Is it possible to have a fresco in the kitchen. Accent wall - a special technique in the interior of the room guarantees an excellent result. Latest trends in creation

Frescoes are the oldest direction of painting, which, having passed through the centuries, has not lost its grandeur and charm. Despite its considerable age, this wall decoration option is still in demand, especially when decorating kitchens. The secret of popularity is simple - such artistic decoration gives the opportunity to transform any space beyond recognition. Let's figure out what the wall murals are: consider photos in the interior of the kitchen, specific features, style differences and do-it-yourself creation technologies - we study the issue in a comprehensive manner.

A few decades ago, figuring out what frescoes were, one could come to an unequivocal answer - a drawing on wet plaster. But in our time, they are presented in a wide variety of species, as new technologies allow the use of these decorative elements in a variety of formats - then we will get to know them.

Frescoes - a stylish and non-standard solution for transforming the interior of the kitchen

On wet plaster

The traditional decor option is painting on wet elastic plaster: first, relief plaster is applied to the wall, then it is tinted in the desired color, after which an artistic image is made on the resulting background. The strength of the finish is achieved through the use of a special mounting grid. To create a picture, only natural paints are used.

Painting on elastic wet plaster - a traditional type of fresco on the wall

This type of wall painting has a lot of advantages: a unique design, ease of adjustment during the creation process, the possibility of restoration during subsequent operation, masking the irregularities of the base due to a layer of plaster. However, she also has disadvantages: high cost and complexity of implementation - the work requires professional skills, the use of special tools and compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions in the kitchen.

Note! Despite the external sophistication and fragility, frescoes on plaster are distinguished by high performance properties - they are not abraded and are not afraid of moisture, therefore they withstand wet cleaning.

on canvas

Painting on canvas is another painstakingly executed, but exquisite version of a wall mural. It is made entirely by hand: a base of lime powder and river sand is applied to a cotton canvas, and then a drawing is made on a dried base using natural paints. In some cases, to create the effect of realism, the picture is artificially aged, adding scuffs to it.

In stores, such frescoes are sold in the form of finished canvases, rolled up - they just need to be fixed on the wall with wallpaper glue and treated with a protective wax composition. But when buying such a finish, one should also take into account its significant drawback - the complexity of care: the picture can only be washed with a slightly damp soft cloth without effort, since there is a high risk of damage to the coating.

Canvas decor will be the highlight of any kitchen

On interlining

Fresco non-woven wallpaper is an alternative to manual labor in creating a decorative image: the drawing on the canvas is done using a printer. Thanks to a special paint application technology, this finish does not fade or fade, so it retains its original appearance for a long period of time. An undoubted plus of the canvases is the ease of installation: they are glued in the traditional way on glue for non-woven wallpaper.

Note! To give the non-woven finish a more “lively” look, additional elements of the composition can be painted on the canvas with paints.

Non-woven fabrics are easy to stick, but no less spectacular than natural painting

Wall mural-self-adhesive

Self-adhesive wall murals for wall murals are the most financially affordable type of decorative finish. It is carried out using a printer: an artistic image is digitally applied to a smooth or slightly embossed canvas. Wall murals are suitable for covering plastered and painted walls. But it is important that the base is even, since the self-adhesive sheet is thin enough, so it will not hide the defects of the rough surface.

Self-adhesive on the wall - an affordable way to give the interior a new character

Choosing a fresco for the kitchen

In order for the fresco to become a real decoration of the kitchen and not negatively affect its visual perception in any way, it is important to choose a finish that will ideally match all the features of the space being designed. In this case, you need to focus on two main factors - the style direction of the interior and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Criterion #1: interior style

One of the main advantages of a fresco is the ability to choose a harmonious finish for any style of kitchen:

  • Classic. The style is characterized by elegance and unobtrusive monumentality, so decoration with Renaissance scenes, reproductions of paintings, mythological heroes, antique paintings, and mosaics would be appropriate here. If you are interested in a lighter and simpler classic fresco on the kitchen wall, the photo will suggest alternative options: landscapes, floral patterns, still lifes, architectural scenes.

