Sweet tomatoes for open ground. The most productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground. Large-fruited and sweet varieties of tomatoes

Good afternoon dear readers!

Today I would like to talk and discuss the topic of tomatoes in more detail. What types are there and what is best to grow in open ground.

First, let's analyze what open and closed ground are, which one is considered the best? I will say right away that each method is individual in its own way. For example, if it is closed, this can include the greenhouse method. Therefore, tomatoes planted according to this process will sprout much faster, but they require constant watering (no rainwater won't help here). In open ground it is easier, at the same time it will be necessary to protect your seedlings from bad climatic conditions. Therefore, no matter what you choose, there is work and constant care everywhere.

Just a couple of days left, and the gardening chores associated with planting seeds for seedlings will begin. I talked about this in. How rich is the choice of seeds today. Sellers offer different things, but you don’t want to take it without specifying detailed information about them. That's exactly why, I picked up an excellent selection of varieties, which will become a little helper for you.

After all, how can you not love tomatoes, with their amazingly soft and juicy pulp. And what excellent and spicy they are obtained with salting.

Low-growing tomatoes without pinching

In this section you will find the most delicious low-growing tomatoes for open ground, which do not need to be stepson at all. So to speak, “for the lazy”, well, or for beginners who have not yet fully figured out the agricultural technology of vegetables.

If it seems to you that the bush has become too thick, you can still slightly remove the last shoots using the stepson method, leaving the very first ones. Thus, the harvest can be obtained much faster. And the first of these types will be:

Tomato Agatha

Probably every gardener, and indeed any person loves to eat fresh vegetables straight from the garden. And the options are trying to choose those that bear fruit the very first. It is under this species that the Agatha variety is suitable.

It is considered one of the most famous and the earliest ripe, which rises literally 98-110 days after the first shoots. On the 120th day, they can be safely collected by the whole family, which is also very much appreciated. The color of the ripened fruit is red, the shape is rounded, but slightly flattened. The mass of one such tomato on average reaches 80 or even 100 grams.

Many gardeners with experience grow this type in open ground. Which is very pleasing, because not everyone can afford to have a greenhouse on their site. Another great news is that this species ripens so early that it does not even catch the most courageous disease - late blight.

The variety is determinant, the height of such bushes reaches only 33-45 centimeters. Stem growth is completed after the appearance of four or five brushes. If you want to get some more new seedlings, leave the stepson branches in the water, and after the roots come out, you can plant them again.

Many gardeners complain about the slightly sour taste of these tomatoes, but the average assessment of experts at the moment is from 3.8 to 5 points. By the way, they are not whimsical at all. Some of them do not even require an additional garter to the support.

It is considered universal. They are used both fresh and canned due to their small size, you can cook tomato paste.

Tomato "Adeline"

This variety belongs to the mid-season dermenant, an excellent option for open ground and film shelter. It is one of the best for pickling, and for various preparations for the winter: salads, tomato juices, etc. The ripening period of this fruit from the moment the first leaves are released is 110-115 days. The bush of the plant reaches only 45 cm, which means a family of undersized.

Ripe fruits have an oblong shape, rich red color. The mass of such a tomato is 85 gr. Another feature, it is resistant to various diseases for example, late blight, drought and can easily survive hot days.

It is not very whimsical in care, it is enough to carry out weeding and watering in time. And only then the fruits in the harvest season will please you. Judging by the reviews of many experienced gardeners, it is very resistant to pests, which is also important. Especially if tomatoes grow near potatoes.

If you want a good harvest with great stamina, run for "Adeline" to the store. You will not regret.

Grade "Gavroche"

This is one of the species - a family of stunted ones that does not require pinching. Ripe fruits are not large in size, on average up to 50 grams. Up to 5-7 cherry tomatoes are formed on its brushes. Ripening occurs for 85-90 days, an excellent option, so to speak, for lovers of early ripening.

The fruits are characterized by good disease resistance and average fruiting. Of course, excellent taste. Gavroche is semi-determinant, its growth ranges from 40-55 cm. They characterize themselves as very friendly tomatoes, giving fruits to the whole family, and the yield from one bush reaches 1 kg, sometimes more.

How wonderful they look in canned form in a whole jar. All so filled with transparent brine. Your tomatoes will be appreciated.

Variety "Wind Rose"

For lovers of unpretentious seedlings and fruits. It is resistant not only to various diseases, but also to temperature extremes. No need to stepchild, because. bushes already have low growth, barely growing to 50 cm.

The fruits ripen on average for 110 days. They grow up together, and they appear together. The harvest will be massive. The fruits are very tasty and fleshy. They called it "Wind Rose", because. they have a pronounced pink color. This type is great for fresh consumption, as well as for various salads. Can be preserved at your discretion. I myself really like to pickle small tomatoes, so these, in my opinion, are suitable for sauces.

I think this subsection will be enough to select seeds, if you use some of your more favorite ones, share with us below in the comments. I think that everyone will appreciate, and maybe even try. The next subsection will be no less interesting, to be specific, we will consider several varieties of high-yielding and super early tomatoes.

Super early high yield tomatoes

Each summer resident, when buying seeds, should already be sure exactly where he will plant them. Under what conditions will they grow? Perhaps it will be open ground or a greenhouse, because not many people know that these two types of planting are very different. For example, you bought a greenhouse variety for open ground, do you think it will yield a crop? Of course not, but if you are very lucky, then a couple of fruits may appear, but how much effort, and most importantly morale, will be invested in them. So try to take it seriously.

I propose to disassemble, literally a few more popular varieties of tomatoes for open ground, which are considered super early and high-yielding.

One of the first will be a familiar view, called.

Variety "Ivanych"

It is hybrid, mid-early, determinant, the height of the bushes reaches 60-70 cm. It has an average foliage density, up to 6 ripe fruits can form on one bush. The yield is very high, with good care (watering, fertilizing, weeding) you can count on 12-15 kg per 1 square meter.

Ripe fruits are very large, reaching up to 200 grams of weight. The color is hot pink. Very meaty and juicy, great for pickling and canned salads. The taste is sweet, not much sourness is present. The merchandise is just great. This variety is resistant to diseases such as Alternaria, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, and of course the well-known Fusarium.

When buying seeds, pay attention that they can be used for planting in open ground.

Tomatoes "Meal"

Tomatoes can be considered ultra-early. Ripe fruits can be seen as early as 75-80 days. The main advantage of such varieties is their high binding to each other. On average, one cyst contains from 8 to 10 tomatoes. This type is suitable not only for open ground, but is also not inferior to growing in a greenhouse.

The shape of the tomatoes is very interesting, oval round, and the weight reaches only 20 grams. They can safely be called cherry tomatoes. Due to the dense red skin of this species, tomatoes do not have the ability to crack. Great option for salting, it turns out very tasty and piquant.

The Trapeza plant is resistant to diseases such as mosaic, black bacterial spot, Alternaria, Fusarium, late blight. Agree - it raises a certain level of this type, and for this I choose it. After all, it’s not sad, but probably in a lifetime everyone has come across such an experience that you care for, grow, and then late blight attacked you. And all efforts were in vain.

Normal care - weeding, watering, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and, most importantly, loosening, excess oxygen has not yet interfered with any of the plants. The average yield is 9-10 kilograms per 1 sq.m. They perfectly tolerate transportation, while maintaining their beautiful appearance.

Tomatoes "Primadonna"

This is a first generation hybrid variety that cannot be reused, otherwise you will end up with something that you did not expect to see. Hybrids in their appearance have many good qualities: large fruits, resistant to climate change, high yields even in the most unfavorable soil. The size of the ripe fruit is up to 200 gr. Another distinctive feature is that in a short summer period they can produce a crop twice, but only with proper and timely care.

The bush of such a plant reaches a height of more than a meter. Garter in this case necessary.

Use exclusively synthetic fabric so as not to cause rotting of the bush.

Attractive appearance is very pleasing. They have a rounded, but slightly elongated shape, with a graceful spout at the end. The taste is characteristic of tomatoes, sweetish with a slight sourness. Ideal for fresh salads. Thanks to their elastic skin, tomatoes can be easily transported and not be afraid of cracking the pulp.

Another important plus is resistance to various diseases such as fusarium, early blight, late blight and tomato mosaic. Absolutely not capricious variety with increased safety.

On average, per 1 square meter, the yield of bushes is up to 18 kg. So, take this species boldly and do not worry about its further growth. All factors indicate that this suitable option for severe climatic conditions and heterogeneous soil.

The largest varieties for open ground

Large tomato fruits are certainly appreciated by any gardener. How beautifully they lie on the shelves, attracting with their presentation. Such fruits are famous for their sweet and fleshy taste, excellent for fresh consumption. For marinating salads. But in order to grow them in the open field, you will have to make at least a small, but effort.

The first thing to do is, of course, to choose the right variety, which we will do now. Having analyzed the most common and best in taste.

"The Tsar Bell"

This tomato is one of the best in terms of productivity and has a sweet, fleshy taste, being mid-season. Not least, the bushes of such fruits are not tall, which makes it very easy to care for seedlings. The plant is determinate, not exceeding the height of 1 meter.

The shape of the tomatoes is very unusual in the form of a heart, the color is rich bright red. The mass of the ripe fruit reaches 300 g, and the first fruits weigh at least 600 g in all. From a square meter of such an area, you can collect from 10 to 18 kg. The bush must be tied up and stepsoned as necessary.

"King of Siberia"

Fruits high in beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamins. The variety is mid-season, a good option for growing in open ground or under film cover. The plant is considered derminant and few-leaved. The fruits are distinguished by their bright orange or yellow, the mass of one averages from 300-400 gr. The skin is dense, which means it is resistant to transportability.

Ideal for baby and diet food. Not unimportant fact, this variety is resistant to many diseases. Seedlings should be planted in open ground at a distance of 50 * 40 cm. big harvest, then do not forget about such important things as watering, regular weeding, loosening and of course top dressing.

