What does the white filling look like. Apple variety White filling: characteristics and features of cultivation. Yield and fruiting

405 09/18/2019 6 min.

White filling(Yellow Transparent) is one of the most popular varieties among Russian gardeners. Apple trees give tasty fruits, and much earlier than other trees. The pulp is juicy, so it can be preserved in syrup. The history of the variety is long, its appearance is associated with folk breeding work. Presumably, White filling apples appeared in the Baltics, then came to Europe, but there is also a point of view that the variety is old. Trees usually do not grow above 4-5 m, the crown first has the shape of a pyramid, then becomes rounded. The bark also has characteristics, by which the variety is easy to distinguish from others even without analyzing the characteristics of fruits and leaves. In young cultures, apples are usually large - 120-159 g each, as they age, the mass decreases. The fruits themselves are rounded at the tail, gradually tapering towards the cup under the cone. The color is green, as it matures it becomes more white. Growing regions - Moscow region, Siberia, Urals, Far East.


White filling is a popular variety of apples that has a universal purpose. Its other advantage is long term life - up to 25 years, the tree will quietly grow and bear fruit.

The culture is represented by several species - dwarf, semi-dwarf, creeping.

The popular Baltic apples Papirovka were bred from the White Bulk.


It has a maximum yield, grows well where there are vigorous trees due to high level groundwater deposits cannot be planted. Comfortable, low maintenance. Perfect option in the event that there is not enough space in the garden. Trees begin to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. To receive maximum yields, pay close attention to agricultural technology, watering and fertilizing.


Semi-dwarf White filling is almost impossible to distinguish from dwarf - only mature trees have different height and barrel diameter. This type grows up to about 4 meters.


With the help of undersized forms, you can create real horizontal cordons. The most frost-resistant type.

Taking part in selection

White filling is one of the most popular old Russian varieties. On the this moment apple trees are actively grown in Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Estonia, as well as countries Western Europe and Germany. The variety is essentially the same everywhere, but it is represented different types- clones. They differ from each other in the shape of the crown, the size of the fruit and other not so significant morphological features. There is no difference in aroma and taste. The most common name for all selections is Papirovka.

The fruits of all breeding clones of the White filling are of medium size, heterogeneous, truncated-conical shape. It is recommended to thin out the young ovary with abundant harvests.

Variety characteristics

Consider the main characteristics of the variety of apple trees White filling.

Pollinator varieties

To increase the yield, the neighborhood of the variety with the so-called pollinators is recommended. Pollination of the White Pouring is cross, the process is going well, the tree blooms spectacularly and beautifully. The variety is recommended to be planted mixed with other species - Antonovka, Mekintosh,.

Apple variety Candy.

White filling is a self-fertile variety that does not like loneliness.

tree height

The semi-dwarfs of the White Fill are stunted trees - they grow up to 4-5 m. Dwarfs are stunted cultures, whose height is 2.5-3 m.

Barrel diameter

The diameter of the trunk of the White filling depends on its type (dwarf, semi-dwarf, creeping). The average is about 40 cm.


The average lifespan of the White Bulk is 20-25 years, but this is not the limit (much depends on the rootstocks and roots, the correct care). If you do not follow the rules of agricultural technology, the culture can fade in just 4-5 years, start to produce not tasty small fruits.

fruit size

The average size of an apple is 65 g, young trees give more large fruits- 150 g or more.

Do not overexpose them on the tree - otherwise the pulp will become mushy, mealy.

winter hardiness

White filling is found in almost all regions of Russia. This variety is extremely frost-resistant, but you still need to make shelter for the winter.

Features of the root system

The root system may be different - depending on the rootstock. Vigorous trees have a well-developed central stem, semi-dwarf and dwarf trees do not have it, and the root network is highly branched.


A young tree produces about 200 kg of fruits per year, the fruits finally ripen in the second decade of August. Ripening is uneven, so the crop is harvested at least twice. Please note that the fruits are very delicate, and any scratch can lead to their deterioration, rotting. Harvesting can only be done by hand, with strong shaking the fruits break, change color.

