Hanger made of chipboard in the hallway with your own hands. Do-it-yourself floor clothes hanger, photo. Master class "Hanger made of real wood"

The corridor of a cozy living space begins with an important attribute - hangers. Thanks to her, you can put things in order in the hallway. You can buy this irreplaceable piece of furniture, or you can make a floor hanger for clothes with your own hands. If you have elementary skills, a desire and a sketch of a finished attribute, then you should not stop, you need to make it yourself.

To make the hallway cozy, it is necessary that all the furniture in it be perfectly matched in color and style. This is a tricky business, and it must be approached with all responsibility.

The entrance hall in a standard apartment is very small, so it is not possible to put a closet or chest of drawers there. But a clothes hanger should be a must, it will be the only thing that attracts attention.

To make your hallway different from others, you need to make its main attribute with your own hands. This will not only increase the rating of the owner, but also create a unique atmosphere throughout the apartment.

There are many product models. They are used for clothing and for small accessories. There are wall and floor structures that "do their job" equally well. Any of the two options can be done independently, the main thing is to accurately imagine how it should look in finished form.

Advantages and disadvantages

If in small corridor there is no space, then you can make a small, unusual hanger. It will serve both for clothes and for umbrellas or bags. It is very easy to make a wall-mounted clothes hanger with your own hands. From materials suitable:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

The advantage of the design is:

  • compactness;
  • functionality;
  • variety of forms.

This model is suitable for a small hallway. In addition to hooks, you can make shelves for storing hats, gloves and other accessories on it. You can put shoes under it, and you can hang bags and umbrellas on additional hooks on the side.

To craft such an irreplaceable item, you can use various materials, combine them, thanks to your imagination.

Its disadvantage is the stationarity and the installation itself, during which it is necessary to drill holes in the wall. In case of incorrect or unstable installation, problems may arise in subsequent operation. And if during the rearrangement you want to move it to a new place, then you will need to dismantle the hanger and repair the wall.

The simplest model of such an accessory in the hallway is the plank on which the hooks are nailed. The description turned out to be not colorful, but if you take an exclusive material for its manufacture, then the product will turn out to be exclusive.

If a wooden plank is taken for the product, then it can be processed different methods: sanding, painting, etc. Hanger hooks can be real wooden hooks, metal hooks, door handles and other material. They can be all the same or different, which looks very unusual.

So that the child always undresses himself, he needs a funny hanger. In this case, you can look after children's hooks in the form of cartoon characters or favorite animals. Since children's things are not so heavy, any interesting plastic toys can serve as hooks for the product, for example: balls, cups, etc.

Small rubber animals can be attached to the bar with superglue or special rubber glue.

To make the hallway in the house look original, you can nail different hooks to the wall in a chaotic manner, where there will be hooks for the child at the bottom.

Old forks or spoons do not throw away, they can make excellent hooks for a hanger, if you slightly bend the end. If old useless skis take up space in the pantry, then they can also be used as a bar for a hanger. It is worth refreshing them a little with paint, and nailing decorative elements, which will be hooks. Seeing such beauty, made by yourself, your guests will envy you.

For those who do not know how to work with wood, but want to have an original product, there is a way out. In the store you need to buy a special decorative self-adhesive film that imitates a wall hanger and stick it on the wall. It remains only to choose the material for the hooks and attach them to the wall.

Find a lot fresh ideas as well as workshops on making wall construction, you can on the Internet.

The designs of floor products are different, so not all of them will be suitable for living quarters. Let's consider their options in more detail:

Pros and cons

This item is not only functional but also stylish. Having shown imagination, you can give the product the most unusual shapes. The advantage of the hanger is:

Mobility- an important feature of the design, which becomes more noticeable during repairs, when rearranging, and even with a complete change in the style of the room.

During the installation of the floor accessory, there is no need to make holes in the wall and damage decorative coating. If the hanger is not needed in the summer, then you can simply move it to another place or hide it in the pantry.

Models of floor hangers differ in size, material and shape. A handmade product will fully match your tastes and the chosen style of the room.

Most floor structures have one drawback - questionable stability. Before proceeding with its manufacture, it is necessary to provide for maximum safety and stability. A so-called sole must be attached to the back of the support leg so that the material does not scratch or damage the floor. The hanger should be free of pointed components that could damage clothing.