Such fruits can be grown in all agricultural regions. The plant is very powerful, thick stems, and ovaries are formed after 3-4 leaves. They are famous for their special productivity in the south, the first tomatoes in such regions can reach up to 1 kilogram.

The unpretentious variety easily tolerates temperature changes, cold and drought. True, in the heat, the formation of ovaries is slightly reduced, hence the slow fruiting.


This is one of the best views tomatoes for open ground. It is considered mid-season with high yields and large bushes. Their stems are very strong and literally completely hung with fruit tassels. Ripe tomatoes reach up to 250-300 gr., Elongated shape with smooth red skin.

The pulp of such fruits is very juicy with a slight sourness. With proper care from 1 square meter, you can collect from 10 to 17 kg of ripe fruits. In the southern regions and even more up to 20 kg. The variety is very resistant to weather conditions, to a sharp cold snap or heat. Transportability is good, thanks to the elastic skin.

They can be divided into two more sub-grades, there is “Golden Koenigsberg” - their color is yellow-orange, the taste is without sourness; "Kenigsberg heart-shaped" - is distinguished by the large size of both the plants themselves and the ripened fruits, which reach 600-800 g, and it ripens much longer.

In the next section, I wanted to talk about several types of tomatoes. Which give large fruits, but are undersized. The skin color of such tomatoes will be pink.

low growing pink tomatoes

Low-growing varieties are considered the most popular among gardeners. Most of these types do not require a garter, which means less hassle and time spent. Indeed, some plants reach up to 3 meters in height, and they just need additional attention, this is a garter, and the removal of stepchildren.

Pink tomatoes, and even undersized ones, have always been famous for their aroma and excellent taste. Let's discuss in more detail several varieties that fit these two criteria "undersized" and "pink".

"Pink Honey"

It is mid-season, the qualities that it has are an excellent sweet taste, resistance to cracking, and of course large-fruited.

The fruits have a soft pink color, the flesh is very fleshy. Heart-shaped, ripe fruits reach up to 600 grams in weight. The variety is determinant, therefore, the bushes are not high 60-70 centimeters, but you still have to tie up a little. Otherwise, due to the large weight of the fruit, the branches tend to break off. Resistant to temperature changes.

Perfect for fresh salads, and for the manufacture of canned snacks.

"Pink cheeks"

Tomato "Pink cheeks" is medium early. Fruit ripening occurs at 108 to 115 days. The bushes are determinate, the height of which is 70-90 cm. Resistant to diseases such as alternariosis, fusarium and verticillium wilt.

Tomatoes of this variety ripen much larger from 200-350 grams, have a flat-round shape with a bright raspberry-pink color. They have a meaty taste and good transportability.

You can eat these tomatoes fresh, they are ideal for preparing canned salads.

"Pink Titan"

This variety is a good option not only for open ground, but also for greenhouses. Someone grows on their balcony. It was bred by breeders in 2000.

The ripening period is medium-late, the fruits ripen on the 110th day. Bushes are determinant undersized, the maximum height is 65 centimeters. Productivity is high up to 4 kg per bush over the summer. Resistant to nightshade diseases, but unfortunately exposed to late blight and very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. But it tolerates the lack of water perfectly.

The shape of ripe fruits is flat-round, the maximum weight of a tomato reaches 120 grams. The color is bright pink. The skin is thick but very thin. The pulp is fragrant, fleshy and juicy, the taste is sweet.

Many experienced gardeners advise using this variety for salting as a whole. Also recommended for fresh consumption.

The most important point when planting any seedlings is proper care for them. Timely water the seedlings, loosen and weed the soil. Feed throughout the entire period of fruit ripening. Here's what to remember and do in practice. Then the harvest will delight you not only in summer, but also in winter, floating in a transparent brine. Relatives will admire their integrity and uniform color, and of course a pleasant spicy taste.

If this information seemed not enough, or you did not find what you were looking for. I propose to watch a small but very useful video about fruitful varieties.

Video about the best varieties and yields of tomatoes

So many different species and hybrids have appeared that it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose, despite your horticultural knowledge. For beginners, this is probably the most difficult process.

Each has its own taste, someone chooses large and fleshy. And who prefers small, but sweet. Someone has a choice before coloring: red, yellow or pink. Gardeners with extensive experience first of all look at what kind of soil it is intended for.

So let's watch a video in which an experienced gardener shares his secrets when choosing the best yielding varieties.

Here we come to the very conclusion. Surely you have chosen for yourself what you liked more and are ready to start planting. Now it is important with what mood you will plant the selected variety and how you will take care of your crop in the future.

I sincerely want to wish you a bigger and healthier harvest!

Good day, dear readers! Today I would like to talk to you about: the best varieties tomatoes for open ground. Many gardeners prefer to grow tomatoes outdoors, especially if the climate is favorable.

It is important to know about some features of varieties for open ground:

  1. The difference between the species is visible in the color of the fruit, in its forms, as well as in the ripening time.
  2. The average growing season lasts about 80 days.
  3. There are vegetables that can be stored for a long time, and there are vegetables that can spoil very quickly.

Before you decide which tomato varieties are best for outdoors, learn more about the variety of varieties available. The choice is influenced by parameters such as heat resistance, ease of care and fleshy pulp.

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the time of fetal growth. Depending on this factor, tomatoes are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Regardless of the variety, certain rules must be observed. After collecting the previous crops, the soil must be fertilized, and in the spring the soil is re-dug.

By the way, do not plant tomatoes after peppers or potatoes, as these crops are affected by the same diseases.

It does not matter which seedling you choose, but if you do not provide it with proper lighting, then this will negatively affect its yield. The leaves will turn pale in color and the rate of ripening will slow down.

And moisture is necessary to create a strong root system. When watering, do not allow water to fall on the leaves.

Planting seeds is best done with seedling technology. This can be done at home in March. And the resulting sprouts are moved to the gardens in May.

The best varieties of undersized tomatoes

Undersized or determinant species are in demand among summer residents, due to the following properties:

  • early maturation;
  • can grow in soils of different types;
  • have vegetables of bright colors;
  • simple care is required;
  • little susceptible to disease and bad weather;
  • can grow outdoors.

Here is a description of the individual options:

This species is considered late maturing. The height of the bushes is about 150 cm. For better growth it is important to tie them up in a timely manner.

These vegetables have a roundish and flat shape and excellent taste properties. Tomatoes make excellent juice.


It is a high-yielding medium-early species. This compact plant can be planted both in the garden and in closed greenhouses.

Tomatoes have an oblong shape and a pinkish color. Differ in universal appointment, and also sweet taste.

It is an early maturing and undersized variety. Shrub height from 50 cm.

Such a culture does not need pinching and tying. In the garden shoots are formed after 100 days. The yield index of this species is 6-7 kg / sq.m.

The tomato got its name due to the fact that after the delivery of the fruits, they acquire a whitish tint. When ripe, they become scarlet. The weight of such a tomato reaches 90-130 gr.


The tomato bears fruit after 90 days. Used for seedless growing method. He does not need stepsoning and he does not get sick much. The shrub grows up to 45 cm. Rounded fruits have a weight of 90-120 gr.

Lady fingers

This type of tomato is resistant to heat and drought. This is an early look. Can mature in 95 days. From 1 sq. m. it turns out about three kg of vegetables. The tomato has elongated fruits.

You probably know that varieties need to be selected depending on the geographical location. The use of tomatoes in Siberia has its own nuances.

The harsher the climate, the lower the growth of the bushes. Superdeterminant varieties are used, which, due to their small growth, ripen faster and have a high yield.

For such a climate, varieties such as Pink honey, Nevsky, Stolypin, Arctic, Polar or Taimyr are suitable. These species have a height of no more than 60 cm, they do not require pinching and thinning, the fruits have a rich taste and bright colors.

Video - the best tomatoes for open ground in Siberia

For the Moscow region, such species as Yamal, Explosion, Beta, Utenok or Demidov are suitable. They are similar in quality: they are universal in use, they are immune to diseases. A full harvest will be obtained in 95-125 days. At the same time, vegetables are characterized by a variety of colors.

Harvest varieties

Good varieties of tomatoes are productive vegetables. For different areas, options are selected that are distinguished by excellent immunity from pests, as well as the desired resistance to low temperatures. Such tomatoes grow well in any region, including Siberia.

In addition, these species are famous for their increased productivity and survival in any conditions:

  1. Tomato Marmande is a quality vegetable, as it is little exposed to fungal diseases. The advantages include resistance to temperature fluctuations.
  2. Sevruga is a vegetable that is adapted for the northern regions. Initially, these were tomatoes of the Dutch selection, acclimatized for the regions Middle lane, and then for Siberia. The fruit can weigh up to 450 grams. These tomatoes are easy to transport due to their hard skin.
  3. TO effective types refers to Roma tomato. It produces about 68 tons of vegetables per hectare. It is a culture resistant to pathogenic fungi that tolerates temperature fluctuations perfectly well.

Early varieties

Let's look at the popular varieties of early cultures. These tomatoes have a lot of advantages. In addition to early ripeness, it avoids phytophthora and has a wonderful aroma and taste.

seedlings early vegetables planted in the garden in May. At this time, in many areas, the ground is already well warmed up and even small drops in temperature will not cause harm.

Early varieties include:

  1. The Leningrad chill does not outgrow a height of 40 cm. It is realistic to get about 23 kg from a bush. Vegetables are not very heavy, about 70 grams. The strong side is resistance to low temperatures and to late blight.
  2. In 87 days, the Doll F 1 hybrid will sing. It is distinguished by significant dimensions and a pinkish color. The weight of a vegetable can reach 200 grams. This tomato does not crack, as it is obtained in a seedless way. Ripens in 88 -95 days.
  3. When choosing ultra-early options, pay attention to Aphrodite 1. It takes about 78 days from small sprouts to large vegetables.

