Tomatoes: early low-growing varieties for open ground. Low-growing tomatoes - the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground Sweet low-growing tomatoes

Get good harvest in a short time is not easy. This will help specially bred low-growing tomatoes for open ground. Today there is a huge variety of varieties.

Tomatoes for open ground

"Watercolor". Early variety (3 months), standard bush height 50 cm, seedlings do not stretch. The fruits are elongated, red (90-110 g) with a dense skin. They have good keeping quality and excellent taste qualities that are not lost after ripening. The variety is intended for canning and fresh consumption, resistant to blossom end rot and septoria.

"Supermodel". Mid-early variety with long fruits up to 10-12 cm. Standard bush 60-75 cm high. Raspberry-colored fruits, moderately dense, weighing 120 g. Suitable for pickling and preservation.

"El Dorado". Yielding variety with oval-heart-shaped fruits of yellow-lemon color, weighing 200-250 g. The height of the standard bush is 50-80 cm.

"Precocious". The height of the bush is 60 cm. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, the color is red, the weight is 170-200 gr. Differs in unpretentiousness, early return of a crop, excellent zavyazyvayemost of fruits in the conditions of the lowered temperatures.

"Golden Stream". A plant resistant to temperature changes. Very early variety with bright orange, smooth fruits, weighing 100 g, elongated ellipsoid shape. Differs in good productivity and resistance to many diseases.

"Red Fang". The ultra-early variety is simply strewn with red shiny finger-shaped fruits, weighing 40 g. Designed for whole-fruit canning and fresh consumption. Bush 90 cm high.

The above undersized tomatoes that do not require pinching ripen quickly enough, which allows them to avoid late blight.

What tomatoes are grown outdoors?

The main difference between undersized and early ripening varieties is the low location of the first flower brush - over 4-5 real leaves. Neighboring inflorescences can be located one after another. Or separated by one sheet. The growth of the bush is limited by a flower brush.

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground have time to give the crop before the onset of cold rains. Unripe tomatoes ripen well in boxes. Superdeterminant undersized outdoor tomatoes have a short fruiting period. Their fruits are medium-sized, weighing up to 100 grams, mainly for canning purposes.

Determinate varieties can also be grown in the same way. They differ in greater height - up to 1 meter and require a garter to a support. The first flower brush is located above the 5th leaf. The fruits are larger - up to 200 g. The inflorescences are separated by one or two leaves. These short growing outdoor tomatoes are of the limited growth type.

Landing dates

In undersized tomatoes that do not require pinching, they are planted at different times - depending on the region. So, in the southern regions - on the fifteenth of May, in the middle lane - at the beginning of June. In northern latitudes, planting is carried out when daytime positive temperatures reach 14-15 degrees, and the threat of night frosts passes - June 10-15.

Soil preparation

Low-growing tomatoes that do not require pinching feel good on loamy and sandy soils rich in humus, with a neutral reaction.

The ridges are located in places that are well warmed up and protected from the wind. In one place, tomatoes can be grown for no more than 3 years, in order to avoid the accumulation of pests and diseases in the soil. Good predecessor crops are cabbage, onion, zucchini, carrots. You can not grow tomatoes after peppers, potatoes, eggplants, physalis, as they belong to the nightshade family and have the same pests and the same diseases.

Under early low-growing tomatoes, fresh manure is not introduced, which contains a lot of nitrogen and allows you to build up a large number of green mass to the detriment of fruiting. Therefore, from organic fertilizers only humus is allowed - a bucket for 2-3 holes. Mineral complex fertilizers (for example, nitrophoska) are applied in the spring for digging.

Yielding low-growing tomatoes prefer medium-heavy soils. Therefore, clay and peat are added to the sandy soil. This allows you to make it coherent and better retain moisture. AT clay soils on the contrary, sand, rotted sawdust or leaves, peat are added.

Spill the soil before digging blue vitriol(1 tablespoon per bucket of water) at the rate of 2 liters per square meter. Ridges for tomatoes are made low so that water does not drain from them when watering.


Plants are placed in a checkerboard pattern or ribbons. The feeding area for early tomatoes needs 30 x 40 cm, mid-season - 50 x 50 cm.

Wells with a diameter of 30 cm after the introduction of humus are shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and not overgrown seedlings are planted without deepening. For overgrown seedlings, it is permissible up to 10-15 cm with the removal of one or two leaves. With the deep method, the loss of fruits from the first brush is possible if it has already gained color.