This model will be different from the wall, since its location will require a little space on the floor. Making the product yourself will be more difficult, but this will not stop a person who is trying to decorate the interior of his house with exclusive things.

From an old tree

The easiest option is to use old wood painted with paint. Of course, on its trunk there must be strong branches that will serve as hooks. A stand for such a hanger can be any heavy flat object, the shape of which does not matter.

If after the repair you have left wooden stairs, then they will make a great hanger. The length of the bar that will fasten the stairs is selected. It is nailed on top so that one ladder is on one side and the other is on the other. At the height of the first or second step, a shelf is made from the board from below. Its edges are also fixed with nails.

Depending on whether how many steps are there on the stairs, and what clothes will hang on this hanger, you can make another shelf. Things on such a model hang on hangers, which makes them always straightened, well-groomed. By the way, it can be painted in any color you like. The main advantage of this design is that it can accommodate a significant amount of clothing.

To make a floor lamp hanger at home, you can use round or shaped metal or plastic pipes. To get a stable product, 1.7 meters high, it is better to take sewer pipes 60 mm. The base is better to make a square. Detailed master class for the manufacture of such a design can be found on the Internet.

If there is an old floor lamp in stock, then it can be used as the basis for the product. Need to take off old lampshade and remove the wire. Come up with hooks, or use the wire frame of the lampshade. If the leg of the floor lamp requires painting, then you need to carry out preparatory work, and only after them - paint the product.

A handmade product with forged metal elements will look very beautiful and original. Design models can be found on the Internet, forged elements order from the masters artistic forging. To assemble a hanger from the received parts, you will need a welding machine. After joining the parts in single structure, you need to degrease it with a solvent, and then paint it.

Forged hangers always look stylish. They can complement the interior in classical style. Openwork forged metal elements are perfectly combined with the attributes of various styles.

There is no way in the hallway without a hanger - you can’t throw your removed raincoats, coats and hats on the floor. You can, of course, drive several large nails into the wall, but this is not at all aesthetically pleasing. Yes, and the wallpaper will be greasy, dirty from outerwear. Much more pleasing to the eye and more practical will be the real one - or, as you like. And you can build it yourself, and for this you do not need to be a furniture ace at all.


We need skillful hands, uncomplicated home tool and a minimum of materials. You can even use waste, by the way. Or beautiful branches with knots found in the forest.

So, the arsenal of the tool will be as follows:

  • Screwdriver and self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4 mm with a cap of the appropriate shape. The length of the screws is 3-5 centimeters (depending on the material).
  • Saw grinder for cutting boards or chipboard.
  • Dowels (in case of wall construction).
  • Drill or screwdriver (preferably electric).
  • Roulette, level, pencil for marking.
  • Sandpaper for finishing.

To create some variants of hangers, metal corners, a jigsaw (if you need to cut curly surfaces) can also come in handy. If you want to create, then there will be a need for welding machine. However, for simple products it won't be needed.

A simple hanger in the corridor with your own hands


Now about the materials. Most popular - wooden planks, plywood and bars, as well as their trimmings. Hangers are often made from wood boards - it is better to take laminated ones, which look prettier. However, it is possible to paint ordinary chipboard, having previously primed it. It will be effective too.

And if you have an old floor lamp with a stable base, which all hands can’t throw away, then you can give it a second life in the form of a floor-type hanger. To do this, just remove the lampshade along with the lamp mount and disconnect the power cord. It remains to paint the product in the chosen color, not forgetting first to attach hooks to the upper metal circle - woven from wire are well suited here.

By the way, hooks for hangers in the hallway - important detail. They should be large and comfortable. You can buy them in the store furniture fittings, but you can show imagination. Natural materials are a good help in work. Moreover, the products from them are exclusive - no one will definitely have such products. For example, knots and branches, sanded and varnished, can be used as hooks. Beautiful and functional.

Another interesting and original version- hooks from teaspoons bent in half. Or aluminum forks. In both cases, the handle is the lower (main) part of the product. You can also bend thick wire hooks by shaping them decorative elements- beads, for example.

