Conversation poisonous mushrooms and berries. Carefully! Poisonous mushrooms and berries! Distribution of nightshade red

Hooray! Vacation!

Midsummer. Walks in the open air! Air, sun, nature! It's time to talk with children about the dangers that await them in nature: in the forest, in the park, in the meadow. Let's talk about poisonous plants. What is obvious to us adults is not always known to our children. It's great if in kindergarten or at school they were told that plants are dangerous, poisonous. And if not?

*Talk about plants that can be dangerous to children if not handled properly.

* Introduce children to edible berries and poisonous plants, teach them to recognize, distinguish and name them.

*Tell the children about edible and poisonous plants growing in the forest, in the clearing, in the meadow. Useful plants are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries. These berries are edible and tasty and can be picked and eaten. They make jam and compotes.

*Remember how we collected wild strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries together. Ask them to tell you where these plants grow, how they look: is the stem tall, what shape are the leaves, what color are the berries? Show the corresponding color pictures and discuss how each plant can be distinguished (plant height, color and shape).

* Show images of poisonous plants and name them: these are the crow's eye, wolf's bast, lily of the valley, henbane, elderberry, cow parsnip.

*raven eye - a very memorable plant, you can recognize it, even if you have never seen it before. On its tall stalk, four wide leaves are attached close to each other, and one flower protrudes from the middle, which then turns into a black berry, very similar to the black shiny eye of a crow. This plant is therefore called the "crow's eye". All parts of the plant are poisonous, but poisoning most often occurs from fruits (berries), which children mistake for blueberries, blueberries.

*Wolf's bast - a shrub that blooms with small fragrant pink-red flowers attached directly to the bark. Therefore, it is also called "forest lilac".

Later, bright red berries appear in place of the flowers. This is a dangerous plant. Its berries contain strong poisons. Even a few berries can be fatal to humans.

*Lily of the valley - a very beautiful, well-known forest flower. However, not everyone knows that its berries - red-orange peas - are very poisonous.

Children should remember that the best defense against poisonous plants is not to touch unfamiliar flowers and shrubs. Some children have a habit - to bite and chew any blade of grass. This is a very bad habit, and children should remember that the stems, leaves and flowers of many plants are poisonous and can cause irreparable harm to health. Even touching poisonous plants can be dangerous: cause skin burns with blisters and hard-to-heal wounds.

* One of these plants - hogweed. It occurs in wastelands, near roads, in meadows and forest edges. An amazingly beautiful plant. White, greenish-yellow small flowers are collected in many umbrellas. Large bright green leaves are framed by a dome with umbrellas, consisting of white and yellow-green small flowers. Hogweed is especially poisonous during flowering and at the beginning of fruit ripening. Poisoning and burns occur when in contact with stems, leaves, when plant juice gets on the skin.

*black elderberry . Shrub or small tree. The flowers are white, collected in corymbose inflorescences, fruits are black-violet, berries, the flesh of the fruit is dark red with wrinkled stones. The shrub is found both wild and as an ornamental. Poisoning is caused by eaten berries.

*Belena is black. This plant is very poisonous, especially during flowering. Children often mistake the fruit for a poppy seed and the fleshy stem root for the roots of vegetable plants.

We have named only some plants that are dangerous to humans. During the conversation, it is important to tell the children that these plants can be useful both for animals and birds, and for humans in the manufacture of medicines.

Emphasize children on the mandatory rules of conduct:

1. When you see a beautiful unfamiliar plant, do not rush to pick it, ask an adult about it.

2. Never try unfamiliar berries!

3. You can not chew the first blade of grass that comes across!

4. When you come back from a walk, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water!

Play the game "Collect a bouquet": from pre-prepared pictures, offer to choose a poisonous plant and name it, and make a bouquet from the rest.

You can invite children to draw edible and poisonous berries, focusing on a colorful pattern. Ask them to name these plants again and indicate which ones are harmful, poisonous, and which are useful, edible.

The game "Edible - inedible berries" will help to consolidate the knowledge gained. We offer several options for the game: you can use a ball, you can, when calling the driver (which may be a teacher) a useful berry, raise your hand or clap your hands.

