Nursery design in scandinavian style. Scandinavian style nursery - a new fashion trend Scandinavian style blue curtains

Cold Scandinavian motifs in the interior attract people. At the end of 2016, the Scandinavian interior was recognized as optimal for any premises.

Previously, Scandinavian motifs were present in bedrooms and living rooms. Now a comfortable and modern Scandinavian-style nursery is one of the best solutions.

We prepare the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling

When finishing a room, it is better to use natural wood. If the budget is modest, you can use laminate.

The product is not absolutely natural, but it is as identical as possible to wood. The color scheme should be light, in some cases white.

In any interior, special attention is paid to the ceiling. It must be perfectly level. Ceiling structures can be painted or whitewashed.

At the same time, the color palette should be light, and stucco and other decorative elements are not needed.

As you can see in the photo of a Scandinavian-style nursery, the floor and ceiling surfaces are the main accents of the Scandinavian style. On the surface of the walls, flights of fancy are allowed.

In classic versions, the walls are painted with white paints or lined with a light wagon board.

Rarely are rooms for children made classic. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to use non-woven wallpaper, made in several color palettes, while the integration of interior spots is acceptable.

Most often, the main surface of the walls is pasted over with wallpaper made in light colors, and the rest of the surface is decorated with bright wallpaper or decorative panels.

Scandinavian-style children's room is often decorated with chalk wallpaper. Chalk drawings can be applied to the surface of such a solution.

If desired, they can be easily removed. As a result, the child will have an additional exciting activity.

Furniture solutions

Children's furniture in the Scandinavian style is simple, concise and comfortable.

Among the themed furniture there are steel beds with rubber components, drawers, tables, cabinets, as well as pouffes or armchairs.

Scandinavian motifs imply space and freedom, so things are stored in an open style.

Among the standard furniture solutions for such premises there are vintage, somewhat antique items.

Geometric shapes and simplicity prevail. External simplicity, hides modern style and versatility.

We select textile solutions

You can hang classic white curtains, but children do not like monotonous and boring colors. Therefore, when choosing textiles, many details must be taken into account.

If there is enough free space, the Scandinavian-style interior of a nursery provides for a small tent or wigwam. In addition, you can use bright carpets.

Decorative solutions

The Scandinavian nursery is filled with bright decorations. Mainly, toys that reflect the inner style of the owner of the room should stand out.

For example, a Scandinavian-style nursery for a boy should be decorated with his favorite cars, steam locomotives and soft toys.

You can use all sorts of scenery in the style of emulators of trophies of fishing, hunting and other activities for real men.

A Scandinavian-style nursery for a girl is favorably decorated with stickers, bright garlands, fashionable doll houses and themed decorations.

We select lighting items

Scandinavian rooms are very bright. They are dominated by white paint and large windows. Additional lighting items are simple.

Often, sconces, lamp emulators, and lamps are installed in Scandinavian nurseries. The main thing is to adapt the lighting to the interior in the Scandinavian style.

Scandinavian nurseries optimize the process of sleep and leisure for the child. Design and interior solutions are simple, but modern and multifunctional.

One of the important advantages of such premises is the formation of a child's own taste. In addition, the baby will feel a craving and love for art, which will favorably affect his further development.

Modernity, relevance, simplicity and efficiency of Scandinavian motifs in the interior make such solutions the best for both kids and growing children.

Photo of a nursery in Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style refers to the general design techniques that the Swedes, Danes and Finns use when decorating their homes, although the interiors of the premises in each country have their own characteristics. So, the Finnish style is characterized by black and white colors, Danish tends to romanticism, and Swedish is the most concise and strict. However, the combination of aesthetic techniques gives rise to a special, unlike any other Scandinavian style, reminiscent of a magical winter fairy tale.

Under the Scandinavian style is meant the average between Finnish, Swedish and Danish trends in design.

Decorated in this calm style, all rooms look great, and it is ideal for a nursery. A Scandinavian-style nursery will be not only practical, but also safe for children of any age, comfortable, and, importantly, contribute to the development of the child's creative potential, allowing you to decorate the room as you wish.

