How to equip the interior of the apartment. The interior of small apartments: tips and ideas. Design of a small apartment

The house is a safe and cozy place. It is important that everyone feels comfortable and relaxed in it. Design of a small apartment It has important nuances and features. Given them, you can embody a beautiful and functional interior.

Free but good organized space- the basis for the design of a small apartment.

Before you start planning a major repair, think - maybe you should soberly assess the situation and throw away / give away the excess?

It is important to think over everything so that the limited area contains everything you need and not to the detriment of appearance. Interior of a small apartment should reflect all its advantages and hide the disadvantages. The advantages can be different, including a high ceiling, large window openings, which will become key in the design. The main disadvantage is the limited space.

Knowing just a few simple rules by organizing space, you can get rid of almost all the problems of small rooms.

Application special tricks, aimed at visually expanding the space, will make it possible to practically use the available square meters. It is important to think carefully and plan ahead.and then implement it.

Cozy interior of a small apartment with special attention to various details.

Expanding the space of a small apartment

The ways in which you can expand the space are reflected in the table.

Organizing space in a small apartment is a real art.

Methods Description
Applying bright colors Dark shades narrow the area, but even they can be used if done right. A bright palette gives depth and richness.
Creating a unified style, color or texture Adjacent rooms should have one gamut, and use a homogeneous floor covering.
light ceiling It should be at least one tone lighter than the walls. This will raise the ceiling and make the room appear larger.
Proper placement of light Large chandeliers eat up the area. Great solution there will be spotlights and medium-sized lamps.
Minimum decor Nothing extra, do not clutter up the room.
Use all the space Use every corner, every niche. There are many options for corner pieces of furniture, practical cabinets and more.
Introduction of mirror panels Placed on walls or ceiling. They allow you to visually increase the area. In addition to panels, you can install a cabinet with mirrored doors.
Simple redevelopment Interroom standard doors should be replaced with sliding ones.
Do not place furniture along the wall This is not rational. Use space and vertically.

Interior design for a small apartment

Preferred small apartment design is minimalism. And use tricks to create an attractive interior that does not "eat" space.

It is necessary to properly distribute things and make the room as functional as possible.

The former bedroom can become a relaxation room for the whole family.

Kitchen - visual transformation

The available space must be used to the maximum. Use light colors to decorate the ceiling and walls. The pastel color scheme allows you to reflect light, making the room feel freer.

Your apartment should be a place to relax and fill with energy for new achievements.

Choose several shades of the same color, making an easy transition between them. Fix the result good lighting. Eliminate cold tones that adversely affect appetite.

It is better to give your preference to light shades - white, peach, blue or powdery.

Living room - the main part of the home

In the design project of a small apartment the transformation of the living room is included.

  • Connection with adjacent premises. It can be a kitchen or a balcony. Need to reschedule. The style must be the same. Only zoning of each site is allowed using various shades from one palette.

This color scheme will create a feeling of warmth and comfort and visually expand the space.

  • Interior doors replace with arches or sliding structures. This will bring freedom to the apartment.

Such openings really save a lot of space in a small apartment.

  • Bay window extension. This will perfectly add natural light and increase the area.

These are one of simple options area expansion.

The bedroom is a cozy place to relax

When designing the interior of a small apartment It is important to properly decorate the bedroom. Choose beds with multiple tiers for practical storage. Additional shelves can be placed on the wall, where books, flowers and more will be installed.

As is known, best style for modern design small apartment - minimalism.

Free up space as much as possible from unnecessary items. There should be no extra chairs, cabinets and other things. Only necessary, functional. Refuse excess decor, in the form of figurines, vases and other things.

Get creative with corners that can accommodate storage systems.

Save space in a small apartment

For savings square meters advice should be followed.

There are enough now big choice multifunctional furniture.

Storage in a small apartment

It is important to properly equip the storage system, especially when the dimensions are small. To do this, you can put a narrow rack. Suitable for storing small items. Usually I place in the space that remains between the furniture.

White is one of the few colors that visually enlarges the room and emphasizes the rest of the colors.

There are many various cabinets different size with high functionality, allowing you to place things conveniently without taking up additional meters. Make good use of the space under your bed. You can install special drawers where you can put bed linen and other things.

Chairs, tables, sofas, bed - all this can serve as a great place to store things.