It is desirable to process seedlings for prevention Bordeaux mixture before landing, which is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening. If the sun suddenly appeared, the seedlings are covered from above to create shade.

The plant should be 30 cm high, stem thickness 0.8-1 cm, 7-8 leaves and one brush that has gained color. After planting, it is better to mulch the soil - this will protect it from drying out and cracking. For this, humus, rotted sawdust, last year's dry leaves or straw can be used.

For middle lane ripening dates for tomatoes in the open field are expected from July 15 (early) and August 5 (mid-ripening).

Harvest tomatoes

Tomatoes undersized without pinching varieties "rocker", "baskak", "betta", "bony m" and others give 2-3 kg of fruit per plant. They are distinguished by early yield of the crop and ripening of tomatoes on the bush.

In addition to varieties with canning fruits, large-fruited salad varieties can also be purchased today.

For example, undersized tomatoes without staking varieties "Friday F1" reach a weight of 220 g, "tourmaline"- 160-180 g, "Russian delicious"- 300 g. Productivity, respectively, 5, 4, 6 kg from one bush.

Large-fruited varieties

A common misconception is that early ripening low tomatoes can only have small fruits. But undersized prove that this is not so.

"Fat Jack" An early powerful variety with a height of 60 cm. Fleshy, sweet, red fruits weighing 250 g have high taste and good keeping quality. Plants are unpretentious to growing conditions.

Low-growing early ripening tomatoes are also represented by a variety "darling". Plant height 60 cm. Fruits are round, smooth, weighing 150 g, do not crack, salad purpose. Plants tolerate drought and a slight cold snap. Fruits can be tied in not very favorable conditions.

"Mirage". Another large-fruited variety with spreading bushes 60 cm high. Red fruits of a flat-round shape with good taste, weighing 250-270 g.

"Knight". Perhaps the best variety, medium early, unusually productive. The height of the bush is 65 cm. Fleshy fruits weighing 250 g, at the beginning of fruiting reach 300 g.

"Apparently-invisible." An early ripe tomato 50 cm high is strewn with uniform red fruits weighing 130-150 g. Resistant to fungal diseases.

"Little A". Very interesting cherry tomato undersized. It is grown both in open ground, and in a pot in an apartment, and on a balcony, and even in a hanging container. It forms a compact bush standard form and many bright red, sweet fruits.


All activities are reduced to timely loosening, watering, fertilizing and disease prevention.

If the ridges with tomatoes are mulched, then loosening is not required - only the removal of rare weeds. Watering in this case can also be reduced - the soil will not crack and moisture will evaporate less.

Providing tomatoes with sufficient water is a necessary condition for a high yield. Water the plants along the aisles or under the root once every five to seven days. The soil should be moistened to the depth of the main roots - 30-40 cm. It should be remembered that uneven watering contributes to fruit cracking.

top dressing

During the growing season, fertilization in dissolved form will be required. The first feeding is carried out half a month after planting the seedlings in the ground. For this, a fertilizer consisting of phosphorus and potassium is used. The second top dressing is done with a complete complex fertilizer (nitrophoska) a month after the first. The third consists of potassium and nitrogen for the speedy ripening of fruits and is carried out a month after the second, in mid-August.

For the formation of ovaries during flowering, you can spray the flowers with this solution: 1 g boric acid and 1 tsp. baking soda to 1 liter of water.

Tomatoes also respond well to foliar top dressing with microelements twice a season.

Root top dressing is best combined with watering. First, lightly saturate the earth with water. Then add a fertilizer solution, and after top dressing, water again. Once a month, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the water. Such irrigation is the prevention of late blight, increases the sugar content of fruits and ripening occurs faster.

Signs of starvation in tomatoes

If the plant lacks nitrogen, then the leaves become light green, pale. Phosphorus deficiency is expressed by the appearance purple hue leaves or lower part of the stem. If the plant begins to dry out, then you need to urgently feed with potassium. Twisted leaves indicate that potassium and nitrogen need to be added.

How does excess fertilizer affect?

With excessive nitrogen, the plant will intensively increase its green mass (“fatten”), there will be no flowering. An excess of phosphorus fertilizers will lead to the fall of flowers and ovaries, yellowing of the leaves. The search for potassium is expressed in the appearance of dull spots.

Now on sale you can find a lot of different varieties of tomatoes. At the sight of so many colorful bags, not only a beginner, but also an experienced gardener can get confused. How to choose the most productive and unpretentious undersized varieties tomatoes for open ground? To do this, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the growing region, the requirements for yield and early maturity, and decide whether you will pinch the bushes. Only after that you can go to the store for seeds.

