When corn ripens in Siberia. How to grow corn in a risky farming zone. Varieties and seedlings of corn. Corn in Siberia: care

Many gardeners try to plant this most ancient cereal plant in their summer cottage, so its tasty and healthy cobs are liked not only by adults, but also by children. However, not everyone manages to grow this southern and heat-loving culture. However, if you follow the basic agricultural practices, you can still get a decent corn crop.

Note! Next, we will talk about the rules for sowing and growing exactly sweet corn, not feed.

Despite the fact that corn is an unpretentious crop, it will not be possible to manage with one irrigation, although the future harvest largely depends on it.

Most gardeners have an erroneous opinion that a plant can be grown purely in the southern regions of the country, but this is not so. In regions with a short summer corn also grows successfully, although, as a rule, in such cases, initially planted in seedlings. This is due to the fact that when sowing seeds directly into the ground, the crop often simply does not have time to reach technical ripeness during the season (due to the short summer).

In general, when growing corn in the country, the following main points must be considered:

  • the right choice of variety (always choose zoned varieties);
  • compliance with the terms of planting in open ground or for seedlings;
  • choosing a place taking into account the preferences of the plant;
  • compliance with the rules of further care;
  • timely harvest.

When to plant corn: optimal planting dates

Corn is a heat and light-loving plant, so it is not recommended to rush to plant it in the spring.

With the seedling method of cultivation, sowing of corn seeds at home is carried out 4 weeks before planting in open ground, while 1 week is allotted for germination.

At what temperature

Sowing should be carried out only when the soil warms up to a temperature of + 10-12 degrees (or even better + 13-14 degrees) and the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

Important! You should not sow corn in insufficiently warmed soil, since seedlings appear very slowly and unfriendly, the seeds are more damaged by wireworms, become moldy and lose their germination.

By the way! In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, corn
can withstand frosts down to -2 degrees, however, at -4 degrees, seedlings die.

Approximate sowing dates in different regions

Of course, depending on the climatic features of your region of residence and current weather conditions, the timing of planting corn in open ground and for seedlings may vary, but approximate dates can still be given:

  • In the South of Russia - this is the second half - the end of April;

There is no point in planting corn for seedlings in the southern regions.

  • In the Middle lane (Moscow region) - the second half of May;

This means that corn can be planted for seedlings in the second half of April.

  • In the North-West (in the Leningrad region) - the beginning of June;
  • In the Urals and Siberia - not earlier than the 3rd decade of May - early June.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

Many gardeners believe that corn should be planted according to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar, when corn should be sown for seedlings or in open ground in 2019, are the following dates:

  • in April - 6-13, 15-17, 29, 30;
  • in May - 6-10, 12-17;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 11-13.

The following days are considered unfavorable for sowing corn in 2019:

  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for a Summer Resident".

Choosing a place and preparing a bed for planting corn

In order for the plant to actively grow, it is necessary to carry out several preparatory procedures in advance. This will help in the future to achieve the desired yield.

Place on the site

Place for planting corn should be selected well-lit.

Corn is very demanding on light, and if you plant it in the shade, there will be noticeably fewer leaves and cobs, as well as their quality will noticeably decrease.

It is very important to take into account the fact that corn does not like wet (flooded) areas and close groundwater.

Also, since it is very thermophilic plant, it would be ideal to plant it on high (warm) beds.

After which crops to plant

Corn is not very demanding on its predecessors.

Most suitable predecessors for planting corn are the following crops: cereals, legumes (in short,), melons (pumpkin, watermelons, cucumbers), vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage) and potatoes.

The worst predecessors, after which it is undesirable to plant corn, is corn itself (especially fodder) and millet.

Crop rotation should be followed to prevent the spread of common pests and diseases.

Best neighbors

Often, gardeners prefer to grow corn in the country together with other crops, so to speak, using it as a support and protection from drafts and cold northern winds.

Yes, perfect neighbors for corn are cucumbers, which will bear fruit better due to diffused light, which will provide long and narrow leaves of corn.

Video: joint planting of cucumbers and corn

You can also plant legumes and the same pumpkin nearby (wide leaves will protect the roots of the crop from overheating and prevent weeds from growing).

What soil is needed and how to prepare a bed

Corn is not very (moderately) demanding on soil, so it will grow just fine in light, fertile soils.

By the way! The plant will be able to grow on slightly acidic soil, but not lower than 5 pH, otherwise it will start to get very sick.

The preparation of the site (beds for planting corn) consists in digging it onto a shovel bayonet from autumn and / or spring, a month before the alleged procedure.

In autumn, it is desirable to plow (dig up) the area with a shovel bayonet (about 25-30 cm), and again in the spring, but only loosen it by 1/2 shovel bayonet (about 12-15 cm).

  • - 30-40 g (necessarily in the fall).
  • Potassium sulphate - 20-30 g (preferably in autumn, but also in spring).
  • Ammonium nitrate - 30-40 g (spring). Or urea (carbamide), but it is absorbed by plants more slowly than ammonium nitrate.

If you have not prepared a garden bed at all in the fall, then you can make a complete complex mineral fertilizer - nitroammophoska (again, 30-40 grams per 1 sq.m).

If you are a supporter of organic farming (and not only), then as a nitrogen fertilizer, you can add 5-8 kg of humus or compost per 1 square meter in autumn (or spring). m. beds (depending on the degree of fertility or depletion of your soil), potash - (100-200 grams per 1 sq.m), phosphorus - bone meal.

And 3-7 days before planting is very good to spend disinfection soil, spilling it with a solution or Farmayod (all biological agents).

Around the same time (for a week), so that the soil warms up faster, it can cover with foil or white non-woven covering material. Alternatively, immediately make a temporary greenhouse on arcs.

How to plant corn in open ground: sowing rules

To properly plant corn in open ground, you should follow simple recommendations for its pre-sowing preparation and seed treatment.

Pre-sowing preparation and processing of corn seeds

Each gardener decides to plant corn seeds in a dry or germinated form, but initially it is necessary at least to select planting material according to external signs, excluding any damaged and deformed specimens.

The better this stage is carried out, the higher the percentage of germination in the end.

You can treat corn seeds before planting as follows:

  • Disinfect in solution.
  • Sprout in a damp cloth or on cotton pads (at a temperature of +23-28 degrees).

You can also germinate on hot sawdust.

  • When the seeds germinate (after 2-3 days), plant them in seedlings or in open ground.

Advice! Even if you don't want to germinate corn seeds, at least sanitize them.

direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for planting corn with seeds in open ground are as follows:

  • Pick the right time to land.
  • Prepare the bed in advance and pickle the seeds.
  • Make grooves or holes.

At the same time, it is better to immediately put 3-4 grains in one hole for safety net, in order to subsequently remove weaker seedlings.

  • Water the planting holes liberally and wait until the moisture is completely absorbed.
  • Sow the seeds to a depth of 4-5 cm.

As for the planting scheme, corn is grown in a wide-row way in several rows or rows (at least 2, and preferably 3-4), while the distance between plants in a row (row) is 20-30 cm, and between rows - 50 -70 cm.

Important! You can not plant corn alone or 3-4 bushes in one row, otherwise it will be poorly pollinated and there will be many empty cobs. The fact is that corn is pollinated by the wind, so it must be sown thickly and in several rows.

However, it is impossible to over-compact corn crops, since with a lack of nutritional area and sunlight, the yield will noticeably decrease.

  • Sprinkle with soil and compact the surface.
  • Spill a little again.
  • If the weather is not very stable, then cover with a film or put a greenhouse on arcs.

Video: planting corn in open ground

Growing corn through planting seedlings

Step-by-step instruction landings corn for seedlings:

  • Fill containers with potting mix.

Should be planted in separate cells or cups.

The soil mixture can be prepared from peat, humus, sand and forest litter, or you can take a universal substrate for growing seedlings, and then be sure to disinfect it, for example, by spilling it with a solution .

  • Spill liberally with water.
  • Plant the seeds at a depth of 3-4 cm.

  • For successful germination, it is recommended to place the planting container in a warm place where the temperature is + 23-28 degrees.

Further seedling care corn at home or in a greenhouse:

  • Within 5-7 days, the first shoots will appear.
  • After that, it is recommended to reduce the temperature regime for 3-5 days to + 15-18 degrees (during the day) and + 13-15 (at night), which will help to avoid stretching the sprouts.
  • Then raise the temperature to +20-23 during the day and +15-18 at night.
  • Water sparingly as the surface of the soil dries out.
  • Harden off 5-7 days before planting.

Video: growing sweet corn through seedlings

disembarkation corn seedlings into open ground:

  • 3 weeks after germination, the seedlings will be ready for planting in the ground.
  • At this point, the corn seedlings should be well developed and have 4-5 leaves, and the root system should wrap well around the lump of substrate, so you can get the seedlings from the cassette or cups without injury and sprinkling of the earthen clod.

  • Seedlings of corn are planted in the ground when the soil warms up above +14 degrees and the threat of return frosts has passed.
  • The planting itself is standard, while seedlings of corn can also be deepened, because. it grows additional roots from each node.

Advice! It is highly desirable to initially plant corn under temporary film shelters (greenhouses) on arcs. In this case, you can use both transparent film and white agrofibre.