The picture with romantic urban motifs looks restrained, but gives the classic interior a sophisticated charm.

  • Hi-tech and loft. Styles gravitate toward spectacular rigor and clarity – such an atmosphere will be complemented by geometric shapes, urban motifs, imitation of three-dimensional graphics, volumetric abstractions, images of steel mechanisms and even blueprints.

Decor with an urban theme fits perfectly into the loft-style kitchen-dining room

  • Provence and country. These two related areas are valued for the spirit of warmth, coziness and comfort, so you need to select the appropriate fresco for them: rural houses, azure coast, lavender fields, patterns with pastoral motifs, landscapes. Another characteristic option for artistic decoration is the imitation of natural materials: embossed plaster, stone or brickwork.

Elegant artistic insert in the Provence style interior

  • Ethno. With the help of frescoes made in national motifs, you can recreate the atmosphere of the most exotic corners of the world in the kitchen. The oriental interior will be effectively emphasized by the decoration with floral and landscape prints: sakura, peonies, bamboo, authentic houses. For the African style, you should choose sketches of the savannas and scenes of local life. And for an interior in the Egyptian style, images of pyramids, statues, hieroglyphs and deserts, as well as canonical painting, are best suited.

Colorful wall decor takes you to the atmosphere of the African savannah

Blooming sakura - a characteristic plot for a Japanese-style interior

The artistic image of the pharaoh emphasizes the Egyptian style of the interior.

Criterion number 2: dimensions of the kitchen

The second most important nuance that must be considered when choosing a fresco is the size of the kitchen. If you are decorating a spacious room or a combined kitchen-living room area, you can decorate the walls with images of any format and any color scheme - focus only on the style features of the room.

In a large kitchen, a picture on the entire wall looks spectacular

Owners of miniature kitchens have less maneuver - here you should select plots that will visually enlarge the space and push its boundaries. These can be perspective images of landscapes, roads and streets. The color palette should be dominated by light shades. A spectacular solution is photo wallpapers with panoramic and 3D drawings.

In a small kitchen, light wall decor should be preferred.

Note! In non-standard small kitchens, for example, in Khrushchev, it is undesirable to decorate the entire wall with a fresco - it is better to use it as a local art insert.

How to make a mural on a wall

If you do not want to spend money on the services of specialists and feel the strength to complete the decorative finish yourself, here are three ways to make a fresco on the wall - carefully study the features of the work before proceeding with the implementation of your idea.

Painting a picture

The most difficult, but effective way is to create painting on plaster:

  1. Clean and level the rough base. Cover it with decorative embossed plaster.
  2. Prime a layer of plaster.
  3. Prepare a sketch of the image and paint over its reverse side with a stylus. Having attached the sketch to the work surface with the slate side, outline it in such a way as to leave a clear silhouette on the wall.
  4. Apply a base coat of paint to the base.

Important! Use acrylic paints - they are moisture resistant, easy to apply and do not emit a pungent odor.

  1. Focusing on the silhouette of the sketch, paint the designated area of ​​the wall.
  2. Cover the drawing with wax or varnish.

Creating a natural fresco is a complex procedure with spectacular results.

We glue wallpaper fresco

If you do not have the talent of an artist, use frescoed wallpaper for walls - they are glued using the same technology as ordinary wallpaper:

  1. Prepare the base - clean and level it in four steps: plaster, primer, filler and sand.
  2. Mark the wall according to the size of the fresco you are using.
  3. Mix the glue - a mixture for non-woven wallpaper is best. Alternately apply glue to the art canvas and the working base.
  4. Carefully take the softened cloth and fix it from top to bottom on the work surface.
  5. To remove excess air, roll the wallpaper with a rubber roller. Wipe off excess glue with a sponge.

