Remove blockage in the sink folk remedies. How to clean a blockage in the bathroom without the help of a specialist. Citric and oxalic acids

Probably every person was interested in the question of how to clean the sewer in the kitchen if a blockage formed in it. Often there are situations when water ceases to flow normally into the drain hole or does not leave at all. In such cases, the right decision is to call a plumber, but sometimes it is longer to wait than to do the work yourself.

There are several options for solving the problem, knowing which, you can do everything yourself, using available materials and tools.

How and from what is a sewer plug formed?

Since the situation is considered specifically with the kitchen, it should be noted that the main material for clogging pipes are grease, food residues, as well as hair and organic matter. All this can easily settle on the inner surface of the pipes, as a result of which their diameter decreases and poor sewage permeability is observed.

When the pipe in the kitchen is clogged, the water no longer flows so freely into the drain hole, and in general it can simply stand in the sink.

Basically, clogging is formed around the center of crystallization, namely in the place where wastewater begins to leave worse. The reason for this may be the turbulence of the flow. Fat inclusions, which are contained in drains, settle in this place, and the basis for the appearance of layers is also formed there.

This could be a bump in a corroded section of a metal pipe, a deep internal scratch in a plastic pipe, or an area where the direction of flow changes abruptly. If we take into account the last factor, then in the process of installing the sewer, it is important to take into account the required slope of the pipes. It should be equal to two degrees or two centimeters for each linear meter of pipe used to connect the riser to the plumbing fixture. As a rule, this feature should be taken into account during the installation of the wiring, since then it is unlikely that it will be possible to change something.

Having considered several causes of pipe blockages in the kitchen, you can already decide on a way to fix the problem in each specific case.

Tips for Using a Plunger to Pierce Sewers in the Kitchen

The easiest way to clean pipes is to use a conventional plunger. Probably everyone in the house has this item, since it can help out in case of a simple clogged pipe. This plumbing kit includes:

Wooden handle acting as a holder;
rubber cap that fits on one end of this handle.

Cleaning drains in the kitchen with a plunger

To use the plunger, you do not need to have any special skills, but you should still follow the instructions:

The rubber bowl should be installed on the drain hole in the sink;
the tap is opened with hot water if possible;
when the water covers the rubber bowl, you need to carry out swinging movements with a plunger several times, while they should be energetic;
through such movements, pressure drops are created in the drain pipe that can destroy the blockage;
after several strong movements with the tool, it can be lifted;
if the process has brought positive results, then the water will begin to go into the drain hole with a funnel, which indicates that the cleaning actions are completed.

If the blockage happened in the sewer, then you can try to clean it without using a plunger. To do this, you will need an empty cardboard milk bag. With a cut corner, it is inserted into the drain hole, after which it is pressed from above several times with vigorous movements.

Using a hydraulic pump to clear blockages

Preventive actions

Even if you carefully use the sink in the kitchen, the siphon and outlet pipes may become clogged. As a rule, they accumulate hair, fat and food waste.

To eliminate unpleasant odors and minimize blockages, you can use special chemicals, while cleaning should be done regularly, and not when necessary.

When using various products, it is important to follow the instructions on the package, since chemicals are fraught with their own consequences. If such procedures do not cope with the elimination of unpleasant odors, then a small amount of antiseptic should be poured into the drain hole of the sink.

Pipes usually clog at the most inopportune moment, usually in the morning when you are late for work or even worse, when you need to take a bath or go to the toilet, and the bathroom or kitchen is clogged. In this article, we will analyze the main effective ways to quickly clean sewer pipes without much effort.

How to find out what exactly is clogged in the sewer pipe

It is our main task to identify the problem in time and take quick measures, which is why we will begin to act quickly, so we will transgress, first determine whether water is draining in other sewer units, whether it is a toilet, sink, bath or shower. If the water does not drain in any of them, then we have big problems because in multi-storey buildings, especially on the first floors, the riser itself sometimes becomes clogged and the water not only does not drain, but even in rare cases rises to the top from the toilet bowl or from the bath, then rather dial the number of a plumber or housing office and call them.

It is very easy to find out the ZHEK number, go out into the entrance and read the telephone number on the electrical panel.

Types of blockages and their differences

Operational blockage.

This is a blockage that owes its appearance to fat. Yes, grease sticks to the pipes inside, and hair and other waste that accidentally enters the sink through the drain hole begin to stick to it.

Mechanical blockage.