By the way! In principle, seedlings can be planted on white agrofibre, making cross-shaped cuts in it.

Outdoor Corn Care: Growing Rules

Note! At the initial stage, corn develops at a slow pace, so you need to take this into account and be patient.

The minimum temperature for seed germination is +10-12°C (at such temperatures shoots appear in 2-3 weeks).

The rapid growth of seedlings occurs in the phase of formation of the first true leaves. Then again there comes a period of growth retardation, since all the forces of the plant are directed to the formation and maturation of the cobs.

Given these features of the development of culture, it is necessary to provide full care throughout the season.

By the way! If you already had corn pollination problems, no matter how often and close you plant it, you can try to do it manually, namely shake (shake) the plants in calm weather, in the morning, during the flowering period.

Loosening, weeding and hilling

At the initial stage of corn development, constant loosening of the soil and regular removal of weeds is necessary.

Then, when the corn grows to 30-50 cm in height, it should be hilled up for resistance from wind and showers and, most importantly, for the formation of additional surface roots.

Interesting! In the industrial cultivation of corn, in order to destroy weeds, destroy the crust and retain moisture, no later than 3-5 days (as well as in the phase of 3-4 true leaves) before the emergence of seedlings on corn crops, harrowing is carried out. it's the same enhances air access to the root system and promotes the emergence of more friendly seedlings.


If you want to get an earlier harvest (speed up the ripening of cobs on the main stem), then you can try to remove the side shoots (stepchildren) at the base of the main stem.

Video: what to do with corn stepchildren


Despite the fact that corn is considered a drought-resistant crop (forage - yes, but sugar - to a lesser extent), at certain periods of development, it is in dire need of plentiful and timely watering.

So, corn requires different amounts of moisture during certain periods of the growing season:

  • moderately at the time of germination;
  • strong enough during the period of the beginning of the ejection of panicles and flowering (the phase of cob formation);
  • the greatest need is 2-3 weeks after flowering (the period of pouring grains).
  • in the future, the need for irrigation is markedly reduced.

Thus, the quantity and quality of the crop are directly dependent on good watering during the formation and filling of grain.

top dressing

For full growth and formation of cobs, corn needs the whole complex of macro- and microelements.

The maximum requirement of corn is nitrogen, followed by phosphorus, then potassium,

The first time fertilizer is applied when 2-4 true leaves appear. During this period, the plant needs a lot nitrogen, for example, you can use organic substances - a solution of mullein or chicken manure, or mineral - ammonium nitrate or urea.

Since nitrogen tends to leach out of the soil, at least 2 top dressings should be done before flowering.

And when the plants enter the flowering phase, they will need potassium and phosphorus in maximum quantities. Therefore, shortly before this moment (for 1-2 weeks), corn should be fed with potassium sulfate or bone meal and.

Worth knowing! As mentioned earlier, in addition to macronutrients, corn also requires microelements (in order of need): calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum. And we mean, you should purchase at least Humat +7.

Video: basic rules for planting and caring for corn, watering and feeding

Pests and diseases of corn

Like all crops, corn is susceptible to many diseases and pests. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its most common problems in order to respond in time and take the necessary measures (use fungicides and insecticides).

Diseases of corn:

  • moldy seeds;
  • blister smut (Mexican truffle);
  • flying smut;
  • helminthosporium leaf spot;
  • root and stem rot;
  • fusarium;
  • gray rot.

To combat diseases, the use of biological agents such as Trichodermin or similar ones (Trichoderma veride, etc.) is quite effective.

Corn pests:

  • aphids (common cereal, corn);
  • wireworm;
  • lingering (sandy, steppe and corn);
  • weevil (southern grey);
  • scoop (winter and others);
  • corn (stem) butterfly;
  • swedish (mining) fly.

When to harvest corn and how to store it

When exactly to harvest corn, each gardener decides for himself, as it depends on the ultimate goal of growing this crop.

Note! You can not pick the ears all at once: it is recommended to start collecting them from above, and only then those that are below.

Interesting! If the plant is grown for grain (i.e., on an industrial scale), which must subsequently be stored for a long time, then harvesting the corn crop should be carried out no earlier than the biological maturity of the cobs. A sign of it is the darkening of the tips of the panicle.

Store corn (in grain form) in a dry, well-ventilated area. And always on some kind of elevation, which will help protect the crop from rodents.

Video: aspects of corn storage

Thus, if you follow the simple rules of planting and caring for corn, you can achieve a good harvest in any region. This will make it possible to please relatives with tasty and healthy cobs of sweet corn.

Video: all the secrets of growing corn

In contact with

Both children and adults love to eat sweet corn. There is always a place for planting a crop, it can be either the border of the hedge or the middle of the plot. The main thing is that there should be a bed well lit by the sun's rays. Novice gardeners should familiarize themselves with the features of agricultural technology before starting planting work. Taking into account the region, it is necessary to decide whether or not to be afraid of frosts in the spring and plant corn, be sure to take this factor into account.

You should not hurry with planting seeds in open ground; they will not germinate in cold ground. In the southern part of Russia, planting in dachas begins in early May. For the middle zone and the Moscow region, the terms often shift by 2-3 weeks. Cold-resistant varieties provide for early sowing, however, to protect young shoots from freezing, it is recommended to use covering material at night. If weather conditions do not allow the start of sowing, a seedling method of growing a crop should be used, which is typical for the Urals and Siberia.

The weather conditions of Siberia make it possible to obtain fruits of milky-wax ripeness; full ripening does not occur due to climatic features. Planting begins at the end of May or in early June. Experts do not recommend soaking the seeds; it is enough to get by with planting good quality corn. And in order to sprout shoots faster, a black agrofibre shelter is used. It attracts the sun's rays, creates a favorable environment for the development of sprouts.

Landing dates are indicative. You need to start work taking into account the temperature of the heating of the soil. It should be in the range of 10-12°C.

Can the plant tolerate frost and what temperature can it withstand in spring?

The birthplace of corn is considered to be South America and the middle strip of the continent, which indicates the thermophilicity of the culture. Breeders had to make a lot of effort to develop varieties and hybrids that are resistant to spring frosts. Seeds planted in open ground and seedlings withstand a minimum temperature of -1-2°C, and some hybrids even up to -4°C. This is a great achievement, because the optimal temperature indicators in which the sprout develops are 12-18°C (the biological minimum is determined by the range of 8-10°C).
Depending on the temperature regime, the rate of germination of seedlings changes. The biological minimum ensures the germination of shoots in 18-20 days, while at + 20 ° sprouts appear above the soil surface in 5-8 days.

When planting corn seeds for the first time, you need to focus on the average monthly temperature. As insurance, you should prepare a covering material that will protect seedlings from spring frosts.

How to plant corn in open ground?

In order to grow the crop we want, we must follow some rules on how to grow a crop. Sow seeds on time, plant seedlings on time, remember that corn, like any other inhabitant of the garden, is afraid of frost, can hardly endure it (after all, Siberia is not Ukraine), and also loosen the ground in time and feed the plant. It depends on how it will grow and how many fruits from the summer cottage will appear at home.

How to plant seeds and grow seedlings

You can plant a crop in open ground by seed and seedlings. For the correct sowing of seeds for seedlings at home, cassettes (cells with a volume of 45 cm2) or peat pots (diameter 12 cm) are used. Containers are filled with fertile soil, mixed in equal proportions with humus or compost. To reduce irrigation work, hydrogel is added to the soil mixture. This component allows you to increase the moisture capacity of the substrate, reducing the number of seedling moistening procedures by 3-4 times.
In the spring, before sowing, the seeds must be soaked; they spend 5-7 days in a damp cloth. After soaking, the swollen grains are deepened into prepared containers by 3-4 cm (3-4 pieces are placed in pots, 2 pieces are placed in a cassette cell).
Seed germination is slow. At this stage, it is important to maintain the desired temperature and good lighting.. With a lack of natural light, install lamps with daylight, so they will grow faster. After the formation of 3-4 leaves on the shoots, weak sprouts should be removed, leaving only strong-looking seedlings. A week before transferring seedlings to open ground, it is necessary to harden off daily to adapt to their natural habitat.

Seedlings can be grown in a film greenhouse or greenhouse

Landing in the spring in the ground at their summer cottage, scheme

For corn beds choose a place without shading. The plant is drought-resistant, one of the main conditions for vegetation is a sufficient amount of sunlight. An equally important point is the observance of the planting pattern, because corn is a cross-pollinated species. For this reason, the bed is formed from several rows, otherwise problems with pollination may arise. Experienced gardeners use the following landing options:

Soil preparation in the country for growing crops

The area under the bed must be carefully cleaned, removing all plant debris and weeds. It is better to do this in the fall, so that after digging, the larvae and pests freeze out during the first frosts. The soil will be ready for planting corn if legumes or pumpkin crops, potatoes, cabbage were grown before it.
From fertilizers, rotted manure is most suitable.. Complex mineral products that enrich the soil with micronutrients are also suitable. The structure of the soil must be loose so that the root system develops unhindered. Heavy soil is diluted with chopped straw or sawdust.
The earth is first loosened, then the locations of the holes are marked. The depth of immersion of the seed material is determined taking into account two factors: the degree of soil moisture and the condition of the seeds (dry or germinated). The swollen grains are embedded in moist and warm soil to a depth of 3-4 cm, dry - 5-6 cm.

