2 beds in one. Pull-out bed for two children (50 photos) - functional and compact furniture. Two in one: layout and zoning options

Your baby is growing and he needs personal space, so if before he could easily be in the same room with you, now it's time to think about decorating a nursery.

For the baby's room, the correct location is very important, it is better to choose the sunny side, it is desirable that noisy rooms (living room, kitchen) are at a remote distance and do not interfere with the baby.

How to properly distribute zones in the nursery

The layout of the children's room does not mean the development of design, but the correct arrangement of furniture.

After all, interior design depends on the taste preferences of each person, but zoning takes into account all the necessary requirements to create a comfortable environment in the nursery.

The modern layout of the nursery should include three main areas: for recreation, work and play space.

Work area

It is better to choose a place for the workspace closer to the window, this is where the best lighting is. Be sure to install in the training area:

  • Additional lighting (table or wall lamps);
  • Comfortable chair;
  • Folding table.

Recreation area

Place where your baby will sleep in one of the corners of the room. It is important to set the bed correctly, it is great if there is a window opposite.

The child, waking up, will immediately admire the beautiful view from the window.

Do not neglect the purchase of a bed, make sure that it is comfortable, of good quality. Do not save space in the room at the expense of the bed, it is better to choose folding chairs, a sofa.

In addition, folding furniture is a great option when planning a narrow children's room. When buying folding furniture, make sure that the baby is comfortable to sit in them.

You should not choose a bed, focusing on the growth of the baby. Don't forget that it grows very fast. Babies up to four years old can purchase a playpen bed with removable sidewalls. For older children, buy a single bed.

Can't decide on your own bed size? Stop at the transformer, you won’t have to change it for a long time, until adolescence, the child will fit perfectly in it and sleep well.

Do not buy a bed with extra decor, stop at minimalism. Such furniture has bright colors, but at the same time it takes up very few square meters of the room.

Game Zone

This zone is equipped at the last moment, she gets the "remains" of square meters of the children's room. The main thing is that it has a roomy cabinet for baby toys, a soft rug and a bedside table.

When planning a small children's room in the play area, install a mini sofa, it will take up very little space.

How to equip a nursery for a girl and a boy

If you think that there is no difference how to decorate a room for a girl and a boy, you are very much mistaken! Let's look at the options for planning a children's room for boys and girls.

Girls are more critical about the design of their personal space. They need numerous lockers, bedside tables to store their "jewels".

So, in the room for the girl must be:

  • Bed with built-in drawers. Switches should be at a convenient distance for the child so that he can easily reach them. It is advisable to install a lamp near the bed;
  • Table with bedside tables. You can install a table by the window, and install lockers on both sides of it. Every little thing, photographs will ideally fit on shelves and in lockers;

Cabinet with a convenient design, the doors should be easy to open and close.

This piece of furniture must necessarily have only two characteristics: it is made of natural material and roomy.

Comfortable table and chairs (chairs). Here the child will study, arrange tea parties with friends.

Instead of a conclusion

The best place for a table near the window is closer to the corner. Thanks to this zoning, enough space for games will be freed up in the center of the room.

The second corner from the window can be equipped with a Swedish wall. An ideal option for saving space in the layout of a children's room for two children is a bed with two tiers. Its main advantages:

  • Does not take up much space;
  • Downstairs there are lockers for clothes and bed linen;
  • You will have two places to sleep at once.

Do not fill the children's room with unnecessary furniture, accessories. TV installation is not recommended.

After all, the main purpose of the children's room is a healthy sleep and rest for the child, maximum freedom for a healthy lifestyle and good studies.

Before you start decorating a room for a child, check out the design photos of the layout of the children's room.

After you decide on the interior, purchase materials and proceed to design. And do not forget, the comfort of the child depends on your decision!

Photo ideas for planning a children's room

Children is our future! And of course, we try to give them the best. This also applies to the arrangement of the children's room. If there is only one child in the family, the nursery is drawn up taking into account his age and interests. But what if there are three children in the family? What if they are of different ages? What if they are different? We will give answers to these questions in this article.