Mechanical blockage occurs mainly due to the fault of the tenant of the apartment - a common example of mechanical blockage is toilet paper, which is thrown into the toilet almost every day. Sometimes the paper is not corroded by water and a clog is formed, which can only be removed with special means that corrode the paper and accumulated debris.

Obstruction in the siphon.

A siphon is a device that you can see below in the picture; it serves as a barrier that protects us from unpleasant odors - it is a kind of filter from direct smell from the sewer. But over time, fat gets into the siphon, which in turn accumulates the rest of the deposits inside itself.

Cleaning the siphon can be very simple - unscrew it and rinse with hot water with the addition of FARRY or other dishwashing liquids - this will remove dirt from the inside.

Picture - sewer siphon

Technological blockage.

You have a new apartment, and blockages appear from time to time, you don’t know how to deal with it? The answer is simple - this is the worst option of all the above. It is man-made blockage that cannot be eliminated by improvised means, because it occurs due to an error in the design of sewer systems, unfortunately this is not uncommon.

How to clear the resulting blockage?

You can clean the sewer in various ways. The effectiveness of these methods depends on the severity of the blockage. Let's consider these methods.

Means for clearing blockages in the pipe

Picture - means for clearing blockages in the pipe

Improvised means - cleaning pipes with soda.

If you do not have special tools that, with the help of their caustic composition, will help you cope with cleaning sewer pipes, then use improvised measures. So: Boil several kettles of hot water and add a pack of baking soda to the hot water - this will decompose the fat in the pipe and get rid of the blockage.


Chemicals are drugs that, with the help of their caustic composition, will eliminate the blockage. Such drugs include drugs:

  • Mole.
  • Tiret.
  • Steril and others.

How to clean a pipe with a plunger.

A plunger is a device that you can see in the picture below, our grandfathers used this device. In order to clean the pipe with a plunger, simply attach it to the hole in the sink and actively press on it - this will slightly move the resulting blockage and organize the movement of water in the pipe.

Steel plumbing cable - an assistant against blockage.

Did the remedies above help? Don't despair, there is one last piece of advice - use a steel plumbing cable with which plumbers usually clear a blockage in a toilet or bathroom - just push it to the blockage and scroll a little - this will eliminate the blockage in 90% of cases.

Video - how to quickly clean a sewer pipe

Each of us has encountered more than once a situation where water does not go down the drain. The reason, as always, is banal - the bath was clogged. What to do? How to clean it at home, especially if there is water? The main thing is not to panic. There are several ways to independently solve the problem, we will talk about them in detail today.

What happened and how to deal with it?

The cause of blockage is the accumulation of fat on the inner walls of the sewer, soap and powder deposits, as well as hair and fibers of various tissues are added here. Where did all this come from, you ask? The fact is that the inner surface of the pipes is not perfectly smooth, this is especially true for old cast-iron structures.

This is what the reasons why the drain is clogged look like

Plastics are also subject to similar pollution, although to a lesser extent. Here, the formation of plaque begins at the joints of pipes and sealing rings. Under such conditions, it is enough to appear in one place on the fly, and the rest of the particles will cling to it, reducing the internal section of the pipe until it is completely clogged. This is the reason why the pipes in the bathroom are clogged. What to do in this case?

There are three ways to solve the problem:

  • with the help of excess pressure;
  • chemical method;
  • mechanical method.

Let's dwell on each method in more detail.


With the apparent complexity of the wording, we are talking about the use of an ordinary rubber plunger. This simple tool consists of a rubber bowl and a handle that holds the bowl.

Plunger and metal cable

We install the plunger on the drain hole so that the handle is located in the center of the latter, then press it with force and sharply release it several times. As a result of such cyclic actions, excess pressure is created in the pipe, capable of pushing through the formed plug and thereby ensuring at least a minimum drain of the liquid.

See the video below for details.

If the first method did not help, go to the second - chemical.

But do not rush to disassemble the system in the first place that comes across. Firstly, it is troublesome, and secondly, it is not a fact that you will be able to assemble it again without outside help. Do everything competently and without haste.

Read more: How and how to clean the seams and tiles in the bathroom?

The most convenient place for dismantling is the siphon connecting the sink to the public sewer. It enters the pipe tee and is fixed with a rubber seal or (in earlier versions) with a cable.

Rope cleaning

Neither one nor the other option will cause trouble, since the pipe can be carefully removed from the rubber seal by first disconnecting it from the sink and turning slightly around its axis to the right - to the left. The cable can be carefully removed with a small hook. Rubber, if it is not damaged, can be reused during installation, but the cabling will have to be laid new.