The development of each culture is facilitated in particular by the neighborhood with other plants. For corn, such companions are suitable: cucumbers, pumpkins, beans and other beans. If it is planted between rows, such as cucumbers, it is important to leave enough space to ensure that both vegetables are adequately nourished.

Soil preparation for planting corn

Care after planting, so as not to be afraid of frost

Many consider corn an unpretentious plant that requires only weeding. However, it is not. To get a good harvest and cobs with excellent taste, you will have to follow simple rules of care.


Corn loves moisture, it can absorb up to 4 liters per day. But this does not mean that the bed needs to be flooded. Waterlogging slows down the development of the root system, changes the color of the leaves (a purple tint appears). These factors jeopardize the yield, so irrigation should be carried out taking into account the degree of soil moisture. The optimal soil index is 70-80%. When irrigating, 1-2 liters of water is consumed for each bush. If it is not possible to carry out regular watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil periodically. This procedure is popularly called dry irrigation. Loosening, in fact, prevents the soil from drying out. But the best way to keep the beds moist is to use a spot irrigation system.
Water consumption rates at each stage of plant development are different. After planting the seedlings, moderate watering will be required, after the formation of 7 leaves, the amount of liquid increases to 1.5 liters per bush. After the fibers on the cob begin to darken, irrigation is less frequent or the amount of water used is reduced.

Weeding, loosening

Weeding prevents the thickening of the beds, which attracts pests so much, creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases. Therefore, sprouted weed grass is periodically removed from the site.
It is rational to combine this procedure with soil loosening and hilling. This increases the air permeability of the soil, allowing oxygen to nourish the deeper layers. With such care, the root system develops better, the immunity of the plant is strengthened. When the stalk is formed, the corn becomes more stable, which allows it to withstand both gusty winds and heavy rainfall.

top dressing

In addition to fertilizing the soil at the stage of preparing the beds, it is necessary to feed the plants. This is due to the growth of green mass throughout the growing season. Complementary foods are introduced in several stages, and nutrients for each of them are used strictly defined.
The first dressing consists of slurry or a solution of bird droppings, applied after the formation of the 4th leaf on the shoot. After 2-3 weeks, a second top dressing is introduced, consisting of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m2. After the appearance of 7-8 leaves, the plant needs to be fed with zinc, boron, copper and manganese.

When using fertilizers, do not increase the consumption rates. An excess of minerals is also dangerous for shoots, as well as their deficiency.

Agrotechnics of corn is simple. One of the main issues requiring attention is the temperature regime, the observance of which creates favorable conditions for the vegetation of the plant.

Corn is a fairly ancient crop. Nevertheless, they began to grow it in our region relatively recently - only a couple of centuries ago. This is because she is quite “finicky” and needs constant care in the process of her growth. But the resulting crop will please any gardener with fresh tender cobs filled with sweet grains. Today we will talk about the features of planting and caring for corn, as well as the varieties most suitable for growing in Siberia (according to experienced gardeners).

Corn: general information, main varieties

Corn or maize is native to Central America. In Europe, it appeared for the first time in the 16th century, and on the territory of the Russian Empire only by the end of the 17th century. Unfortunately, corn is a crop that is not very common in our region, and this is understandable: it loves warmth very much, so it is not an easy task to cultivate it in a large area of ​​far from hot Russia. It is massively grown in the States, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, as well as in the Volga region and the Caucasus.

Gardeners grow mainly the sugar variety of corn, since it contains a large amount of sugars that slowly turn into starch, respectively, young cobs have exceptional taste.

Corn is a heat-loving crop, so for Siberia you need to choose special varieties

Corn is an annual plant with a fairly powerful stem up to 2 m high and the same root system - quite strong and penetrating deep into the soil to a depth of up to 2 m and a meter wide, which allows the crop to protect itself from lack of moisture and prevent possible damage from strong winds . Corn is a dioecious plant, that is, the male and female "beginnings" are located on the plant in different places.

Advice. The best taste qualities of corn are observed at the stage of milky maturity, that is, when the cob begins to bloom (this process lasts about 2-3 days). It is then that you should start harvesting young cobs.

Consider the varieties of corn that are most resistant to adverse environmental conditions:

  • Lakomka 121. A hybrid variety that ripens quite early - the crop can be harvested as early as 2.5 months after planting the crop. The plant does not grow very tall, the cobs are also small - up to 15 cm in length with small yellow grains.
  • Spirit. A very "resistant" variety, giving the first harvest in 2 months after planting. The plant grows quite large with the same cobs filled with yellow grains. The crop is distinguished by excellent taste compared to many varieties.

Variety Spirit

  • Farmer. The variety is early ripe, gives an excellent harvest of small cobs with bright orange grains, which are distinguished by excellent taste.
  • Jubilee. The variety is mid-season, growing up to 1.8 m in height. Gives a good harvest of large cobs with excellent taste.
  • Bylina. A mid-season variety that grows up to 1.5 m and gives an excellent harvest of large cobs filled with yellow-orange grains. Taste is pretty good.

Planting corn in the Siberian region

As for the choice of a suitable site for planting corn, everything is somewhat more complicated here than with many other crops, since corn is quite picky about the type of soil and climatic conditions. So, choose fertile soil for planting corn, saturated with nutrients, always water and breathable.

Advice. Clay-rich soil should not be chosen for planting corn, as such soil will be too heavy, and a dense crust will form on its surface, preventing the crop from growing.

The soil must be carefully dug up in the fall to the depth of a shovel bayonet and be sure to add a considerable amount of manure and green fertilizers - 5-6 kg of manure / compost with the addition of peat, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer is given per 1 square meter.

By the end of summer, it will be a good idea to sow the area for planting corn with winter rye, and a week before planting the crop (in early May), grind the sprouted shoots and add them to the soil.

Corn is grown both from seeds and seedlings. Since the best harvest can be obtained in the second way, we will consider it. First of all, we select suitable containers for germinating seedlings (pots, boxes) and make a drainage layer at the bottom, consisting of seed husks and crushed eggshells. After that, you can pour the soil mixture and sow two corn kernels in each container to a depth of about 5 cm. From above, the seed pots must be covered with foil and left in a warm place for a week.

corn sprouts

When the first shoots appear on the surface, remove the film and move the pots to a place with sufficient sunlight for 3-4 weeks. During this period, the young plant will already have a fairly strong root system.

Planting corn in open ground should be carried out somewhere by the end of May, that is, at the time when the last spring frosts have already passed and a stable warm temperature has been established. We prepare not very deep furrows, keeping the distance between the planted seedlings within 25 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least half a meter, preferably 0.6-0.7 m.

Features of care

In order for corn to grow rapidly and the harvest to be rich, it is necessary to carry out a number of standard care measures in a timely manner, as with any crop: get rid of weeds, periodically loosen the soil, feed and water the young plant.

During the loosening of the soil, it is necessary to simultaneously hill the crop with moist soil, carefully covering the aerial roots of the plant with it. Keep in mind that at first (during the first few weeks) corn grows quite slowly - this does not mean that you need to take any measures. Just be patient.

Over the entire period of growth, corn must be fed several times and watered at least a couple of times a week (the frequency of watering will depend on the amount of rainfall in your area and the air temperature).

corn seedling

As for top dressing, for the first time it is necessary to carry it out when the first 3-4 leaves appear on the plant (preferably with mullein infusion in a ratio of 1: 8). The second time the plant should be fed in the phase of 6 leaves, but this time the mullein infusion should be “stronger” - 1:6. The last time corn is fed before the appearance of “panicles: mix potash fertilizer, superphosphate and urea (1 tablespoon of each component).

Young cobs can be harvested when the grain is fully ripe and the head of corn is completely filled with them, and when pressed on the grain, juice will splash out of it.

Our content is coming to an end. We introduced you to the peculiarities of growing corn in the cold Siberian region of Russia. We wish you a rich harvest!

How to grow corn in Siberia: video

Growing corn: photo

Delicate and rich taste of sweet cobs, densely packed with juicy grains, yellow, like little suns, has been loved by everyone since childhood. But growing corn in the backyard seems like a thankless task to many gardeners. In order to collect a generous harvest from its bushes, which has reached technical ripeness, you will have to work hard, and first of all, gain the necessary knowledge about the agricultural technology of the crop.

Requirements for growing conditions

Corn loves heat. It is mainly cultivated in the southern regions of the country. But it is possible to breed a crop in a temperate climate and even in the much more severe conditions of Siberia. The main thing is to choose the right place for corn and provide proper care for the plantings. In open ground, it grows best in areas that receive maximum sun exposure. In the shade and with a lack of heat, the development of its bushes slows down, and the grain on the cob does not ripen to milky ripeness. Plants are sensitive to the effects of cold winds and drafts, so it is important to reliably protect the beds from them.

Sweet corn does not impose special requirements on the quality and structure of the soil. The ideal option for her is light fertile soil with little acidity, rich in humus and well drained. It is better to plant corn bushes in a personal plot next to legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins. Unsuccessful will be their placement near the beds with table beets and celery.

