White liquid apple tree. Apples "White filling": description of the variety, cultivation and care. Video: how to deal with scab on an apple tree

The harvest of White Filling apples is one of the first to be harvested. Like all summer varieties, its fruits are stored little. Despite this, gardeners still grow White filling in their gardens. Apples are eaten fresh or processed. Jams and marmalades made from the ripe fruits of White filling have a wonderful taste.

The controversy surrounding the history of the White filling variety has not subsided so far, some attribute it to folk art, others consider the success of apples to be the merit of breeders. Many gardeners mistakenly call White Pour apple trees Papaya.

Both varieties in many technical parameters and are very similar in appearance. The most common White filling is in the Middle Volga region, where it is considered the standard of taste. Seedlings are grown from seeds, which are used as rootstocks, they are suitable for grafting columnar forms of apple trees.

As a parent material, White filling was used by breeders to obtain new, more promising varieties. There are about 20 of them today. A productive summer variety benefits as a stable supplier of early raw materials for summer harvesting.

Advantages of White filling:

  • low requirements for soil structure;
  • the variety shows medium resistance to scab;
  • low dependence of productivity on the quality of agricultural technology;
  • winter hardiness of flower buds and wood;
  • precociousness.

Features of the variety: the frequency of fruiting, the absence of integumentary coloration. The disadvantages include a friendly return of the crop, poor transportability, a short storage period.

Growing region

Apple-trees of the White Bulk grow well in the Moscow region and most other Russian regions. At one time, the variety was tested and entered in the State Register. It is easier to list the regions where it is not recommended to grow White filling apple trees. Their list is quite short, it includes areas:

  • Far East;
  • Eastern Siberia;
  • Middle and Southern Urals.

Main technical characteristics

A description of the main parameters of a fruit crop gives gardeners information about the degree of suitability of a variety for a given climatic zone. The immune properties and characteristics of the winter hardiness of the White filling allow us to evaluate possible risks, and knowing the future dimensions of the tree, choose the most suitable place in the garden.

Tree height and crown width

Trees are convenient for small gardens size, they are medium in size. The height of the trunk is up to 5 meters, the width and shape of the crown changes over the years. Experienced gardeners, using dwarf rootstocks, grow lower trees, their height ranges from 2.5 to 3 meters.

The shoots are medium in thickness, in young apple trees they form a wide pyramidal crown, which becomes rounded by the age of 7.

When planting seedlings on a vigorous rootstock, you need to take into account the size of the crown of an adult apple tree, it is very large in diameter (5-7 meters).

root system

The characteristics of the root system directly depend on the type of rootstock. When using seedlings vigorous rootstocks a powerful central rod is formed at the rhizome. A highly branched form of the root system is characteristic of White Bulk trees grown from seedlings with rootstocks:

  • dwarf;
  • semi-dwarf;
  • undersized.

Frost resistance

The concept of frost resistance of an apple tree is complex, the assessment is made when studying the resistance of a crop to cold temperatures in different periods winter season:

  • beginning;
  • middle;
  • after thaws (sharp cooling, gradual cooling).

The zoned variety has no signs of freezing in all 4 cases. Frost resistance of the White filling allows you to grow a variety in the regions of the southeast, southwest, northwest.

Immunity to diseases

A direct dependence of immunity to scab on the region of growth was noted. The overall assessment is average, but if we consider the resistance to scab in terms of geography, then in Ukraine, Stavropol and the North Caucasus, it is weak. AT middle lane RF - medium.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Flowering and fruiting occurs on kolchatka. The first apples begin to ripen in July 10-15. The variety is characterized by a friendly return of the crop, which for many gardeners becomes a real problem.

In particular harvest years there is a problem with the processing of fruits. They are stored for no more than 14-20 days, after which the pulp becomes tasteless, soft. The fruits become unsuitable for processing.

Planting and growing

White filling should be planted in the garden. It is necessary to have a productive summer apple tree in the garden. In order for the life of the tree to be long and the yield to be high, you need:

  • seriously approach the acquisition of a seedling;
  • select the most suitable corner of the garden for the tree;
  • do not make a mistake with the timing of landing;
  • prepare the landing pit in accordance with all the rules.

In the south and in the snowy regions of the Central Strip of the Russian Federation, White Bulk is planted in the fall; in areas with little snow, it is recommended to plant seedlings in early spring.

Beginning of fruiting

Trees start fruiting early. Apple-trees of White filling at the age of 5-6 years give the first harvests. Trees bear fruit with proper care for at least 25 years. Crown care is essential throughout life. In its absence, the fruits shrink.


