In the garden in autumn when the last watering is needed. How to water the garden in the fall and whether it should be done. What is moisture-charging watering of trees

Should trees and shrubs be watered in autumn? Especially in rainy weather. Is there any benefit from this? Many gardeners discuss such issues, but do not come to a consensus. I'm on own experience convinced of the benefits autumn watering trees and shrubs.

Autumn watering the earth under the crown of an apple tree

Why do you need autumn watering?

In autumn, the foliage of trees gradually dies off. At the same time it goes active growth root system. Accumulation continues nutrients. Dry soil freezes faster than well-moistened soil, which not only retains heat for a long time, but also softens temperature fluctuations during the change of winter thaws and frosts. Frozen, moist soil passes cold to plant roots more slowly than dry soil. Orchards with sandy and sandy soils are most at risk. They freeze faster than loam.

In cold winter, trees and shrubs dry up, especially when strong winds and frost. Experts call it winter drought", with which deciduous trees up to 60% of moisture is lost after a dry summer and about 20% after a rainy summer and autumn. These indicators are worse in young trees.Such intense evaporation is dangerous. WThe reserves of moisture in the ground help the plant to survive.

Many gardeners have noticed that even in winter, the growth of some trees continues. They are more in need of underground moisture.

Water is drawn to water. This is folk wisdom. Moist soil to some extent retains spring water, which is absorbed into the soil, and does not flow down its surface.

Why is autumn watering dangerous?

First of all, you need to avoid damping the root collar. About ten years ago, I lost a stamp because of this terry lilac. Many stone fruit crops are also at risk. During autumn watering, you need to check if the neck of the tree is insulated for the winter with earth or compost. In all cases, watering the area next to the trunk is not worth it.

Do not direct the stream of water to the base of the shoots of the bush

Reinforced moisture-charging (moisture-charging) irrigation fruit trees does more harm than good in high standing areas ground water. It is important to measure and take into account the location of the root system of plants.

When to water?

Autumn is usually rainy. A drizzle gives way to downpours and sleet. But at the depth of the roots of most fruit trees and shrubs, the ground remains dry. Wet only upper layer soil.

It is during this period that gardeners have to determine the timing of autumn moisture-charging (moisture-charging) irrigation. It is more correct to carry it out when most of the foliage has fallen. But a whole list of circumstances prevents this. In late autumn, not everyone has the opportunity to come to suburban area. Removed and hoses until they freeze water. In some collective gardens, they turn off for the winter summer plumbing. I know people who have to carry buckets of water from the village wells to water the trees during the pre-winter period.

The exact timing of the autumn watering of the garden can not be called. We are all used to the fact that winter always begins unexpectedly. I remember how one week before November 3, a lot of snow fell, water on the Ivankovsky reservoir (Moscow Sea) seized with ice. In another year, at about the same time, I collected ripe tomatoes in a greenhouse. It happened that in October the lungwort re-bloomed, the lilac blossomed, the buds appeared near the honeysuckle. These facts are proof of the unpredictability of our climate.

Increasingly, trees go into winter with leaves, so you should not focus on leaf fall. Too early autumn watering is fraught with the growth of young shoots that can freeze. But this is the lesser of all the evils that will inevitably affect frosty winters with little snow without full-fledged autumn watering. I usually carry out moisture-charging (moisture-charging) watering in October - November. In several terms, allowing not only not to breed a swamp on the site, but it is also better to soak the ground under trees and shrubs.

Determine the amount of water

It is difficult to determine the exact amount of water during autumn moisture-charging (moisture-charging) irrigation, because it depends on the type of soil, geography of the site, age and type of plants, weather conditions, etc. There is an average. This is 50 - 100 liters per 1 sq.m of land under the crown of a tree. Agronomists recommend wetting the ground under mature trees to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m.

