the upper part, along the coolant. This, by the way, greatly simplifies installation and maintenance work, including rewiring or even replacing the electrode unit with a new one - everything is much more affordable.

The table below shows the price level for various models of Beryl boilers and for the control modules recommended for it.

Name of boilers, control systems, other components:price, rub.
Ionic boilers BERIL with an automation unit (manual power change in steps of 200 (600) W)
Control unit "Euro" for boilers 220V and 380V15000
Ionic boilers BERIL with an automation unit (automatic and manual power change, step 600 W)
Boilers 380 V with a triac unit, power 6, 9, 12, 15, 25, 33 kW20000
CSO control module (with PID mode function)15000
Ion boilers BERIL with automation (automatic or manual power change in 2 kW increments)
Boiler 380 V with built-in triac unit, power 100 kW75000
Boiler 380 V with built-in triac unit, power 130 kW100000
CSU control unit (with PID mode function) for 100 and 130 kW boilers25000
BERIL electrode boilers and automation for them
Boilers 220 V; power 5, 7, 9 kW5000
Boilers 380 V; power 6, 9, 12, 15, 25, 33 kW9000
Control unit ETsRT GECK for boilers 220 and 380 V9000
Recommended coolant
Coolant BERIL V.I.P. based on propylene glycol, crystallization threshold -45 ºС, polyethylene canister 20 liters2500

By the way, in terms of control equipment, this company is trying to set the tone. The choice of the consumer is offered manual, semi-automatic and fully automated control modules. It is possible to adjust the levels of power involved in certain steps, which ensures smoother and more economical operation of the entire system.

More modern control modules monitor the state of the heating system in real time, are equipped with special triac units, PID response devices. Such control systems are able only to evaluate the current indicators of the sensors, but also to predict the situation, while developing corrective amendments to the set operating mode of the boiler. As a result, such models give a very significant, estimated at 15-20%, the effect of saving electricity consumption without loss in the comfort of the microclimate created in the premises.

Electrode boilers are that rare, but very pleasant case for understanding when, when choosing the optimal model, there is no need to look for foreign samples - Russian equipment of this class is confidently at the forefront. Of the entire imported range, only the boilers of the Latvian company STAFOR can be mentioned, which are in demand among our consumers for their high reliability and safety performance.

The manufacturer completes its products with the necessary control and monitoring units of its own design. In addition, the range includes a branded coolant designed specifically for ion power plants, as well as a special additive "STATERM POWER", which makes it possible to accurately adjust the chemical composition of the coolant to achieve maximum efficiency of the boiler.

Evgeny AfanasievChief Editor

Publication author 07.11.2016

Hello again! Many of you have heard about wonderful electrode boilers that save electricity a lot. A legitimate question arises: “How and due to what does this happen?” Let's try to figure out where is the truth and where is fiction. Let's start by explaining the physical principles of the electrode boiler.

The principle of operation of the electrode boiler.

The physical principle here is simple - the coolant in the heating system is heated by directly passing an electric current through it. The phases of the electrical network are connected to the electrode group, and zero is connected to the boiler body. And in the usual network is connected to the heating element. To make it clearer, look at the following picture:

The release of heat occurs due to the fact that the coolant has some resistance. In general, the selection of a coolant for such boilers is a difficult task:

  • Distilled water is not suitable because it does not conduct electricity.
  • Water with the addition of salt can cause accelerated corrosion of the metal parts of the system and scale formation on the electrodes.

In the passports for such heating devices, manufacturers usually write that the boiler will be guaranteed to work only with their coolant, which includes “special” corrosion inhibitors or something else. I am tormented by suspicions that this is being done in order to, if necessary, refuse warranty service if the consumer used some other liquid. Manufacturers recommend using propylene glycol or ethylene glycol for electrode boilers. If interested, you can read my article about . Now let's touch on one more question.

Comparison of the efficiency of an electrode and a conventional electric boiler.