After the siphon is removed, we introduce a metal cable into the hole of the tee, at the end of which there can be either a spring or a ruff. We introduce the cable until it hits a blockage. Then, with a translational movement, we break through the cork as far as possible and rotate the ruff or spring using the handle located at the other end of the cable.

This operation is best done together - one punches, the second rotates, although it is quite possible to do it alone. In this case, the cable must be periodically removed and cleaned of dirt.

We carry out the action until we feel that the cable goes into the void. Repeat on each side of the tee.

In some cases, a flexible cable allows you to break through the blockage directly through the drain hole of the bathroom.

More details about the process can be found here.

A small remark- the so-called “dead” water level always remains in the siphon, and when dismantled, all this disgrace will rush out, that is, onto the floor. Therefore, before you start disassembling the assembly, spread a rag, newspaper, plastic wrap - in general, everything that you don’t mind throwing away later.

The siphon is made, as a rule, in the form of an S-shaped pipe, one end of which is connected through a flange and a union collar to the drain hole of the bathroom or sink, the other, as mentioned above, enters the tee of the sewer pipe. There is also a rubber sealing ring under the union nut.

As you can see, this procedure is not the most pleasant, so we will give some tips on how to avoid it for a certain time:

  • Periodically open the tap of cold or hot water, so to speak, “idle”, allowing the clean flow of energy to flush the sewer.
  • Once a week or two, pour grease solvent into the siphon and rinse as well, but
    preferably hot water. That will be more useful.
  • Do not use washing powder in such operations, as it does not have time to
    dissolve completely in water and contribute to the deterioration of the situation.

If you need help cleaning the bathroom, you can order the services of professionals. To do this, you just need to leave a request in the form at the bottom right of our website.. The consultant will orient you on the prices for services.

That, in fact, is all that we wanted to tell you. We hope that the material was useful to you and helped to fix the problem. If it's not difficult, share the article on social networks with your friends - they will surely find it useful. The editors will be very grateful to you :)

Clogged kitchen pipes are not uncommon these days. Almost every housewife at least once in her life faced a situation where the water does not leave the sink, stagnating. Also, clogged kitchen pipes can be recognized by the specific smell of decay. Often the causes of blockages must be sought in kitchen debris - the remnants of food, fat, but it also happens that it is caused by corrosive particles given off over time by the metal elements of the water supply. That is why, even if you use a special mesh, and do not allow debris to enter the pipes, a blockage may appear in your kitchen anyway - neither plastic nor steel plumbing elements are immune from it.

The main ways to clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home

There are many ways to clean pipes from clogged elements. On your own, you can use:

  • By chemical means: Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret;
  • Mechanical procedures: plunger, cable, vacuum cleaner;
  • Folk methods: soda, vinegar, salt.

How to clear a blockage in a kitchen sink with a cable

The most common and simple method of getting rid of blockage is a plunger. This is a device that allows, using a hollow rubber semicircle, to clean the sink mechanically. The plunger is able to cope with only minor blockages, creating a small force in the pipes and helping to push through and split the plug that clogs the sink.

Attention! If your sink has two sections, you need to use two plungers at the same time, or tightly close one of the holes so that the pressure created in one of the drains is not reduced by the free circulation of air in the other.

To eliminate the blockage with a plunger, you must first fill the cavity of the sink with boiling water, or, if plastic pipes are installed, with the most hot water. The plunger must be pressed tightly against the drain hole and work like a pump, swinging the rubber part up and down.

Important! With the help of a plunger, only minor blockages can be dealt with. It is pointless to try to break through the stagnation when the water does not leave the pipes at all!

If the pollution is more serious, it is better to use a special plumbing fixture. How to clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen with a cable? The cable is a flexible solid cord about three meters long. The end of the cable consists of a special pointed hook, which allows to reduce the density of a clump of debris that clogs the pipes.

Such a mechanical device perfectly defeats blockages of even the highest complexity, however, there are contraindications to its use. Firstly, it is not advisable to use a cable on dilapidated pipes, pipes with a strong corrosive coating and rust - you risk simply breaking through them with a sharp hook. Secondly, you should not try to clean plastic, chrome or brass siphons with it.

If at the time of detection of a blockage there was no plumbing equipment at hand, you can create a cable with your own hands. To do this, you need ordinary metal or wire hangers, or just a coil of thick flexible wire. On the basis of such a cable, it is necessary to leave a pointed peak or hook.

