How best to furnish a room of 18 meters. Options for arranging furniture in a one-room apartment, design advice. A few tips to increase the living room space

During renovations, owners of small apartments often face such a problem as combining various functions in one room. How to think over the interior of the combined living room so that it is comfortable to sleep and receive guests in it? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, the option of combining a bedroom with a living room in a small area is highly dependent on the preferences of the owners, the original premises and the goals pursued by the owners.

In this article, we will try to consider all the best options for organizing space in a room of 18 sq.m.

Benefits of small rooms

All owners of small apartments are familiar with the disadvantages of small spaces, but what if we look at it from the other side? After all, the advantages of such premises are not few.

  • The ability to combine rooms allows you to save the entire apartment space as a whole.
  • In small spaces, it is much easier to create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere, while achieving unity of style throughout the apartment. With the proper use of every meter and a carefully thought-out design of the living room, you can achieve an incredible result that will surprise you and your guests.
  • The combination of two functions in one room can become completely invisible to outsiders if the zoning is done wisely.

To create a unique interior in a small room, a large amount of new furniture and building materials is not required, so repairs can be quite economical.

Furniture arrangement

Living room-bedroom design 18 sq. m. begins with planning the arrangement of furniture. It is on this basis that it is worth choosing finishing materials, since zoning depends on the arrangement, and each zone may have its own material or color of decoration.

At this stage, it is important to think over everything so that the room does not turn out to be cluttered. It is better to limit yourself to the most necessary set of furniture. Her choice should be approached responsibly, the furniture should be as functional as possible, and not occupy all the free space.

For example, a folding sofa will be a good option that immediately suggests itself. It will serve as a sleeping place and will allow guests to comfortably settle down. True, when choosing this option, it is worth arranging the rest of the furniture, taking into account the fact that the sofa will often fold and unfold.

If you consider it inappropriate or uncomfortable to sleep on a sofa, then you can also install a bed and a sofa for guests in the same room. In order to hide the intimate space from prying eyes, you will have to use the zoning of the bedroom-living room.

For demarcation, you can use a bookcase, drywall construction or another method, based on your requirements and capabilities. You can divide the living room into a bedroom and a reception area with a low rack, or a main wall, light curtains or a thick curtain, screen or other decorative element.

Another indispensable attribute of the bedroom is a closet. But when combining the bedroom and living room, it is better to place it in the guest area. The closet should be one, but roomy, the use of light shades and mirror surfaces will visually expand the space.

And if you hide a folding bed in the closet, then your friends will not suspect about its presence. You can complement the closet with hanging shelves that look airy and stylish, while not taking up much space. They can easily accommodate decor items that emphasize the main style of the interior.

A TV stand will fit perfectly next to a closet if it is not large, but the best option would be to place the TV on the wall or on the partition that delimits the zones in the room. Armchairs can be replaced with ottomans, which are more compact. The coffee table should be small and mobile, especially in the case of a split sofa.

Color selection

Bright and dark colors look spectacular in the photo of the bedroom-living room of 18 square meters. m., but in real life they can make the room overloaded and the interior annoying. Therefore, it is advised to choose pastel shades as the main ones, and dilute them with small bright accents.

Tips for using color in the design of the living room-bedroom:

White, suggests itself at the mention of light colors, but the snow-white color is too easily soiled. Busting with white will turn the room into a sterile hospital ward, so it is better to replace it with a warmer milky shade.

Beige is the perfect base to make the room cozy. With such a base, any decor items are perfectly combined.

Green is appropriate in the bedroom, as it is considered the most soothing, and ideal for sleep. Of course, we are not talking about a bright and saturated color, but about its muted shades. For example, herbal, mint, olive or marsh are suitable.

Blue goes very well with beige and white, but it should not be too much.

Red and burgundy shades are appropriate only in the guest area; it is not recommended to use it in the interior of the bedroom.