Design features of a nursery for three children

Do not forget that children are rather conflicting, vulnerable and jealous creatures. If there are three children in a family, then very often they do not get along with each other. For example, the older ones do not take the younger one into their games, and in retaliation, he does them minor dirty tricks. Therefore, when decorating a room for three small residents, the designer must take into account all the nuances. In particular, it has the following tasks:

  • organization of a maximum of free space, which is very difficult to achieve in a small room, but this can be achieved through the use of compact furniture;
  • allocation for each child of a separate space for secluded relaxation, games, doing favorite things or doing homework;
  • organization of a practical and ergonomic space in which every thing has its own purpose and occupies a certain place;
  • organizing a cozy space for each baby or teenager, this can be achieved through competent zoning.

If each child can comfortably spend time in a common room with other children, while using his own things, he will not worry that his parents love his sister or brother more.

Zoning rules

When arranging a room for three children, it is necessary to create equal conditions for each child. Competent zoning of space will help to do this. At the same time, it should not be too exaggerated, otherwise, instead of one room, you will get three cramped rooms.

There are two main principles of zoning. According to them, you can create a separate living space for each child or delimit zones by function:

  • playroom - a free area for outdoor games, there can also be a table for drawing, reading, modeling, appliqué, etc.;
  • bedroom - a sleeping area where there are beds, it is better to place it away from windows and doors so that noise and light do not interfere with a restful sleep;
  • training - a zone where there are working and computer tables, teaching aids, etc.;
  • dressing room - the area where the systems for storing things are located;
  • recreation area - here you can install a miniature sofa and TV equipment to watch your favorite programs.

A combination of zones is allowed. For example, you can combine a playroom with a seating area, a dressing room with a bedroom, etc. You can completely abandon any zone. For example, if there are no preschoolers among three children, then they are unlikely to need a play space. And if in the family, on the contrary, all the children are small, then they do not need a working area yet.

If children of different sexes grow up in a family, and their age difference is more than 4–5 years, then it is better to zone the nursery space so that each child has their own corner, since children have different needs and hobbies.

Possible zoning methods

You can divide a room into zones using furniture, screens or light partitions, but only if it has a fairly large area. If the room is small, then visually divide it into zones will help different finishes. In addition, space can be zoned using architectural techniques, lighting or textiles.

Zoning with architectural structures

Architectural structures in the interior include podiums, partitions and arches. Organizing them with your own hands is unlikely to succeed. Such elements must be provided for at the repair stage, and only highly professional craftsmen can perform them.

Zoning with lighting fixtures

Lighting fixtures are chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. By placing lamps of various designs and intensities in the room, you can thereby distinguish between zones. However, one should not forget that the brightest light should be above the work area, and the recreation area can be dimly lit. Modern electrical appliances with a dimmer will help regulate the intensity of light.

Zoning with finishing

With the help of different wall colors or wallpapers, you can select a corner for each of the three children or separate functional areas. According to generally accepted rules, the use of bright neon colors is not allowed in the interior of a child's room. Fresh fruit colors are more suitable for the workspace. They stimulate brain activity. To design a recreation area, it is better to use muted shades: green, blue-lilac, pink, blue, light gray, beige, cream. They help you relax.

Zoning with textiles

Indoor textiles are not only curtains on the window. By placing panel curtains or canvases with weighting along the bottom edge in the space of the room, you can ideally fence off the sleeping area. If you zone the space according to the principle “each child has his own corner”, while the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not allow even textile structures to be fenced, you can simply cover three beds with bedspreads of different colors with different patterns.

Zoning with furniture

One of the main pieces of furniture in the children's room is the bed. And if there are three children, then you will need as many as three beds! It is best to accommodate three standard beds in the room, while taking into account the tastes of each child. For example, one likes a bed in the form of a dinosaur, another - in the form of a typewriter, and a third - in the form of a house. According to child psychologists, in a cozy bed you fall asleep faster!

But most often it is not possible to place three standard beds in a room, so two- and three-story beds, as well as loft beds, are widely used. In order for each child to feel that the sleeping place belongs only to him, the beds can be arranged in different ways. For example, equip a single-tier one with drawers for storing small items, and a two-tier one will in any case be distinguished by a ladder.

If the children's room in your apartment is very small, you can put folding beds in the play area, then this area will turn into a bedroom at night. For older children, it is recommended to use sectional mobile furniture that they can handle on their own.

To indicate the personal possessions of each child, several furniture sections can be installed between the beds. You can also delimit the space with boxes for toys and other things. It is better if these boxes are of different sizes and colors.

