Do-it-yourself street shower in a private house. DIY garden shower. Water tank and shower

During the summer work in the summer cottage, there is a desire to freshen up under the pressure of warm water. Not everyone has amenities in their country house, so a summer building in the form of a shower cabin can be made in the yard.

Summer showers for dachas come in a variety of shapes and layouts, of varying complexity. Today, many manufacturers offer simple easy-to-install shower enclosures, in which the frame is made of an aluminum profile and the cover is made of polycarbonate plates. A 100 liter plastic container is installed at the top. Such a shower can be removed in the utility room for the winter. You can buy an outdoor shower for this type of cottage both in supermarkets and in online stores, which are very numerous on the network. It is only necessary to choose the appropriate configuration, height and internal volume of the structure itself.

There are also more complex stationary buildings that are used not only in summer, but also in winter. Usually they are created from a capital foundation and building material (foam block, gas block, brick, concrete block). Intermediate and one of the most commonly used materials for a classic summer shower is wood. In any case, building a summer shower for a summer house with your own hands (see photo) will not be a big deal, if you carefully plan and prepare everything. In modern conditions, there are many opportunities and means (materials, equipment, tools) for a quick solution to any summer problem. How to build a summer shower in the country with your own hands and which option to choose?

Types of summer shower and principles of their structure

Depending on the complexity of the future structure, several types of these useful structures are distinguished.

simple summer shower. In the country, it can be installed in a hidden part of the plot. To make such a structure will not be particularly difficult. To do this, it will be enough to prepare four supports made of wood, metal or durable plastic. They go deep into the ground by 80 cm. For this, holes are dug for the diameter of the material. Then the supports are installed in the holes and poured with concrete.

As side walls, you can use a simple opaque fabric, a sheet, a tablecloth, blue or white plastic wrap. A watering can with a special device in the form of a pedal is installed on one of the supports, which can be bought at a plumbing store.

The shower tank can be made from a 15 liter bucket. (for one person this is quite enough), or you can install a plastic container for a special purpose. One end of the hose is connected to the water supply, and the other end is connected to the tank. From it below a hole is displayed where the watering can is connected. The pedal and the tap of the watering can are connected with a rope. The simplest shower for a summer residence is ready.

Ready shower for a summer residence. You can buy an inexpensive summer shower in disassembled form. At the dacha he assembled at a pre-selected place, according to the attached instructions. Its price depends on the internal volume of the booth, the quality of polycarbonate panels, plumbing fixtures (faucet, watering can, shower rack, the presence of a shelf with hooks), the capacity of the water tank, and the presence of an additional heating system. However, you can experiment with the configuration according to your taste and financial capabilities.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when buying such a shower is the presence of a hygiene passport, instructions for assembly and operation, as well as a passport for the structure.

The undeniable advantage of such a summer shower in the country (see photo) is its transportability and the possibility of storage in the winter unassembled in the back room of the country house. This is one of the most budgetary and low-cost projects for installing a shower cabin in the country in the summer.

Wooden summer shower. How to make a do-it-yourself shower out of wood? A question of this nature can often be heard from summer residents who are just starting to settle in a summer house.

Wood is a versatile material. From it you can easily create any design of a shower stall. Working with wood is very easy and interesting. What do you need to create a wooden shower stall? A drawing is preliminarily drawn up and the amount of material required is determined. Metal corners (for the frame), screws, nails are taken as fastening accessories.

The presence of a screwdriver greatly simplifies the task. When everything is ready to start work, you can safely proceed to assemble the frame. It must be made of durable timber with a diameter of at least 80 cm to support the weight of the planned container. Then it is sheathed with boards. Sheathing can be chosen very different, because it performs not only a decorative and covering function, but also strengthens the entire frame. You can also cover the roof with any material. You can use porous polycarbonate, metal profiled sheet, slate.

It should be noted that the cost of such a structure, if you have your own material, will be much cheaper than a finished purchased booth.

Capital buildings of the summer shower. You can build a summer shower in the country with your own hands from bricks, concrete blocks, stone, gas blocks. This method requires the owner not only design thinking, but also special skills. Everyone can build walls, but here the question often arises about the reliability of the structure. What should be taken into account when building a capital building?

  • Foundation. One of the most important, basic elements of any capital structure. Foundation walls must be at least 30 cm wide. They are made of concrete and stones. For country houses, a pile foundation pit is best suited. If it is not possible to install piles, use a concrete, columnar foundation with the arrangement of pillows. Asbestos or metal pipes are used as piles. They are installed in pre-twisted openings with a drill. Then they are concreted. The depth of openings should not be less than 1 m.
  • Septic. It can be designed in such a way as to equip a septic tank under the foundation for water runoff. It is mandatory if you plan to install a sanitary unit with a toilet. As a septic tank, you can take a container (barrel, cube, concrete walls with a cover). For a shower stall, a well-equipped drainage system in the form of plastic pipe wiring will be sufficient.
  • When the foundation is ready, you can proceed to the construction of walls. The only rule for installing walls is the level. The reference point for this is a stretched thread and plumb lines in the corners.
  • The field for installing the walls of a country shower with your own hands can also make a roof. To do this, you will need help or advice from a specialist. There are many options for installing roofs on the Internet. The best of them will be a gable roof. Under it is well placed a container of water. For convenience, hoses are inserted into it for supplying and draining water (if the shower will not be used in winter).
  • The next step is to install doors and windows (if any).

