How to propagate Chinese rose at home. Chinese rose: reproduction at home. What to do if the plant does not take root? Video: spring pruning hibiscus

You need to carefully consider the choice of location: hibiscus needs Good light and sun protection. No drafts allowed- the plant does not tolerate them. The optimum temperature is 12 -16 degrees, not lower than 10 degrees in winter.

Hibiscus requires abundant watering in summer, moderate in autumn, limited in winter. In summer, it is recommended to spray, fertilize from March to September inclusive.

Do not overdry the earthen ball in the pot, otherwise it may begin leaf drop, bud loss and lack of flowering further.

Reproduction at home

For propagation of Chinese roses use:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • division of the bush;
  • layering.

Reproduction by seeds

After the bud of the plant withers, seeds appear. To grow hibiscus from seeds, they must be prepared before sowing. Pour water into a container, add root stimulator and soak the seeds for 12 hours. Then rinse them degrease in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, place in a damp cloth and leave in a warm place.

After the appearance of sprouts, moisten them with water, ventilate. Plants planted in pots quickly give new shoots. It begins to bloom after 3 years, not always with this method the properties inherent in the original species are preserved.

How to grow from a cutting?

Decorative hibiscus is distinguished by a variety of colors, they multiply easily under certain conditions. When propagating by cuttings, it is necessary to properly root the cutting from the plant that you like. When choosing petioles, remember that it should contain at least two internodes.

For rooting cuttings, you can use several methods:

  • cut the cutting in February, place it in wet sand for rooting (to speed up the rooting process, you can cover the container with the cutting plastic wrap), the plant should be at a temperature of 22-24 degrees for up to 2 months;
  • cut off a twig and place it in water until roots form.

For proper rooting of the cuttings, you need:

  • a small container made of plastic or glass;
  • peat tablet;
  • ready drainage (expanded clay);
  • drug to accelerate root formation;
  • glass or polyethylene film;
  • soil baking powder (vermiculite).

A peat tablet should be filled with water, the stalk should be carefully cut off, slightly dried and powdered with Kornevin. After taking the form of a tablet, squeeze it slightly, add vermiculite and mix.

Lay drainage at the bottom of the container, pour the resulting soil, place the cutting deep into 2 cm Cover the container with glass or plastic wrap, place in a well-lit place. Water when the soil dries out, air occasionally (every two weeks).

After about 2.5 months, the roots will appear, after they get stronger, you can put it in a pot and continue to care for it like an adult.

Usually a young plant quickly releases buds. This may not happen, because the plant has not enough strength yet. The first flowers will certainly appear after the plant reaches 30 cm. Throughout the summer, hibiscus is actively growing. By cutting the stalk in October, you can get it by the summer.

Rooting Chinese rose cuttings in water

Cut branches are placed in water, adding a growth stimulator to it (to speed up the formation of roots). Periodically it is required to add water as it evaporates. The appearance of roots lasts a long time, after their formation in sufficient quantities, the plant is transferred to a pot with prepared soil.

How to plant a Chinese rose with shoots?

Stem shoots are used for propagation of hibiscus, especially in the summer, their rooting is quick and easy. For this you should:

  • choose a stalk 0.5 cm wide;
  • cut off the top at a distance of 15 cm, remove the lower leaves;
  • plant in a container for rooting;
  • place in a well-lit place;
  • water as needed.

Can it be leaf propagated?

A hibiscus leaf cut and placed in water can sprout roots. Planted in the ground, it will be green and beautiful in appearance. It is not recommended to use a leaf for propagation: a full-fledged plant will not appear from it.

If you use a leaf “with a heel” for propagation, then this will already be considered a cutting, it will take root well and eventually turn into a full-fledged plant.


To be successful vaccinations, you should consider:

  • for grafting cuttings, use a young plant of Chinese rose;
  • graft into the crown of the plant;
  • on one bush there should not be more than 5 scions;
  • vaccination is recommended in the first summer months.

For grafted plants you need take good care of, provide them with a well-lit area and provide regular feeding.

In winter, grafted hibiscus require additional illumination(about 6 hours per day) so that the vaccinations do not die off.

The use of grafting allows you to get several varieties on one plant.


When choosing a propagation method, it should be remembered that cuttings are considered optimal. Plants obtained from seeds will not please soon.