The main thing is that children remember well the names and appearance of edible and poisonous berries and plants, then walks in nature will bring a charge of vivacity and positive emotions.

Literature: Avdeeva N. N., Knyazeva N. JI., Sterkina R. B. Safety: A textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2002. - 144 p.

Topic: Poisonous mushrooms and berries

Target: give an idea of ​​edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries; to teach to distinguish mushrooms from pictures and those signs that are given in the riddles and explanations of the educator.

Lesson progress

The Old Man-Lesovichok comes to visit the children.

Hello guys! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest for mushrooms and berries. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries? (children's answers) Well, then take the baskets and go, let's go by train.

mushroom train

Ride on the train

Waves and chanterelles

With girlfriends-friends

Blackies, mushrooms

From the station Prigorkino

To Vederkino station,

From Podyelkino station

To the Zasolkino station.

Wheels with care

Rumble along the rails,

Delivered on schedule

company again

From Polyankino station

To the station Smetankino,

From Penkovkino station

To Dukhovkino station.

The fly agaric has a sly look,

wicked smile -

Climbed into the train and sits

Like cheesecake.

But here comes the controller,

Brings out fly agaric.

And a fly agaric stowaway

Blushing in shame.

And the old boletus

smart fat man,

Raises his beret

And presents his ticket.

Attached to the ticket

fourteen receipts

fourteen receipts

With station names:

Dorozhkino, Lukoshkino,

Opushkino, Zasushkino,

Kastryulkino, Bulbulkino,

Luchkovo, Seldereykino,

Morkovkino, Perlovkino,


Lavrushkino, Petrushkino,

Tarelkino and Lozhkino.

P. Sinyavsky

Well, we arrived at the Zagadkino station. Now let's check if you know mushrooms.

Sisters grow up in the forest

Redheads ... (chanterelles.)

I grow up in a red cap

Under a slender aspen,

You will recognize me from a mile away

My name is ... (boletus.)

The guys are sitting on the stump,

They call them ... (honey agarics.)

Among the young pines

In a shiny dark hat

A fungus is growing ... (oiler.)

gray hats,

ribbed legs,

Grow under the birch

What are their names? (boletus)

On a thick white leg

Brown hat.

Surely any mushroom picker

Dreams of finding ... (boletus.)

That's how many edible mushrooms we put in our baskets!

Guys, be careful in the forest with mushrooms. If you are not careful, then uninvited guests will climb into your basket. Guess what?

White leg, straight

Big red hat

And on the hat, like freckles,

Little white canes.

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

Grew motley, like Parsley,

Poisonous ... (fly agaric.)

There are mushrooms in the forest that you don't have to look for,

Many of them grow in every clearing,

But these mushrooms cannot be touched and taken -

Their poison is dangerous. This is ... (toadstools.)

He has an ugly look

The volanchik on the leg did not decorate him.

Don't touch this mushroom

Be aware, it is very poisonous!

Look, don't take him from the clearing.

They call him ... (pale toadstool.)

We collected the edible mushrooms and left the poisonous ones in the forest. But remember, guys, leave the mushrooms that you don’t know in the clearing, don’t trample, don’t knock down.

Old Man-Forester. I, Lesovik, know that all the mushrooms in my forest are needed. Either a squirrel will eat a fungus, then a hedgehog, and moose are treated with fly agarics. The forest needs them. Let's see if we can not harm the forest.

Game "Collect the mushrooms in the basket."(Chips are placed on the floor: red - fly agaric, multi-colored - good mushrooms. Children collect edible mushrooms in a basket, make sure that not a single red fly agaric gets there and falls.)

Mushroom picking is an exciting but risky activity. Many people end up in hospital every year due to mushroom poisoning, sometimes even deaths. Therefore, guys, let's remember the poisonous mushrooms well again. (Lesovik offers illustrations to children: red fly agaric, panther fly agaric, pale grebe, false mushrooms, etc.)