Mid-season varieties of tomatoes

The best mid-season varieties are:

  1. Budenovka, which will sing in 115 days. Shrubs grow only up to 70 cm. Using pinching, you can grow large fruits. Use them for lecho, tomato puree, as well as for all kinds of preservation.
  2. Pink honey gives vegetables 110 days after germination. Often used as a sweet variety. The weight of a vegetable is about 400 gr. They are used in the manufacture of salads, but are characterized by poor disease resistance.
  3. Bull's heart is a vigorous crop. It grows well in the southern regions of the country, and is also suitable for Ukraine. The fruits are characterized by irregular shapes and can be quite large in size. Weight reaches 500 gr.
  4. The nobleman is up to one and a half meters high. Vegetables are characterized by a pinkish color and a heart-shaped shape. They have medium firmness.

Varieties of cherry tomatoes for open ground

Cherry tomatoes have high or low bushes. The last option allows you to early harvest. Consider the following options:

  1. In an open area, a tomato such as Lukoshko on the window grows magnificently. He ripens in 85 days. For this culture, you do not need to do pinching. About 8-10 fruits are formed on one brush.
  2. Cranberries in sugar belong to early ripening species. It forms low-growing seedlings that do not require tying. Rounded and small tomatoes are formed on the stem. It is resistant to climatic extremes and phytophthora.
  3. Coin is early ripening tomatoes. This option is not afraid of late blight and will sing in 80 days. Vegetables weigh 10-15 grams and have a yellowish color.

When choosing a variety, it is important to consider the region. For example, not all varieties are suitable for the Moscow region. It is better to choose varieties such as Honey Drop, Mio or Likou.

Large varieties of tomatoes

Large fruit is not always an indicator of a rich harvest. This factor is not decisive when choosing varieties; indicators such as yield, disease resistance and, of course, taste are much more important. Large tomatoes include tomatoes whose weight exceeds 250 grams.

It is worth choosing the following options:

  1. The sprint timer is grown in the south of Russia or Ukraine. Has a spreading bush. When caring for this tomato, top dressing, removing stepchildren and a garter are required. No more than four bushes are planted per square meter. Fruits differ in fleshy structure and excellent tastes.
  2. A pudovik can acquire weight up to 900 grams. The tomato has a pinkish tint and fleshy flesh, and is also shaped like a heart. An excellent option for the Urals and the Chernozem region.
  3. King of Kings is a mid-late blight resistant species. Its weight is from 500 grams to a kilogram. It has good taste and versatility.

black varieties

Do you know that black tomatoes appeared in the middle of the last century? They were obtained by crossing red fruits with wild ones.

These species are considered healthier than regular red tomatoes due to their antioxidant properties. You can consider the following options:

  1. Black Moor is a mid-season type tomato. About 4-6 kg of tomatoes are obtained from a bush. The vegetable is good fresh or as an ingredient for preservation.
  2. Mid-season varieties include De Barao. The height of the stem is up to one and a half meters. The plant needs a garter. The shape of the vegetable is elongated. This is a disease resistant variety.
  3. Chernomor belongs to the middle early ones. Gardeners remove up to 3.5 kg from a bush. Delicious vegetables are obtained after 120 days. The color of the tomatoes is brown-red. The fruits are of medium size.
  4. A Negro is able to give up to four kg from a bush. The fruits have a black skin, as well as a reddish, uniform pulp. These are sweet tomatoes used for salads.

New varieties for open ground

Breeding techniques do not stand still. The newest improved hybrids, standard and productive species appear. Growers every year try to get better fruits with short ripening periods.

It is worth noting the novelties from the company Agros, which sells seeds for residents of the Urals and Far East. High-yielding crops include Casper, which is characterized by compactness and excellent knotting.

The Euro company offers seeds from well-known breeders working on disease-resistant varieties. View Bratishka is characterized by early maturation. Fruits can be obtained 65 days after germination.

The varieties of the Russian garden company are popular. Famous varieties include Gigantissimo and Plum Drop.

Here is just a small part of the whole variety of magnificent varieties. Choose the right seeds and then you will get a rich harvest.

Video - determinant tomatoes for open ground

Great varieties and great vegetables. If you know of any interesting varieties, please share in the comments. See you soon, dear friends.

Reading time: 16 min

5 / 5 ( 2 votes)

5 / 5 ( 2 votes)

Among the huge number of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes special place occupy those that are intended for cultivation in open ground. Today, tomatoes have been bred that are distinguished by excellent yields, excellent taste, unpretentiousness, while they bear fruit right on the ridges.

In the southern regions, it is not difficult to grow tomatoes this way; for territories with a harsh climate, you have to select the appropriate varieties. In our review, we will consider which tomato varieties will be the most productive for open ground, we will note undersized, disease-resistant, early tomatoes, new hybrids, and we hope that the article will be useful.

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The main characteristics of tomatoes for the garden

When choosing tomatoes for outdoor cultivation, there are a number of factors to consider. In the middle lane, and even more so in the northern regions, tomatoes are suitable for planting on ridges, which will be most adapted to such conditions.

This means they must be:

  • cold-resistant;
  • early ripe;
  • resistant to various diseases and pests.

Of no small importance are the taste, size of the fruit.

ON A NOTE! Many gardeners quite rightly believe that self-pollinated tomatoes grown in garden beds are much tastier than greenhouse counterparts.

Favorites will be low-growing early-ripening varieties that form compact bushes that do not require pinching. They are easier to care for (just put small pegs-supports), and a variety of species will allow you to choose the right size and color of tomatoes. Among the modern "shorty" tomatoes there are very productive determinant varieties of tomatoes, large-fruited, popular cherry tomatoes.

Indeterminate outdoor tomatoes are recommended to be grown in the south, as they have unlimited growth, medium late or late dates maturation. Although today early indets have been bred, from which a good harvest can be harvested under the conditions of a short summer season.

Big choice ground tomatoes are offered by Siberian breeders, who are very fruitfully working on breeding new varieties and hybrids. The priority is the breeding of tomatoes that have high immunity, tasty and sweet fruits, and early ripening.

Our review will feature various groups (including newest varieties), so based on the criteria, you can find out which tomatoes to plant in open ground, their description, characteristics, features.

The best tomatoes for open ground

The tomatoes shown here have received many positive feedback gardeners from various regions and regions of Russia, so they deservedly can be called the best. Note that the rating is subjective, since the yield and taste of tomatoes depend not only on the variety, but also on the growing conditions, the correctness of agricultural technology.

One of the productive tomatoes for growing on ridges. Differs in early ripeness, excellent productivity. Fruits - up to 200 grams, beautiful, pink. In each brush, usually 7-8 fruits are tied, of medium size, very similar to apples.

In unprotected soil, with proper agricultural technology, the yield can be up to 16 kg per square meter. meters.

A very unpretentious tomato that shows good results in all regions (middle lane, North-West, Urals).

The ripening period is medium, up to 120 days, the bushes are low, about 40-50 cm. The tomatoes are plum-shaped, very dense, bright red in color. The mass of delicious "cream" - no more than 50-55 grams. Tomato Aquarelle is resistant to many diseases, the fruits can be used for salads, marinades.

The Moravian miracle was included in the State Register in 1997, but even today it does not give up its positions. A very productive, tasty tomato that grows well on ridges.

The fruits are round, red, weighing about 80 grams. Taste is very high. Early tomato (about 100 days), the fruits are distinguished by an excellent presentation, suitable for conservation, slicing, cooking various dishes.

In open ground, the bush grows to a height of 60-70 cm. Bred in Siberia, it is distinguished by excellent resistance to weather “whims”, and productivity. Tomatoes look very similar to small eggplants, but their color is bright orange, apricot.

Fruit weight - up to 270-300 grams, used in salads, preservation. An important characteristic of this variety: high keeping quality of fruits.

An interesting tomato that every gardener will love. Its "pluses": early terms, extended return of fruits, unpretentiousness, resistance to late blight. The tomato confirms its name, fruiting is plentiful.

Bush in height - 60 cm, complex brushes. The fruits are very dense, weighing up to 120 grams, tasty, sweet. It is mainly used for salads, for processing into juice, pasta.

For conservation, the fruits of this fruitful variety, which belongs to the carpal-type tomatoes, are suitable. The plant is compact, shade-tolerant (within reasonable limits), grows up to 60-70 cm. Tomatoes are elongated, 12-15 cm long, red-pink, have fleshy dense pulp. Very sweet. Maturing terms - 100 days.

One of the tomatoes beloved by many summer residents, surprising with the compact size of the bush, large-fruited. You can read more about it.

The height of the plant on the ridges is up to 70-80 cm, the bush itself has a thin stem and drooping leaves. A support and a garter are required. The fruits are large, about 400 grams, red in color with fleshy sugar pulp and sweet. Use - juices, salads, sauces.

dwarf tomatoes

Of course, these are not exactly “shorty” plants, but for the most part, many of them do not exceed 50 cm in height. Among them, there are many standard tomatoes for open ground. For beds, such plants are the best choice, although they bear great fruit in tunnels, under arcs.

Note such tomatoes as Taimyr, reaching a height of 30 cm with fruits weighing about 100 grams, semi-standard Snowdrop, drought-resistant and yielding a crop in any season. Also noteworthy are the following varieties and hybrid forms:

  • Polar (tomatoes up to 150 grams, universal purpose, bush - 30 cm);
  • Arctic (plant up to 40 cm, cherry tomatoes, intended for open ground);
  • Yamal (height - 25 cm, fruits are round, tasty);
  • (tomatoes - elongated, plum-shaped, red, bush - 50 cm);
  • (bushes in height - 50 cm, tomatoes are productive, heat-resistant).

Tall large-fruited varieties

In the open field, you can get a good harvest from tall tomatoes (indeterminate and determinant), but such plants will require special care. Suitable varieties that have early fruiting, as tomatoes must have time to form before the onset of adverse weather and cold weather. They are harvested green, in a state of technical ripeness, until they are fully ripe they will already reach in boxes or boxes at home.

The advantages of such "giants" is their productivity, as well as the ability to get large fruits.

There is another name for the seeds of this variety -. The tomato was bred in Siberia, has a powerful bush up to 130 cm. Tomatoes are large, heart-shaped, weighing 800-900 grams. Coloring is bright crimson. Very tasty and juicy fruits, few seeds.

