Presentation of autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden. Project work "Trees in autumn" (presentation). Autumn planting in the garden

When the first autumn cold sets in, every summer resident tries to organize events on his plot, after which he will definitely have a harvest next season. Autumn work in the garden includes not only picking fruits and storing them. After the end of the season, it is important to preparatory activities in the garden, digging beds, conducting winter sowings.

Carrying out preparatory seasonal work in the garden for wintering will seem like an optional event for inexperienced summer residents. However, the next year’s harvest will depend on the implementation of all agricultural techniques.

Preparing trees and shrubs

Caring for trees and shrubs in the fall includes: crown formation, fertilization, protection from larvae and pathogenic spores overwintering under the bark. Carry out activities based on temperature parameters, following the recommendations:

  • in early September it is still too early to form the crown, however, it is necessary to cut out damaged and dried branches. Cover the cut areas with clay mixed in equal proportions with cow dung;
  • Do not remove the foliage that falls in October-November, leaving it at the root zone as insulation and organic fertilizer. Burn it only in case of severe damage by pathogens or insect pests;
  • after the first night autumn frosts and bright sun rays During the day, the bark cracks. Therefore, in order to protect trees from infections entering through cracks, carry out preventive whitewashing with quicklime with the addition of copper sulfate. To destroy wintering colonies of fruit and spider mite, add colloidal sulfur to the lime solution;
  • fruit and berry and ornamental shrubs and the soil under them in September-October with the following preparations: Bicol, Bactoculicide or Actofit. Preventive spraying will destroy leaf-eating pests, strawberry-raspberry weevils, and sawflies;
  • Until the beginning of November, plant seedlings in the garden: apple trees, pears, cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, ornamental shrubs.

Feeding and watering

To prepare plants for wintering, you need to carry out artificial abundant watering of the soil in autumn, which differs from summer in the greater use of a larger volume of water. In moist soil under trees and shrubs, an intensive process of internal energy transfer occurs from more heated areas of the soil to less heated ones. Due to increased heat transfer from the lower layers of the soil, root system warms up well even in severe frosts.


When carrying out artificial autumn watering in the garden, do not overdo it. In waterlogged soil, liquid fills its spores, leading to rotting of the roots.

To carry out artificial irrigation, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 45 cm deep in the root zone of the tree. After abundant soaking, the condition of the soil at the bottom will help determine the humidity level:

  • After squeezing a handful of earth, attach the lump to a thin napkin. If a wet mark remains on the paper, the soil is sufficiently moistened;
  • After compressing the lump of soil, press it onto a piece of thin paper. If there is no wet imprint left on it, the soil is not watered enough;
  • As a result of squeezing a handful of soil, it crumbles - fill the soil with a large volume until it is completely moistened.

Fertilizing plants in autumn is an important agrotechnical practice. Trees and shrubs growing in one place for many years take phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and microelements from the soil. Lack of essential substances for life chemicals will affect the yield and reduce plant immunity. After the end of fruiting, 14-16 days from mid-September to the end of October, fertilize with complex fertilizer.

It is worth remembering that excessive application of nitrogenous compounds will cause increased sap flow, active growth shoots. This process will lead plants to diseases, decreased immunity and even death. Therefore, you should use fertilizers that do not contain nitrogenous substances such as: Potassium Monophosphate, Ecoplant, Good Host No. 2.

Soil treatment

After the leaves fall, remove them and burn them. Dig up the soil and add copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture with a shovel or sharpened fork to a depth of at least fifteen centimeters.


Before the onset of persistent frosts, trees and shrubs should be completely thinned or partially shortened with branches and shoots. It is very important to do these procedures in the garden at the dacha in the fall. An agrotechnical technique helps to enhance the vegetative growth of pruned shoots in the next season. Promotes the development of fruit buds and wood. In addition, heavy snowfall in winter can cause damage to long branches, breaking them. Reducing the width and height of the crown of plants will rejuvenate them and help maintain the yield coefficient at the proper level. The following are subject to circumcision:

  • shrunken, unhealthy branches with non-fruiting buds;
  • intertwined young shoots;
  • branches growing inward, greatly thickening the crown;
  • shrunken apical parts;
  • root growth;
  • fatty vertical shoots developing from dormant buds.


After pruning, treat cut or cut areas with protective preparations against rot and pathogenic spores: Potaben Si fungicidal paste, garden whitewash paint LKM or plant balm “Lac Balsam-20”.