Guys, but it also happens that mushrooms grow not only in the forest, but also in the city, in the park, in the square, in the kindergarten area. Remember: mushrooms in the city, even if they are edible, are dangerous. They contain a lot of nitrates. Mushrooms absorb exhaust gases, radiation. Therefore, when you meet a mushroom in the city, trample it or show it to adults. Teach your little brothers and sisters these simple rules.

Old Man-Forester. Not only mushrooms grow in my forest, but also wonderful berries.

Berries, warmed by the summer sun, drunk with rain, are a treasure trove of vitamins. Doctors are sure: the more a person consumes berries, the less he is susceptible to diseases in winter and spring. Berries are rich in glucose, fructose, organic acids, aromatic, tannins. There are also minerals, carotene, vitamins of group B and especially C. (Lesovichok invites children to try wild berry jam.)

Guys, what wild berries do you know? (Raspberry, wild strawberry, blackberry, stone fruit, blueberry, lingonberry, mountain ash, wild rose, etc.)

But be careful, poisonous berries also lurk in the forest. (Lesovichok offers children illustrations depicting poisonous berries: wolfberry, crow's eye, dope, etc.)

Guys, do you want to know what kind of treat an ugly witch once cooked in our forest? Listen to the poem.

Tasty soup

The witch decided to cook soup.

Shredded dried snakes,

Made a big fire

And I installed the boiler.

Between pines and clearings

I collected a bucket of toadstools,

Jumped over the hillock

Found fly agaric

For seasoning - elderberry,

For poison - henbane,

Wolfberries half a basket

And great fresh tina...

The soup came out - what you need,

As many as twenty liters of poison!

But if you suddenly ate an unfamiliar berry, rather tell an adult about it.

In case of poisoning with mushrooms or berries, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, you need to provide first aid very quickly: drink at least one liter of water at room temperature and induce vomiting. This is repeated five times. Remember, guys, every missed minute can cost a life.

But, let's hope that this does not happen to us, because you remember the poisonous mushrooms and berries very well, and they will never fall into your basket.

Nadezhda Novikova
Lesson "Poisonous mushrooms and berries" (preparatory group)

Target: Introduce children to a variety of species mushrooms and berries. To give an idea of ​​the precautions that must be observed when collecting them, their appearance .. To cultivate respect for the environment. To develop a cognitive interest and respect for nature.


game, motor, communicative, perception of fiction.

Forms of implementation of children's species activities:

games with speech accompaniment, guessing riddles, listening to the sounds of nature, answering questions during a conversation.

Equipment and facilities:

toys - bear; basket, pictures from mushrooms, picture - scheme « mushroom» , autumn leaflets from colored cardboard with riddles, audio recording "Noise of the Forest", record player.

vocabulary work:

mycelium, controversy, mushroom pickers.

Methodological techniques:

a surprise moment, creating a game situation, conversation, guessing riddles, gymnastics for the eyes, an outdoor game.

preliminary work:

reading poetry, guessing riddles about mushrooms, talking about the gifts of the forest, looking at illustrations mushrooms and berries, presentations.

GCD progress:

caregiver: - Today a bear came to us from the forest. He wants to invite us to the forest. But first, guess the riddle? (children's answers)

Standing on a strong foot

Now lies in a basket.


caregiver: Today we will talk about mushrooms.

What kind mushrooms you know. (children's answers)

Educator; What do you have mushrooms? (children's answers) Leg, hat, roots mycelium. Mushrooms- These are unusual plants, they have no branches, no leaves, no flowers. Mushrooms reproduce by spores. Spores are small particles that hide in hats. mushrooms. When mushrooms ripen, spores fall to the ground. Young grow out of spores mushrooms. Through the roots - strings mushrooms get water and nutrients from the earth. People who go to the forest mushrooms are called mushrooms. Edible mushrooms very tasty and healthy. They can be boiled, fried, marinated, dried.

caregiver: The bear wants to play with us "Say the word." And you be careful.

1. Guys sit on a stump

They are called…. (honey agarics)

2. I grow up in a red cap

Under a slender aspen

You will recognize me from a mile away

I am called…. (boletus)

3. Among young pines

In a shiny dark hat

growing fungus…. (oiler)

4. Gray hats

Ruffled legs

Grow under a birch

What are their names? (boletus)

5. On a thick white leg

brown hat

Surely any mushroomer

Find dreams…. (boletus

caregiver: - How to collect mushrooms.