A photo

  • September 25, 2018
  • Flowers
  • Karmelia

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is surrounded by many legends, according to which it improves the health of households, is an absorber of evil forces, and can even help its mistress get married or, conversely, scare away all gentlemen. In addition, in addition to its magical powers, it has an attractive appearance, unpretentious and unpretentious care. These arguments have helped make this flower one of the favorite species for breeding at home.


Indoor hibiscus (Chinese rose) flowers can be of different shades. And their distinctive feature is the fusion of reproductive organs - pistils and stamens, which are attached between the petals. The leaves are dark green in color with a glossy surface, located close to each other and located throughout the crown. The trunk is completely woody, which brings the hibiscus closer to the appearance of trees.

This is an ornamental plant, reaching a height of up to 4 meters in natural conditions. At home, the maximum height reaches only one and a half meters. The branches are very spreading, and therefore the hibiscus (Chinese rose) requires a lot of space. It is usually placed on the floor in large flower pots or tubs. The root system is also very well developed and large.

What humidity is needed for hibiscus

This type of plant is demanding on the presence of drainage and a constant supply of organic matter. However, the provision of these conditions, although it is mandatory, does not cause much trouble to the owner. For Chinese hibiscus care is very important. It is enough just to pay attention to maintaining the required level of soil moisture and to prevent the process of root rotting. For this you need:

  • add some clay to the substrate, it will help the hibiscus achieve higher growth rates;
  • to avoid the appearance of diaper rash, mulch the soil;
  • prevent stagnation of water with frequent watering of the flower;
  • use drip irrigation; however, it is important not to injure the delicate petals, so moisture should not get on them;
  • Spray regularly to avoid drying out and maintain proper moisture levels.

Under these conditions, the Chinese rose will receive the most comfortable atmosphere for good growth. This is especially important at home, where heating systems are constantly working.

Lighting and airflow for Chinese rose

Chinese rose, or Chinese hibiscus, prefers rooms with good air circulation and therefore will not grow well in a musty room. Also, if you grow several roses at home, it is better not to place them close to each other and keep them away from direct sunlight and heat. If the plant is grown in hot tropical countries, then you need to choose a place for planting with periodic shading in the case of a flowering specimen. And you can choose a permanent shade if the hibiscus is not blooming.

In general, the Chinese rose, or hibiscus (flower of death), whose photo you can see in the article, is quite loyal to various conditions, it does not tolerate only extremes, for example, direct sunlight on the windowsill on the south side or cold and shade on the north side. And even at home, you can create favorable conditions for its cultivation without spending a lot of effort.

watering hibiscus

When growing a hibiscus rose, care will not need to be spent much time, with the exception of watering. This type of plant is very demanding on the amount of water and the level of humidity. It is strongly not recommended to allow the soil to dry out in a pot. In summer, you will have to water more often than in winter.

In addition, there are several rules regarding hibiscus claims for watering:

  1. The soil in the pot should always be moist.
  2. Watering hibiscus is best done by drip irrigation.
  3. Throughout the year, the Chinese rose needs to be sprayed.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to watering and maintaining the required level of air humidity during the heating season.

Watering the Chinese rose should be water at room temperature, previously settled. And also it is necessary to moisten the foliage so that it is saturated with moisture. This will help prevent certain diseases. The main thing is that water does not fall on flowering buds, as hibiscus petals are very delicate and easy to damage.

Requirements of the Chinese rose to the soil

This species loves high humidity, so the soil on which it is grown must pass moisture and air well. Ready-made peat-based soil, sold in any gardening store, will not be able to provide the necessary permeability. Therefore, in order to offer the hibiscus (Chinese rose) the care it needs, it is better to prepare the soil yourself, observing a few points:

  • in the substrate, which is purchased in the store, it is worth adding a little rotted foliage, this will give the desired structure to the soil and increase its moisture capacity;
  • you can also add a small amount of sand and turf;
  • it is necessary to create a slightly acid reaction among, the pH should not exceed 6.8, otherwise the absorption of nutrients from the soil will be difficult.

What fertilizer to use

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) at the growth stage requires constant addition of fertilizers to the soil. But during the flowering period, it is better not to use top dressing, as they will not give a positive result or even harm.

It is noted that the rose does not need large doses of phosphorus, since its excess has a negative effect on the plant, impairs flowering and poisons the plant. Whereas the amount of calcium should be much higher. Also, the applied fertilizers should contain magnesium, which is part of chlorophyll, with its deficiency, chlorosis may develop.