To determine the required watering time for each plant, it is worth conducting preliminary measurements. Take a bucket of suitable capacity, a stopwatch (clock) and run water through the hose. If we know how quickly a hose fills an eight- or ten-liter bucket, we can calculate how long it will take to water a particular tree or shrub.

How to water?

I do not like the option with pipes dug into the ground through which plants are watered. I put the hose on the ground under the tree and turn on the water. From time to time I move it to another place. On the improved loam of my site, you can do without a sprinkler. On the sands it has to be used, because. all the water flows almost vertically into the depths.

It is impossible to direct the jet at the tree trunk, this is fraught with many further problems. The main irrigation zone is the crown projection.

Garden strawberries are best moistened with a watering can. Under currants, gooseberries and raspberries, the soil is so loose that a stream of water often forms funnels. They have to be leveled right away.

Autumn watering currant and gooseberry bushes

It is believed that areas with heavy clay do not need autumn watering. However, it was he who saved many fruit trees that suffered during the frosty winter of 1986-1987 with little snow. Little snow fell by the end of December, and the air temperature dropped below 30°C. My parents' dacha (Moscow region, Riga direction) was located on a small slope, behind which there was a pond and a forest. The soil is solid cold clay. In that frosty winter, fruit trees terribly "cracked" at night. In the spring, it turned out that almost all the trees in our country and in most of our neighbors were frozen to death. Those under which a lot of water was poured in the autumn withstood.

On Central Television and in regional newspapers, it was recommended to carry out December irrigation of frozen soil in small portions so that the most valuable varieties of fruit trees receive at least 50 liters of water for each square meter land under their crown. Some severely frozen trees managed to be saved in early spring. They had to be "cast", i.e. water vigorously, and then loosen the soil under them. This method also helped the shrubs, which gave new shoots.

Watering vineyards for the winter

Watering the vineyard for the winter depends on many circumstances. The grapes that grow in my greenhouse, I do not water “under the root”, but by laying the hose almost under the polycarbonate with outside greenhouses. This is done in order to avoid dampness inside the greenhouse, which leads to a whole bunch of diseases. The exception is a seedling planted this year. I moisten the soil under it with a watering can.

Some "crybabies", for example, the variety " Victoria”, do not need to be cut immediately after autumn watering. It is better in front of him, not forgetting to burn all the cuts with the flame of a lighter (or match), and then treat with green paint. Powerful root system grapes growing in a greenhouse are quite capable of extracting moisture from the soil moistened in this way.

Autumn watering grapes in a greenhouse

Grapes growing near the arch (" Alpha», « Khasansky», « Amur") and in the garden under open sky, I water in the usual way, not letting a jet of water on the head of the bush and on the shoots. Autumn moisture-charging watering of grapes should not be carried out before sheltering it for the winter.

Alla Anashina,

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With the arrival of autumn, nature begins to prepare for winter sleep. It would seem that you can hide garden tools and relax too. However, experienced gardeners they know that it is necessary to continue caring for fruit trees in the fall, and this is a very responsible matter.

Summer is over, the heat subsided, but the trees need moisture during this period. And autumn rains do not always help. In order for the garden to survive frosts without complications, autumn watering of fruit trees should be carried out.

1 Why do you need autumn watering of the garden?

Water the trees in order to saturate them with enough moisture. In winter, despite the fact that the water freezes, evaporation, albeit slowly, still occurs. Moisture also evaporates from the branches of plants. Therefore, trees that were not given enough water, when low temperatures may "dry out". The bark shrinks and the resistance of plants decreases. Frosts can damage the ground part of the trees.

In addition, well-moistened soil freezes less, has better thermal conductivity, which contributes to the heat from the lower horizons to warm up the roots and protect them from frostbite.

Due to the abundant watering, the plants are enriched with vitamins, nutrients, and the yield of the next year increases.

So, in order to prepare the garden for winter, you must not neglect the watering of the trees in the fall.

1.1 Determining the need for watering

Is it possible to water the trees in autumn if it rains often? It should be borne in mind that if the summer was hot and dry, then autumn rains will not be enough to optimally moisten the soil.