N 1. Light colors are a priority

Light palettes, including white, are most suitable for a limited area. Dark tones use in a minimal amount and thought out, otherwise the apartment will become even smaller visually. The warmth of the color depends on the location of the room.

Cold tones are suitable for southern ones, for northern ones, consider mostly warm ones.

Choose your range carefully. If you overdo it, the apartment from spacious and free will turn into a kind of hospital ward.

Buy necessary furniture which fits perfectly into general style rooms.

N 2. Unity of finishing

Space can be achieved by completing adjacent rooms in the same style. For the entire apartment, choose the same floor covering, or close in shade. This rule also applies to wall decoration.

Achieve maximum matching in tones.

Avoid if possible standard doors. When opened, they only take up extra space. Install arches, but if you can’t do without doors at all, install sliding structures.

A sliding door will not interfere either aesthetically or physically.

N 3. Making the ceiling higher

planning it is important to consider the height of the ceiling. If you need to add a little, for example, you can make it a few lighter than the walls. This way you will be able to achieve an excellent effect.

Do not overload your apartment additional elements decor.

Organize proper lighting, on one of the walls create a vertical strip, more reflective surfaces. This will visually make the ceiling higher and the space more free.

Home furnishings can acquire an original appearance that will delight you day by day.

VIDEO: Design of a small apartment. Design tricks.

Design of a small apartment - 50 ideas for organizing space:

The interior of small apartments of 45 m2

This article presents an interesting interior design of five small apartments. But what can be done in a room with an area of ​​​​only 45 m2? In fact, a lot if you're familiar with a good designer. These small apartments have become really stylish, modern and unexpectedly spacious.

Their open floor plan and mostly neutral color scheme was used in the design. The premises have a lot of space for recreation, entertainment, cooking, sleeping. We present a photo of these small apartments, and perhaps you will have original ideas how to make your home simple and stylish no matter the size.

The interior design of the first apartment was designed by Elena Teplova for a young couple dreaming of a quiet, peaceful place that would speak of their love of travel. The area of ​​the apartment is only 45 m2. Neutral colors represent a special art movement known as pop art. This design will never go out of fashion and will always attract attention.

Apartment design for a young couple

Pop art in the interior

Hallway interior in a small apartment

Combined kitchen and living room

Bedroom interior design

Bedroom design

bathroom design

Layout of the first apartment

The second open-plan apartment is decorated in neutral cool colors. The area is 46 m2, and there is only one room, functioning as a living room, bedroom and kitchen. To make room, modern neat in an interesting cabinet made of light wood.

An elegant patterned rug defines the boundaries of the living room while blending well with the walls and furniture.

Interior design of an apartment of 46 m2

One bedroom open plan apartment

Living room interior

Kitchen interier

Kitchen with dining area

Interior design of a small apartment

Rollaway bed in the living room

In the next apartment black and white color palette harmonizes perfectly with interesting interior. Key color elements, such as dyed yellow shelves and a multi-colored rug bring originality to a small room.

Black and white palette in the interior

bright elements in the interior

Kitchen interior design

bar counter

Colors in the interior

Bathroom design

Bathroom interior

The photo of which is presented below, designed for a young family. The atmosphere is warm and pleasant, with interesting geometric patterns on the walls. Bright colours in the bedroom are ideally combined with light colors.

Bright living room interior

Geometric elements in the interior

original design interior

Fireplace in the living room

Living room

Bedroom interior

Kitchen Area

And finally, a one-room apartment of 45 m2 for a young couple. The room is divided into separate zones for living room, dining room, office and leisure. Particularly noteworthy is a separate work zone with its own partition, located opposite the window and well lit.

Designers say that in order to visually expand the room, you need to make floors and walls in similar colors. Contemporary style dictates the same rules and a few others:

  1. The design of the premises should be as simple as possible, this direction loves conciseness.
  2. - another technique suitable for owners of small apartments (it is permissible, for example, to combine a bedroom with a living room).
  3. Better to use modular designs and functional furniture.

So that the interior is not faceless, designers recommend placing accents. In a small apartment, it is better not to get carried away with decor, but one large-format picture - great option.

Interior Design: Bureau of Alexandra Fedorova


Interior design: studio Kameleono


The predominance of function over form is the essence of this style. Everything in functional interiors usable space maximally involved and almost no unnecessary decorative details. This feature makes functionalism suitable for small spaces. Rejection a large number objects in plain sight - the first rule that a designer adheres to when designing an interior small apartment, and functionalism fits in this case as well as possible. The photo shows high hanging cabinets in the kitchen and a row of floor cabinets. Behind them you can hide overall equipment that does not fit in the open space of a small apartment.