Cyclic fruiting

The first fruits of the trees give 5-6 years after planting. Start harvesting in August, repeat the procedure after a couple of weeks.


Almost all berries and fruit plants are cross-pollinated, that is, in order to form ovaries, and then fruits, they need pollination with pollen from crops of other varieties (insects carry it). Self-pollination is also possible, but it is accompanied by the fusion of male and female cells, a decrease in fertility, and a deterioration in the viability of the offspring.

Scab resistance

Fruits and leaves are moderately resistant to scab. The same can be said about other pests and diseases.

Planting and growing

In order for White Filling apple trees to grow well and give a stable harvest, follow the rules for planting them. How to make trapping belts for an apple tree will tell.


Planting of trees is carried out by seedlings. The higher quality is planting material the better the harvest will be.


Plant seedlings, choosing for this cozy place away from buildings that give shade. If you want to plant a sprawling tree under the windows, you can safely choose White filling. The minimum distance to the crown of a neighboring tree is 4 m.

Technology and scheme

White filling is a fairly ancient variety that has passed an impressive period of adaptation. For this reason, it normally survives on different soils.

For planting seedlings, prepare holes 45 * 45 cm, pour humus on their bottom (a bucket will be enough). Fertilizers are sprinkled on top with a layer of earth (a few centimeters will be enough). Place the seedling in the center of the embankment, its roots are distributed evenly along the slope. Tamp the ground from above so that the root neck is located above the soil level. After planting, do not completely fill the hole - a small step should remain (this will make it easier to water the tree).

What is the best way to grow

For planting, use young seedlings. This is important because it is they who give high yields and bear fruit best of all.

Distance between trees

The optimal distance between trees depends on their root system, width and height. It:

  • 4 m in a row and 6 m between rows for vigorous trees;
  • 4.5-5 m in a row and 2.5-3 m between rows for medium height.
  • 4.0 and 2.5-3.5 m for semi-dwarfs.
  • 3.5-4 and 2. M for dwarfs, respectively.


In order for the seedling to grow well, it needs enough moisture. Alternate moistening the soil with adding it. Excess moisture adversely affects the state of the root system, is main reason appearance of rot. Upper layer soil should be loosened from time to time to ensure unhindered air access to the roots. Immediately after planting, tie up the seedling - this will protect it from strong gusts of wind and help correct the shape. In the early years, make sure that the tree does not bend - otherwise nothing will be able to fix it later.

top dressing

To speed up fruiting, stimulate root development, use urea, phosphate, potassium. You can start doing this in the second year after planting. At the beginning of spring, urea is applied at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water for each tree. In autumn, it is not used so as not to reduce the tree's ability to winter. Read how to deal with lichen on an apple tree.

fruit ripening

Fruit ripening begins in August, occurs gradually. Pick apples as they ripen.

fruit storage

Subject to careful removal, apples are stored for up to three weeks, if there is damage on the peel, then even less. Every day the fruits become less tasty and juicy. The crop is transported poorly so that the lower fruits do not choke; do not use high containers for transportation. For immediate consumption and processing, the variety is ideal.


Watering trees should be regular, especially if they were planted in the spring. Consider weather and climate factors. Mulch and loosen after watering, use fungicides containing copper. What to do if hares gnawed on an apple tree read.


Undercuts do in early spring. Types of procedure:

  • Forming - for young trees, helps to create a crown.
  • Sanitary - aimed mainly at removing damaged dry branches.
  • Structural - duplicate, cross, extra branches are removed.
  • Rejuvenating - a procedure for adult trees.

How to get rid of moss on an apple tree will tell.

Which regions are more adapted varieties


  1. White filling and - popular varieties of apples. The pulp is juicy, but spoils quickly.
  2. There are more and less resistant selections of White Bulk, scab resistance is poor.
  3. In total, three varieties of the White Bulk stand out - dwarfs, semi-dwarf, creeping trees.
  4. It is important to follow the rules for planting and caring for crops (watering, fertilizing).
  5. The maximum shelf life of apples is 3 weeks.

