Physical basis of the greenhouse effect. Global warming and greenhouse effect

Modern civilization has a strong influence on nature. Usually negative. draining swamps and constant discharge into atmospheric air huge amount the most harmful substances- this is not a complete list of the "virtues" of mankind. Many believe that belongs to the same category and Greenhouse effect. Is it really so?

History reference

By the way, who was the author of the greenhouse effect (that is, the one who discovered this phenomenon)? Who first described this process and spoke about its impact on environment? A similar idea appeared in the distant 1827. Author scientific article was Joseph Fourier. In his work, he described the mechanisms of climate formation on our planet.

The unusualness of this work for that time was that Fourier considered the temperature and climatic features of different zones of the Earth. This is who the author of the greenhouse effect was, who for the first time was able to explain Saussure's experiment.

Saussure experiment

To verify his conclusions, the scientist used the experience of M. de Saussure, which uses a vessel covered with soot from the inside, the neck of which is closed with glass. De Saussure set up an experiment during which he constantly measured the temperature inside and outside the jar. Of course, it constantly increased precisely in the internal volume. Fourier was the first to be able to explain this phenomenon by the combined action of two factors at once: the blocking of heat transfer and the different permeability of the walls of the vessel for light rays with different wavelengths.

Its mechanism is quite simple: when heated, the surface temperature increases, visible light is absorbed, and heat begins to radiate. Since the material perfectly transmits visible light, but practically does not conduct heat, the latter accumulates in the internal volume of the vessel. As you can see, the mechanism of the greenhouse effect can be easily substantiated by every person who studied the standard physics course at school. The phenomenon is quite simple, but how much trouble it brings to our planet!

The emergence of the term

It is worth knowing that Joseph Fourier is the author of the greenhouse effect in terms of its initial description in the literature. But who coined the term itself? Alas, we will never get an answer to this question. In later literature, the phenomenon discovered by Fourier received its modern name. Today, every ecologist knows the term "greenhouse effect".

But Fourier's main discovery was the substantiation of the factual identity of the Earth's atmosphere and ordinary glass. Simply put, the atmosphere of our planet is perfectly permeable to visible light radiation, but it does not transmit it well in the infrared range. Having accumulated heat, the Earth practically does not give it away. That's who the author of the greenhouse effect was. But why does this effect occur?

Yes, we have described the primitive mechanism of its appearance, but modern science was able to prove that under normal conditions, infrared rays can still quite freely go beyond the planetary atmosphere. How is it possible that natural mechanisms adjustment " heating season» fail?

The reasons

In general, we described them in sufficient detail at the very beginning of our article. The following factors contribute to this phenomenon:

  • Constant and excessive burning of fossil fuels.
  • Every year more and more industrial gases enter the atmosphere of the planet.
  • Forests are constantly cut down, their areas are reduced due to fires and degradation of the soil layer.
  • Anaerobic fermentation, release of methane from the bottom of the oceans.

You should know that the main "culprits" that trigger the greenhouse effect mechanism are the following five gases:

  • Divalent carbon monoxide, aka carbon dioxide. The greenhouse effect is 50% ensured precisely at its expense.
  • Carbon compounds of chlorine and fluorine (25%).
  • (eight%). Toxic gas, a typical waste product of poorly equipped chemical and metallurgical industries.
  • Ground level ozone (7%). Despite its crucial role in protecting the Earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation, it can help retain heat on its surface.
  • Approximately 10% methane.

Where do these gases get into the atmosphere? What is their action?

- It is he who enters the atmosphere in large volumes when a person burns fossil fuels. Approximately one third of its excess (above natural) level is due to the fact that man intensively destroys forests. The constantly accelerating process of desertification of fertile lands performs the same function.

All this means less vegetation that can effectively absorb carbon dioxide, which in many ways contributes to the greenhouse effect. The causes and consequences of this phenomenon are interrelated: every year, the volume of divalent carbon monoxide emitted into the atmosphere increases by approximately 0.5%, which stimulates both further accumulation of excess heat and degradation of vegetation cover on the planet's surface.

- Chlorofluorocarbons. As we have already said, these compounds provide a greenhouse effect by 25%. The causes and consequences of this phenomenon have been studied for a long time. They appear in the atmosphere due to industrial production, especially outdated. Hazardous and toxic refrigerants contain these substances in large quantities, and measures to prevent their leakage clearly do not give the expected result. The consequences of their appearance are even worse:

  • Firstly, they are extremely poisonous for humans and animals, and for the flora, the proximity to fluorine and chlorine compounds is not very useful.
  • Secondly, these substances can significantly accelerate the development of the greenhouse effect.
  • Thirdly, they destroy which protects our planet from aggressive ultraviolet radiation.