Interior design: Anna Belyavskaya, Natalia Smorgonskaya


It made it to this list due to its gravitation towards smooth shapes. For small rooms, it is better to avoid sharp corners, and the “modern” interior meets these requirements as well as possible.

Interior Design: Moodhouse Interior

8 Eco style

The good thing is that it can be implemented in any room and make it only better: it will “revive” a small apartment. Eco-interior does not require a lot of furniture, decorations, decor. On the contrary, moderation is encouraged. Natural materials will make the room warmer and more comfortable, and green plants will add freshness and comfort to residents.

Design experts say that often competently organized apartments small sizes make a brighter impression than dwellings in which even the most bulky furniture can easily fit. In this article, we will present you the best (in our opinion) for a small apartment.

A small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling allows you to fantasize at your own discretion and create truly unique interiors. Functional furniture, which today can be ordered according to your size, lighting features make it possible to turn a small apartment into a completely comfortable home.

Design ideas for a small apartment are becoming more daring and original every year. It is believed that in small spaces designers are able to fully show their professional potential, since it is interesting to decorate a tiny room either real master, or a person endowed with a rich imagination, having great taste and sense of color.

Features of the design of a small apartment

It is probably not surprising that the owners have the same requirements for a small apartment as for a large one: a bathroom, a kitchen, an entrance hall, a bedroom, a work area, a place for receiving guests. Already at the planning stage, you will need interesting ideas design for a small apartment, because a small small one does not detract from human needs, therefore, you will have to place everything you need in a limited space.

Any interior is designed to use the features of the room - to hide its shortcomings and emphasize the merits. All small apartments have a completely obvious general disadvantage- too much small footage. The advantages for each apartment are individual: somewhere these are high ceilings, somewhere big windows, somewhere - unusual layout. There are many different techniques that are successfully used to expand the space and increase the comfort of the apartment. They allow you to use the area of ​​​​the apartment optimally.

Style selection

Unfortunately, not all existing interior styles can be used to decorate a small apartment. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them, which are most successfully implemented in small rooms:


This style is characterized by a minimum of detail and uniformity, which is very suitable for a small room.

English style

Despite the fact that it is distinguished by twilight and some tightness, it requires a small area. If you are a fan of small cozy rooms with warm lighting, then this style will suit you.

European style

This is modern style, called European in our country. compact functional furniture, spot lighting, playing with the color of the finish - all this is suitable for a small apartment.

Decoration Materials

Basically, interesting ideas for repairing a small apartment are based on the use of high-quality modern finishing materials. All of them are designed to visually increase and expand the space. In rooms, usually for walls choose light color paint or wallpaper: beige, milky white, light green, pink, light blue. In the bathroom, toilet, kitchen (rooms with high humidity) it is more advisable to use tiles, since this is the most practical material.

You can choose floor coverings at your own discretion: laminate or parquet, tile or linoleum - it depends on the preferences of the owner and his financial capabilities.


First of all, you need to decide on the color. Wallpaper for a small apartment should be light shades: they will visually expand the room. Saturated and dark colors focus on themselves and absorb light. It is equally important to choose a pattern on the wallpaper - you should not choose too large and flashy prints. It is more advisable to use an unobtrusive and medium-sized pattern that will not contrast with colors rooms.

If you use one type of wallpaper, then opt for canvases with a small pattern. Owners of small apartments high ceilings, you can recommend wallpaper with a horizontal rather than a vertical pattern. They will expand the space. If you plan to decorate the walls large quantity paintings or you will use a bright carpet, then choose

Now about the texture of the canvases. You need to know that any textured wallpaper, even having a slight relief, increase the space. Suitable in this case, and wallpaper with a slight sheen, for example, silkscreen.


The interior for a small apartment completely eliminates the use of bulky furniture, but if you have some items of such furniture that are very dear to you, you can use them, but in a minimal amount. Heavy and bulky furniture not only takes up too much much-needed space, but also creates a feeling of tightness.

Most of all in this case suitable furniture for small apartments in Scandinavian style or minimalism. or classicism to realize in a small area is almost impossible.