Important! To ensure that the fresco dries evenly, close the kitchen window and door while finishing work.

Artistic canvas is glued exactly like traditional wallpaper

We translate the stencil

You don’t know how to draw, but don’t want to use ready-made wallpaper-murals? Then the third method is suitable for you - creating an image using a stencil:

  1. Clean and prime the wall. If there are defects on the base, level it with putty and sand it.
  2. Prepare a pattern stencil, acrylic paints and special stencil glue.
  3. Cover the floors with foil. Lay the stencil on the floor with the front side down and glue it. Keep in mind that the template will only need to be temporarily fixed to the wall, so do not overdo it with glue.
  4. Attach the stencil to the working base and gently smooth out any wrinkles using a piece of paper or a dry rag.
  5. Start applying paint in a thin layer. To do this, you can use both a traditional brush and a sponge - in the second case, the process will go faster, but you will need to make sure that the paint does not leak under the stencil.
  6. When the template is painted over, carefully remove it. If necessary, adjust the image with a brush.
  7. After the pattern has completely dried, cover it with a protective varnish or wax.

A fresco in the kitchen in the interior is one of the ways to diversify the design and add an element of eclecticism. Mixing styles today is one of the hot trends in design, and wall painting can now harmoniously fit not only into a classic room, but also into a high-tech or modern kitchen.

Fresco from other types of artistic painting in appearance can be distinguished by texture, the effect of an aged pattern.

Murals for the kitchen in their traditional technique will never lose their value.


  • the drawing looks unusual, but in a modern interior it is atmospheric;
  • the picture will last for many years, retaining its original attractiveness. After the water-based paints dry, a film forms on the plaster, which ensures the durability of the fresco, protecting it from fading and damage;
  • the fresco is not capricious in care, which is especially important for the kitchen.

A fresco can act as a finishing method if all the walls are painted. But more often it serves as a decorative element and occupies only one wall or part of it, decorates ledges, arches, columns.

The best place for a fresco in the kitchen is a wall free of furniture, for example, behind the dining area. But it should be noted that, in general, this is a rather bold decision and we recommend ordering interior design in the DESIGN INTERNO studio, in a complex way, or at least visualization. So you will imagine how everything will look after the realization of your ideas.

You can make a drawing on the wall in the apron area.

Only an artist whose work is expensive can make a complex, unique painting using traditional techniques. For beginners and those who want to make an image with their own hands, there are stencils and other tricky ways to create an image. Armed with paints, brushes or an airbrush, you can do something interesting.

A simple version of the fresco with your own hands will help you create this video:

For a large room, you can choose any suitable format. For a small kitchen, it is important to achieve a harmonious combination with the overall design:

  1. discard the 3D effect. Convex, catchy options visually reduce the area, overloading the room;

  1. choose not too bright paintings, choosing the color scheme of the picture for the overall interior design. Avoid variegation and multicolor;

  1. you can use drawings with optical illusions that visually expand the space.

Remember that a fresco in a small kitchen will look harmonious only when it is part of the overall design: it does not stand out for its brightness and variety of colors, but at the same time it focuses attention and is an interior decoration.

Best of all, the fresco is combined with such finishing materials as plaster, liquid wallpaper, matte paint, brick, stone.

The theme of the fresco and the style of the kitchen

The choice of fresco theme and its size depends on the style of the kitchen.

  • Classic.

The traditional interior is the best suited for wall painting. Flowers, landscapes, still lifes, reproductions of paintings by famous Italian artists, antique and Byzantine motifs (architecture, painting) can serve as the theme of the drawing.

You can frame the painting with a frame or, as it were, dissolve the image in the overall design of the wall.

  • Provence.

For decoration in the spirit of French country, frescoes with drawings in pastel, dusty colors are suitable. Images can have a rural theme: fields, lavender blossoms, wine, bouquets of wild flowers, etc.

  • Art Deco.