In autumn, the earth must be wetted deeply - by 1-1.5 meters. To find out how plentifully you need to water the garden, and how moist the soil is, you need to dig a hole 30-50 cm deep among the trees in the garden. By the condition of the soil at the bottom of the hole, you can judge the degree of soil moisture.

  1. If a handful of earth from the bottom of the pit is well compressed in the hand, forming a lump, and a wet mark remains on the napkin, the earth is sufficiently moistened and additional watering is not required.
  2. If a lump of earth forms but does not leave a trail, the garden needs watering, but the watering rate can be reduced by 30%.
  3. If the earth crumbles from the bottom of the pit, does not form a lump when compressed, it is necessary to water the garden.

2 Features and rules of autumn watering

Podzimny watering of trees is called water-charging, or water-charging watering, due to which the soil is saturated with moisture for the winter period.

In dwarf and columnar trees, the roots are located close to the soil surface, and may be subject to freezing. Therefore, they need to be watered first.

When calculating the amount of water for irrigation, take into account the size and age of the plants. For currants, blackberries, 3-5 buckets of water are required. And for big trees 4-7 years old will need 5-10 buckets each.

If watering is done from a hose, the irrigation time should be within 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day. Optimal quantity liquid is considered 60-90 liters per square meter.

In order for the water to be absorbed faster and the earth to be enriched with oxygen, the ground around the trees should be dug up.

2.1 Water recharge time

Podzimny watering is carried out in October and in the first half of November. Before the beginning of leaf fall, it is not recommended to water the trees abundantly. This can lead to prolonged growth of shoots, which in turn will negatively affect wintering and yields in next year.

Moisture-charging irrigation carried out with the beginning of leaf fall. The air temperature drops to +2 ... +3 degrees, and plants stop consuming water in large quantities.

2.2 Watering methods

You can water the garden in different ways: with a bucket, with a hose, by sprinkling, drip irrigation, underground.

After watering, the soil must be mulched with leaves, peat, straw or loosened. Loose earth is less prone to freezing.

Don't count on autumn rains. In the best case, the earth will get wet 30-40 cm deep, but this is not enough for trees. Therefore, it is necessary to water the plants before winter.

However, there are contraindications to water-charging watering of trees in the fall. Do not water gardens located on clay, heavy, poorly drained soil, in lowlands, in areas with close groundwater.

It is also not advisable to exceed the watering norms.

The yield of fruit trees depends on the care of the garden in the fall. Watering plants at this time provides them with immunity to difficult weather conditions. The soil saturated with moisture and air contributes to the favorable development of the root system.

2.4 Watering trees in autumn: expert opinion (video)

Feeding a goat is easy. In summer there are no problems with food. If there is a pasture, then the issue of feeding, in general, disappears. The edge of the forest, an abandoned field, an ownerless flower bed - nothing special is required for a goat. Sedge, acacia and any grass goes to the goat for food. In nature, goats pluck the mountain slopes, which are very poor (in terms of food). With the stall content of goats, the issue of nutrition is more complex, but completely solvable. How and what to feed goats in winter and summer, we will tell in this article.

Many gardeners traditionally carry out early spring spraying on still dormant plants. But the second half of autumn is quite suitable for this. In addition, autumn cold weather is more comfortable for gardening. And in many regions, you need to remember that spring can come quickly, and the right moment in the turmoil of gardening will be missed. So that, late fall, but before the onset of frost, perhaps the most successful period for rooting treatments in the garden.

I cook blackberry jam with lemon in early September, when the fruits of aronia chokeberry ripen, which many mistakenly consider mountain ash. There is an outward resemblance to mountain ash, but chokeberry and mountain ash are distant relatives, this is not the same thing. Aronia fruits are medicinal raw materials, they contain B vitamins, vitamin C, many useful microelements. Chokeberry goes well with citruses and apples, in this recipe - with lemon, if desired, you can also add an orange to the lemon.