Variety of varieties

Obviously, greenhouse and ground tomatoes differ in many ways. In the greenhouse, plants are artificially created suitable conditions, while tomatoes growing under open sky forced to adapt themselves to environment. Based on this, tomatoes should have the following qualities:

  • short stature, because long lashes are difficult to tie up, moreover, they can be easily damaged by gusts of wind;
  • disease resistance;
  • general unpretentiousness, that is, tomatoes should easily adapt to weather conditions and temperature changes;
  • optimal ripening time to have time to harvest even in the conditions of a short summer.

Most low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground meet these requirements. That is why they are so popular among vegetable growers. For compact bushes you don’t have to build large-scale expensive supports, ordinary pegs are quite enough.

Such tomatoes grow quickly, bear fruit abundantly and amicably. These plants are less susceptible to disease compared to their tall greenhouse counterparts.

Low growing tomatoes are very productive

How to choose the right variety

Almost all undersized tomatoes belong to the determinant group. This means that their bushes grow to a certain height and stop there. The first brush they form, as a rule, above the fifth sheet, and all subsequent brushes through one or two sheets. Having fruited, the plant does not develop further, but dries up.

Fruiting in undersized tomatoes is friendly - the fruits ripen almost simultaneously, so you should take care of selecting several varieties with different periods maturation. However, you can get by with one, planting seedlings in several stages with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Determinate low-growing tomatoes require pinching, because their stem branches very strongly. So that the plant does not turn into a cluster of infertile shoots, it is framed in one or two trunks, removing excess shoots. If pinching is not possible for any reason, it is better to plant superdeterminant varieties. This is a species of low-growing tomatoes with a weakly branching trunk, where all the shoots are fruit-bearing.

In regions with a short summer for open ground, it is better to buy seeds of undersized tomatoes with the shortest ripening period so that the fruits have time to ripen before the cold weather.

Most undersized tomatoes require pinching

The best varieties of undersized tomatoes

When wondering which tomato seeds are not only undersized, but also productive, it is worth considering what is more important - the size of the fruits or their number. If a harvested crop it is supposed to be used for conservation, it is better to plant abundantly fruiting, but medium-sized tomatoes. For salads and snacks from fresh tomatoes, varieties with weighty fruits that ripen gradually are suitable.

Most domestic low-growing tomatoes can be harvested for seeds and next year grow seedlings from them.

However, if the package is marked F1, that is, a hybrid, the seeds of such tomatoes will have to be bought in the store every year. The fact is that hybrid varieties do not retain their qualities when re-cultivated.

Tomatoes for early harvest

Early undersized tomatoes are represented by many varieties. All of them distinguish fast growth and ripening crops in record time.

"Agatha". Superdeterminant variety with very compact bush up to 45 cm tall. It differs in that it does not require pinching and tying. Smooth, rounded red fruits ripen together 110 days after the start of the growing season.

"Agatha" can not stepchild

"Volgogradsky 323". Early maturing tomato, resistant to fungal diseases and low temperatures. The crop ripening period is 90-110 days. The fruits are slightly flattened and ribbed at the earlobe, quite large - up to 120 grams. Suitable for mid lane.

"Volgogradsky 323" unpretentious and productive

"Pink Bush F1". An early low-growing variety of tomatoes, suitable for both greenhouses and open ground. It forms quite a lot of rounded raspberry-pink fruits weighing about 200 grams. In areas with a warm climate, it can continuously bear fruit for up to five months.

"Pink Bush F1" has pink fruits

"Lady fingers". Time-tested tomato type "cream". Unpretentious, resistant to heat and cold, practically does not get sick and does not crack. The bushes are neat, low. Oblong tomatoes are collected in small brushes of 6-8 pieces. The weight of one fruit is about 60 grams. Mostly planted for canning, but it is also good fresh.

"Lady Fingers" are indispensable in conservation

"King of the Early". An ultra-early tomato that ripens as early as 85-90 days after planting. The fruits are even, round, uniform in color, quite large - up to 200 grams. The pulp is tender and sweet, which makes this tomato indispensable in salads. The bushes are small. In general, the plant is productive, resistant to temperature fluctuations.

"King of the early" is one of the first to keep up

Mid-season and late-ripening varieties

To get to the table until the very cold fresh tomatoes, it is worth highlighting several beds for bushes of medium and late deadline maturation. They are planted with early tomatoes, and the harvest ripens just when the first ones have already fructified.