For parents, this style is also attractive for its cost-effectiveness, since expensive finishing materials are not required, and the decor can be easily transformed based on the changing preferences of a growing child.

The Scandinavian style sometimes leaves the impression of some coldness and even sterility. But this will not happen in the children's room: a lot of bright toys, rich colors of textiles, wall decoration with the work of a small owner or hostess will give the room the necessary brightness.

The Scandinavian room is always light, so the following natural colors are used in the palette for the main finish:

  1. White. Most often used in this case when painting walls, it dominates in the colors of flooring and furniture. It creates a feeling of freshness and spaciousness even in a small nursery. White always looks clean and festive. You can use shades: cream, milky, ivory. Vintage white looks interesting - as if a little shabby from time to time. Do not be afraid that the white color in the nursery is impractical, the main thing is to use washable and dirt-repellent materials.

White is the favorite color of the Scandinavian style.

  1. Grey. The second most important color in the Scandinavian interior. Gray is not boring, as it might seem at first glance. After all, warm shades of gray create the perfect backdrop for bright accents. It is worth using silver or mother-of-pearl, the color of green gray tea, slate.
  2. Black. There should not be a lot of it, especially in the nursery, but a little black graphics in the design will not hurt.
  3. Universal colors. In the photo, the design of the nursery is diverse in rich colors: purple, green, red, yellow and orange bring the necessary vigor.

The nursery is the room in which bright colors will always be appropriate.

  1. Pastel shades. Depending on whether a boy or a girl lives in a room, shades are added to the color palette:
  • for a girl - coral, mint, lilac, peach;
  • for a boy - lemon, blue, blue, wheat.

Wall decoration and wallpaper for the nursery in the Scandinavian style

For wall decoration in this style, only natural materials are used, such as stone, wood, plaster, paper.

Important! Wall coverings should leave an impression of lightness, simplicity, uncomplicatedness. Complexity and pretentiousness are unusual for the style of Scandinavia.

For decorating the walls of a children's room, it is better to choose natural materials.

What you can cover the walls to create a neutral comfortable atmosphere that matches the style:

  1. The simplest and most common way is to paint with waterproof paints in one color. However, you can paint 4 walls in 4 colors. Another option is painting with special slate paint, then you can draw on a black surface with crayons.
  2. Wallpaper. For children use:
  • non-woven;
  • chalk - you can draw on them with chalk.

The wallpaper is glued plain, but you can also use the combined method:

  • one wall becomes a color accent, diluting the neutral background, and stands out with wallpaper in a contrasting color or with prints;
  • one wall or part of it is pasted over with wallpaper imitating stone or brickwork;
  • wallpaper is combined with wood panels.
  1. Clapboard. White vertical panels successfully increase the height of the room. They are placed on a third of the wall or the entire height.

Features of the Scandinavian style: floor and ceiling coverings

In the best photos, a Scandinavian-style nursery looks spacious - this is achieved with small design tricks:

  1. The ceiling is well leveled and painted white. No stucco, decor, moldings - the simplicity of design visually increases the height of the room. If the ceiling is very uneven, it makes sense to use stretch or drywall, observing the rule of simplicity. The ceiling made of lining, boards or wooden slats, painted white, looks original.

The ceiling in Scandinavian interiors is almost always white.

  1. As a floor covering you can use:
  • floorboard;
  • parquet board;
  • laminate.

Floor materials should be light, natural shades.

Selection of lighting

The climatic features of the Scandinavian countries have led to a special love of the inhabitants for a large number of lighting fixtures that do not leave a single dark corner. Therefore, the children's room should be well lit.

  1. Natural light comes in from the window. Window frames should match the style of the room, so it is better to make them from wood or a material that imitates it. Windows do not need to be curtained with curtains, you can do without them at all or use translucent white curtains made of cotton or linen. They should be light and cut in the form of straight panels up to the windowsill. If it is necessary to close the window from the sun's rays, it is preferable to hang wooden blinds.

