Vegetables - vegetable growing, vegetable care, storage. How to grow early vegetables How to plant vegetables

If you are just starting to grow cucumbers at home - choose from these varieties and hybrids, you will not lose.

Our market will help you choose seeds, where the products of the largest online stores are presented. There you will find many varieties and hybrids described in this article. .

Advice: the store will offer you a lot of varieties of tomatoes, assuring that they are perfect for home growing. Listening to this and believing the seller, you still carefully read what is written on the package: the bags we need have special marks “Home garden”, “Harvest on the window series” or “Recommended for pot growing”. Now, if you saw such an inscription - feel free to pay money)

You can easily find many of the varieties listed above on sale with the help of our market. .

Pepper spicy Yellow gnome 39 rub
Russian Garden

Sweet Pepper California Miracle 15 rub
Russian Garden

Sweet pepper Gift of Moldova 15 rub
Russian Garden

Sweet pepper Swallow 13 rub
Russian Garden


Everyone can grow on the windowsill. Moreover, it is unpretentious, sprouts and grows quickly, does not require special care. It is a self-pollinating plant; in a month and a half it will already bloom, and in two you will be removing young pods. They are unusually tasty in vegetable stews, soups, scrambled eggs and simply stewed.

Believe me, you will not regret it if you decide to "get" a couple of bean bushes).

Suitable varieties

Practice has shown that at home it is most profitable to grow early ripe varieties of asparagus bush beans. But also climbing varieties should not be written off. At a minimum, they are very decorative - long, bright green vines with large flowers in pink, purple or white look amazing. And you won’t be left without a harvest either.

What kind of beans to choose?

  • proved to be excellent black Eyed Peas"Fatima".
  • varieties received good reviews from gardeners bush beans"Sugar Triumph 764", "Saksa without fiber 615", "Mask" and "Green pods 517".
  • from curly beans recommend choosing either the Golden Neck or Violetta variety.
You can find information about different varieties in the articles.

Among gardeners there is such a thing as an agrotechnical plan - a set of measures aimed at achieving maximum yield from cultivated plants. Agricultural technology in this case includes taking into account all the necessary features - climate, soil, biological and botanical characteristics of crops, their compatibility, the specifics of each individual plant.

Most of the plants planted in dachas have similar agricultural practices: tillage, fertilization, preparation of planting material, sowing and planting, care during the growing season and harvesting. The final stage is the storage of the resulting fruits.

Among the growing technologies, planting in open ground and its further cultivation, both greenhouse and greenhouse, are distinguished. Equipment with machinery can also be used to simplify and automate work in the garden. In this article, we will consider the key points in the cultivation of the most common vegetables in Russia.

Growing features

Before starting any agricultural work, you should thoroughly prepare places for future harvest and storage. The size of the garden, its location, lighting, security, etc. All factors must be taken into account in advance. In this way, you can eliminate many of the problems associated with growing even before you start planting vegetables. Don't forget about storage space. Preserving food is just as important as growing it. Cellars and special containers must be prepared in advance, because. Vegetables will not last long if not stored properly.

Before the start of sowing work, seasonal cleaning of the soil is carried out.

The best option for planting will be a site with good sunlight, loose soil, into which water and air easily enter, but at the same time moisture-intensive (capable of holding water).

Plot size

The very first condition before starting any work related to growing vegetables is to calculate the size of the soil on which the future garden will be planted. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Calculate the daily requirement of all family members for vegetables. This way you will know how much each crop needs per year.
  2. Calculate the amount of possible harvest planned vegetables from one square meter of planting.