Bright cheerful shades of yellow and orange are most often used as accents. A clock, a vase, decorative cushions or a lamp in this color will enliven a room in light colors and add dynamism to it.

Bright shades of purple will accentuate the interior in the living room, and the use of the same, but more muted colors in the bedroom will make the interior unified.


Let's take a closer look at the features of the division of zones, since an increasing number of people stop at the option of physically dividing one room into two.

The layout of the bedroom-living room should be such that all space is used as rationally as possible. Below are some tips on how to effectively and stylishly separate your bedroom from your living room.

A partition made of plasterboard or other material requires a lot of time and labor to install, but allows you to radically change the geometry of the room. Using opaque glass inserts, you can achieve airiness even when building a main wall.

Full glass partition can be tinted or custom-made for stained glass. Although even safety glass is not recommended for use in an apartment where small children live.

A cabinet, instead of a separating element, is considered the most practical option that does not require any costs for materials and installation. Instead of a cabinet, shelving with books or beautiful storage boxes is often used.

An economical option would be fabric or bamboo curtains, they do not eat up a lot of space, and if necessary, they are easily moved away.

Balcony use

A room with a balcony is just a godsend for any designer who is faced with the task of combining two rooms in one. By qualitatively glazing it and equipping it with appropriate insulation, you can significantly expand the useful area of ​​​​the room. It is often used to organize the workspace.

It is important that the balcony does not separate from the main design idea, it should merge and be the same in style and interior with the main space involved.

Following all the tips described in the article, you can easily organize the space for comfortable living and receiving guests.

Photo of the bedroom-living room 18 sq. m.

In this article I want to consider the interior design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Eighteen square meters for the living room, this is not a small area. But such a space can be visually reduced if you use the wrong colors and furniture.

Consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 square meters. m, which were provided to us by Nina Romaniuk.The design is suitable for Khrushchev, as well as for a panel or brick house.

In all 4 hall designs 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is supposed.

The first version of the design of the hall

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony is made in bright colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance, it visually expands the space and makes the room bigger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read.

Initially, the area of ​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with a balcony, it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this area, the designers decided to make a small working area. The color of the floor here is different from the main color in the hall.

This hall design is 18 sq. m. assumed the placement of a decorative fireplace. For this, the place between the interior doors was perfect. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, a comfortable sand-colored corner sofa was placed along the opposite wall in the hall of 18 sq. m.

Chocolate interior design of the hall 16-18 sq. m

The following design features bright chocolate-colored inserts. The main rule in the design of the hall is 16-18 square meters. m, that's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Do not forget about the presence of a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark and the rug is white.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Make the overall picture complete.

Square room with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. To decorate the walls, the designers used beautiful photo wallpapers.

Light glossy stretch ceiling visually makes the room larger. And additional spot lighting only emphasizes this.

Decoration of the hall with a niche for TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m involved the construction of a small niche of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a drywall niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the hall. Photo 11 White pillows on a brown sofa. Photo 12

The wallpaper in the hall is combined in three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an indispensable thing in our case.

So we examined four hall designs of 16-18 sq. m. Use our ideas to decorate your house or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale

It is easy to carry out the layout of the room when there is enough space. There are no questions about what you can save on to make the room seem larger. But even with the available 18 square meters, you can arrange everything perfectly. The main thing is to have in stock a few developments and ideas, which will be discussed in this article.

General ideas for arrangement

The room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, can be used for various purposes. It could be a living room or a bedroom. Depending on how it is used, interior design is selected. Typically, such a room has a rectangular shape, which means the paired size of the walls. In some buildings, such a room has an elongated layout, while in others it is closer to a square. It is easier to plan the design of the second option, because it is easiest to fill the space evenly. A narrow room is easier to divide into several functional areas with their own purpose.