Wall photo in do-it-yourself hanger in the hallway

From forks From keys From clothespins Old doorknobs
From sticks From spoons From bicycle handlebars From knots

How to make a hanger in the hallway with your own hands

But before you start creating a masterpiece, please look at the drawings that we have selected for you.

Drawings of hangers in the hallway


wall models

The base of the hanger is a shield on which the hooks will be placed. It can be made solid (from a wood board or a centimeter sheet of plywood) or trellised. The latter option is preferable - it is lighter, and less material is used.

  1. To assemble such a shield, two parallel horizontal boards (bars) are attached to the wall with dowels.
  2. Then vertical boards about 7 centimeters wide are nailed to them, and hooks are attached to those.
  3. The size of the product depends on the dimensions of the wall and the entire room. Decoration - optional. It can be varnish, paint, self-adhesive. The main thing is not to forget to carefully process all the edges and ends so that there are no rough edges.
  4. If desired, the top of the hanger can be attached metal corners a shelf for hats - a board about 20 centimeters wide.
  5. And if the hanger is made to the entire height of the wall, then it’s a good idea to provide for the bottom. It will have to be supported at the bottom with bars 5 by 5 centimeters.

The following video promises to teach you DIY wall art wooden hangers in the hallway from one board:

floor products

Here it is important to take care of a heavy base that should not turn over.

  • As already mentioned, you can take improvised materials such as the bottom of a floor lamp.
  • The skeleton of a floor fan that has stopped working is also suitable.
  • Another tip is to use a Christmas tree stand - there are a lot of them now.
  • And the easiest and cheapest way is to put together a wooden cross from thick bars, then decorating it.

Now - a hanger post.

  • It can also be made from a bar with a length of one and a half meters, and in the upper part with metal corners attach several short bars for expansion (our hooks will be located on them).
  • Much more creative, however, another option will look - if you use a suitable dry tree without bark, sanding it and varnishing it. Here, hooks are not needed - twigs will play this role.

For those who have a welding machine and like to work with metal, you can make a heavy and durable metal hanger. To do this, you need a pipe with a diameter of about 3 centimeters, as well as steel rods for legs and hooks with a diameter of 1.6 and 1 centimeter (respectively). There will be three legs - they are smoothly bent and welded to the pipe. Several hooks are made at the top, as in similar finished products. And then the design is painted.

floor hanger which is easy to create with your own hands

From wood and chipboard

Natural wood is easy to process and finish, and it is also environmentally friendly. In addition, almost every masterful owner will have trimmings of slats, bars, boards or pieces of plywood. A little imagination, a couple of free evenings - and here is an original hanger in front of the admiring household. All you need is two longitudinal strips, several transverse ones (by the way, it’s good to use ready-made platbands for this purpose) and hooks at your discretion. For example, wooden knots, furniture handles or bright plastic cups.

Very grateful material are wood boards. From them, you can use a jigsaw to cut out all kinds of figured products. For example, a hanger, the contours of which are made in the form of a stylized tree, is now fashionable. Having cut it out, we paint it in a cheerful color (not forgetting to smooth out the irregularities with emery beforehand) and fasten it with dowels to the wall. Then we attach hooks for clothes at the ends of the branches. By the way, for such a tree, you can take thick plywood.

Before proceeding to the direct manufacture of the hanger, we advise you to pay attention to the master class in the video below, which will tell you how to create creative hanger in the form of a tree for your corridor:

It is possible to build a simpler version from chipboard hangers in the hallway with their own hands, for example, a solid or lattice shield ( the simplest design wall hanger). And by taking laminated boards, we will get rid of the need to finish them. But the ends must be processed - for this, a special edge is sold, which is welded with an iron. And one more thing: you need to cut laminated sheets only from the inside, otherwise they will crack.

Do you want to create a wooden hanger in the hallway with your own hands? And, preferably, with a shelf for hats? Easy! Watch the following video carefully:

You can do without a hanger in the hallway or corridor only if there is a large closet, and then not always. In private houses, it is more convenient to have "duty" clothes at hand - to jump out into the yard. Those that are mounted on the wall are more convenient: they take up less space. One thing does not please: the prices for worthy specimens are considerable. Therefore, we will tell you how it is made wall hanger with your own hands. The models are different, different techniques are used, but they have one thing in common: they are easy to make, especially with detailed photos process and explanation. There are also diagrams and video tutorials.