How to furnish a room

Furniture often sets the tone for the entire interior, and also makes the room cozy, ergonomic and functional. This directly concerns the arrangement of a nursery for three children.

If your nursery has a large enough area, you can arrange three beds in series and fence them off with lockers or bedside tables. The parallel arrangement of beds allows you to create the same conditions for all children.

If the room has a small area, it is more advisable to put one two-story and one regular bed. Naturally, the oldest child will sleep on the second floor. In a room with high ceilings, loft beds can be installed, and play and study areas can be placed in the lower space. You can also put a triple bed.

Other bedding options:

  • two beds upstairs and one downstairs;
  • two floors and a pull-out bed hidden in the podium;
  • three pull out beds.

Schoolchildren need jobs. If you place three desks in a room, then place them as far apart as possible so that the children are not distracted during class. Complexes such as a loft bed and a workplace equipped below are very popular.

If it is not possible to purchase a separate locker for each boy or girl, install one spacious wardrobe that will not take up much space, but will allow you to hide all the children's things.

Features of interior decoration and repair

The decoration of the room should solve such problems as creating a cozy atmosphere in the room, a certain style and satisfying the needs of all three children. The allocation of a separate zone for each child is appropriate when it is possible to place these zones along the three walls of the room. In this case, you can zone the space by painting the walls in different colors.

But in a small room, this will not work. In a small area, it is more expedient to carry out zoning according to the principle of functionality. In this case, the division of zones using different color finishes will make the room too colorful. Here, for these purposes, it is better to use architectural structures, lighting fixtures, furniture and textiles.

When decorating a nursery, it is recommended to use simple natural materials. Linoleum, laminate or parquet board is ideal as a floor covering. Walls can be painted, covered with decorative plaster or wallpapered. The ceiling can be whitewashed, painted, suspended or suspended structures can be arranged.

If you decide to wallpaper the walls, choose light colors with small, discreet ornaments. It is better not to buy wallpapers with cartoon characters, because with age, the preferences of children will change, and such a pattern will quickly get bored.

Children's room should be very well lit. Therefore, one ceiling chandelier will not be enough. Each zone should be illuminated by its own light source: a table lamp, a floor lamp or a sconce.

Recently, spotlights and ceiling lights have become very popular. By the way, with its help, you can also divide the room into functional zones. Lights on the ceiling can be placed in groups, along the length of the room, along the perimeter or in zigzags - it all depends on the design of the room.

In order to diversify the design, it is recommended to decorate the room with paintings, panels, vinyl stickers, stencil patterns or drawings created by the hands of the children themselves - the owners of this room. Toddlers can place toys in their zone, teenagers can hang posters, and child athletes can place sports awards.

Self zoning

If you need to zone a children's room for three kids with your own hands, but you don't want to start a complex repair, remember a few simple rules:

  • basic colors should not be too bright, it is better to decorate the floor, ceiling and walls in light colors that visually expand the space, it is also not recommended to use too colorful textile elements;
  • let light into the room by draping the windows not with heavy curtains, but with light curtains, actively use additional light sources;
  • replace massive beds, chests of drawers and tables with compact wooden furniture, make sure that the cabinets are low, then children will be able to get the necessary things without outside help;
  • at a low window, if possible, install a wide window sill, then it will be possible to organize an additional workplace here;
  • a desk can also replace a secretary with a folding horizontal door;
  • do not clutter up the room with rich decor and useless souvenirs, use multifunctional interior items, such as pull-out or lifting beds, sleeping places with a storage system, partitions with bookshelves, etc.

Separation of the bedroom and play area using a furniture partition, wall color and flooring

Remember that your main task is to make the room comfortable for all three children!

Room for three girls

When arranging a nursery for three girls, preference should be given to soft pastel colors. Many little princesses love pink. You shouldn't refuse them. In the nursery for girls, both walls and textile elements can be pink. But besides this color, you can use soft shades of yellow, green and even blue.

If the room is small, all three beds can be placed side by side. Girls will not be uncomfortable because of this. If the family has two little daughters and a teenage daughter, then it is better to equip her sleeping place separately from the younger ones.

Photo gallery: children's for three girls

Room for three boys

Unlike a girl's room, a boy's room should be more strict and free of furniture. This is due to the fact that the boys love to play outdoor games. You should not decorate the boys' room with expensive materials: let your tomboys have the opportunity to play a little pranks, for example, draw on the walls.