In this embodiment, the furniture is better to make to order. At the same time, it is necessary that its width is not too large. It is better to install it not to narrow walls, because then the space will become even smaller, but to place it along large walls. You can visually expand the space of the room, using the right way to lay the laminate. For example, it is laid across the room, which gives more perpendicular lines in the room that the eye can catch on. Another way to increase the volume of the room is to use mirrors. They can be placed on smaller walls. They can also be made contrasting by brightening against the background of other surfaces in the room.

Advice! A special role in the planning of the room is played by lighting. For narrow and long rooms, it cannot be placed around the perimeter. The result can be a greater emphasis on elongation. The best way is to install the main source in the middle of the room. Thus, the correct emphasis will be placed.

If the room has a shape that looks more like a square, then the design method needs to be changed. Furniture can act as zoning elements in the room. You can place it not only along the walls, but also in the middle, if, for example, it concerns a sofa. For such rooms, you can use elements that have a large width. The distribution of zones in a room of 18 square meters is easy to perform using a screen, cabinet or other item that can perform not only the function of a partition, but also have a practical purpose. In addition to general recommendations, there are specific ones depending on how the room is used. This is worth talking about in more detail.


A good renovation does not begin with the dismantling of old equipment or interior decoration, but with thoughtful planning. It would be a good idea to sketch out a rough plan of action on a piece of paper in advance and display on it all the desired changes for the room.


The bedroom is one of the main ones, because it is in it that you can recuperate and be alone with yourself. Already this should hint at the color scheme and the way the lighting in the room. It is important to understand that in a bedroom with an area of ​​​​18 square meters or with dimensions of 4 by 4, you can place many useful things besides the bed. If the bedroom space of 18 squares has an elongated shape, then one of the corners can be taken under a large closet near the wall. It will visually reduce the room by bringing the smaller walls closer together.

For example, it can be placed indoors as shown in the photo. At the same time, the usable area is practically not lost. At the same time, a desk can be placed directly under the window. An enlarged window sill, which will act as a table, will help save even more space.

The bedroom should not be cluttered, it is better to choose minimalism for this room. An important attribute of the bedroom is the bed. In the photo above, you can see that it has rather large dimensions, which partially compensates for the dimensions of the room and will allow the owner to quickly restore strength in a dream. The bed is the focal point of the entire room. An armchair, chest of drawers or nightstand next to the bed, as well as a desk, are great additions. The color scheme for the bedroom can be chosen at your own discretion, but it should not be too dark, which will create a dull mood. Do not choose bright colors. They can have an exciting effect on the body, interfering with proper rest.

It is worth thinking about the right lighting in the room. There should be several types of lamps. Two are best placed at the edges of the bed at the head of the bed. Some types are simply installed on the bedside table. Be sure to have an overhead light in the room. At the same time, it would be good to install walk-through switches that would allow you to turn off the overhead light directly from the bed. For side lights, separate switches are provided for each.

Note! If the bedroom has access to the loggia, then it can be made part of the room. This will not only expand the area, but also increase the intensity of natural light, which can be controlled using blinds or Roman blinds.

Living room

The living room, which has an area of ​​​​18 squares or a size of 3 by 4 meters, can also be decorated without much difficulty. It is important to remember about things that it is desirable not to use for such a room. These include:

  • massive carpets;
  • dark tones of finishing;
  • heavy curtains;
  • many pictures;
  • an abundance of ornaments;
  • A lot of furniture.

All these elements can not only clutter up the space, but also deprive the room of lightness. Massive carpets and curtains visually reduce the room, which can be emotionally depressing and interfere with a calm conversation. As the main colors for wall decoration, it is better to choose light colors. It is better not to place a closet in the living room, because it will take up too much space. It is better to move it to the bedroom or hallway. It is desirable that the living room should have as little furniture as possible. If possible, it is better to leave the sofa and chest of drawers. The TV can be hung on the wall.

Look good solutions for living rooms that repeat the Scandinavian or Japanese style, as well as minimalism. As finishing materials, it is better to use wood or materials that imitate it. As a floor covering, it is better to use a laminate or parquet, but not a tile. The latter is not able to create coziness where everyone would be comfortable.