Interior decoration and installation of sanitary equipment is carried out according to the individual wishes of the owner.

Water supply and installation of a tank on a summer shower for a summer residence

Immediately before raising the container to the roof of the house, it is necessary to install a tap with a spray nozzle. Ready-made tanks for summer showers have a built-in valve system to prevent the tank from overflowing. If it is not possible to purchase a tank, each time you fill the water, you will need to monitor the level. To do this, a hole is drilled under the top of the tank and a tap with a hose removed is installed. When it overflows, water will come out of the hose. Such a signal will indicate that the water supply needs to be shut off.

After installing all the necessary components, the container is planted on the roof or next to it. If it is made of polycarbonate, it is possible under the roof. In principle, many summer residents place the container immediately under the cover. In this case, the water will heat up longer. The tank is attached to the base with metal ties.

Building a summer shower in the country is not difficult. If the cottage is used only in summer, it will be enough to make the simplest shower. If it will be visited in winter, it is necessary to build a permanent structure and install additional equipment for heating water and premises.

Ideas for a summer shower in the country, video

In summer, along with beautiful sunny weather and bright colors from plants, we get the need to take a shower more often than usual. In addition, swimming in the fresh air under the streams of fresh water is a real pleasure, especially if you live in an apartment and went out into the countryside. On cold days, when the water is not heated enough from the sun, you can make a heated shower.

As always, the most ingenious is simple. In our case, making a summer shower with your own hands is very simple; nevertheless, there are many options for implementing the idea.

Summer shower options for giving

Let's start with materials. It is realistic to assemble the frame from any beams, whether it is a metal-profile pipe, or wooden beams. The walls can be from a wide range of materials, here are examples: sewn up with wood, profiled metal sheets. The best quality and price converge if the summer shower is made of polycarbonate, but you can even use opaque oilcloth or tarpaulin stretched over the frame.


More expensive, but also more reliable, will be a brick or building block shower. The structure can be made combined and a toilet can be built nearby, as can be seen in the photo. Masonry can be lined with any material available for this.


To assemble a shower from a profile pipe, welding is most often used, but if you do not have the opportunity to use it, then you can fasten the beams through holes and bolts. In order for the corners to become rigid, a “scarf” plate or a diagonal strip of metal is attached to them. Such frames look good covered with tarpaulin or oilcloth, as can be seen in the photo.

Also, corrugated board can be easily attached to the tighter metal base, which will add reliability to the structure in many moments.


In building hypermarkets, you can find a ready-made shower for outdoor conditions. But there is an opportunity to save money and make a summer shower with your own hands. The general concept has already been described above - the frame is made of corrugated pipe, and the casing is made of polycarbonate. See photos for original examples.

Such designs are designed for the use of a summer shower storage tank, heating will be carried out due to the flat shape of the tank.


Another interesting solution would be a combination. For example, three walls can be made of rigid material, sewn up with wood or a sheet of metal or polycarbonate, and the fourth wall can be a screen of opaque film. Unfortunately, it will not work to immerse a water tank on such a design, and therefore water can be let in from a home water supply.

This can simplify the task of providing shower water and heating. Thus, with your own hands, you can make a shower with heated water from a home column or boiler.


A shower similar to the previous one can be made by attaching it to the house, or rather to its wall. Cover the wall with a material that will not allow water to penetrate the wall and bring the pipe for the watering can to a height of about 230 centimeters. In this case, the frame is not needed at all, but if the open version does not suit you, then you can make a screen or curtain that will move along a curved pipe. The floor can be laid out with tiles or other convenient material, having previously made a drain.


If possible, you can lay out shower enclosures made of natural stone. This solution will fit perfectly into the landscape design of the entire site. In the variant in the photo, water is supplied from a domestic water supply, since the presence of a barrel can disrupt the aesthetics of the structure. The stone was laid out without mortar, because its flat shape allows the whole structure to stand securely.


A budget option for a summer shower is the use of materials from tree branches. The frame can be made from thick and even branches, and the walls from bending vines or long branches.

This option is not only quite cheap, but also looks original. The water supply due to the fragility of the frame is carried out from the water supply.

Finished blocks and prices

Factory-made outdoor shower cabins have a lot of variety. First of all, they can be made in different colors, since the colors of polycarbonate and corrugated board can be different. Also, the lining can be made of synthetic fabrics, for example, from a film or tarpaulin. You will also find two configurations: with and without a locker room.

On average, the prices for cabins packed in an awning are 15 thousand rubles. The package includes a tank with a volume of 200 liters. If you want to have a locker room, then the amount will be about 18 thousand or more.

The same options, but with polycarbonate walls and a heated tank, will cost 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively.

Of course, these prices are approximate and you can find the exact figures in local hardware stores.

What do you need to build an outdoor shower with your own hands?

Earlier we already talked about the materials from which you can make a shower stall, the frame is best made from a professional pipe; sheathing has a wide range of materials to choose from: profile flooring, polycarbonate, awning and even oilcloth. When choosing a material, consider the tools that you have for installation.

Also consider the durability of materials. For example, polycarbonate will retain its properties longer than wood, but it does not respond well to high temperatures and is more difficult to assemble.