Apple tree White filling is one of the most popular varieties not only among experienced summer residents, but also among people who are little versed in gardening. This kind fruit tree brings a harvest when fruits are just beginning to form on other trees. Fruits grow tasty and juicy, and also have an excellent trade dress. The fruits are suitable for canning, used to obtain juices and purees.

History of variety breeding

It is believed that the Bely filling apple tree was bred by breeders of the Baltic countries, after which it spread throughout European states. Papirovka is an analogue of a fruit tree. Many argue that this different varieties, but experienced breeders do not make strict distinctions between them. Both varieties are included in the State Register.

Ukrainian breeder-fruit grower Simirenko Lev Platonovich put forward the theory that White filling is an old Russian variety, but there is no confirmation of the information.

Description of the apple tree Papirovka

Papirovka apple tree grows to medium size. On the early stages the development of the crown of the plant has elongated shape, and after it acquires a more round shape. The main branches have gray bark. Young shoots of a green fruit tree.

The foliage of the plant is oval and greyish green. The buds of the apple tree are flat, the flowers are large. They look like white saucers with a light pink tint.

White filling - large variety apples, the weight of which can reach 150 g. They have a conical ribbed shape. Ripened fruits acquire a light yellow color with a slight shade of green, and when they are fully ripe, they appear light plaque white color. The taste of fruits is sweet and sour, their flesh is white and rather soft. Fragrant juice is collected in the seed box of the fruit.

This variety of apple trees is included in the State Register of most regions. Russian Federation. It is better to grow it in middle lane states.

Characteristics of the apple variety White filling

Before planting a tree on the site, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with its features and characteristics.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The adult apple tree of the Bely pouring variety is resistant to droughts.

Attention! During the formation of the crop, insufficient moisture can cause fruit and ovaries to fall off.

Judging by the reviews experienced gardeners, apple-tree variety Papirovka is frost-resistant. Plants tolerate cold winter period without damage.

Pollinators of an apple-tree White pouring

For the formation of white fruits, the Papirovka apple tree needs pollinating plants, which should be located next to it. For this purpose, varieties that bloom and bear fruit simultaneously with the White Bulk are suitable. Such plants include Anis, Manet and Grushovka.

Yield and fruiting

Up to 200 kg of fruit can be harvested from apple trees of the White filling variety aged from 7 to 12 years.

When apples ripen White pouring

White filling apples begin to ripen early, they are ahead of almost all summer varieties. Trees growing in mid-latitudes begin to produce crops already in the early days of August, and after 1-2 weeks they are harvested to the end. In the southern part of the country, White filling apples begin to be harvested in the middle of summer, in northern regions- in the end.

Scope of fruits

Apples of this variety can be eaten both fresh and used for making juice, jam, marmalade, marmalade, mashed potatoes, etc. In addition, the fruits can be used as an ingredient for salads, pastries and other dishes.

These fruits absolutely do not tolerate transportation. The fruits are extremely sensitive: light blows and touches can instantly cause dark subcutaneous spots, as a result of which the apples will rot in a very short time.

Important! White filling can be stored for a maximum of 15-20 days only on condition that they were carefully removed from the branch, did not receive any damage and lie in a cold room.

Disease and pest resistance

The apple tree variety Papirovka amber is susceptible to damage by certain diseases and pests, therefore, in order to harvest a high yield, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

The plant does not have resistance to one of the most common and harmful diseases of fruit trees - scab. Its formation is due increased level moisture, excessively thickened plantings and unthinned crowns.

Signs of the disease include large dark green spots that soon turn brown. Manifest dark spots and a velvety coating on the surface of the fruit.

In addition to scab, the plant may suffer from powdery mildew, apple codling moth, green aphid and apple flower beetle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

To positive qualities White filling can include the following:

  • high yield;
  • early ripening;
  • winter hardiness.

The variety is also not complete without minuses:

  • transportation intolerance;
  • short shelf life;
  • rapid susceptibility to decay.

How to plant an apple tree White filling

The seedling should be planted in autumn or spring. It takes root better in the spring. It helps to transfer winter frosts more steadfast.