It is better to have beds in several tiers - it will be interesting for the boys. As for the color scheme of the interior, it can be blue, green, as well as all shades of brown.

Photo gallery: children's for three boys

Option for children of different sexes

When designing a room for children of different sexes, their age should be taken into account. If all three children are still small, then their sleeping places can be placed side by side, highlighting only the color of the case or textiles. As a rule, it is pink for girls and blue for boys.

If boys and girls already go to school, then their sleeping places should be located away from each other, or at least fenced off with shelving or screens. So the children will feel more comfortable.

Photo gallery: room for children of different sexes

For kids of all ages

In the interior design of a room for children of different ages, the following should be taken into account: children have different interests, so everyone should have their own possession. Bedrooms, if possible, should also be distinguished. For example, younger children can sleep on a bunk bed, while an older one can sleep on a sofa.

Photo gallery: room design options for children of different ages

Spacious room

A spacious room is considered to be from 18 m 2. Such a space is a huge field for the expression of design imagination! On a large area, you can comfortably accommodate three full beds, and three desks, and lockers for each child, and even play and sports complexes. In addition, with proper zoning, there will be enough open space for outdoor games.

Photo gallery: arrangement of a spacious room for children

small room

A small room is considered to be less than 12 m 2. But even in such a room you can equip a nursery for three children. True, it is quite difficult to do this. In such a situation, transforming and multifunctional furniture is the best fit, for example, folding beds, secretaries with hinged lids that turn into desks, partitions with bookshelves, etc.

Photo gallery: small nursery

Arranging a children's room is not an easy task, especially if there are three children in the family. But if you have a great desire and a little imagination, you can overcome any difficulties! Do not be afraid to experiment, but at the same time do not forget that every child should be comfortable in the children's room.

All parents try to create the most comfortable environment in the children's room. This room should be not only functional, contain game, bedroom, « cabinet”, but also be comfortable and beautiful. If the room is under children's large and one child lives there, then it is quite simple to equip it. But if there are two children, and the room is small, then the task becomes more complicated. However, there is a solution, for example, a compact model beds for two children. Such furniture allows not only to significantly save the space of the room, but also to make it unusual.

Functionality to the max

The simplest and most common version of a compact bed for two children is bunk bed. But such a solution may not be applicable in all situations and not for all families. If the difference in the age of the children is insignificant, then disagreements and even quarrels may arise over the choice of a tier, and it is quite difficult for kids 3-5 years old to climb up, and there is a risk of falling from there.

The ideal sleeping arrangement for two children the small room will have a pull out bed. In a narrow long room, it can be placed along a longitudinal or transverse wall, while it will take up a minimum of space.

At night, the lower tier is rolled out using a special mechanism. The design is simple and durable, as it is made with active use in mind. Even small children can sleep on such a bed, since the height of the bed plane is small and the risk of falling and injury during sleep is reduced to nothing.

In the presence of a single common room, the question arises of organizing in a limited space all the zones necessary for a comfortable life.

Often the owners of even large apartments combine several rooms into one to make the apartment more spacious and practical.

Decide where to host, where to work, where to relax, and how to make these areas as non-overlapping as possible.

There are many options for dividing the space, thanks to which the bedroom-living room in one room does not create any inconvenience and looks harmonious.

Combining a living room and a bedroom in one room is an interesting task that requires careful design consideration.

This is an option for a person who has become the owner of one-room housing, or a young family, if the second room in the apartment, if available, is given over to a nursery.

The living room is supposed to be an active pastime, and the sleeping area should provide an opportunity to relax in a relaxing environment. These tasks seem to be mutually exclusive.

However, having thought over the layout of the apartment, making some adjustments at the stage of repair, it is possible to successfully place both the bedroom and the "reception hall" in one room.

First of all, you need to think about the convenience and comfort of this space.

When it is possible to make minor changes in the room without affecting the load-bearing structures, then a good solution to highlight different zones would be to erect a partition in the middle of the room, perpendicular to its long side, with two passages on the sides.

The width of this wall should be equal to the size of the living room sofa or the width of the bed with two bedside tables.

Bedside tables can be successfully replaced with light tables, open cubes with one shelf inside, even fabric shelves on brackets. The main thing is to be able to put a book, phone or glasses.

The bed is oriented to one side of the partition, and the sofa is moved back to the other.