Preparation plan

  1. Drawing and plan. On average, a shower cabin on the street is made with dimensions of 1000 * 1000 * 2200 millimeters. Such dimensions allow, inside, to feel comfortable for the average person. At the request of the owner, the width and length can be more, but in no case less. Reducing the parameters will create difficulties in accepting the procedure. And this height is due to the fact that the part will take away the lunge of the watering can from the ceiling and the pallet.

In addition, the drawing will be useful if you decide to include a dressing room or other extensions in the building. Such a calculation will help to avoid additional costs and be fully prepared for construction.

  1. The choice of material for the frame. It is recommended to use metal: a corner or a profile pipe. For the frame, you will need a corner 50 by 50 millimeters or a professional pipe 40 by 20 millimeters. Calculate the footage of the blanks based on the dimensions of the shower: height, perimeter and length. Also consider tank dimensions when designing frame dimensions. The structure must be strong enough to bear the weight of the full container. In addition, such material will last much longer than any tree. Maintenance is minimal - touch up in time to avoid rotting.

If the choice falls on a tree, then in order for it to fulfill its role for a long time, it must be treated with special moisture-resistant agents, and then with paint or varnish. The part of the tree that will be in the ground must be covered with bitumen or resin.

  1. Cladding material. The list to choose from is very large, but the most practical and most popular are brick, corrugated board or polycarbonate. All these types differ in the way they are assembled and how they need to be maintained: for brickwork: you need a mortar, after which it would be useful to varnish it from the inside; it will be enough to attach the corrugated board to the bolts, having previously drilled holes; polycarbonate is also bolted, but it will already need washers.
  2. Water source. Equip your shower with a capacity that is sufficient for the use of all those living on the site. On average, 20-30 liters of water are required per person (fortunately, the choice in stores is huge). Since the weather can bring surprises, heating will not be superfluous. It is possible to equip your tank with electric heating using a heating element. If possible, run water supply from the house to the shower, this will allow the use of water heated by a boiler or gas water heater.
  3. Roof. The important part, because while you are swimming, there will be a rather heavy load on top. In order not to be injured, the material must be rigid. As a roof, it is better to use slate or corrugated board. Polycarbonate under a large load will simply burst.
  4. Drain. Drainage is best done about two meters from the structure. This will help prevent bad odors. Convenient parameters for the pit will be 500 millimeters in diameter and 1000-1500 deep. The walls and drainage are poured with concrete using formwork.
  5. Tools and consumables. At a minimum, you will need: a hammer, a saw and a hacksaw, a grinder, a drill. Welding is well suited for fastening a metal frame, and electrodes will be needed for it. You will also need to acquire nails, bolts, drills with a diameter corresponding to the bolts.

You will also need a watering can, a mixer, if hot water supply is provided, adapters, nozzles, pipes and hoses for water supply.

Sequence of operations

To assemble a shower cubicle, you must:

  1. According to the drawing in the photo, we weld or assemble with bolts, parts of the frame. When assembling, take into account the loss in length.
  2. We put the halves vertically and connect them using welding seams or the same bolts.
  3. We pour the screed-concrete and control that the legs plunge 10-15 centimeters into the screed. Using the level, make sure that the structure becomes even. For a brick building, concrete and screed are poured. For draining, a plastic pipe is used, which must be placed in concrete during the pouring process.
  4. After the concrete has hardened, proceed to the sheathing and installation of plumbing, accessories, as well as the final arrangement of the booth.

Upon completion of the assembly of the frame, it remains only to veneer it with the selected material. Consider the dimensions of the material based on the dimensions of the "skeleton". It is better to arrange a drain using a pallet or, at the stage of concrete formation, make a current by placing a plastic pipe there, which will lead to a sewer pit.

The source of water can be either a plastic tank on the cabin roof or a pipe from a domestic water supply.

As you can see, with just a little involvement of imagination, you can build an outdoor shower by spending a minimum of money and getting a maximum of aesthetics and quality.

Shower cabins for summer cottages are one of those "structures" that are easy to do on your own, but it is very difficult to do without them. There are a huge number of different options for shower cabins, each master brings his own improvements to their design. We will not dwell on complex and expensive options, we will consider the most “budget”, but very functional solutions.

Before starting construction, decide what you want to have as a result, what features and characteristics a shower cabin should have. The specific features of the shower stall depend on:

  • the number of people living in the country. This indicator affects the volume of the tank for heating water and the need for a drainage device;
  • landscape features of the suburban area and the physical characteristics of the soil. Showers are best installed on small hills, this will allow in most cases to do without a special drainage system. The installation location of the shower cubicle should be the sunniest, not very far from the cottage. It is desirable that there are garden paths in this place. Another important point is the availability of water. If you have any automatic water supply system - great, we will tell you how to make automatic filling of the tank. If the water in the country is taken in buckets from the well, you will also have to fill the tank in the shower stall manually;
  • manufacturing materials. The frame can be made from shaped steel, square pipes or wood. Each material has its own characteristics. The walls are sheathed with clapboard, cellular polycarbonate or metal profiles. There are cheaper options - pull a tarpaulin, opaque plastic wrap or ordinary dense matter over the frame;
  • locations. The cabin can be freestanding or attached to the outer wall of the country house. There are options for a mobile booth - if necessary, it is transferred to a new place, does not require the construction of foundations. For such options, ultra-light load-bearing structures and sheathing materials are selected;
  • engineering features of the water heating tank and the shower drain control system.