Choosing the right place

To land the White Bulk, you need to choose a place with a slight slope to the south or southwest. It should be well lit and protected from the north wind (by a fence, other plants or a wall).

When choosing a place for disembarkation, it is necessary to take into account that there are no nearby ground water as this can lead to rotting. To prevent damage to the root system, care should be taken that the soil is not clayey or sandy.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The soil at the landing site must be good quality. Best suited for water and breathability. Before planting, the root system of the seedling should be moistened with an insecticide solution to protect the plant from pests.

Landing algorithm

During planting, it is important not to place the seedling deep into the ground. Its neck should be located at a distance of 6-7 cm from the surface of the earth. The algorithm for planting the White filling variety looks like this:

  1. Dig a hole, the depth of which is approximately 70-80 cm, and the width is 1 m.
  2. Build a small land slide in it.
  3. Place the seedling in the soil and dig in.
  4. Tamp the soil.
  5. Drive 2 pegs along the edges of the pit and tie a seedling to them.
  6. water the soil large quantity water.

Aftercare for the apple tree

In order for the Papirovka amber apple tree to remain healthy and bring a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for caring for it:

  1. Moisten the soil in time. If there is no rain, then the plant should be watered every 10 days.
  2. Another procedure that the White filling variety needs is loosening the soil around the trunk.
  3. Every year the branches of the fruit tree need to be pruned, this will help maintain a high yield and prevent breakage due to heavy weight fruits.
  4. Also, the apple tree needs regular fertilization. The plant should be fed with substances such as manure, bird droppings or a solution of wood ash with trace elements.

Attention! It is necessary to fertilize the soil about 3-4 times a year.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

To prevent diseases and the appearance of pests, trees should be treated in a timely manner with special means.

  • from scab, the plant must be treated with drugs such as Raek, Abiga-Peak or Fitolavin. This should be done in the fall in parallel with the removal of affected apples, branches and foliage;
  • to combat the apple codling moth, you need to treat the tree with "Metadion", "Zolon" or "Cidial" 20-25 days after it fades. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure three times a season;
  • from a comma-shaped apple scab, the tree is treated with Nitrafen until the first buds are formed;
  • so that the tree is not exposed to the apple blossom beetle, during the formation of buds it is necessary to treat it with Votafoks and Karbofos.


Apple-tree White pouring is a hybrid that brings tasty and juicy fruits of excellent presentation. The fruits of this tree can be consumed both fresh and as an ingredient for a pie or salad.

In Russia, there is a special reverence and attitude towards apples. Fruits contain a huge amount of useful trace elements and have great taste. Most varieties appear in the month of September. White filling stands apart, it is valued for its original taste and high yield.

Variety Description

AT last years Numerous "improved" hybrids appeared, the progenitor of which is the White Filling apple tree. The old variety is still welcomed by farmers and is very popular. It resists negative temperatures well, is unpretentious, has a high yield.

The tree can be no more than five meters high. The crown of the apple-tree White filling is grayish-light, it is usually of medium size. The shape is often pyramidal, about 4.5 meters in diameter; in some cases, its diameter can be about seven meters.

When the period of maturity comes (after seven years of development), the crown becomes not so pronounced pyramidal configuration, it looks more like a sphere.

Root development largely depends on the rootstock. Vigorous apple trees have a strong central core, undersized ones do without the main central core. The yield from each tree can reach about two hundred kilograms at the age of 6 to 12 years.

The apple tree needs timely feeding and watering. Also, to keep longer high yield, be sure to thin out the crown and inflorescences.

Pollination of the plant occurs in a cross way. White filling needs "neighbors" - there should be other apple trees nearby. The optimal layout is when both medium and early varieties plants. The apple tree is very well pollinated, its flowering looks aesthetically attractive.

White filling is very popular among gardeners, this variety is known to almost everyone.

The general register also contains duplicate names of White Bulk.

Differentiation in names appeared because the variety was cultivated in various regions from Samara to Tula. The first mention of the variety appeared in 1849, it is the result of collective breeding developments. In regions that are closer to Poland, this variety is called Papirovka. With the participation of Bely Naliv, more than two dozen varieties of apples have been bred.