The eclecticism of this style provides a wide range of themes: from antiquity to African, Egyptian, and other ethnic motifs.

  • Modern design.

For a high-tech kitchen, for example, it is better to choose abstract motifs, geometric shapes.

In other modern styles, images with faces, portraits, modern and postmodern architecture, cobbled streets, gondolas, bridges and stairs, mountains, cityscapes, etc. may be appropriate.

The natural theme can always be relevant, but depending on the design, it can have a different character of the image: from a landscape saturated with bright colors to a minimalistic, schematic and dull pattern of individual fragments (branches, leaves, etc.).

In the Mediterranean-style kitchen, frescoes look interesting, conveying the atmosphere of coastal areas - drawings with white towers, a lighthouse, and seascapes.

Basics for frescoes and manufacturing techniques

Today, almost any wall painting is often called a fresco: with the use of acrylic paints, oil paints, with the addition of adhesive binders, etc. Although, in the original sense, this is drawing a picture with water-based paints on wet plaster.

But also manufacturers offer more and more options that imitate such painting.

printed on canvas

Using a printer, any image is applied to the non-woven fabric, which can be selected in the store's photo catalog or made to order from the buyer's photo. After printing, the drawing is artificially aged, covered with wax. Such a canvas can be glued to the wall using ordinary wallpaper glue.

The technology for making a finished fresco on canvas involves printing a picture and applying special compounds in order to achieve the desired effect. Aging can be done by coating with a special varnish, including using the craquelure technique.

During installation, you should carefully handle the base softened from the glue so as not to break the image.

The price of this option is from 2500 rubles per sq.m.

Expensive and high-quality frescoes can be treated with a means to protect against scratches and moisture. Such material can be wiped with a damp sponge.

on a rigid basis

Looks like a picture, because has protrusions. Often the basis is a thin board. The size of this option is limited.

The price has a wide range and starts at an average of 4,000 rubles.


The cheapest type of imitation of a real fresco by the type of photo wallpaper. The drawing is applied by the printer. The base is thinner, does not hide the unevenness of the walls, and the image does not have the desired effect of a real painting, but only in a shade can resemble an old type of painting.

Price - from 500 rubles per sq.m.

These variants of imitations in many respects lose to a pure fresco: they burn out, fade, tear faster, look simpler. On the other hand, a boring picture can be quickly changed, and its price is several times lower.

We continue to study classic techniques and new trends in interior design. The use of accents is not just a fashion trend, but one of the most effective ways to emphasize the pluses of the situation and distract from the minuses (of course, forced and, of course, temporary).

However, as they say, before using any weapon, you must first learn how to use it. So, in order not to turn the room into bad taste, you should know the main canons and be sure to observe the measure! So, first things first.

Accent wall in the bedroom, or how to get rid of boredom

Such a method as creating an accent wall has long established itself as the main favorite of designers when working on decorating a room. An advantageous combination of neutral colors and a modern energetic pattern is the optimal solution for decorating vertical surfaces.

It is the bedroom, as a rule, that becomes the starting point, from where creative searches and all kinds of experiments begin. The intimacy and privacy of this room completely untie the hands, which means that they provide the freedom to choose any, even the most daring style, playful pattern and spicy shades.

Let's take a look at some fabulous projects that can be a powerful source of inspiration. Plain walls look rather dull and monotonous, so we offer you several options for color contrasts that go beyond the usual idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwall decoration in a room.

Add some color!

The design technique that we are talking about now is resorted to in cases where it is necessary to bring a little color into the interior, as well as some additional textures, shapes and lines. Just one accent surface can make a calm bedroom, made in pastel colors, more spectacular and attractive.

And if you add it with several pillows or a bedspread of a similar design, you will have an integral composition. The advantages of such a wall are most obvious in small bedrooms. With its help, you can create a so-called focal point in order to draw attention to a certain area of ​​the room.

