Vintage style interior in pastel shades. Decor in vintage style: well-forgotten old. The combination of vintage style with other interior styles

Condensation on windows is one of the most common problems among owners of apartments with plastic windows. Condensation spoils the appearance of windows, creates increased humidity and is the cause of fungus and mold.

As a rule, the formation of condensate is in no way related to the production characteristics of the window itself and is due to third-party factors or components used with incorrectly selected characteristics. First of all, it is necessary to determine why condensation forms on the windows, and then choose a method by which you can completely get rid of it. The WINDOWS MEDIA portal will tell you how to deal with condensate on plastic windows.

Why does condensation collect on windows?

Window fogging occurs during the cold season, when the air temperature in the street and in the apartment is significantly different. Glass is somewhat colder than the air in the room, and upon contact with the surface, water vapor turns into a liquid, falling out in the form of dew, which is condensate. The drops then become heavy and roll down onto the window profile and window sill, where a puddle of water forms. Sometimes there is so much moisture on the windows that it flows onto the floor. Whether this phenomenon will be observed depends on many factors.

The first idea when seeing the problem of weeping windows is the defects of the double-glazed window. However, depressurization of a double-glazed window takes place extremely rarely, and then condensate forms inside between the glasses of a double-glazed window, and not on its surface. GOST unequivocally classifies such a case as a manufacturing defect, and the product can be replaced within the warranty period. You can check where exactly the moisture has accumulated by running your hand over the glass. If the condensate is easily wiped off, it means that it has formed outside. The appearance of condensate on the outer surface of the window is not regulated by state standards.

Consider the possible options for why condensation appears on the double-glazed window of plastic windows.

The cause of "weeping windows" is high humidity in the room

Modern plastic windows are hermetic when the sashes are closed, while old wooden windows let in a lot of air. When installing new plastic windows, high humidity may form in the room for the following reasons:

Poor room ventilation. An exhaust ventilation system requires a constant supply of air to operate. Often, workers during the construction of a house dump garbage into ventilation shafts and clog them. So it is easier and faster to get rid of unnecessary remnants of building materials. In addition, the ventilation shaft can be heavily polluted from the inside with grease, dust and dirt, and also blocked in one or more apartments after redevelopment. In such cases, with completely closed, sealed windows and insufficient air exchange, the moisture in the required volume does not leave through the ventilation system, which leads to its condensation on the windows.

You can check the operation of ventilation using a thin sheet of paper. It is necessary to bring a thin sheet of paper to the ventilation grill: if the paper is drawn to it, then there are no problems with ventilation, if the sheet does not hold or deviates in the opposite direction, the shaft must be cleaned.

Solution. Only a specialized organization can clean the main ventilation shaft of a building. Since the mine belongs to common house property, the management company that the tenants hired to maintain the house is responsible for its operation. You should apply with a written application to this organization with a description of the problem and a request to organize a cleaning of the ventilation system.

On your own, you can only clean a short ventilation duct that leads from the apartment to the mine. To do this, you need to remove the ventilation grill, rinse it thoroughly and get rid of dust, which can also be the cause. Then remove the dirt inside the channel manually, using a damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner.

Wide window sills or thick curtains. Too wide window sills prevent the flow of hot air from heaters and impede air circulation at the window. Curtains can also be the reason for the deterioration of air exchange. If the curtains are made of dense material, butt close to the window sill, the movement of air in the room will be difficult.

Solution . To improve the circulation of hot air from the radiator to the window, you can drill holes in the window sill or insert a special ventilation grill for the window sill. There are various types of such gratings, which differ in design and size of the open section (the sum of the areas of all holes for air passage). Some grilles can be adjusted and turn slightly towards the window. The solution to the problem can also be a complete replacement of the window sill with a decrease in its width.

Curtains should be chosen from loose fabric or the cornice should be placed so that the curtains are located at some distance from the windowsill.

Photo: window sill ventilation grill

Repair or construction work. In new apartments or premises where renovations have recently been completed, increased humidity of building structures may be observed for one to two years, which also causes fogging of windows.

Solution. Over time, this problem will be solved by itself, but the process can be accelerated by drying the premises with a heat gun.

Household behavior of residents. Faulty plumbing with constantly dripping hot water, constant, hand washing, drying a significant amount of clothes, cooking, a large number of flowers on the windowsill directly affect the level of humidity in the apartment, which leads to condensation.