"Danko". Mid-season tomato about 50 cm high. It is distinguished by rich red heart-shaped fruits. The weight of individual tomatoes reaches 300 grams, and sometimes more. The plant is unpretentious, drought-resistant, which makes it a prime candidate for cultivation in the southern regions.

Danko has heart-shaped fruits

"Titanium". late variety. The fruits weigh from 80 to 150 grams and ripen only 130 days after the start of the growing season. It has a weakly branching small bush about 40 cm high. It is very rarely affected by diseases.

"Titan" is rarely affected by disease

Rio Grande. Medium late plant with quite tall bush(70-80 cm). The fruits are rich red, oval-cubic, dense, fleshy. Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness, disease resistance and rich sweet and sour taste.

"Rio grande" one of the best varieties

Pink pearl. Low-growing tomato with large pink fruits. The weight of one tomato is approximately 130 grams. Their flesh is very tasty and tender. The bushes are slightly branched, low, resistant to phytophthora. The value of the variety lies in the fact that it can be used not only for salads, but also for canning.

The fruits of the "pink pearl" are tasty and tender

A bit of exotic for a vegetable table

To diversify the beds, you can plant undersized tomatoes unusual shape or coloring. Here the best varieties unusual undersized tomatoes:

Aysan F1. Determinate variety with round fruits of sunny yellow-orange color, weighing up to 250 grams. Under the thin skin lies a tender sweetish pulp, sugary on the break. These tomatoes are good for fresh salads, they are not used for conservation.

The Aysan F1 hybrid has appetizing fruits

"Dark Galaxy". Mid-season variety with a rather powerful, as for undersized tomatoes, bush. Fruits are rounded 70-100 grams. Their colors are very unusual. The base color is brown-red, and rusty-yellowish or whitish strokes and dots are scattered on it. In general, the coloring is somewhat reminiscent of the night sky.

"Dark Galaxy" looks extremely unusual

"Golden Nut". Early cherry tomato with bush 60 cm tall. Tomatoes are golden yellow, collected in brushes up to 14 pieces, small, the size of a small nut. This plant will become a real decoration of the beds, thanks to its decorative appearance.

Cherry "golden nut" is quite fruitful

The choice of low-growing tomatoes for open ground is very rich. Skillfully combining different varieties and planting dates, you can enjoy fresh tomatoes, depending on the region, from June-July until the arrival of cold weather.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground are divided into several groups according to the type of growth. The parameter for classification is the height tomato bush. Undersized tomatoes for open ground are represented by four varieties, which are combined into two groups:

  • determinant;
  • superdeterminant.

Classification of tomatoes according to the type of bush growth

The height of early low-growing tomato varieties for open ground, belonging to the determinant group of plants, does not exceed one meter, superdeterminant plants are lower in growth, their upper limit is 80 cm.

A subgroup of standard plants is distinguished from determinant tomatoes. It includes varieties that have a compact root system and strong stem. Those varieties with a maximum bush height of less than 80 cm are classified as super determinant tomatoes.

There is a lot of open ground tomato with tall bushes (up to 2 m) with unlimited growth power. They are all combined into a group of indeterminate tomatoes. Indents require more attention, they take a lot of time to form bushes, and they need balanced top dressing for intensive fruiting. Therefore, we will compare productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground, included in the group of determinant plants.

Features of determinant tomatoes

Understand why everything is great early varieties most often of a determinant type, it is possible according to the following characteristics of the bush:

  • the number of stepchildren is small;
  • bushes branch weakly;
  • short internodes;
  • a limited number of inflorescences is formed on the bushes (6 pcs.).

After the formation of the number of fruits stated in the description, the bushes stop their growth. All their forces go to the ripening of the tomato, which is why the earliest varieties are usually of the determinant type.

Many super-early varieties of very small growth belong to the group of super determinant tomatoes. They stop growing after tying 3 brushes. Early stunting explains their precocity.

All standard tomatoes are high-yielding. Their bushes do not grow for a long time due to small roots, so the return of fruits is early. Having understood the terms, you can understand from the description of the variety which tomatoes for growing in open ground ripen earlier.

All about the virtues of low-growing tomatoes

You can name the reasons why you need to choose determinant early ripening varieties of tomatoes for open ground:

  • low growth;
  • precocity;
  • cold resistance;
  • simple care.

Low-growing plants do not need strong supports, some varieties do not need support at all. Determinate (superdeterminant) bushes are compact, a small amount of land is enough for them to grow. Determinant and superdeterminant varieties - great choice for small gardens.