Preparing the garden for winter

Summer residents without experience believe that with the completion of the harvest, activities on the plots are completed. And only experienced gardeners know that from September to October there is still a lot of work. And the harvest of the next season will depend on the activities carried out in the garden in the fall.

Harvesting and preparation for storage

When harvesting in the fall, it is important to collect the fruits on time. If harvested too early, the gross harvest will be smaller; if harvested too late, some of the fruits will become rotten and die. Depending on the characteristics of the crop, harvesting can be carried out in one or several stages. At one time they collect: garlic, onions, root vegetables. In a few steps you should choose: sweet and bitter peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons. To get a harvest of vegetables and herbs, you should know when and how to harvest them correctly.

  1. Choose potatoes in the absence of precipitation. When sampling potatoes for small areas, you can immediately sort the products into separate containers. Leave the seed in the sun until the skin turns green. Start digging from early September to mid-October. If harvesting is delayed, the tubers in the soil will become infected with pathogenic spores and begin to germinate.
  2. Pumpkin crops can remain in the garden until light frost without any consequences. In September, as soon as the skin of the ripened fruits hardens, select the vegetables and store them in basements or storage facilities at a temperature not exceeding +15 degrees.
  3. In October, cut off the heads of white cabbage, kohlrabi, and red cabbage. Vegetables can easily withstand night temperatures down to -4 degrees. However, if there is frost from -8 degrees and the stalk freezes, the cabbage will not recover. Frozen fruits will become soft after thawing and cannot be stored.
  4. Tomatoes ripened by the beginning of September in open ground select when the fruits reach a pink-brown color; in heated film shelters, harvest should be extended until the beginning of November.
  5. When the air temperature is not lower than -2 degrees, dig up carrots. Digg up the root crops with a tool, select, sort, dry in the sun for several hours, cut off the tops.
  6. Feed and table food before the onset of stable frosts. For good preservation, try not to damage the fruits when digging. Mechanical damage will affect the keeping quality of the vegetable. With scratches and cuts, root vegetables will last no more than two months.
  7. Select late varieties and hybrids of onions before mid-October when the apical part is completely lodged. For good shelf life, dry the turnip in the sun for three days. Then place it in a container or braid it, store it in a dry, ventilated area at a temperature of +8 to +14 degrees.
  8. It is worth carrying out a selection of cucumbers planted in the second rotation in the fall as the fruits begin to fill. At the same time, collect even overgrown and gnarled fruits.


Start preparing basements and storage rooms a month before laying harvested. Activities include: removing remnants of last year's products, whitewashing all surfaces with quicklime, providing storage areas with good ventilation.

Preparation and collection of seeds

Gardeners with considerable experience know that good harvest can only be obtained by planting proven seeds. Therefore, providing yourself with seed material collected yourself is an important undertaking. It is worth knowing that the most productive seeds are those that ripened on the very first fruit or flower. A plant that showed all its best qualities during the growing season, you should immediately mark it by tying a bright piece of fabric to it. And the seed pods of flowers that can strong wind Scatter the grains, tie with pieces of gauze.

Blank seed material An experienced gardener will only do this on a fine day. When harvested, the seed pods must be completely dry and ripe. Remove the grains from the ripened fruit, thresh or rinse in a fine sieve under running water, and spread in a thin layer to dry. Place the dried material in paper bags, mark the name of the variety and the year of collection, and store at a temperature from -5 to +28 degrees.

Cleaning areas

Growing vegetables and herbs every year in the same place leads to soil depletion, the accumulation of pathogens, and the growth of weeds. If the weeds have grown, loosen the area with a wide hoe, select all the milky roots: birch, sow thistle, milkweed, wheatgrass. In order not to be left without a harvest next season, you should remove all plant residues and add them to the soil. mineral fertilizers. Before plowing the plots, apply granular complex fertilizers, which will deoxidize the soil and improve its structure.

Planting green manure and fertilizing

Sowing the seeds of “green fertilizer”, which is grown to normalize the condition of the soil, is carried out on a dug-up area cleared of dried vegetation and weeds. It should be incorporated into the soil before the onset of frost, starting planting from the beginning of September. The first month of autumn is different warm weather, therefore, 7-10 days after sowing, the plants will sprout together. After two to three weeks, the vegetative mass can be mowed or incorporated into the soil. The remaining part of the plants will serve as a “holder” for the snow. As green manure, gardeners plant:

  • oilseed radish;
  • oats;
  • rye;
  • buckwheat;
  • amaranth.