  1. Artificial lighting is provided by:
  • central chandelier;
  • ceiling lights;
  • desk lamp;
  • wall;
  • portable lamp.

It is worth choosing lamps of simple shapes, without unnecessary decor. Suitable from frosted and transparent glass of simple geometric shapes (ball, cube). Vintage copper or imitating kerosene ones look interesting.

Furniture selection

Before going to the furniture store, you should study the photos of ready-made design projects, because in fact, a Scandinavian-style children's room does not require expensive or necessarily new furniture. It is quite possible that some existing items, with minimal changes, can be put in the nursery. A great option is to use the Ikea system and purchase inexpensive modular systems. Preference is given to wooden furniture made of inexpensive species - beech, pine, spruce.

Important! Furniture in a Scandinavian-style children's room must meet 3 parameters and be:

  • simple forms;
  • functional;
  • compact.

With the help of furniture, the premises are divided into study, sleeping and play areas.

On a note! It is better to purchase a bed either transforming or multifunctional (with drawers for storing linen).

Scandinavian companies produce beds that change according to the growth of the child. A bunk bed is suitable for two children. However, if the nursery is small, then for one child you can buy a bed on two floors: arrange a workplace on the first, and a sleeping place on the second. If, on the contrary, as in the photo, the room is spacious, then, in addition to the bed, you can put a small sofa or chair.

In the form of houses, both beds and wardrobes or shelving are often designed.

What other furniture is needed in the nursery:

  • closet - if room footage allows, it can be replaced with a modular storage system, covering it with linen curtains on metal rods;
  • chests of drawers, always with bulky drawers;
  • shelving of an open design, for storing small things, decorative boxes or wicker boxes are placed on the shelves;
  • open shelves on the walls;
  • desktop with drawers or mobile cabinet;
  • one or more puffs.

Open shelving is great for storing toys

For the little things that every child has, chests, baskets, boxes or panels hung on the wall with pockets are suitable. A hanger with hooks is attached to the door.

Even typical shop furniture can be made unique by creating an amazing children's room for your child. For this you can:

  • change typical handles on cabinets, chests of drawers, picking up those that the baby likes;
  • repaint standard fronts or shelf strips;
  • use stickers or stencils;
  • decorate the handles with ribbons, pompoms.

Scandinavian nursery for a boy

Textiles and accessories will help to give individuality to the room - they are of great importance in the embodiment of the Scandinavian style.

There must be a carpet on the floor - it will give the room coziness, and it is much more pleasant to play on it. It is better to choose woolen products with a short pile or a looped coating. Carpet can be a bright accent in a neutral room design or, if there are already enough color spots, blend in discreetly with the background. You can put a quilted patchwork bedspread on the bed.

Accessories play a special role in a Scandinavian-style nursery for a boy:

  1. Toys - cars, locomotives, plush animals, as well as books will add color to the room.
  2. Flags are great for decoration - they can be maritime, signal, flags of different countries. Continue the theme of the globe on the shelf, maps.
  3. The Scandinavian style is supported by images of animals, forest nature, snowflakes, clouds, fish, cozy houses on posters or paintings.
  4. The child can contribute to the decoration of the room. It is his drawings in a wooden baguette that will decorate the walls. Animal heads made in the technique of 3D modeling will also become an interesting interior decor.
  5. An electric garland on the window will make every evening a New Year's Eve!
  6. Use Lego decor.

Animal heads, wigwam, giant Lego - all this will organically fit into the Scandinavian nursery

And one more thing indispensable in a boy's room is a tent or a wigwam. You can sew a house yourself, buy it ready-made or quickly build it together with your child from improvised materials, the main thing is that the baby is comfortable and fun in it!

Delicate nursery in Scandinavian style for a girl

On the bed in the girl's room, you can put a blanket made of coarse knitwear, fur or sheepskin - it's so nice to relax on it! The neutral color of the bedspread will dilute the many bright pillows with national prints, geometric or abstract patterns. A good solution would be to install a linen canopy of delicate colors over the bed to match the walls. By the way, the walls in the nursery for a girl can be decorated with floral wallpaper or in bright colored “peas”.