- Methane. One of the most important gases, the increased content of which in the atmosphere implies the term "greenhouse effect". Need to know that for just a hundred recent years its volume in the planet's atmosphere has doubled. In principle, most of it comes from completely natural sources:

  • in Asia.
  • Animal complexes.
  • Domestic wastewater treatment systems in large settlements.
  • With rotting and decomposition of organic matter in the depths of swamps, in landfills.

There is evidence that emissions of considerable amounts of methane come from the depths of the oceans. Perhaps this phenomenon is explained by the vital activity of large colonies of bacteria, for which methane is the main by-product of metabolism.

It is necessary to especially emphasize the "contribution" to the development of the greenhouse effect on the part of oil producing enterprises: a considerable amount of this gas is emitted into the atmosphere as a by-product. In addition, the ever-expanding film of oil products on the surface of the World Ocean also contributes to the accelerated decomposition of organic matter, which is accompanied by methane emissions.

- Nitrogen oxide. In large volumes it is formed in the course of many chemical productions. It is dangerous not only by the most active participation in the greenhouse mechanism. The fact is that when combined with atmospheric water, this substance forms a real nitric acid, even if in a weak concentration. It is from here that all that extremely negatively affect people's health originate.

Theoretical Scenarios of Global Climate Perturbations

So what are the global implications of the greenhouse effect? It is difficult to say this for sure, since scientists are still far from an unambiguous conclusion. Currently, there are several scenarios at once. For development computer models many various factors, which can accelerate or slow down the development of the greenhouse effect. Let's look at the catalysts for this process:

  • The release of the gases described above due to man-made activities.
  • Emission of CO 2 due to thermal decomposition of natural hydrocarbons. It is interesting to know that the crust of our planet contains carbon dioxide 50,000 times more than in airspace. Of course, we are talking about chemically bound carbon monoxide.
  • Since the main consequences of the greenhouse effect are an increase in the temperature of water and air on the surface of the planet, the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the seas and oceans is increasing. As a consequence, the permeability of the atmosphere for infrared radiation is further degraded.
  • The oceans contain about 140 trillion tons of carbon dioxide, which, as the water temperature rises, also begins to be intensively released into the atmosphere, contributing to a more dynamic development of the greenhouse process.
  • The drop in the reflectivity of the planet, which leads to an accelerated accumulation of heat by its atmosphere. Desertification also contributes to this.

What factors slow down the development of the greenhouse effect?

It is assumed that the main warm current - the Gulf Stream - is constantly slowing down. In the future, this will cause a significant decrease in temperature, which will slow down the effect of greenhouse gas accumulation. In addition, for every degree of global warming, the area of ​​cloud cover over the entire territory of the planet increases by approximately 0.5%, which contributes to a significant decrease in the amount of heat that the Earth receives from space.

Please note: the essence of the greenhouse effect is to increase the overall temperature earth's surface. Of course, there is nothing good in this, but it is the above factors that often contribute to mitigating the consequences of this phenomenon. In principle, this is why many scientists believe that the topic of global warming itself belongs to the category of completely natural phenomena that have occurred regularly throughout the history of the Earth.

The higher the evaporation rate, the greater the annual rainfall becomes. This causes both the restoration of swamps and the accelerated growth of flora, which is responsible for utilizing excess carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere. It is also expected that increased precipitation in the future will contribute to a significant expansion of the area of ​​shallow tropical seas.

The corals that live in them are the most important utilizers of carbon dioxide. Being chemically bound, he goes to build their skeleton. Finally, if humanity at least slightly reduces the rate of deforestation, then their area will quickly recover, since the same carbon dioxide is an excellent stimulant for the spread of plants. So what are possible consequences greenhouse effect?

The main scenarios for the future of our planet

In the first case, scientists assume that global warming will occur rather slowly. And this point of view has many supporters. They believe that the World Ocean, which is a giant energy accumulator, will be able to absorb excess heat for a long time. It may take more than one millennium before the climate on the planet really changes radically.

The second group of scholars, on the other hand, favors relatively fast option catastrophic change. This problem of the greenhouse effect is currently very popular, it is discussed at almost every scientific congress. Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence for this theory. It is believed that over the past hundred years, the concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by at least 20-24%, and the amount of methane in the atmosphere has increased by 100%. In the most pessimistic scenario, it is believed that the temperature of the planet by the end of this century may well rise by a record 6.4 ° C.