For top dressing, it is necessary to prefer days when the air temperature is low. It is better to apply fertilizers in the early morning or in the evening in the ground previously moistened with water. The frequency of fertilization should not exceed one week, but more often is better. In this case, the dose should be proportionally reduced.

In addition, you can apply the method of foliar top dressing. This requires ten times less fertilizer than for root. The diluted mixture must be applied to the surface of the leaves also in the evening or in the morning. A plant that has recently been transplanted should not be fertilized.

How to transplant hibiscus

When transplanting Chinese hibiscus, further care of the plant is very important, and the transplant itself is a prerequisite for successful cultivation.

To transfer the Chinese rose, you should choose the soil, which will be very light and contain the maximum amount of nutrients. In addition, it is better to use foliage soil as a base. Peat in this case will not work. The transplant pot should not be too large.

At the bottom of the pot, it is imperative to place a drainage layer of expanded clay or small pebbles, its thickness should be about two centimeters. This layer is covered with soil; these components should not be mixed.

The transplant is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before transplanting, it is necessary to evaluate the root system. To do this, the plant is removed from the pot and the roots are inspected. They should not show signs of decay and damage caused by pests.
  2. Then the roots need to be cleaned of lumps of earth.
  3. We transfer the plant to a pre-prepared flowerpot. To do this, the plant is lowered into a container and it is assessed whether it is suitable for a rose. If necessary, if the pot is too deep, you can add more soil.
  4. After the hibiscus (Chinese rose) is placed in a container, you can fill it with earth, slightly compacting layer by layer.
  5. The earth must be covered until about 1.5-2 centimeters remain to the edge of the pot to leave room for irrigation water.

You can transplant even during flowering, although in this case you will have to be very careful not to damage the flowers. After transplanting, the plant can be watered if watering was not done before transplanting, otherwise wait until the next day.

How to prune hibiscus at home

Chinese rose, or Chinese hibiscus, is considered one of the most beautiful ornamental plants. However, in order to achieve the ideal shape, so that the tree has an attractive appearance, it must be cut. There are several types of pruning. Her choice depends on the goal pursued by the owner. This may be the removal of damaged areas or the formation of the appearance.

Trimming types:

  • Selective. This type of pruning is designed to maintain the desired shape and size. The time for its implementation is best combined with the start of the growing season in order to get good flowering.
  • Topping. This procedure helps to stimulate the growth and development of new branches. In addition, its main distinguishing feature is that the main part of the branches remains intact, only a small area is removed. This method is usually used for young specimens of hibiscus.
  • Corrective pruning. The use of this method is recommended if the branches are large enough. In this case, the cut must be made in the place where the wood is located, which is still alive. If the cut has a white color and a solid structure, then the branch will no longer grow, since it is dead.
  • Strong. This method is used if the plant is already in critical condition and cannot be saved by either care or treatment.

In order to properly trim the plant and not harm it, you must follow a number of rules:

  • first of all, it is worth setting a goal and choosing a method;
  • then you need to thoroughly wash the tools. They should also be as sharp as possible, otherwise the cuts will be uneven, which will worsen the appearance and harm the plant: the branches will heal for a very long time. In addition, you can disinfect instruments with alcohol;
  • for the pruning procedure, it is better to choose spring or summer;
  • after cutting off unnecessary parts of the Chinese rose (hibiscus), caring for it remains the same;
  • it is better to make a cut at an angle of forty-five degrees, and treat the wound sites with crushed, charcoal or activated charcoal;
  • the apical part is cut off so that there is still space above the extreme branches from above;
  • it is very important not to cut more than two-thirds of the branch.

By following all of the above rules, you can minimize injuries to the plant during pruning.

How to propagate Chinese rose at home

Photos of hibiscus (Chinese rose) are always striking in their beauty, and almost every home has this flower. But not everyone knows how to propagate it on their own. In nature, it is spread by seeds. At home, this is done vegetatively using cuttings.

With the arrival of spring, you can apply two main methods to propagate your flower:

  • With the help of seeds.
  • Cuttings.

seed method of reproduction

Propagation with seeds is a very interesting activity, which is perfect for gardeners who love to experiment and get new unusual shades of flowers. Seeds can be stored for five years, then they may lose their ability to germinate. Before planting hibiscus, seed care must be started in advance and disinfected by soaking it in a low concentration of potassium permanganate.