Gabion outdoor showers
outdoor shower

Outdoor shower made of brick (stone)
Large wooden outdoor shower

You should not “save” on the dimensions of the booths, make it at least 2.2 meters in height, base dimensions of at least 1 × 1 m. The fact is that there should be a place for bath accessories and clothes in the booth. Consider step by step two options for booths - with a metal and wooden frame.

Summer shower prices

outdoor shower shower cabin

Shower cubicle with metal frame

Metal shower Shower cubicle with metal frame
Do-it-yourself shower cabin in the country house photo

For the production of work, you will need square pipes with a cross section of at least 20 × 30 mm, sheet metal with a thickness of 1 mm and a corner of 45 × 45 mm. Tools - an angle grinder (grinder) and a welding machine.

GOST 8639 82 steel square pipes
Galvanized iron sheet
Corner 45 x 45

Step 1. Draw a sketch of the cabin.

The height of the booth is approximately 2.2 meters, the size of the perimeter is 1 × 1 m.

For rigidity, provide three rows of jumpers: at the top, in the middle and at the bottom. For the lower lintels, it is better to use a corner; a wooden grate will be installed on its shelves. In the upper part, you need to make stops to place the tank under water, the specific dimensions of the stops depend on the dimensions of the tank.

The side surfaces can be sheathed with a metal profile, cellular polycarbonate, plastic or wooden clapboard, or covered with various flexible materials. For each material, you need to consider places for fastening. It is impossible to drill mounting holes in a square pipe; weld metal plates for this purpose.

Do not get too carried away with cellular polycarbonate for sheathing. It is good in many respects, but only for a limited time. One of the drawbacks that manufacturers never mention is that over time, moss will begin to grow in the combs. And no seals will help, the force of nature will overcome any protective measures. The view of sheet polycarbonate with moss inside will not please you, and this is to put it mildly. In general, we advise you to cover shower cabins with light and cheap soft materials. They can be changed to new ones every season, the booth will always have an attractive appearance without much loss of time and money.

metal sheet prices

a metal sheet

Step 2

If you already have an idea about the structure of the frame, you can start making it.

Start work by cutting metal elements. Cut 4 pipes 2.2 meters long (vertical supports). If you want to make opening doors in the booth, then for them you will need to cut two more pieces of pipe, the length may already be smaller, it is enough to keep the height of the door within 1.5 m.

Under the grating stop you will need four corners of one meter. The same length must be prepared for pipes for jumpers of side surfaces and doors. They will need two for each element of the booth. You need to cut the parts only according to the template, all angles are strictly 90 °.

Very important: follow the safety regulations while working with the grinder, injuries can be very serious. Some "craftsmen" install cutting discs in such a way that sparks fly in the opposite direction from them during operation. This is the biggest mistake! In this position, the grinder undermines with great effort, it is impossible to hold the tool in your hands.

Step 3.

Check the cuts and clean them for welding. You can not do a chamfer, the strength of the weld will withstand the load anyway.

Step 4.

To increase the strength of the structure, prepare metal equilateral corners, the length of the legs is 5 ÷ 10 centimeters. It is desirable to install them at all corners of the frame and doors. Under the feet you need to weld square stops ≈20 × 20 cm.

Triangles to reinforce the structure

Step 5

Frame welding. Work very carefully, never immediately lay a full seam on one side. During cooling, it will pull the metal, it will be very difficult to return its original position. First, start the adjoining pipes on one side, align the structure, and only after that you can put a full seam on the opposite side. The seam has cooled down - brew the place where you baited.

For welding it is possible to use electrodes of alternating voltage Ø4 mm.

This is the most versatile electrode diameter, they can weld metal with a thickness of 1÷4 mm. Correctly select the current strength, the metal should melt under the electrode to the desired depth, but not completely cut through the pipe wall. If you have no experience in welding, it is better to seek help from a professional. In the end, this will cost less than transferring expensive material into marriage yourself.

Work must be carried out on a flat area, constantly monitor the corners of the structure. The frame will stand on metal plates-legs measuring approximately 20 × 20 centimeters. Prepare them and boil them.

Prices for AC voltage electrodes

AC voltage electrodes

Step 6

Frame assembly. You cannot do this work yourself, you need to call an assistant. Weld individual elements of the frame in the indicated way, constantly check its spatial position. In the lower part, the corners are welded on which the wooden grate will lie; on top, make a structure for the water tank.

Summer shower to the country house - frame

Step 7

Finishing. Carefully remove all burrs and sharp corners with a grinder, clean metal structures from rust, oil and dirt.

Removing the weld At this stage, you can stop or continue processing for a better result.

For painting, use special paints for metal. You will have to paint at least twice, after the first time the metal will be visible. Do not use a pneumatic spray gun, it is only suitable for painting large surfaces. In your case, most of the paint will "leave" into the air. Paint only with a brush, for the whole painting you will not need more than one or two hours.

In the photo - anti-corrosion compounds for metal

Next, you can make wooden grates under your feet and proceed with the installation of a water tank. We will tell you how to install the container and connect the shower at the end of the article after describing the manufacture of the wooden frame of the shower stall.

Video - Do-it-yourself summer shower on the site

Shower cubicle with wooden frame

The linear dimensions can be the same as in the version with a metal frame. Production material - wooden blocks 50 × 50 mm, boards 50 × 100 mm, select specific dimensions taking into account the total weight of the water tank. Boards and bars need to be passed through the thickness gauge - the size will even out and the roughness will be removed.