Bedside and sofa lighting groups are mounted inside the wall itself. With this decision of the bedroom-living room, depending on where the window opening is located, you can admire the setting sun or sunrise, lying in bed or sitting comfortably with a cup of cocoa on the sofa.

This option allows you to create a clear boundary between the bedroom and the living room, but at the same time the room remains bright and spacious.

The second way to divide the common space into two zones, which also involves the construction of light wall structures, is the removal of short partitions perpendicular to the long sides of the room.

If a more solid, but not bulky barrier is required, then they can be continued with glass sliding doors.

It is also possible to install fasteners for Japanese curtains on the ceiling from several canvases moving in the same plane, creating a private space.

Glass or light fabric will mark the border between two zones with opposite purposes, but will not overload the space of a small room.

The third method involves the visual division of the room by painting the living room and bedroom with contrasting colors, using different textured materials for wall decoration.

For a night rest area, you should choose light colors or muted shades of darker tones.

The living room, on the other hand, can be an “explosion” of color if it suits the mood of the owner. The optical effect of different spaces should be supported by narrow ceiling-high shelves located at the junction, photographs or posters, or objects that emphasize the character and hobbies of the inhabitants of the apartment.

Even ordinary spinning rods or intricate interweaving of steel pipes will look like an art object, a modern installation.

If the sofa takes the place of the bed

When creating a space in one room that is both a living room and a bedroom, it is necessary to consider the choice of dimensional objects that, by their appearance, will emphasize the functional purpose of one or another zone.

What are the options?

Pros and cons: what to choose

  1. lifting bed - a great opportunity to get a full-fledged sleeping place, which rises into the closet in the morning, i.e. becomes invisible.

    This allows you to significantly save space, and thanks to the lifting mechanism, the structure is easily removed into a niche.

    In the closed position, this device becomes a three-dimensional panel, where it is easy to fix a magnetic marker or slate board. It is here that you can hang the necessary materials when considering a new project, place an exhibition of drawings or something more ambitious.

    The simplest and most effective option is a mirror.

    A convenient mechanism will help make the lifting bed invisible during the daytime, and the space of the room is designed for work and outdoor activities.

    In the evening, a sleeping place is transformed from a closet, and the room becomes a bedroom, in the morning you return the structure to its place (with a slight movement) and the room again turns into a living room, ready to receive guests.

  2. sofa bed is an amazing invention. During the day it is a place for gatherings, and at night for sleeping.

    When folded, it does not take up much space.

    The sofa can become the bright center of the room, attract all the attention to itself, if it stands out from the general color scheme with upholstery or small textile details - accent pillows, textured plaid.

    If you need to use a folding sofa, you can find a model that folds out into a comfortable bed.

    However, this piece of furniture has its drawbacks. Every day, assembling and disassembling a heavy structure is a real test for any person.

    When unfolded, it occupies almost the entire room and interferes with free movement.

    In addition, the sofa bed is a temporary measure and should not be taken apart daily. On some products, manufacturers even put the marking "Not for permanent use."

    The sofa will not be able to provide the necessary level of support for the body of a sleeping person, in the way that an orthopedic mattress performs these functions.

    Placement in visually separated areas of a full-fledged bed and a separate sofa is the best option for arranging a comfortable home.

In this case, the room will be divided into public and private areas.

A similar solution is possible in a small room, the only condition is its rectangular shape.

Decorating parts of the space in different ways, the owner of the apartment will receive a cozy bedroom and a living room designed for visits.

Let's start with the most important and basic item in the bedroom -. To make the bed as cozy and comfortable as possible, and sleep healthy, it is better to consider the following tips:

  • the bed is better to put the headboard against the wall. So a person subconsciously creates a feeling of security and tranquility. If for some reason such a layout is not possible, then you can use a high headboard or move the bed to a high piece of furniture;
  • double bed it is better to arrange it so that there are approaches to it from both sides, while do not forget that the minimum width of the passage is 70 cm. If, but young people live in it, sometimes they neglect this rule and move the bed against the wall, which should not be done, if the bedroom belongs to people of age, since it will not be very convenient for them to get out of bed;
  • single bed it is better to move the side to the wall - so it will look more harmonious, and it will be more comfortable to rest on it;
  • it is not recommended to place the bed. Although this is a rather romantic solution, constant drafts and cold air from the window opening do not contribute to a pleasant stay. Moreover, the approach to the window will be difficult. An exception is the case when the bedroom has two large windows: then a bed can be placed between them, and then, if the climate in the region is not very severe and cold winters are rather rare;
  • straight across from the door the bed is also not worth putting. Firstly, it is uncomfortable for those who sleep, and secondly, the bright light from the neighboring room with a suddenly opened door can cause discomfort. It is better when, upon awakening, a person immediately turns his gaze to something pretty and pleasing to the eye: a picture, a flower, a window, etc.;
  • the bed is also better not to have in front of the mirror, and indeed, if a mirror is provided in the bedroom, it is better that the sleeping people are not reflected in it: the same effect of discomfort is created as with the door in front of the bed;
  • an interesting solution is to put the bed in a corner and arrange diagonally. In this case, behind the bed there is a place for a cabinet or a shelf for storing the most necessary things.

Naturally, bedside tables located on the sides of the bed. The size and design can be absolutely any. Of course, it is better to use the same bedside tables, but today some designers advise to decorate the bedroom asymmetrically.

No. 3. Where to put the wardrobe?

In addition to the bed, usually in the bedroom there are bedside tables, or a dressing table and a wardrobe. sometimes on this list. If there is one in the apartment, then the closet in the bedroom is not so necessary, and instead you can put it in, a bookcase or a desktop, depending on your requirements and preferences.

Usually, the closet is an integral element of the bedroom. It could be like a small wardrobe, and a spacious wardrobe. In any case, it is better to put it close to the wall to save space, another great option is a corner cabinet, which has excellent spaciousness.

It is not recommended to place the cabinet near the wall where the window is located, because in this case its contents will not be sufficiently illuminated by sunlight. It is best if the cabinet is located near the wall opposite the window or near the wall to the side of the window.

No. 4. How to position the chest of drawers?

A chest of drawers or a dressing table is another mandatory attribute of a bedroom. You can place it in absolutely any place, and if there is no mirror above the chest of drawers, then it can also be used as a TV stand, of course, if you need this piece of equipment in your bedroom. If the dressing table is equipped with a large mirror, then it is better not to place it opposite the bed for the reasons described above.

It should also be noted that in some cases the bedroom is combined with an office. In this case, it falls into the list of necessary items, and it is better to place them closer to the window in order to make the most of natural light. To organize a place for reading near the window, you can place an armchair.

No. 5. How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom?

With all the above rules, arranging furniture in the bedroom becomes not such an easy task, and it becomes even more complicated when it comes to a miniature bedroom. In this case, you need to arrange all the necessary items, create a harmonious and comfortable space, but at the same time leave enough space for movement.

First, you need to create as many storage places, and use for this usually unused space for this purpose. So, the whole bed can be surrounded by shelving, the space under the bed can be used for storing things and bed linen, but in this case it is necessary to select a bed model with a spacious niche in advance. Thus, the place is won, and the chest of drawers can be abandoned. In extreme cases, you can organize a small shelf above the bed to store the most necessary things.

If even the most compact cabinet does not fit, then you can replace it hanger-rod to hang on it the most necessary items. An interesting solution is: this way you can highlight the bed, and additional storage space appears inside the podium. Another option - furniture transformer. Although it is expensive, for some bedrooms it is the only solution. It can be a bed that retracts into a closet or other interesting solutions. For a small bedroom, a ready-made furniture set is not very suitable, as it may simply not fit, but modular furniture is what you need.

Separately, it should be noted narrow bedrooms. In this case, it is better to place the bed perpendicular to the long wall in order to visually level out the imperfections of the room. The only exception is the case when, with such an arrangement of furniture, the distance to the walls remains less than 70 cm.

No. 6. How to arrange furniture in a bedroom combined with a living room?

Small apartments are a problem for many of us. Often there is no separate place for the bedroom, and it is combined with the living room. At the same time, it is important select two zones: personal and public. A wardrobe, a rack, any partition - and personal preferences can serve as a distinction. It is better to place the sleeping area in the farthest part of the bedroom-living room in order to create the most comfortable and intimate atmosphere there: during the day - receiving guests and watching family TV, and at night it turns into a sleeping place. Depending on how many people will use the bed, it is selected and

No. 7. How to arrange furniture in a bedroom combined with a nursery?

Often a bedroom, even in not the smallest apartments, turns into a