Planting seeds is best done during the period of late winter - early spring. For sowing you will need:

  1. Soil mixture.
  2. Growth Ingredients.
  3. Greenhouse.

Before sowing, the seeds must first be soaked overnight, covered with a solution so that they can “breathe”. Then they are laid out on gauze soaked in water, rolled up and placed in a plastic bag, making small holes in it for oxygen to enter, or in a small greenhouse to warm them up. Many questions are raised by the care of the seeds of the Chinese rose (or hibiscus). How to care for the seed material before planting is one of the main issues, and by following the sequence described above, you can ensure the maximum number of seedlings.

After the change hatches and germinates, the greenhouse will have to be ventilated daily, and the sprouts should be sprayed with water at a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature. And in the greenhouse should not be more than 27 degrees. When a couple of leaves appear on the sprouts, they need to be transplanted into small pots, following the rules.


The greatest aesthetic pleasure is delivered by flowers that are grown on their own, and their beauty cannot be conveyed by a photo of a hibiscus (Chinese rose). But before you admire them, you need to grow flowers. To do this, in spring or summer, you need to stock up on cuttings. You can get them by pruning the plant before transplanting. The main thing is that the hibiscus be well watered before the procedure.

The resulting cuttings can be rooted in 2 ways:

  1. In water.
  2. In the ground.

In order to plant a new plant, you need to wait until good roots appear that can hold an adult plant. The rooting process is as follows. It is necessary to take glasses and fill them with soil by one third. Before planting, the cutting is moistened with heteroauxin. Around the cutting, the soil is compacted and watered with water at room temperature. The earth should contain peat and be slightly loose. It may take about a month before landing. The cups are stored in a greenhouse or covered with a bag.

To root hibiscus (Chinese rose) in water, home care must be appropriate. To do this, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. The container in which the cutting is placed should be glass, dark in color.
  2. Water must be used warm and settled.
  3. In a glass of water, you can add a couple of activated charcoal tablets.
  4. Also, 3-4 drops of fertilizer are added to the water.
  5. It is better to place a glass of water in a place with good lighting, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
  6. Water should be added regularly and root growth should be monitored.

When the roots reach a length of seven centimeters and a couple of leaves appear, the plant can be planted in a flower pot.

Why is the hibiscus not blooming?

For many gardeners, sooner or later, the question arises why hibiscus (Chinese rose) does not bloom. In this situation, it is obvious that the flowering of a plant is a reward for caring owners. And if the flower still does not appear, then there are flaws in the care, or, on the contrary, it is too “high-quality”.

There are several reasons why hibiscus flowers do not start:

  • the wrong amount of water, it can be either a lack or an overabundance. Both of these options can delay the appearance of flowers;
  • there are not enough nutrients in the soil, or, conversely, they are in excess;
  • the pot must be the right size, because too small or large can hinder the flowering process;
  • sharp fluctuations in temperature, both upward and downward.

If all conditions were provided, why does not the Chinese rose (hibiscus) bloom? The cause may be illness. To find out which one, you need to conduct an inspection.

What causes hibiscus

Rosan is quite unpretentious in care, so even if some mistakes were made during cultivation, then, most likely, this will not cause much harm to the plant. But if, nevertheless, problems arose, it is necessary to analyze how the hibiscus (Chinese rose) has been cared for recently, perhaps systematic violations will be found, which were the cause. Among these violations are:

  • growing hibiscus indoors with very high temperature and insufficient air humidity;
  • timely regular spraying was not carried out, this procedure is especially important in the summer;
  • the plant was exposed to direct sunlight or stood for a long time in a draft or wind;
  • the plant was not cleaned of particles of dust and dirt;
  • excessive watering, which could cause the process of root rotting;
  • low-quality water was used for irrigation, poorly settled water or with a large amount of harmful impurities can cause harm;
  • the impact of pests on the plant, which could also appear due to interaction with an infected specimen of hibiscus;
  • timely transplants and fertilization were not made;
  • excess nutrients in the soil due to numerous top dressings;
  • insufficient amount of light.

If all the conditions necessary for good growth are met, then the hibiscus will please with its long flowering and long life.

Signs that are associated with hibiscus

There are many signs associated with this mysterious plant that do not bode well. However, they do not believe in them all over the world, but only the inhabitants of Eastern Europe. In other countries, the omens associated with the hibiscus, or Chinese rose, do not make such a strong impression on people.