Solution. Residential behavior needs to change. It is recommended to wash the laundry in the machine and dry it on the balcony or in a well-ventilated area or with an open window. Use the range hood while cooking and consider if there are too many flowers on one window.

Incorrectly selected glass in a double-glazed window. The main cause of fogging of plastic windows is double-glazed windows with incorrectly selected characteristics when buying windows. Fogging of windows during operation is not the norm, however, when buying windows, apartment owners do not know in advance whether such a problem will arise.

There may be several solutions to the problem. The best option to avoid it is at the stage of purchasing a new window to opt for windows with the use of glass with increased thermal protection, i-glass (energy or heat-saving) or electric heating.

During production, special chemical compounds are applied to i-glass, which change its properties, increasing the ability to save heat due to low thermal conductivity. Since the temperature on the surface of i-glass is higher than the temperature of a conventional double-glazed window, condensation does not form on such windows during the cold season. Thanks to its special properties, i-glass prevents fading of wallpaper, furniture and interior items. The cost of i-glass is slightly higher than the price of a conventional double-glazed window (on average, the cost will increase by 100 rubles per square meter). The high thermal insulation characteristics of glass and the solution to the problem of "weeping windows" give grounds for choice.

If the windows are already installed and there is condensation on them, you can:

  • In those rooms where there is a problem of condensate on the windows, replace the double-glazed windows with new ones with “warm” glass. This will cost approximately 25% of the cost of new turnkey plastic windows.
  • Install an automatic inlet valve. The valve provides constant air circulation and ventilation, maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the room. With its help, fresh air continuously enters the apartment, without reducing the soundproofing and thermal properties of plastic windows. Depending on the type, such valves can be mounted either directly during the installation of window structures, or on an already installed window. In addition to window valves, there are supply valves that are installed inside the wall. They also help fight condensation and provide a constant supply of fresh air.

Photo: inlet valve on the window

Photo: wall inlet valve

By following the recommendations on how to avoid condensation on the windows, you can make your stay comfortable and eliminate excessive moisture that is harmful to health. Many of the above methods suggest only a temporary solution to the problem. To completely eliminate the possibility of condensation on the windows, you should take care in advance about choosing a double-glazed window, which, due to its properties, will help to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon. The best option would be to install plastic windows using i-glass.

Many people, replacing old windows with new plastic double-glazed windows, sometimes find condensation from the side of the room. This is an unfortunate phenomenon that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. After all, condensation on plastic windows from the side of the room contributes to the development of fungus and mold. The atmosphere in the room becomes unhealthy. Frequent ventilation in winter leads to large heat losses. Therefore, the problem must be solved in other ways. There are several recommendations that will help get rid of condensation on the windows. To do this, it is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

What is condensate

To understand how to get rid of condensation on windows, you need to understand the mechanism of its occurrence. Water settles on the glass when the temperature inside the room is higher than outside. At the same time, the humidity in the room must be high enough for condensation to form.

The greater the distance between the outer and inner glass, the less often you have to deal with the problem of getting rid of condensate on plastic windows.

According to sanitary standards, if the humidity in the room is within 30-45% and the air temperature is 20-22 ° C, dew will not fall on the glass.

During construction, it is necessarily calculated. It is located outside the room, but at the slightest imbalance it moves inside.

Why does the dew point shift

To prevent condensation on plastic windows from the side of the room, engineers calculate all the conditions and parameters for the location of each element of the structure. However, over time, these indicators begin to gradually deviate from the norm.

Most often, to resolve the issue of the causes of condensation on plastic windows, attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the room.

If the house was built more than a dozen years ago, its walls were weathered under the influence of weather phenomena. Their insulating properties were violated.

According to research results, the cause of dew on glasses in only 5% of cases is the fault of the manufacturer.

high humidity

A problem such as condensation on plastic windows (reasons, solutions may be different) is determined by a specialist. However, it is quite realistic to try to understand the factors of dew formation on your own.

One of them is This will help determine the hygrometer. Sometimes, to remove condensation on a plastic window, it is enough to ventilate.

There should also be a good ventilation system indoors. After all, ventilating an apartment in winter in severe frosts is simply unacceptable. There are also special dehumidifiers. They will help to normalize the microclimate.