Built-in furniture

Where possible, built-in furniture should be used. This is especially convenient if the room has ledges, corners, niches. Thus, you will not only successfully arrange the furniture, but also align the shape of the room. Built-in, as well as hanging cabinets, save space, create visual space, unlike bulky walls, sideboards, which ruthlessly squeeze the room, make it heavier.

Modern design ideas for a small apartment are based on the use of the most functional, but at the same time compact furniture. Looks great in such a room sofa-baby. Today, such models are produced by almost all domestic and foreign companies. As a rule, such a sofa has a quite comfortable length (135 cm), with a width and height of one meter when assembled. If necessary, the baby sofa turns into an excellent sleeping place. Its length is 190 cm and its width is 120 cm.

The principle of furnishing small apartments, which should guide the owners of small housing - do not overload it extra items. There should not be a lot of furniture or accessories. As soon as you put a large headset in your room, you will immediately find that it has become even smaller and more uncomfortable.

When choosing furniture, try to focus on light wood tones. Beige or looks very fresh and light. If you are not afraid to experiment, use contrasting furniture, such as black or brown, provided that it fits seamlessly into your chosen style.


It is worth talking about lighting a small apartment in more detail, because competent use lamps and lamps will help emphasize the dignity of the interior and hide the existing shortcomings. With the help of light, your apartment will be transformed: it will become more spacious, airy, brighter. Don't be limited to just ceiling chandelier located in the center of the room. Additional light sources (floor lamps, sconces, spotlights) should be used.

In the kitchen, it is necessary to illuminate the work surface of the furniture. This is not only convenient for cooking in the evening, but also helps to create coziness in this small space.

small bathroom

Since the interior for a small apartment also implies design utility rooms, then I would like to say a few words about the small bathroom. For wall decoration (especially for rooms with low ceilings), use light tiles for walls (possible with a small pattern). This method is good for spacious rooms, and in small ones it will visually “steal” the area. If this option seems too boring to you, use elongated vertical inserts from colored mosaics.

small studio

And now we will talk about the design option for a small studio, which is very popular these days, is especially relevant for owners of small living quarters who want to expand the space. The studio apartment has practically no internal partition walls. In other words, it is a single living space.

It should be borne in mind that this type of housing is very effective for visually expanding the space, but it is not suitable for all owners. The thing is that the design of a small studio does not imply a partition between the room and the kitchen. Therefore, even with good ventilation, kitchen aromas will freely enter the room.

In addition, such an apartment is not very suitable for a family of more than two people. As a rule, this layout is suitable for single people or young families without children. If you are not afraid of some of the shortcomings of such housing, then do not waste time and proceed with the reconstruction. How to do it right, we will tell below.


It is necessary to warn the apartment owners that such a redevelopment of your apartment will require the approval of the project by the relevant authorities local administration. First of all, you should determine the position of the bathroom and toilet, under which there are risers. Then these rooms are separated by partitions, and only after that you can start creating the interior.

Interior Design

Today, studio apartments are very popular among young people. As a rule, they combine a room, a kitchen and a bathroom. At first glance, sparse. However creative people manages to decorate the room in such a way, embodying the most daring and original fantasies of their own, which results in a private area, living room and dining room. All this can be achieved using modern Decoration Materials, furniture-transformer, color and light solution.

It is impossible not to say about the zoning of space with the help of sliding screens, light shelving. At the same time, you get the opportunity to use all the previously unused meters of the hallway.


When choosing furniture for a small studio, one should not forget about its functionality and harmonious appearance. Ideal is the placement of furniture around the perimeter. In this case, the furniture will help to zone the room.

Refuse completely from heavy bulky furniture, transformable and folding samples are much more suitable - this will allow you to visually unload the area from dimensional objects, which, undoubtedly, make the perception of the overall situation heavier. Nevertheless, we said that it is best to use the minimalist style, but this does not mean at all that you should limit yourself to strict limits: it is allowed to design the kitchen area in a different, but close style. It can be a loft, modern, Scandinavian. This technique will allow you to create an exclusive interior.

He will divide your apartment into two main areas - a room for eating and relaxing. By the way, the Scandinavian-style kitchen in a small studio looks very impressive. If you want to combine two styles, give up the classics, because it looks solid only in spacious rooms, while something more modern and compact is suitable for small ones.

