Fashion to be small and big. Comes Alive is a family in Minecraft. Video review Family Mod for Minecraft

Children of mobs and people mod for minecraft 1.9 1.8 this is definitely one of the most unusual mods available today. This is a mod that has something that you probably didn't think about when playing Minecraft but after using it you will have a very hard time letting it go because, oddly enough, it's still a pretty solid mod that adds a bit of depth and functionality to the game that players will definitely enjoy. It was developed by Techie and has been around for about a year but as of recently it has been updated to function properly with minecraft 1.9 which is a pretty big update for a mod as well she brings it up to modern standards.

small mobs This mod allows you to play as a tiny person in Minecraft. When playing Minecraft the thought of playing with a smaller character model isn't something that usually crosses a person's mind, but it actually makes the gameplay a lot more intriguing. When playing as a smaller character, you will be able to move to hard-to-reach places on your own, move around the world more freely and do a bunch of other things that you couldn't before with conventional model character.

Allowing you to play as a tiny person isn't the only thing that mini mod kids for minecraft has to offer. It also implements many mini items in the game such as mini elytra, mini banners, mini minecarts and even mini boats. All of these things are very useful and quite important, since you are using a mini-character you probably can't use these things anymore by default. All in all, Mini Folk is a rather odd, but still very enjoyable mod that allows Minecraft players a fresh look.

Which will allow you to look at the world around you through the eyes of a baby in Minecraft. You can feel like the smallest creature on earth, since you will be much lower than ordinary mobs, is it already interesting? Then read on...

So, as you already understood from the initial description and screenshots - you will have the opportunity to become tiny in your size. You will even be shorter than a cow, which is quite interesting and very unusual. There will be a feeling that just about, and she will crush you with her hooves, but do not worry - this will not happen, because despite the new size, you will still have the original number of maximum health units.

In principle, this is all the functionality, but it's worth considering the pros and cons of "Baby Player".

Let's start with the fact that the Author thought out his creation in detail, for example, take the fact that users will install on their character, it would seem that there may be inconsistencies, problems, but no! And now you will not suffer, experiencing glitches, bugs and other errors. You can install any skin and apply this addon - everything will look great. Of course, this is a huge plus, otherwise you would have to run only in the standard “Minecraft PE” Steve skin, which would immediately get boring.

And by the way, since we are talking about skins, the modification can be used, no matter how original, having fantasized, various, interesting thoughts can come to mind. Everything is in your hands - enjoy gameplay to the fullest. (There is a rich selection of skins on our site, you will definitely find your own version).

Let's take the following moment as an example: there are a lot of skins with superheroes on the Internet, download and install Ant-Man, since he will suit us 100%. We are looking for more mods that give us super abilities, or we don’t drink a potion of speed and strength - you’re done! Thinking about it, we were able to use new mod in a way that no one else would have guessed.

It turns out that now you can pass in those places where you could not before - this various holes, cracks and more. And also, if during an unsuccessful fight with enemy mobs you were left dead, then you can easily run away, hide in any place.

Keep in mind that this is all just a visual effect. As mentioned earlier, the amount of health, strength and other characteristics remain the same. So feel free to play as you played, just now it will look funny, both with your eyes and from the outside.

We have reviewed positive sides fashion, a decent amount of them. And now it is worth noting the cons, or rather the drawback, which is only one: all the objects that you will hold look terribly ridiculous and funny, it will be distorted, which is not very pleasing. But you can play with it, in essence there is nothing colossally terrible here.

We wish you a pleasant game;)

1. Download the mod
2. Next, extract the BabyPlayer and BabyMobs folders from the archive.
3. If you want to be small then copy the BabyPlayer folder to "/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/" folder.
4. If you want all mobs to be tiny, then copy the BabyMobs folder to "/games/com.mojang/resource_packs/" folder.
5. Go to settings

Install or
Move .jar files (2 pieces) to mods.

To your attention is a great modification for Minecraft that will make the game more interesting and realistic. Now instead of green residents in the villages there will be ordinary people with unique skins and appearance fulfill various tasks as it was before, but now it's all very beautiful and realistic. Mod in its idea is very similar to sims game for minecraft in which you can build your house, chat with locals, exchange, flirt, give gifts, give jobs and other tasks, tell stories, kiss and shake hands. As you understand, a very large set of actions that cannot but rejoice. The mood and attitude of the character towards you will depend on your actions.

The most important and interesting thing in this fashion is that you you can get married and have children who will be your direct heir in the event that you create the crowns of the monarch and become the leader of the village. If you are in a great relationship with someone from local residents you give him ring and at excellent attitude to you you can marry a girl or a guy and live together building a family and giving birth to children.