Apple tree strewn with white and pink large flowers, becomes a decoration of the garden. In the gardens of the Central Strip of the Russian Federation, flowers bloom with the advent of May. In the south (Stavropol Territory) and in the gardens of Ukraine, White filling blooms in April.

Fruit ripening time

An impressive harvest of apples is obtained from an adult apple tree. For a tree 7-12 years old, 150-200 kg of fruit per season is considered the norm. Apples ripen in the south in July 15-20, in the gardens of the middle zone - from August 10 to 20, in the southern regions of Siberia the fruits ripen after August 20.

Appearance and taste characteristics of the fruit

The apple tree is not in vain called White filling, its fruits are covered with skin white color, her light green shade is almost invisible. If the fruits ripen from the south side of the crown and are well lit by the sun, then a faint blush of a pale pink color appears on them.

The taste of sweet pulp has a slight sourness. ripe apples emit a pleasant, delicate aroma. On young trees, the size of the fruit is larger than on old ones. They weigh an average of about 150 g, and over the years they become smaller, their weight does not exceed 60 g by the age of 20. The shape of the apples is correct, round-conical.

Useful properties determine the composition of the pulp:

  • up to 9% sugars;
  • up to 22 mg per 100 g of raw ascorbic acid.

Only having an apple tree of this variety in your garden, you can enjoy the wonderful taste of the fruit. You will not find them in the supermarket, they are stored very little and deteriorate during transportation.

Cyclic fruiting

The apple tree has sharply periodic fruiting. It, short term storage plus low transportability make White filling unattractive for commercial gardens.

Summer apples need to be picked and quickly processed. For large families this variety of summer apples is profitable to have. In winter, there will always be a supply of jars of apple compotes, preserves and jams in the cellar, and in summer the table will burst with abundance. delicious apples and apple pies, desserts.

Basic rules for caring for an apple tree White filling

Caring for the apple tree traditionally. A few years after planting, they are closely engaged in the formation of the crown. Fertilizers are an essential component of care. They are introduced throughout the long life of the apple tree. At any age, watering plays an important role in the fruiting and health of the fruit tree.

Pollination methods

In the absence of pollinating varieties, White filling does not bear fruit - the trees are self-fertile. There are no problems with the harvest if Antonovka, Grushovka Moscow, Ottawa, Mantet trees grow in the garden or next to it. Suitable as pollinators are any apple trees that bloom simultaneously with the apple trees of the White Bulk.

Pest and disease treatment

On sale there are excellent preparations for codling moth, aphids, apple flower beetle and leafworm. Good reviews deserve:

  • "Calypso";
  • "Binomial";
  • "Zolon".

Trees suffer most from the invasion of insects in the first years of life. Mature apple trees are more resistant, but they are more difficult to handle from pests due to their dense crown and high height.

Increased air humidity (rain, fog) provokes the activity of the marsupial fungus, which causes a common disease of fruits and leaves - scab. For its prevention, every autumn, preventive treatment of the bole and twigs with "Zircon" or "Fitosporin" is carried out.

In autumn, cut and destroy all damaged branches, rake and burn fallen leaves. The barrel is cleaned, whitened, adding a solution of copper sulfate to the whitewash. In the spring, prevention continues:

  • before swelling of the kidneys, the crown is treated blue vitriol(10 l of water, 100 g of product);
  • when buds open, all branches are sprayed with Gamair;
  • a fruiting tree is sprayed with colloidal sulfur.

Frequency and abundance of watering

A large need for irrigation remains during the period of mass fruit set and their formation. The frequency and volume of watering depends on weather conditions and soil structure. On light soils, moisture drains quickly, on heavy soils more slowly.

Water consumption for one irrigation for a 1-2-year-old tree is 2-3 buckets, for a fruit-bearing apple tree, the consumption is calculated according to the size of the crown - 50-100 l / m². The frequency of watering for fruiting and non-fruiting trees is different.

The first ones are watered several times during the season: in the spring - before the buds open, during the opening of the buds, at the beginning of the fruiting period. Apple trees up to 5 years old are watered according to the weather every week, if the summer is hot and dry. In autumn, just before frost, apple trees of any age are watered. Last watering should be plentiful, it helps protect the roots from freezing.

top dressing

First 2 years young tree receives nourishment from the fertile mixture garden soil, organic matter and mineral fertilizers, which was used to fill the hole during the planting of the seedling. In the third year in the fall, the apple tree is fed for the first time.

Fertilizer consumption, which will be shown in the table below, is given per 1 m². The area of ​​the projection of the crown on the ground is taken as the basis. As the apple tree matures, it will increase in size and, accordingly, the rate of application of mineral fertilizers will increase.