On sale there are valves that carry out constant ventilation of windows without heat loss. Moreover, there are a huge number of varieties of such systems.

Violation of the convection regime

To decide how to get rid of condensation on the windows, you should consider the factor of violation of convection in the room. Even changes in the movement of air masses can cause windows to fog up.

Convection consists in raising the warm flow up, and the cold flow down. If the window were not located above the battery, it would freeze through, collecting condensate on the glass.

If something prevents the battery from heating the space above it, this is already considered a violation in the convection process. When deciding how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, you should pay attention to the window sill. If it is too wide, the flow of warm air from the battery simply will not reach the windows.

You will either have to replace the window sill, or make holes in its plane so that the flow can move up.

double glazing

Too wide a double-glazed window very often leads to the formation of moisture from the side of the room. Oddly enough, if it is larger than 70 cm, it will interfere with other properties of the window. And in this case, you will have to install a good air conditioning system or change the window. That's why you should choose a normal profile.

Condensation on windows and freezing of double-glazed windows can be caused by the type of construction. Single-chamber varieties of windows in can even become covered with ice. This horrifies the owners. But that's how the simple laws of physics work.

If the window has two glasses, they freeze through more than in a two-chamber one. In this case, the solution to the problem will also be replacing the window. It is better to purchase initially. Even if condensate collects on them for some reason, it will not freeze. Three glasses give more chances that the windows will not fog up.


It happens that the cause of the problem is a defect in one window. This can be seen if the same double-glazed windows are installed in all rooms, but only one of them sweats. But it will be difficult to determine how to remove condensation on plastic windows, if this problem is present in all areas of the apartment.

This cause of dew is quite rare. But if, nevertheless, the source of the problem is this, you should contact the company that installed the windows. Its representatives will inspect the double-glazed windows and, if necessary, eliminate the malfunctions. But before calling the wizard, you need to exclude the possibility of other causes.

If dew falls inside the double-glazed window, this indicates a clear installation or assembly defect. There are quite a lot of unscrupulous manufacturers today.

Elimination of heat loss to get rid of condensate

If the house in which the owners live is old, it may have large heat losses. This shifts the dew point into the room. In this case, wall insulation will help get rid of the condensation problem. And it is much better if these actions are performed from the outside of the wall.

If the apartment is cold, this may also be the answer to the question of being inside. The causes of problems can sometimes be sought in the operation of old radiators. Cast iron batteries are recommended to be washed and cleaned well. You can replace them with new ones, but steel and aluminum will be less durable, although they have greater heat dissipation.

It is better to restore the old cast iron. In addition to the existing heating, install an electric convector or underfloor heating. This will reduce condensation.

Better ventilation

If the apartment is warm, you need to check the ventilation system. Channel gratings must be well cleaned. Sometimes, in order to understand how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows, you should look at the layout of the neighbors from above. If they carried out the mine, it could simply be immured by them.

If the hood is functioning, the channels are not clogged, you can install a forced fan. It will, at the request of the owners, turn on and remove moisture as needed. For example, in the process of cooking or taking a bath, this is more relevant than at other times.

If it is not very cold outside, you can carry out ventilation.

It will also help to restore the correct microclimate in the room. In any case, condensation cannot be tolerated. This will not only lead to rapid wear of the windows, but will also have a bad effect on the health of the people living here.


If plastic windows have been recently installed in the dwelling or it is planned in the near future, preventive actions should be taken. This will increase the likelihood that condensation will not collect on the plastic windows from the side of the room.

To do this, it is necessary to establish the optimal thermal and ventilation conditions. It should reduce the ingress of moisture into the room (repair the roof, check the pipes in the basement, eliminate other leaks).

If the house is old, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the outside. Keeping the number of plants is also unacceptable. When cooking and taking a bath, forced ventilation should be used.

If the radiators are not functioning well, they should be cleaned or replaced. It is important to provide for the use of additional heaters in the winter and off-season period.

Having found out how condensation forms on plastic windows from the side of the room, you can find a way to get rid of such a problem. In each specific case, a number of measures should be taken to facilitate the disappearance of dew from the glasses. Condensation cannot be tolerated. This will lead to health problems, as well as to the rapid failure of windows. By choosing the right method, you can get rid of condensate quickly and efficiently.