From boards in the form of a tree

Into our small hallway need a hanger. I don’t want to buy the usual one in the form of a bar with hooks - I don’t really like them, and my little daughter won’t get it. Other options with a set of parallel boards are also not inspiring. There is a switch on this wall, so it won’t work without fitting, and it’s not clear what kind of look it will be. Therefore, it was decided: I make a wall hanger with my own hands in the form of a tree - a trunk, branches. It fits into the interior. I will process the wood with stain and varnish on water based, the color should be close to the color of the front door.

So, two were bought at the sawmill unedged boards 25 mm thick. They are marked - on one trunk, on the other - branches.

We take an electric jigsaw and cut out blanks along the applied contours. Next is the turn of very dusty work - we grind the wood, at the same time adjusting the thickness of the joints with the "branches". Used a drill with a rubber nozzle and sandpaper. First large grain, then medium and small.

Sanding is a dirty business

After the result was satisfactory - it became smooth and the wood pattern showed through well - it was the turn of the stain. This is mahogany color, applied in four layers. After drying, they covered everything with a water-based varnish. Three coats were applied with breaks of three hours.

Nails 200 mm were used as hooks. They were cut to the desired length (different ones - longer for the upper part of the hanger, shorter for the bottom). The caps and the rod were polished for smoothness, and a thread was cut into the thickness of the board (25 mm) on the lower part. Holes were preliminarily made in the “branches”, “hooks” were screwed into them.

Now it remains to fix all the details on the wall. The walls are concrete, so we fix them with dowels. First we put the barrel, we drill holes through it. We set aside the wood for now, insert plastic plugs for dowels into the holes. Having put the "barrel" in place, we fasten it. Using the same technology, we fasten the "branches".

It turned out well, and the color almost exactly matches the door. The plans are to build a small shelf for shoes and bags. All costs for the manufacture of this hanger - about $ 6 for boards and $ 2 for nails, about the same amount was spent on dowels. Stain and varnish were, and consumption is small.

Simple wall hanger made of chipboard

The task is to make a cheap clothes hanger on the wall (for rented apartment). AT hardware store Bought two boards laminated chipboard() entitled " furniture board". Two, because the price turned out to be low, and in the accessories department, where they were looking for hooks, they found good brackets for very little money. We use them for the second board - we will make a shelf for small things.

From the tool you will need a screwdriver or screwdriver, a drill, a set of drills. Still - a tape measure and a pencil - mark the attachment points of hooks and brackets.

After the boards were unpacked, there were spots of glue on them, some other, incomprehensible stains. All this can be eliminated with a solvent. We take a soft white (not colored) rag and wipe everything well.

Next, mark with a pencil the places for the screws. Remove hooks, drill holes. Drill - 1-2 mm smaller in diameter than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. The hole is necessary so that the work goes easier, and also so that the surface does not crack when twisting. We put the hooks in place.

It's time for the shelves. I set aside the same distances on one side and the other, attached the brackets, marked the holes for the fasteners. Drilled holes, installed brackets. All.

Now we mount it on the wall. The technique is the same, but with dowels: we apply, mark the attachment points, drill. Drill - according to the size of the dowel. We insert the plug of the dowel into the hole, put the hanger / shelf on the wall, fasten it.

This do-it-yourself wall hanger was made in two hours (together with a shelf).

Hanger with shelf

You can take the idea as a basis, use any other "hooks" and stops. This DIY wall hanger is made from two 25mm thick planed boards, two carpenter's squares and five hammers.

Wood needs to be dry, otherwise cracks may occur. Instead of squares, even triangular pieces of a similar board can be used. An important condition is the presence right angle. And instead of hammers, you can even fix knots or, for example, cut wooden hangers, and any hooks. This one is just a gift.

Spare parts - hammers and squares

The two boards must be the same length. An exact match is important. Having adjusted the length, we process sandpaper the edges. There is a drill - we take a nozzle, fasten the emery and grind first with a large grain, then with a medium one. Then we start marking. First, mark where the stops will be attached. Divide the remaining distance by six, put marks - there are five of them. Just by the number of "hooks".

Ruthlessly cut off the handles on the hammers. We cut it slightly obliquely to get a slight slope.