An early indeterminate variety of tomato with fruits of about 250 grams. The height of a powerful bush can reach 150 cm on the ridges (they will be higher in the greenhouse). The hybrid was bred in Holland, has proven itself well in the open field, but still gives the best results in Siberia and the Urals in greenhouses.

If you want to grow bigger tomatoes, choose Three Fat Men. This variety was bred in Altai, has large red fruits weighing about 600-800 grams.

The bush grows up to one and a half meters, enhanced feeding, pinching are required. Tomatoes are very tasty, the purpose is universal. Benefit: high fruit set, excellent yield even under adverse conditions.

An unpretentious tall variety that shows good results in open ground. Indet, height - 180-200 cm, with fruits weighing about 500-600 grams. Tomatoes are orange, taste qualities are high. Used mainly for salads. Tomatoes contain a large number of sugars, beta-carotene.

The variety is very disease resistant.

Another variety of tomatoes - Orange, will delight you with delicious, juicy fruits, each weighing about 250 grams. Tomatoes have a pleasant taste, juicy, sweet pulp with a barely noticeable sourness.

The height of the bush is 150-160 cm, supports are required. Ripening occurs after 115 days, that is, Orange is a mid-season variety.

The sweetest ground tomatoes

In this group, we have identified tomatoes, the fruits of which are particularly sweet and suitable for planting in unprotected ground. IN good season at proper care on the ridges you can get tomatoes that “overtake” tomatoes grown in greenhouses in taste.

Variety of tomatoes from Siberian breeders, large-fruited, very sweet. Its bushes on the ridges grow up to 80-100 cm, the first brush is formed above the 9th leaf.

The fruits reach a weight of up to 500 grams, but on average - 250-350 g. The shape of the tomatoes is heart-shaped, the skin is dense, dark red. Delicious fruits are best used in salads, they also make thick tomato juice.

So many gardeners praise the fruits of this large-fruited tomato, which gives an excellent harvest even in regions of risky farming.

On the beds, the bushes grow up to 70-80 cm, the ripening time is about 110 days. Tomatoes are delicious, very sweet, weighing up to 500-700 grams. Skin color is red. Use - salads, juices, sauces.

If you want to grow early sweet tomatoes, then choose the Premium hybrid. His fruits are ready for harvest after 95 days (open ground), while they are distinguished by sweetness and a very pleasant taste.

Round-shaped tomatoes with a small "nose", red, weighing up to 140 grams. The tomato gives the harvest very amicably, is resistant to a number of diseases, including the dangerous phytophthora.

This hybrid bears fruit abundantly in open ground in all regions of Russia. Early (95 days) and productive tomato has tasty fruits weighing about 130-150 grams.

The hybrid is determinate, up to 90 cm in height, very resistant to adverse weather factors and diseases. Tomatoes are delicious fresh, suitable for preservation, marinades.

A delicious variety that is loved by many gardeners in Siberia, central Russia, the Urals. Grow it in the beds, in terms of ripening - medium early tomato.

In unprotected soil it grows up to a meter, the fruits are large, beautiful pink in color, weighing up to 600 grams. To obtain tomatoes of greater weight, it is recommended to perform brush formations.

The pulp is juicy, on the cut - sugar, with a honey taste. The grade is ideal for salads, processing on juice and sauces. Feature: Pink honey is completely unsuitable for storage.

The fruit variety will please with tasty, original coloring fruits. The plant reaches a length of about a meter in height, stepchildren are usually removed to the first brush.

Fruit weight - 400-450 grams. Tomatoes are dark pink, almost black. The taste is sugary, very pleasant. Feature of the variety: without staking, it sets smaller fruits, tomatoes are prone to cracking (with excessive soil moisture).

Riddle tomatoes are suitable for salads and preservation. The plant is determinant, in height - no more than 40 cm, while stepchildren are practically not formed on the bush.

The fruits are round, red in color, weighing 80-90 grams, fleshy and tasty. They retain their taste even during conservation, salting. This variety is one of the best for harvesting for the winter.

A minimum of care is also required for another variety of tomato - Roma, but it will surprise you with delicious “cream” fruits. By weight, they grow up to 80 grams, have a bright red color and a very rich tomato flavor.

Do not crack, perfectly retain their shape in salting, marinades. Also, these tomatoes are suitable for drying. From 1 sq. meters of beds you can get up to 7.3-7.5 kg of fruit.

Phytophthora resistant plants

One of the most important characteristics tomatoes that are intended for open ground is their resistance to diseases, and especially to late blight. Usually these are non-stepping plants, low and very unpretentious. Gardeners love undersized varieties, because even in the difficult conditions of the European North, the Urals, and Siberia, you can get delicious tomatoes for salads and preparations from them.

Introducing the most persistent "tin soldiers" among tomatoes:

An early and unpretentious "baby" tomato forms many small red fruits. The mass of each is up to 50-60 grams, the taste is good. Lean tomatoes, suitable for salads, processing.

The Gnome variety is very disease resistant.

This early tomato also “runs away” from late blight, and all because its fruits ripen in 80-83 days.

The bushes are low, standard type, in height - 45-50 cm. Tomatoes are rounded with a slight ribbing, weighing up to 80-100 grams, beautiful red. The taste characteristics are high, the pulp is sweet and without sourness, which is rare for early ripening tomatoes.

A low-growing and very productive variety that forms red fruits weighing up to 100-120 grams when ripe.

These are unpretentious and cold-resistant tomatoes, their bushes have a height of up to 40-50 cm. Ripening time is 85-90 days. Standard tomato, does not need pinching, tomatoes are delicious.

Another tomato resistant to phytophthora, as well as fusaoriosis, has a good yield (up to 8-9 kg per square meter).

The variety is low, up to 45 cm tall, with large dark green leaves. Tomatoes with weak ribbing, bright red, weighing about 80 grams. The taste is excellent, mostly the tomato is used fresh.

One of the shortest growing tomatoes, moreover, resistant to diseases.

His bushes have a height of only 20 cm, branches and stems spread along the ground. A very decorative variety. Fruits by weight - about 90-100 grams, very tasty, juicy.

This variety is grown in beds, it also bears fruit well on balconies, in hanging baskets.

High yields show tomatoes bred in Holland, including the Polfast hybrid. The fruits are removed after 85-86 days, the tomatoes are tasty, juicy. Coloring - bright red, weight - about 140-150 grams.

This hybrid is distinguished by excellent taste, unpretentiousness. Due to the ultra-early ripening period, it is not exposed to phytophthora.

Super early and early

Varieties and hybrids that produce early crops will be the most the best choice for planting in the garden. Their diversity is amazing, and it is not so easy to find for yourself that tomato that will please you with a good result. Superdeterminant tomatoes yield crops very quickly, and thanks to this, they also “leave” phytophthora. We recommend the following ultra-early tomatoes:

Super early variety of tomatoes, the first fruits can be harvested after 80 days.

Designed for growing on open ridges, productive (up to 8 kg per 1 sq. Meter), very tasty tomato. The fruits are round, with a smooth glossy skin, red, weighing up to 115 grams.

Plant height - 45-50 cm, tomatoes do not need pinching, but supports for tying brushes are needed.

This is an early bird, as the fruits ripen in 95-97 days. An unpretentious and cold-resistant variety is very popular in Siberia, in the North-West.

Its bushes are up to half a meter high, the fruits are bright red, round, slightly flattened. Weight - up to 170-200 grams, while the taste of the fruit is excellent.

Another early variety is Labrador, which begins to bear fruit already at 95-98 days. Its fruits are very dense, outwardly similar to red apples, weighing up to 150 grams.

Tomatoes are removed green, they “reach” very well at home. Suitable for all types of processing, as well as for conservation and, of course, fresh consumption.

Unpretentious and unpretentious tomato produces fruits weighing up to 200 grams. Maturing terms - 90 days, at the same time care of plants requires the minimum. Does not require pinching, very resistant to natural disasters, productive (up to 5-6 kg of fruit per square meter).

The height of the bush is 80-100 cm.

If you want to grow ultra-early unusual tomatoes, then it's time to look at the Don Juan tomato.

Ripening time - only 95 days, fruits - slightly rounded elongated shape. Weight - up to 80 grams. The original color of the fruit is raspberry with golden streaks and strokes. This tomato is considered one of the most delicious among early varieties.

Bushes in height - 60 cm, fruits - elliptical, very dense, saturated orange. Feature of the variety: excellent keeping quality of tomatoes, versatility of use, suitability for transportation. Taste is high.

Natalia Severova

Agrotechnics for growing tomatoes in the open field and in the greenhouse are very different. If you wish on your suburban area to get a good tomato crop in open beds, you need to make a careful selection of seeds. The main requirement is plant resistance to temperature extremes and a short growing season. What tomatoes are better to plant in open ground, we will tell in this article, as well as

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The choice of an early variety of tomatoes for open ground with good taste and a bountiful harvest is not too large.


This amazing ultra-early variety will delight any gardener. The fruits appear amicably and very early. The bushes grow very quickly and within 85 days after sowing the seeds you will see the first tomatoes. You don't need to tie them up. True, you will have to tinker a little with the removal of stepchildren. There are a lot of them, but do not rush to throw them away. By planting stepchildren in the ground, you will get additional bushes of excellent tomatoes.


It is better to form a tall bush immediately into 2 stems. The harvest is plentiful, from one bush up to 12 kg of ripe tasty tomatoes.

crimson giant

This variety is characterized by large fruits, as evidenced by the name of the variety. The weight of one tomato can reach up to 700 g. The variety is disease resistant.


This Dutch variety will delight you for a long time with its amazingly delicious cream fruits. The bush grows up to 1.6 m high. The fruits are great for both salads and canning.


An excellent variety for lazy gardeners, which does not require special treatment for diseases and pinching. It is grown for canning.

It is best to plant tomatoes with different ripening dates on the beds in order to provide your family with delicious fruits until late autumn.