Early maturity affects the timing of planting. For seedlings, low-growing varieties can be sown later. A short ripening period guarantees a harvest even with a late transplant (mid-June) of tomato seedlings in open ground.

Low early varieties of tomatoes rarely suffer from late blight. Phytophthora infects bushes in August, and determinant and superdeterminant varieties ripen in July. Fruits collected from healthy bushes are stored longer and are not damaged by the fungus.

Scientists have developed cold-resistant determinant varieties for open ground, some can be grown without seedlings. By sowing tomato seeds directly into the ground, summer residents significantly save time and effort.

Occupied at the main job of a summer resident, undersized tomatoes make it easier to care for. Many varieties do not need to be tied up, some do not need to remove stepchildren. The easiest way to care for standard tomatoes.

early lettuce tomatoes

For summer consumption in the garden you need to have large-fruited varieties. By planting several lettuce varieties (early, ultra-early) in the garden, they achieve uniform fruiting from June to August.

Bony MM

A standard variety for the lazy. Low-growing (50 cm), ultra-early Boni MM tomatoes do not need support and pinching. The variety is suitable for those who do not like or do not know how to grow seedlings. Seeds can be sown under a film in early May, and in June they can be planted in a permanent place.

Tomatoes begin to ripen 80-85 days after germination. Seedlings are ready for transplanting in a month, so the seeds for seedlings are sown late - in early or mid-April. Salad fruits, red, semi-round, weighing up to 70 g. From bushes planted in the soil in the first days of June, the first harvest can be harvested at the end of the month. From one bush you can get about 2 kg of tomato.

Raspberry Surprise F1

A hybrid of determinate type, bushes 80-90 cm tall form a powerful root system. The plant loves well fertilized, loose soils. The yield is noticeably higher in the beds where regular feeding mineral fertilizers.

The fruits are crimson, flat-round, large. Tomato weight is from 300 to 500 g. The pulp is dense, without voids, it has a harmonious taste. Appointment salad, productivity is 15 kg/sq.m. m.

Early ripening universal tomatoes

You can’t do without an early-ripening universal-purpose tomato in the garden. Russian women traditionally prepare tomatoes for the winter in summer and early autumn. Suitable for all types of blanks are varieties (hybrids) of universal purpose.


This variety begins to sing faster than others. Sanka is grown by grandmothers who sell tomatoes in the market. The first tomatoes begin to sing after 75 days from germination. The fruits are beautiful, round, red with a good taste balanced in terms of sugars and acids. The size of the tomato is small, they can be put on blanks, prepare salads.

Semko 18 F

A hybrid resistant to heat, drought, diseases: Alternaria, TMV, blossom end rot. In open ground, tomatoes of the Semko 18 F1 variety please with a stable yield. With a dense planting (5 bushes per 1 sq. M), 10 kg of delicious fruits are harvested per unit area.

Characteristics of tomato Semko 18 F1:

  • weight - 140 g;
  • shape - rounded;
  • color - red, saturated;
  • the pulp is dense.

The fruits do not crack, have good taste, universal. Bushes are compact, determinate, slightly leafy, up to 1 meter high. Harvest begins to be harvested after 85-90 days from germination.


lovers pink tomatoes like pink early tomatoes Raisin. Tomatoes ripen for 80 days. The fruits are not large, weighing 100 g, they are stored for a long time, do not deteriorate during transportation. The pulp is tasty, sugary. Caring for bushes is not difficult, they can reach a height of 50 cm. Valuable properties early ripe variety Zest:

  • cold-resistant;
  • tolerates insufficient lighting;
  • has good immunity to some viruses.

french grapevine

New determinant tomato, medium early, pickling. Bushes up to 1 meter high need support and tying. Stepchildren do not need to be removed. The variety surprises with unusually beautiful clusters of finger fruits.

One plant can form brushes from 5 to 20 pieces. One bunch consists of 6-10 red tomatoes weighing 80-100 g. Outdoor planting scheme of tomato French bunch: 5 plants per square meter.


A wonderful early ripening tomato for open ground. The variety is very popular with amateur vegetable growers. Standard bushes, low (up to 40 cm). Caring for them is very simple, you do not need to tie up and remove stepchildren.

The size of the fruit is medium (up to 180 g), the color is red, the purpose is universal. The variety can be grown in the open ground of Western Siberia. The main advantages of tomato Fighter:

  • productivity;
  • precocity;
  • versatility.

dwarf tomatoes

Miniature tomato bushes will decorate a small garden. Ultra-early varieties of standard-type tomatoes are very decorative, they can be planted in flower beds, grown in a pot culture on a loggia or terrace.