From mid-July, fertilizing containing nitrogen is stopped, they reduce the frost resistance of shoots and buds, and worsen the immunity of the apple tree.

Crown shaping technique

At spring planting seedling crown is formed before planting or immediately after it. If the seedling is planted in the fall, then the first formative pruning is started next spring:

  • the top of the central conductor is cut off at a height of 0.8 m from the root neck;
  • damaged shoots are cut out;
  • the remaining branches - the basis of the future crown, are shortened by a third of the length.

Every year in the spring before bud break and in the fall before the onset of frost, apple trees are subjected to careful sanitary pruning. With its help, the crown is maintained in a healthy state.

All branches damaged by disease and bad weather, as well as shoots growing inside the crown or perpendicularly upwards, are subject to removal. In a properly formed tree, 2-3 tiers of branches are clearly visible. The lower shoots of the apple tree should be slightly longer than the upper ones.

Preparing for winter

Harvest can not be stored for a long time and left on the tree. It must be quickly removed from the apple tree and put into processing. In autumn, an apple tree that has rested from fruiting is prepared for winter. The trunks of young trees are wrapped with roofing paper or burlap, the trunk circle is covered with a layer of mulch (manure). In those regions where there is little snow in winter, old apple trees spud.

Growing problems

Often an apple tree that has reached the age of fruiting does not bloom. The alleged reasons for the lack of fruit:

  • a gross mistake when planting a seedling - the root neck is deepened;
  • the absence in the garden of apple trees of a different variety;
  • depleted soil, lack of fertilizing;
  • disease;
  • insects;
  • the crown is formed incorrectly.

On the acidic soils the yield of White filling is low. The problem is solved with the help of lime. It is made no more than 1 time in 4 years. For each square meter spend 200 g.

Falling apples

The fruits fall off different reasons. Heavy workload is one of them. In favorable weather years, too many ovaries form on the apple tree, some of them it can drop. First of all, fruits damaged by the codling moth fall from the trees. In a dry summer, if watering is rare, the tree also drops apples.

Diseases and pests

Weakened due to poor care, apple trees are more likely to suffer from pests and infections. From insects, you need to be wary of aphids and leafworms. A fungal infection causes tangible damage to the crop. Fruit scab can significantly reduce the yield.

Starting from spring experienced gardeners carry out preventive treatments for powdery mildew and scab:

  • before blooming the buds are sprayed with "Skor" or a solution of copper sulphate;
  • faded apple trees are carefully treated with copper chloride;
  • at the end of autumn fruit trees cleaned and again subjected to treatment with copper sulphate.

Signs of scab on the White Bulk: brown spots on the leaves, cracks and dark spots on the skin. In autumn, leaves from a diseased tree must be burned. Clean the area near the trunk circle and dig shallowly. Cover the trunk and large branches with a layer of lime.

Summer harvest apples help in the treatment of many ailments. With their help, they normalize the work of the intestines and stomach, cleanse the body of toxins, and normalize cholesterol levels. By consuming the fruits of White filling, they relieve the symptoms of gout and chronic rheumatism, strengthen the body's defenses. One White Filling apple tree is enough to satisfy the family's need for summer ripening apples.

It belongs to the varieties of the summer season. If you wanted to know when the White filling ripens (when the apples ripen), - early ripening period for apples until August 25. Harvesting is carried out in two stages.

Initially, in the first days of August, and the next collection at the end of summer - in the twentieth.

Apples do not lie for a long time, they are quickly susceptible to decay, changes in the quality and properties of the pulp. It becomes looser and tasteless. Shelf life is about 20 days.

How to save the harvest?

  1. Try to pick apples from the tree carefully. Don't squeeze. To remove an apple, grasp it with your entire palm and twist it slightly on the branch. Do not remove the stem.
  2. Fallen apples are not subject to storage. The skin is thin, easily injured and crumpled.
  3. Only healthy and whole fruits are suitable for storage(no scratches, dents, rot).
  4. Harvest can be harvested wooden boxes underground, barn or cool cellar. Do not stack apples on top of each other, but only in one layer.

Description of the variety White Bulk

And here is a photo of a branch of an apple tree variety, a white filling with fruits.

Each variety is endowed with its own individual qualities, by which it can be distinguished from the rest.

Consider the main characteristics that the white filling apple variety possesses.

  1. Apple trees are medium in size. The crown is moderately dense, spreading, broadly pyramidal in shape, and becomes more rounded with time. In an adult tree (14-16 years old), it can reach up to five meters in diameter.
  2. The bark of the main branches and on the trunk is light gray.
  3. Shoots are not thickened, medium length, fleecy, brown with olive shade. Vegetative buds flattened, grey.
  4. The leaves are medium, ovate, matte, hairy, green with gray tint, the tips of the leaves are pointed.