They begin to prepare a place for future beds with corn in the garden in the fall. This is especially important when cultivating early ripe varieties. The soil is carefully dug up, choosing from it the roots of weeds. It is right to do this early, before the first frost. Then the site can be watered abundantly so that the weed seeds that have fallen into it will sprout, and then weed them out. If these recommendations are followed, the spring preparation of the garden will be easier, and planting care will require less time and effort.

Sweet corn responds well to fertilizers. When preparing the soil for the beds, they are applied twice: in autumn and spring. Before winter, they scatter over the site (per 1 m²):

  • humus (5 kg);
  • double superphosphate (0.2 kg);
  • potassium salt (0.1 kg).

Close up fertilizers in the ground by digging to the depth of a bayonet shovel. Spring site preparation is less intense. Before planting corn grain, the soil is fertilized with nitrophoska (50 g of the drug per 1 m²), and then slightly fluffed. The procedure is carried out 2–2.5 weeks before the planned date of sowing seeds. Earth with high acidity is additionally limed.

Sowing corn in the garden

Planting corn with seeds is a simple and fairly effective way to breed a crop. Its timing is determined by the local climate. To get friendly seedlings, corn grain is sown when the weather is warm and the threat of frost has passed. The thermometer during the day should not fall below the mark of 10-12 ° C. In the conditions of Siberia, planting corn can be started closer to mid-May.

The result will be better if the seeds are prepared before being placed in the ground. Professionals advise soaking them. There is nothing complicated in this procedure, for it you will need:

  • a piece of gauze, burlap or any other fabric;
  • some wood ash;
  • the corn itself.

Seeds need to be soaked according to certain rules. The fertilizer is thoroughly dissolved in water heated to 22-25°C. The corn seeds are then dipped into this nutrient composition. They are not kept in it for a long time, 12 hours is enough. An envelope is made of gauze, it is abundantly moistened with the prepared solution and the planting material is placed in it. The condition of the seeds will be checked daily, providing them with an influx of oxygen. If they have not yet hatched, they are mixed, moistened if necessary and covered again with gauze. These manipulations are completed when the first shoots appear.

Sprouted corn grain is placed in slightly loosened soil, having previously outlined grooves in the garden, the interval between which is made equal to 0.5-0.6 m. At a distance of 40 cm from each other, holes of medium depth (6-7 cm) are dug in a row. They lay out 3-4 seeds. The square-nest planting scheme is optimal for corn: with this arrangement, adult plants successfully self-pollinate and increase yields. Then the hole is filled with moist soil, and a layer of dry earth is poured on top as a mulch.

Sweet corn germinates fairly quickly. If the seeds are soaked, then the young growth will appear in 10-12 days. If you do without preparation, you will have to wait 5-7 days longer. When corn sprouts appear from the soil, only one, more powerful, is left in each of the planting holes, and the rest are weeded out.

Growing seedlings

The seedling method of growing crops is also popular, in which the crop on plants ripens faster. Planting corn in this case is carried out earlier - in April. For sowing seeds at home, deep containers filled with a mixture of peat and sand or sawdust are suitable. But it is much more convenient to spread the corn grain into separate cups. This will save time on caring for seedlings and reduce the likelihood of damage to their roots when moving to the beds.

Seedlings of corn can also be obtained in a greenhouse. It will be correct to install it at their summer cottage in March, so that by the time the grains are planted, the soil has warmed up sufficiently.

For germination, corn seeds need a temperature in the region of 18-20°C. Fluorescent lamps will help provide them with a sufficient amount of light and heat. It is better to install them before sowing. If these recommendations are neglected, young sweet corn will stretch out a lot, and caring for its long shoots will become more complicated. After watering, they will lean down, practically lying on the soil, and get sick. Any draft will be fatal for them.

Caring for corn seedlings consists of watering and fertilizing. They need a lot of water, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out in containers. When the seedlings begin to develop intensively, it is time to feed them with a solution of mineral fertilizer. They will also respond well to growth stimulants. Additional nutrition for young corn is provided every week.

You can place it in open ground from the first days of May, if weather conditions allow. By this time, 2-3 powerful leaves will appear on the seedlings. In regions with a colder climate (in the Urals, in Siberia), the procedure is carried out later - in the last week of spring. It is permissible to postpone it even until the beginning of summer. Before planting corn bushes on a permanent site, holes are made on it. They are watered abundantly. To place plants on the beds, the same scheme is used as for sowing grains. Proper planting of corn is completed by mulching the surface of the hole. It is sprinkled with sand, which will not allow the soil to become covered with a hard crust.

After landing

It takes a little for sweet corn to bring a rich harvest. Landing care includes:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening the soil;
  • hilling;
  • weed removal.

Sweet corn loves clean beds and light, porous soil through which its roots can breathe freely. It is especially important to follow these rules at the initial stages of development of its bushes. During this period, loosening is indispensable, but they are stopped as soon as adventitious roots form in the corn. Then the time comes for hilling, which will make the bushes more stable. They will need to be completed at least 1-2 times per season.

The corn on the plot is closely monitored, removing weak shoots and stepchildren from the bushes. You should not break them out, there is a safer and less traumatic way for the stem - carefully cut them with scissors. If this is not done, they will deprive the corn of the strength and nutrients that are necessary for the grain to fill and ripen on the cob. The formation of numerous stepchildren is an occasion to think about whether the beds are irrigated correctly. So sweet corn most often reacts to a lack of moisture.

But an excess of water will not benefit the plants either: depriving the flow of oxygen, their roots may die. Determining waterlogging is easy. Corn leaves turn purple, and the development of the bush slows down. As a result, the plant has a dwarf size, and its cobs do not fully ripen.

Watering and fertilizing

Plantings are watered once a week or even less often - once every 10 days. The signal for the next moistening is the condition of the soil. It's time to start the procedure if it has dried out to a depth of 5 cm. If corn is grown for grain, it needs abundant watering. The soil should get wet by at least 10-12 cm. 1.5-2 buckets of water are spent on each hole. It is this dosage that is necessary to obtain cobs densely packed with delicious grains.

During the flowering period of corn, which begins closer to mid-summer, depending on the timing of planting and the variety chosen, it is recommended to lightly shake the brushes located at the top of the stems. Carry out the procedure in the middle of the day. There is another way - do not touch the brushes, but simply lightly tap on the base of the stem. This care helps the plants to pollinate.

Tall corn bushes, located in the open winds, it is better to tie up. The harvest will be more abundant if the plantings are generously fed. During the season, the beds are fertilized with organic and mineral compounds at least three times. At the seedling stage, as soon as the young sweet corn releases the first leaves, the plants are watered with manure or droppings dissolved in water.

The second top dressing is carried out at the stage of flowering of corn bushes. Do not worry if this time was missed. Mineral fertilizers containing many trace elements are then applied at a later date - in the process of the formation of the first ovaries on corn. During this period, wood ash will benefit the plants. It can simply be scattered over the surface of the soil. For the full development of corn, 1-2 cups of fertilizer is enough. Further care for it involves the introduction of drugs, which contain a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Proceed to it as the cobs grow.

The technology of growing corn is not complicated. With the knowledge and desire to get the long-awaited harvest of ripe cobs, even beginners in the gardening business will be able to. Their taste and usefulness were appreciated by the ancient Indian tribes - the Maya and the Aztecs. Despite the southern origin of the culture and its tender love for warmth, its zoned varieties are successfully cultivated in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia that are unfavorable for it.

Corn grain has a rich chemical composition. It contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins. It is satisfying and healthy, and neither adults nor children can resist the unique aroma of juicy freshly cooked cobs. But other parts of the plant can also be used in the economy. Livestock loves to feast on its stems and leaves, so certain varieties of the crop have long been grown for silage. The plant is also used in folk medicine: corn stigmas have a beneficial effect on the liver and help reduce appetite. Is there not enough reason to put corn cultivation in the country on the must-do list for the coming season?

Both children and adults love to eat sweet corn. There is always a place for planting a crop, it can be either the border of the hedge or the middle of the plot. The main thing is that there should be a bed well lit by the sun's rays. Novice gardeners should familiarize themselves with the features of agricultural technology before starting planting work. Taking into account the region, it is necessary to decide whether or not to be afraid of frosts in the spring and plant corn, be sure to take into account this factor.

When to plant corn in the spring in the Moscow region, in Siberia and the Urals?

You should not hurry with planting seeds in open ground; they will not germinate in cold ground. In the southern part of Russia, planting in dachas begins in early May. For the middle zone and the Moscow region, the terms often shift by 2-3 weeks. Cold-resistant varieties provide for early sowing, however, to protect young shoots from freezing, it is recommended to use covering material at night. If weather conditions do not allow the start of sowing, a seedling method of growing a crop should be used, which is typical for the Urals and Siberia.

Seedlings rooted in the ground

The weather conditions of Siberia make it possible to obtain fruits of milky-wax ripeness; full ripening does not occur due to climatic features. Planting begins at the end of May or in early June. Experts do not recommend soaking the seeds; it is enough to get by with planting good quality corn. And in order to sprout shoots faster, a black agrofibre shelter is used. It attracts the sun's rays, creates a favorable environment for the development of sprouts.

Landing dates are indicative. You need to start work taking into account the temperature of the heating of the soil. It should be in the range of 10-12°C.

Can the plant tolerate frost and what temperature can it withstand in spring?