It is important that the furniture for small apartments placed around the perimeter perform several functions. For example, in the kitchen, you can make a window sill table, which will save a lot of space. The bed can be replaced with a compact folding sofa. Use mezzanines for small items, as well as built-in and hanging cabinets.

If guests often come to you, and the opportunity to put a big dinner table no, then use the transformer desktop. At the right time, it is easy to decompose and turn into big table behind which your friends will fit.

Studio apartment small size will not do without a recreation area. In the allotted area, put a small soft sofa, Coffee table ir, floor lamp or table lamp.

Summing up

Each room (regardless of its size) can be decorated in a stylish and original way. Consider the advice of experienced professionals, but at the same time show imagination and creativity. Only then can you really create original interior in a small apartment.

Working on the design of small apartments allows you to fully express your individuality and imagination. Here you have to abandon the standard techniques, you need to design something original, special in order to small space create comfortable and cozy housing. As an example, we present 14 projects with the interiors of small apartments, some of them already have owners, and the other is only planned for implementation.

Design of small apartments up to 20 sq. m.

Interior design of a small apartment 18 sq. m.

With an area of ​​18 sq. m. it is necessary to save every centimeter and use every opportunity to increase small space. To this end, the designers insulated the loggia and combined it with the living room - for this they had to remove balcony block. On the former loggia Equipped an office for work with a corner tabletop and open shelves for books.

A bench was placed at the entrance, a mirror and clothes hangers were placed above it. On the bench you can comfortably change shoes, and under it you can store shoes. The main storage system of variable width is also located here, part of it is given over to clothes, part to household appliances.

The living room is divided into functional areas. Immediately after the entrance area begins the kitchen, equipped with all modern appliances. Behind it is a living room - a sofa with a small table, above it open shelves for decor items and books, and on the contrary - a TV zone.

In the evening, the living room turns into a bedroom - the sofa unfolds and becomes comfortable bed. Between the kitchen and living area fit a folding dinner Zone: the table rises and becomes one of the sections of the storage system, and the chairs are folded and taken out to the loggia.

The project "Compact interior of the studio 18 sq. m." from Lyudmila Ermolaeva.

Design project of a small studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

In order to create a laconic and functional interior, the designers decided to use an open floor plan and dismantled all the walls that were not load-bearing. The resulting space was divided into two zones: technical and residential. A small entrance hall and a sanitary block were located in the technical area, and a kitchen-dining room was equipped in the residential area, which simultaneously serves as a living room.

At night, a bed appears in the room, which is put away in a closet during the day and does not interfere with free movement around the apartment. Near the window there was a place for a desktop: a small tabletop with table lamp, above it - open shelves, next to it - a comfortable chair.

The main color of the design is white, with the addition of gray tones. Black is selected as the contrast. The interior is complemented by wooden elements - light wood brings warmth and comfort, and its texture enriches the decorative palette of the project.

For such a limited area, the best stylistic solution for interior design is minimalism. White walls and ceiling white furniture laconic form, merging with the background - all this visually increases the size of the room. As decorative elements color accents and designer lamps are used.

Convertible furniture is another key to successful solution the task of placing in a small area everything that is necessary for the comfort and coziness of a modern person. In this case, the living area sofa folds out and the living room becomes a bedroom. The table of a mini-office easily turns into a large dining room.

See project in full « »

Design of small apartments from 20 to 25 sq. m.

Small studio 25 sq. m.

The apartment is equipped with all the requirements for comfort. In the hallway there is a large storage system, in addition, additional systems storage is arranged in the bedroom - this is a mezzanine where you can place suitcases or boxes with things, and a chest of drawers in the television area located in the bedroom.

The large double bed is headboarded against a wall decorated with a geometric pattern. AT small bathroom found a place for washing machine. A kitchen with a sofa may well serve as a guest place.

The 24-square-square studio is decorated in a Scandinavian style. White walls, doors and light wooden surfaces harmonize with accent colors, characteristic for northern interiors. White is responsible for the visual expansion of space, bright accent colors add a joyful mood.

Wide ceiling cornice- a decorative detail that gives the interior charm. A play of textures is also used as a decor: one of the walls is lined brickwork, the floors are wooden and the main walls are stucco, all painted white.

Design project of a small apartment of 25 sq. m.

An interesting example of space zoning is the DesignRush studio, whose masters turned an ordinary small apartment into a very comfortable and modern one. living space. Bright hues help to expand the volume, while using milky shades that add warmth. The feeling of warmth and comfort is enhanced by wooden interior elements.