The dwarf hybrid Pearl red F1 will appeal to lovers of mini tomatoes. Miniature standard bushes 30 cm high give 30 small, red tomatoes weighing about 20 g. The bushes do not need to be stepchildren, they are compact, can grow and bear fruit in low light. Fruits begin to sing 85 days after germination. There is a mini yellow pearl tomato with similar characteristics. The only difference is the color of the tomatoes.

Another miniature plant deserves attention. The determinant variety Bullfinch grows well on the balcony and in the open field. The bushes are low (up to 40 cm), begin to bear fruit on the 75th day. Tomatoes are red, rounded flattened.

Super-yielding stunted tomatoes

It is necessary to choose from a huge number of seeds super-yielding varieties of tomatoes for open ground. FROM small area at minimal cost you can get good yields from them.


The standard undersized (35 cm) variety Yamal shows a good yield. FROM square meter collect 10 kg of tomato. For a low-growing variety, this is an excellent indicator. Variety value:

  • supercold resistance;
  • resistance to heat, drought;
  • propagated by sowing seeds in the ground and seedlings.


An excellent productive variety with bushes of a determinant type. The height of densely leafy bushes is 90 cm. 20 kg of medium-sized round fruits are harvested per square meter. The maximum weight of one tomato does not exceed 200 g.

The fruits are pink, versatile, tolerate transportation well. Marinades are made from Ivanych tomatoes, light, summer salads are made. Valuable qualities:

  • transportability is excellent;
  • good quality taste;
  • immunity to TMV, Fusarium, Alternaria.

pink wonder

The pink miracle is striking in its productivity. Up to 19 kg of medium-sized pink fruits are harvested per square meter. The mass of fruits does not exceed 110 g. Carpal tomato, 6-7 pink fruits are formed in the brush.

The pulp will appeal to any gourmet with a dense structure and good taste. Super early tomatoes Pink Miracle have a number of advantages:

  • immunity to most diseases;
  • early ripening (82-85 days);
  • high yield.

Perhaps there is no domestic summer resident who does not grow or has never tried to grow tomatoes. The culture produces tasty and nutritious fruits without requiring special care. But if you want to greatly facilitate this process, it is very important to choose the varieties that are optimal for you, and these are low-growing tomato varieties. Why should they be preferred? There are reasons for this.

Varieties for open ground

Why do gardeners very often prefer to grow undersized tomatoes? You will spend much less effort on this process, and you will certainly be satisfied with the results, that is, the fruits. Among the key factors that persuade farmers to grow low-growing varieties of tomatoes are:

Low-growing tomatoes today come in a variety of varieties and subspecies, which one will become the best choice for you, depends solely on your preferences, as well as on the area in which you live and climatic conditions.

Before purchasing low-growing varieties of tomatoes, decide how you are going to grow them. It is noteworthy that all tomatoes are included in one category - determinants. Depending on this, three main groups of agricultural technology are distinguished:

"Coming of Age" ("F 1 Semko 18")

This hybrid belongs to the early varieties of tomatoes. It is low growing, but it gives a good harvest. An important advantage can be considered its resistance to diseases and pest invasion. Approximately 85 days will be spent on the final ripening of the fruit. Not too much favorable climate(drought or low temperature in summer), as a rule, is not terrible for agricultural technology. In addition, these tomatoes are great for both preservation and fresh consumption.


Such a bush reaches a height of no more than 70 cm, and it will take about 90 days to mature. As a rule, the harvest takes place in one period, at the end of July.
After this, no new ovaries appear, so you can safely make room for growing late crops. The significant advantages of tomatoes include their high palatability, as well as the resistance of the plant to cold temperatures. climatic conditions and various diseases.


Such a superdeterminant variety gives relatively large fruits weighing up to 200 g. These tomatoes can be grown using seedlings, which are planted in open ground. The main thing is to add to the soil a week before mineral fertilizers, which will contain large quantities potassium and phosphorus. The cold for this variety is not terrible, besides, it is not necessary to pinch them.

"Sweet kiss"

This miniature cherry variety produces fruits weighing up to 20 g. Nevertheless, agriculture is very popular among domestic gardeners. Tomatoes have high taste qualities, besides, the shape of the fruit deserves special attention.
About 100 days will be needed for the ripening of tomatoes, which, by the way, have a peculiar sugary taste. The fruits of the variety are considered universal.