How to clean a blockage in the sink in the kitchen with special tools

You can get rid of blockages with the help of various preparations containing acid or alkali. These include specialized lines "Mr. Muscle", "Tiret", "Mole" and others. The form of release of such products varies from dry and free-flowing powders, to gels and liquids of various concentrations. Basically, each such remedy is based on sodium hydroxide, which is popularly called alkali.
In order for the product to effectively act on the blockage, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before use and take safety measures.

Attention! To avoid chemical burns, be sure to wear protective gloves before using any alkaline product!

It is also necessary to remember that the use of ordinary alkali, or products containing it, is not suitable for aluminum plumbing fixtures, as well as for thin economy-class plastic pipes. Such equipment will be corroded at the time of the alkali reaction.

Acid products are more versatile, they are used for blockages of high complexity, they are suitable for any type of pipe, and, unlike alkaline ones, they do not damage them.

For any chemical preparation, there are a number of precautions designed to protect pipes from damage.

  • Twenty minutes before using the product, it is recommended to spill the pipes with boiling water;
  • After soaking the product, the pipes are washed abundantly with cold water;
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the exposure time of the agent in the pipes.

There are some of the most popular means of combating blockages:

  • Mister Muscle. It is sold both in the form of a gel and foam, and in the form of a powder. The basis of action is sodium hydroxide. The price is quite high, but the effect is noticeable immediately after application. An additional plus is the antibacterial components that, in addition to blockage, also remove pathogens in the pipes. The agent is poured, or poured into the pipe, aged for about thirty minutes and washed off abundantly.
  • Bagi Pothan. Not the most popular, but one of the most effective means. Sold in the form of granules, in canisters of 600 gr. The active substance is alkali. For application, it is necessary to free the sink and drain from water, pour one hundred grams of the drug into the hole and wait 3-5 minutes. After that, it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water or hot water into the pipe. Then you need to wait a few minutes again and rinse the pipe with warm running water. The remedy works instantly. The disadvantages of the drug are its high cost, terrible smell and high degree of danger. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to protect the skin as much as possible. After use, you need to ventilate the room as thoroughly as possible and wash the sink with gentle soap solutions.
  • Tiret. The Tiret line of blockage products contains both acid-based and alkali-based preparations. If the latter are more effective, then the former can be safely used on cheap and thin plumbing. The use of the drug is extremely simple - one third of the contents of the bottle is poured into the pipe, depending on the degree of complexity of the blockage, it is kept from five to thirty minutes, running water is poured into the drain under high pressure.
  • Mole. Perhaps the most common remedy for blockages. In addition to standard sodium hydroxide, it contains ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and potassium hydroxide, which is very dangerous for humans. Before using the product, it is recommended to ensure the flow of air into the room, put on protective elements - a mask or respirator, goggles and gloves. This is indeed a very serious chemical agent that can cripple the skin or mucous membranes. About three hundred milliliters of the product is aged in the sink for at least an hour, ninety minutes is better. Only after that, putting on the protective elements again (so that splashes do not get into the eyes and on the skin), rinse the sink. The tool cleans pipes very effectively and for a long time, but it can easily corrode aluminum or low-quality, thin plastic. Pipes must be thoroughly rinsed after use.

Important! Almost all alkali-based chemicals are not suitable for use on low-quality plastic, aluminum plumbing.
If you doubt that your pipes will withstand the effects of such drugs - choose products based on acids, not alkalis.

How to clean a blockage in the sink in the kitchen: folk remedies

If chemicals are not suitable for you due to dilapidated pipes, you can resort to other drugs.

You can remove the blockage formed due to fat with the help of homemade ingredients. How to clean a clog in a kitchen sink with baking soda?

It is necessary to make a solution of soda with water, in a ratio of one to one, pour into the pipe and clean with a plunger. The space near the drain can be smeared with petroleum jelly or cream so that the plunger fits more snugly into the hole. You can pre-calcine soda in a thick-walled pan and only then add water. Baking soda also gives an alkaline reaction that can clear blockages.

You can also fill the pipe with soda and pour it with a glass of ordinary vinegar. How to clean a blockage in the sink in the kitchen with baking soda and vinegar? After the pipes stop hissing and gurgling, you can wash off the solution with high-pressure running warm water. It is important, after the vinegar is poured, to firmly close the drain with a cork or rag so as not to get burned from splashes from the pipe.