Such calculations will allow you to prepare places for growing in advance. Experienced gardeners can do this by eye, but for beginners, you should take the issue of crop placement on the site more seriously. It is necessary to remember some points when planning future beds:

  1. The width of the beds should be about 45 cm, if the approach to it is only from one side. And 80-100 cm, if there is an approach from both sides. Thus, you do not have to step on it during processing.
  2. Between the beds should be comfortable paths but not too big. The optimal width is 30 cm. You also need at least one with a width of 80-90 cm for a wheelbarrow and several technical sections for watering cans, inventory, etc.
  3. The beds should vary in shape and size.. This trick will allow you not to forget where and what was planted. Or you can attach signs with the name of the planted crop.
  4. Certain vegetables should be clearly planted, because some cultures negatively affect the neighborhood, while others, on the contrary, help each other grow. In addition, some flowers and herbs planted within the beds can repel harmful insects and pests.
  5. Every vegetable needs water therefore, the beds should be located in such a way that all plants have free access for watering. However, many crops do not tolerate cold water, therefore, for irrigation, a special tank must be located on the site, in which the water is settled and heated.
  6. Some vegetables and herbs can be grown in pots, flower beds, hanging planters.
  7. In addition to the beds, agricultural buildings can be located on the site.- a greenhouse, a greenhouse, places for storing crops or inventory.

Before planting crops, it is necessary to outline the layout of the beds

You should not constantly plant crops in the same place. Because of this, the soil degenerates and accumulates substances harmful to this crop. Therefore, it is necessary to change the planting sites every couple of years for the best growth of vegetables. You can read more about crop rotation in the garden in this one.


Light is an integral part of the growth of most vegetable crops.. Thus, for a good yield, you need to take care of sufficient lighting in your garden in advance. The place for the beds should be away from tree plantations and buildings. Thus, for seedlings access to sunlight will not be closed and it will be able to develop well.

Also, the illumination is affected by the landing site in relation to the cardinal points. The best landing options are:

  • from North to South;
  • from northeast to southwest.

With this arrangement of beds, vegetables will receive the maximum amount of heat and lighting throughout the day. The southern part is preferably reserved for heat-loving crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, beans), and the northern part is suitable for cold-resistant crops (turnips, radishes).

The garden should be located in a well-lit area.

With a similar arrangement of beds with vegetables, plants are less susceptible to fungal diseases.

Soil composition

The soil on which the future crop will grow is the most important factor in growing vegetables. With the right soil selection, you will secure the crop and make your care work easier. Therefore, it is especially important to first determine the composition of the land if you are planting vegetables on it for the first time. Each type of soil has its pros and cons, and also needs a certain fertilizer. Even the best soil needs fertilizing from time to time.

The composition of the soil can be:

  • clay;
  • loamy;
  • sandy;
  • sandy loam.

Loamy and clay soil can be rolled into a stick (sausage), this cannot be done with sandy soil. Sandy and sandy soils are warm and light - they are easier to work with. Loamy and clayey are considered heavy and cold. Sandy and clay soils require mandatory pre-treatment. The soil can be worked in autumn, but the ideal time for supplementation is early spring, a month before planting seeds or seedlings.

  1. For sandy soil mineral fertilizers, peat or manure can serve as additives.
  2. With clay soddy soil, straw manure, mineral fertilizers, compost, sand should be added.
  3. With increased acidity the soil needs lime additives (wood ash, slaked/quicklime).

The best for growing vegetables / fruits are sandy and loamy soils. They are able to bear fruit well without additional processing and top dressing.

Storage space

Preserving the crop is no less important than growing it. Not all vegetable crops can be put in a basket or bag and forgotten until the moment when they are needed. Each vegetable requires certain storage conditions. Places and methods may differ depending on where you live - your house or apartment. In a private house there are more conditions for long-term storage, while apartments are suitable for storage for several weeks or months.

A few rules for storing any crops:

  • vegetables must be dry;
  • the fruits must be sorted out;
  • vegetables should not be washed before storage;
  • cultures cannot be mixed with each other.

Compliance with only these simple rules will significantly save your harvest. With a large number of vegetables, it is necessary to consider in more detail the places of their storage.

  • Potato optimally stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature of +5 - +10. In a warmer and brighter place, the culture sprouts or turns green. At zero temperature, the starch in the fruits turns into sugar, and they acquire an unpleasant taste.
  • Root crops ( beet, radish) are well preserved in ventilated boxes (wooden, cardboard) at temperatures from zero to room temperature. In an apartment, they can be stored on the balcony (until frost) or in a cool place, away from heating systems. For carrots ideal box with dry sand.