Thus, in this case, the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere will simply bring death to all residents of coastal areas.

A sharp increase in the level of the World Ocean

The fact is that such temperature anomalies are fraught with an extremely sharp and practically unpredictable rise in the level of the World Ocean. So, from 1995 to 2005. this figure was 4 cm, although scientists vied with each other that they should not expect a rise above a couple of centimeters. If everything continues at the same pace, then by the end of the 21st century, the level of the World Ocean will be at least 88-100 cm higher. modern norm. Meanwhile, about 100 million people on our planet live just at around 87-88 cm above sea level.

Reducing the reflectivity of the planet's surface

When we wrote about what the greenhouse effect is, the article repeatedly mentioned that it stimulates a further decrease in the reflectivity of the Earth's surface, which is facilitated by deforestation and desertification.

Many scientists testify that the ice cap at the poles can reduce the overall temperature of the planet by at least two degrees, and the ice that covers the surface of the polar waters greatly inhibits the process of carbon dioxide and methane emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, there is no water vapor at all in the region of the polar ice caps, which significantly stimulates the global greenhouse effect.

All this will so affect the world water cycle that the frequency of tornadoes, monstrous in their destructive power of hurricanes and tornadoes will increase several times, which will make it virtually impossible for people to live even in those territories that are very far from the coasts of the oceans. Unfortunately, the redistribution of water will lead to the opposite phenomenon. Today droughts are a problem 10% the globe, and in the future the number of such regions may well grow immediately to 35-40%. This is a sad prospect for humanity.

For our country, the forecast in this case is much more favorable. Climatologists believe that most of the territory of Russia will be quite suitable for normal farming, the climate will become much milder. Of course, most of the coastal areas (and we have a lot of them) will simply be flooded.

The third scenario assumes that a brief period of warming will be followed by a global cooling. We have already talked about the slowdown of the Gulf Stream, about the consequences. Imagine that this warm current stops completely... Of course, things will not come to the events described in the film "The Day After Tomorrow", but the planet will definitely become much colder. Not for long, however.

Some mathematicians adhere to the theory (simulated, of course), according to which the greenhouse effect on Earth will lead to the fact that for 20-30 years the climate in Europe will become no warmer than in our country. They also suggest that after this, warming will continue, the scenario of which is described in the second option.


Whatever it was, but there is not so much good in the forecasts of scientists. We can only hope that our planet is a more complex and perfect mechanism than we imagine. Perhaps such unfortunate consequences can be avoided.

The greenhouse effect, which has been aggravated for a number of objective reasons, has acquired Negative consequences for the ecology of the planet. Learn more about what the greenhouse effect is, what are the causes and ways to solve the environmental problems that have arisen.

Greenhouse effect: causes and consequences

The first mention of the nature of the greenhouse effect appeared in 1827 in an article by physicist Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. His work was based on the experience of the Swiss Nicolas Theodore de Saussure, who measured the temperature inside a vessel with tinted glass when placed under sunlight. The scientist found that the temperature inside is higher due to the fact that thermal energy cannot pass through the cloudy glass.

Using this experience as an example, Fourier described that not all solar energy reaching the Earth's surface is reflected into space. Greenhouse gas traps some of the heat energy in the lower layers of the atmosphere. It consists of:

  • carbonic acid;
  • methane;
  • ozone;
  • water vapor.

What is the greenhouse effect? This is an increase in the temperature of the lower atmospheric layers due to the accumulation of thermal energy that greenhouse gases hold. The atmosphere of the Earth (its lower layers) due to gases turns out to be quite dense and does not let into space thermal energy. As a result, the Earth's surface is warming up.

As of 2005, the average annual temperature of the earth's surface has increased by 0.74 degrees over the past century. In the coming years, it is expected to rise rapidly by 0.2 degrees per decade. This is an irreversible process of global warming. If the dynamics continue, then in 300 years there will be irreparable environmental changes. Therefore, humanity is threatened with extinction.

