Newspaper articles in English. Scientific journals in English. Resource for all occasions

Let's say you already know English quite well. Or so you think. Isn't it time to test yourself and reach a new level? We have selected for you 10 fascinating sites where you can definitely find challenging and useful information for yourself. So let's get started!

Even if you are not confident in your abilities, when you go to an interesting site, you will not be able to resist translating an article that interests you. And by the way, we have already started doing it for you! Learning English without honing your skills is, you know, not so reasonable and certainly not effective, so feel free to choose a site and dive with us into the world of information and interesting English!

Scientific English sites

Historic English sites

Social English Sites

Entertainment English sites

"It"s better to have played and lost, than never to have played at all."
“Better to play and lose than not to play at all.”

And you can check how well you know the location of the US states. Can you do that?


You won't go anywhere without bonuses!

On this collection of sites, you can find the perfect portal for you to have fun and practice English in style. We recommend taking the time to dive into this crazy assortment of the best entertainment sites on the internet that cover every aspect possible, be it entertainment news, celebrity gossip, watching movies in English online or TV shows, sports, online games, magazines, music, humor, etc. All the elite that the Internet can offer you for a good time is collected in this collection. Have a pleasant time!

The most viral pictures of the Internet, sorted by popularity for you!

And finally, just find this cow by the sound, and life will become more fun! Just make sure your volume is not at full volume.

Good luck learning and having fun! We wish you knowledge and fun!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

The English-language press is a great opportunity to improve your knowledge of English. Today, in a short review, we will tell you what to read first and where in Moscow you can buy scientific journals in English

It is worth noting that, of course, you can start your search for English-language popular science magazines by exploring all the kiosks at the hotels or immediately run to the British Council library, but we are ready to offer an easier and more effective way: subscribe via the Internet.

Popular science magazines in English

national geographic

Today the magazine has a circulation of more than 4 million copies, the audience of the magazine is 40 million people. Unique materials on archeology, history and culture, exclusive photographs helped the magazine to gain worldwide recognition. It is published in 33 languages ​​and is the most famous popular science magazine in the world. You can subscribe.

It is also worth paying attention to two more English-language popular science journals that have Russian-language versions. You can subscribe to the original versions of journals only on official websites, but finding electronic versions of publications is not difficult.

Popular Mechanics

The magazine began to be published in 1902, now it has gained popularity in the world as a classic example of a popular science magazine. More than a million circulation speaks of the popularity of this magazine throughout the world.

Popular Science

The magazine, which has conquered 45 countries, is published in more than 30 languages ​​of the world. Darwin, Huxley and Peirce published their papers and research reviews in this journal. The magazine was not always very popular, but today it is one of the world's most famous popular science publications, its circulation is more than 1 million copies.

Fascinating reading!

Learning a foreign language (in our case, English) should a priori include familiarity with the periodicals of the country whose language we are learning. This helps to solve several problems:

  • First of all, English newspapers and magazines often give much more "lively" speech than fiction. Even if the publication belongs to the official category, this does not mean that the turnovers in it are completely “refined”. Whatever your personal attitude to newspapers and magazines, but with the fact that Media perfectly demonstrates the current state of the language, you can't argue.
  • Secondly, keep in mind that you are getting new information from the original source. That is, the text that you see in front of you has not yet been touched by the hand of a translator who is trying to adapt the original constructions for an inexperienced Russian-speaking reader.
  • Thirdly, keep in mind that if you read English newspapers and magazines in the original, you will be able to analyze the view of foreign journalists on world events, which will help you get closer to understanding the mentality of people who speak the language you are interested in.
  • Finally, fourthly, reading English-language media makes it possible to constantly replenish your.

Well, we hope we convinced you of the need reading newspapers in English.

Popular English-language periodicals

Perhaps this will surprise someone, but not only in the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia newspapers are printed in English. You can meet similar publications in Russia. Of course, there are fewer of them, and they are adapted for perception by our compatriots, so it is still preferable to use newspapers and magazines from abroad.

Significant periodicals include the British newspaper. It contains everything your heart desires - from domestic national events to a qualitative overview of incidents in the world. This publication is interesting in that the presentation in it is often carried out using the famous subtle English humor. Such a detail brings a fair amount of zest to reading articles, but it can make it difficult for beginners to understand the text.

- the American analogue of the publication we are considering above. If you are interested in financial news, business and politics - you are welcome, this newspaper is just for you. As for the vocabulary, this periodical will please the typical American version of the English language in all its glory. However, the tendency of Americans to reduce grammatical structures can play a trick on newcomers: start reading The New York Times only after you begin to freely understand those parts of sentences that are deliberately omitted.

lovers of versatile topics will like it - there is a place for both politics and more neutral issues (both purely British and international). With regard to language turns, we note that most sentences are common, that is, the reader will have the opportunity to focus on full-length, rather than truncated structures.

is a British newspaper with a long history. By the way, this is one of the few publications that have retained their original poster size. As a source for learning English, The Daily Telegraph has a wide range of topics to offer, ranging from serious political topics to more frivolous topics such as pop culture. However, in both cases, you are given the opportunity to enjoy high-quality British English.