It is better to store beets with the addition of dry sand

  • cabbage heads are best kept hanging or in a net. eggplant and zucchini can lie in the refrigerator in a special compartment for vegetables.
  • Tomatoes can last until January if green and undamaged fruits are selected, wrapped in paper and stored in a cool, dark place. Gradually they will ripen and turn red.

  • Fresh cucumbers or Bell pepper can be stored in a closed jar, plastic container or saucepan in the refrigerator.
  • Onion and garlic require pre-drying. The fruits can then be stored at room temperature in a hanging, well-ventilated net.
  • dill/parsley may last longer if dried and placed in a bag or plastic box in the refrigerator. green onion must be separated from the bulbs and stored in the refrigerator.

Greens are pre-dried well and stored in the refrigerator.

Even under the best storage conditions, you should periodically inspect and sort out your vegetable stocks.

Types of crops

In the garden, you can grow any vegetable, only you should take into account the characteristics of a particular culture. Some fruits can grow in an almost wild way, others require painstaking processing. Some vegetable crops require equipped greenhouse conditions, others can grow and bear fruit at low temperatures or even snow. Before planting vegetables in your future garden, you need to know some of the characteristic features of certain crops.


The cabbage family includes:

  • white-headed;
  • redhead;
  • broccoli;
  • colored;
  • Brussels;
  • kohlrabi;
  • savoy, etc.

Cabbage grows well near most vegetable families. Ideal neighbors for her would be potatoes or onions. Celery is able to protect heads of earthen fleas, and dill fights aphids and can improve the taste of cabbage.

Variety of cabbage

Cabbage crops require a lot of space, good watering, timely feeding and pest control.


Most representatives of the nightshade are very demanding on landing conditions. These crops require sufficient lighting, constant and abundant watering, sandy soils and top dressing are desirable. Because among them there are indeterminate varieties (for example,), strong support and a garter are also needed (the stem can grow up to 1.5-3 meters). Solanaceae have many subspecies, so you can always choose a variety that is compatible with the conditions of your garden. These crops are very healthy because they contain many vitamins (A, B, C, P) and minerals (sodium, potassium, iodine, zinc). These plants include:

  1. Pepper.
  2. Eggplant.
  3. Physalis.
  4. Pepino or melon pear.

Nightshade family


Root crops are one of the main foodstuffs of our area. They are very valuable products due to the presence of vitamins, minerals, nutrients in their composition.

Potato is the most popular vegetable in the world. This is a full-fledged independent product that can be boiled, fried, steamed, stewed, added to culinary dishes. It is useful and varied. Most importantly, potatoes can grow in almost any soil, if you choose the right variety.

Carrot no less useful vegetable. It promotes good vision and growth, so it is especially useful for a growing organism.

Beet is one of the main suppliers of sugar in the world. In addition, this vegetable is very useful for the digestive system.



These vegetable crops are characterized by ground, grass growth. The plant does not grow in height, but in length, spreading along the ground. Numerous large leaves cover the fruit. On the one hand, this protects the vegetables, on the other hand, the fruits may receive less sunlight and ripen slowly. Also, a disadvantage of undergrowth is the possibility of early decay with excessive moisture, or easy access to fruits for pests. But, despite all this, pumpkin and zucchini are useful cultures for immunity and digestion. Pumpkin can be the basis of dietary or baby food.

gourd family

A feature of pumpkin crops is the ability to interbreed with each other during natural pollination by insects.


One of the oldest vegetable crops. In terms of nutritional value, they are comparable to meat, because. contain 20-40% proteins. Because of this feature, legumes are a must-have product for proper nutrition. All representatives of this family are very demanding on the intensity of illumination. Also, to simplify the care of crops, you can make props or fences on which the stem will branch.

Legumes are ideal predecessors for any crop, because special bacteria settle in their roots. They form special nodules that accumulate nitrogen compounds. Because of this, any subsequent crop will grow well on such soil.