In 2014, the discreet gray-lilac gamma is still relevant and trendy. Despite the fact that gray is traditionally associated with a neutral background, modern designers are increasingly choosing warmer and bolder shades for an accent wall, while the main decoration of the room is white and plain.

This gives the space a certain sophistication and style that is difficult to achieve with other colors. And sparkling purple confidently retains its leadership position and the status of “the color of luxury”.

Taunting textures and chic patterns

You can highlight a particular surface not only with color, but also with texture, as well as with a pattern. An indelible impression is made by a wall with a contrasting texture, which, moreover, has the effect of a three-dimensional 3D image. An additional dimension seems to enliven the room.

It is impossible not to notice how this changes the atmosphere and sensations in the room. And for more cautious people who are not prone to design adventures, we can offer elegant and proven alternatives, such as brickwork or wallpaper with amazing paisley patterns (aka “Indian cucumber”).

In this article we are discussing the interiors of bedrooms, so let's look at examples of accent walls that are especially appropriate in these rooms. The whole wall or its separate fragment with various bulges and irregularities exudes luxury and gives a feeling of incredible comfort.

And the huge headboard, repeating the pattern on the wall, will certainly appeal to fans of the “Old Hollywood” (Hollywood Regency) style, the characteristic features of which are chic and entourage.

Unleash the full potential of accent wallpaper

You decided to diversify the room with the help of an accent wall, but you are not sure that the paint will cope with this responsible task? In this case, you should pay attention to both. They come in a fantastic variety of colors as well as floral and patterned prints.

This excellent, affordable option opens up just a huge scope for creativity, allows you to implement any idea in a short time.

Accent wallpaper in the bedroom is often used to enhance the impression of some designer chips in the bed area. And again, pillows and a bedspread with a similar pattern will help complete the composition. As a result, the bedroom is transformed and takes on a more organized look.

And do not forget the main rule: if you choose wallpaper with a bold and complex pattern, make sure that the design of the rest of the walls is as simple and calm as possible. Otherwise, the room will look untidy, overloaded and cause discomfort.

Accent wall made of wood - this is cosiness and comfort in the room

What do we associate wood texture with? The majority, probably, with firewood, which crackle measuredly in the stove or fireplace and, embraced by the heat of the fire, help people warm up on cold winter evenings. The stunning wood surface of the accent wall has its own unique charm.

Of course, creating such magnificence will take more time and effort than traditional painting, but believe me, it's worth it! If you're the proud owner of a modern or minimalist home built predominantly of concrete, glass, and stone, then a wood-paneled accent wall is just the thing for you.

It will give the atmosphere softness, tenderness and make it more inviting.

Discover the magic of stripes!

Stripes have a truly amazing property: they are able to transform even the most ridiculous environment, set a certain rhythm for it, and also bring some organization. In addition, designers resort to this decorative technique in order to create an optical illusion and visually expand the space, that is, enlarge the room.

When using stripes on an accent wall in a bedroom, it is customary to use a darker shade of the same color as the rest of the walls.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating an accent wall. But try not to focus solely on color, and then a whole world of new possibilities will open up for you. So, what will be the accent wall in your bedroom?


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The living room, as the heart of the house for guests and household members, attracts attention, so the modern approach of designers to decorating the walls in the living room is very important not only from the standpoint of functionality, but also aesthetics. The design of the walls in the living room interior must match the size, zoning, and style of the room in order to create a complete image.

The photo shows a luxurious classic living room, where the walls are decorated with photo wallpapers.

Choice of wall color

When choosing a color, you need to consider:

  • natural light intensity and window size;
  • the color of the design of the furniture set and upholstery;
  • chosen interior style;
  • living room size.

If the windows face the sunny side, then the effect of coolness will create a blue, blue, turquoise color. If the windows are on the north side, you can fill them with light and warmth with the help of warm colors (red, orange, yellow and pastel shades derived from them: mustard, peach, ocher).