Low-growing tomatoes belonging to this variety reach a height of 50 cm. The fruits are very tasty and quite fleshy. It is noteworthy that after harvesting, tomatoes can be safely stored fresh for eight weeks. The most remarkable advantages of agriculture include its resistance to cold climatic conditions, as well as to various infections.

It is also important that the plant feels great in shady places, as it is calm about the lack sunlight. Such characteristics are rarely characteristic of tomatoes, so this variety can be called universal.

Video “Overview of varieties”

The video will talk about the best varieties of undersized tomatoes.

Varieties for the greenhouse

As a rule, domestic gardeners prefer large varieties tomatoes, when it comes to growing them in greenhouses. However, it is quite difficult to care for such crops, because they require pinching, distribution of brushes. It is recommended to form a bush in advance. Not every farmer wants to do this. Undersized tomatoes will come to the rescue. Which of the varieties can grow and successfully bear fruit in greenhouse conditions?

Magus H

This agricultural technique belongs to the best low-growing varieties that normally perceive greenhouse conditions. It is characterized by resistance to diseases and at the same time intensively bears fruit.
A notable feature of this species is the fact that it is recommended to plant plants densely. Up to 3-4 plants can grow on one meter, and this will not reduce yields, but, on the contrary, such measures make it possible to achieve high yields.

"Orange Princess"

The variety belongs to the mid-season category and is excellent for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Such agricultural technology gives a good harvest. If you provide everything the necessary conditions for the active growth of tomatoes, as a result, it will be possible to collect up to 40 kg of fragrant and juicy orange fruits from one bush.


How to do in greenhouses without dwarf varieties? Firstly, you will significantly save a place where you can plant other vegetables, and, secondly, these tomato bushes look very neat, and in terms of fruiting intensity they are not inferior to their large counterparts.
Baskets, small containers and flower pots, hanging planters- you can grow tomatoes of the "Talisman" variety without much difficulty. In addition to good fruiting, these tomatoes also perform a decorative function. Pots with them can be hung in greenhouses, they look good hanging from tree branches.


Let's say you don't have a greenhouse and a summer house, but the desire to grow tomatoes at home overcomes any difficulties. In this case, you can open own greenhouse on the balcony in my apartment. It is the variety called Aztec that will become the optimal indoor vegetable plant, which will not only supply you with fruits, but also perform a decorative function. You should definitely buy such tomatoes, because their regular consumption reduces the risk of developing cancer.

The best varieties of tomatoes are a relative concept. The choice will depend on many different factors, so each farmer will single out his leaders.

The process of growing tomatoes in open ground or in greenhouse conditions is not difficult, if we take into account the basic requirements for caring for this crop. Make the necessary efforts, and the result will surely please you.

Video “Varieties for open ground”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties that can be planted in open ground.

Red clover - benefits and harms to the body

In open beds, they practice the cultivation of almost all low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Caring for tomatoes, whose height is from 30 to 80 cm, is not difficult. They enter fruiting early and manage to give the bulk of the crop before mass destruction nightshade late blight. Fruits can have a different color, shape and size. They always thrive together.

Ultra-early low-growing varieties of tomatoes

Low-growing tomatoes are considered early or mid-ripening. Their harvest ripens in about 90-100 days, but there are also ultra-early ripe varieties that give fruits already 70 days after planting.

High-yielding hybrid tomato Katya F1

Bushes of this variety of tomatoes for open ground are ideal - slightly leafy, sprawling. A flower brush develops over the fifth leaf. In the future, an ovary of up to 9 fruits is formed on it, which can be harvested 75-80 days after sowing the seeds.

Tomatoes Katya F1 are rounded, sometimes elliptical. The average weight of each fruit is 110-120 g. The pulp and skin are dense, after ripening they are bright red, with a sweetish taste.

With proper care, growing the Katya F1 hybrid from a square meter, up to 10 kg of tomatoes are harvested. The fruits ripen together, without cracking. During transportation, they do not deteriorate, as well as during storage. Plants withstand a short drought, are not capricious with temperature changes. Tomatoes are not affected by blossom end rot, are relatively resistant to viral mosaic, late blight, and Alternaria.

Sanka tomatoes

Sanka represents the earliest varieties of tomato, the first harvest of which is carried out when the age of the plant reaches 65 days. A squat bush 50-60 cm high above the seventh leaf begins to form the first fruit cluster with seven ovaries.