Spicy flavor

Garlic is a very useful culture for human health. However, this vegetable can also help other crops growing in the neighborhood. Garlic repels drillers, caterpillars, slugs. May protect roses from black spot. At the same time, the vegetable is very picky about the composition of the soil and illumination. It grows best on loamy and sandy soils with sufficient light. Horseradish is an equally useful spicy culture. Also loves sandy and loamy soil. Demanding for processing, tk. may be susceptible to diseases, does not accept drying out of the soil. Garlic and horseradish are good crops for seasoning dishes and maintaining immunity.

Spicy flavor crops

Agricultural technology

Agricultural technology is an important attribute of growing any crop. If you follow it, your yield may exceed even the declared maximums. But with a negligent attitude, plants may not give even a minimum of fruit. Proper processing and care for several months will more than pay off when you can enjoy the tasty, large and healthy fruits of your labors.

Required Buildings

If you live in the northern regions, in arid areas, or want to have a crop all year round, and not just in the summer months, you need additional buildings.

  1. Greenhouses allow you to harvest in large quantities and more than once a year. Also, closed ground has an advantage over open ground when growing most vegetables. A significant disadvantage of the greenhouse can be the cost of its installation and maintenance. You can read about how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse at.
  2. Greenhouses are a budget alternative to greenhouses. Hence the number of disadvantages - the lack of heating, entrance. But to save seedlings during sudden frosts, a greenhouse is an ideal rescue option.
  3. Watering vegetable crops is necessary for any garden. Ideally, you should set irrigation system. Even if it seems like an expensive pleasure, such a system will ultimately save a lot of nerves and effort to the owner of the garden.

The greenhouse allows you to grow crops all year round


The right equipment helps grow a good crop. If you decide to save on this article, first of all, you save on your health. In addition, you do not need to buy an expensive tractor to cultivate the beds (unless you grow vegetables at an industrial level). It is enough to acquire basic tools (shovel, rake, hand tools, buckets, etc.). The equipment should be monitored no less carefully than the future harvest. After all, with the right attitude (cleaning, storage), these things will last you much longer. And you don't have to buy new tools every year.

Variety of gardening equipment

Disease prevention

Prevention is always better than cure. This rule works not only with a person or an animal. It also applies to plants. There are several ways to prevent vegetable diseases:

  1. Plant nearby crops who protect each other or help a neighbor fight the disease.
  2. Timely treat plants with protective solutions. But you need to be careful with this, because most of these substances are toxic.
  3. Change planting sites for crops every few years. With the constant planting of a vegetable in the same soil, it becomes more prone to diseases of this crop.

Soil preparation before planting crops


Unfortunately, not only what we need grows in the garden, but also a lot of weed grass. If you do not fight this "pest", it can destroy the crop even at the growth stage, because. weeds take all the nutrients and water from the soil. There are two main methods of weed control - chemical and manual. With a chemical solution, a solution is sprayed onto the problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe soil, which kills weed plants. A significant drawback of the method is that the soil or vegetables may suffer. Manual - physically heavier, especially with a large garden, but absolutely safe for the crop.



  1. Vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet and body. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed by the body of all ages.
  2. Timely processing and care of plants able to bring a rich harvest.
  3. Prevention is better than cure. You should take care of the health of the soil and vegetable crops in advance.
  4. Chemical treatment should only be used as a last resort.
  5. The correct location of the garden, good inventory and buildings on the site save the owners nerves and money in the long run.
  6. Due to the variety of vegetables you can always find the perfect product for you.

Many gardeners are already growing onions through seedlings, getting a good harvest of onion heads from seeds during the season. To do this, you need to grow strong seedlings and plant onion sprouts in the middle of May on the beds already with a formed root system and the first bunch of leaves.

When and how to sow onions for seedlings was described here.

When growing onion seedlings at home, problems often arise - the plants are stretched, thin, weak, easily lie down, bend or turn yellow, the tips of the leaves dry out. To avoid problems, you need to know what conditions are favorable for this culture and what care mistakes should be avoided.