Step 1. Draw a sketch. It is useful not only during operation, it is much easier to choose the best design option with its help. It is better to correct your mistakes on paper than on the finished product. Draw several options on paper, think over the location of stops, shelves and a tank for a container. Compare several sketches of shower cabins and choose the one that suits you best.

Step 2 Cut off all the blanks for the frame in size; according to the scheme, it does not differ from the metal one. Once again, pay attention - follow the dimensions, make blanks only according to templates.

Step 3 On a flat area, start assembling individual structural elements. The connection is best done in half a tree. If this is difficult for you, use metal plates and corners on self-tapping screws.

Step 4 Assemble the individual frame elements into a single structure. If there are doors, fix them on hinges.

Instead of doors, you can make an ordinary curtain. Consider the location of the water tank.

Attach shelves for bath accessories and hooks for towels and clothes on the inside. Prepare a wooden lattice for the legs.

Wooden lattice - example

Step 5 The ends of the vertical racks must be protected from decay. You can treat them with special antiseptics, or you can soak them several times with drying oil or sunflower oil. By the way, drying oil is an unrefined technical oil of oilseeds, including sunflower.

drying oil prices

We will give some practical advice on how to arrange a shower stall.


You can find advice to put shower cabins on a screw foundation, pour a concrete platform under them, etc. We do not recommend doing such work for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, a shower cabin is not a structure for which special foundations are required.
  2. Secondly, we can guarantee you that over time you will have a desire to build a warm shower, and for this you will have to dismantle the booth.

Under the foundation, we recommend using paving slabs or wide paving stones. Remove a small layer of earth under them, level them horizontally and lay tiles in prepared places. Tamp it a little - this will eliminate the appearance of distortions while using the booth.

Video - Rules for laying paving slabs

Water drainage

And here you can find tips on how to set up an entire engineering system. What does practice show? The volume of the water tank rarely allows more than two people to take a shower at the same time, the consumption for each is about 20 ÷ 30 liters. Water heating time, depending on the weather, is from five hours. We assure you that during this time the used water will calmly go into the ground. And yet - you should not be afraid that without a sump "unpleasant odors will appear", this is not a sewer.

Water tank and shower

You can build the prettiest and most durable shower enclosure, but showering in it will be very inconvenient. The reason is the incorrect installation of the water and shower tank. How to avoid such trouble? We will give some practical recommendations.

Water tank. You can use two options: plastic and metal.

plastic containers

Advantages: relatively low price, wide choice of capacity, ease of installation.

But there are also significant drawbacks.

  1. Firstly, to increase the heating efficiency, it is recommended to use black plastic containers, and this option is difficult to find and, moreover, to choose the best option in terms of capacity. It is almost impossible to repaint a white container black.
  2. Secondly, the physical indicators of the strength of the plastic do not allow you to securely fix the place where the shower is attached. Constant fluctuations of the outlet pipe violate the tightness of the connection, leaks appear. In addition, due to frequent bending forces, the effect of material fatigue appears in these places. And this can lead to a complete separation of the soul with all the consequences.

metal containers

Advantages - the high strength of the metal guarantees tightness and reliability of shower connection. The metal is easily painted black, and this color significantly increases the efficiency of water heating by sunlight.

Disadvantages - weight increases. You can ignore corrosion processes, a thick-walled barrel will stand for decades. Moreover, a barrel of water corrodes much more slowly than an empty one. We recommend using metal barrels: cheap and reliable.

Arrangement and operation

Another important question is how to fill the containers with water. Filling with buckets is not the best option. We strongly advise you to take all measures so that the water is filled with a hose. If you have a well or well located at a great distance from the booth, then you can make a temporary line with a flexible hose from the dacha. We will also tell you how to make water pouring automatic. To do this, you can use an ordinary float from the toilet cistern. Adjust it for a response difference of about twenty liters of water, taking into account the dimensions of the container. This will make it possible to constantly maintain a full "refueling" of the barrel, the water will constantly heat up, you will not have to prematurely end the process of taking a shower due to lack of water. Another plus of “automatic” is that the possibility of water overflow is excluded. Waterlogging of the soil near the shower is undesirable.

You can meet the proposal to take water for the shower from the tank using a float. The end of the flexible intake hose is fixed on the float (you can take a piece of foam of the appropriate size), as the water is used up, the float will lower, the intake is always made from the top, warmest layer. Such a device gives an effect, but it is insignificant. The fact is that the water in the containers heats up from the walls, the hot water rises, the cold falls down. The movement of water by volume is almost constant, which means that there is not much difference in water temperature in the tank depending on the height.

Another improvement is to make electric heating, which will allow you to have warm water regardless of weather conditions. Yes, the water will be hot, but who dares to take a shower if the temperature is low outside? But this is not all problems. During the electric heating device, the rules of the PUE should be strictly observed, and they impose very strict requirements for such work. In addition, it will be necessary to install automatic switching on / off of heaters. Do you need such "difficulties" in an ordinary shower stall on the street? If there is a need to use a shower cabin in cold weather, make a shower room in the cottage. Such a decision will have to be made in the event of a long stay on the site.

If your shower is attached directly to the container (there is no shower hose), then a set of additional measures should be taken to securely fix it. Using stops (wooden or metal), fix the branch pipe, eliminate even the theoretical possibility of vibrations during use of the tap. The crane is better to install valve type. It has a much easier stroke, the water pressure is regulated gradually, the working surfaces do not oxidize - the smoothness of the stroke does not change over time.