In order to separate functional areas from each other, designers use multi-level ceiling and different floor coverings. Supports zoning well-planned lighting: in the center sofa area under the ceiling there is a suspension in the form of a luminous ring, along the sofa and the TV zone there are lamps on metal rails in a line.

The entrance hall and kitchen are lit with built-in ceiling spots. Three black chimney lamps, mounted on the ceiling above the dining area, visually draw a line between the kitchen and the living room.

Design of small apartments from 26 to 30 sq. m.

Beautiful small apartment with an unusual layout

Studio apartment 30 sq. m. designed in the style of minimalism with elements scandinavian style- this is indicated by the combination white color walls with texture natural wood, a bright blue accent in the form of a carpet on the floor of the living room, as well as the use of ornamented tiles for finishing the bathroom.

The main "highlight" of the interior is an unusual layout. In the center is a huge wooden cube in which the sleeping area is hidden. From the side of the living room, the cube is open, and from the side of the kitchen, a deep niche is made in it, into which working surface with a sink and stove, as well as a refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.

In each area of ​​the apartment there are others wooden details, so the central cube serves not only as a separating, but also as a uniting element of the interior.

small one-room studio 29 sq. m. was divided into two zones, in one of which - farthest from the window - there is a bedroom, and in the other - a living room. They are separated from each other by decorative fabric curtains. In addition, we managed to find a place not only for the kitchen and bathroom, but also for the dressing room.

The interior is made in the art deco style in its American version. Stylish combination bright glossy surfaces dark wood wenge on the background beige walls complemented by glass and chrome details. The kitchen space is separated from the living area by a high bar counter.

Apartment design 30 sq. m.

A small apartment, the overall style of which can be defined as modern, has a sufficient amount of storage space. This is big wardrobe in the hallway, space under sofa cushions, a chest of drawers and a TV stand in the living room, two rows of cabinets in the kitchen, a drawer under the bed in the bedroom.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a gray concrete wall. It does not reach the ceiling, but is fixed on top LED Strip Light lighting - this solution visually facilitates the design, making it "weightless".

The living room is separated from the bedroom thick curtain gray color. Use of natural palette and natural materials gives the interior solidity. The main design colors are gray, white, brown. Contrasting details are in black.

Design of small apartments from 31 to 35 sq. m.

Studio project 35 sq. m.

The best small apartments are designed using natural materials - this brings the required solidity to their environment, and allows you to do without decorative elements cluttering up the space, since the color and texture of the materials themselves are used as decor.

Herringbone parquet, porcelain stoneware with a "marble" surface, veneered MDF - these are the main finishing materials in the apartment. In addition, white and black paint was used. wooden elements interior in combination with marble surfaces allow you to saturate it interesting pattern while keeping the main volume free.

The living room is combined with the kitchen and dining room, and the bed is separated by a partition made of metal and glass. During the day, it can be folded and leaned against the wall, so it does not take up much space. entrance area and a bathroom are isolated from the main volume of the apartment. In addition, there is a laundry room.

Project "Design by Geometrium: studio 35 sq. m. in residential complex "Filigrad"

Apartment with a separate bedroom 35 sq. m.

Beautiful interiors of small apartments have, as a rule, common feature: they take the style of minimalism as a basis, and add an interesting decorative idea. Such an idea in the 35-meter "odnushka" was a strip.

A small place for a night's rest is highlighted by a wall with horizontal lines drawn on it. They visually make a tiny bedroom look bigger and add rhythm. The wall in which the storage system is hidden is also "striped". track lights in the interior they support the idea of ​​horizontal stripes, which are repeated both in the furniture and in the decoration of the bathroom.

The main color of the interior is white, black is used as a contrast. Textile elements and panels in the living room bring gentle color accents and soften the situation.

Project "Design one-room apartment 35 sq. m. with a berth "

This is real male interior with strong character reflecting the views of its owner. The studio layout makes it possible to save the maximum possible volume, while highlighting the necessary areas for work and leisure.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a brick bar, typical of a loft-style interior. A chest of drawers was placed between the living room and the home office, to which the work desk adjoins.

The interior is full of rich decorative details, many of which are handmade. In their manufacture, old, already discarded things were used. So, the coffee table is a former suitcase, the seats of bar stools were once the seats of bicycles, the leg of the floor lamp is a photo tripod.