In the photo there is a living room, where the emphasis is on a framed mirror and a fireplace. Light colors in the design, glass and mirrors fill the room with space and allow you to complement the interior with any details.

The walls in the interior of the living room can be a backdrop for furniture or become a bright accent. To visually highlight dark furniture, light walls in the living room (ivory, milky, light beige, pastel shades of pink and blue) are suitable. If the furniture is light (white or light wood), then when decorating the walls, the color should be deep or bright.

The color should suit all family members, as an option, you can combine several shades to decorate the walls. For example, make stripes, divide a wall in half, or paint adjacent walls in contrasting colors.

  • White, gray or black in the living room can be the base colors that are complemented by yellow or orange; red or green.
  • Shades of beige and light brown are neutral in themselves and can be complemented in the interior with white, pink, turquoise and blue.
  • Deep colors (blue, burgundy, wine, purple) are appropriate only if there are several windows and a large space.

The photo shows the interior of a modern living room, where the walls are painted in coffee color, and the bottom is decorated with white panels. The emphasis is only on the fireplace, which makes the style universal.

Finishing materials

The choice of materials for decoration depends on the desired end result for a successful combination of wall decor textures in the living room and furniture.

  • For painting, you need to prepare the walls (they must be perfectly even and smooth, as the paint will emphasize all the roughness and cracks). The paint is not afraid of moisture, is easy to clean, does not accumulate dust and walls can be easily repainted. Modern special paints do not exude odor and are intended for interior decoration.

  • Wallpapers of different types offer a large selection of colors and textures, this design hides defects and is mounted independently without the presence of special tools. Paper and non-woven wallpapers are suitable for the living room. To create an accent wall in the interior, you can use photo wallpaper.

The photo shows an example of decorating an accent wall with photo wallpapers in a modern living room in natural shades.

  • Decorative plaster in the living room smooths out all the bumps and will always look unique. Patterns are created with a spatula (bark beetle, rain, carpet, etc.) and then the wall is painted and varnished for greater wear resistance.

  • Wooden decoration creates heat and sound insulation. It can be panels, cork or laminate on the bottom of the walls around the entire perimeter, or you can sheathe only the accent wall in the interior with wood.

  • Decorative rock and decorative brick suitable for decorating the wall by the fireplace (TV or false fireplace) to create an interior in Scandinavian style, country and classic. Such cladding is not afraid of moisture, is cheaper than natural stone and does not create additional load.

  • Soft panels are suitable for decorating a wall near a TV or above a sofa, they will help to place accents, hide defects, and create sound insulation. Of the materials suitable leather, leatherette, fabric. The synthetic winterizer holds its shape better, and the foam rubber is suitable for creating a softer surface.

  • Decoration with mirrors appropriate in a rectangular and small room. It can be a panel, tile or square panel, or another shape. Light colors and the reflection of a window or doorway will add space to the living room, while the reflection of an adjacent wall or furniture will reduce the space.

  • Wall 3D panels in the design of the living room with bas-relief and high relief, they are suitable for creating an accent even in the tone of the main walls, they are easily attached and do not require additional alignment. There are wooden, glass, plastic, MDF, plaster.

Combination features

Most often, the living room is the place where you can show imagination in the interior through a combination of colors and textures to create a unique wall design in the living room and highlight areas.

For example, a fireplace area or a place for receiving guests can be lined with decorative stone or laminate, and a recreation area with wallpaper or painting. The banquet part can be decorated with paint or plaster, and the seat by the sofa can be decorated with liquid wallpaper.

Modern designers welcome any experiment in colors and textures, but if there is no desire to take risks when decorating, then it is better not to combine natural finishes with synthetic ones (for example, wood panels or veneer with plastic trim), natural colors (neutral brown, beige, white) with acidic shades of yellow and green.

The photo shows an example of creating an accent in the same shade, but using a different texture, panels and paint are combined in the design of the walls.