What else can serve as a decor:

  1. Hand-sewn hares, lots of teddy bears or Tilda style dolls.
  2. Large paper pompoms or honeycomb balls hung individually or in garlands.
  3. Textured (wooden, woven, wicker, lined with natural materials) letters or inscriptions.
  4. For a girl, you will also need a house or a hut, because it is cozy to play in it.
  5. The walls are decorated with bright stickers, posters, drawings of the hostess of the room or landscape and architectural photographs.

Decorating a nursery in a Scandinavian style is the best choice for parents who do not want to remodel and repair every year, and the ideal solution for a child, he gets at his disposal a room with great creative potential.

I like

Cold Scandinavia attracts not only romantics, but also connoisseurs of refined refined styles. Last year, the traditional Scandinavian interior was recognized by experts as the most fashionable and successful solution for organizing rooms in residential apartments and houses. Previously, this design was embodied mainly in bedrooms and living rooms, but given that it gravitates towards everything light, spacious and natural, we can conclude that it is ideal for decorating children's rooms. A Scandinavian-style nursery is comfort and versatility, as well as great opportunities for creativity.

In this review, "Dream House" will try to figure out how to recreate the Scandinavian style in the interior of a child's room.

Wall, floor and ceiling decoration in a Scandinavian children's room

Surface finishing is the basis of any interior. In the Scandinavian style, natural wood is most often used for this purpose. For example, the floor here can be decorated with a parquet board or any other wooden covering in light shades. However, if you are looking for a more budget and practical option, pay attention to. This coating is not 100% natural, but outwardly it resembles wood as much as possible. In color schemes, the emphasis is on light, and sometimes even white tones.

Children's room in Scandinavian style

Beautiful nursery interior in Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style children's room decoration

The interior of a Scandinavian-style nursery is hard to imagine without a smooth white ceiling. As a rule, this part of the room is decorated with paint or whitewash, which makes the room more spacious, tall and bright. Unlike many other interiors, the Scandinavian style does not like excessive pomp, so the ceiling here is not decorated with stucco or some other decorative elements.

The original design of the nursery in the Scandinavian style

Scandinavian children's room

If the floor and ceiling are an unshakable constant of the Scandinavian interior, then the walls here are an opportunity to express your imagination, as well as fill the room with individual motives. In the classic version, the walls in Scandinavian design are decorated with paint or lined with white. However, a children's room is not a place for classics, so you can play with shades and textures on the walls here. For example, Scandinavian-style children's rooms are often decorated in Sweden and Norway. Moreover, the masters prefer to combine several colors using the "" technique and interior "spots". In practice, this is expressed in the fact that the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is lined with plain wallpaper in a neutral color scheme, and the rest - with wallpaper with a bright print or decorative panels with "children's" drawings.

Children's room in Scandinavian style photo

Scandinavian style nursery wallpaper

Another original option is the design of the accent wall with chalk wallpaper. The special material of these wallpapers allows you to draw on their surface with chalk, easily erasing and reproducing drawings. This detail will not only add expressiveness to the design of the nursery in the Scandinavian style, but also make the baby's leisure time more interesting and useful.

Choosing furniture for the Scandinavian design of the nursery

It should be as simple, concise and convenient as possible. Furniture sets, as a rule, include wooden or metal beds with carved elements, dressers with drawers for storing toys, rectangular tables, high wall cabinets and comfortable easy chairs or poufs. Since it is important to maintain a sense of spaciousness and freedom in Scandinavian design, storage systems are organized here in a “hidden” form. For example, beds and armchairs can be equipped with internal drawers, tables with pull-out panels, and cabinets with additional shelves.