Scientists name such causes of global warming as:

  • large industrial human activity. It leads to an increase in the emission of gases into the atmosphere, which changes its composition and leads to an increase in dust content;

  • combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) at thermal power plants, in car engines. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions increase. In addition, the intensity of energy consumption is growing - with an increase in the world's population by 2% per year, the need for energy increases by 5%;
  • rapid development of agriculture. The result is an increase in methane emissions into the atmosphere (excessive production of organic fertilizers as a result of decay, emissions from biogas plants, an increase in the amount of biological waste from livestock/poultry keeping);
  • an increase in the number of landfills, which is why methane emissions are growing;
  • deforestation. It slows down the uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The consequences of global warming are monstrous for humanity and life on the planet as a whole. So, the greenhouse effect and its consequences cause a chain reaction. See for yourself:

1. Most a big problem is that due to the increase in temperature on the surface of the Earth begin to melt polar ice which causes the sea level to rise.

2. This will lead to the flooding of fertile lands in the valleys.

3. Flooding of large cities (St. Petersburg, New York) and entire countries (Netherlands) will lead to social problems associated with the need to relocate people. As a result, conflicts and riots are possible.

4. Due to the warming of the atmosphere, the period of snow melting is reduced: they melt faster, and seasonal rains end faster. As a result, the number of dry days increases. According to experts, with an increase in the average annual temperature by one degree, about 200 million hectares of forests will turn into steppes.

5. Due to the decrease in the number of green spaces, the processing of carbon dioxide as a result of photosynthesis will decrease. The greenhouse effect will intensify and global warming will accelerate.

6. Due to the heating of the Earth's surface, the evaporation of water will increase, which will increase the greenhouse effect.

7. Due to the increase in the temperature of water and air, there will be a threat to the life of a number of living beings.

8. Due to the melting of glaciers and the rise in the level of the World Ocean, seasonal boundaries will shift, and climatic anomalies (storms, hurricanes, tsunamis) will become more frequent.

9. An increase in temperature on the Earth's surface will have a negative impact on human health, and in addition, it will provoke the development of epidemiological situations associated with the development of dangerous infectious diseases.

Greenhouse effect: ways to solve the problem

Global environmental problems associated with the greenhouse effect can be prevented. To do this, humanity must coordinately eliminate the causes of global warming.

What should be done first:

  1. Reduce the amount of emissions into the atmosphere. This can be achieved if more environmentally friendly equipment and mechanisms are put into operation everywhere, filters and catalysts are installed; introduce "green" technologies and processes.
  2. Reduce power consumption. To do this, it will be necessary to switch to the production of less energy-intensive products; increase efficiency at power plants; to involve programs of thermomodernization of habitation, to introduce the technologies increasing energy efficiency.
  3. Change the structure of energy sources. Increase in the total amount of generated energy the share received from alternative sources(sun, wind, water, ground temperature). Reduce the use of fossil energy sources.
  4. Develop environmentally friendly and low-carbon technologies in agriculture and industry.
  5. Increase the use of recycled raw materials.
  6. Restore forests, effectively fight forest fires, increase green spaces.

Ways to solve the problems that have arisen due to the greenhouse effect are known to everyone. Humanity needs to realize what its inconsistent actions lead to, assess the scale of the impending catastrophe and take part in saving the planet!




by discipline: Fundamentals of ecology and energy saving

on the topic: Greenhouse effect: causes and consequences

Checked by: T.N. Filipović


The idea of ​​the mechanism of the greenhouse effect was first stated in 1827 by Joseph Fourier in the article "Note on the temperatures of the globe and other planets", in which he considered various mechanisms for the formation of the Earth's climate, while he considered as factors affecting the overall heat balance of the Earth ( heating by solar radiation, cooling by radiation, internal warmth Earth), as well as factors affecting heat transfer and temperature climatic zones(thermal conductivity, atmospheric and oceanic circulation).

When considering the influence of the atmosphere on radiation balance Fourier analyzed the experience of M. de Saussure with a vessel blackened from the inside, covered with glass. De Saussure measured the temperature difference between the inside and outside of such a vessel exposed to direct sunlight. Fourier explained the increase in temperature inside such a "mini-greenhouse" compared to the external temperature by the action of two factors: blocking convective heat transfer (glass prevents the outflow of heated air from the inside and the inflow of cool air from the outside) and the different transparency of the glass in the visible and infrared ranges.

It is the latter factor that received the name of the greenhouse effect in later literature - by absorbing visible light, the surface heats up and emits thermal (infrared) rays; Since glass is transparent to visible light and almost opaque to thermal radiation, the accumulation of heat leads to such an increase in temperature at which the number of thermal rays passing through the glass is sufficient to establish thermal equilibrium.