Another English newspaper that is replete with information of all kinds is this. You will find here the latest news of politics, business, science, culture, art, technology, education, healthcare and so on. As for grammatical structures, there are both short sentences, which will be easy for a beginner to understand, as well as complex long constructions - you will have to sweat over their translation.

We recommend to those who like to read about political issues. The lion's share of information is national in nature, but much attention is paid to world news. If you are just starting your acquaintance with the English-language press, this publication should benefit you. First of all, this goal is served by the direct word order in grammatical constructions, as well as not too lengthy sentences in which there is no overabundance of introductory words.

Summing up

Well, if you set out to get to know English newspapers and magazines better, it will be quite simple to do this. At your service are many periodicals, among which are both quite complex and quite understandable even to a "green" beginner.

Interesting articles in English to help you learn the language

Do you already have a good enough level of English to read in English? We have selected for you sites with interesting articles in English. They are perfect for learning a language for communication. after all, high-sounding epithets and turns are often used in fiction. which are not suitable for everyday speech. In addition, these articles will help you prepare for international exams.

The book of life

The name of the resource speaks for itself. It contains articles that provide answers to important questions that many of us face on a daily basis. There are interesting materials about careers, relationships, and self-knowledge. Vocabulary in most of them is not very complicated, reading materials is easy and interesting.

NFB Blog

This is a blog that contains various entertaining and educational projects. The blog has sections: cinema, education, entertainment and culture. Articles are devoted to a variety of films and media. The site is suitable for people with an Advanced level, as the articles contain complex academic vocabulary.


If you are one of those people who try not to read the news because there is a lot of negativity in it, then this resource is perfect for you. Here are collected only positive news from different parts of the world, from which it becomes warm in the soul.


A site for people who like to develop their ingenuity, broaden their horizons and test their knowledge by solving interesting tests and puzzles. In addition to passing ready-made tests, you can create your own. This will help develop your own speech and learn how to formulate thoughts in English.

Khan Academy

As the name suggests, this site is a virtual academy. If you devote your free time to self-education, are interested in any science, then the material collected here will be an excellent opportunity to learn something new while improving your English. There are many sections on interests: mathematics, science and engineering, economics, programming and computer animation, art and humanities. There is also preparation for international exams.

Letters of notes

Love history, but are you interested in living history, not boring textbook stuff? Then you will most likely be interested in this site. Here are collected letters and notes of people from the past. Reading them, you will plunge into the past, learn the thoughts of historical figures, for example, there is a letter from Anne Frank, and discover something new for yourself.


On this site you will find a story that is not written in school textbooks. Here you can read about which of the writers suffered from mental disorders, which professions have sunk into oblivion due to technological progress, about hairstyles of the Victorian era and much more.

Resource for all occasions

If you are not interested in the above sites, you can search for "your" resource for learning English here. This is a large selection of English-language platforms, among which you will definitely find a resource that interests you.

We hope you enjoyed this collection of interesting articles in English. Remember that learning a language should not be boring, look for those materials that you will really be interested in learning from. We wish you success.

Gift for site readers

Here we have collected interesting articles in English. You can find out the translation by pointing at English words.

Fast-food receipt leads to supersized fine for Thornlie man

A Thornlie man is probably not lovin' McDonald's after his fast-food splurge came back to bite him. Samuel Michael Gossage was fined $10,000 after a fast food receipt was used to trace him and subsequently charge the 27-year-old with illegal dumping in a national park.

Air Canada flight finds stranded Australian yacht

They were ready to land in Australia, at the end of a 14-hour international flight, when the 270 passengers of an Air Canada flight were suddenly thrown into a high-seas search-and-rescue operation.

Trees recognize roe deer by saliva

Trees are able to distinguish whether one of their buds or shoots has been randomly torn off or has been eaten by a roe deer. In the case of roe deer browsing, they activate the corresponding defense mechanisms. This is the result of a new study by biologists from the Leipzig University and the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) that has recently been published in the specialist journal Functional Ecology.


Could be the best example yet of being “spaced out”? When in space, astronauts have repeatedly reported inexplicable euphoria, a “cosmic connection” or an increased sensitivity to their place in the Universe.

The Peculiar Burial Rites of Tana Toraja

The picturesque mountainous region of South Sulawesi, in Indonesia, is home to an ethnic group called the Toraja. A large number of its members live in the regency of Tana Toraja or "the Land of Toraja" at the center of the island of Sulawesi, 300 km north of Makassar, the provincial capital of South Sulawesi.

Derinkuyu & The Underground Cities of Cappadocia

In 1963, a man in the Nevşehir Province of Turkey knocked down a wall of his home. Behind it, he discovered a mysterious room. The man continued digging and soon discovered an intricate tunnel system with additional cave-like rooms. What he had discovered was the ancient Derinkuyu underground city, part of the Cappadocia region in central Anatolia, Turkey.

Bill Murray played drove a taxi while cabbie sax

The Toronto Film Festival proclaimed Friday Bill Murray Day, with a tribute to the star and free public screenings of “Ghostbusters” and “Groundhog Day.” And he lived up to his reputation at a packed Q&A with fans by giving a glimpse into the quirky mind of Murray.

Drums in communication

Developed and used by cultures living in forested areas, drums served as an early form of long-distance communication, and were used during ceremonial and religious functions.