After your partner has accepted a wedding ring from you, new features will be available, namely have children. After that, we can name our son or daughter and live together and thrive in the game. Very cool that will fulfill the desires of all who have long dreamed of starting a family in the game. NPC villages in Minecraft are pretty boring places. Of course, they are loaded with people who trade goods for emeralds and various other items, but since these are all good villages, they get you lame surprisingly fast. Thanks to Minecraft comes to life mod, players can take NPC villages into their minecraft world in a much more interactive and interesting way. Villagers come in both male and female varieties and will do much more than just trade goods with the player. They can be recruited, or persuaded, to follow the player around while he or she is off adventure. Repeated interactions also increase resident intimacy.

Players who spend a lot of time with a certain villager will eventually manage to marry that same villager. This results in children that grow over time and can be of great benefit to the player. They will carry cargo, complete tasks and help the player in various other ways. More than ever, Minecraft comes alive mod makes settling in NPC villages worth the effort for Minecraft players. Before this mod, they were just nice things to find here and there, but with minecraft comes to life mod installed, players will be diligently looking for a nearby big village.

Also, the Minecraft Alive mod adds a special, secret component to the hardcore mode, which is more exciting than ever before with this mod installed. Players need Minecraft Forge installed for this mod to work properly, so be sure to check it out before installing the mod if you don't have it already. With over 200 unique skins for NPC villagers, players won't have a hard time remembering who and what items with this mod, either. This is an annoying problem, in standard Minecraft the villagers look exactly the same as each other except for some palette swaps.

Mod features:

Contains over 2000 unique dialogues.

Has over 250 various skins residents.

You can add your own

And many other things that were mentioned above, and we also recommend that you watch the video review of the sims mod.

Video review Family Mod for Minecraft

Always wanted to become a typical family man, sitting with his hand in his pants on his favorite sofa in front of his favorite TV after a hard day's work (hello Bukin)? With family mod Comes Alive for Minecraft (Maincraft) you have such an opportunity! Get married, have kids, watch them grow up and have kids of their own. You can download Comes Alive mod 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and other versions of Minecraft from us.

Key features

Thanks to the fashion for a wife, children and family, the villagers have evolved significantly and now ordinary people, male and female, are represented by more than two hundred unique skins. They can be interacted with in many different ways such as talking, asking to follow you, getting hired, giving gifts, and more. You can build relationships with villagers that go as far as getting married and creating big family. Once you have a wife, you will be able to have children who will grow and mature and then have children of their own.

Crafting recipes in Comes Alive

To better understand how to use the recipes, watch the video review!

Video review of family fashion

How to install

1. Download the Comes Alive family mod for Minecraft of your version.
2. Install forge (if not already installed).
3. Launch the Minecraft launcher and switch the profile to Forge, start the game.
4. Exit the game.
5. We drive in the search% APPDATA% and press Enter.
6. Open the .minecraft folder and transfer the files Fashion Comes Alive that you have downloaded to this folder.
7. We play, find a wife and create families, have children and rejoice.

To manually install Comes Alive for Minecraft 1.7.2 - be sure to also install RadixCore

It's just crazy!!! I would never have thought that reducing or increasing oneself would be available in Minecraft. With the Gulliver mod, this becomes a reality. The modification is available for versions 1.7.2 and 1.7.10. Now we can change our sizes easily and not forcibly, well, or almost so. It will be possible to grow yourself higher than the mountains and step over them, and the seas and oceans will seem like puddles to you. Or become small and not noticeable, get into a hard-to-reach dungeon, steal all the valuables from there and also escape from there without anyone noticing. We are opening up new horizons of gameplay in the world of Minecraft.

But how to reduce or increase yourself. For this we need two potions. Water plus infernal growth and we have "Potion of awkwardness (clumsiness)", and then add a red or gray mushroom to it, red for increase, gray for decrease. But that's not all. With the help of redstone, you can extend the effect of these potions, and if you add sulfur to them, then you can craft cool bombs that you can throw and reduce or increase not yourself, but mobs. Imagine a huge creeper destroying entire worlds, a chicken devouring houses, etc. horrors.

Other interesting features related to resizing the Gulliver mod has a lot, we will not reveal all the secrets, study it yourself.

Video review in Russian


  1. Download and install .
  2. Download the Gulliver mod to increase and decrease yourself.
  3. Open the %appdata%\.minecraft\mods folder on your computer.
  4. Copy the downloaded file to it.