Accent wall decoration

The accent wall is always different in color and texture, its task is to attract attention and visually distort the space of the room.

  • The accent should be created on the wall that catches your eye first when entering the room.
  • With a small room, you can accentuate part of the wall or partition.
  • For decoration, any material that differs from the main walls is suitable.
  • The color of the accent wall should overlap with the color of some interior items.
  • You can highlight the wall with color, plot, pattern and texture, but you should not combine everything together.
  • When arranging wallpapers, you need to adhere to one quality, combine ornaments with plain ones and maintain a balance between a neutral background color and a highlighted bright one.
  • Photowall-paper or a list will give to an interior identity and the atmosphere of a cosiness.
  • Horizontal stripes in the design will expand the room, and vertical ones will visually raise the ceilings.

The photo shows an example of interior design in the Art Deco style, which allows you to combine an abundance of gloss, glass and bright colors in the decoration. Pink 3D panels and a mirror on the accent wall complete the style.

Wall decorations above the TV and fireplace

If it is not possible to allocate a wall for decor, then you can accentuate the space above the interior items.

  • For decoration above the fireplace, decorative stone and brick are suitable for a classic living room, and metal for a modern design. For safety reasons, it is better not to hang carpets and paintings on the wall.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in a rustic style, where it is appropriate to accent the wall with bricks.

  • The TV can be arranged in a plasterboard niche with backlight. Such a wall in the interior can be painted or wallpapered. As an addition, you can apply a mirror mosaic, clock or paintings. The design of the wall with the TV in the living room can be decorated in any style, but the main thing is not to overload it with details, as the TV itself is a big accent.

The photo shows the design of a rectangular living room in a classic style, where, due to the glass panels on the accent wall, the TV creates the effect of wide walls.

The photo shows a modern interior of the room, which combines an eco-fireplace and a TV on one wall, additionally decorated with paintings.

Ideas for wall decor in the living room

Based on the style, you can choose the most diverse decor. For example, skirting boards, moldings, carpet, mirrors in gold frames, fabric panels are suitable for a classic interior.

For country and Provence, decorative plates, embroidered items, wicker weaving, wooden clocks will be appropriate. Antique interior items (telephone, gramophone, posters and books) are suitable for decorating a retro style.

On the accent wall, you can make your own family tree, a large photo, or attach memorable souvenirs from your trips.

The photo shows an example of how you can decorate a wall with posters, paintings and maps. Such decor is always easy to replace or remove.

Photo gallery

The photos below show examples of the use of various wall design options in the interior of the living room.

Frescoes are one of the oldest areas of fine art on the wall. They were used in ancient Rome to decorate houses and emphasize high status. In the last decade, frescoes have soared to the top of popularity and become one of the most sought-after interior decor items, not only in grand living rooms, but also in ordinary kitchens, which seems unusual only at first glance.

Murals: advantages and disadvantages

A bright fresco will be the highlight of the kitchen.

The spread of such decor is also helped by the fact that, thanks to the latest technologies, a variety of materials, and a reduction in production time, they are produced on an industrial scale and are available to everyone.

The advantages of modern frescoes are the high quality of paints and materials, which prevents fading and allows protecting images from moisture and pollution. In addition, frescoes can help to unobtrusively distinguish between both rooms.

Even under the influence of kitchen fumes, the paints will not fade for a long time, and they can be placed anywhere in the kitchen, even at the sink or on the facades of cabinets.

In the interior of the kitchen

Frescoes for such an interior are better to choose small, romantic style depicting pastoral motifs or European architecture and landscape.

Venetian style in wall painting, look at the photo and video:

Ethno style

But such Ukrainian motifs, also as a variant of the fresco

Ethno style in the interior of the kitchen will allow you to recreate a piece of an exotic country through the use of traditional decor elements, materials and.