The children's room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, will allow the child to feel completely free. In such a space it is easy to play outdoor games. It is important to remember that such a room must be divided into three zones:

  • for classes;
  • game;
  • sleeping.

The photo above shows that the work area is the desktop. It has additional lighting in the form of a lamp, as well as shelves where textbooks and notebooks can be folded. The table is placed as close to the window as possible so that natural light prevails. This is necessary for the prevention of vision. The rest of the space can serve as a play area, for example, this photo shows that a fluffy carpet is laid in the room, on which it is comfortable to spend time. In addition, there is an ottoman-pillow.

The photo above shows that a Swedish wall can be installed in the play area. Its location and design must be safe for the child. When planning a room, pay special attention to sharp corners. To be more precise, they should not be. Furniture and other elements are best chosen with smooth shapes. It is important that the finishing materials are environmentally friendly. The children's organism is especially susceptible to various emission influences.

Color solutions for the children's room should be moderate. The nervous system in children is more active than in adults. This is accompanied by impressionability and variability of mood. The general background should be discreet, so pastel colors will do. But some areas, for example, the play area, can be accentuated. This approach will give an additional charge for an active lifestyle.

Dorm room

In some cases, you have to do the layout of the room, which is located in the hostel. In this case, only one room should combine three rooms or zones:

  • dining room;
  • sleeping room;
  • working.

At the same time, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be turned into a useful one in order to rationally use every centimeter. As a basis, you can take the project of a studio room. The best option in a dorm room would be minimalism. You should not have large floor cabinets in such a room. They take up too much space. It is better to make a structure that will be mounted along the entire plane of the wall, but with a shallower depth. The working area and the kitchen can be combined. For example, the main elements are hidden in the closet, as shown in the photo below.

It is good if the bed is also folding. It can hide under a pedestal or be transferred to a vertical position. With a sufficient height of the ceilings in the room, an interesting decision can be made. It consists in the fact that the bed rises above the floor level by 1.5 meters. Below it is a work area with a desk and a computer. An example is seen in the photo below.

The photo shows another interesting solution for a room that can be applied. Steps perform a dual role. They have built-in drawers in which you can store bed linen and clothes. It is better if the colors of the finish are light. The lighting in the room should be bright enough. For greater effect, you can provide a place for a mirror, which will expand the room. For example, you can mirror one or more locker doors. Instead of a large dining table, you can use the bar. She will simultaneously divide the room into zones and will be a fairly comfortable place to eat. Some ideas for interior design solutions can be gleaned from the video.


As you can see, furnishing a room can be a very interesting activity. But it is worth approaching this task with all seriousness. The comfort of all residents will depend on this. If we are talking about a children's room, then it is important to take into account the wishes of the child, since it is he who will be there most of the time. When designing a living room, you can resolve the issue at the family council. Everyone will be able to contribute, which will add up to the puzzle of the overall picture. It is important to move away from the foundations that have been imposed historically and not be afraid to experiment.

A one-room apartment is associated with a lack of space. In economy-class residential buildings, the minimum living area of ​​such apartments is 14 square meters. In elite new buildings, this figure is at least doubled. However, in an apartment consisting of one room, it is always difficult to furnish. But even in a small apartment it can be convenient and psychologically comfortable for each family member, if the interior is organized correctly. Find out how to properly arrange all the necessary household items.

The most important thing when furnishing a one-room apartment with a minimum area (28 square meters) is to take into account the number of residents in a given area, their age, tastes, and preferences.