Corn under the snow

The birthplace of corn is considered to be South America and the middle strip of the continent, which indicates the thermophilicity of the culture. Breeders had to make a lot of effort to develop varieties and hybrids that are resistant to spring frosts. Seeds planted in open ground and seedlings withstand a minimum temperature of -1-2°C, and some hybrids even up to -4°C. This is a great achievement, because the optimal temperature indicators in which the sprout develops are 12-18°C (the biological minimum is determined by the range of 8-10°C).
Depending on the temperature regime, the rate of germination of seedlings changes. The biological minimum ensures the germination of shoots in 18-20 days, while at + 20 ° sprouts appear above the soil surface in 5-8 days.

When planting corn seeds for the first time, you need to focus on the average monthly temperature. As insurance, you should prepare a covering material that will protect seedlings from spring frosts.

How to plant corn in open ground?

In order to grow the crop we want, we must follow some rules on how to grow a crop. Sow seeds on time, plant seedlings on time, remember that corn, like any other inhabitant of the garden, is afraid of frost, can hardly endure it (after all, Siberia is not Ukraine), and also loosen the ground in time and feed the plant. It depends on how it will grow and how many fruits from the summer cottage will appear at home.

Sowing corn seeds

How to plant seeds and grow seedlings

You can plant a crop in open ground by seed and seedlings. For the correct sowing of seeds for seedlings at home, cassettes (cells with a volume of 45 cm2) or peat pots (diameter 12 cm) are used. Containers are filled with fertile soil, mixed in equal proportions with humus or compost. To reduce irrigation work, hydrogel is added to the soil mixture. This component allows you to increase the moisture capacity of the substrate, reducing the number of seedling moistening procedures by 3-4 times.
In the spring, before sowing, the seeds must be soaked; they spend 5-7 days in a damp cloth. After soaking, the swollen grains are deepened into prepared containers by 3-4 cm (3-4 pieces are placed in pots, 2 pieces are placed in a cassette cell).
Seed germination is slow. At this stage, it is important to maintain the desired temperature and good lighting.. With a lack of natural light, install lamps with daylight, so they will grow faster. After the formation of 3-4 leaves on the shoots, weak sprouts should be removed, leaving only strong-looking seedlings. A week before transferring seedlings to open ground, it is necessary to harden off daily to adapt to their natural habitat.

Seedlings can be grown in a film greenhouse or greenhouse

Landing in the spring in the ground at their summer cottage, scheme

For corn beds choose a place without shading. The plant is drought-resistant, one of the main conditions for vegetation is a sufficient amount of sunlight. An equally important point is the observance of the planting pattern, because corn is a cross-pollinated species. For this reason, the bed is formed from several rows, otherwise problems with pollination may arise. Experienced gardeners use the following landing options:

Soil preparation in the country for growing crops

The area under the bed must be carefully cleaned, removing all plant debris and weeds. It is better to do this in the fall, so that after digging, the larvae and pests freeze out during the first frosts. The soil will be ready for planting corn if legumes or pumpkin crops, potatoes, cabbage were grown before it.
From fertilizers, rotted manure is most suitable.. Complex mineral products that enrich the soil with micronutrients are also suitable. The structure of the soil must be loose so that the root system develops unhindered. Heavy soil is diluted with chopped straw or sawdust.
The earth is first loosened, then the locations of the holes are marked. The depth of immersion of the seed material is determined taking into account two factors: the degree of soil moisture and the condition of the seeds (dry or germinated). The swollen grains are embedded in moist and warm soil to a depth of 3-4 cm, dry - 5-6 cm.

The development of each culture is facilitated in particular by the neighborhood with other plants. For corn, such companions are suitable: cucumbers, pumpkins, beans and other beans. If it is planted between rows, such as cucumbers, it is important to leave enough space to ensure that both vegetables are adequately nourished.

Soil preparation for planting corn

Care after planting, so as not to be afraid of frost

Many consider corn an unpretentious plant that requires only weeding. However, it is not. To get a good harvest and cobs with excellent taste, you will have to follow simple rules of care.


Corn loves moisture, it can absorb up to 4 liters per day. But this does not mean that the bed needs to be flooded. Waterlogging slows down the development of the root system, changes the color of the leaves (a purple tint appears). These factors jeopardize the yield, so irrigation should be carried out taking into account the degree of soil moisture. The optimal soil index is 70-80%. When irrigating, 1-2 liters of water is consumed for each bush. If it is not possible to carry out regular watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil periodically. This procedure is popularly called dry irrigation. Loosening, in fact, prevents the soil from drying out. But the best way to keep the beds moist is to use a spot irrigation system.
Water consumption rates at each stage of plant development are different. After planting the seedlings, moderate watering will be required, after the formation of 7 leaves, the amount of liquid increases to 1.5 liters per bush. After the fibers on the cob begin to darken, irrigation is less frequent or the amount of water used is reduced.

Row spacing

Weeding, loosening

Weeding prevents the thickening of the beds, which attracts pests so much, creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases. Therefore, sprouted weed grass is periodically removed from the site.
It is rational to combine this procedure with soil loosening and hilling. This increases the air permeability of the soil, allowing oxygen to nourish the deeper layers. With such care, the root system develops better, the immunity of the plant is strengthened. When the stalk is formed, the corn becomes more stable, which allows it to withstand both gusty winds and heavy rainfall.

top dressing

In addition to fertilizing the soil at the stage of preparing the beds, it is necessary to feed the plants. This is due to the growth of green mass throughout the growing season. Complementary foods are introduced in several stages, and nutrients for each of them are used strictly defined.
The first dressing consists of slurry or a solution of bird droppings, applied after the formation of the 4th leaf on the shoot. After 2-3 weeks, a second top dressing is introduced, consisting of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m2. After the appearance of 7-8 leaves, the plant needs to be fed with zinc, boron, copper and manganese.

Corn nutrition

When using fertilizers, do not increase the consumption rates. An excess of minerals is also dangerous for shoots, as well as their deficiency.

Agrotechnics of corn is simple. One of the main issues requiring attention is the temperature regime, the observance of which creates favorable conditions for the vegetation of the plant.

Many gardeners grow corn on their plots, and the reasons can be completely different: someone just likes to eat it boiled, or even raw, others create living fences from new unusual varieties of corn, and still others use it as a wind protection for other vegetable crops. In any case, such a vegetable as corn, due to the high content of nutrients, deservedly takes its place in Russian gardens.

The timing of planting corn seeds depends on the chosen method of growing this crop. In order to get good seedlings, seeds are sown in containers in late April - early May, and already in late May - early June, seedlings can be planted in the ground, after the return frosts.

With the seedless method, that is, direct sowing of corn seeds in open ground, planting is carried out when the weather sets in with a temperature of at least +10 0 С (mid-May).

It is clear that the above planting dates may apply to gardeners in the cold zones of the Urals and Siberia, and in warmer regions, planting usually occurs two weeks earlier.

Growing corn seedlings allows you to harvest 2 ... 3 weeks earlier than with direct sowing in the ground, but is a more time-consuming process, so the choice is up to the gardener.

Some summer residents grow certain varieties with the help of seedlings, for example, early ripening, while others grow in open ground, and thus stretch the corn season, gradually collecting and consuming the fruits.

A nutrient substrate for corn can be bought ready-made (based on peat) at a gardening store, or you can prepare it from improvised elements by mixing compost, peat and sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio, respectively, with the addition of ash and complex mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to plant seeds immediately in separate pots, so you must first stock up on cups: plastic or peat. It is advisable to buy the second ones, since corn does not like transplanting very much, and peat pots will go into the ground together with seedlings, and the plants will more easily endure stress. If plastic containers are still chosen, then they should have a drainage hole at the bottom.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 12 hours for germination. This operation will greatly speed up the emergence of seedlings (everyone has seen what corn kernels look like: they have a very hard shell).

In each cup, a hole is made with a finger or the back of a fork no more than 4 cm deep and spilled. Then seeds are placed in them and covered with earth. Once again, they shed and wait for the emergence of corn shoots at a temperature of 20 ...

Although the seedlings will spend at home for about a month or less, you still have to take care of its development. Corn in the early stages of development needs regular watering, and drying out of the earth has a negative effect on young plants. You also need to loosen the earth in pots, destroying the resulting earthen crust. A week and a half before planting in the ground, seedlings can be fed with a complex water-soluble fertilizer.

Planting is carried out according to the scheme 35x70 cm, while the seedlings are buried 1 cm into the soil. Planting holes are pre-shed and corn is planted one pot per hole. At the same time, it is important to leave the earthen ball whole and not damage the roots of the plants if the seedlings are in plastic cups. If in peat, then the seedlings are placed in the ground with them. After planting, the earth is lightly pressed with hands and well shed.

CORN - planting and growing corn (Siberia, Ural, Far East): video

Corn prefers to grow in well-lit sunny areas with loose soils. In order for the soil to be sufficiently breathable, sand or vermiculite is added to it. In addition, it is desirable to add compost or humus, as well as complex mineral fertilizers, to the garden bed. When choosing a place to plant corn, one should take into account its height: since the plants are quite tall and powerful, they are usually planted along fences.