Below are some beliefs:

  • hibiscus bloom has a negative impact and causes negative emotions in all residents of the apartment in which they live, it can even cause diseases. It also "impregnates" the walls of the house with bad energy;
  • if the foliage of the Chinese rose has darkened and begun to fall off, then you should soon expect a serious illness from close relatives;
  • hibiscus can affect family relationships, and if it grows in the house, then marriages will be unhappy and short-lived;
  • on the other hand, there is a sign that completely contradicts the previous one. If a rose grows in the house, then a woman will never be deprived of male attention and joyful events in life.

Sometimes signs are very contradictory, and to believe in them or not is an independent choice for everyone.

The appropriate breeding method is chosen based on:

  1. type of plant;
  2. his age;
  3. condition;
  4. season.

The plant is propagated to get another one to decorate the windowsill if:

  • It's great.
  • One of its branches is bent close to the ground, which makes it possible to propagate by layering.
  • It has grown enough to divide the bush or cut the stalk.

Choosing the appropriate breeding method for Chinese roses, they are guided primarily by the time of year.. In other cases, reproduction is abandoned until better times.

This is especially true in cases where the grower, seeing spots on the leaves and noticing small insects, still cuts off the stalk and tries to propagate it. His efforts will not be successful. First you need to treat it, wait for a full recovery, and then multiply it.

How to propagate a flower at home?

To breed hibiscus, use:

  1. seeds;
  2. divide the bush;
  3. carry out cuttings;
  4. drop one of the stems.

Below is a step by step guide for each method.


Cuttings are the only way to propagate hibiscus that allows you to propagate it all year round..Better accepted cuttings in the spring and summer.

  1. The mother plant is watered and then cut off (you can find out more about recommendations on when and how to properly cut a Chinese rose).
  2. Along with cutting off ugly shoots, cuttings are cut - branches with a strong green stem and 2-3 internodes on it.
  3. The lower leaves are cut off on it to prevent rotting.
  4. Selected cuttings are rooted in water or soil.


The method, when one of the stems is added dropwise, is called layering. It is applicable to Chinese rose. During reproduction, layering is used:

  • air;
  • ordinary;
  • vertical.

More often, flower growers use conventional layering, as this method allows you to reduce damage to the parent plant. A branch is chosen, which is sprinkled with earth, leaving the top untouched. In the place where the shoot is sprinkled with earth, roots appear.

The ideal time to propagate hibiscus by layering is early spring. A prerequisite for choosing a suitable shoot: it must be located above the surface or shallow in it. Before propagating the plant in this way, prepare the soil. It is dug as deep as possible. After digging, peat and sand are poured.

Attention! To propagate hibiscus by layering, the soil must have good water-holding capacity, a drainage layer and an air regime.

  1. The shoot, which is going to bend down, is freed from the leaves.
  2. Lay on the bottom of the groove dug in advance. If it unbends, it is fixed with wire arches, and then sprinkled with earth and watered.
  3. In order for the layering to give roots faster, watering should be regular, as the soil in the pot dries.
  4. In early autumn, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, the upper shoots are cut off so that the root system of the new plant develops well.

Seed propagation of the Chinese rose is a less common and unpopular method, as it is inefficient. Propagating it by seeds, flower growers are faced with a complete loss of varietal characteristics of the plant. How to act for those who want to propagate hibiscus in this way at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring?

For more information on how to grow hibiscus from seeds at home, see.

By dividing the bush

This method is used to propagate hibiscus in the spring.- First half of April. The best time is until young shoots appear from replacement buds.

Reference! By dividing, Chinese rose bushes are propagated, which last season had 2 or more stems.

When dividing a bush, you will need:

  • pruner or saw.

Before use, treat the blade with an alcohol-based solution for disinfection.

  1. Digging up a bush. Cleaning the roots from the ground. No root damage;
  2. Separate from the bush of trunks so that each has a few roots. For a better separation, use a knife. Sometimes 2-3 bushes are separated at a time, since the bush is large.
  3. Pruning the soaked parts of the roots and planting the trunks in pots with earth. In order for them to take root better, they pour compost or humus into them.
  4. Watering private, but moderate.

If the grower cannot plant the delenka in the ground, he must water it, put it in a plastic bag and store it for 1-2 weeks in an unheated room.

How to root?

There are 2 ways of rooting a propagated plant - in water or in soil.

Hibiscus stalk gives roots for 25-30 days. Rapid root formation is provided for those who make a mini-greenhouse or greenhouse from improvised means. With the help of a mini-greenhouse, high humidity and temperature are maintained in the region of 22-25⁰С.