Scandinavian children's room - furniture

Children's furniture in Scandinavian style

Children's furniture in Scandinavian style

Furniture typical of this style often feels a bit vintage and "antique". It tends to the correct geometric shape, discreet design and simplicity. However, behind the external unpretentiousness lies modern comfort and functionality. For example, the Swedish brand Ikea, the Norwegian company Stokke and the Danish manufacturer Sebra produce children's clothes that are perfect for the Scandinavian style. But the main feature of these beds is that their length can be modified as the child grows.

Nursery posters in Scandinavian style

Harmonious textiles in the Scandinavian spirit

Pastel white, reminiscent of the Scandinavian expanses, evokes peace and tranquility. However, the child should grow up surrounded by bright cheerful colors, so it is very important to organize the right textile design in the room.

For example, if a Scandinavian-style nursery is designed for a girl, it can be decorated with bright carpets and multi-colored soft pillows, as well as light colored curtains.

Nursery in Scandinavian style for a girl

Bright children's room in Scandinavian style photo

If there is free space, organize a fabric tent in the room or, which will create additional play space and fill the room with traditional northern comfort.

Decor and decorations

Unlike other details, the decoration of a Scandinavian-style children's room should be bright and catchy. First of all, toys of the owner can act as decor - soft animals, rag dolls, cars and steam locomotives.

With the help of well-chosen decorations, you can give the room an interesting thematic focus. For example, the Scandinavian one can be decorated in the style of a hunter's house, on the walls of which various “trophies” flaunt - toy heads of wild animals, maps, guns, etc.

Children's beds in the Scandinavian style

Can be decorated with colorful vinyl stickers, hanging garlands, dollhouses and other matching details.

If you can’t decide which curtains to hang in your home so that they fit the interior, we advise you to opt for products in the Scandinavian style. It represents the dominance of white and all light shades.

This direction originates in the northern hemisphere of our planet, whose inhabitants are characterized by a certain severity, rationality and respect for nature and the world around them. All this is reflected in Scandinavian fashion and design.

Curtains in the Scandinavian style will become an elegant element of decor, which, due to its simplicity and elegance, will easily fit into absolutely any interior.

Features and Benefits

Curtains in the Scandinavian style have a simple and concise cut, they are also characterized by the predominance of light colors. The main trend is simplicity and comfort, so the main tasks of curtains in this style are functionality and practicality.

Natural light is very important when planning the interior of any room., and this is especially true for residents of the northern hemisphere, since there are not so many bright sunny days there, and trying to catch every ray of natural light, they never choose thick heavy curtains. Curtains in the Scandinavian style should, on the contrary, enhance the lighting of the room.

Linen and cotton are most often chosen as the material for such curtains. These materials make the curtains light and able to let in some of the sunlight, creating the effect of a warm, soft, diffused daylight glow.

Additional decorative elements in curtains of this type are usually not used. The absence of lambrequins, ruffles, lace, fringes makes curtains simple, delicate, but at the same time very stylish and modern.

Even the tiebacks are made from the same fabric as the curtains themselves.

Design Options

As already mentioned, the most popular materials for making Scandinavian-style curtains are linen and cotton, but there are also silk, muslin and muslin products.

The main principle when choosing a material is that it should be light and translucent. Heavy and shiny fabrics are not typical for the Scandinavian style. It is best to opt for natural materials.

As for the color palette, of course, the main and most popular color is white. However, Scandinavian curtains in other colors also look great - milky, beige, light yellow, sand, light green and other light warm pastel shades.

Features of using popular curtain colors:

  • White- the basic classic color, emphasizing simplicity and naturalness. It is able to give a feeling of freedom, visually increases the volume of the room, makes it brighter. All kinds of shades of white can also be used - light gray, light beige, snowy, mother-of-pearl and others;

  • Cream- a very pleasant, warm and delicate shade that blends perfectly with any other colors, makes the atmosphere of the room warmer and more comfortable;

  • Grey makes the room more refined, gives a feeling of tranquility, gives the interior restraint and rigor;

  • Light blue visually enlarges the space, makes the sunlight softer, creates a feeling of pleasant chill;

  • light green associated with nature, forest and herbs, gives the room an atmosphere of freshness, space and light. Looks good in combination with other shades of the green spectrum.