The operation of pre-soaking the seeds before planting is similar to the seedling method. After that, the seeds are planted, maintaining the distance between adjacent plantings in a row and row spacing according to the scheme of 35x70 cm, respectively. Seeding depth can vary from 3 to 5 cm depending on the soil. At the stage of appearance of eight planting leaves in corn, thin out if 2 ... 3 copies were planted in one hole.

Experienced gardeners grow cucumbers in the open field next to corn, and this is no coincidence: these two crops form an excellent symbiosis: such a neighborhood favorably affects the yield of corn and cucumbers at the same time.

Firstly, corn covers cucumbers from strong winds, and secondly, it serves as a support for them: the gardener, as cucumber lashes form, wraps them around corn trunks.

Thus, cucumbers do not lie on the ground, which reduces the likelihood of them rotting. At the same time, corn does not experience any particular severity under the fruits of cucumbers.

In general, this culture takes root with many gourds, but pumpkin lashes, for example, you can no longer burden corn. With such a symbiotic planting, it is necessary to carry out timely feeding of crops, since competition for nutrients in the soil will still be actively conducted.

The planting pattern can be different, as an option, corn is planted in the middle of the bed, and cucumbers are planted along the edges, while the distance between crops should be at least 30 cm. It is imperative that corn overtake cucumbers in growth.

Like any vegetable crop, corn is susceptible to pests and diseases. Most often, it is exposed to various types of fungal diseases: root and stem rot, fusarium and red cob rot, etc. All these diseases are caused by different types of fungi that can be introduced with untreated planting material.

In addition, corn can also be affected by bacterioses of cobs and leaves. They not only deprive a greater share of the crop, but also overwinter in the ground. Therefore, at the first signs of such diseases, they must be fought with powerful fungicides, and as a preventive measure for their appearance, seeds are usually soaked in their solutions before planting.

There are also a lot of pests in corn: firstly, these are wireworms, which are particularly voracious comrades that can destroy the crop in a very short time. Moreover, if the land is not cultivated from them, then they will remain in it to live. Secondly, caterpillars of the corn borer are very fond of planting corn, but if you do not leave garbage on the beds after harvest, they freeze out during the winter. The fact is that this type of pest is able to overwinter only in the remains of corn stalks. As a preventive measure, seeds are recommended to be treated with special preparations before sowing.

Specific dates for harvesting depend mainly on the method of planting (seedlings or in open ground) and on the ripening period of the selected variety. In the general case, the ripeness of cobs is determined visually, guided by the following features:

  • the top layer of the cob wrap has dried up;
  • the wrapper becomes light green;
  • the stigmas dry up and turn brown;
  • when you press a grain with a fingernail, milky juice comes out of it;
  • the grains themselves are bright yellow and closely packed together in rows.

Timely harvesting of corn is very important, because when it is delayed, there is a large loss of nutrients and varietal taste. In addition, the consistency of the grain also changes: when cooked, the corn will be tough and hard.

Corn is best stored at low positive temperatures of 0 ... +2 0 C. Under such conditions, the harvested crop is stored for up to three weeks, and at higher storage temperatures it deteriorates quite quickly. Therefore, most often part of the crop is quickly eaten, and the rest is sent for processing - preservation or freezing. By the way, while corn does not lose nutrients.

Corn for seeds is initially planted as far as possible from its general plantings in order to prevent cross-pollination. To obtain high-quality corn seeds, the most healthy and strong plants are chosen, and on them - the largest cobs without traces of rot and other diseases. It is better to mark them separately in some way, usually tied with a ribbon.

Here they wait for the moment of waxy ripeness, and not milky, as with a standard harvest, so they are left on the plant until the grains acquire a bright yellow color and hardness (cutting such cobs often occurs in mid-September).

After cutting, the corn cobs are sent for ripening for a couple of weeks, after which the seeds are removed from them and dried. Self-collected corn seeds are stored for up to 5 years and at the same time have excellent germination.

Nowadays, there are quite a large number of high-yielding varieties of corn with different ripening periods. A few of them with the most optimal characteristics for planting in all regions of the country are listed below with brief descriptions:

Refers to hybrid varieties of ultra-early fruiting. Cobs ripen at least 20 cm long, the grains have a delicious taste. The height of the stem reaches 1.9 m, the lower cob is laid at a height of half a meter.

Also a hybrid variety. An interesting feature of this corn is the combination of purple grains and pleasant taste. They say that it is purple sweet corn that has a wider range of substances useful for humans, therefore, by planting such corn, you can not only decorate the garden with an unusual plant, but also get an additional dose of vitamins when consumed.

Early maturing variety of corn with white grains. Cobs are formed about 15 cm long. The stem grows up to 1.8 m in height.

Corn in our garden

Corn - the return of the forgotten "queen of the fields"

The older generation of Russians still remember how in the middle of the last century our fields were sown with corn without fail, although the weather conditions were not suitable everywhere for the mass cultivation of this crop.

Therefore, the short-term and not entirely successful corn boom in our country quickly faded away, leaving behind a persistent rejection of the queen of the fields in the minds of many gardeners.

But if you know about the value of this crop and, most importantly, about the features of agricultural technology for growing sweet corn in our short and often unpredictable summer, then it is of considerable interest.

The birthplace of corn, or maize, is Central America, from where it quickly spread throughout the world. In Europe, corn appeared already at the beginning of the 16th century, and in Russia - in the middle of the 17th century.

And sweet corn (vegetable) is a type of corn in which the conversion of sugar into starch is very slow. That is why, in the state of milky ripeness, sweet corn has a very high sugar content, and hence its excellent taste. The grain of its half-ripe cobs is eaten raw or boiled.

Sweet corn is an annual powerful plant with a strong, erect stem up to 200 cm or more in height and 3 to 5 cm in diameter. The plant has a powerful root system that penetrates up to 2 meters deep and up to 1 meter wide, which allows corn it is relatively easy to endure the lack of moisture in the soil and resist the wind.

Corn is a monoecious, but dioecious plant, because. it has a separate arrangement of inflorescences on the stem. Male pollen-producing inflorescences consist of a central stem and side branches. They are collected at the top of the stem in the form of a panicle. Female flowers are collected in inflorescences, which are called cobs. They develop in the axils of almost all leaves, with the exception of the upper ones. Male inflorescences bloom 2-5 days earlier than female ones. Pollination of inflorescences occurs with the help of wind.

On thick ears of corn, kernels develop that are generally round, wedge-shaped or elongated in yellow, orange or white. But there are forms of corn with an unusual orange, pink, red and even black grain color.

Sweet corn blooms on the 50-90th day (depending on the variety) after germination. The period from the flowering of female flowers to the milky ripeness of the grain is 20-25 days. And until the full biological maturity of the grain takes another 45-60 days.

The best taste qualities are found in sweet corn at the stage of milk maturity. This stage begins after the beginning of the flowering of the cob (throw-out of filiform columns) and lasts only 2-3 days. It is for this reason that the collection of cobs for consumption in the stage of milky ripeness must be monitored very carefully.

At present, sweet corn has nevertheless begun to “conquer” our summer cottages, since many of its varieties can be successfully grown in our climatic zone. This is also facilitated by the appearance in stores of a fairly decent selection of varieties of sweet corn, incl. and good early ripe varieties and hybrids:

Aurika F1 - early maturing hybrid. Technical ripeness occurs on the 75-90th day after the appearance of mass seedlings. The plant is undersized, up to 160 cm high. The cob is small, up to 15 cm long. The grain is yellow, small, slightly elongated.

Bylina - early maturing variety. A plant up to 160 cm high. Cobs up to 15 cm long, weighing up to 100 g. The peel of the grain is tender, yellow-orange. Taste qualities are good.

Country 1 - early ripe variety of corn. The plant has a height of about 200 cm, cobs of medium size. The skin of the grain is tender, yellow-orange.

Jubilee - mid-season variety. The plant is up to 180 cm high. The length of the cob is up to 20 cm, weight is up to 170 g. The peel of the grain is tender, yellow-orange. Taste qualities are good.

The Golden Fleece - a very early variety. From germination to technical ripeness, 75 days pass. The plant is slightly bushy, medium-sized. Cobs up to 20 cm long. Light yellow grain.

Lakomka 121 - productive variety, resistant to various diseases, with a growing season of 70-75 days. Plant up to 1.5 meters high. In the phase of milky ripeness, it is very tasty boiled, also suitable for canning and freezing.

Sweet Scarlet F1 - mid-season hybrid. The grains are red, very sweet and tender. Heat treatment is best done with steam or in the microwave, because. when boiled, the red color becomes less intense.

Fairy tale F1 - mid-season, hybrid, technical maturity occurs in 85-90 days. The plant has a height of up to 180 cm, cobs of medium size, up to 18 cm long.

Squirka F1 - early maturing hybrid. Technical ripeness occurs on the 75-80th day after the appearance of mass shoots. The plant is medium-sized, has a height of up to 170 cm and medium-sized cobs.

Spirit . It ripens in just two months and brings a consistently high yield, regardless of the region. The plant reaches a height of two meters, the cobs are 20 cm long, filled with large yellow grains of excellent sweet taste, which compares favorably with other varieties.

stanichnik - mid-season variety of corn. Plants up to 200 cm high. Cob length up to 18 cm, weight up to 170 g. The skin of the grain is tender, yellow-orange, the taste is good.