The following became the standard principles for the practical and aesthetic organization of the situation:

  • Proper use of space - the creation of the most open space by combining the living area with the kitchen, hallway. Redevelopment - elimination of partitions between residential and domestic premises, a combination in one space of furniture and equipment that are similar in functionality; arrangement of internal partitions, windows, openings, arches, podiums; elimination of doors, their replacement with sliding ones or changing the direction of their opening; vertical organization of the interior (available even with a standard ceiling height of 260 - 270 cm!);
  • Functional furniture - the use of non-standard, folding furniture that can be built into wall niches, alcoves, other places (such can be bought in a store or made to order), a bed with a lifting mechanism, a bed that transforms into a wall with a sofa, shelves and a wardrobe; sofa bed, sofa bed, ottoman, sofa bed, sofa bed, ottoman. The use of mobile furniture - transformers: folding chairs, sliding table, fabric hanging wardrobes, screens on wheels;
  • The visual effects of enlarging the room are the active use of mirrors, mirror surfaces, the competent choice of color and wallpaper pattern, the use of suitable photo wallpapers, impeccable lighting.

It is important to choose in a small apartment light walls, ceiling, floor, matching the color of the furniture. The level of comfort of housing directly depends on the chosen method of redevelopment of the interior. The smallest change of internal partitions can lead to the desired result.

Placement rules

Like any responsible business, the choice and arrangement of furniture does not tolerate fuss. You can't go along with your desires and buy "that wonderful bed" or "amazing closet" just because you like them. Furniture is an important part of the interior, you need to choose it based on the technical capabilities of the room. Otherwise, all this beauty will turn into an absurd heap. But you need a comfortable living space, not a warehouse? Therefore, before furnishing a one-room apartment with furniture, try to evaluate the possibilities of the room, ways to redevelop it if necessary:

  1. Do not rush to bring in household items and decor if the room is empty, or take them out if you are thinking about reorganizing the space;
  2. Take measurements of the room, hallway, kitchen, make a plan of the apartment on paper or with the help of a graphic computer program in which interior designers work;
  3. Create several furnishing options by hand in a prepared plan or on a computer;
  4. Analyze photos of the furnishings of an apartment similar to yours. This will help you navigate the organization of space, choose the appropriate interior solutions;
  5. Design tips on space zoning will be useful. In this case, in the middle of each zone, the main pieces of furniture are placed in the odnushka, and additional ones are placed around them;
  6. Opt for compact furniture that does not clutter up the space;
  7. If you need a lot of furniture, then it is better to put it closer to each other so that it is convenient to move around the apartment;
  8. Reflect all your preferences and ways of moving around housing in the plan.

If you are not the only occupant of the apartment, agree with other family members several options for plans, jointly approve the most successful one.


A one-room apartment is a living room, a bedroom and an office at once, so we only bring in the furniture that is necessary and not bulky, which has maximum functionality. If you have an apartment built during the Khrushchev years at your disposal, the first step towards decorating the hall will be to abandon the arrangement of furniture along the walls. This likens a narrow rectangular room to a corridor or a wagon, which can not be called a cozy nest.

Modern design solutions are based on a square shape, as it is most convenient when creating an interior. What kind of furniture is needed and how should it be arranged in a one-room Khrushchev as well?


We give preference to the compartment (one of the doors or all can be mirrored):

  • First, it is roomy;
  • Secondly, it can serve to highlight two zones, if you place it with its end part against the wall. In this case, it visually ceases to be perceived as a traditional cabinet, standing along the wall;
  • Thirdly, it is high, the upper shelves will replace the mezzanines.

Chest of drawers, bedside tables

We choose high and narrow ones to make the space as light as possible.


For a good rest you need a comfortable bed. But to afford the royal bed will not work. Single options are as follows:

  • Folding sofa, an important detail of which is the presence of storage boxes;
  • You can do without this item if you make a bedroom on the windowsill. You will need to remake the window sill to a wide, long one, but this option will save space;
  • Another option is to create a bed by the window on the podium, inside which there are many compartments for storing things;
  • A practical solution - a bed on the upper tier, a wardrobe, a work area, a computer desk, a chest of drawers, shelves, a pull-out bed on the lower tier - in one. This mega-functional invention is real! It is ideal for small spaces even when a baby appears and the question arises of how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment with a child and make a children's area.