Also, if the blockage is formed by ordinary edible fat, you can use a mixture of soda and salt.
How to clean a blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home with baking soda and salt? Half a glass of salt and a whole glass of soda are dissolved in a glass of water, the composition is poured into the pipes and after ten minutes the pipes are cleaned with a plunger. Then you need to rinse the drain with warm water.

A not too clogged siphon can save a few aspirins like Alka-Seltzer. It is necessary to throw them into the drain and pour vinegar over it, tightly closing the hole with a rag. After such cleaning, it is necessary to flush the pipes with strong pressure. Not only the blockage will disappear, but also the sewer stench.

How to clean the blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home with acid? It is necessary to pour forty grams of citric acid into three liters of boiling water and pour this liquid into the drain. If the pipes are made of plastic, it is worth cooling the water a little.

If you have a vacuum cleaner at home with the ability to blow, you can try to clean the pipes with it. Just blow the clogged pipe at maximum power. But this method is suitable only for minor blockage or in combination with other methods.

Preventive actions to prevent clogged sinks in the future

In order to avoid repeated kitchen blockages, you must follow some rules for using the sink:

  • Do not drain fatty liquids;
  • Throw away leftover food from dishes before washing them;
  • Protect the drain hole with a mesh;
  • Every week, rinse the pipes with boiling water, clean with a plunger or soda solution.

In order to forget about the problem of blockages, you can purchase a special device that grinds debris in pipes. The garbage grinder crushes the waste that has fallen into the pipe, after which they are calmly washed off with a stream of water. It is important that such a device has a separate chamber, and it cannot damage the pipe. At the same time, you can use the grinder without cleaning it and especially without caring for it. Such units operate silently, allowing you to dump food waste directly into the sewer. However, you can not "feed" it with polyethylene and threads, so as not to damage the device.

Important! Before purchasing a chopper, you need to make sure that it fits in the diameter of the kitchen sink drain.

The cost of such a unit is from three to twenty-five thousand rubles. But after the acquisition, you no longer have to regularly spend money, effort and nerves on fighting blockages!

How to clean a blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home: video

The sink is an important attribute in the kitchen. It is here that fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, dishes and kitchen appliances are washed. Fat, food, debris of various sizes get into the drain hole, which leads to blockage. What to do if the kitchen sink is clogged?

What blockages can you clean yourself?

Without preventive measures, sooner or later it will clog. It is impossible to use the sink in this case: water simply accumulates in the bowl of the sink. It is not worth it to immediately despair and call specialists. Most clogs can be cleared out on your own, saving you a lot of money on plumbing fees.

If your sink is clogged, don't despair, most clogs are easy to fix.

What are kitchen sink clogs?

  1. Operational- without preventive cleaning, over time, they are formed in each drain. The reason for the formation: long-term accumulation of plaque on the walls of pipes from fat, dirt, food waste, garbage.
  2. Mechanical- are not so common, but it is more difficult to eliminate them. The reason for the formation: large debris that fell into the drain.
  3. Technical- a simple cleaning in this case will not help, you will have to completely change the drain system. Reason for formation: malfunction of the drain system, marriage, incorrect installation.

You can remove large debris from the siphon by completely unwinding it.

If any housewife can cope with the first two types of blockages, then only a specialist or an owner with “golden hands” can eliminate the technical reasons.

Cleaning the sink with a plunger

A plunger is the most common and easy-to-use tool for cleaning sinks. It is known to almost everyone since childhood. The design of the plunger is very simple - a wooden stick with a rubber cap.

It is advisable to have a plunger in the house in case of a blockage.

The principle of operation of the plunger:

  • with the help of a rubber cap, a tight grip of the plunger with the surface of the sink is created;
  • translational power movements of the tool handle create a water hammer action in the system;
  • dirt and plaque in the siphon or knee is set in motion by a water hammer, rising to the level of sewer pipes;
  • water easily washes away the raised debris.

Important! If the design of the sink provides for an overflow hole, it must be closed (for example, with a gag from a wet rag). Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

Everyone can work with a plunger. Just a few movements and the accumulated water will go into the sewer, forming a water funnel in the sink.

After using the plunger, flush the drains with plenty of water.

Working with a plunger:

  1. Press the plunger firmly against the sink surface. The edges of the rubber cap can be smeared with any cream. So the adhesion of the plunger to the surface will be tighter.
  2. Pour water into the sink so that the rubber cap is covered.
  3. Make several forward movements with the handle with effort.
  4. Remove the plunger. The water must drain quickly.