Manufacturers praise electrode boilers for their high efficiency. They explain the absence of losses by the fact that the electric current directly heats the coolant. But at the same time, for some reason, nothing is said about the losses when using . I will give a picture to remind you of their device:

Inside the heating element, a nichrome spiral is sequentially heated, then a periclase filler, and then a metal tube. This whole structure is tightly rolled and there are no air cavities inside that could retain heat. Therefore, almost all the energy released on the nichrome spiral is spent on heating the water. Exactly the same as in the electrode boiler.

There is one more statement from the manufacturers: “The electrode boiler heats water faster than the heating element. Because the water is heated throughout the volume of the boiler. This is also a controversial argument. There is little water inside the boiler, and a lot of power is applied to heat it. Of course, there will be some kind of advantage in time, but most likely it will not play a role for you. And it will not bring any promised 30% savings.

The temperature of the coolant in the system is also very important. This is due to the fact that when its temperature rises, its resistance drops. And this causes an increase in power consumption:

For this reason, the temperature of the coolant should not exceed 50°. And what will this mean for you? This is another ambush! For example, the heat transfer of aluminum radiators is measured based on the condition that the coolant temperature is 90 °, and the air temperature in the room is 20 °. At lower coolant temperatures, you will need to increase the number of radiator sections. So, for example, it is done in a heating system called "Leningradka", where the radiators most distant from the riser or boiler should be with a large number of sections. The more sections, the more expensive the heating system will cost. The only option with such a coolant temperature is. But we must remember that for our cold climate they are not suitable as the main heating system.

The moral of all that has been said above is that the electrode boiler does not have any particular advantage in terms of efficiency compared to a conventional electric boiler, but there are added difficulties with operation. We will talk about other difficulties below.

Difficulties in the operation of electrode boilers.

In addition to what was listed earlier, there are also “features” in the operation of such heating devices:

  • The need to monitor the condition of the coolant. The properties of the coolant change over time under the influence of an electric current, and the power consumption depends on these very properties.
  • The need to ground all metal parts everywhere - pipes, radiators, etc. Grounding systems are expensive and complicated pleasure
  • Faster process of corrosion of metals under the action of electricity. The phenomena of electrocorrosion destroy not only black, but stainless steel grades.
  • High probability of failure in the warranty service of the equipment. In order not to be unfounded, I will give excerpts from the passport for the electrode boiler:

In general, too many problems for one device.

Brief summary of the article.

The electrode boiler is, of course, an interesting technical solution. But there are many problems with its operation and they are serious. At the same time, there is no evidence of its efficiency, except for the promises of manufacturers and sellers. I will also say that for some reason unknown to me, not a single well-known manufacturer of heating equipment produces electrode boilers. It is possible that this is caused by these problems. On this optimistic note, I conclude this article. I look forward to your questions in the comments.

When considering various options for heating a private house, the largest number of owners prefer gas boilers as the most economical systems. But what about those owners whose houses are located in secluded places, for example, in the depths of the forest, where there is no central gas pipeline? You can solve this issue by purchasing an electrode boiler for heating a private house.

Boiler characteristics

Energy-saving electrode heating boiler

Electrode boilers are direct heating devices, where heat is sent directly to the energy carrier. This allows you to immediately increase the power of the unit, since there is no barrier in the process of heat transfer.

Heating occurs due to electrodes immersed in a container with a coolant. The current is conducted through the water with a frequency of 50 Hertz, which eliminates the phenomenon of electrolysis, which means that the inner surface of the boiler will be free from scale formation. The process of heating the coolant is carried out due to the emerging resistance, and this happens instantly. As a result, the tank can be kept small because there is no need to wait for the element to heat the water.

Such design features of the electrode boiler significantly reduce energy consumption in the heating system.

Note! On average, such equipment for heating the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house will consume 40% less electricity than other electrical devices. According to consumers, this is the most important advantage of the equipment.

The device is quite sensitive to the composition of water, so ordinary tap water cannot be used to operate the electrode boiler. Preliminary it is necessary to carry out special water treatment. Ideal when using antifreeze recommended by manufacturers.

It is worth noting one more feature of electrode boilers - after a while the electrodes dissolve. This process is natural, and its acceleration or deceleration depends solely on the intensity of use of the heating system.