Tables and shelves

Books, documents, needles, threads, all kinds of household trifles should always be in order, at hand, in a certain place, so that it is convenient to get them without spending a lot of time searching (you can use separators, sign boxes, boxes if they are opaque ). It is best to use for this:

  • Open wall shelves of different lengths, where you can put decor items, place a photo;
  • Open shelving serving as a partition at the same time;
  • Closed shelves, interior boxes and baskets;
  • Built-in headsets that, when opened, serve as a table for work, niches and shelves for storing various items.

When choosing built-in furniture, pay attention to the following details:

  • Its color should not contrast with the color of the walls, so as not to visually reduce the area of ​​​​the room;
  • Try to place such transformer headsets not above the sleeping place, because these are still attributes of the working area.

Armchairs and pouffes

We will have to abandon massive chairs, replacing them with mobile folding chairs.


In one-room apartments, an adequate level of lighting plays an important role. It is preferable not to use overall floor lamps and other massive light sources. It is best to make spot ceiling lighting, purchase wall sconces, table lamps in a minimalist style.


Refrigerator, stove, sink, cutting table, cabinets for dishes, products, spices, dryer, microwave, food processor - this is not a complete list of kitchen attributes. All of them should fit on a minimum of 6-8 square meters, while not hindering your movement around the room and ease of use: when opening the oven, you should not think about how not to touch the refrigerator.

Kitchen furniture should be ergonomic and functional. The dimensions of the kitchen set are minimal. It is better to make an individual project that allows you to rationally use the corner space of the kitchen.

Combining a kitchen and a room is one of the common solutions to the problem of lack of space if a family of three lives in an apartment. At the same time, the broken wall between the two rooms is partially restored by installing kitchen floor cabinets, which are a continuation of the suite, with a countertop that can serve as both a place for eating and a bar counter. A small kitchen is often associated with a lack of space for a dining table where the whole family could gather. Therefore, the dining area becomes necessary, and the studio apartment becomes popular.

Hallway and corridor

The entrance hall in the apartment is a business card. The overall perception of the interior also depends on its design. The layout of the hallways in different apartments is different, so ideas that work on the decor of a square hallway will be completely out of place in a narrow and long one. Evaluate the size of the hallway, lighting, ceiling height.

If the entrance hall is small (it is a corridor), they act in two ways:

  • Design it according to accepted design rules;
  • Combine the entrance hall with an adjacent room - a kitchen or a living room.

In the first case (especially when it comes to Khrushchev), you will have to abandon the large closet, instead use:

  • A sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors will not only visually increase the space, but also solve the problem with a mirror in the hallway. In such a closet there is enough space only for seasonal outerwear (middle tier), shoes (lower tier), accessories (upper tier), everything irrelevant is stored in the room. If possible, it is worth putting an ottoman for the convenience of putting on / taking off shoes, place a shelf or a hook for a shoe spoon nearby;
  • Modular furniture is a great solution for any, especially small hallways. No bulky cabinets, only interesting constructive proposals. This kit is assembled to order and will certainly meet all your requirements.

In the second case, the wall between the hallway and the room or kitchen is eliminated, replaced by an arch or other architectural solution. The entrance hall becomes part of another space and should be stylistically consistent with it.

Features of accommodation depending on the size of the apartment

A one-room apartment, regardless of the footage, is a universal territory. The main features of the situation here will be order and organization, the versatility of objects. Remember that large furniture is the compositional center. But the number of meters affects the distribution of furniture, its design solution.