Farmer - early maturing variety. A plant up to 170 cm high. Cobs up to 15 cm long, weighing up to 150 g. The peel of the grain is tender, orange. Taste qualities are good.

Corn is one of the most heat-loving crops in our garden. Its seeds begin to germinate only at a temperature of 8-10°C, but they should be sown no earlier than the soil warms up to 10-11°C.

With earlier sowing, early ripening varieties with increased cold resistance will form cobs 3-5 days earlier than usual, but the yield will significantly decrease in this case than when sowing at the optimal time.

Most quickly and amicably shoots of plants will appear at a temperature of 20-22°C. They tolerate small frosts down to -2 ° C, but adult plants die in autumn already at a temperature of minus one degree. The development of corn is delayed in the cold spring and cool summer.

The optimum temperature for the growth and development of plants is 22-25 degrees. A higher temperature during the flowering period leads to a decrease in yield and a deterioration in the quality of the cobs.

Maize is not demanding on moisture, but it is exceptionally responsive to watering. The lack of moisture in the soil during the formation of cobs greatly accelerates the passage of the phase of milky ripeness, which worsens the quality of the grain and reduces the yield. Therefore, with prolonged dry and windy weather, corn needs watering, especially during flowering and grain filling. But it does not tolerate excessive soil moisture very well.

Corn is a short daylight plant. With a long daylight hours of more than 14 hours, the timing of flowering and ripening is delayed. Corn requires good sunlight, does not tolerate the slightest thickening and shading, especially at the beginning of its growth and development. With a lack of light, it forms fewer leaves and cobs, and may not form cobs at all.

Corn does better in areas with a southern or southwestern slope. It requires fertile, humus-rich, structured, non-acidic, well-permeable, water- and breathable soils. Corn roots need a lot of oxygen. Heavy clay soils that form a hard soil crust are not entirely suitable for growing corn.

To the alternation of vegetable crops, corn is not demanding at all. But the best predecessors for her are early cabbage, legumes and pumpkin crops. In turn, corn is practically the best predecessor for most garden crops.

The soil for sowing corn must be prepared carefully, since its roots penetrate to great depths. Corn is very responsive to the introduction of manure and green manure into the soil in autumn. When digging the soil in autumn to a depth of at least 25 cm, it is necessary to add 1 sq. m 0.5 buckets of rotted manure or peat-dung compost, 2 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potash fertilizers, as well as one glass of wood ash.

It is very useful for corn beds in the second half of August to sow winter rye thickly, and in May, 7-10 days before planting corn, chop the grown green mass and immediately plant it in the soil.

The simplest and most affordable method of pre-sowing preparation of corn seeds is their air-thermal heating in the sun for 4-5 days with frequent stirring. Immediately before planting, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours in warm water. This technique accelerates the emergence of seedlings and improves the further growth and development of plants.

You can first disinfect corn seeds for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then hold them for 6-7 hours in aloe juice (a natural stimulant) or treat the seeds with solutions of modern growth stimulants (according to instructions).

Then the seeds must be placed between layers of damp cloth and kept in a warm place for 2-3 days. It is advisable to harden the seeds that have sprung up for 2-3 days with variable temperatures.

To get an early harvest of sugar cobs, it is better to grow corn from seedlings. For this, it is better to use half-liter milk bags. At the bottom of the bag it is necessary to pour a drainage layer of crushed eggshells with seed husks, and on top - a nutritious soil mixture, and then sow two grains in bags to a depth of 5-6 cm. -22°C.

On the 7-8th day, when shoots appear, the film must be removed and the pots exposed to light. If two plants have sprung up, then the weaker one should be immediately cut off, but not pulled out. Seedlings are grown in these bags for 22-25 days at a temperature of 15-16°C. By this time, she will have developed a strong root system with strong stems.

3-4 days before planting in the garden, it is hardened in the open air. Seedlings of corn are planted in open ground in early June after the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

Most often, plants are planted in an ordinary way at a distance of 20 cm from each other in a row and 70 cm between rows. For early varieties, the density of standing is 8 plants, and for medium varieties- 6 plants per 1 sq. m.

When sowing corn in open ground, the seeds are embedded in the soil to a depth of 7-8 cm, placing them according to the scheme 70x (20-22) cm. Usually they are sown in holes of 3-4 grains, then leaving two seedlings. For very early varieties, plant density is up to 8 pieces per 1 sq. meter. Shoots will appear in 8-12 days.

When seeds are planted in excessively wet and cold soil, they can become moldy and die without germinating.

But taking into account our insidious May weather, it is better to sow the seeds in furrows, which immediately after sowing should be covered with a film for 25-30 days. This will provide more reliable protection for young plants, help fight weeds and sprout flies, which often damage corn seedlings in cold weather.

With a lack of sown area on their site, many gardeners plant corn seedlings as a reliable support for curly beans and as a stage for cucumbers.

Even before germination, birds can cause great harm to corn crops, as they peck the seeds out of the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to sow corn carefully, without leaving grains on the ground, and after sowing, it is desirable to scatter twigs and branches temporarily throughout the garden.

Plant care consists of weed control, row spacing loosening, soil moisture retention, pest and disease control.

In the first weeks, corn grows rather slowly, but with the appearance of the first stem node, it begins to grow much faster, reaching a maximum before the appearance of inflorescences. Then the growth of the stem in height stops.

During the growing season, depending on the degree of soil preparation and the amount of precipitation, 2-3 top dressings and 3-4 waterings of plants are carried out.

The first feeding is carried out in the phase of 3-4 leaves. It is better to do this with mullein infusion (1:8). The second top dressing in the 6-leaf phase, when cobs begin to form, is carried out with a stronger infusion of mullein (1: 5). And the third top dressing is done before the appearance of "panicles".

To do this, take 1 teaspoon of urea and potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp for 1 bucket of water. a spoonful of superphosphate. It is better to do top dressing in liquid form, introducing them into the middle of the row spacing to a depth of 10-12 cm.

In watering, corn especially needs a phase of 9-10 leaves when the panicles are ejected and during the pouring of the cobs, i.e. a week before the appearance of panicles and within three weeks after their appearance. After that, watering the plants is not necessary. After fertilizing and watering, careful loosening of the soil is necessary. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots of the corn.

Simultaneously with loosening the soil, it is necessary to gently hill the plants with moist soil, covering the aerial roots with it. This improves the nutrition of plants and their resistance to wind.

In wet weather, corn plants very often form side shoots. They must be immediately carefully removed, trying not to damage the main stem. These stepchildren are suitable for livestock feed and composting. For better pollination of plants, the stems of plants are shaken by lightly tapping on the base of the stem.

Sweet corn cobs are harvested in 2-3 doses as they reach milk maturity, when the grain is fully formed, but still tender in texture and sweet. If you press your fingernail on such a grain, milky juice will spurt out of it.

The signal for harvesting corn cobs is the appearance of a narrow drying edge on the outer layers of the cob wrap. The upper layers of the wrapper by this time become less moist and tightly fit the cobs. By this time, the tops of the cob turn slightly brown, but do not shrink. The rows of grain are tightly closed, and the yellow color is expressed in all grains to the very top of the cob.

By this time, the grains acquire a color characteristic of this variety and, when pressed, emit a characteristic light crackle, releasing a milky liquid of a pleasant sweetish taste. And overripe grains are duller, and when pressed, they do not emit juice.

Cobs are harvested in the morning or evening in dry cloudy weather. The maximum storage time for cobs with sweet grains is 1 week. Then the grain quickly coarsens, and the sugar content in them decreases.

Harvesting of corn for seeds is carried out when the cobs turn yellow and begin to dry out, i.e. in the stage of wax ripeness, followed by final drying.

V. A. Loiko

The oldest cereal in his garden

Corn is considered one of the most ancient crops on Earth, which is not capable of running wild and self-sowing. It is a very important nutritional component, second only to wheat and rice. Its homeland is Central and South America, and the Mexicans have been growing corn for over 7,000 years.

There is no doubt that corn is a valuable crop. Its stems and leaves are fed to cattle, poultry, rabbits, muskrats. Corn is grown on plots mainly to obtain young cobs, the grain of which is consumed in a state of transition to waxy ripeness - boiled, baked or canned.

Corn on the site can be easily grown, it is unpretentious in care. The timing of sowing is extremely important. We sow corn in the first decade of April. If the weather does not allow, you can reschedule to a later time. But no later than the first decade of May, since with a later sowing, the plants will not have time to build up a green mass before the onset of a steady heat. As a result, growth slows down; on a hot summer day, due to lack of moisture, fragile plants stand with leaves twisted into a tube. They grow weak, low, with pale green foliage - in general, it is pointless to wait for a good harvest.

Corn seedlings withstand short-term frosts down to minus 5 degrees Celsius (maximum hilled plants). The plot for corn should be sunny, and the soil should be well loosened. The case when a seed is put into uncultivated dense soil, having made a hole, and we are waiting for the harvest, will not work.

Before sowing, the soil must be loosened. A day later, after loosening the soil, we proceed to cutting shallow ditches. The distance between the rows is 70 cm. Pre-soaked and treated for pests and fungal diseases 6-8 hours before sowing, the grains are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other to a depth of 5-10 cm.