Fourier postulated that the optical properties of the Earth's atmosphere are similar to the optical properties of glass, that is, its transparency in the infrared range is lower than that in the optical range.


The ever-increasing volumes of fuel burned, the penetration of industrial gases into the atmosphere, widespread burning and deforestation, anaerobic fermentation and much more - all this led to the emergence of such a global environmental problem as the greenhouse effect.

Main chemicals The following five gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect:

Carbon dioxide (50% greenhouse effect);

Chlorofluorocarbons (25%);

Nitric oxide (8%);

Ground level ozone (7%);

Methane (10%).

Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of burning various kinds fuel. About 1/3 of the amount of carbon dioxide is due to burning and deforestation, as well as desertification processes. Less forest means less green woody plants capable of absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Every year, the content of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere increases by an average of 0.5%.

Chlorofluorocarbons contribute about 25% to the total greenhouse effect. They have a double danger for humans and the nature of the Earth: firstly, they contribute to the development of the greenhouse effect; secondly, they destroy atmospheric ozone.

Methane - one of the important "greenhouse" gases. The content of methane in the atmosphere has doubled over the past 100 years. The main source of methane in the Earth's atmosphere is the natural process of anaerobic fermentation that takes place in wet rice production, in animal husbandry, in cleaning fields. Wastewater, in the decomposition of urban and housing and communal sewage, in the processes of decay and decomposition of organic substances in domestic waste dumps, etc. Oil pollution of the land surface and the World Ocean also makes a significant contribution to the increase in free methane in the atmosphere of our planet.

Nitrogen oxide formed in many technological processes modern agricultural production (for example, in the formation and use organic fertilizers), and also as a result of the burning of ever-increasing volumes of various fuels.


Global climate change are very complex, so modern science cannot give an unambiguous answer about what awaits us in the near future. There are many scenarios for the development of the situation. To determine these scenarios, factors slowing down and accelerating global warming are taken into account.

Factors accelerating global warming:

Emissions of CO 2 , methane, nitrous oxide as a result of man-made activities;

Decomposition, due to temperature increase, of geochemical sources of carbonates with the release of CO 2 . AT earth's crust contained in the bound state of carbon dioxide 50,000 times more than in the atmosphere;

An increase in the content of water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere, due to an increase in temperature, and hence the evaporation of ocean water;

Emission of CO 2 by the World Ocean due to its heating (the solubility of gases decreases with increasing water temperature). For each degree increase in water temperature, the solubility of CO2 in it decreases by 3%. The World Ocean contains 60 times more CO 2 than the Earth's atmosphere (140 trillion tons);

A decrease in the Earth's albedo (the reflectivity of the planet's surface), due to the melting of glaciers, a change climatic zones and vegetation. The sea surface reflects much less sun rays, than the polar glaciers and snows of the planet, mountains devoid of glaciers also have a lower albedo, northward moving woody vegetation has a lower albedo than tundra plants. Over the past five years, the Earth's albedo has already decreased by 2.5%;

Emission of methane during melting permafrost;

Decomposition of methane hydrates - crystalline icy compounds of water and methane contained in the subpolar regions of the Earth.

Factors slowing down global warming:

Global warming causes ocean currents to slow down, slowing of the warm Gulf Stream will cause a decrease in temperature in the Arctic;

With an increase in temperature on Earth, evaporation increases, and hence cloudiness, which is a certain kind of barrier to the path of sunlight. Cloud area increases by approximately 0.4% for every degree of warming;

With the growth of evaporation, the amount of precipitation increases, which contributes to the waterlogging of lands, and swamps, as you know, are one of the main depots of CO 2 ;

An increase in temperature will contribute to the expansion of the area of ​​warm seas, and hence the expansion of the range of mollusks and coral reefs, these organisms are actively involved in the deposition of CO 2, which goes to the construction of shells;

An increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere stimulates the growth and development of plants, which are active acceptors (consumers) of this greenhouse gas.

Here are 5 scenarios for the future of planet Earth:

Scenario 1 - global warming will occur gradually. The earth is a very large and complex system consisting of a large number interconnected structural components. There is a mobile atmosphere on the planet, the movement of air masses of which distributes thermal energy over the latitudes of the planet, on Earth there is a huge accumulator of heat and gases - the World Ocean (the ocean accumulates 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere) Changes in such complex system cannot happen quickly. Centuries and millennia will pass before any tangible climate change can be judged.