About the benefits

Before talking about the advantages of an electrode boiler as a heating system at home, it should be noted that this option is possible only if there is a reliable electrical wiring and a stable network condition. When frequent power outages and sudden voltage drops occur, it makes no sense to install such equipment, since the unit will not be able to function normally.

But even here you can find a way out if you purchase a diesel generator or a UPS in a timely manner - an uninterruptible power supply. It accumulates a certain amount of electricity, and it can be enough for several hours of operation of the electrode boiler in the event of an accident. Some UPS models can regulate the voltage due to the built-in stabilizer.

In addition, in small suburban villages there is a certain quota for the consumption of electricity by a private house. Otherwise, special permission will be required, provided that this issue is resolved from the technical side.

If the described problems of the owner do not concern, he will be able to appreciate all the advantages of the electrode boiler:

  • High level of security. The equipment is designed in such a way that the possibility of leakage of electric current, and hence sparking and other similar phenomena, is excluded. During operation, the occurrence of a dangerous fire situation is almost impossible, which allows the unit to be used to maintain the minimum temperature without outside supervision.
  • Compact dimensions and the possibility of embedding in a gas heating network. As a result, the electrode boiler starts up when the gas supply stops.
  • Rapid heating of the heating system, silent operation of the unit and the possibility of replacing heating elements without changing the entire device.
  • Installation is possible in residential premises without the arrangement of a boiler room and a chimney. In addition, the installation of the unit is very simple and can be done by hand.
  • High efficiency - up to 96% during operation, and when heated, about 40% of electricity is saved. At the same time, pollution is completely absent - soot, fumes, ash or smoke.

Disadvantages of electrode boilers

Electric heating of a private house

The disadvantages of such a device include the too high cost of electricity. But if the house is used from time to time and is located far from the population center, then the electrode boiler will be a good solution for heating the house.

In addition, electrode devices are poorly compatible with some types of pipes and batteries. For example, when using cast-iron radiators in a heating system, problems arise due to their uneven inner surface and large volume of coolant. As a rule, one section of a cast-iron battery holds up to 2.5 liters of water.

Also, problems can arise due to the use of metal-plastic pipes. In this case, when choosing an electrode boiler, it is better to use polypropylene products.

Another nuance that can be attributed to a disadvantage is the need to maintain a constant coolant resistance. It can be adjusted by adding special additives that prevent scale formation. Soda in this case, as some craftsmen advise, on the contrary, will contribute to this process.

Installation and operation

When installing an electrode boiler, a prerequisite is the presence of automatic air vents, as well as a safety valve and a pressure gauge. In addition, shut-off valves should be placed near the expansion tank.

A prerequisite for the installation of the boiler is its vertical location. It is very convenient to do this due to the presence in the kit of a special attachment to the surface.

It is also very important - the first 1200 mm pipes of the heating system must be metal, and the rest may contain pipes from other materials.

Electric double-circuit heating boilers - installation

It is better to entrust the installation and installation of elements such as a climate control sensor or temperature control systems to the masters from the service center.

Before installing the electrode boiler, the heating system must be flushed with water with the addition of special agents described in the device passport. If the system is poorly cleaned and the coolant is of poor quality, the efficiency of the boiler is significantly reduced. According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, distilled water is the best coolant option.

The choice of a radiator for such a heating system largely depends on the total volume - that is, the displacement of all pipes and radiators. The optimal displacement should be about 8 liters per 1 kW of unit power. If this indicator is exceeded, then the boiler will work longer in time, which means that energy costs will increase.

Radiators must be aluminum or bimetallic. The use of cast iron products in this case is unacceptable, since they are distinguished by a large amount of impurities in the coolant and reduce the operation of the boiler. In addition, cast iron radiators have a solid volume, which increases energy consumption.


Electrode heating equipment is a reliable, energy-saving and comfort-creating device that has a number of advantages and advantages. They will undoubtedly be appreciated by all users and their households. After all, the most important thing is the warmth of the hearth, and thanks to modern equipment, it has become much easier to provide it.