During the construction of the shower cubicle, consider the possibility of adding small additional rooms to it. They can be used both as an extension of the shower room or a device next to it, as well as for a separate locker room.

Industrial showers

A wide choice both in terms of price and performance characteristics allows you to choose the best option, taking into account your own preferences and the individual characteristics of your summer cottage. Industrial shower cabins can be completely plastic, metal with sheathing in various materials or tented. Complete with water tanks, cabins (metal or wood), pallets and cladding materials.

Shower for giving plastic

According to consumer reviews, using the booths is quite convenient, but there are several significant drawbacks. Plastic booths do not meet the required strength indicators, if there are children in the country, then the season of work without repair of such a design will be a great success.

The second disadvantage is the high price. A do-it-yourself shower stall will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. There are also quite cheap options for industrial booths, but in terms of strength they can be classified as “single-season”. You should not throw away money, for this money you can build a wonderful, durable and reliable shower stall yourself.

Outdoor shower cabin “Economy”

The third drawback is that mass production is designed for the average user. This is natural; all manufacturing enterprises operate according to this scheme. By creating a booth with your own hands, you can do all the calculations for yourself, change the location of the shower, its height, the diameter of the drain holes, adjustment mechanisms, etc. In addition, there are no restrictions on installing additional equipment, changing dimensions in height and width, devices of additional decorative elements. There are craftsmen who make very original shower stalls.

Video - Shower cabin country tentovanny


Each suburban area requires constant improvement, do these things. You can start with a shower stall, then build a gazebo, then a bathhouse, and so on, from simple to complex. You will see from personal experience - there is nothing better than what is made by hand.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of water in human life. Especially during the period of solar heat. A summer shower is exactly what allows you to cheer up and refresh yourself after gardening exploits.

By the way, not every summer resident has a summer shower on the site. But in vain! After all, you can arrange it simply - in the form of a temporary structure (collapsible) or thoroughly, for annual use.

If you are interested in how to make a summer shower with your own hands, then this article will be a good guide, as it contains the intricacies of choosing building materials for a shower and a frame, a water tank, a drain device, as well as drawings and diagrams for quick and inexpensive construction.

But, about everything step by step and in detail.

When planning the construction of a summer shower in the country, attention should be paid to the choice of materials that will be used in the construction process. An outdoor shower is not only hygiene procedures, it is also a decorative element in the landscape design of the site. Not every dacha thrives on the style of minimalism, and therefore, let's first consider what types of showers are.

Types of summer shower for giving

simple outdoor shower

Structurally, the simplest shower consists of a tank with a tap, which is installed at a height of human growth.

The shower tank can be installed on a tree or a watering hose can be laid on a special stand, and a rubber mat can be thrown on the ground. As a one-time measure, such a shower, of course, will do.

But, if you use it often, then the bathing place will turn into a mud bath, which will make the suburban area look like a swamp, which is certainly not included in our plans.

Frame shower for a summer residence

Outdoor outdoor shower with remote tank

The photo shows an outdoor shower with a tank installed away from the bathing area. This is due to the fact that the shower frame cannot support the weight of the container filled with water.

Closed frame summer shower with tank

This design can already be called a shower house (or a country shower cabin). It was she who received the greatest distribution among the owners of private houses, despite the great complexity and cost of manufacture. Therefore, we will dwell on their device in more detail.

Types of frame showers differ from each other mainly in the material of the exterior. As evidenced by the reviews on the forums, the most popular were:

Its feature is absolute mobility and cheapness. To make such a shower, it is enough to make a collapsible (or solid) frame and a screen from a dense PVC film (or tarpaulin). The portable shower is easily moved from one place to another.

However, it cannot be seriously considered as a long-term building, because. the service life is limited by the quality of the film (polymer roll web). Usually it is changed every season, and even several times a season.

Such a building, as well as all subsequent ones, can already be considered capital (stationary). The best option for using lumber is cladding with a planed board or sheathing the frame with wooden clapboard. Moisture-resistant OSB boards (OSB) or plywood can be used, but it is not advisable due to hygroscopicity.

Wood is good because it is a natural material. But its use requires proper processing and constant care. A wooden shower will last from 5 to 15 years. The use of wood as a finishing material does not exclude the possibility of creating a unique project.

Finished garden showers are shown in the photo. Decking is a profiled sheet of thin metal. For a shower, a painted sheet with a metal thickness of at least 0.45 is suitable. Such a shower is resistant to moisture, but more expensive and deforms with mechanical damage.

It should be borne in mind that in summer the steel structure gets very hot (one might even say it gets hot) and as a result, it is hot and stuffy inside, therefore, good ventilation must be provided. The service life is determined by the sheet warranty period and ranges from 10 to 25 years.

Tip: If you decide to use corrugated board, give preference to a matte finish. Its service life will be up to 25 years.

Polycarbonate shower

Thanks to the ability to use the "greenhouse effect", polycarbonate is becoming one of the most popular and affordable materials for building a shower.

For a summer shower device, it is better to use opaque cellular polycarbonate, 8-16 mm thick, a special profile and washers for fastening. A polycarbonate shower will last you from 3 to 10 years (depending on the quality of the sheet).

brick shower

An outdoor shower made of stone or brick can no longer be called a temporary summer shower, since they usually try to connect it to plumbing and electricity. A brick shower house, with a properly organized drain, has been in operation for quite a long time.