To begin with, you need to understand what condensate is and how it harms us so much in our ordinary everyday life. Condensation occurs on the glass in the form of fogging from temperature conditions, the use of a gas stove, and so on.

People used to use wooden windows, but progress is on the rise and today we have a better option for our homes. Plastic windows have an advantage over wooden ones in many ways, such as tightness, strength and ease of opening and closing. And yet there are chemical inconveniences that arise when using plastic in a house or apartment, which interfere with living and working comfortably.

Condensate deposits on glass are usually simply wiped off, but this is like fighting windmills. Many people, with the onset of winter, constantly spend their precious time wiping misted windows. This article will detail, legibly and step by step the causes, consequences and effective solutions to such everyday troubles.

Why is condensation harmful?

When we cook something on the stove, or heat the room with a heater or radiators in winter, there is a deposit on the windows that begins to evaporate. Evaporating, it makes the room more humid. People who are in an unfavorable room with moisture from condensation run the risk of getting sick or damaging some things that are not resistant to moisture (for example, paper, documents, electronic devices).

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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If you do not get rid of condensate evaporation for a long time, then mold and fungus appear on the walls next to the window, the vapors of which are harmful to human health.

Without even going too far, it's no secret that condensation makes a room damp in winter. Dampness is harmful to health (especially if there are people in the house who suffer from any allergic diseases). Dampness damages the structure of the room, inflates the wallpaper and spoils the appearance beyond recognition. Raw edema and blackening certainly do not improve the condition of the house, as well as the quality of life and work of people. Of course, this is the most neglected and worst option. But usually we spend our time wiping windows, warming up the internal environment (without taking into account that the external environment can also be changeable and many efforts may simply be in vain and unnecessary). Our goal is to get rid of this everyday horror, and not waste our time “drawing” on windows!

How to lower the level of humidity and dampness?

Humidity and dampness slowly destroys all household items and they must be quickly disposed of. What to do in such a situation? Every problem has a source, a cause, and it needs to be identified. For example, to find out the source of dampness and moisture in the house, you need to attach a piece of foil to the wall for a day - this is a proven method. If in the end the foil gets wet, then the source of dampness is in the external environment, if the foil, on the contrary, remains dry, then the cause of the problem should be looked for inside the room.

How to fix it?

First of all, you need to check the condition of the ventilation in the house, check the apartment for repair defects. If you live in a private house, systematically check and clean the basement - this is the main source of dampness and mold in the house. Of course, in modern realities, factors may arise that are beyond our control, for example, the poor condition of the roof of the house, which is leaking, or the neighbors from above, who flood us.

Condensation is affected by kitchen appliances, because it is they who more or less regulate the temperature (at least in the kitchen). Gas stoves are the main culprits of condensate. The bathroom should also not be overlooked, where the concentration of humidity is just the highest than in any other room.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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All these reasons can be listed for a very long time, they vary from the number of people in the house to the number of flowers on the windowsill. Let's move from theory to business.

You need to buy a high-quality and powerful dehumidifier, ventilate the room from time to time, thereby protecting yourself from harmful bacteria due to proper air circulation. Buy a fan for rooms, a heated towel rail for a bathroom in a home appliance store so that moisture from wet laundry does not spread after washing. What else is needed is an exhaust hood over a gas stove and a high-quality ventilation system. If the situation with dampness is completely neglected, then it is worth making repairs, sealing cracks and trying to create a favorable microclimate. So, now we know how to deal with the worst consequence of window condensation (this is sometimes the cause of condensation). The main thing is to use modern technologies for heating rooms, treat the walls with fungus or mold remedies, dry clothes outside the apartment, and plants should be kept only those that are not demanding on watering and moisture.

Other causes of window condensation

The tightness of plastic windows does not allow air to circulate normally (unlike old, wooden ones that absorb moisture). Steam arising from various household activities settles in the form of fogging. If, in the off-season, situations arise when it is already cold outside, and heating has not yet been given, the apartment cools down quickly, which is also not good. Also, you need to skillfully change radiators and coordinate your actions to regulate the internal microclimate depending on the season, by winter and flying requires completely different approaches.

How to get rid of condensation in plastic windows?