Medium varieties of tomato for open ground

Among the varieties of medium ripeness, the choice is much greater. The fruits are the most different colors, size and taste. Giant 5, Pink Elephant, has large fruits. Variety Ogorodnik is famous for small sweet fruits. The Matroskin variety has striped fruits.


A variety of tomatoes for lovers of a large harvest, combined with good taste. It rarely gets sick and does not need special protection.

Large-fruited grandee

Refers to undersized tomatoes for open ground. The height of the bush is only up to 70 cm. The fruits are heart-shaped and can weigh up to 1 kg. An excellent variety for fresh consumption and for winter harvesting.

Pickling delicacy

Tomatoes do not burst during preservation. The fruits are elongated, fleshy, dense with a weight of up to 100 g. The bushes grow up to 1 m. It is advisable to stepchild and tie this variety.


small compact bushes up to 70 cm high will please with a crop of fruits weighing up to 150 g of an elongated shape. The variety is disease resistant and does not need pinching. Good for fresh consumption and for preservation.

Sevruga tomato

The height of the bush is not more than 1.2 m. It is excellent for fresh consumption and various preservation. Does not get sick, grows under any weather conditions. The fruits are large with good taste.

Popular late varieties

In late-ripening varieties, the yield is lower than that of early-ripening and mid-ripening. The shape, color and weight of the fruits are different and the choice is large.

wonder of the world

Lemon-colored fruits weighing up to 100 g. Especially tasty in a marinade from their own juice.

This variety attracts the attention of gardeners with a variety of colors of ripe fruits. By planting 3 bushes of each color on the site, you can surprise your friends with a beautiful and tasty seaming. For cultivation, you will need a special fence. The height of the bush sometimes reaches 4 m.


Bush height up to 50 cm. Fruits with excellent taste. The variety resists a complex of diseases. Great for canning whole fruits.

How to grow tomatoes outdoors

In the southern regions of the country, tomatoes are planted in open ground in mid-May. The time for planting a tomato on beds in central Russia begins on May 25 and lasts until June 5. But the planting of plants in the warmed soil of the northern regions can be started only from June 5th.

Soil preparation

The landing site must be well protected from the wind. Sandy and light loamy soils rich in humus and light loamy soils with neutral acidity are best suited for tomatoes.

It is advisable to start preparing the beds for tomatoes in the fall. Clean the soil from weeds and dig to a depth of 30 cm, after applying organic fertilizer. 6 kg is enough per square meter. For clay or loamy soil you will need rotted sawdust, 1 bucket per 1 m2. In the spring, treat the bed with a solution of copper sulfate. Add a tablespoon of vitriol to 10 liters of water. This mixture is enough for 5 m2. Dig and leave the soil to warm up.

After 2 days, plant strong seedlings in open ground. Tomato seedlings for open ground should have up to 9 healthy leaves, a stem up to 1 cm thick and one or two flower brushes.

Before transplanting seedlings to a garden bed, pour plenty of water on the ground in pots to preserve the root system as much as possible.

Choose a planting pattern and prepare holes. The depth of the hole should be at least 15 cm, and the diameter should be up to 30 cm. Pour a handful of humus into each hole and mix well with the ground. Pour in 1.5 liters of water. Plant tomatoes.

Care and feeding

To grow a good crop, you will have to fight pests, pinch bushes, loosen the ground, and fertilize. The soil in the beds with tomatoes should not be covered with a crust so that the water-air and temperature regime plants. Regular mulching with humus, straw or peat will help to avoid the appearance of a crust.

Feeding tomatoes should begin within two weeks after planting in the garden. For 10 liters of water, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of superphosphate. This solution is enough for 1 m2. As soon as the first ovaries appear, prepare a solution of 10 liters of water, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of potassium sulfate. Solution from organic fertilizers help you get a good harvest. The concentrate is prepared from 1 part bird droppings and 20 parts water. A bucket of solution is enough for 20 tomato bushes.

Now you know how to properly grow tomatoes outdoors in order to get a good harvest with good taste. Perhaps you are planting other varieties of tomatoes in your summer cottage. Share your experience with us by leaving comments on the article.

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Place of cultivation

​Ultra early determinant hybrid (85-95 days) for open ground and film shelters. Differs in high productivity. The plant reaches 60-70 cm in height, requires moderate pinching. Fruits weighing 150-200 g (may reach 400 g per good conditions), rounded, pink. Recommended for fresh consumption and processing.​

Properties of a tomato

Last year, I sowed "Silver Spruce" tomatoes, oval fruits, 6 pieces in a brush, the leaves look like spruce branches. There are a lot of fruit brushes and stepchildren, they also have a lot of tomatoes. I really liked this variety, but the summer, of course, was hot.

  • Tomato variety Indio
  • Low-growing hybrid, perfect for pickling. Raspberry fruits. Very juicy, at the same time dense, fleshy, they do not spread in a jar, do not burst. At the same time, it is also suitable for eating fresh, for salads.​
  • Which tomato varieties are productive and which are not? We always pay attention to the picture on the package with tomato seeds and think, will they always be like this, or is it just the wonders of Photoshop? If you have experienced similar problems and have similar questions, you should read this article. Let's look at the varieties of tomatoes grown in our gardens and compare with a vivid picture how they look in reality. Let's talk about varieties grown indoors, in a glass greenhouse. So
  • . The bushes are not sprawling, up to 120 centimeters high, the fruits have a weight of 120-140 grams, the correct shape. Possesses the increased ease, it is well transported on long distances. Suitable for salting, fresh consumption, seaming and for other purposes. Tomato resistance to diseases is very high, especially to fusarium wilt, anthracosis of fruits and leaves, brown spot, white spot. It surpasses the best Dutch varieties of tomatoes in many ways, which are not acclimatized in the territory of the Russian Federation.

bush shape


​Video about different varieties tomatoes:​

  1. An excellent hybrid with red fruits weighing up to 200 g. Resistant to diseases, easy to care for. The taste of the variety is at the highest level.​
  2. The attention of gardeners is attracted by the unusual shape of the fruit, their wonderful taste, the ability to use both for fresh consumption and for conservation. The bushes are high up to 190 cm, and the weight of the tomato is up to 200 g.
  3. Every summer resident dreams of making the most of a small summer cottage. I want to plant all the vegetables and harvest the best harvest. Here are just a few beds and try all the huge variety of varieties of vegetables will not work. It remains to make a choice between taste and plant yield. Today we will talk about fruitful tomato varieties, and there are many of them and they are different in taste. When choosing a particular variety, one should take into account the factors affecting the yield.​

fruiting time

Early maturing determinant hybrid (90 days) for open ground. Awarded the Gold Medal of the exhibition "Gardener and Farmer"; has a high yield. A plant up to 60 cm high, needs moderate pinching. Fruits weighing 75-100 g, flat-round, red, dense, are distinguished by excellent transportability and increased keeping quality. Recommended for canning and commercial production.​

Adaptability to climatic conditions

Bonnie mm, betta. Low-growing, standard, ripen quickly

Very good taste qualities. Quite a large fruit, early ripening. But, unfortunately, when it begins to ripen, the fruit cracks. Although it is not very aesthetically pleasing, it is a very tasty variety.​

The best productive varieties for greenhouses

Tomato varieties for preservation:

Variety of tomato Torbay

The variety is early ripe, semi-determinate, very productive and promising tomato. The fruits are rounded, slightly flattened, up to five five ovaries are formed in the brush. Tomatoes are fleshy, dense, excellent sweet taste.


. It is impossible to consider the best tomatoes for open ground and not to mention this hybrid, which has become a bestseller over the 25 years of its existence on the Russian market, like the variety

For maximum yield, you must comply with the conditions characteristic of a particular variety. The following tomato varieties are grown in the open area:



First you need to decide where the tomato varieties you purchased will grow. Growing methods in a greenhouse and open ground are very different. The best varieties of tomato for open ground will not produce such tasty fruits when planted in a greenhouse. Greenhouse varieties will give a lower yield in an open garden.

Salad varieties of tomatoes:

​Early determinant hybrid (90-95 days) for open ground and film shelters. The plant is low (45-60 cm), but sprawling. Fruits weighing 140-150 g, pink, round, do not crack. Appointment - salad. The hybrid is notable for its increased resistance to a number of diseases, including bacteriosis and late blight. Each region and variety is different. I plant Yamal, and I like the Novichok variety

Variety Pink Giant

Cherry tomatoes look very interesting in pickling - the same, small. There are many varieties of cherry in the article "Cherry Tomatoes - varieties for greenhouses, open ground and window sills."

Tomato variety Alliance F1

Bobcat Budenovka

Waterfall. The variety is tall and early ripe. Requires care, as it is prone to various diseases. The fruits are ovoid, deep yellow. The variety is universal. Anastasia. The variety is tall, determinant bush type. It can be formed both in one and in two stems. About 7-8 tomatoes can be harvested from one plant brush. The weight of a tomato can reach 200 g. When caring for a vegetable crop, you can get up to 12 kg of crop per square meter.

Bush height up to 100 cm. Abundantly strewn with small red fruits. Rises early. Requires good care. Used for salting and canning.​

Each variety of tomato has its own taste. Some tomatoes are especially tasty immediately after removal from the bush. Others reveal their best taste during preservation or salting. There are varieties that have an excellent taste even in a semi-ripe form, and ripe ones have the usual outstanding taste.

​Ultra early determinant variety (75-80 days) for open ground. The plant is low (50-60 cm). Fruits weighing 80-100 g, red, flat-round shape, good taste. The purpose of the variety is universal.

"Gruntovy Gribovsky" is good for open ground. Low and relatively early.​

Pink Giant Fruits

Very high yielding. There are an unmeasured number of fruits on each brush. The purpose of this variety is canning, since its fruits are medium-sized, but very dense and fleshy and have an excellent taste. This tomato can be grown like a tomato tree, it gives so many fruits. And another one distinguishing feature of this variety - it is very resistant to all kinds of diseases.

An indeterminate variety of medium early ripening. Forms brushes of eight fruits of bright crimson color. The fruits are very sweet, round, fleshy. The hybrid is resistant to phytophthora.