When do apples ripen?

Apples ripen very early. Quite often already in the first days of August in the Central part of Russia it is possible to harvest. In the Kuban, White filling ripens even earlier - in the second half of July. Fruiting takes place only on kolchatka. The flowering is very beautiful: white-pink flowers envelop the whole tree, exude a fragrant aroma. White filling bears fruit with apples, which have a weight of 130-160 gr. Old trees do not produce apples weighing more than 70 grams.

Apples are not fastened very firmly, they are conical in shape with a slight ribbing. The skin of the fruit is light, almost white with a slight greenish tinge, sometimes there is a slight pink blush on the apples. The ripe fruits of White filling even look somehow unnatural, as if they were made of papier-mâché or porcelain.

Characteristics and properties of fruits

White filling is often confused with Papirovka, although there are significant differences between the two. Papirovka is secondary, in fact, it is a derivative of White Bulk. Papirovka is not as resistant to cold, apples are noticeably more sour and not as tasty.

Papirovka ripens a week earlier and has a characteristic "seam" on its side. From this variety of apples are obtained especially delicious jams and jams.

The fruits should not overripe, otherwise they become friable, while the taste is largely lost.

The disadvantages of fruits include the following:

  • they cannot be transported over long distances;
  • fruits have a thin skin, are extremely sensitive to the most insignificant mechanical loads;
  • such fruits can lie for no more than ten days, they quickly deteriorate. From a commercial point of view, it is unprofitable to grow White Bulk in large volumes.

White filling contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps to increase tone and strengthen immunity. Fiber actively helps to remove various toxins from tissues that appear during metabolism, strengthens the heart muscle and the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Useful substances are also a good preventive measure against the occurrence of diseases such as:

  • oncology of the digestive tract;
  • liver diseases.

The peel of White filling contains a rare and extremely useful substance - quercetin. This component stops the action of free radicals. Which often provoke the occurrence of cancer. Apples contain a lot of pectins, which promote the regeneration of liver cells, stimulating its productive work. The fruits of the White filling themselves have a rich juicy taste; chopped apples are often added to a variety of salads.

At home, a plentiful harvest falls on a couple of weeks, then the apples quickly deteriorate; at this time, the canning of the product begins.

Apples White filling in the form of jams and compotes retain their useful qualities. Very tasty from the White pouring you get marshmallows and pastries.

Calories per 100 grams:

  • Proteins - 0.43 g 0%;
  • Fat - 0.43 g 0%;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.86 g 2%;
  • Calories - 46.73.

Landing and care

Apple trees begin to bear fruit already in the fifth year of their life, a tree can produce up to two centners of selected apples. The most commonly used pollinators are:

  • lungwort;
  • aftermath;
  • pear;
  • mantet.

The plant is recommended to be planted in areas that are well lit and protected from the north wind. The variety suffers from codling moth and white scab, but has good resistance to freezing temperatures. Despite the poor keeping quality, the Bely pouring variety is in great demand, especially in the Moscow region, the Chernozem regions and the Urals.

In the southern regions of the country, this variety of apple trees is planted in early autumn, in the more northern regions they prefer to plant in the spring.

If the apple tree grows near a fence or a house, then it is recommended to keep a distance of approximately 2.7 meters. In lowlands and swampy places, such an apple tree will not grow. If the soil is too clayey, then it is recommended to add seeded sand; soil acidity should be pH 6-6.6, that is, neutral or slightly acidic. If the tree is too spreading, then the planting pattern is usually 4.1x5.1 meters. The pit is dug about a meter deep, the diameter is also about a meter. If the soil is too clayey, drainage will have to be placed at the bottom of the pit. Additives in the pit when planting a tree:

  1. peat;
  2. humus;
  3. chernozem.

All components are collected in approximately equal proportions. There are additives from a mixture of superphosphate (350 gr.) And 3.5 liters of wood ash. White filling must be periodically thinned out, otherwise ideal conditions for fungus and other pests. A crown shape that resembles a bowl is the ideal configuration. According to the degree of complexity, even farmers with minimal work experience can cope with the formation of the crown.