First you need to find out why the window is sweating. If it's only about kitchen appliances, then first of all you need good ventilation, and above the stove you need to install a good and high-quality hood, no smaller than the size of the stove. Use a heater, do not rely only on batteries, because it is heating problems that create an unfavorable temperature around the windows. If the problem of heating does not depend on you, then you should contact the housing and communal authorities.

There is also a very interesting mechanism that is gaining more and more relevance. It is connected with the design of window sills. The bottom line is that special ventilation holes are made in the window sills, and it turns out that the air from the batteries that are located by the window is drawn directly onto the glass.

As mentioned earlier, the room must be ventilated. Even in winter, open the window completely for at least 10 minutes, this will already be a big contribution to resolving the problem. Place air conditioners near windows to heat them regularly and not worry about their condition.

You can try to treat the windows with special liquids. Usually they are used by motorists, these are car windshield washers.

As an option, try to call the masters to clean the ventilation outlets, in old houses they are usually polluted with all sorts of debris, which increases the risk of condensation by a factor of three. Under certain temperature conditions, you need to monitor the condition of the windows, engage in their regular repairs, avoid bumps, cracks, crevices and anything that can let cold air in or interfere with its uniform circulation. Nowadays, there are even tutorials on various video hosting sites on this topic, where people demonstrate all of the above methods in action.

Plastic windows are convenient, environmentally friendly and reliable. Everything that is said in this article is not anti-advertising. The problem always lies in the temperature state of the room. Not everyone experiences condensation, but a certain percentage of people constantly suffer from it. If you do not follow the situation, you can damage the window sill, and in winter, all the dampness can turn into ice, so be careful and do not neglect the rules of heating.

Norms and deviations

Regarding the unattractiveness of misted windows, which also collect all the dirt and dust, there are scientific and sanitary standards. If you believe the official accepted standards, then the average temperature in the house should remain in the region of +20 to +22 degrees Celsius. Humidity in the room should not exceed 30-40%, the air should be favorable and comfortable for breathing. By focusing on these numbers in your war on window fogging, you will get rid of this problem once and for all.
In addition, relatively recently, an interesting innovation has appeared in the world of home technology. This is a pressure valve and it would be worth dwelling on it in more detail.

Inlet valve

Such a model is built into the wall of the room (you can also next to the window). It consists of three components: an air duct, a grill that protects the valve from dirt and a filter. Such a thing helps to comply with all sanitary standards, as it is able to insulate the wall, protecting it and isolating external noise (which, by the way, is also very important for many people).
Typically, such a device is placed in an outer wall and it can contain a temperature controller, a built-in fan, a remote control (it helps to control the device). Air enters in the region of 30 cubic meters per hour, the main convenience of the device is that it regulates its own work with air flows.

Depending on the external temperature, the device itself regulates the air flow. This device is worthy of attention, if only because it minimizes the financial and other costs of a person. One has only to adjust the intake valve and it will regulate your micro-atmosphere, bringing it as close to ideal as possible. You no longer need to worry about ventilation, noise. You can put the model in any convenient place.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. The purchase of such a pleasure is quite expensive, its installation can cost even more (after all, for this you will have to call a master who will drill the wall). If something goes wrong during installation, there is a risk that structural damage or deformation will appear in the wall, which will exacerbate the problem with the atmosphere in the house. To purchase, use or install this device, it is advisable to have personal experience in construction, and also to entrust such matters only to competent specialists, trusted sellers and good craftsmen.

Other cases of condensation

There are cases when condensation appears from time to time, and in the cold season it can harm the window glass, as it turns into ice. In such cases, lubrication of the icy surface with silicone sealant will help.

In addition, there are also folk remedies for combating fogging. They are ineffective, but you can’t ignore them, so let’s focus on candles. You can light a few candles and put them on the windowsill to warm the window. True, then you will have to comply with fire safety measures. You can also use mounting foam to cover potential sources of air penetration with it. As a result, there is only one conclusion, it is better to spend money on the quality of life than to constantly spend time maintaining it. Better yet, apply all of the above in a single system, then solving problems with potentially dangerous precipitation and raids on windows will never bother you again.

Metal-plastic windows have won sympathy due to the fact that they do not require painting, there is no need to insulate them for the winter. Double-glazed windows are distinguished by good sound insulation and do not let in noise and dust.