For outdoor cultivation

Tomatoes for canning:


. Its predecessor was a variety of tomato

Raspberry Giant. Super early variety. The formation of a brush occurs on every third or fourth sheet. Large pink fruits are formed, the weight of which is more than 500 g. Slightly flattened on the sides, the shape of the fruits is not the same. This variety is resistant to various diseases.

Salad varieties of tomatoes:

Differs in the same shape of fruits and high yield. Perfect for salads and canning.​

Pickled tomato varieties are dense and medium-sized. The fruit pulp contains special sugars that give the fruits an original taste when salted.

​Early ripe determinate variety (80-90 days) for open ground. A low (40-50 cm) plant does not need pinching. Fruits weighing 50-120 g, round, red, have good transportability. The purpose of the variety is salad.

To a greater extent, everything depends on the growing conditions (soil, fertilizers, temperature) ... here, in the north of the Moscow region, the Snegir variety for some reason gives a crop higher than that of my mother-in-law in the country, much to the south, near Kashira

Let's compare the picture and the real bush. This plant is very compact. large fruits weighing up to 200 grams, they are very beautiful, dense, flat-round shape. The fruits are distinguished by their exquisite taste and high sugar content. They are suitable for both canning and fresh processing. Excellent variety, I recommend.

This is the famous tomato tree. But if you do not have a greenhouse, then in one season the tree, of course, will not grow. But you will definitely get a powerful bush and it will bear fruit until the cold weather.

Variety tomato Fantasio A well-known hybrid that gives fairly good yields (40-50 tons per hectare). The fruits are relatively small, up to 140 g, well transported, lie well. Bushes grow up to 120 centimeters in height, it is advisable to pinch so that there are as many lateral layers as possible - the yield increases by about 21-24%. Resistance to anthracosis of leaves and fruits is high, they practically do not undergo Fusarium wilt. Tolstoy,

Roma. The plant reaches a height of about 60 cm. Tomatoes weighing 80-100 g ripen for a long time. This variety is well suited for harvesting for the winter. Used mainly for canning.​

Refers to large varieties of tomatoes. The weight of one fruit can reach up to 700 g. Up to 6 tomatoes are tied on each brush. Fruit shape varies. Excellent resistance to diseases.

The most productive varieties of tomatoes - video:


The most productive tomato varieties for greenhouses and open ground

Pink pearl

High-yielding varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Canned varieties have fruits of even smaller varieties. The skin of these tomatoes perfectly passes the hot marinade inside the fruit and does not burst.

  1. New ultra-early determinate variety (80-85 days) for open ground and film greenhouses. A plant 40-50 cm high when grown in open ground does not require pinching and shaping; when grown in film greenhouses, it is recommended to form into 3 stems, 3-4 brushes in each. Fruits weighing 140-160 g, flat-round, red. The variety is distinguished by high fruit set in all weather conditions, productivity. Appointment - salad.
  2. You need to take northern varieties. Biathlon, summer resident, for example.
  3. Tomato variety Tanya
  4. Variety of tomato Octopus
  5. Variety of tomatoes for long-term storage. Indeterminate, requires a long growing cycle. Round-flattened fruits of bright red color. They are resistant to many pests and diseases.
  6. Tomato

which has been known to all summer residents for at least 20 years. The average fruit weight is 230 grams, which is a good indicator. Apart from big size, tomato

Gribovsky. Belongs to a number of early ripe and undersized. Unlike other species, it is frost-resistant and disease-resistant. Rounded red fruits, weight does not exceed 90 g.

  1. ​Search​
  2. Low bushes perfectly resist late blight. Fruiting is abundant, ideal for growing in an unheated greenhouse and in the open field. It is good both in conservation and in salads.

The variety of salad varieties has no boundaries. These are yellow, orange, pink, red, black, striped fruits with a variety of fresh flavors. By weight there are small, medium and large.

Popular crop varieties for open ground

​Ultra-early determinant variety (85-96 days) for open ground and film shelters. The plant is 35-40 cm high, compact, does not need pinching. Fruits weighing 80-100 g, round, red. The purpose of the variety is universal. The variety is distinguished by a friendly ripening of the crop.

Planted the "flash" variety received a huge amount of little things.

  1. Corresponds to what is stated in the picture. Unsightly in appearance, absolutely ugly some kind of dark green color with a yellowish tinge, but its taste is excellent. It is so tasty and sweet that the appearance ceases to matter.​
  2. Pure pickling variety. Very pretty grapes. The fruits are medium-sized, dense, fleshy and sweet. Ideal for salting and canning for the winter.​
  3. Tomato variety Loreli
  4. Solokha.
  5. Tolstoy

Methods and methods for obtaining a high yield of tomatoes

Ilyich F1. The hybrid is intended for cultivation only in greenhouse conditions. A hybrid variety is formed in one stem. The fruits are the same in shape, different in weight from 130-150 g.

  • F1 and Ilyich
  • ​Search​
  • Sauce tomatoes are distinguished by seeds floating freely in the pulp.

Early maturing indeterminate variety (95-98 days) for protected ground. A plant up to 150 cm high needs a garter and pinching. The fruits are small (20-30 g), pear-shaped, golden-yellow, dense, excellent sweet taste; form beautiful large brushes. The purpose of the variety is universal.

I liked the varieties, the Fontanka is undersized, early ripening and very productive, the fruits are really not very large grams of 100, but there are a lot of them on the bush, also the Summer Resident, Yamal, Tolstoy is a large-fruited hybrid up to 200 grams, very fleshy and tasty, also large-fruited Monna Lisa But it is high up to 1 m.

Variety of tomato Swamp


The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground are the most delicious and large-fruited

The largest varieties and their detailed characteristics

Tomato variety Tolstoy

  1. The variety is tall, early, tolerates heat well. Fruits grow tasty, sweet, dense, beautiful bright red color. Very good for transportation and storage.​ Large-fruited and high-yielding variety. The bush grows up to 90 centimeters in height, slightly sprawling. Tomatoes grow on average up to 150 grams, sometimes reaching 220-250 g, especially if the load on the bush was small, up to two dozen fruits. Average yield- 450 centners, sometimes you can get more if you use drip irrigation.​ F1 Gift. This variety is well grown in the southern strip. Is mid-season. Unpretentious in care. The average weight of a tomato is 110 g. Bright red rounded fruits are formed. F1 F1
  2. Low-growing tomato varieties do not give a large harvest, but do not require special care. You can increase the yield by planting a large number of bushes. Tall tomatoes require more attention and their yield is much higher. In addition, tall tomatoes are dominated by large-fruited varieties.​ ​Early ripe indeterminate raceme variety (90-100 days) for protected ground. The plant is vigorous, requires obligatory garter and pinching; it is recommended to form in 1 stem with pinching the growth point at the end of the growing season. Fruits weighing 80-100 g, bright orange, in racemes (up to 10 pieces); are of excellent taste. The value of the variety is in its ability to set fruits even in adverse conditions. Appointment - universal.​ rio grand Fruits are heart-shaped, raspberry in color, Delicious salad tomato. The pulp is sugary and low-seeded. The variety is very tasty and fragrant. The fruits are not large, but there are a lot of them on the brush. Reminiscent of cherry fruits, but slightly larger. The variety is good for fresh consumption, for preparing salads, whole-fruit canning and decorating dishes. Variety tomato Pietro The taste qualities of hybrids most often leave much to be desired, since the content of sugar and ascorbic acid in them is minimal. Note that a fragrant smell should also not be expected from extremely productive varieties, since all their forces are focused on obtaining a certain tonnage. It has another significant advantage - high productivity. Collect 12 kg/1 sq.m. is not a record, it is quite possible to get it on an ordinary summer cottage. Bushes grow up to 120 centimeters, sprawling, pinching is not required. Ripening period - 150 days. tomato The yield of a tomato in a greenhouse depends on many factors. Tomatoes, like other vegetable crops, require attention. Lighting and watering are the main components for a good and abundant harvest. When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should know some features: Both varieties are grown not only in greenhouses, but in open beds. Not susceptible to disease and always strewn with fruits. They taste wonderful and are ideal for canning.​ Practically does not get sick. Bush height up to a meter. To increase productivity, it is necessary to do the formation of a bush.
  3. The shape of the bush is distinguished: ​Ultra-early determinant hybrid (80-90 days) for protected ground. Plant up to 70 cm in height, semi-spreading. Fruits weighing 120-180 g, rounded, red, dense. The purpose of the variety is universal.​In 2010, in the Fergana forum, the first place was (*Rio de Grande*) stable and 99% of the seeds. Tomato variety Mazarin Variety Tiny-Havroshechka

Variety of universal purpose, tall, early, hardy. Pink tomatoes. Very tasty and sweet, sugary, resistant to cracking and dense. A high-yielding variety and is resistant to diseases.

The most productive varieties and their descriptions

If you grow for sale and subsequent sale, then this group of vegetables will be optimal for you. In case you want to get delicious, fragrant vegetables on your table, it would be better to give preference to ordinary Russian varieties that have a lot of vitamin C and sucrose.​

So that the air in the greenhouse does not overheat, it is necessary to ventilate it regularly. IN summer time it needs to be fully opened.

The harvest of a tomato depends not only on the type of planting material, but also on the place of cultivation, soil fertility. Varieties for open ground and those intended for growing in greenhouses will differ significantly. It is important that the tomato variety meets the growing conditions.

The most resistant tomatoes to diseases and weather conditions

Low-growing ultra-early variety with beautiful pink fruits. Doesn't need a stepchild. Sweet taste.