In a small room without a balcony, it is better to abandon bulky furniture, preferring modular furniture. Such a room should be equipped in a minimalist style, so that each item stands in its place. Focus on the essentials, actively use the wall, corner space, space under the windowsill. Preferred:

  • A sleeping place that can be easily transformed into a guest room during the day;
  • A table that can be used as a working, toilet place;
  • Wardrobe or built-in wardrobe;
  • Hanging, hinged shelves, racks, mezzanines - a great storage option, an interesting way to make the room stylish;
  • Corner furniture always looks original, does not clutter up the space, on the contrary, makes it smoother.

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, it is reasonable to make him / her part of the living space: a workplace, a recreation area can be placed here.


How to arrange furniture in an apartment whose living area is not more than 18 square meters? The answer is obvious - to zone the space. Depending on the composition of the family in the room, zones such as:

  • Guestbook;
  • Working;
  • Bedroom;
  • Children's (arrangement of this zone depends on the age of the child and should change over time: a newborn and a preschooler - one organization of a children's corner, and a schoolchild and a student - a full-fledged workplace).

For the children's area, you need to choose the warmest and most lit place! A loft bed with a workplace will be an excellent alternative to a children's room.

If parents get a non-isolated space, they should consider the arrangement in the walk-through room in such a way as to preserve personal space.

The allocation of functional zones can be done using:

  • Shelving;
  • Screen;
  • Baldakhinov;
  • Sliding partitions;
  • Hanging partitions;
  • Falshsten;
  • catwalks;
  • Partition-shelves made of drywall;
  • Including a balcony in the space of the room;
  • Bed arrangements above the guest area;
  • Arrangement of a sleeping / working / children's place on the "second floor" if you have high ceilings.

Common mistakes

Not everyone can afford to invite a specialist to properly arrange furniture in a one-room apartment. Not everyone has a sense of proportion and style. Not everyone has enough knowledge, patience and time to create a competent interior. That is why the result of planning turns into a disappointment. To prevent this from happening, consider the most common mistakes and try to avoid them by furnishing a single room:

  1. An illogical project - even in the smallest one-room apartment there should be a place for a hallway, a guest area and personal space. But why combine the kitchen and the room if one person lives in the apartment? And if there are several inhabitants, it is simply necessary to zone the room;
  2. Overzoning - the standard option for a single person or couple - two zones in a room. More partitions without a corresponding number of residents will make living uncomfortable;
  3. Refusal of a full-fledged place to sleep.
  4. Non-mobile interior - when there are not enough meters in a one-room apartment, it is impossible to arrange stationary furniture everywhere. Think constructively;
  5. Transformers are not in place - if everything is being transformed, assembled, then this space is needed for something. If you don’t need anything, then you can do without transformers and put, for example, a normal bed;
  6. An ill-conceived storage system - why do we need drawers and chests of drawers if there is a built-in headset, podium or wall niche ?;
  7. Unsuccessful eclecticism, or what style the room is in - you can’t overload one room with a combination of different styles, more than three colors, a variety of textures and light sources. The space must be uniform.
  8. Accumulation of unnecessary things and objects - get rid of excess on time so as not to turn housing into a pantry, but yourself into a box.

Let one-room and small-sized, but this is your apartment. What it will be depends on you!

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Room design 18 sq m: sleight of hand and no fraud

To bring to life the original design of a room of 18 square meters is an interesting task. On the one hand, you have fairly standard room sizes that you can use as effectively as possible. On the other hand, you need to maintain a fine line in which the space does not remain empty or overloaded.

About how to do this without wasting a fortune, I want to talk.

How to cheat square

Regardless of what type of room you want to equip, during the repair process, you should follow some rules and recommendations. With their help, even in a one-room apartment of small sizes, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere will always reign. Below are some useful tips I have collected that will make the process of home improvement much easier for you.

  • One of the most important things to remember is proper furniture placement.. Forget about massive Soviet headsets, like monsters devouring all free space. In the same living room, a small sofa, a pair of original armchairs, a coffee table and several open shelving will be enough.
  • The interior of a room of 18 square meters is better to fill with the so-called "transformer" furniture. For example, let your armchairs turn into elegant ones with a slight movement of your hand ... no, not trousers, but, say, sleeping places for your guests. An excellent solution would be to buy a small coffee table, which in a matter of moments can unfold into a full-fledged dining table.