Using a drill, make holes in the center. The drill diameter is 1-2 mm less than the fasteners used, the hole depth is not less than the length of the self-tapping screw.

Two boards must be connected at right angles. The installation step of the screws is 10-15 cm. We mark the places on the sidewall, transfer them to the end. High accuracy is required. We apply one to the other and transfer the marks with a finely sharpened pencil. We make holes according to the markup.

Drilling holes

We fold the boards at an angle of 90 °, connect them with self-tapping screws. First we twist the two extreme ones, then one in the middle, and then all the rest. The length of the self-tapping screws is at least 75 mm (triple the thickness of the board).

According to the marking, we drill holes for the hooks.

Installing the corner brackets. Since joiner's squares were used, there were no holes in them. They were drilled - two on the top and bottom on each bar. On one stop, 8 screws are obtained. We take them small - more than 20 mm, so as not to pierce the wood. Therefore, a large number of them are required.

The wooden wall hanger is ready. It remains only to paint and hang on the wall.

Based on this homemade hanger, other options were made.

With larger shelves

Video lessons

A few simple homemade hangers for "handy" in video format.

Drawings and ideas for DIY

Easy DIY hanger

A clothes hanger is not only a unique fixture, but also a stylish decor element that can give your hallway a certain personality and specialty.

At present, there are a huge number of variety of options design solutions: from the simple classic to the most extraordinary.

Main selection criteria

First of all, when choosing the most the best option hangers in the hallway should take into account several important details:

  • material of manufacture;
  • stylistic decision;
  • design features;
  • the amount of free space;
  • the presence of originality and unusualness.

Taking into account all these details, you can choose the most convenient and functional option hangers for your hallway.

We pay attention to the material

For the manufacture can be used as natural materials as well as artificial ones. The most popular and time-tested are wood and metal, they are shown in the photo of the hanger in the hallway.

Let's consider each of the varieties in a little more detail.

Wooden. Great solution become wooden hangers in the hallway to create numerous styles.

Metal. AT this case preference is given to floor structures with hooks in several rows. In addition, there are also wall hangers in the hallway, the varieties of which are determined depending on the total number of hooks. This option is also distinguished by a variety of colors.

No less popular is the laminated version of chipboard. But, despite the final choice of clothes hangers in the hallway, the main thing is that it be as reliable as possible.

Design choice and main advantages

There are a huge number of model varieties, while designers are not going to stop there.

All varieties have their individual characteristics and benefits, especially wall options: compact and convenient location.

Among the variety of varieties are:

  • with hooks in one row;
  • with fittings in several rows;
  • with additional storage space;
  • with the presence of a crossbar;
  • with top shelf.

Floor hangers in the hallway deserve special attention. Their location can be not only in the corner, but also along any wall.

The most common variety is the crossbar on special racks. This option requires an addition in the form of a coat hanger.

Features a special functionality combined option, for example, a hanger with a curbstone.

If desired, you can install a wardrobe, in this case, the hangers in the hallway are located directly in it, however, this option is relatively large and requires a lot of free space.

In the case of using flow structures (fastening is carried out to the wall), it is important to remember that this variety implies a large load and is not suitable for those rooms that have stretch or suspended ceilings.

Hanger in the hallway

What to look out for first Special attention- the size of the room. In the presence of small area better use compact options for further ease of use.

To competently save space, it is better to purchase a corner hanger in the hallway.

Built-in varieties are no less popular. forged hangers in the hallway. Moreover, this model makes it possible not only to install the hanger itself, but also the built-in wardrobe, which is distinguished by its increased capacity and excellent fit into any interior solution.

AT modern apartments you can find small pantries, their location is carried out directly in the hallway. This option is very often used as a small dressing room, and standard door can be replaced by special sliding system or a metal hanger in the hallway.

In houses with a lot of free space and non-standard layout, you can install complex structure, which includes a mirror, lighting, cabinet with a hanger in the hallway or bench.

As for the materials of manufacture, we already mentioned this at the beginning of the article. In this case, we should recall the possibility of combining several varieties.

Also, don't forget to use ready-made, for example, Ikea, the hanger in the hallway in this case is able to satisfy any needs of customers.

You can also create a model to order, having prepared a sketch of the model in advance. wooden hangers in the hallway.

Photo hangers in the hallway