  1. Non-standard varieties are distinguished by thinner stems. If they are not tied up in a timely manner, they lie down and the fruits lie on the ground. The leaves are not distinguished by a strong corrugation and a larger size. ​Early ripe semi-determinant hybrid (90-100 days) for protected ground and film shelters. Plant 65-75 cm high; requires obligatory pasynkovanie. Fruits weighing 120-170 g, round, red, leveled, dense, have good keeping quality during storage. Appointment - universal.​ I have been planting Gina for a long time, I am very satisfied.
  2. Tomato variety Gilgal Variety of tomato Palenque An ultra-early variety up to 60 cm high. The plant is slightly leafy, the fruits are ribbed, red. Up to two kg of fruit ripens on a bush. Tomato Tomato
  3. Seeds can be planted immediately in the ground, but in order for the crop to be high, it is advisable to grow seedlings and then transplant. It is not recommended to keep seedlings at home for more than 2 months. Fruitful varieties are considered to be those from which more than 6 kg can be harvested from one or two square meters. The most common varieties of tomatoes that are intended for growing in greenhouse conditions: Renet

Potato bushes are very similar to potato tops. The leaves and the structure of the bush at first glance are difficult to distinguish.


Tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse with a photo. The most productive varieties

Early maturing semi-determinant variety (87-95 days) for protected ground. Plant height 102-140 cm; garter and pinching are required. Fruits weighing 20-25 g, raspberry-colored, plum-shaped, dense, have a sweet taste and a high content of vitamins, tolerate transportation well. The purpose of the variety is universal.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

New varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Alliance F1

For our places, recognized as a zone of risky farming, the precocity of tomatoes is one of the important advantages. This is understood by both breeders and seed producers. It is no coincidence that the number of early and ultra-early varieties and hybrids of tomato (with the onset of fruiting less than 100 days after sowing) is growing every year.​

Large-fruited variety, slightly flattened. Excellent taste qualities. Ideal for fresh consumption and for salads.​

Fantasio F1

Very beautiful, dense tomatoes. They have good taste qualities. Great for both food and canning.​

Variety of tomatoes Junior

Lorelei F1


Bull's heart.

Pietro F1

During the flowering of tomatoes, they should be sprayed with boric alcohol. This will improve the taste of the tomato. You can increase the yield by mulching the soil. Lateral shoots must be removed regularly to nutrients V in full came to fruition. During fruiting, the lower leaves should be removed from the plant.

Hurricane F1. This hybrid is characterized by early ripeness. Plant of medium branching, about 2 meters high. The fruit is flat and round. The color of the tomatoes is bright red. Up to 10 kg of tomatoes are obtained from the brush. Average weight tomatoes is 100-150 g.

Fenda F1

The height of the bush is only 40 cm. The high-yielding variety is super early. Resistant to the vagaries of the weather and almost always gives a good harvest. The weight of one tomato reaches up to 100 g.

If you want fresh tomatoes on your table until late autumn, you need to grow not only high-yielding varieties, but also varieties with different maturity dates. By planting one of the most productive tomato varieties in the garden, you will reap a good harvest only once, and the rest of the time you will not have your fresh tomatoes. You can plant more sea tomatoes if you are making preparations for the winter, but do not forget about salad varieties different term maturation.

Junior F1

​Early ripe indeterminate variety (90-100 days) for protected ground. A plant with a height of 2.5 m or more; needs a mandatory garter and stepsoning, as well as shaping (in 2 stems). Fruits weighing 10-20 g, red, rounded, sweet; form brushes of 20-50 fruits. Appointment - universal. The variety is consistently productive even in adverse conditions, has a long and very abundant fruiting.

In general, we have already talked about how to choose varieties of tomatoes - it's time to move on to the specifics)) I offer you an overview of the earliest varieties and hybrids of this popular crop from various manufacturers (by the way, an overview of seed producers with the addresses of their online stores, if any, it will help you buy the varieties you like, and to help those who have not yet bought seeds on the Internet, a useful article on how to do it right).​

snow fairy tale

Tomato variety Bear's paw

Variety of tomato Olya

The variety is ultra-early. Fruits weighing 200 g, up to 30 fruits can be collected from a bush. The peculiarity of this variety is that the fruits on the bush become white when they ripen - only then they turn red. At the same time, red, orange, white fruits hang on the bush.

This is one of the most resistant vegetables, which is practically not affected by fungal diseases, withstands the attacks of many pests. Moreover, the weight of the fetus reaches 250 g, which is quite a lot for this group. One of the most significant advantages of the plant is its resistance to sudden changes in temperature, so seedlings can be planted much earlier than usual, by about 2 weeks.

Siberian trump card

This is one of the most famous "heavyweights", which has an excellent appearance, good taste and weight up to 900 g. The average fruit is not more than 300 g, while the first inflorescences give very large tomatoes, and those that ripen a little later can reach only 100-150 g. Has an excellent decorative look- heart shape. The bushes are sprawling, erect, powerful, up to 130 centimeters. Tomatoes

It is desirable to cut them in the morning, so that the places of cuts heal before lunch. We must not forget to feed the plant. Yeast or ash can be used as a top dressing.


Semko-Sinbad F1. Fruiting begins 3 months after the appearance of the first leaves. The fruits are round in shape, saturated red in color, weighing no more than 90 g. A large number of tomatoes are formed on the cyst.

Low-growing tomatoes - the best varieties for greenhouses

Betta tomato variety

Tomato zoning has a special effect on their yield. If you plant tomatoes suitable for growing in the southern regions in the northern region, they will never give you a big harvest. There are times when the yield is practically zero.​

​Ultra-early semi-determinant variety (85-90 days) for protected ground and film shelters. Plant height 100-140 cm; pinching is a must. The fruits are large (200-250 g), fleshy, red, round-flat, sweet taste. Appointment - salad.

Variety tomato Torbay

​Early ripe superdeterminant variety (87-96 days from germination to fruit ripening) for open ground and film shelters. Can be grown seedless. Plant height 40-50 cm. The fruits are medium-sized (50-70 g), flat-round, red, juicy. Appointment - salad.

Depending on the seed manufacturer, it can vary greatly in size. Fruits are only for salad use, for eating, but not for canning, because they will spread in a jar.

Varieties of tomatoes for pickling

Dense and meaty. Suitable for canning. The pulp is dense, does not spread.

Variety tomato Octopus F1

Variety of tomatoes Snow Fairy Tale


bull's heart

Variety of tomatoes Tolstoy

Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in a prepared solution of wood ash. After that, dry and you can start planting. Tall plants should be tied to a support and twisted tops to the greenhouse. With the observance of agricultural practices, you can achieve a high yield of tomatoes. Before buying seeds, you should decide for what purposes the tomatoes will be used. With this in mind, choose high-yielding seeds.

Fairy gift. Orange dense tomatoes are formed, heart-shaped. The fruits are medium. The weight of the tomato is about 100 g.

Tomato variety Tiny-Havroshechka F1

Early ripe undersized tomato with beautiful fruits unusual shape resembling the shape of a heart. Pleases with the amazing taste of orange fruits in large quantities.

We decided to introduce you to a small number of versatile high-yielding tomato varieties.

Tomato variety Palenque F1

Early maturing indeterminate variety (85-95 days) for protected ground and film shelters. The plant reaches a height of 150-180 cm and requires pinching and garters. The fruits are medium-sized (17-20 g), elongated-oval, red, dense, excellent taste. Well kept. The variety is recommended for whole-fruit canning and fresh consumption. Particularly remarkable for its drought tolerance, high resistance to adverse conditions and stress.

​Early ripe determinate variety (85-95 days) for open ground and film shelters. Can be grown seedless. The plant is 45-50 cm high, standard, does not require pinching. Fruits weighing up to 120 g, round, red. The purpose of the variety is salad. The variety is valuable for its cold resistance, resistance to adverse climatic conditions, undemanding.​

Tomato variety Olya

Tomato variety Persimmon

Variety Diabolic

The variety is mid-season, determinant, large-fruited. With proper care, you can get a fetus weighing up to one and a half kg.


Grade tomato Grozdeva

They are in great demand among summer residents who grow vegetables for themselves.

For many summer residents, the size of the grown vegetable matters. They have an excellent appearance for trade in the market, they can show off to a neighbor or just serve on the table as a decoration. Their taste, as a rule, is slightly inferior to small fruits, but growing a couple of bushes of such vegetables will not hurt every summer resident. Your attention is the most large-fruited varieties of tomatoes for open ground and their detailed descriptions.​

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Tomato variety Pink Gel F1

F1 search. The fruits ripen early. The plant can reach up to 1 meter in height. Differs in resistance to various diseases.


Tomato variety Infiniti

pink raisins

​Ultra early determinant variety (80-90 days) for compact plantings in open ground, growing in container culture on balconies, loggias and at home. Plant up to 50 cm high, compact, does not require formation. Fruits weighing up to 60 g, plum-shaped, red. Fruiting is friendly and plentiful. The purpose of the variety is universal.

​Ultra early determinant hybrid (75-80 days) for open ground. Plant 50-70 cm high, compact. Fruits weighing 110-115 g, round, red, very dense, excellent keeping quality and transportability. Appointment - universal.​

Perfectly proved to be for dietary and baby food. Large-fruited hybrid, bright raspberry color. The taste is wonderful, for fresh consumption, for salads. It should be carefully removed from the stalk, very tender, may crack when removed when overripe.

Varieties of large tomatoes for greenhouses

Tomato variety Pink Giant

A lot of tomatoes on the tassels. Looks like cherry. Suitable for whole-fruit canning in small jars. The variety is very productive. Tomatoes are very tasty.

Sevruga tomato variety

By and large, this is the same

Tomato variety Tanya F1

Remember that big fruits do not always mean high yields. As a rule, these are more decorative vegetables for the home and garden, which have no industrial value. If you seriously decide to engage in vegetable growing, then it would be best for you to choose a hybrid that gives up to 12-20 kg per square meter.​


Variety tomato Swamp

Pink angel. An early tomato variety. The fruits are pink. Weight varies within 60 g. They do not need pinching.

This tomato variety has an amazing not only name, but also the taste of the fruit. The color of the tomato is pale pink. By weight reaches up to 200 g.