We moved to the Kuban. We bought a house with a plot on the edge of the forest. We need to bring life. We have a dog and a cat, we brought them with us. We don't need a cow, we need 3 liters of milk a week. A goat does not fit these parameters either. Rabbits are still possible, they are soft and fluffy, they eat only grass and vegetables, but they multiply very quickly - what to do with them later? The hand on them, soft and fluffy, will not rise, and the prospect of an Australian rabbit tragedy is frightening. The bees remain.

The arrival of autumn does not bring as much trouble in the garden as spring, but there are activities that will help relieve the hot spring period and lay the foundations for a future abundant harvest. And first of all, you need to take care of the soil. In this article I will tell you exactly what kind of autumn work I spend in the garden, decorative and orchard. Maybe something on my must-have list autumn work will come as a surprise to you and will bring great practical benefits.

The fiery beauty of the column is becoming more and more popular. This plant also has good greenery, but the fire of flowering, covering flexible shoots - here true purpose growing familiar to all exotic. Columnea is one of the most difficult plants. Its signals are not always obvious, and violations in growth or development do not appear immediately. But if you try to follow the plant and go from the opposite - to avoid misses, a vivid sight abundant flowering quite achievable.

pickled cucumbers under a plastic cover - the easiest way to harvest cucumbers for the winter. Pickling is one of the oldest methods of preserving vegetables by lactic acid fermentation. This ancient method of preserving seasonal stocks is still used today. The lactic acid formed during the fermentation process preserves vegetables with salt - it gives the products a specific smell and taste, and prevents the growth of extraneous bacteria. Cucumbers are sharp and very tasty.

The arrival of autumn does not mean that the brightly colored plants in the garden have to disappear along with the last hot days. Choosing carefully perennials for flower beds, you can keep your presence fresh flowers in his area almost before the start of winter. If you want to freshen up your flower beds for the beginning of autumn, then these plants will surely arouse your interest. Some of them are already well known to flower growers, and some are among the new products that are gaining popularity.

Rosehip is an unpretentious close relative of the rose. It grows well in wild nature, and its terry representative can often be found as ornamental plant parks or private gardens. AT recent times the plant is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. In this article I will talk about the benefits of rose hips, how and when to collect, dry, store and brew tea properly.

Creamy pumpkin soup with chickpeas is suitable for a vegetarian and lean menu. I also advise supporters of a healthy lifestyle to include this soup in their diet. It has all the necessary useful material- vitamins, trace elements and vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by our body. On a cold autumn day, a bowl of thick cream soup will warm you up, restore your strength, and give you energy. This soup "with a spark", a burning note is given to it by ginger root and chili pepper.

For houseplants, the transitional seasons are among the most critical periods in growing. And if spring changes are usually for the better, autumn is a period of great risk. Decrease daylight hours and lighting quality, temperature fluctuations, start heating season require special correction of the care program. Basis for success autumn care behind indoor plants– constant monitoring of their condition and growth slowdown rates.

Apple pancakes with cottage cheese are juicy and tender, they are prepared in 15 minutes. This dish can be quickly made for breakfast and served with sour cream - hearty and delicious, or served as a dessert at lunch, for dinner with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Who said that potato pancakes are made only from potatoes? Apple pancakes are even tastier, and that's a completely different story! From personal experience- You do not need a lot of flour, apples feel great without it.

Autumn is a great time for planting and transplanting perennial flowers, especially if it's time to divide them - they have grown so much that they began to lose their decorative effect. Another reason to divide perennials in a flower garden is to get several plants instead of one. And autumn reproduction by division has a significant advantage over spring - seated divisions adapt to a new place of residence even before winter, and in spring they actively start growing and bloom in the first season.