  1. medium sized apples. In a young tree, they are larger and can reach 125-150 grams, and in an adult - 60-70 grams.
  2. The fruits are round-conical in shape, tapering towards the calyx, with equal sides, the peduncle is long.
  3. Color green-white with blush on the south side. The variety is characterized by the presence of a seam (skin fold), the brightness of which is not as pronounced as that of Papirovka.
  4. The funnel is deep, wide, slightly rusted. The cup is closed. Seeds are small, light brown.
  5. Apples have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.. Suitable for consumption in unchanged form, as well as for home baking and canning.

    They rarely go on sale or production, since it is quite difficult to transport the fruits.

  6. The variety has a low sugar content.(about 8-9% per fetus), enriched ascorbic acid(up to 21-22 mg/100 g).

Selection history

White filling is a variety of folk selection. Homeland - the Baltic states. Famous Ukrainian breeder Simirenko L.P. attributed it to the old Russian variety.

AT last years it began to be called an analogue of Papirovki. Even despite the fact that in the thirties the "Handbook of Horticulture for Agronomists" presented the main characteristics and differences between the two varieties. A number of researchers are of the opinion that Papirovka is a seedling of the White Bulk.

It is interesting that various names of these apple trees have been preserved in the Baltic nurseries: Popierinis is Papirovka, and White filling is Baltasis Alivinis.

Region of natural growth

The variety is included in the State Register of many Russian regions, except for the Ural, Far East and East Siberian regions.

The variety is well suited for growing in Central Russia. It is interesting that for a long time apples were also grown in the Middle Volga region, where the people called the trees Pudovshchina or Dolgostebelka.


The first crop appears 5-6 years after planting. A young tree can bring about 100-150 kg of fruit per season.. There are cases of up to 200 kg from an apple tree.

With age, apples become smaller and yields decrease.

Despite the shortcomings (poor transportability, susceptibility to decay and low maturation rates), White filling is one of the popular varieties. It is well adapted to grow in different regions, gives high yields, has good taste. The variety has been grown for many years and has managed to catch the fancy of many gardeners.

So, we hope that you have learned everything you wanted from the description of the White filling apple variety. Video

Landing: In order for the White Filling Apple Tree to grow well, the soil before planting must be well prepared, free from weeds, especially perennials, rich in nutrients (chernozem or any healthy humus dark meadow / garden soil). Recommended for improvement physical and chemical composition soil replowing with green manure or adding compost. The pits should be approximately 60 cm in diameter and a depth of 30 cm, the size dictates the size of the seedling. We transfer the plant from the temporary container without destroying the earthen clod (if the plant has a bare root system, then we pour an earthen mound on the bottom of the hole and distribute the moistened roots down along it). We fall asleep with fertile soil, slightly trample. There is no need to buy special substrates. The more fertile layer, the less min. fertilizers. We make a trunk circle with a roller for natural rainwater collection and pour it abundantly in several parishes. All varieties of apple trees in our online store are produced in Ukraine, are frost-resistant and do not require any shelter for the winter, except for the obligatory protection of the bark from hares to a height of 120 cm.

Ukraine is traditionally the largest in Eastern Europe producer of fruit trees, so you can be 95% sure that a seedling bought in Ukraine is guaranteed to be frost-resistant. Our garden center does not sell imported fruits. If you have purchased imported varieties of fruit trees imported from Europe (zone 6-9), then they must be protected before the onset of the first frost. A small tubercle of soil or mulch is poured around the root neck, which will need to be opened in the spring, but in winter it will protect the neck and the grafting site from freezing. The plant responds well to fertilization. All plants purchased in the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional feeding throughout the year. But the biggest advantage of buying plants in a container is that they can be planted without additional fertilizer from March to December - even in the heat of summer.

Watering: it is necessary to regularly water the still infertile White Filling Apple Tree, preventing the land from drying out - about 5 times per season during dry periods, 3-5pcs (10l) buckets per tree. The lack of moisture will affect the growth of shoots, respectively, and the future harvest. Starting from the end of July, watering stops so that the apple tree prepares for winter. The norms for the number of buckets for fruit-bearing trees are the same, but watering should be done at the following stages: during flowering, before the formation of ovaries in June, 2 or 3 weeks before the full ripening of apples. At close proximity ground water irrigation rates are adjusted.

Pruning: the next year after planting, before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to perform a formative pruning (too dense crown and branches frozen over the winter require regular and timely thinning), but when pruning, be careful not to remove branches with fruit formations. Otherwise, the volume of the future harvest will be significantly reduced. We cut trees without branches 20 cm above the planned branching. In branched trees, we shorten the conductor, and the branches located too low are removed entirely.