Tomato variety Mazarin

A high-yielding early ripe variety reaches a height of up to 1.7 m. The brush is complex, multiple with beautiful, even, smooth fruits of an elongated oval shape. Pink tomatoes have a great taste and can be used in salads and preserves.​

Early maturing determinate variety (89-96 days) for cultivation in open ground and under film shelters, as well as on loggias, balconies and at home. The plant is compact, 30-40 cm high, does not require pinching. Differs in abundant fruiting; fruits are small (15-25 g), red, pleasant sweet taste with slight sourness. Appointment - universal. The variety is especially notable for its undemanding nature, the ability to bear fruit well in low light and high decorativeness.

Tomato variety Gilgal F1

​Ultra early determinant hybrid (fruiting begins 70 days after sowing) for open ground and film shelters. The plant is low (45-50 cm). Fruits up to 140 g in weight, plum-shaped, red, fleshy. Appointment - universal. The hybrid is resistant to verticillium wilt and Fusarium.

Rosemary tomato variety

Tomato variety Bear's paw

Variety Grozdeva

Large-fruited variety, suitable for greenhouses and open ground. Sweet fruits, tasty, weighing up to 700 gr. Red crimson color.

Tomato variety Persimmon


​Today, there is high competition in the field of vegetable growing, so the business must be extremely profitable. Tomato varieties of Dutch selection and some Russian analogues are capable of producing up to 20 kg per square meter, thereby significantly increasing the profitability of vegetable growing. The fruits have small size, but there are a lot of them, due to this, a high yield is obtained. Your attention is the most "bright" representatives of this category and descriptions.​

Tomato variety Rosemary F1

Powerful. Tall bush (up to 150 cm), on which

Pink pearl. Large-fruited and undersized variety of tomatoes. Fruits are mother-of-pearl-pink in color, rounded. The average weight of one fruit is 70 g.

Alpatyeva 905a

banana legs


What tomatoes are the most productive ?? (undersized, for open ground)

Yanina Romanovskaya

​Early ripening determinate variety (80-87 days) for open ground. Can be grown as a pot culture on terraces, balconies, loggias; be used for home vegetable growing; planted in compacted vegetable and flower plantings (in borders). Plant 25-30 cm tall, standard, does not require pinching. Can be grown seedless. Fruiting is plentiful. Fruits weighing about 25 g, red, round, very sweet. The purpose of the variety is universal.
​Early ripe determinate variety (95-98 days) for open ground. Differs in drought resistance, endurance, early friendly fruiting. Plant up to 70 cm tall, semi-spreading, not needing pinching. Fruits weighing 80-120 g, plum-shaped, red, have a dense thick skin; crack resistant; they have a high content of ascorbic acid. The purpose of the variety is universal.
Of course, it is impossible to talk about all varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses here. But I tried to describe the best and most productive varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses with photos.​

Lyubov Bazhenova

Yielding tomato hybrid. early ripening. With round fleshy pink fruits. The fruits are round with excellent taste. One to one as on the package with seeds.​

Alexey Petrishchev

Variety tomato Siberian trump

Galina Tyapina (Vyzha)

only adapted to the conditions of the northern regions. Tomatoes of the Dutch selection, but then they were acclimatized in the Volga region and soon began to spread even in Siberia. The weight of one fruit is 450 grams, sometimes more, the skin is hard, the pulp is dense, it is well transported, it lies for a long time. A bush 140 cm high, pinching is not required, the stems are strong, they grow without a garter. It grows well in a humid environment, the fungus will not attack.

Bagheera Fluffy



Formed up to a dozen fruits weighing from 200 g to 1 kg

Natalia Nazarova

There are also several varieties of tomatoes, most often used for canning. Among them, it is worth noting Auria, Banana legs, Pink raisins. Auria. Mid-season variety tomato. The mass of tomatoes is not more than 200 g, fleshy, not very ribbed, pink or red. When growing, a garter and pinching is required. banana legs. Refers to undersized varieties. The height of the vegetable crop is 50-60 cm. The elongated fruits turn yellow when ripe. The average weight is about 60 g. Pink raisins. The variety is early ripening, about 1.5 meters high. Tomato weight from 30 to 50 g. Fruits are oval, shiny, pink.

Larisa Skyrmakova

Low bushes will delight you with delicious fruits beautiful shape. They are especially revealed in conservation.

The Scarlet Flower

Unusually sweet and fleshy yellow fruits are oblong in shape with a pointed tip. A high-yielding variety with a bush height of up to 60 cm. You may not like it fresh, but they have an original taste when salted. They are also used to make salads and sauces.

Irina Voloshina

Early maturing determinate variety (90-95 days) for balconies, loggias, growing at home. Can be used for compact plantings in open ground. The plant is undersized (20-30 cm), standard, compact, does not require pinching. Fruits weighing 15-20 g, rounded. The variety is notable for its decorative effect and productivity. Appointment - universal.​

Rukhshod Dadomatov

An improved version of the classic variety " White filling". An early ripening determinant variety (93-100 days) for open ground and film shelters. It can be grown in seedlings. A plant 40-45 cm high, sprawling, requiring moderate pinching. Fruits weighing 120-150 g, round, red. Purpose - universal The variety is characterized by increased cold resistance, resistance to late blight.


Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Irina Kuznetsova

Tomato variety Pink Gel

The earliest varieties of tomatoes

Plants up to 80 cm tall. Delicious fruits weighing up to 800 g, beautiful red color. The variety is distinguished by autumn good transportability.


Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground



Amur Shtamb

. tomato

Aphrodite F1

Among the low-growing varieties with high yields, there are:

Benito F1


Honey drop


​Ultra early determinant variety (89-93 days) for open ground, balconies, loggias and growing at home (on the windowsill). Plant 30-40 cm high, creeping; does not need pinching; very decorative, especially during the fruiting period. Fruiting is very plentiful (up to 300-400 fruits per season). The fruits are small (15-20 g), pink. The purpose of the variety is universal. It can be grown, including in flower beds as an ornamental plant.


​Early ripe determinate variety (90-100 days) for open ground and film greenhouses. Plant up to 70 cm tall, needs moderate pinching. Fruits reach a weight of 300-350 g (average weight 190-210 g), rounded, orange-red, fleshy, resistant to cracking. The purpose of the variety is universal. Resistant to verticillium wilt and Fusarium. ​

Don Juan

The year before last, I planted the Pink Leader ("Sedk") - I liked it very much, There was a good harvest, which has not happened in our garden for a long time.

Far North

​Early ripe variety for film greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are smooth, round, without a green spot. Good taste qualities. Do not crack, do not burst. Perfect for both fresh eating and canning.​

Doll F1

Variety of tomatoes Alsou

Cupid F1

Legionnaire F1

The yield reaches 700 kg / ha when grown on a breeding plot, in




Ox ear. Low-growing variety, up to half a meter high. The fruits are convex and elongated. The weight of one fruit is 100 g. Japanese dwarf. The most productive variety. Up to 50 fruits can form on one bush. The average fruit weight is 70 g. Nastenka. The fruits ripen in a short time. The fruits are elongated, red. The average weight of tomatoes is 170 g.


The fruiting period of the determinant plant is extended. Bushes only 60 cm high. Fruits of the original shape and great taste ideal for pickling and fresh consumption. This variety is unpretentious and always gives a good harvest. Experts rightly consider it one of the most popular tomato varieties.


​Mid-early variety does not require complex care. Enough watering and loosening the soil. Needs top dressing to increase productivity.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

golden brush

​Ultra-early superdeterminant variety (80-90 days) for open ground, balconies and home vegetable growing. Can be grown seedless. Plant height 25-30 cm; pinching and shaping is not required. Fruits weighing 20-25 g, red, very sweet. Appointment - universal.​


​Early ripe determinate variety (90-100 days) for open ground and film shelters. Plant height 60-70 cm. The fruits have an original shape and color: they are elongated, with a "nose"; crimson, with thin longitudinal yellow stripes. Fruit weight 70-80 g; they are well transported and stored. Recommended for whole canning.​

Greenhouse precocious F1

Early maturing high yielding variety. Plants of determinate type, standard. The fruits are flat-round, weighing 100-130 g or more, pink, excellent taste, perfect not only for salads, but also for canning. Resistant to adverse weather conditions.​


Variety tomato Infiniti

Present F1

Ultra-early variety. Early maturity. For fresh consumption and for salads.​

Sugar plum raspberry

It is considered one of the highest yielding hybrids growing in Russia, but in addition to producing 60-70 tons per hectare, it is also extremely resistant to fungal diseases of all types. Does not undergo Fusarium wilt, responds well to temperature changes. The ripening period is 120 days, and the last few weeks can withstand even frost. The mass of the fruit does not exceed 140 grams, the yield is 25 tons per hectare, the bush is 120 centimeters high, pinching is necessary.

sweet bunch

Under normal conditions, you can get 400-450 centners / ha with timely fertilization with minerals


Considered one of the largest in Russia, it is grown in almost all regions, even in the north. The period to technical ripeness - 115 days, is considered medium-early. The yield is 5 kg from one bush or up to 17 kg from 1m2. With good fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, the immunity of the plant becomes much stronger.


Early sun. An early tomato variety. In height, the plant can reach 50 cm. The fruits are yellow or orange. Snow fairy tale. About 30 fruits ripen on one plant. The mass of tomatoes can be different from 150 to 200 g. The fruits are milky at the stage of ripeness, and then begin to turn red.

Early varieties of tomatoes for balconies and home gardens

room surprise




Pygmy room

Of course, this review is far from exhausting the abundance of early tomato varieties on the market today. I hope you, friends, will supplement it with descriptions of the varieties that you grow in your garden or balcony.​


​Early ripe determinate variety (85-93 days) for open ground and film shelters. Can be grown seedless. The plant is up to 65 cm in height, standard, does not need pinching, compact. Fruits weighing 60-70 g, round, red. Appointment - universal. The variety is notable for its cold resistance, resistance to late blight, friendly fruiting.

Garden Pearl

And last year I ran into a fake (((The plants grew almost under two meters, there were very few fruits and the fruits were not pink, but red, plum-shaped, rough, like a tarpaulin boot and tasteless. Wasted time and energy ( ((​

Diseases of tomatoes photo