Children: - You need to be careful in the forest with mushrooms. If you are not careful, then uninvited guests will climb into your basket. Guess what? (children's answers)

1. There is in the forest mushroom that you don't have to look for

Many of them grow in every clearing,

But these mushrooms cannot be touched or taken

Their poison is dangerous. It…. (toadstools)

2. The leg is white, straight,

Hat red, big

And on the cap, like freckles

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest

Grew motley like Parsley

Poisonous…. (fly agaric

caregiver: - Guys, when the fly agaric grows old, the edges of his hat will turn up, and he will turn into a saucer. It is raining, there will be water in the saucer. Not simple - poisonous. A fly will drink this water and die. They call him Mukho-mor.

caregiver: -Edible we will collect mushrooms, a let's leave the poisonous ones in the forest. And remember guys mushrooms which you do not know, leave in the clearing, do not trample, do not knock down. All mushrooms in the forest. That squirrel fungus will eat, then a hedgehog, and moose are treated with fly agarics. The forest needs them.

caregiver: - Many people are hospitalized every year due to poisoning mushrooms sometimes there are even deaths. So guys, let's remember well again poisonous mushrooms. (presentation)

caregiver: Let's play a game "Each fungus in your box»

caregiver: - Take baskets and go. (Children are divided into two teams)

caregiver: -Gives each team a basket for mushrooms: one for edible, the other for inedible. At the signal of the educator, the players must put in edible mushrooms in one basket, inedible to another.

caregiver: Guys, and the bear will see how you remember which mushrooms are poisonous and edible.

Bear: Well done guys, they did a good job.

caregiver: - Guys, not only grow in the forest mushrooms, but also berries. Berries- These are small juicy fruits of shrubs and herbaceous plants. What do you have berries? (children's answers) Root, stem, leaves and fruits (Considering diagram).

caregiver: - Berries, warmed by the summer sun, filled with rain, are a treasure trove of vitamins. All people sure: the more a person consumes berries, the smaller it is. will hurt

What forest berries you know? (children's answers)

caregiver: - But be careful, they hid in the forest and poisonous berries. (presentation)

caregiver: - Guys, do you want to know what treat Baba Yaga once cooked in our forest? Here listen!

The witch decided to cook soup

Dried snake crumbled

And left the cauldron

Between pines and clearings.

I collected a bucket of toadstools,

Looked over the hill

Found a fly agaric.

For seasoning - elderberry,

For poison - henbane,

Wolf half a basket of berries

And excellent fresh tina.

The soup came out - what you need

As many as 20 liters of poison!

caregiver: - If you suddenly ate an unfamiliar berry Please tell an adult about this.

In case of poisoning mushrooms and berries you need to see a doctor or call an ambulance.

-Before the doctor arrives: - drink boiled water as much as possible and induce vomiting.

Remember, every missed minute can cost you your life!

caregiver: - I hope that this does not happen to you, because you remember very well poisonous mushrooms and berries, they will never end up in your shopping cart. What do you remember the most. What kind mushrooms you will collect.

And our trip to the forest came to an end. Let's say goodbye to the bears and hurry to the kindergarten.

Related publications:

Project passport: Type of project: Information-creative, short-term. Implementation period: 1 week. Project participants: children of the eldest.

Calendar-thematic planning in the senior group "Plant world about. Baikal - mushrooms, berries» CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week from November 7 to November 10) Theme. "The plant world of. Baikal.

Advice for parents. Poison mushrooms. Elena Vladimirova. The living world of nature is diverse. Useful and poisonous are found in nature.

Lesson on natural history “Forest. Trees. Mushrooms. Berries" Forest. Trees. “And sound is everywhere, and light is everywhere, And all worlds have one beginning, And there is nothing in the world, So that nature does not breathe ...” Alexei Tolstoy.

Purpose: to teach children to be attentive to plants in nature, to understand that among them there may be poisonous ones; to consolidate the ability to distinguish mushrooms and berries from the pictures and the signs that are given in riddles; learn to be careful, develop curiosity.