Diseases: The White Bulk variety is resistant to brown spot, needs protection against scab and powdery mildew of the apple tree, it affects the leaves, stems and buds of the plant.

Fertilizer / care: Planted trees should be immediately fed with mineral fertilizers. The first portion of nitrogen is introduced in the first year in mid-May. The second - in the middle of June. Due to this, powerful growths necessary for the formation of the crown are formed already before autumn. If the growth of seedlings in the first year is too intense, the next year we limit nitrogen fertilizer, leaving only the May application, but already at the beginning of the month. To provoke fruiting, in the third and fourth year, nitrogen fertilizer is minimized. The good development of trees and shrubs, especially on light soils, is facilitated by mulching with humus or compost.

Protection: without chemical protection, high-quality plant growth in the first years of life is practically impossible. In the phase of bud break(green cone "bear ears") to protect against the apple blossom beetle, kidney weevils, the wintering stage of pathogens such as scab, powdery mildew and fruit rot, Aktara + Horus tank mixtures are used. The next spraying is carried out with a mixture of Engio + Horus preparations in the budding phase - a rose bud. This treatment protects trees from apple beetles, leafworms, winter moths, aphids, suckers and against a complex of pathogens: scab, powdery mildew, alternariosis, fruit rot. In the Steppe zone in Ukraine, Thiovit Jet is added to tank mixtures to combat fruit mites. In the phase of falling petals- after flowering, for the simultaneous control of the apple sawfly, leafworm (in particular, the codling moth), wandering larvae of the California scale insect, aphids, suckers, moths, with diseases (for example, scab, powdery mildew, alternariosis), tank mixtures of Aktara or Engio® + preparations are used Match® or Probrand® and add Speed®. During long rainy periods and with heavy dew, Horus is added. Approximate timing of the fight against the first generation of apple codling moth - the beginning of flowering of white acacia or after the end of flowering late varieties apple trees. Spraying against caterpillars of the next generations of codling moth falls on the 30-35th day after the previous one. Varieties susceptible to damage powdery mildew, sprayed with a mixture of preparations Aktara® + Prokleim® and Topaz, and if there is a threat of scab development, Horus is also added. Soil pests: today in Ukraine there is no more dangerous soil pest than the cockchafer (Russian - cockchafer).

From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with Aktara or any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example: Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must necessarily fall on the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root neck and not spill to the side. Similar treatments are repeated every 40-50 days of the growing season. We spill it into the soil according to the instructions, Aktara is also effective. Processing along the crown and gravy along the root neck into the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats up” the plant. An example is the war of gardeners and Ukrainians with Colorado beetles, which, like their human “cotton” namesakes - “Colorados”, are very dangerous and gluttonous. Both the first and second should be promptly destroyed.

Weed protection: in the period before or after flowering, the herbicide Hurricane Forte, Roundup is used to destroy annual and perennial weeds. The drug is applied under the condition of protecting the culture. best period injections for broad-leaved weeds - from phase 2 true leaves to the flowering phase, annual cereals - phase 2-3 leaves, perennial cereals - at a height of 10-12 cm. All of these preparations are mixed without restrictions and without the risk of reducing efficiency. The consumption rate of the working solution: a young tree - 1 l, a middle-aged tree - 2 l, a tree with a large crown - more than 3 l. All materials used for the convenience of the user of one company - Syngenta.

When bookmarking orchard every gardener first of all selects apple tree seedlings. This tree has been accompanying a person since time immemorial, but the targeted selection of culture was taken up only a few centuries ago. During this time, a lot of cultivars, varieties, clones appeared. And although the first attempts of breeders were not always successful, now gardeners are increasingly returning to the old, time-tested varieties. White filling is an apple tree variety that is one of the first among its relatives to produce a crop. It is considered the standard of productivity, early ripeness, winter-hardiness, but it is not without its shortcomings. Description of the White filling, planting technology and the basics of care are discussed in the article.

Description of the cultivar

Pomology is a complex science that studies the varietal qualities of fruit plants. Often, pomologists enter into debates, discussing the properties of two varieties of apple trees - White filling and Papirovka. Some scientists claim that cultivars are almost completely identical, while others see small but significant differences. Experienced breeders came to the conclusion that Papirovka is a separate cultivar obtained as a result of free pollination on the territory of the Baltic States (presumably as a seedling from the White Bulk).

White filling is considered the original Russian summer variety of folk selection. No wonder it is known under other names - Belle, given for the color of the fruit, Dolgostebelka, for the open crown and Pudovka, for high yields.