Application in the interior

Scandinavian curtains in the interior of the kitchen will be appropriate, since it must certainly be cozy and very light, and light translucent curtains will be the best solution for this.

In a beautiful and cozy living room, the curtains should also be light, they will create a feeling of volume and weightlessness. Therefore, do not weight the curtains with massive draperies, folds and other decorative elements.

Patterns with ethnic motifs, Scottish plaid, floral patterns and images of nature will look very interesting and stylish on curtains.

For the bedroom, you can choose the same curtains as for the living room. However, it is additionally worth installing blinds or roller blinds on the windows in the bedroom so that, if necessary, you can tightly close the view from the outside for strangers.

In the children's room, too, should be as light and comfortable as possible, that is why Scandinavian curtains will be an excellent choice for a children's bedroom.

If you want to equip your office in the Scandinavian style, then the ideal solution would be to use translucent blue curtains in muted tones. This will give some rigor and create a pleasant business environment.

In Sweden, Denmark, Norway, where cloudy days often replace sunny days, natural light is highly valued. In addition, apartments there often have a small area. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was in these countries that the lightest, most democratic interior style was born. Its distinguishing feature is the white walls. They can be interspersed with bright colors, but the white palette is still dominant.

Such a solution may not seem quite practical for a child's bedroom. But there are several ways to solve this problem. The baby's room should be a place where he can realize his artistic ideas. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a place for creativity. This can be a slate board, an easel or a film for drawing with chalk, with which a part of the wall is decorated.

Of all the decor styles, Scandinavian is one of the most sustainable. Natural materials are used not only for decoration, but also for furniture. This is an extremely important point when creating a child's bedroom. The furniture should be minimalistic, not limiting the space of the room.

Designing a Scandinavian-style nursery is a good choice for several reasons. Firstly, it easily adapts to the age category. As the baby grows older, it will be enough to replace only some pieces of furniture and decor. Secondly, it is universal and suitable for both large and small quadratures. In the latter case, the light shades that are typical for this direction will come in handy.

In the bedroom for a boy, a tandem of white can be blue, black, yellow. An additional color variety will be provided by toys and textiles. The bedroom for the girl has more delicate shades. Pink, salad, turquoise are acceptable here. Let's look at the most interesting options for decorating a nursery in a Scandinavian style.

To get an authentic design for a Scandinavian-style nursery, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristic features of this trend. These include the following:

Plenty of natural light;

The light palette is diluted with a few bright accents;

natural finish;

Simple and functional furniture.

As you can see, there are very few requirements. Based on them, you can embody your own unique ideas. It will not be superfluous to fantasize about the original arrangement of the playing area.

A fashionable solution that will surely delight the child will be wigwam equipment. You can purchase a ready-made design, or make it yourself. Do not forget about a warm carpet on the floor, preferably in dark colors. It is better to give preference to models with a short pile. They are more practical to clean.

The character of a Scandinavian style room largely depends on textiles. Darker shades are selected for the boy's room. A blue rug, a brown plaid, blue-and-white striped curtains or drapes. Prints with animals or favorite cartoon characters can also be used.

A lighter color scheme is selected for the girl's room. Although, of course, everything is individual and, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the preferences of the child.

The furniture is also involved in creating the mood of the room. Plain, compact pieces of furniture will fit well into the design of a Scandinavian-style nursery. They can be decorated with your own hands using technology, which will bring a touch of uniqueness and comfort. It can be very small prints on a chest of drawers, a wardrobe or a bedside table.

As the baby grows older, the zoning of space changes. There are more functional areas. It is very convenient to equip children's furniture that "grows" with the child. Later it can be transformed to be used for other purposes. For example, a bunk bed can turn into a cozy playhouse.

If you need to create a comfortable space for two children on a small square, ready-made furniture sets in the smart style will come to the rescue. They are mobile, easily transformed, use every centimeter of usable area.