13 mar 2020

In order for eggplant seedlings to succeed, be strong, healthy, you need to know what kind of care this culture loves and create favorable conditions for the plants to grow.

What loves and dislikes eggplant seedlings:

1. Eggplants love warmth. . Seedlings of this culture grow rapidly at air temperatures above +20 degrees, when the temperature drops to +16 degrees, plant growth stops. It is necessary to control not only the temperature of the air where the seedlings are located, but also the temperature of the soil in the seedling containers, since if the boxes or cups are on a cold windowsill, this can inhibit the growth of seedlings.

02 mar 2020

When growing seedlings of flowers and vegetables at home, the problem of stretching plants often arises. Stretching seedlings should be dealt with immediately after germination.

There are only five things that cause seedlings to stretch, and by eliminating them, you will get strong, stocky plants for planting in the ground.

1. Lack of Light Causes Plants to Stretch . It is important immediately after the appearance of the first shoots to provide crops with lighting lasting about 12 hours a day.

28 Feb 2020

When sowing seeds of vegetables and flowers for seedlings, in order to prevent regrading and remember what grows in a particular container, gardeners use various methods of marking crops. If the seedlings dive into cups, then you need to sign each cup, since when rearranging, planting in the ground, the plants will mix and get mixed up, only the labels on the cups will help prevent re-grading of plants.

What labels are convenient to use for labeling seedlings? These can be both home-made and purchased flags, plates, but since you always need to label a large number of seedlings, it is better to save money and make labels for seedlings with your own hands.

21 Feb 2020

The most exciting period of growing eggplant seedlings is the expectation of germination.

Most gardeners consider eggplant seeds to be tight. Due to the long germination of seeds, eggplant seedlings are sown early - from mid-February.

Eggplant can sprout after 1 week and after 3-4 weeks. When there are no shoots a week after sowing, we consider the seeds to be of poor quality or influenced by the moon, but we do not take into account errors when sowing this crop.

The germination rate of an eggplant seed is influenced by two factors - temperature and sufficient humidity.

14 Feb 2020

First of all, everyone has a problem - there is not enough space on the windowsills to accommodate everything that you want to sow.

09 Feb 2020

When growing seedlings of vegetables, you must strictly follow all the rules of agricultural technology from sowing to planting in the ground. Even a small defect, for example, an incorrectly chosen time for sowing seeds, leads to a decrease in the quality of seedlings, due to which plant yields may decrease.

I will list 5 main mistakes that kill seedlings:

29 Jan 2020

Growing seedlings of vegetables begins with the preparation of seeds for sowing. At the first stage, the seeds must undergo disinfection or preventive purification from fungal and bacterial diseases. Disease infections can persist on seed coats for a long time, and after sowing infected seeds, plants become ill already at the seedling stage.

Be sure to disinfect the seeds collected by yourself. If the manufacturer assures that the seeds have gone through all the stages of preparation for sowing, then you can immediately start sowing, bypassing the stages of disinfection and soaking the seeds.

24 Jan 2020

Growing vegetables in the backyard is not only a personal need, but is also widely used as a business.

However, buying seeds is only half the battle.

The best varieties may not be useful if you do not take into account the characteristics of the earth. A vegetable may begin to hurt at the initial stage of ripening.

This section describes in detail how to properly plant seedlings in. After all, the irrational use of the territory significantly underestimates the level of productivity.

In addition to good care, you must choose the right one or build a greenhouse yourself. Not every person knows that three tons of cucumber can be harvested from one square meter of land per year. But this is only with the right activity. Here it is necessary to take into account many side factors that will contribute to a good harvest.

That is why planting seeds where it hit is not advisable. Yes, and the soil is better to prepare and fertilize. This is usually done in the autumn.

It should be borne in mind that vegetables that grow in greenhouses are very demanding. Therefore, here it is required to maintain a certain temperature and humidity and.

Outdoor cultivation

Growing vegetables outdoors means getting a good harvest, but this is a seasonal phenomenon.

Many do it for themselves and their families; for some, this activity is a profitable business.