Game progress:

Old man - Lesovichok: Hello guys! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest for mushrooms and berries. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries? Now let's check if you know mushrooms.

The game "Tell me a word" (accompanied by showing pictures)

If they are found in the forest,

Immediately remember the fox.

Redhead sisters

They are called ... (chanterelles)

Strong, dense, very stately,

In a brown and elegant hat.

This is the pride of all forests!

The real king of mushrooms! (Porcini)

The brothers are sitting on the stump.

All freckled like boys.

These friendly guys

They are called ... (honey mushrooms)

Like oil on their heads

And they can hide well.

Very nice guys

Golden ... (Oil).

Guys, be careful in the forest with mushrooms, otherwise uninvited guests will climb into your basket. Guess what?

Look how good!

Red hat with polka dots

Lace collar -

He is not new to the forest! (Amanita)

In a pale hat with a thin stem,

You can't put it in a basket.

Mushroom dangerous, mushroom blende,

This is pale ... (toadstool).

We will collect edible mushrooms, and leave poisonous ones in the forest. But remember, guys: leave the mushrooms that you do not know in the clearing, do not trample, do not knock down. All the mushrooms in my forest are needed. Who eats mushrooms in the forest? That's right, then a squirrel will eat a fungus, then a hedgehog, and moose are treated with fly agarics.

The game "Collect the mushrooms in the basket"

Children collect mushrooms in two baskets: with a picture of "fly agaric" - poisonous, and in a basket with a picture of "porcini mushroom" - edible.

Old man - Lesovichok. Guys, tell me, is it possible to eat mushrooms raw? How can you cook mushrooms so that they can be eaten (children's answers). Mushroom picking is an exciting but risky activity. Many people end up in hospital every year due to mushroom poisoning, sometimes there are even deaths. Therefore, guys, let's remember the poisonous mushrooms well again. (looking at pictures).

Guys, but it also happens that mushrooms grow not only in the forest, but also in the garden, in the park, in the square, in the kindergarten area. Remember: mushrooms in the garden, even if they are edible, are dangerous because they contain many harmful substances. Therefore, having met mushrooms in the garden, trample it or show it to adults.

Not only mushrooms grow in my forest, but also berries. What wild berries do you know? Berries are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. Doctors are sure: the more a person eats berries, the less he gets sick. But be careful - there are also poisonous berries in the forest.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Name and show poisonous berries.

If it happened that you suddenly ate an unfamiliar berry, rather tell an adult about it. In case of poisoning with mushrooms or berries, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

And now sit down in the clearing and watch a play called "Beware, Poisonous!" (on flannelgraph)

Animals appear in the clearing.

Bunny: Where are you in a hurry, little fox?

Fox cub: To the clearing where hare ears grow!

Bunny: Huh? Can my ears grow in the forest?

Fox cub: So look, hare ears!

Bunny: Ha-ha-ha! Is it ears? This is a real forest lily of the valley!

Fox cub: But it is also called hare ears. Look, each plant has two long leaves, like your ears.

Old Man-Lesovichok: Time passed, and at the end of summer the animals again ran to that very clearing. But instead of flowers, the lily of the valley had orange berries on the stalks. The hare picked a few berries.

Fox: Come on! Lily of the valley berries are poisonous, they can be poisoned. Let them fall off, new lilies of the valley will grow from them.

Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, the lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book, because this plant is disappearing. And how can we protect the lily of the valley?

Children: Do not tear bouquets, admire them in the forest.

Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, you learned that even the most beautiful plants and berries in the forest can be poisonous. We must remember this. Listen to what the animals in the clearing talked about next.

Fox cub: Bunny, have you seen how interesting the raven eye grows?

Crow: Ka-ar-r! Little fox, do you think my eyes are growing? I've had them for several years now!

Little Fox: No, your eye does not grow, Aunt Crow, and the plant is such a raven eye. Let me show you. (The fox points to the plant)

Crow: Kar! This plant really looks like my black eyes!

Bunny: The plant is beautiful, but very poisonous. Neither the stems, nor the leaves, nor the berries can be eaten.

Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, do you remember which plants are edible and which are inedible? Now you will be able to collect full baskets of mushrooms and berries.

Target: provide colleagues with one of the options for instructing about poisonous plants before going out into nature.

1. Give an idea of ​​the most likely occurrence of poisonous plants in central Russia.

2. Rules of conduct in the natural environment.

3. Consider first aid in case of poisoning by poisonous plants.

All people, who more often, who less often, plan to spend outdoor recreation, especially in the warm season. These can be walks in the forest or in the park, trips for mushrooms or berries, hiking trips, excursions, and other trips. You rarely meet a person who is indifferent to flowers, beautiful herbs growing in a forest or in a park. Despite the increased interest in wild food and medicinal plants, most people are completely unfamiliar with the plant world. The use of unknown or incorrectly identified plants often leads to poisoning, including severe, even fatal. Most often, children suffer who do not know about the existence of poisonous plants, who do not know how to identify them, or who do not understand the consequences of careless handling of them. Adults not only cannot always warn a child, but they themselves are not careful enough with plants. This is especially true for city dwellers.

Therefore, students should periodically be reminded of the rules of behavior in nature. Caution does not hurt if we go to the country, to the park or for a walk in our yard or on the boulevard where there is a lot of greenery.


Some of the plants are not safe for humans. Some are poisonous, others can cause severe burns. Acute poisoning is caused by fruits, roots, stems and flowers of plants. Poisonous plants make up approximately 2% of the total number of known species, in our country there are about 400 species. Poisonous plants include some medicinal, food and ornamental plants.

The best defense against poisonous plants is not to touch a single flower or shrub unless you are familiar with them.

There are many plants that look and even taste similar to food, for example, radish, parsley, horseradish. Particularly attractive are the bright fruits of forest and some ornamental plants found in the city. Children often become victims of poisoning with such fruits. For a child, even the amount of a poisonous substance that causes only a slight malaise in an adult is fatal. There are plants (for example, milestone, aka hemlock) that cause severe poisoning even if you take a piece of such a plant in your mouth and immediately spit it out. Among the umbrella family (to which milestones belong) there are many poisonous plants. Some plants, such as cow parsnip, cause severe skin irritation. The plant is large, up to 3 m tall. During the heat in the sun, people sometimes hide from the sun in the shade of this plant. These people develop burns, in severe cases, fatal. From plants of the umbrella family, children like to make pipes, it is deadly if the plant is poisonous.

You can also be poisoned by volatile substances secreted by aromatic plants (ledum). Large bouquets of lilies, bird cherry, lupine, and other strongly smelling plants in a poorly ventilated room cause weakness, headache, dizziness, and sometimes loss of consciousness.


Picture of poisoning: psychosis with hallucinations, strong thirst, temperature rises, dilated pupils, photophobia.

Meaning: medicinal.


Poison Organs: Whole plant and seeds.

Picture of poisoning: dry mouth, swallowing disorder, orientation, memory loss, bloody diarrhea, dilated pupils.

Meaning: medicinal.


Poisonous organs: the whole plant and fruits.

Picture of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrest.

Meaning: medicinal, decorative.


Poisonous Organs: All parts of the plant.

Picture of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, heart failure, skin irritation

Meaning: decorative.


Poisonous Organs: The whole plant is poisonous.

Picture of poisoning: headache, dizziness, dilated pupils, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Meaning: wild.

Poison Organs: Grass and unripe nightshade fruits.

Picture of poisoning: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, inhibition of motor and mental activity.

Meaning: black nightshade - food, bittersweet nightshade - decorative.

Hogweed Sosnowsky

Picture of poisoning: inflammation of the skin similar to a burn, chills, dizziness, headache, fever.

Meaning: fodder.


Poisonous organs: the whole plant, especially the rhizome.

The picture of poisoning: headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, feeling of coldness in the whole body, imbalance, decreased skin sensitivity, secretion of thick saliva, death from respiratory arrest.

Meaning: honey plant, in folk medicine.

hemlock spotted

Poison organs: whole plant


Poisonous organs: the whole plant.