White filling forms trees 4-5 meters tall, which is considered an average for an apple tree. The crown of the tree changes as the plant matures. Young specimens form a wide pyramidal type, in adults the crown becomes more rounded. The trunk and skeletal shoots are lined with light gray bark. The bulk of the ovaries is formed on the ringlets.

Deciduous mass of a gray-green hue. The size of the leaf blades is medium, the shape is oval. From below, the leaves are pubescent more intensely than from above, so the surface appears matte. Leaves are held by long light petioles. big flowers apple trees White filling saucer-shaped. Corolla white or pale pink.

Features of pollination

Fruit crops are divided into two types - self-fertile and self-fertile. Most of the apple trees belong to the second type, that is, they are practically not pollinated by their own pollen. For full fruiting, such trees definitely need neighbors of a different variety. White water also needs pollinators to show maximum productivity.

The pollen of another tree increases the number of ovaries, the size and quality of the fruit.

Experienced gardeners argue that the variety of the neighbor is unimportant for the cultivar, the main thing is that the timing of flowering and fruiting of the crops coincide. In a series of experiments, botanists have found that this is not the case. Scientists say that the White Bulk is not all the same with which variety cross-pollination occurs. Top performance the number of ovaries was given by the pollen of the following apple trees:

  • Ottawa;
  • Antonovka;
  • Mantet;
  • Grushovka Moscow;
  • Lungwort;
  • Aroma de Ware.

Planting these varieties near the tree will have a positive effect on productivity indicators.


The fruits of the White Pouring are very unusual, they differ from the usual elegant apples, shining with gloss on the shelves, by the absence of a beautiful tan. Despite the unusual appearance, the taste characteristics of the fruit are estimated by experts quite highly - 4.2-4.6 points. Consider the description of fruits in more detail:

  • the silhouette of the apple is symmetrical, round-conical, the cone becomes narrower when moving towards the calyx;
  • as the tree matures, fruit weight and yield uniformity decrease. From a young apple tree, fruits weighing 130-150 g are harvested; in an adult specimen, the average weight of an apple is 60-80 g;
  • to varietal features White filling and its Baltic relative include the presence of a seam on the fruit in the form of a skin fold. In Papirovka it is more noticeable;
  • the color of the peel of an apple from a distance seems white, upon closer examination, the color is greenish-yellow, very light with a whitish coating. Large white or greenish freckles are visible under the delicate skin;
  • the sunlit side of the apple barely turns pink with a blurry gentle tan;
  • the funnel of the fruit is deep, wide with small area rustiness. On a small saucer there is a cup of a closed type;
  • the texture of the pulp is tender, coarse-grained, with pronounced friability, the cut is white. The described variety of apples is characterized by a balanced sweet and sour taste, moderate aroma;
  • harvest ripening in the Moscow region falls on the third decade of August. Apples are removed from the tree in two steps - the first part is harvested on August 5-10, the second after the 20th;
  • it is unacceptable to delay harvesting, because the culture is susceptible to codling moth damage, and overripe fruits become mealy. In case of untimely harvesting, the crop will turn into carrion;
  • harvesting is carried out very carefully, because the description of the variety indicates a thin peel, which is easily damaged even with moderate pressure. If at the points of contact appeared dark spots, fruit with highly likely rot. For the same reason, transportation is unacceptable;
  • the freshness of apples will last only 2-3 weeks, after which the pulp will become like cotton wool. Harvest requires rapid processing into juice, wine, jam.

Loose texture of the pulp of apples White filling does not allow the use of fruits for rolling compotes.

Advantages and disadvantages

At the time of fruiting, young apple trees enter at 6-7 years of age. The yield of a young apple tree reaches two centners from each tree. Over time, the indicator decreases due to non-one-dimensionality and a decrease in the size of the fruit in adult specimens.

Gardeners attribute early ripening to the advantages of culture, but the short period of processing the harvested crop causes a lot of inconvenience. With such high productivity, not every gardener has time to process apples into jam, juice. At the same time, the description of the cultivar indicates poor transportability, which means that the fruit cannot be sold.

Farmers appreciate the productivity of White Bulk, because apples often go to livestock when there is not enough time for processing.

Apple trees of the Bely pouring variety are widely distributed in the gardens of the Moscow region, are found in Siberia and even in the Urals, where a slate form is used for cultivation. The culture is winter-hardy, therefore it is suitable for cultivation in areas risk farming. Scab and codling moth when not proper care(absence spring processing) will destroy the entire crop.