Scenario 2 - global warming will occur relatively quickly. The most "popular" scenario at present. By various estimates over the past hundred years, the average temperature on our planet has increased by 0.5-1°C, the concentration of CO 2 has increased by 20-24%, and methane by 100%. In the future, these processes will be further continued and to the end of XXI century, the average temperature of the Earth's surface may increase from 1.1 to 6.4°C. Further melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice can accelerate the processes of global warming due to changes in the planet's albedo. According to some scientists, only the ice caps of the planet due to reflection solar radiation cool our Earth by 2°C, and the ice covering the surface of the ocean significantly slows down the processes of heat transfer between relatively warm ocean waters and colder surface layer atmosphere. In addition, over the ice caps, there is practically no main greenhouse gas - water vapor, since it is frozen out.

Global warming will be accompanied by rising sea levels. From 1995 to 2005, the level of the World Ocean has already risen by 4 cm, instead of the predicted 2 cm. If the level of the World Ocean continues to rise at the same rate, then by the end of the 21st century, the total rise in its level will be 30 - 50 cm, which will cause partial flooding of many coastal areas, especially the densely populated coast of Asia. It should be remembered that about 100 million people on Earth live at an altitude of less than 88 centimeters above sea level.

In addition to rising sea levels, global warming affects the strength of the winds and the distribution of precipitation on the planet. As a result, the frequency and scale of various natural disasters (storms, hurricanes, droughts, floods) will increase on the planet.

Currently, 2% of all land suffers from drought, according to some scientists, by 2050, up to 10% of all continents will be covered by drought. In addition, the seasonal distribution of precipitation will change.

AT Northern Europe and in the western United States, rainfall and the frequency of storms will increase, hurricanes will rage 2 times more often than in the 20th century. Climate Central Europe will become changeable, in the heart of Europe winters will become warmer and summers rainier. Eastern and Southern Europe, including the Mediterranean, will face drought and heat.

Greenhouse effect- the ability (of gases in the atmosphere) to pass to the Earth's surface to a greater extent solar radiation compared to the thermal radiation emitted by the Earth heated by the Sun. As a result, the temperature of the Earth's surface and the surface layer of air is higher than it would be in the absence of the greenhouse effect. The average temperature of the Earth's surface is plus 15°C, and without the greenhouse effect it would be minus 18°! The greenhouse effect is one of the life support mechanisms on Earth.

Human activities over the past 200 years, and especially since 1950, have led to a continuing and present increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The inevitable reaction of the atmosphere that follows is an anthropogenic increase in the natural greenhouse effect. Total anthropogenic enhancement of the greenhouse effect +2.45 watt/m2 (International Committee on Climate Change IPCC).

The greenhouse effect of each of these gases depends on three main factors:

a) the expected greenhouse effect over the next decades or centuries (for example, 20, 100 or 500 years) caused by a single volume of gas already released into the atmosphere, compared with the effect of carbon dioxide taken as a unit;

b) its typical duration in the atmosphere, and

c) volume of gas emission.

The combination of the first two factors is called “Relative greenhouse potential” and is expressed in units of CO2 potential.

Greenhouse gases:

Role water vapor, contained in the atmosphere, in the global greenhouse effect is large, but it is difficult to determine unambiguously. As the climate warms, the content of water vapor in the atmosphere will increase, thereby enhancing the greenhouse effect.

D carbon monoxide, or carbon dioxide (CO2) (64% in the greenhouse effect), different according to

compared to other greenhouse gases, a relatively low greenhouse effect potential, but a rather long lifetime in the atmosphere - 50-200 years and a relatively high concentration. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere between 1000 and 1800 was 270-290 parts per million by volume (ppmv), and by 1994 it reached 358 ppmv and continues to grow. May reach 500 ppmv by the end of the 21st century. Concentration stabilization can be achieved by significantly reducing emissions. The main source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) for energy production.

Sources of CO2

(1) Emissions to the atmosphere due to combustion of fossil fuels and cement production 5.5±0.5

(2) Air release due to landscape transformation in tropical and equatorial zones, soil degradation 1.6±1.0

Absorption by various reservoirs

(3) Accumulation in the atmosphere 3.3±0.2

(4) Accumulation by the World Ocean 2.0±0.8

(5) Accumulation in the biomass of the Northern Hemisphere 0.5±0.5

(6) Residual balance member, explained by CO2 uptake by land ecosystems (fertilization, etc.) = (1+2)-(3+4+5)=1.3±1.5

Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere should stimulate the process of photosynthesis. This is the so-called fertilization, due to which, according to some estimates, products organic matter can increase by 20-40% at twice the current concentration of carbon dioxide.