Not a single interior of a children's bedroom can do without a competent light scenario. In addition to the main light source, it is necessary to provide an additional one for each zone. A sconce of an original form, a laconic table lamp, a night light in the form of a balloon or a garland.

The finishing touch can be an original decor element that meets the interests of the child. Globe, world map, aircraft model, interior letters, jewelry box, felt panel, huge soft toy. Consult on this matter with the owner of the room, he will certainly have many ideas and wishes.

Renovation of a nursery in a Scandinavian style

The preliminary design of the project will help to realize the successful design of the nursery in the Scandinavian style. Also, before starting the repair, it is necessary to draw up a detailed scheme. It includes the following items:

Design project (if necessary, you can add the service of architectural supervision);

Payment for the repair team;

Tools (if repairs are done on their own);

Purchase of draft and finishing materials, their delivery and unloading;


Furniture and decor;

Construction debris removal;

Additional expenses.

The ceiling can be stretched or painted with white paint. In fact, it is only a background for pendant lamps, which can have a monochrome palette or vice versa - a bright body / lampshade. In addition, the ceiling can be strewn with phosphor stars with the moon in the center. A very original night light that the baby will definitely like.

The walls lined with clapboard look very cozy. Boards can be whitewashed or have a natural wood color. Most often, this wall decoration is combined with other materials. For example, with decorative plaster or wallpaper.

If white is chosen as the dominant color, one of the walls (most often the one near the bed) is made accent. It can be painted with dark gray, brown or mustard paint. Applications look very impressive on plain walls. These can be images of your favorite heroes from fairy tales or an abstraction.

Wood plank flooring is the perfect solution. The surface can be bleached, with an antique effect. If this option does not fit into the budget, you can use a laminate with imitation of light wood. It is also suitable for installing underfloor heating systems.

Wallpaper in the children's room is a fairly popular solution. This is due to the wide choice of types of this material, as well as the richness of textures and colors. Before choosing a print, you need to decide for what period of time the repair is being done. If there is no desire to return to this topic in a few years, you need to choose materials that are easy to clean. A good choice would be liquid wallpaper. If necessary, they can be easily restored.

Wallpaper for a Scandinavian-style nursery should not have large colorful patterns. Let's say a small, unobtrusive print on a light background. When choosing a pattern, also consider the age of the child. It is advisable to choose a universal image that will not lose its relevance over the years.

Textiles play an important role in the formation of any interior. Curtains, pillows, blankets should have a single color concept, then the room will look organic. The choice of fabric and color largely depends on the square. Ideally, Scandinavian-style curtains for a nursery should be light in color and let in natural light easily. Roman blinds or a combination of blinds and curtains work well.

On a more spacious quadrature, a dark palette is also acceptable, which will effectively contrast with the snow-white walls. For example, coffee or black curtains combined with cream curtains. The window opening can also be decorated with garlands or paper crafts.

Children's furniture in the Scandinavian style is simplicity, convenience, practicality. The priority is natural materials and light colors. In such an interior, of course, models from IKEA will fit well. However, the modern market is quite wide and allows you to find the ideal option with the necessary functionality for any project.


A bed in a Scandinavian-style nursery can be made of wood. This is the most common option when choosing a cradle for a baby. In the boy's room, you can choose a model with a headboard made of metal tubes. It will look good in a monochrome interior. A combination of a black case and snow-white bed linen will be successful. In tandem with them, choose a black and white striped carpet and Roman blinds with a geometric print.

In the bedroom for a girl, a wooden bed painted in dusty blue will look good. Models with a canopy made of light flying fabrics are also acceptable. If there are two children, you can not do without a bunk bed. An interesting option would be a design with a mobile lower part.

Cabinets can be replaced with wooden chests with forged elements. You can also arrange a niche for storing toys under the windowsill. All kinds of pouffes and banquettes with a convertible top are also suitable. There is no place for bulky massive furniture in such an interior, which means that cabinets, if possible, should be built-in. An alternative could be low white chests of drawers that visually merge with the wall decoration.