How to distinguish White filling from Papirovka

The growth of a fruit crop in a certain area is reflected at the gene level. The pampered Baltic guest Papirovka is not as stable as her Russian counterpart. Papirovka less winter-hardy, prone to freezing in the lowlands, the appearance of sunburn. Without regular treatments, the tree will destroy black cancer and scab, although the apple tree is more resistant to scab than White filling. It is impossible to determine what kind of seedling or adult tree is in front of you, leave this task to pomologists. Therefore, landing and caring for the Baltic and Russian White Bulk is carried out in the same way.

Remember that the winter hardiness of trees increases with age. Young plants of both varieties, regardless of the climatic zone, must be covered for the winter.

Planting an apple tree in the garden

If you have chosen a White Filling apple tree for your garden, remember that planting a tree is carried out according to certain rules. This section of the article will tell about them.

Selection of seedlings

Pick the right one planting material is not an easy task. A few tips will help you buy a healthy seedling:

  • Fruit seedlings are sold at markets, fairs, garden centers and fruit nurseries. You need to purchase material only in the nursery, so as not to be disappointed in the quality.
  • Nursery specialists will help you choose planting material, tell you about the features of transplantation, how to care for the apple tree.
  • Take Special attention inspection of the root system of the plant. Root lobe should be well developed, consist of 4-5 powerful roots strewn with suction roots. Elasticity, absence of injuries, traces of decay, growths is a good sign.
  • Check the viability of the roots by scratching the surface with your fingernail. If there is white tissue under the skin, the survival rate will be high. In an overdried root lobe, the tissue is brown, fragile.
  • The optimal age for disembarkation is 1-2 years. Apple-tree White filling by this time reaches a height of 1.5 m, has 3-5 skeletal shoots without traces of damage, damage by pests, areas with mycelium of the fungus.
  • For transportation over a long distance, wrap the roots with a damp cloth and tie with a plastic bag.

It is pointless to take large seedlings, they take root much worse, get sick for a long time, and become vulnerable to diseases.

Landing dates

Fruit trees and shrubs are planted in spring or autumn. The term depends on the region of cultivation. In cold climates, a spring planting is desirable so that the apple tree has time to get stronger by the end of the season. But in Siberia and the Urals, you can plant fruit crops autumn, completing work until mid-September. Good for the South autumn planting when the soil is still warm, saturated with moisture. In spring, it is important to have time to plant a tree before bud break, and in autumn leave 30-40 days before frost.

Site selection, soil requirements

The apple tree of the White filling variety is not capricious, but shade and draft are contraindicated for it. You need to plant in a well-lit area, protected from the north side. high fence. From any obstacle and neighbors, the tree should be located at least 4-5 meters. The close occurrence of groundwater is detrimental to seedlings. As they grow older, the roots will go deep into the ground and will rot from moisture. For the same reason, they do not plant in the lowlands. Slightly acidic or neutral loam, chernozem is ideal for planting an apple tree. The substrate is loose, light, rich in organic matter.

Landing technology

In order to plant an apple tree, it is necessary to prepare the site by digging a foundation pit. For spring planting, this is done in the fall, and for autumn, 3-4 weeks. Operating procedure:

  • for digging, add 5-10 kg of humus, 30 g of superphosphate for each square meter. After digging, remove weed roots;
  • prepare a pit with a depth of 80-90 cm and a diameter of 60-70 cm. The step between adjacent trees is 4-5 m;
  • loosen the walls and bottom of the hole with a pitchfork, fill a third of the hole with soil mixture from fertile land, humus, potassium-phosphorus complex. The amount of fertilizer depends on the initial state of the soil;
  • put the seedling on the embankment, straighten the roots. Make sure that the root neck protrudes 5-6 cm above the surface of the hole;
  • gradually fill the pit, compact the soil, form a trunk circle;
  • water the seedling abundantly, tie it to a support and mulch the surface of the hole;
  • the first pruning is carried out immediately after disembarkation - shorten the conductor and each branch by a third of the length.

You should not take fresh manure instead of humus and compost. Under the ground, he will begin to overheat, burning the tender roots of the tree.

apple tree care

Caring for an apple tree is easy, follow a number of the following rules:

  1. water the apple tree 4-5 times per season, mulch the soil after each irrigation;
  2. the tree loves sprinkling, but during flowering this method of watering is excluded;
  3. the next day after irrigation, loosen the near-trunk circle, remove weeds;
  4. remove plant debris, carrion, weeds - pests like to settle in them, fungi start up. Spray the tree with fungicides three times in the spring to prevent scab;
  5. apply fertilizers according to the schedule - nitrogen (urea, slurry) in spring, potash before flowering, and phosphorus in August;
  6. so that the crown of the apple tree is well lit and ventilated, carry out a shaping haircut every spring. Also cut out damaged, diseased and old branches;
  7. for the winter, tie young seedlings along the trunk with spunbond, burlap. From above, strengthen the spruce branches so that the rodents do not damage the trunk. Mulch the trunk circle with humus to a height of 20 cm.