Methane (CH4) - 19% of its total greenhouse gas value (as of 1995). Methane is formed in anaerobic conditions such as natural swamps different type, the thickness of seasonal and permafrost, rice plantations, landfills, as well as as a result of the vital activity of ruminants and termites. Estimates show that about 20% of the total methane emissions are associated with fossil fuel technologies (fuel combustion, emissions from coal mines, extraction and distribution of natural gas).

gas, oil refining). In total, anthropogenic activity provides 60–80% of the total methane emission into the atmosphere. Methane is unstable in the atmosphere. It is removed from it due to interaction with the hydroxyl ion (OH) in the troposphere. Despite this process, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere has approximately doubled compared to pre-industrial times and continues to grow at a rate of about 0.8% per year.

An increase in temperature and an increase in humidity (that is, the duration of the territory under anaerobic conditions) further enhance methane emissions. This character-

positive example feedback. Conversely, a decrease in the level ground water due to low humidity should lead to a decrease in methane emissions (negative feedback).

current role nitric oxide (N2O) in the total greenhouse effect is only about 6%. The concentration of nitric oxide in the atmosphere is also increasing. It is assumed that its anthropogenic sources are approximately half the natural ones. Sources of anthropogenic nitric oxide are agriculture (particularly tropical grasslands), biomass burning, and nitrogen-containing industry. Its relative greenhouse potential (290 times

above the potential of carbon dioxide) and the typical lifetime in the atmosphere (120 years) are significant, offsetting its low concentration.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)- These are substances synthesized by man, and containing chlorine, fluorine and bromine. They have a very strong relative greenhouse potential and a significant lifetime in the atmosphere. Their final role in the greenhouse effect is 7%. The production of chlorofluorocarbons in the world is currently controlled by international agreements on the protection of the ozone layer, including the provision for a gradual reduction in the production of these substances, their replacement with less ozone-depleting ones, with its subsequent complete cessation. As a result, the concentration of CFCs in the atmosphere began to decrease.

Ozone (O3) is an important greenhouse gas found both in the stratosphere and in the troposphere. It affects both shortwave and longwave radiation, and therefore the final direction and magnitude of its contribution to the radiation balance to a large extent depend on the vertical distribution of the ozone content, especially at the tropopause level. Estimates indicate a positive resultant of +0.4 watt/m2.

If you do not stop its growth, the balance on Earth may be disturbed. The climate will change, famine and disease will come. Scientists are developing various measures to combat the problem, which should become global.


What is the greenhouse effect? This is the name given to the increase in surface temperature of the planet due to the fact that gases in the atmosphere tend to retain heat. The earth is heated by radiation from the sun. Visible short waves from a light source freely penetrate to the surface of our planet. As it warms up, the Earth begins to radiate long heat waves. Partially, they penetrate through the layers of the atmosphere and “leave” into space. reduce throughput, reflect long wavelengths. Heat remains at the surface of the Earth. The higher the concentration of gases, the higher the greenhouse effect.

The phenomenon was first described by Joseph Fourier at the beginning of the 19th century. He suggested that the processes occurring in the earth's atmosphere are similar to what exists under glass.

Greenhouse gases are steam (from water), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane, ozone. The former takes the main part in the formation of the greenhouse effect (up to 72%). The next most important is carbon dioxide (9-26%), the share of methane and ozone is 4-9 and 3-7%, respectively.

AT recent times You can often hear about the greenhouse effect as a serious environmental problem. But this phenomenon has positive side. Due to the fact that the greenhouse effect exists, the average temperature of our planet is about 15 degrees above zero. Without it, life on Earth would not be possible. The temperature could only be minus 18.

The reason for the appearance of the effect is the active activity of many volcanoes on the planet millions of years ago. At the same time, the content of water vapor and carbon dioxide significantly increased in the atmosphere. The concentration of the latter has reached such a value that a superstrong greenhouse effect has arisen. As a result, the water of the World Ocean practically boiled, its temperature became so high.

The appearance of vegetation everywhere on the surface of the Earth caused a fairly rapid absorption of carbon dioxide. Heat buildup has been reduced. Established balance. The average annual temperature on the surface of the planet was at a level close to the present.