Therefore, it is important to find a good place for each vegetable crop.

And when planting, it is necessary to use varieties suitable for growing in open ground.

Every person who loves to work with the land knows that sowing begins in April. Therefore, at its beginning, preparations for planting begin. By the end of the month, it is quite possible to start planting radishes, onions and carrots. If the soil is well warmed up, people immediately start planting potatoes.

Avid gardeners know that seedlings should be sprayed from a watering can for the first six days after planting. Starting in May, you can start planting vegetables such as cucumber and. At the end of the month, white cabbage is already planted.

With regard to the care of planted vegetable crops, it should be understood that all the time the growth of the beds must be weeded. This will encourage faster growth. Weed grass takes a lot of nutrients from the soil, which is so necessary for vegetables. Plant nutrition is also important. Not every person knows what they do after loosening and watering the earth. Proper care will help to avoid the appearance of diseases and ensure greater yields.

Growing vegetables at home in winter

Growing vegetables in the winter at home, most people produce hydroponics.

This is a modern way to get a good harvest all year round.

Some farms have already switched to its full use.

The specificity of this method lies in the fact that vegetables grow without soil.

For cultivation, substrates and special nutrient solutions are used.

Hydroponics has many benefits, chief among which is the absence of chemicals. The process is less troublesome than usual. With the proper establishment of activities, it is necessary to water the plants only twice a week. In the current section there are a number of articles on this modern method. A huge number of people have long been growing vegetables on their windowsills. At the same time, the house is clean and comfortable.

You can grow vegetables in any territory of our country. For this, not only open ground is used, but also greenhouses, as well as special hydroponic pots. In this section, the reader can learn about each of the methods in detail.

The most popular way to get garden crops on personal plots. On the beds you can cultivate potatoes, cabbage, root crops, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and much more. But to get a rich harvest, you need not only to properly care for the plants, but also carefully select the site and prepare it.

How to do it right you will learn from our article. We have prepared a detailed overview of the methods and means of growing popular garden crops, and have selected photos and videos for you that will facilitate the process of growing vegetables in the open field.

Site selection and soil preparation

Choosing a bed for sowing a particular vegetable should be based on fertility, lighting, humidity levels and other parameters necessary for each type of crop. For example, cucumbers are afraid of drafts, so they are placed in areas protected from the winds, but at the same time quite wet. For cabbage, fertile and moist areas are chosen, well lit and protected from the wind. Tomato beds should be located in places with sufficient lighting, but without excess moisture.

Rice. 1. Preparing the soil for planting vegetables: digging, loosening and fertilizing

After harvesting, the beds are necessarily dug up and fertilized (Fig. 1). To do this, you can use organic matter (manure, bird droppings or compost), mineral fertilizers or green manure - green plants that make the earth looser, prevent the growth of weeds and saturate with useful substances.

A prerequisite for choosing a site for vegetables is the observance of crop rotation. Not all cultures get along well with each other. For example, cabbage greatly impoverishes the land, so after it it is better to plant vegetables that are undemanding to fertility.

Preparing seeds for planting

A high yield of vegetables is ensured not only by the correct selection of a place, but also by the preparation of seeds. Regardless of the type of crop, only the best seeds need to be selected and processed before sowing. An example of processing is shown in Figure 2.

Note: Before use, the seeds are heated, hardened and germinated. This ensures the appearance of friendly seedlings and high yields.

Preparation of vegetable seeds includes:

  • Soaking - raw materials are dipped in clean water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. This helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria and saturate the seeds with nutrients.
  • hardening - the change is wrapped in a damp cloth and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After that, they are transferred to a room with room temperature for another 12 hours.
  • Germination - before planting, bean or corn seeds are dipped in a plate of water, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and kept at room temperature until small roots appear. This procedure significantly increases germination and yield.

Rice. 2. Treatment of vegetable seeds before planting in open ground

Early and heat-loving crops are grown not only by sowing in open ground, but also by seedlings. This is the only opportunity to get a crop in regions with a harsh or unstable climate (for example, in Siberia). With the help of seedlings, you can get not only cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage, but also beets, zucchini and corn.