Choosing a place for an outdoor shower on the site

To use the shower for a long time and without problems, you need to correctly place it on the site, for this you need to consider:

  • distance from home. On the one hand, it is advisable to place the shower closer to the house in order to quickly move to a warm room on a cool evening. But on the other hand, water drainage may not have the best effect on the foundation of adjacent buildings.

Tip: do not place a shower next to a well, this will adversely affect the quality of drinking water.

  • water supply. Usually an outdoor shower is equipped with a tank. But the water must somehow be pumped into the tank. In a private house, water is supplied with a hose. In the country - most often by hand.
  • draining. By installing a shower on a hill, you can simplify the removal of used water.
  • appearance. The thoughtful design of the summer shower will allow you to add a certain touch to the overall decor of the site.
  • illumination. Given the fact that it is planned to heat the water in the tank from the sun's rays, it is better to place the shower in a place where the sun will shine longer;
  • drafts. You should also consider when choosing a place for a shower. Otherwise, instead of pleasure, users will have a constant cold.

How to make a summer shower with your own hands - instructions

Stage 1 - material and tool

shower frame material

  • wood frame. It is advisable to use durable, dry softwood. The thickness of the bar depends on the thickness of the polycarbonate and the weight of the water tank. It would be optimal to use a beam no thinner than 50x50 mm. Using a tree in your work, you need to take care of extending its service life. To do this, it is worth covering the wood with special solutions: an antiseptic, a primer, treat it with protection against a wood bug, etc.;
  • frame made of metal corner or pipe. To make vertical racks, a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm is suitable. with a wall thickness of 2 mm. To strengthen the structure, intermediate connections can be installed. A 25mm pipe is suitable for them. with a wall thickness of 1.2 mm.

You can also use a 40x60 corner with a metal thickness of over 2 mm.

Please note that the metal must also be treated with solutions that protect against corrosion.

  • aluminum profile frame. Most of the purchased products are made of aluminum profiles. It is not subject to corrosion, but its cost is higher than the price of wood or metal.
  • frame made of brick, stone or concrete pillars. A brick, rubble or concrete frame is quite rare in the construction of a polycarbonate shower.

Tip: despite the assurances of the manufacturers, it is better not to use plastic pipes to make the frame of a summer shower. Together with the high windage of the facing material (for example, polycarbonate), such a design will not have sufficient stability.

Finishing material

It has already been mentioned above. It is important that the material is prepared for operation in conditions of high humidity and the influence of atmospheric factors. For example, to purchase a greenhouse film, it lasts at least two years. The tree must be treated with an antiseptic, a primer, a solution that prevents damage to the wood by bark beetles. Polycarbonate must have a protective layer that can withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Decking is a high-quality polymer coating, otherwise, rust will appear after the first season.

Shower tank (capacity)

The choice of tank is influenced by:

  • the number of consumers for whom the shower room is designed;
  • manufacturing material. The tank can be steel, plastic or aluminum. Containers made of different materials heat up at different rates and, accordingly, cool down differently;
  • tank weight. The material of the frame depends on this;
  • volume of the tank. On the market there are tanks with a volume of 50 to 220 liters;
  • the possibility of heating water in the tank;
  • the presence of a central or private water supply, otherwise you will have to fill the barrel manually;
  • possibility of transportation. It is possible to buy a large volume tank, but it cannot be disassembled, and therefore the issues of transportation, lifting and installation of the tank should be taken into account in advance;
  • tank color. The most common tanks are black or blue. Such colors do not beat off the sun's rays, so that the water in them warms up faster;
  • the shape of the tank - round or flat - depends on how the frame for the tank is arranged. But users advise using a flat tank in view of the fact that it warms up faster and more evenly. At the same time, the volume of a flat tank does not exceed 140 liters, and a cylindrical one does not exceed 1000 liters.

Tip: you can make a water tank with your own hands. For this, any clean container with a filler neck under a screw cap will do. Most often, summer residents use a barrel.

  • faucet, shower head, hose and fittings (for water supply).

It should be remembered that the water in the summer shower runs by gravity, so wait for the pressure. But, summer residents usually do not worry about this.

  • pipe for water drainage. If it is necessary to install it, it is better to give preference to a plastic pipe.
  • the tool depends on what material will form the basis of the frame and what will be used to finish the shower.

Stage 2 - summer shower scheme

It is quite possible to make a drawing of a summer shower on your own, but in order to have something to build on, we will give several options for an example.

When developing a shower scheme, decide in advance on the finishing material. Some types, for example, corrugated board or polycarbonate, are characterized by significant windage, and, therefore, it is necessary to provide for the installation of additional jumpers for structural rigidity.

Consider also the volume of the tank, the frame must be able to support the weight of the container filled with water.

Consider the size and location of the door that should open outward.

Stage 3 - design (summer shower dimensions)

Of course, an outdoor shower is not a capital building, but, nevertheless, it is worth taking a responsible approach to its design.

The dimensions of the shower depend on the preferences of users, but usually are:

  • width - 1000-1200 mm.

Tip: when designing the width of the shower, consider the width of the door and a gap of 70-100 mm. to install the door frame.

  • length - 800-1200 mm.