But PVC structures have one drawback - condensation may appear on the windows. Let's try to figure out the reasons for its appearance in order to solve this problem.

Moisture accumulated on double-glazed windows can lead to the formation of fungus. If the problem is not fixed in time, the mold will spread over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window and go beyond it. Because of this, you will have to make repairs in the apartment. In addition, mold is harmful to humans.

After installing plastic or wooden euro-windows, the owners often face the problem of condensation on double-glazed windows and the inhabitants have a question: “How to eliminate fogging of windows?”. To get rid of the problem, you need to know the causes of condensation.

High air humidity. Why was there no problem with condensation before, when the old wooden windows were installed? When designing the ventilation system in apartment buildings, a special system is provided through which recycled air exits, and a new air inflow is carried out through slots in leaky window blocks.

Thus, the air in the room is updated, saturated with oxygen. After the installation of metal-plastic structures, the natural air supply stops, since plastic windows are hermetic, and the old ventilation system loses its effectiveness.

Insufficient ventilation of the apartment is the cause of condensation. It is necessary to check the quality of the ventilation system. To do this, you need to attach a paper napkin to the grate in the kitchen. If it falls, it means that there is a problem with the hood and you should not blame the manufacturers for poor-quality double-glazed windows.

You can check the humidity in the room using a special device - a hygrometer.

Wide window sills covering the battery. Housewives like to grow flowers: the more, the better. And for this you need wide window sills. But, trying to create comfort in the house, you should not forget about the laws of physics: glass is the coldest part of the room. The fogging of glasses occurs due to the temperature difference in the room and on the street.

Condensation appears when this difference reaches a critical point. The window sill should not be wide, because it does not allow the heat coming from the batteries to rise up. If there is no possibility or desire to remove all the flowers, then they will have to be arranged on the windowsill so that there is a distance between the pots. This will allow warm air to freely reach the double-glazed windows.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows from 2 glasses. Such windows are installed in order to save money. Double glazing consists of 3 panes. The glass has a very low temperature and low resistance to cold air. If the outside temperature drops to -20 °C, the condensate turns into frost or ice. Such windows do not hold heat well, since there is a very small distance between the panes.

As a result, one-chamber packages have to be changed to two-chamber ones. As you can see: no savings - better right away.

Incorrect installation of a plastic window. was carried out with gross violations: the gap between the profile and the window opening was poorly sealed. Sometimes the tide is simply screwed to the window. It is not right. It is necessary to prepare the base from the mortar in advance, and then install the slope. This will increase the tightness, create protection from cold and humidity, and prevent noise from penetrating into the room.

In addition, the level may be disturbed, as a result of which the skew will cause the sealing gaskets to not fit snugly against the window. Poor quality, defective fittings can also play a role in fogging windows. It will not be able to ensure tight closing of the valves.

Incorrectly carried out work on the insulation of slopes (internal and external). Outside, it is recommended to use foam and cement mortar, and from the inside of the room - mineral insulation.

affects the formation of condensate. As a result, a gap is formed between the frame and the double-glazed window, which allows cold air to pass through.

Condensation between glasses

The appearance of condensate between the glasses is associated with depressurization. All the blame for this falls on the shoulders of the manufacturer of the metal-plastic window. As a result, the manufacture was violated, therefore, during operation, depressurization occurred and moisture got inside.

These windows are not functional. There will be a deterioration in thermal and sound insulation. They will begin to let extraneous noise, cold into the house. A humid environment is formed between the glasses, which is a breeding ground for microorganisms. You can't see anything through the foggy window.

It is unrealistic to cope with the problem on your own, so you will need to call a specialist.

Causes of condensation on the inside of a double-glazed window

The appearance of condensate from the inside is associated with improper manufacture of double-glazed windows: manufacturers saved on sealant. This fact can be detected before installation.

According to technology, the space between 2 panes must be completely filled. To find out if there is enough sealant, you need to put a finger on the edge of the window. If there is no opening between the finger and the sealant, then the window is of good quality.

If there is a cavity, it means that the manufacturers made a low-quality product and the window will definitely sweat.

The manufacturer is responsible for the tightness of the products, so all the blame lies with him. The glass pane will need to be replaced. Replacement is quick: first, the glazing beads are removed, and then a new double-glazed window is inserted.