Features of growing vegetables

Since each vegetable has its own cultivation technology, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the main aspects of the cultivation of common crops in the open field.


Fertile soils with a slight damp slope and the ability to retain moisture are excellent for cabbage.

Note: Good beds for cabbage will be those where potatoes, cucumbers or onions used to grow.

grow cabbage in a seedless way is possible only in a warm climate. In other regions, an early cabbage harvest can only be obtained by pre-breeding seedlings (Fig. 3). Seeds are planted at the end of winter in a container with a nutritious earth mixture. After the formation of several leaves, the seedlings are seated in separate containers.

Rice. 3. Planting and growing cabbage in the open field

Cabbage seedlings are transplanted in May, but it is advisable to prepare the bed in advance: fertilize with manure and carefully dig. Cabbage is planted in rows, at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The soil in the hole is moistened and fertilized with humus and ash.

Note: If the threat of frost has not yet passed, the seedlings can be covered with foil, but when the temperature stabilizes, the shelter is removed.

Cabbage is very sensitive to watering. In the absence of natural precipitation, the soil is moistened every 3 days, and so that a crust does not form on the surface, additional loosening is carried out. Hilling will help retain moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. Also, cabbage can be fertilized by introducing mineral and organic top dressings (10 days after planting the seedlings and again a month later).


For root crops, well-lit areas are selected. The most popular crops of this species are carrots and beets. But if carrots tolerate frost and drought well, then beets require more stable climatic conditions.

Note: Despite the resistance of root crops to temperature extremes, it is recommended to carry out pre-sowing treatment of seeds to accelerate their germination.

Beets can be sown both directly in open ground and grown from seedlings. Seeds are sown in small containers, and after the appearance of two or three leaves they dive (seated in separate pots or cups).

Rice. 4. Growing carrots and beets in open ground

Sowing directly into the soil is carried out when the soil warms up at a depth of 5 cm. Cold ground can cause seeds to germinate slowly or stop growing altogether. The beets may start to sprout side shoots. Sowing and caring for root crops in the open field is shown in Figure 4.

At cultivation of carrots and beets in the open field plants need to be taken care of. First of all, this concerns the loosening of row spacing and fertilizing. Loosening the soil is necessary to eliminate the crust that forms on the surface of the earth after watering or rain. In addition, it helps to eliminate weeds and saturate the roots of plants with moisture.

Top dressings are mainly organic (diluted cow dung or bird droppings), but special mineral supplements for root crops can also be used. It is also recommended to periodically thin out seedlings so that only the strongest plants remain in the garden. Thickened plantings also provoke the development of diseases.


The most common pumpkin crops in the gardens of our country are pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. The main requirements for their cultivation are sufficient air, sunlight and water (Fig. 5). At the same time, pumpkin is not too demanding on soil fertility; for them, its moisture content is much more important.

Rice. 5. Growing pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini in open ground

Even though cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and squash belong to the same class of plants, the requirements for growing them in garden beds are slightly different:

  1. Grow pumpkin better in areas previously fertilized with humus or mullein. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they are recommended to be sown in warm soil, and before the first shoots appear, cover with a film.
  2. For squash the earth can be fertilized with minerals, but with proper care, the crop brings a good harvest without additional fertilizing. Squash can be grown as seedlings, but it is much easier to sow immediately in open ground, as the vegetable is highly resistant to frost.
  3. Zucchini- quite unpretentious vegetables that do not require special conditions. But to get a rich harvest, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral additives and observe crop rotation. In addition, zucchini love well-lit areas and frequent watering. You can plant directly into the ground, but for regions with a harsh climate and short summers, the seedling method should be preferred.
  4. Cucumbers and their cultivation in open ground e is also quite simple. To do this, it is enough to choose a well-lit area with drained soil. Vegetables are planted directly in open ground, and covered with foil to protect seedlings from frost. Such covering material also prevents the soil from drying out and stops the growth of weeds.