  • Standard swing doors are best replaced with sliding structures. Firstly, it looks much more interesting, and secondly, such an element takes up less space.
  • A bedroom or a hall of similar size requires certain stylistic decisions from their owners. If you are a passionate admirer of classicism, or baroque, then it is better to embody all your ideas in something else. A small space does not accept all the wealth, light piling up and luxury of these styles.

But your room will be perfectly decorated with minimalism. As an example, I will give a high-tech style. Only the most necessary accessories, the absence of unnecessary things and the accuracy in their placement will make the interior unusual and practical.

  • It seems to me that you should leave the window opening as open as possible - due to this, the space will be filled with light and visually expand. In the process of repairing with your own hands or with the help of builders, you can conjure with the size of the window, increasing it to the floor or making it to the entire wall. Roller blinds or retractable curtains will do just fine with the scorching sun.
  • Do not neglect the use of mirrors or mirrored surfaces. Properly using their properties, you will advantageously change the contours of the living room or bedroom, emphasizing all its advantages.

Decor of different types of premises

In the previous section, I described the main tricks for improving the space, in the same I will consider the main features of arranging different types of rooms. When drafting a future repair, you can use the information received.

Living room

The living room is a place of rest for the whole family, so it is so important to pay due attention to its design. Do not forget that stylish design is not always forged sofa legs, heavy curtains or huge carpets. To make your living room comfortable and cozy for the whole family, you should adhere to the following nuances:

  • In addition to minimalism, Japanese or Scandinavian styles are perfect for the living room. Light shades and translucent tones of such a decor will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  • If you live in a one-room apartment, then it is very important to correctly zone the space, highlighting in it places for sleeping, relaxing and working. This can be done with light screens, curtains or shelving.
  • The loft style, which is now popular, will fit perfectly into the interior of a one-room apartment. By removing the wall separating the kitchen and the hall (provided that it is not load-bearing, of course), you will significantly expand the space and get additional square meters.

Dorm room

The design of a dorm room of 18 sq m only at first glance seems like an insoluble task, which is very difficult to fix without the use of magic. You just need to remember one important truth: by making the most of every centimeter of the room, you will get more than a convenient and comfortable home.

  • Give preference to hanging racks and shelves on which you can place the necessary items.
  • Enclose the kitchen with a bar counter or a long table. The advantages of such a solution are obvious: you simultaneously zone the space, and also get a place for a family dinner.
  • A sleeping place with a podium, where it is convenient to fold bed linen or a bed, which, with the help of a special mechanism, hides in a niche or - that's what will give you the opportunity to effectively use the existing quadrature.

  • If the ceiling height allows, the apartment can be equipped with such a second floor, where you can make a working or sleeping place.


The design of a bedroom of 18 square meters is most often subject to the following features:

  • Most of the room will be occupied by a spacious bed. I cannot but agree that someone will consider such a decision not too rational. But how pleasant it is to sleep on such a family bed.

  • By using mostly light shades in the decorating process and diluting them with bright accents in the form of colorful quilts, catchy pillows or charming curtains, you get a room in which it is pleasant to wake up.
  • Do not litter the bedroom with a lot of furniture. A small dressing table, dressing table, bedside tables and wardrobe will be enough.
  • For a bedroom of this size, you can use oriental, as well as high-tech.

If you still have not decided on the desired style and type of your home, then I recommend watching the video in this article. In it you will find a lot of interesting and useful information.


I hope that a kind of instruction for decorating rooms with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b18 square meters will become something useful to you. With a creative approach, you can cope with any task: to equip the living room, or decorate the bedroom, or transform the dorm room.

I will be happy to answer all questions on the topic in the comments to the material or listen to your opinion about decorating small areas.

July 20, 2016

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