The White Fill apple tree is not without flaws, but this old variety is still popular, as evidenced by positive reviews fruit growers. With proper care, the culture will give a rich harvest of delicious apples.

Apple variety White filling, or simply Papirovka, is grown in Central Russia and in Western Siberia. This variety is able to ripen faster than all the others and fade. These apples are characterized by fragrant aroma and pleasant taste, juiciness and greenish color. When the apple trees fade, they cover the ground with a white fragrant veil. Gardeners love this variety because it does not require complex care and brings a great harvest.

Characteristics of the variety White filling

The tree of this variety is usually 4-5 meters high, the branches are gray, the leaves are oval in shape, it blooms with pink or white flowers. The fruits themselves are light green in color and have a blush on the south side. Average weight apples 70−110 g. The apple has a long, strong stem. The pulp of an apple is tender, loose and light, and the skin is sour.

Landing and care

For landing, you must select sunny place in the garden, where there is a minimum of humidity. The tree gives its first fruits about 5 years after planting. Full ripening of apples falls in August. Seedling planting rules:

On the winter period the wood needs to be insulated. The fruits are harvested twice - at the beginning of August and at the end. If the apple is overripe, the flesh becomes like cotton wool, but the wonderful smell lasts for a long time.

Rules for choosing a seedling:

  • light root color;
  • root elasticity;
  • when bent, the root will not break;
  • has a central root.

Tree care rules:

  • in the early years, cut the crown (with a hacksaw or pruner);
  • fertilize throughout the life of the apple tree (potash and phosphorus fertilizers);
  • sanitary pruning until the buds swell;
  • feed with urea in the spring.

How to save an apple tree

From pests help such means as: Tod, Zolon, Atom and others. Against pests, it also helps every autumn to bleach the lower part of the trunk and dig deep trunk circles. In no case should you leave fallen leaves.

The apple tree is very fond of moisture and a sufficient amount of moisture will affect the juiciness and taste of the fruit. However, it is important not to flood the roots so that the wood does not rot. Watering is best done in the evening and each plant should have two buckets of water. Saplings in the first 5 years are recommended to be watered every week. You can not water the apple tree during the ripening of apples. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and protect against the growth of weeds near the roots.

Variety "White filling" is considered quite frost-resistant. Even if it survives frosts, it can bear fruit 2 or 3 times. Sometimes gardeners do not have time to collect all the fruits for a period of 3-5 weeks, when the tree gives them.

This variety is considered to be self-fertile., therefore, it is advised to plant it next to other varieties, and then you can enjoy early ripening tree.

Like any other tree, an apple tree requires pruning. It is necessary to form a new crown by circumcision every two years.

I have a white apple variety growing in my garden. Every year I get a good harvest, which then turns into excellent wine!

The tree is fruitful and does not require special care. Makes my family happy every year good harvest. We do not have time to collect, a lot of apples go to dry. We drink compote later!

Features of the variety Pink filling

The Pink Filling apple tree variety is considered more decorative, but the fruits also have their own value. This variety is also popularly called "Robin" because of its inherent red fruits. This tree is common in most regions of our country, due to its frost resistance and immunity to diseases. "Robin" is popular in winemaking and conservation.

Characteristics of the variety: average height, about 3 m; high yield; pink is inherent in apples; the pulp is dense, unlike the "White filling", has a sour-sweet taste. In winter, the plant is able to tolerate severe frost, even -30, and in summer heat up to +40. Although "Pink Fill" is disease resistant, root rot can develop in wet summer weather. The tree has a long lifespan - about 40 years.

How to plant a tree

Sapling "Pink filling" planted in spring or autumn in April or early October. The tree prefers soil with moisture permeability, such as sandy loam. It is advisable to plant this plant in a well-lit place.

Planting a plant is 3 meters from other trees and crops. Planted in a hole about a meter deep.

Fertilization and fruiting

Fertilize "Pink filling" with minerals and organic fertilizers during the spring period. In autumn, the trunk of a tree is whitewashed. Every year, pruning is carried out before the buds have blossomed..

As with the "White filling", fruiting occurs in the fifth year of tree growth. Apples ripen in July and August. Apples can be stored for a short time. Due to its dessert taste, this variety is well suited for making a wine drink. After 22 days of storage, apples lose their properties and become unsuitable for consumption.

Due to heavy rains, the apples began to rot. I hope in next year the weather will be dry and sunny. Usually the apple tree brings a good harvest.