In water

  1. To root the cuttings in water, take a dark glass container.
  2. Warm, but settled water is poured into it.
  3. 2 tablets of activated carbon are added to it, a few drops of fertilizer are dripped so that the stalk receives the necessary nutrition during root formation.
  4. The container is placed on a well-lit, but not direct sunlight, window sill.

Important! A plant with 5-7 cm roots and 1-2 new leaves is transplanted into a pot.

Possible problems and difficulties


Even beginners in floriculture have no difficulty in propagating Chinese roses. This plant, whose flowers live only a day, is often propagated by cuttings or layering. Having provided the necessary care during and after reproduction, a healthy flower is obtained.

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Chinese rose, or scientifically hibiscus, is a fairly unpretentious indoor plant. It is able to endure both insufficient lighting and irregular watering, as well as not being picky about temperature conditions. How does indoor Chinese rose reproduce? I will try to give an exhaustive answer to this question in this article. There are two typical ways to propagate a Chinese rose at home:

  • Vegetative propagation
  • seed propagation

Vegetative propagation of hibiscus

The simplest is the propagation method. There are several schemes for rooting hibiscus cuttings.

The first scheme is the rooting of hibiscus in the soil. In February-March, you need to cut a couple of cuttings from an adult plant and root them in wet sand. The organization of a small greenhouse from a film or a can will speed up the result. After 25-30 days, the cutting is ready for transplanting.

The second scheme is rooting in water. First you need to take a container, preferably made of dark glass or plastic, filled with water, put cuttings in it, then cover the dishes with a cap, for example, a plastic bag, jar or glass, to increase humidity. The optimum temperature is 25-27 degrees. Then it remains only to wait for the appearance of roots.

After the roots appear, the plant must be transplanted into a pot with a diameter of not more than 9 centimeters. The best solution for the soil is this: add one part of peat and one part of sand to two parts of the earth.

Hibiscus seed propagation

The most uncommon method, due to its inefficiency. With this method, most likely it will not be possible to preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant. However, if you still decide to propagate the Chinese rose by seed, then this instruction is for you.

The best time to start is considered the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Seeds are immersed in water with a stimulant dissolved in it and soaked. Epin, humate, fumar, zircon, poteitin, etc. are well suited as a stimulant. During the period of soaking the seeds in the solution, they should be mixed two or three times.

After this procedure, you can begin to germinate the seeds. At this stage, they should be placed on a damp cotton napkin and covered with a plastic bag. After about three days, most of the seeds begin to hatch.

Next, you need to prepare cups with soil in which we will plant the seeds. A mixture of earth, peat, ash and sand is well suited as a soil. We spread the germinated seeds in cups and cover them with earth a little, and cover the cups with a bag or glass. After about a week or two, the first shoots appear.

Watering young shoots is moderate, because an excess of moisture for them is certain death. Also, young seedlings should not be immediately exposed to direct sunlight, this should be done gradually.

After a couple of months, when the seedlings have grown stronger, they need to be transplanted into a pot of small diameter. Seedlings are planted in a mixture of peat and sand along with an earthen clod so as not to damage the young roots.

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Hibiscus is popularly called. This is an amazing plant. Against the background of bright green shiny leaves, large inflorescences look fabulous. The color of the flowers is very different.

Enough (reminiscent of a tree) is grown not only in apartments, but also in offices to decorate the interior. As a rule, after some time, hibiscus requires rejuvenation. Florists have questions about how to get new plants, in particular, how to properly propagate hibiscus cuttings at home.

Chinese rose is loved by flower growers in many countries. Some note that hibiscus flowers are similar to mallow: they have one family. Large flowers can be simple and double. The flower genus is represented by 150 species.

Under natural conditions, the plant can be seen in China, Malaysia, on the islands of Japan, India. Residents of the young regions of Russia can also admire the thickets of blooming hibiscus in the wild or on the alleys of parks.

Since the wild ancestors of the flower live in warm countries, the plant needs to create comfortable conditions at home: about +24 degrees in summer, at least +15 degrees in winter.

What you need to know about cuttings

Indoor flower can be done in different ways:

  1. seeds;
  2. division of the rhizome;
  3. cuttings.

Each method is interesting in its own way, has difficulties. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get a new plant due to the vagaries of homemade hibiscus. It should be noted that the seed method of propagation, in contrast to the division of the rhizome and cuttings, does not always retain the parental qualities of the plant.