After two years of plant development, four branches of the tree are selected, which will be bearing, between them there should be about twenty centimeters. Branches are cut by thirty percent.

On the next year branches of the next level are formed, while it should be controlled that they are directed inside the crown.

You should regularly do preventive treatment - remove dry branches, thin out the crown. The shape in the form of a cup provides good irradiation of the leaves, sharply reduces the possibility of the appearance of mites and aphids.

It should be remembered that White filling is capricious in terms of life support with moisture. The soil next to the tree trunk should always be slightly moist, however, the measure should be observed: waterlogging, waterlogging of the soil is also unacceptable. You should pay attention to the weather and precipitation, but on average warm time year, thorough watering of apple trees is done up to ten times. In three years root system young tree thoroughly takes root, so the frequency of watering can then be halved.

It is not difficult to take care of the White Fill, the dates when top dressing is applied do not have any special requirements, being standard. Organics and compost are added every three seasons in the spring. The amount needed is on average no more than seven kilograms per one square meter. At the same time, urea 35 g is added. per square meter, it can be replaced with urea.

Also, at intervals of two to three weeks, a solution of potassium monophosphate (15 g per m2) is added. After fruiting in autumn, 35 gr. per m2 of superphosphate.

In the warm season, during the flowering period, it is also possible to periodically apply a solution of manure, chicken manure.

It is also likely to appear when the crowns are not thinned out. The first symptoms are easy to notice: the upper leaves are covered with bright dark green spots. Very quickly they become dirty brown and brown. The leaves fall off, the apples also become covered with brown spots, the flesh of the fruit becomes shriveled and cracked.

If the disease is started, then there will be no harvest. As a preventive measure, apple trees should be treated with the following compounds:

  • "Fitosporin-M";
  • "Fitolavin";
  • "Gamair".

Tree processing continues throughout the warm season. You can also effectively use Bordeaux liquid(concentration 3%). After the end of the flowering period, apple trees are sprayed with such substances:

  • "Skor";
  • "Horus";
  • "Quadris".

If the infection on the plant progresses, then on average every one and a half weeks, the leaves of the trees should be treated a couple more times.

Another one dangerous disease for White Bulk it is powdery mildew. It appears in April and covers young foliage and flowers. Powdery mildew is easy to recognize, foliage and inflorescences are covered with a dirty gray coating. In June-July, the affected areas dry up.

The apples themselves are also affected, they become mealy, the flesh is covered with a rusty cobweb. In the fight against this disease, the same chemicals are used as in the elimination of scab. You should also take note and use the following composition: colloidal sulfur, which is added to the solution with fungicides. The prepared lime decoction with sulfur additives is also effective. If a whitish coating appears on the leaves, then these are the “first swallows” - symptoms of the appearance of powdery mildew. More compositions for the fight against powdery mildew:

  • 1% DNOC solution;
  • 3% nitrafen.

These compounds kill any pests. Also, after young leaves have appeared, powerful insecticides can be used:

  • "Karbofos";
  • "Phosphamide";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Mospilan";
  • "Decis".

Another extremely dangerous "predator" for apple trees is the codling moth.

After flowering, insects begin to lay eggs, caterpillars subsequently eat the fruits. Losses can be very large (up to 90% of the crop) if not carried out preventive measures. Use of pollinators, in particular insecticides; do this every two weeks, then with a break of two weeks, at least two more treatments must be done.

Aphids are a terrible enemy that has good resistance to chemicals. In one season, 15-20 generations of this "amazing" creature may appear. After the young leaves have appeared, they should be sprayed with insecticides.

Apple flower beetle also "loves" White filling. The larvae of this pest bite into the buds and destroy them, after three weeks, beetles appear that leave the “homes” - the destroyed inflorescences. During the appearance of foliage, apple trees should be treated with insecticides. It is recommended to regulate the yield by removing the excess ovary due to spring pruning. Potassium and phosphate fertilizers are most needed, the dosage with nitrogen compounds must be observed. A four-year-old tree needs:

  • no more than ten kg of "organics";
  • 15 gr. sodium chloride;
  • 14 gr. superphosphate;
  • 10 gr. urea or ammonium nitrate.