By planting early-ripening sugar peas as green manure in the fall, you can not only saturate the soil with nitrogen compounds, but also enjoy delicious, juicy grains. Table peas are not afraid of frost, so the vegetable is harvested before the end of October.

Autumn planting

The advantage of autumn plantings is that during the stratification process, their sprouts will be stronger and more resilient than those of plants planted in the spring. In addition, gardeners will have more free time in March-April, and vegetables sown before winter can be harvested 10-12 days earlier. From early September to mid-October, plant:

  • onions;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • sorrel;
  • root and stem parsley;
  • dill;
  • salad

Warming plants

After sowing, in order to better adhere the seeds to the soil, compact the soil above the furrows. When the temperature drops steadily to -8 degrees, insulate the crops. As a covering material, use: leaves from trees, wood shavings, husks from sunflower seeds, corn stalks. In January-February, throw snow on the sown areas.

Preventive measures against diseases

Additional work

In addition to basic agricultural practices, you should not forget about carrying out secondary, no less important activities:

  • clean garden tools from dirt, treat them with chlorhexidine, and lubricate them with motor or industrial oil;
  • With garden containers that have contained water throughout the season, drain the remaining liquid and store in a waterproof room;
  • prepare soil mixture for growing seedlings. The best structure is considered to be soil taken from mounds dug by blind men and moles;
  • starting from the beginning of November, cut the stems: grapes, currants, gooseberries, ornamental shrubs for spring rooting.


Currant and gooseberry cuttings, cut in autumn, can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapping the shoots in cling film.

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MBDOU "Kindergarten "Dandelion" Dimitrovgrad Completed by teacher Pashina I.Yu. Project “Autumn Peeked into the Garden”

Project passport Type: educational and creative Duration: medium-term Participants: children and parents senior group, educators, music director Goal: creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children in the process of developing a project.

The objectives of the project are to generalize and systematize children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature, about characteristic seasonal phenomena; expand children’s ideas about the diversity and benefits of autumn gifts of nature; develop the ability to see the beauty of the environment natural world, the variety of its colors and shapes through observations during walks, excursions, when viewing illustrations and paintings by artists; expand and activate children’s speech reserves based on deepening their understanding of the environment; develop the ability to apply the developed skills of coherent speech in different situations communication; promote the development of memory and perception; educate children to respect nature.

Project implementation activities: communication Conversation with examination of illustrations “Changes in nature in autumn” Conversation “Nature in early and late autumn” Conversation “Where do birds fly in autumn and why?” Looking at illustrations with images various trees and bushes, defining their names Conversation “Gifts of Autumn” Teacher’s story about the benefits of fruits and vegetables Teacher’s story about edible and poisonous mushrooms Children compose stories “We are harvesting”, “How I went for mushrooms”, “Birds of our region” Conversation “People’s work in autumn”, “People’s clothes in autumn” Making riddles about autumn phenomena in nature

Reading fiction A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” A. Pushkin “Sad time! The charm of the eyes..." A. Pleshcheev "A boring picture" A. Erikeev "Autumn has come" K. Ushinsky "Four wishes", "Autumn Tale" G. Skrebitsky "Four artists. Autumn.”, “The squirrel is preparing for winter” I. Sokolov-Mikitov. Stories about autumn. N. Sladkov “Autumn is on the threshold” L. Tolstoy “Oak and Hazel” E. Blaginin “Flying away, flying away”

Cognitive activities Observations of seasonal changes in the flower garden, trees and shrubs, insects, birds flying to the site for the autumn work of adults, Excursions and targeted walks into the forest Cognitive and research activities

Excursion to the forest

Play activity Didactic games: “What grows where?” “Recognize by touch, smell, taste” “Which tree is the leaf from” “Edible - inedible” “Recognize a bird (animal) by description” “What comes first, what comes next” (seasonal phenomena). “When does this happen?” (seasons) “Tops and Roots” Game - dramatization of the fairy tales “The Three Little Pigs”, “Turnip”, “Under the Mushroom”, “Tell me the animals how you prepare for winter.”

Physical development Outdoor games “At the bear in the forest” “Run to the tree!” “The Sly Fox” “The Hunter and the Hares” “The Homeless Hare” “The Migration of Birds” “Don’t Get Your Feet Wet” “Geese are Swans” “We are Autumn Leaves.”