The reasons

Strengthening the phenomenon contribute to:

  • Industry development - main reason the fact that carbon dioxide and other gases that enhance the greenhouse effect are actively emitted and accumulated in the atmosphere. The result of human activity on Earth is an increase in the average annual temperature. For a century, it has risen by 0.74 degrees. Scientists predict that in the future this growth could be 0.2 degrees for every 10 years. That is, the intensity of warming increases.
  • - the reason for the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. This gas is absorbed by vegetation. The massive development of new lands, coupled with deforestation, accelerates the rate of accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time changes the living conditions of animals and plants, leading to the extinction of their species.
  • Combustion of fuel (solid and oil), waste leads to the release of carbon dioxide. Heating, electricity generation, transport are the main sources of this gas.
  • Growth in energy consumption is a sign and a condition technical progress. The world population is increasing by about 2% per year. Growth in energy consumption - 5%. The intensity is increasing every year, humanity needs more and more energy.
  • An increase in the number of landfills leads to an increase in the concentration of methane. Another source of gas is the activity of livestock complexes.


The consequences of the greenhouse effect can be detrimental to humans:

  • The polar ice caps are melting, causing sea levels to rise. As a result, coastal fertile lands are under water. If flooding occurs at a high rate, there will be a serious threat agriculture. Crops are dying, pastures are shrinking, springs are disappearing fresh water. First of all, the low-income strata of the population, whose lives depend on the harvest, the growth of domestic animals, will suffer.
  • Many coastal cities, including highly developed ones, may be under water in the future. For example, New York, St. Petersburg. Or entire countries. For example, Holland. Such phenomena will necessitate mass displacement of human settlements. Scientists suggest that in 15 years the ocean level may rise by 0.1-0.3 meters, and by the end of the 21st century - by 0.3-1 meter. In order for the above cities to be under water, the level must rise by about 5 meters.
  • The increase in air temperature leads to the fact that within the continents the period of snow is reduced. It begins to melt earlier, as the rainy season ends faster. As a result, the soils are overdried, unsuitable for growing crops. Lack of moisture is the cause of desertification of lands. Experts say that an increase in average temperature by 1 degree in 10 years will lead to a reduction in forest areas by 100-200 million hectares. These lands will become steppes.
  • The ocean covers 71% of our planet's surface area. As the air temperature rises, the water also heats up. Evaporation increases significantly. And this is one of the main reasons for the increase in the greenhouse effect.
  • With rising water levels in the world's oceans, temperatures threaten biodiversity, and many species of wildlife may disappear. The reason is changes in their habitat. Not every species can successfully adapt to new conditions. The consequence of the disappearance of some plants, animals, birds, and other living beings is a violation of food chains, the balance of ecosystems.
  • Rising water levels cause climate change. The boundaries of the seasons are shifting, the number and intensity of storms, hurricanes, and precipitation are increasing. Climate stability is the main condition for the existence of life on Earth. To stop the greenhouse effect means to save human civilization on the planet.
  • High air temperature can adversely affect human health. Under such conditions, cardiovascular diseases are exacerbated, respiratory organs suffer. Thermal anomalies lead to an increase in the number of injuries, some psychological disorders. An increase in temperature entails a more rapid spread of many dangerous diseases, such as malaria and encephalitis.

What to do?

Today, the problem of the greenhouse effect is a global environmental issue. Experts believe that the widespread adoption of the following measures will help solve the problem:

  • Changes in the use of energy sources. Reducing the share and quantity of fossils (carbon-containing peat, coal), oil. Go to natural gas will significantly reduce the release of CO2. An increase in the share of alternative sources (sun, wind, water) will reduce emissions, because these methods allow you to get energy without harm to the environment. When using them, gases are not emitted.
  • Changing energy policy. Coefficient increase useful action at power plants. Reducing the energy intensity of manufactured products at enterprises.
  • Implementation of energy saving technologies. Even the usual insulation of facades of houses, window openings, heating plants gives a significant result - fuel savings, and, therefore, a smaller amount of emissions. The solution of the issue at the level of enterprises, industries, states entails a global improvement in the situation. Each person can contribute to solving the problem: saving electricity, proper waste disposal, warming their own home.
  • Development of technologies aimed at obtaining products in new, environmentally friendly ways.
  • The use of secondary resources is one of the measures to reduce waste, the number and volume of landfills.
  • Restoring forests, fighting fires in them, increasing the area as a way to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The fight against greenhouse gas emissions is now being international level. World summits dedicated to this problem are being held, documents are being created aimed at organizing a global solution to the issue. Many scientists around the world are looking for ways to reduce the greenhouse effect, maintain balance and life on Earth.