Tomato and pepper satsebeli - a thick Georgian sauce. This seasoning is from the "dumpling" category. Translated from the Georgian "satsebeli" - sauce, in the meaning of the word - "dunk", hence the version that any sauce in Georgia is called satsebeli. You can eat the sauce with anything, it will suit both meat and fish. For making homemade tortillas with filling (lavash, pita and other goodies), this is an ideal addition to barbecue, of course, you can’t imagine anything better!

In autumn, the garden completes its annual development life cycle: trees and shrubs store nutrients in the shoots and root system, the plants shed their leaves. The crop has been harvested for a long time, and it remains only to help the plants prepare for wintering. One of the stages of preparation is the winter watering of trees and shrubs. In the article I will tell you why it is needed, and how to carry it out.

Winter watering of trees and shrubs

In winter, moisture evaporates from the branches of trees and shrubs. Dehydrated shoots become brittle and brittle, the bark shrinks, and the frost resistance of the plant decreases. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to water the trees and shrubs with water in the fall. In addition, moist soil is more difficult to freeze through and is an excellent heat-insulating material. Heat rises to the roots from the lower layers of the soil, protecting it from freezing. But don't overdo it. Too much water will force the air out of the soil, the earth will settle, the roots will begin to suffocate, which can cause their death. Autumn watering of trees and shrubs is called water-charging watering. It "fills" the roots and shoots of plants with moisture necessary for a successful wintering.

Time for winter watering

There are two answers to the question of when it is right to carry out water-charging irrigation among gardeners. Often gardeners start watering immediately after harvest. But I'm not in a hurry with this procedure. Premature watering provokes a protracted growth of shoots, the plant may not have time to prepare for winter. Begin winter watering of trees and shrubs when leaf fall begins. The air temperature by this time drops to +2-+5. It is important to correctly determine the need for watering. I will tell you how to do it. General recommendation gardeners - wet the soil to a depth of 1.5 meters. But all sites are different, the care provided and the composition of the soil are also different. To determine if your site needs watering, dig a 40-50 cm deep hole in the garden among the trees. Take a clod of earth from the bottom of this hole and squeeze it in your hand.

  • If, opening your palm, you see a formed clod of earth, attach a thin napkin to it. Is there a wet mark on the napkin? Your garden does not need autumn watering.
  • If the formed lump did not leave a wet mark on the napkin, watering is necessary, but it is allowed to reduce the water rate by 30%.
  • If the earth crumbles, water the garden according to the norms.

Norm of the amount of water

The amount of water required depends on many factors. The agricultural technology of a particular plant, the size and age of the tree also play a role. Young seedlings and shrubs of currants, raspberries and blackberries require 4-5 buckets of water. A tree at the age of 5-7 years will need twice as much water, pour 8-10 buckets. Adult fruit trees need up to 200 liters per tree. To calculate the amount of water for a tree, mentally project its crown onto the ground. For 1 sq.m. use 90 liters of water. Another little advice: do not fill all necessary water under a tree at a time. Moisture-charging irrigation is carried out in 2-3 stages.

Watering methods

There are several ways to water, choose the method that suits you. If the area is flat, winter watering is easiest to do with a hose. Make it easy for yourself by removing the top layer 2 cm in trunk circles tree. Think of systems of furrows and trenches so that they connect with neighboring beds. Water, flowing, will process the entire garden while you are doing other things. If the site is uneven and on a slope, use the sprinkler irrigation method. With it, water is evenly distributed over the site, capturing remote corners. Minus sprinkling in high humidity air, a suitable environment for the development of diseases. A popular method is drip irrigation. If a drip irrigation system is not installed on the site, make a quick version of it with your own hands, as shown in the photo.

To do this, you will need hoses pierced in many places. Lay them along the trees or around each trunk. Connect together using connectors, bring to the main hose from the water supply. The system is ready, start watering. Immediately after completion water-charging irrigation loosen the soil and mulch with peat, sawdust, leaves or straw.

Such easy way Watering is a must in preparing the garden for winter. Do not neglect it if you want the garden to be healthy and pass the winter without loss.