It is for this reason that hibiscus propagation by cuttings is most often used. Although they do not always take root safely.

Material preparation

First you need to prepare high-quality planting material - cuttings. To do this, use a semi-lignified shoot from a healthy plant. Green shoots are not suitable for these purposes, as they rot. Often they form "pulp" white. These are the aerial rudiments of the root system.

For cutting, you need to use a sharp knife, previously disinfected. The cut on the handle should be oblique. It can be 10 to 15 cm long with two or three leaflets and several internodes.

The upper part of the cutting is cut at a right angle to the base of the stem. The lowest leaves must be removed. The remaining leaf blades should be cut by a third.

After the procedures, the lower part of the cutting is placed in a solution of epin or another root-forming preparation.

Video "Hibiscus cuttings"

Methods for obtaining plants from cuttings

For rooting cuttings of Chinese rose, you can use the following methods:

  1. in a container with water;
  2. directly in a pot with soil;
  3. using a peat tablet.

We will now consider the features of work in each specific case.

Rooting in water

A high capacity is selected, water at room temperature is poured. If tap water is used, then it must be defended to release chlorine. Some flower growers add activated charcoal or bone meal for the fastest development of the root system.

  • The container is better to take from dark glass.
  • A plastic bag is put on top of the installed handle, fixed with an elastic band from below to create comfortable conditions. You can use a glass jar with a wide mouth for covering.
  • From time to time, the covering material must be removed to shake off the accumulated moisture. Then put back in place. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the cutting.
  • A certain temperature of about +24 degrees is also maintained.
  • The root system appears somewhere in a month. Transplanting a Chinese rose to a permanent place is allowed when the roots reach five centimeters. Hibiscus with longer roots take root worse or die altogether.

Planting the petiole in the ground

The pot is prepared in advance. It must be washed with water in which laundry soap is dissolved. After that, pour over boiling water. When choosing a pot (200-500 ml), the size of the seedlings is taken into account.

The bottom of the pot is lined with drainage. Broken burnt brick, some sand and charcoal will do.

For rooting cuttings, you can use purchased soil for indoor plants (add sand on top) or cook it yourself. It should be loose, pass water and air well.

If the composition is prepared independently, then it must consist

Sand should be thoroughly rinsed with running water. The earth is filled with boiling water with dissolved potassium permanganate.

More than half the volume of soil is poured into the container, on top - two centimeters of sand. Roots begin to form in wet sand. As they grow, they penetrate deep into the pot.

It is better to choose the warmest place, cover the stalk on top with a glass jar. Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries. The greenhouse effect accelerates root formation.

Rooting usually occurs after two months. After that, a new hibiscus plant is planted in a permanent place.

Planting a cutting with a peat tablet

Peat tablets of different diameters

Some flower growers prefer to propagate the Chinese rose using a peat tablet. Get in advance:

  • 300 ml plastic cups.
  • Tablets with a diameter of at least 40 mm.
  • Expanded clay as drainage.
  • Any growth stimulator of the root system.
  • Natural rippers for soil - vermiculite or perlite.
  • Cellophane package.

Propagation by cuttings of a Chinese rose using a peat tablet is considered by many lovers of indoor flowers to be the most effective way. Due to the balance of the composition of the necessary substances and trace elements, the root system develops safely.

  1. Pour the tablet with pre-boiled and chilled water. It will take some time to fully swell.
  2. The stalk is cut off, slightly dried and treated with a prepared root growth stimulator.
  3. Excess liquid from their tablets is removed, verlimut is added, the composition is mixed.
  4. A plastic cup is filled with drainage, the resulting soil is poured on top.
  5. You need to deepen the cutting by 2 or 2.5 cm. If the leaves are too large, they are cut with scissors.
  6. A plastic bag is put on top of the handle. You need to keep the glass in the light, but the rays of the sun should not fall on it.
  7. The bag is removed for airing every 2 weeks. Watering - as needed.

Roots appear after 2 or 3 months. Their development is easy to track through a transparent cup. Transplanting to a new place is possible when the root system grows well.

Instead of a conclusion

If indoor hibiscus after breeding creates the necessary conditions for care, then soon it will release buds and bloom. There is nothing surprising. But the flower does not last long, falls off. Real flowering begins on hibiscus when it grows up to 30 centimeters.

Active growth in the Chinese rose occurs from spring to the end of summer. September - October is the best time to grow roses from cuttings.