You should not do the reinstallation yourself, all the work is in the competence of specialists. If the installation of windows was carried out by the company, then it must replace the double-glazed window free of charge. The contract should state that the company guarantees the quality of the installation.

How to deal with condensation

You can prevent the appearance of condensate with the help of a number of preventive measures, but there are also basic recommendations for dealing with condensation on plastic windows.

Regular ventilation of the room. Humidity should be within the normal range. This is ensured by daily airing the room for 10 minutes several times a day. If the temperature is low outside the window, then you can ventilate for 5 minutes.

You should be aware that during the procedure, the internal heat of the apartment will not be consumed, since most of it accumulates on the walls, and condensate appears with an increase in the temperature in the room. During repair work, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, since glue, putty release moisture during drying.

Freeing window sills from flower pots. Flowers require regular watering, and damp soil produces condensation. And the plants themselves release moisture. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow flowers on the windows.

Control over the location of blinds, curtains, curtains. So that the decor elements do not interfere with the passage of warm air, they must be located at some distance from the batteries. If you neglect the advice, double-glazed windows will not receive the necessary heat and will fog up.

Window sill width. The best option is that the window sill should not protrude beyond the heating radiators, but be located on a par with them or be slightly smaller. A not too wide window sill bar contributes to the normal heat transfer of the batteries.

Control over the installation of metal-plastic structures. It is required to control the work of specialists so that the installation is carried out in accordance with the technology, otherwise violations will lead to trouble and condensate will collect on the packages.

Installation of high-quality double-glazed windows. It is advisable to choose vacuum 2-chamber double-glazed windows, since single-chamber ones do not retain heat well due to the small distance between the glasses and have proven themselves poorly in thermophysical terms.

Double-glazed window design. Condensation falls around the perimeter of the structure with an aluminum frame, so it is recommended to choose a design with. Such a window will retain heat better and will counteract the appearance of condensate.

It is necessary to regularly check the wear of fittings, the performance of the ventilation system. In cold weather, windows must be switched to winter mode.

What to look out for

Condensation on double-glazed windows appears for two reasons: either incorrect installation work was carried out, or the humidity in the room is too high. Therefore, when installing PVC windows, it is necessary to control the entire process and observe the temperature regime during operation. Thus, the problem will disappear once and for all and you will not have to constantly fight with condensate.

In the article, we will consider how to properly operate windows and what to do if condensation remains on plastic windows. More and more people are installing plastic windows in their houses or apartments. This is no coincidence, because it is plastic windows that have a number of advantages over wooden ones.

But it should be said that plastic windows can bring both joy and some inconvenience to their owners. This is due to the fact that plastic windows form condensation. There are several reasons for this, by setting which you can remove condensate on plastic windows.

Why does condensation appear on plastic windows

Very often, condensation appears in those windows where there is only one camera. Of course, such windows are much cheaper than others, but there are quite a few problems with them.

If you purchased such a double-glazed window and faced the problem of fogging, then there is only one way out of this situation - replacing the double-glazed window. You can only replace the double-glazed window, and leave the old profile.

Another reason for fogging is the lack of heat blowing on the double-glazed window. This is due to the fact that a large window sill does not allow warm air from the battery to reach the window.

There can be several ways out of this situation. You can simply move the battery to another location. Or you can reduce the window sill itself, while not changing the double-glazed window.

Pay attention to the ventilation in the room. It often happens that blockages form in it, then condensation will appear on the window. You can simply clean the ventilation and restore air circulation in the room. So the glass will stop fogging up.

Many housewives love indoor plants. And they, in turn, are very fond of the sun, so in many apartments flowers are on the windowsill.

But after all, all plants emit moisture, and since they are located in close proximity to the glass, moisture gets on the window. You just have to remove the plants from the windowsill.

The most common cause of condensation on a plastic window is insufficient ventilation in the room. If you have plastic windows, then make it a rule to ventilate the room every day for 10-15 minutes. So you not only let fresh air into the apartment, but also get rid of condensate.

Look for gaps through which cold air can enter. They could be formed due to improper installation of the window or slopes. This error can be corrected by sealing all existing gaps properly.

If the window fogs up in the kitchen, you will have to change it to a double-glazed window.

Find out the causes of sweating and get rid of them. And then the plastic window will bring only joy.

Condensation on plastic windows what to do video instruction