"We are autumn leaves"

Physical education lesson “Mushrooms”: - The children got up early in the morning and went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Squatted, squatted - porcini mushroom found in the grass! Honey mushrooms grow on the stump, lean towards them, guys! Bend over, one-two-three, and pick it up in the basket! There's a nut on the tree - who can jump the highest? If you want to reach, you have to stretch hard!

Health-saving technologies Finger gymnastics. Vegetables Lariska has two radishes. They take turns straightening their fingers. Alyosha has two potatoes. from the fist, starting with the big one, For the Tomboy Earring - on one or both hands. Two green cucumbers. And Vovka has two carrots. Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes. Autumn bouquet. One, two, three, four, five - Clench and unclench your fists. We will collect leaves. Bend your fingers one by one. We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves. Let's put the autumn bouquet in a vase. Draw a vase with your palms. and

Productive activity

Autumn forest" Drawing by Artyom Eboldov with his mother

"Autumn golden drawing Sasha Erzhenina with her mother

“So autumn has come” Drawing by Vika Senkina with her mother

"Autumn twigs"

"The leaves are falling, falling"


Theme "Trees in autumn"

Completed Adgamova G.R. Russian language teacher at MBDOU "Shemordansky" kindergarten No. 2 “Teremok” Sabinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan »

Age: 6-7 years.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project goal:

generalization and systematization

children's ideas about

changes taking place

in the life of trees in autumn.



Developing the ability to admire the beauty of autumn nature and

desire to show care.


Development of cognitive abilities in children autumn changes in the life of trees,

Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, ability to analyze, compare, generalize.


Study the interaction of trees with the outside world;

Shape elementary representations about the life of trees;

Reflect knowledge gained through experience in various types activities (visual, mental, play).

Project implementation stages :

Stage I - preparatory stage .

  • Formulation of the topic and goals of the project.
  • Developing a plan to move towards the goal.
  • Drawing up a plan - diagram
  • Preparation of project presentation and
  • notes directly
  • educational activities.

Stage IImain stage .

  • Organizing excursions with children: to the autumn park; in the kindergarten area.
  • Educational activity on the topic: “Trees in autumn”
  • Examination of reproductions, photographs, illustrations: I. Shishkin “Autumn”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”, V. Polenov “Golden Autumn”

Stage III - final stage.

  • Organization of the exhibition joint work children and adults “The beauty of trees in autumn.”

  • labor to remove leaves from the area,
  • excursion into autumn nature, collecting leaves for herbarium and crafts,
  • tree watching
  • learning outdoor games “We are autumn leaves”, “One, two, three - run to the birch (poplar, aspen, etc.)”

Cooperation between teacher and children :

  • Compiling a story about trees in autumn based on impressions during walks and excursions
  • artistic and productive activities (drawing, applique, sculpting
  • Examination of reproductions, photographs, illustrations: I. Shishkin “Autumn”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. Brodsky “Fallen Leaves”

Perception of fiction:

memorizing poems about autumn: “Oak and Hazel Tree” by L.N. Tolstoy,

“On Forest Paths” by E. Trutnev,

“Autumn is on the threshold” by N. Sladkov,

“Autumn” by A. Pushkin,

“Four Wishes” by K. Ushinsky

Independent activities of children :

  • examination by children and comparison of leaves and trees, observation of leaf fall;
  • didactic games: “Whose leaf?”, “Find the leaf,” “Find the tree by the seeds.”
  • task: choose the tree you like best, find out what it is called: find out whether such trees grow in our garden. Look at it and answer. What parts does a tree have? Why does a tree need leaves, roots, trunk, bark? What grows next to it? Why? In drawing classes, offer to draw it.
  • go out into the area, look at the trees. Stroke the bark, press your cheek to it. What is it like - warm, cold, rough, smooth, wet, dry? Hug your tree and try to pull it out of the ground. It turns out? Why not? What keeps a tree in the ground? Are the roots visible? What are they?

WITH cooperation with parents:

Competition of joint works, when organizing a competition of joint works with parents, it was discovered that many children with their parents and at home designed very interesting herbariums, collages, paintings,

Making riddles about trees in the fall and publishing a book - kids.

Expected result.

We learned to observe the nature of our native land, admire its beauty,

We fixed the names of the trees, their structure, and external features.