A good harvest of apples can be obtained if, during the warm season, macro- and microelements are added in reasonable proportions, including wood ash. It is better not to use nitrogen compounds in summer.

original recipes

White filling can be used to prepare various dishes. To do this, you will need apples and sugar, in a ratio of no more than one to two. Apples are washed in water, freed from seeds, cut into small cubes. You should take fruits that are not deformed and there are no dents on them. Sliced ​​apples are placed in a container, sugar is added to it; defend them for 4-6 hours. During this period of time, apples release juice. Then the dish is put on the stove and boiled for about twenty minutes over low heat. After that, the finished product is packaged in jars, corked with lids.

You can cook another meal. This will require:

  • 50 gr. salt;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • soda - 50 gr.;
  • spices (vanillin, cinnamon, turmeric).

You can leave the peel on the fruit. So that the pieces of apples do not darken, it is recommended to put them in a vessel in which there is a salt solution (one teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Then the apples are taken out, washed in running water, dried, then put in a solution of soda. Such manipulations make it possible to fix the original form. Then all the contents are poured into a large container, which is covered with sugar. Then it is put on a slow fire and boiled for no more than ten minutes. After the container is placed in a dry dark place and cool for four hours. Apple slices are saturated with a sweet substance and become transparent. Then the operation is repeated and this time the container is left for 12 hours.

Then they do all these manipulations again. The resulting meal is distributed among the banks (necessarily sterilized). Then everything repeats last time, lemon and seasonings are added to the product. Finally, another “entry” is made, after which seasoning is added to the contents and citric acid. The food is distributed in containers that are hermetically sealed. The finished jam is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up, put in the basement.

Such jam is very popular: apples and raspberries. To make it, you will need a capacious container. One pan will be needed for the berries, the second will be needed to prepare the mixture. There is freedom of choice in choosing the quantity and proportions of ingredients. As a recommendation, it can be advised that the ratio of raspberries and apples be approximately 2: 1. The proportions of the mixture itself and sugar are taken 1: 1.

Prepared fruits are covered with sugar, the container is settled (24 hours), the contents are soaked in syrup. Then the mixture is put on fire and boiled for thirty minutes. Then the contents will need to settle and cool. Then the whole cycle is repeated. The output is a very tasty jam, where pieces of apples will be present in equal slices.

They talked about apples... They didn't say a word about White Filling... Did they talk about apples?

And skeptics.

Valery:“Maybe innovators? I didn’t have as many problems as from White filling with any apple tree variety. Occupies large area. We are forced to prune the branches of the apple tree so that it does not climb where it is not necessary. But apples are delicious!”

I will not comment. I will give you this opportunity.

Features of planting and care

Landing dates

If this - best period from the end of April. In the beginning of May.

The earth is no longer cold. Over the summer they will settle down. Will winter well.

That's why! Take care of apples so as not to eat up after it.

The appearance of the fruit

  • Round white-greenish apple, even yellowish-white:
    • With such a characteristic line-fold.
    • And barely visible ribs.
  • Present on the apple white coating. It is preserved until the removal of apples.
  • Near the stalk in the hole you will notice a slight brownish coloration.

Cyclic fruiting

Two apple trees grew White pouring at a distance of 5-7 m. But like two different ones:

  • One:
    • The crown is wider.
    • Smaller apples.
    • But it bears fruit almost every year.
  • Other:
    • More apples.
    • Almost a year later there were apples.

In fact, these are the negative aspects of a good productivity. And if it's simple - overloading the harvest.


  • Regulate yields by removing excessive set and spring pruning.
  • Try to guess. Plant two white fillings. And so that their crop cycles do not coincide.

Annual growth

On average, 4-6 strong shoots grow under acute angle up to 80 cm long.

And again. Depends on rootstock and specific conditions growth.

top dressing

Don't forget about (potassium, phosphorus, trace elements). But also observe the measure, especially with nitrogen.