All cucurbits have one common requirement for cultivation: they are very sensitive to lack of moisture, so the beds should be watered regularly (every 3-4 days, provided there is no natural precipitation). Lack of water can lead to a decrease in yield and taste of vegetables.

Peppers and tomatoes

Grow peppers and tomatoes outdoors is possible only with the help of seedlings, since these crops are thermophilic (Fig. 6). The bed is placed in a place well lit and protected from the cold wind. In addition, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral top dressing in the fall.

Rice. 6. Growing seedlings of peppers and tomatoes in open ground

In warm climates, peppers can still be grown without seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in prepared soil around the end of May, and covered with a film. After the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter is removed. Tomato seedlings are also transferred to the soil at the end of May. After planting, you need to properly care for the plants, in particular, regularly loosen the soil to remove weeds, fertilize during the flowering and fruiting period, and also provide the crops with a sufficient amount of liquid.


The most popular legumes are beans and corn. These are heat-loving plants, for which wind-protected and well-lit areas are selected (Fig. 7).

When growing legumes in open ground it is necessary to strictly observe crop rotation and carry out pre-sowing seed treatment. This will help not only improve the quality and quantity of seedlings, but also strengthen seedlings during the development period.

Rice. 7. Sowing and growing beans and corn

Since both corn and beans are very sensitive to frost, they are planted outdoors after the weather becomes consistently warm. In addition, before planting, it is recommended to germinate the seeds in a damp cloth until small roots appear.


Potatoes are the most common vegetable in the gardens of our country. This crop is undemanding to the level of soil fertility, but it is still easier to get a rich harvest when a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers is applied.

Rice. 8. Growing potatoes in the open field

Medium sized tubers are suitable for planting. On the bed, longitudinal rows are made with holes at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other (Fig. 8).

Note: Before planting, the tubers should release small "eyes", which indicate that the first shoots will soon appear.

Throughout the entire growing period, potatoes are weeded and spud several times to remove weeds. If necessary, make top dressing or use chemicals to combat diseases and pests. In general, growing potatoes in the open field is quite simple, and even novice gardeners can handle the cultivation of this vegetable.


Green crops are divided into salad (intended for fresh consumption) and spinach (used for further processing). Salad greens also include spicy crops (basil, dill, cilantro) that are added to dishes fresh or dried. The green planting scheme is shown in Figure 9.

The most popular greens for fresh consumption is leaf lettuce. It is a cold-resistant crop that grows well in any soil, but it is better to get a bountiful harvest on loose soils.

Note: To keep the lettuce leaves large and juicy, the beds need to be watered regularly.

Rice. 9. Scheme of planting and growing greenery in the open field

Another popular herb is dill, which is also resistant to cold and disease, and does not require careful care. In the wild, dill grows freely, and often it does not even need to be specially planted, as it is sown on its own in the beds. Dill can be harvested both for greens and for seeds (umbrellas), which are used as a condiment.

Regardless of the type of crop, vegetables require careful care. Key activities include (Figure 10):

  • Loosening - using this procedure, the upper crust that covers the ground after rain or watering is broken. Loosening helps to improve the penetration of air and moisture into the deep layers of the soil. In addition, it allows you to remove roots and young weeds.
  • Watering - Most vegetables and herbs require regular watering. But the amount and frequency of water application is different. For example, cucumbers and zucchini require more moisture for abundant fruiting, and excessive watering of tomatoes can provoke late blight.
  • Top dressing - the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers at different stages of cultivation allows you to accelerate the growth of crops, make flowering more intense or improve fruit quality.
  • Hilling - in the process of hilling the bushes are sprinkled with dry earth or peat. This helps retain moisture and prevents weed growth.
  • Mulching- this is covering the space around the bushes with a layer of sawdust, straw or a special film. Using mulch helps retain moisture, slow down weed growth, and protect young seedlings from frost.

Rice. 10. Vegetable care: loosening, watering, fertilizing and mulching

In addition, the growing process may require the use of specialty chemicals (herbicides and insecticides) to prevent disease and control pests.