Round bright red fruits with slightly pronounced ribbing at the base have dense flesh. Tomatoes are not watery, their taste is excellent, without acid in the aftertaste. The weight of one fruit is 100-110 g, rarely up to 150 g.

Due to the dense glossy skin, tomatoes of the Sanka variety retain commercial qualities for a long time, have good keeping quality and are suitable for transportation. From each bush you can harvest 2-2.5 kg of crop. Sanka tomatoes fit well with low temperatures and drought. Plants are immune to most nightshade diseases.

Meaty tomatoes Boni M

Plant height rarely exceeds 45 cm. Bushes do not lie on the ground, have short internodes and terry leaves. The fruits are tied in clusters, starting from the fifth leaf. The crop ripens, starting from the 85-day age of the bush.

Flat-round tomatoes have a red color and a fleshy core. Their weight is 60-80 g. Taste properties are comparable with salad tomatoes of the best varieties.

Tomatoes Boni M do not stepchild. They are not afraid of late blight and top rot. Mature fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and are stored for a long time.

Large-fruited low-growing tomatoes - the best varieties

Among tomatoes with low growth, large-fruited varieties are very popular. They produce a crop of salad tomatoes earlier than others, which have excellent taste qualities.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia

Despite the name, the stem and stalks of this early variety are fragile. The bush grows up to 60-70 cm, forming the first brushes from the seventh leaf. The ovary in the brush is formed by 2-3 pieces. Tomatoes reach ripeness in 100-110 days after the first shoots.

The shape of the tomatoes is heart-shaped. Their color in full maturity is rich matte pink, weight is 400-600 g. The pulp is juicy with an excellent sugary taste. Seed chambers are small. The average yield is 9-10 kg per square meter.

Tomato Heavyweight of Siberia needs a garter of the stem and brushes. To obtain large fruits, pinching is recommended. The variety does not tolerate temperatures up to plus 40 degrees Celsius. Phytophthora resistant, viral mosaic, almost not affected by vertex rot.

Variety tomato Siberian trump

Siberian trump represents early varieties of tomatoes. Spreading, dense bushes up to 80 cm high give the first crop at the age of 105-110 days.

Rounded tomatoes are slightly flattened, raspberry color. The weight of the first fruits in the brush reaches 700 g, the rest - 300-400 g. The pulp is sweet, of a dense consistency. Productivity is high - up to 17 kg per sq.m.

The stem must be tied to a support and stepchild to the first fruit brush. The ovary is actively formed, despite bad weather conditions. The variety has resistance to late blight, fusarium and top rot.

Hospitable tomato

Choosing for planting undersized and large-fruited tomatoes, the best varieties for open ground of which are discussed in this section, be sure to pay attention to Khlebosolny tomatoes. The bushes stop growing at around 80 cm. The ovary is formed by small brushes of 3-5 pieces, and the first ripe tomatoes can be harvested on the 110th day from germination.

Bright red hospitable tomatoes, weighing 300-400 g (sometimes up to 700 g), have a flat-rounded outline. The pulp is sugary, juicy, with small seed chambers. Even in shading, the variety gives high yields. Easily tolerates frequent weather changes.

The best standard varieties of tomatoes

Standard tomatoes of low-growing varieties are characterized by a thick densely leafy stem. In the people, they are called "for the lazy", as they require minimal care.

Tomatoes Yamal

The height of these tomatoes is only 30 cm. The bush is erect, medium leafy. An ovary of 5-7 fruits is formed in the brush, ripening after germination in 85-95 days.

Fruits are rounded (sometimes flat-rounded), slightly ribbed, red. Weight - 70-100 g (the first fruits in the brush are up to 180 g). The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet. Productivity reaches 6 kg per sq.m.

When growing, the Yamal tomato does not require garters and pinching. There is a high resistance to late blight and resistance to drought, temperature extremes.

Betta tomatoes

Superearly grade - fruits ripen in 75-80 days. Plant height - up to 50 cm. In a flower brush, fruits are tied in clusters of 6-8 pieces.

The tomatoes ripen very quickly. The average weight of fruits is 50 g. They are round, ribbed at the stem, red. The pulp is juicy, moderately dense, sweetish in taste. The yield from one bush reaches 2 kg.

Betta, like other standard varieties of tomatoes for open ground, is unpretentious in care. The variety bears fruit at low temperatures and is resistant to major tomato diseases.


It is impossible to list all low-growing varieties of tomatoes within the framework of one article. We have selected for you the most popular varieties, growing which you will always be satisfied with the harvest.