Picture of poisoning: nausea, salivation, dizziness, impaired swallowing, speech, blanching of the skin.

Meaning: Weed, in folk medicine.

Marsh Ledum

Poisonous organs: aerial part.

Picture of poisoning: weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, respiratory failure, suffocation.

Value: medicinal, insecticidal, tannic.

Poisonous organs: bark, roots, leaves, fruits.

Picture of poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding.

Meaning: decorative.

Poisonous organs: leaves and fruits.

Picture of poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, circulatory disorders, with severe poisoning - death.

Meaning: decorative.

Poison organs: berries.

Picture of poisoning: pain in the pancreas, vomiting, diarrhea.

Meaning: decorative.

Poisonous organs: leaves, flowers, immature fruits,

Picture of poisoning: dizziness, headache, weakness, sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.

Meaning: food, in folk medicine, honey plant..

Poisonous organs: one of the most poisonous plants, juice, fruits are poisonous.

Picture of poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, severe inflammation of the intestines, blisters may appear on the skin when touched.

Meaning: wild.


Poisonous organs: the whole plant.

Picture of poisoning: burning in the mouth, salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, general weakness, chills, loss of consciousness, heart paralysis or respiratory arrest. The poison is absorbed even through intact skin.

Meaning: wild.

Hellebore LOBEL

Meaning: medicinal.

Corydalis Hollow

Poisonous organs: the whole plant, most of the roots.

Picture of poisoning: sore throat, scratching in the nose, eyes. Swallowing is difficult. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intense thirst.

Meaning: medicinal.

Poisonous organs: grass, berries, green in the light or overwintered tubers.

Picture of poisoning: irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, depression of the central nervous system.

Meaning: food, fodder, technical.

First aid for poisonous plants

If you suspect that you have accidentally consumed a poisonous plant with food, you should immediately, without waiting for signs of poisoning, begin to provide first aid to the victim. Its effectiveness depends on the speed of removing the poison from the body. Even if there was spontaneous vomiting, the victim is recommended to drink four to five glasses of warm water, for children - at the rate of half a glass for each year of life. This usually results in vomiting. If this does not happen, you need to press on the root of the tongue with a teaspoon or finger (if the person is unconscious, vomiting cannot be caused).

Then you need to take substances that prevent the absorption of poison into the blood: a few tablets of activated charcoal or its substitutes - starch paste, two to three egg whites mixed in a glass of water, milk or black crackers. Since these funds act for a short time, then after 15-20 minutes after taking them, you need to induce vomiting again. Instead of water, it is good to use a light pink one percent solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). In case of poisoning by aromatic plants, the patient is recommended to be taken out to an open, ventilated place, in case of weakening of breathing, let ammonia be inhaled, then put to bed, warm, drink strong tea.

After contact with plants that cause burns, the affected areas of the skin should be washed with soap and water, wipe the formed bubbles with cologne or alcohol, apply a clean bandage.

After providing first aid, be sure to consult a doctor.

Description of promising results

Interest in nature is shown by people of all ages. The material is intended primarily for teachers, parents, and all nature lovers. Students who have mastered the knowledge of poisonous plants will be able to protect themselves and their younger sisters and brothers from troubles in nature.


1. Averkiev D.S., Averkiev V.D. Determinant of plants of the Gorky region. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - Gorky: Volga-Vyatka book. publishing house 1985. - 320 p.

2. Gubanov I.A. et al. Key to higher plants in the middle zone of the European part of the USSR; Manual for teachers / I.A. Gubanov, V.S. Novikov, V.N. Tikhomirov.- M.: Enlightenment, 1981.- 287 p.

3. Children's encyclopedia. Help yourself and others or safety in emergencies. Subscription index 34182 in the catalog "Press of Russia".

4. Novikov V.S., Gubanov I.A. School atlas-determinant of higher plants: Book. for students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 239 p.

5. Fundamentals of life safety: 6 cells. Proc. for general-arr. E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov, M.P. Frolov, S.V. Petrov, T.S. Vikhoreva, 1st ed. - M.: AST Publishing House, 1998. - 160 p.: ill.