What does a 3-4 year old tree need?:

  • By - per 1 sq.m of near-stem soil:
    • 8-10 kg organic fertilizers(compost and manure).
    • 12-15 g of potassium chloride.
    • 12-15g superphosphate.
    • 9-12 g of urea (12-15 g of ammonium nitrate).
  • - macro- and microelements.
  • You can use nitramofoska, mosaic and ordinary wood ash.

And don't forget! From the summer, do not add nitrogen fertilizers.

What to do if it does not bloom and does not bear fruit?

I consider it possible and necessary only to lay out versions:

Why do apples fall?

A few reasons:

  • Insufficient watering;
  • Codling moth damage;
  • Other weather events.

Features of cultivation in the regions

Ripening in Siberia and the Urals - late August and even early September.

Moscow region

Most gardeners of the Moscow region consider Bely pouring a must for their garden.

And they are not confuses:

  • Periodicity of fruiting (every 2 years).
  • Short shelf life.
  • Insufficient suitability for transportation.

The first apples of the season and such a taste are worth paying attention to and enjoy the wonderful fragrant apples.


  • They prefer the cultivation of this variety in the form, referring to the lack of winter hardiness. Even if the yield is lower.
  • Ripens at the end of August. And 2-3 weeks are at your disposal for them correct use. After all, this is a real White pouring!


  • And in Siberia, there are also many lovers of at least Papirovka, at least White filling. Wet seasons are associated with more severe scab infestations.
  • Smaller apples:
    • Sizes (60-90 g).
    • Significantly in quantity (20-40 kg is already decent).
    • And they begin to bear fruit only from 5-6 years.


  • One of the most frost-resistant varieties.
  • Large fruits like trihedral.

Amur Region and the Far East

  • In several publications I met information that White filling is included in the State Register of many regions of Russia. And the exception is the Ural, East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.
  • But I have already given reviews of gardeners from these regions. And they enjoy their White filling.

Subspecies and variants

The variety of apples "Daughter of Papirovka" is a summer variety and was bred as a result of hybridization of Papirovka varieties.

In the circles of specialists and gardeners with experience considered to be the Baltic variety Papirovka, withdrawn from the Russian White Bulk. In the Baltic States, America, in Russia, in Ukraine.

Specialists of the breeding station in Sverdlovsk created the Naliv Isetsky variety.

Life expectancy on different rootstocks:

  • Known interesting story with one gardener. Talking with his grandmother under the old White Fill tree, he wanted to clarify the age of the apple tree. I like my grandmother's answer: "When I got married, she was already growing up."
  • 20-25 years old - common. But not on a dwarf stock.


  • Their productivity is higher.
  • You can plant where vigorous plants cannot because of high groundwater.
  • Plant. If there is not enough space in the garden.
  • Very comfortable for . After all, the height is up to 3 meters.
  • They begin to bear fruit in 2-3 years.
  • Pay more attention to watering, top dressing, agricultural technology.


  • White filling on a semi-dwarf rootstock is almost indistinguishable from a dwarf one.
  • It will grow - and determine where which one:
    • The difference in size is about 25%.
    • Height - up to 4 meters.


But these are not varieties, but forms.

Once again!

White filling is an early summer variety with large (up to 200 g), and more medium (80-120 g) apples. But in winter it is problematic to eat it!

Useful video

See the video description of the variety White filling:

See the review of gardeners about the White Bulk apple tree:

See the opinion of experts about the apple tree Papirovka or White Bulk:

See real review gardeners about the harvest of White Bulk:

Many beginner gardeners hesitate to purchase and plant in my garden White filling due to scab damage or a short period of their use. I advise you to pay attention to undeniable benefits. Elementary care and care will ensure you the pleasure of having these apples in your garden.

Find the opportunity and time for 2-4 treatments with fungicides and insecticides. They will allow you not to talk about the problems of scab, powdery mildew and pests.

And remember! Whitewashing with lime blue vitriol and clay - this is not for beauty. And for the benefit!

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