If the shower also serves as a locker room, then it is better that its dimensions are at least 1000 by 1200. If a locker room is provided, then the shower itself can be reduced to 800x800, and the locker room should be equipped in accordance with its vision of the owner. If a toilet is assumed, then, accordingly, the width is added and the device for a cesspool or a sewer supply is taken into account.

  • height from 2000 mm. This setting is not standard because it depends on:
  • height of the tallest user with arms outstretched;
  • location of the water tank. Often it is installed directly under the shower ceiling;
  • the presence / absence of a tray in the shower.
  • configuration. The outdoor shower has a predominantly square shape. However, polycarbonate allows you to make a round shower. And the developer's imagination can generally go beyond the standards and build an unusual and beautiful summer shower from the usual (improvised) materials.

Tip: when creating a summer shower project, select its dimensions taking into account the consumption of material, especially those with standard sizes. For example, corrugated board or polycarbonate. It will be a shame if 100 mm is not enough, or if half remains unused, and they saved on the dimensions of the shower room.

Stage 4 - shower frame and water drainage

The above drawings show that the shower frame is a simple design.

Regardless of the material of the frame, the manufacturing process will be approximately the same. But, nevertheless, there are several ways to make and install the frame.

Tip: a shower with a dressing room (or with a toilet) requires the installation of additional vertical racks due to the fact that it is larger than a shower without a dressing room.

Option 1. Primitive shower frame

Weld the structure and fix it in the ground using metal rods. More than a meter long rods bent in half are driven through the lower edge of the frame into the ground. This option has not found distribution among users due to the fact that it does not make it possible to organize drainage. The water used in the shower will wash away the rods and soon the frame can be overthrown even by a small wind.

Option 2. Frame for a shower on a columnar foundation

First you need to install vertical racks. To do this, with the help of a drill, a layer of soil 500-800 mm deep is removed. Pour a sand-gravel pillow at the bottom of the pits, install racks treated with solutions and pour them with concrete. In this case, the racks are set strictly according to the level.

Tip: it is better to tar the wooden racks or wrap them with a layer of roofing material. So the tree will be less prone to decay.

After the concrete has hardened, horizontal lintels are fixed to the vertical racks (by welding or hardware for a metal frame, nails or special brackets for a wooden one), which will hold the tank, as well as the lower lintels. Their purpose is to hold the bottom edge of polycarbonate or sheet metal sheets and take on part of the weight of the entire frame.

Tip: when making the frame, you need to provide additional horizontal racks for installing the door.

The rigidity of the structure will give oblique additional jumpers.

To ensure the drainage of used water, it is necessary to install a tray for an outdoor shower. To do this, you need to remove the soil from the surface with an area equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower plus 100 mm. The excavation depth will be 300-350 mm. Fill the bottom with a layer of gravel with sand. The optimal layer height is 150-200 mm. Inside the frame we make a dressing, which serves as the basis for the floor. Next, you can install a pallet or make a slatted floor.

To make a slatted floor, you need to lay logs on horizontal lintels, and on them - boards 50-100 mm wide. The size of the gap depends on the width of the board and usually ranges from 5 mm (for a beam of 30x30 mm) to 20 mm (for a board with a width of 10 mm).

Tip: the gap should ensure a quick outflow of water and exclude the possibility of injury to the legs.

Attention: in cool weather, the air flow from below (from under the floor) will make showering not very comfortable.

Option 3. Shower frame on the foundation

For these purposes, it is better and easier to pour the foundation in the form of a monolithic slab. To understand how to make a foundation for a shower, you need to decide where the used water will go. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the drain pit.

Foundation for a summer shower

It is necessary to remove the soil from a surface equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower plus 100 mm. The depth of excavation will be 300-350 mm. Fill the bottom of the pit with a layer of gravel and sand. The optimal height of the sand and gravel cushion is 150-200 mm. Pack well and pour over with water. Then fill this pillow with a concrete solution, taking care of arranging the water flow in advance. To do this, a polymer pipe must be embedded in a concrete slab, and the foundation itself must be poured at an angle. So that the water flows by gravity into the pipe. And then it went either into the ground (with a low frequency of use of the shower by several users) or into a special pit (in the event that a lot of people use the shower). The second option to ensure the drainage of water will be to fill the foundation at an angle to the surface and install drainage at the place where the water drains.

After all the work has been completed, all metal and wooden parts of the frame are once again treated with a primer or paint.

Tip: the paint must be suitable for use in high humidity conditions.

User opinions. As for pouring the foundation, here the opinions of users differ. Some believe that a polycarbonate shower, as a lightweight structure, does not need a foundation, it is enough just to deepen the vertical racks of the frame and fill it with gravel. And some are convinced that the foundation will make the shower more reliable. In any case, it will not interfere, the only thing is that it will entail slightly higher construction costs.

Stage 5 - the floor for the summer shower

The device of the floor provides for the construction of wooden flooring or the installation of a pallet.

Tip: A car mat laid on a concrete floor is suitable as a one-time measure.

Stage 6 - installation of a water tank

The tank is installed on a place previously prepared for it in the frame and attached to it.

Tip: you can speed up the heating of water in the tank if you cover it with a film or lay a polycarbonate sheet on top.

Stage 7 - wiring

Electricity supply and electrical wiring, installation of heating elements (heating tank - heating element).

Finally, internal and external decoration is carried out.


Thanks to this step-by-step instruction, now you know how to build a summer shower for a summer house with your own hands. Enjoy the coolness of the water in the midst of a hot summer.