A lush bouquet in the style of Petrikovskaya painting is perfect for a modern Russian-style kitchen

Ethno style is not limited to copying the dwellings of distant countries, it also reflects cultural traditions in combination with unique nature, awakening a certain call of the ancestors, a craving for roots, which is very attractive to the modern man of megacities.

Kitchens in this style are always full of bright colors and interesting gizmos, and frescoes will fit almost perfectly.

They can be very diverse:

  • Japan or China- fine exquisite painting, both floral and landscape. Sakura flowers or peonies, bamboo and cranes - for a bright spacious kitchen will be a pleasant addition, and contemplation of the misty mountains over evening tea will get rid of the day's negativity.

Cherry blossoms are a symbol of Japan, so this fresco is the best fit for a Japanese-style kitchen.

  • Egypt is a style that is incredibly in demand for modern kitchens. Cozy warm tones of sand, a slight blotch of gold and a canonical painting honed over the centuries, ideal, for example, for applying to a kitchen apron.

Egyptian style is distinguished by bright colors. Suitable for youth cuisine

  • Africa are juicy, bright colors of the Moroccan style, awakening the appetite and banishing the blues. Frescoes can be both depicting the African savannas and embody traditional art.

But this bright African mural will bring the freedom-loving spirit of the savannah into the room.

Kitchen wall decor options

The increased popularity of frescoes has not gone unnoticed by companies involved in finishing materials. The latest developments have made it possible to create new types of frescoes, among which it will be easy to choose the option you like both in terms of cost and quality.

Painting on wet plaster in the apartment

The master paints by hand, using a wet base as a canvas. Such work requires high professionalism, writing speed and special working conditions (certain humidity and temperature). Some variants of frescoes can be applied to glass. Read about the glass painting technique.

The advantages include:

  • high quality and uniqueness of work;
  • the ability to choose a pattern to taste with correction during application;
  • high performance;
  • ease of recovery.

Among the disadvantages is the high cost of work.

Drawing on canvas

A special mixture is applied to the base in the form of a canvas, consisting of lime, natural pigments, sand (special composition) and natural glue. The image chosen by the client is applied to the dried composition and artificial “aging” is carried out - scuffs, cracks and dustiness are added. Such frescoes are sold rolled up in rolls. In addition, such frescoes can replace.

Hand-painted in Art Nouveau style.


  • complete imitation of classical painting;
  • the ability to select any image without any loss in quality;
  • cheapness.

Disadvantages: complex maintenance and some impracticality limit the scope of such frescoes.

Painting on a self-adhesive basis

This type of fresco can be compared to ordinary stickers, as the image is on a special adhesive base.

Advantages: fast delivery, low cost, ease of installation. Frescoes are made by applying textures and colors with a special printer on a non-woven base. This can easily fit into almost any interior.

Due to the resemblance to wallpaper, this material is used to create large canvases, which is impossible or laborious compared to traditional techniques or canvases.

Nuances to be aware of

And this is how you can decorate the work area with a fresco

The same principle of choice works with frescoes as with other works of art or decorative solutions. They should correspond to the theme of the room, visually increase the space without dominating the environment. Self-adhesive kitchen murals can be applied to any surface, but you need to carefully prepare the surface. Any flaw will be clearly visible, as such frescoes are very thin.

The neater the fresco is glued, the more charming it looks.

Care and restoration of design

Frescoes are, perhaps, the only piece of interior that does not require restoration in the process of dilapidation, since dilapidation goes to the “plus”, giving a special charm. All types of modern frescoes can be subjected to wet cleaning. Read interesting design ideas for kitchen decor in this article.

A boring apron can be revived with an interesting fresco

But such small ornaments can fit into a sophisticated interior

Wall painting as a decor with your own hands, a master class in our video:

Murals on the wall in the interior of the kitchen of an apartment or house are not only interesting design ideas, but also a great option to diversify the boring interior of the room. Painting on the wall looks exquisite, looks interesting and durable in use. And small scuffs, scratches or burnt spots give the frescoes only charm.