We do not thin out the shoots that have appeared immediately, we wait until the plants reach a height of up to 20 cm. We thin out the grown plants so that the distance between them in the row is 30 cm. Corn is responsive to moisture and top dressing.

At the same time, we carry out weeding - loosening row spacing. Immediately after thinning, we plant bean seeds - cowpeas - to corn. Like all legumes, asparagus cowpea has long green shoulder blades that are rich in nutrients. Of these, we prepare salads, canned food - in general, the same dishes as with ordinary asparagus beans.

In order for the cob to be completely filled with grains, corn must be grown in several longitudinal rows, then the plants will be well cross-pollinated with the help of the wind.

For several years now, we have been growing 7 types of corn: waxy, waxy, puffed, toothed, starchy, siliceous and sugar.

waxy corn

This is a special type of corn, the starch of which contains only amylopectin (unlike ordinary starch, which also contains amylose). The main advantage of this starch is slow absorption, because it does not contain monosaccharides. Because of this, waxy cornstarch helps improve performance and manage diabetes.

Black Waxy Corn - mid-season (up to 100 days). Plant up to 1.8 m high. Cobs 10 to 20 cm long, round-cylindrical, with large emerald-black grains. Very tasty and healthy boiled.

White Dakota - early ripe variety (up to 80 days). Plant 1.7-1.85 cm high. Cobs up to 15 cm long, pyramidal in shape. The grain is small, white. An excellent variety for freezing, boiling and baking.

early pink glow - very early (up to 60 days). The plant is 1.2-1.3 m high. The cobs are pyramidal in shape, up to 15 cm long. The grain is medium in size, pink-lilac, sweet. Very tasty boiled. Very interesting high yielding variety.

waxy corn

It is a mutant of tooth-like North American varieties and bursting Chinese. The endosperm starch consists of almost 100 percent amylopectin, which is highly tacky. Waxy corn has a rather narrow distribution area - it is most popular in China and has a very limited varietal diversity, and the varieties are close to each other in many economic and some morphological characteristics.

Strawberry - mid-season, 80-90 days. A plant up to 180 cm high. The cob is thin, up to 22 cm long, the grain is sharp, medium-sized, somewhat reminiscent of rice, only dark red. An excellent variety for corn flour, cereals, semolina, and also as grain for livestock and poultry feed. It is also tasty boiled in milky-wax ripeness.

Oaxacan red - a unique medicinal variety from North America. The plant is early ripe (up to 90 days), up to 2 m high. The ear is 18-25 cm long, round-cylindrical. The grain is medium in size, red, has many useful substances. Very sweet. An excellent variety for cereals, flour. Very tasty and healthy boiled.

Air (pop) corn

One of the oldest. According to the structure of the grain, it is divided into rice (has a beak-shaped top of the grain) and pearl barley (has a rounded top of the grain), as well as pearl (very small seeds). In dry grain, when heated under the pressure of water vapor in starch spherocrystals and between them, the pericarp and seed peel break through. In this case, the endosperm turns out in the form of a loose, airy, white powdery mass and the grain greatly increases in volume. Hence the name of the subspecies. The caryopsis has a high protein content (16 percent), contains significantly more fat (20 percent) and protein, which makes it possible to use this subspecies in the production of cereals, cereals and other similar products. Popcorn forms a large number of cobs, has good bushiness and foliage. The cobs are small, with fine grains. The subspecies is represented by varieties with white, yellow, red, dark blue striped caryopses.

Mini Striped - high-yielding variety from China. Plants up to 1.7 m high. Forms up to 5 cobs on one plant 10-12 cm long, round-cylindrical. The grain is kidney-shaped, white-red-striped. A great tasting variety for popcorn.

Red Arrow - early ripe high-yielding variety from China (up to 80 days). Forms a harvest together. A plant up to 150 cm high, on one plant forms up to 5 cobs. Cobs are large, up to 13 cm long. The grain is round-elongated, pearl-shaped, black-burgundy-red. An excellent variety for producing fluffy white flakes and popcorn.

Wonder cone yellow - a wonderful high-yielding early ripe variety from China (up to 80 days). Plant up to 1 m high, bushy. Forms up to 10 cobs on one plant. Cobs up to 10 cm long, cone-shaped. The grain is small, elongated, yellow with white patches, rice. An excellent grade for receiving snow-white air flakes.

Miracle bump red - high-yielding early ripe variety (up to 80 days) from China. Plant up to 1 m high, bushy. Forms up to 10 cobs on one bush. The cobs are cone-shaped, 10-13 cm long. The grain is pearl-shaped, dark red, of medium size. An excellent grade for receiving snow-white puffed flakes and puffed corn.

dent corn

Among other groups, it has received the greatest distribution. Plants usually do not bush. The grain contains 70-75 percent starch, up to 15 percent protein, 3-6 percent fat. It is cultivated for grain, which is used for the production of flour, cereals, alcohol, and also as fodder for animal feed. In milky-wax ripeness, it contains 25 percent sugar, suitable for cooking, freezing. Most varieties of dent corn are mid-late. Differing in powerful stems, large cobs, these varieties give a higher yield of silage and grain, compared to early-ripening varieties.

Indian giant - high-yielding, high-yielding variety from India. Late ripening (up to 125 days). The plant is more than 280 cm high, powerful, forms up to 4 cobs at the same time. Cobs are round-cylindrical, up to 40 cm long, with a small thin stump. The grain is tooth-shaped, flat, of various colors: yellow, white, blue, lilac, red, orange, purple and even black. An excellent variety for consumption in boiled form, as it contains more than 30 percent sugar in grains, as well as many other useful substances. The best grade for reception of flour, grain, fodder for poultry and animals.

ruby garnet - Russian variety. Plant up to 250 cm high, powerful. Cobs are cylindrical, large in volume, up to 30 cm long, tie 2-3 pcs. The grain is large, elongated flat, similar to horse teeth, dark ruby ​​red. Red corn is a pill for all diseases: it is useful to eat for the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes (lowers blood sugar), and pressure. It is very tasty and unusual to use boiled - in milky-wax ripeness. Medium late, 90-100 days. We recommend you try it and surprise your family and friends.

starchy corn

One of the oldest. It is most widely distributed in South America and southern North America. Most varieties have late maturation. It is mainly used in the starch and alcohol industries. The caryopsis is large, contains about 12 percent protein, 5 percent fat and more than 80 percent starch. Very tasty and sweet when boiled, gourmet taste.

Mays Concho - early ripe high-yielding soft corn. An old Indian variety from North America. Plant up to 2 m. Cobs 20 to 35 cm long, round-pyramidal. The grain is large, soft, sweet, bright yellow. An excellent variety for eating young, both fresh and boiled.

flint corn

Silicon corn varieties are cultivated mainly for grain. Basically, they are all fast. The grain contains 65-83 percent starch, up to 18 percent protein, 3-7 percent fat. It is used for the production of cereals, corn flakes and other products, also excellent when cooked (in the wax-milk stage it has a sweetness, like sweet corn).

Cherokee Blue - early ripe (up to 85 days) high-yielding varietyfrom North America. The plant is 1.8-1.9 m high. The cob is large, round-pyramidal, up to 18 cm long. The grain is medium in size, lilac-chocolate. Ideal when cooked. Very useful for health.

sweet corn

Vegetable delicacy plant of the bluegrass family (cereals). A distinctive feature of sweet corn from other subspecies of the family is the relatively low content of starch in the endosperm of the caryopsis and the high content of water-soluble sugars, in particular dextrin. The maximum amount of sugars contains the so-called super-sweet hybrids - up to 35 percent in dry matter.

Divine Paper 1822 - a unique rare variety of super-sweet corn from China. Medium early (up to 90 days). The plant is 1.7-2 m high. Cobs are medium-large to large, round-cylindrical. The grain is yellow, with some white. Taste is exceptional. Boiled corn melts in your mouth. When dried, the seeds wrinkle very strongly, becoming a little thicker than a sheet of cardboard. They never become hard and mealy. The seeds are still soft in mid-October. Even if completely dry seeds are soaked until the shape is restored and boiled, they will be very sweet.

bloody butcher - sweet Peruvian corn, its grains have a deep purple color, extremely rare in the plant world, which indicates a high content of anthocyanins - antioxidants that slow down aging and prevent the development of many diseases. The content of anthocyanins in red corn grains is higher than in blueberries.

red corn - a pill for all diseases: from tumors in the digestive tract, strengthens blood vessels, which helps prevent atherosclerosis, normalizes blood sugar and reduces blood pressure. Early ripe, up to 68 days. The plant is up to 160 cm high, the cobs are large, round-cylindrical, up to 30 cm, the grains are dark red, very sweet. Delicious cooked. High yield - 2-3 cobs per plant.

Honey ice nectar - early ripe, 60-70 days, high-yielding variety, intended for cultivation in cold, short summers in the northern regions. The plant is 120-150 cm high, forms cobs 18-20 cm long with highly marketable, very sweet grain of medium size, yellow color, good taste. Recommended for canning, freezing and eating boiled.

In addition to these, there are many more interesting and unusual varieties in their own way.

Valery Brizhan . 353715, Krasnodar region, Kanevsky district, st. Chelbasskaya, st. Kommunarov, d. 6.

E-mail: [email protected]