It is important to know! To clean a double sink, you need to use two plungers. In one part of the sink, the drain hole is simply blocked with a plunger, and in the second part it is cleaned with forceful movements.

The method for difficult blockages - a cleanser in combination with a plunger

If the first attempt to clean the sink with a plunger failed:

  • in the drain hole, you can add a glass of a mixture of soda and salt in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • then pour a glass of hot water;
  • withstand 10-15 minutes;
  • apply plunger.

Sometimes, when working with a plunger, some debris and sludge comes out into the sink. They must be cleaned immediately, avoiding re-clogging.

Folk remedies for cleaning sinks

In cases where the blockage has formed due to the accumulation of fat and small fractions of food waste, you can do without the use of a plunger. It will be quite enough to use improvised means available in every kitchen.

A very simple and equally effective tool for cleaning drains in the kitchen is baking soda.

Elimination of operational blockages with soda:

  • pour a glass of soda into the drain hole (better than technical, but food is also quite suitable);
  • pour a glass of vinegar on top, so the effect of soda will increase;
  • stand up to 15 minutes until the chemical reaction is complete;
  • rinse the drain with a liter of boiling water, and then with a plentiful stream of water from the tap.

Advice. The drain hole during cleaning in this way must be closed so that the resulting foam and gases do not come out.

For a better effect, you can add washing powder or bleach (3-5 tablespoons) to the soda. Another trick is that you can rinse not just with boiling water, but with fresh potato broth. This eliminates the bad odor.

You can replace soda with Alka-Seltzer anti-hangover tablets, using them according to the same principle. Tablets will help not only to eliminate blockage, but also to get rid of an unpleasant stagnant smell.

Folk remedies can be used both to eliminate blockages and in preventive measures.

Chemical cleaners for sinks

Home improvement stores carry a wide range of chemicals to clear clogged kitchen sinks. They may be liquid, powder or granular. They are made on an aggressive (alkaline or acid) basis.

Algorithm for working with household chemicals:

  1. Drain the drain hole with a small amount of boiling water.
  2. Pour in the cleaning agent and leave for several hours.
  3. Rinse the sink with plenty of cold water.

Advice. The action of the product is designed for several hours and it is impossible to use the sink during this period of time. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.

Chemicals help not only clean pipes from blockages, but also get rid of rust if the sewer is metal.

Chemicals for cleaning drains can be purchased at any store.

Chemistry must be used very carefully, observing safety precautions. Contact with aggressive substances on the skin or mucous membranes causes a chemical burn, so you need to work only with gloves, avoiding splashing of the product.

Cleaning the drain mechanically

When a plunger, folk and special chemicals can not cope with clogging the sink, you have to resort to radical cleaning methods. You can perform them with a plumbing hook or cable, and even using a washing vacuum cleaner.

To use the vacuum cleaner for this purpose, you will need a special nozzle. Outwardly, it looks like a plunger cap. The nozzle is pressed against the drain hole, and the vacuum cleaner is turned on for blowing. It will take a few seconds to clear the blockage. You can also use a home car mini-wash. After cleaning, the drain is washed with cold water.

Drain cleaning cable

Plumbing hooks and cables must be used very carefully so as not to damage the siphon and pipes.

  1. The cable is lowered into the drain hole until it rests on the accumulation of debris.
  2. When the movement of the cable is limited, they begin to turn it, while simultaneously making pushing movements.
  3. When the blockage is eliminated, the drain is washed with plenty of water.

In some cases, you will have to disassemble and clean the siphon. This is not difficult to do, but you need to remember that there is always water in the siphon, and the most dirty and fetid. Before spinning it, be sure to substitute a bucket or other container.

Prevention of clogged sinks

Timely prevention helps to avoid many serious problems. Preventing clogged sinks in the kitchen is no exception.

Removable drain grate in the kitchen sink keeps debris out of the system

  1. Install an additional removable fine grate on the drain hole.
  2. Beforehand, thoroughly clean the dishes from food debris and grease with a napkin.
  3. Wash dishes in hot water with fat-breaking agents.
  4. Spill the drain with boiling water regularly.
  5. Once a week, clean the sink with the folk remedies described above.

If you follow the recommendations, the sink in the kitchen will not clog and cause unpleasant chores. If the blockage could not be avoided, do not despair, but feel free to get down to business. Plumbing services will be needed only in the most difficult cases.

Removing blockages in the kitchen sink: video

Self-cleaning blockage in the sink: photo