Warm plaster: material characteristics. Warm plaster for interior work: pros and cons How to make warm plaster with your own hands

The high cost of utilities and energy carriers can push the owners of apartments and suburban real estate to carry out additional work on wall insulation. One of the options for improving the thermal properties of such bases is the use of special warm plaster. What is it and what is such a coating - read about all this in our article.

Heat-insulating plaster: types and features

In warm plaster formulations, some of the components of conventional leveling compounds are replaced by materials that can be used to enhance the thermal insulation properties of the cured mortar. For example, quartz sand or part of it is exchanged for perlite, vermiculite, polystyrene foam, etc. loose additives. Cement or gypsum can be used as a binder. In the first case, the finished composition is suitable for exterior and interior decoration, in the second - only for interior work due to the high hygroscopicity of gypsum.

The main part of dry mixes presented on the domestic market is perlite plaster. Expanded perlite is used as a filler, which outwardly may resemble coarse sand or fine gravel of a grayish-white color. The material is quite light - bulk density in the region of 200-400 kg per cubic meter. m. depending on the grain size. It is somewhat lower for expanded vermiculite. The density of this additive in plaster is approximately 100 kg per cubic meter. m. (bulk). Another property that must be taken into account when using heat-insulating solutions is the high hygroscopicity of the hardened coatings. The hygroscopicity of the material is up to 5 volumes of water per 1 volume of the expanded component.

Despite the high water absorption coefficients, vermiculite and perlite plasters can be used for external insulation of buildings. The main thing is that they are not under the direct influence of precipitation, and the steam passing through the walls of the house does not linger in the coating.

The low density of the solution components provides a reduction in the mass of the finished coating, which can be taken into account when designing a house. It becomes possible to reduce the load on the foundation and rely on a cheaper foundation for construction.

A short video about plaster based on polystyrene foam.

Two videos on how to prepare warm vermiculite plaster.

Plaster Teplon (GK Unis)

You must have heard about such a finishing material as Teplon plaster. It is a ready-to-mix dry mix based on gypsum binder. A feature of the composition is the addition of perlite - a porous rock of volcanic origin. It is this additive that gives the manufacturer the right to call his plaster warm. Teplon mixtures can be used for interior decoration. The coating is relatively light, it allows you to level the base and give it additional sound and heat insulation properties.

Types and specifications

At the time of writing the review, the company produced four types of plasters under the Teplon brand. At the same time, three of them are intended for finishing dry rooms and really have some thermal insulation properties, and the fourth, moisture-resistant modification is not positioned as “warm” (thermal conductivity coefficient is not indicated for it).

Remember that such coatings are highly hygroscopic, so it is possible to talk about the appropriateness of their use only if the humidity in the room is normal. We are talking about "warm" compositions. And do not forget that the walls need to be insulated from the outside, not inside. Accordingly, using completely different materials.

In fairness, we note that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of Teplon plaster is 0.23 W / (m × ° C), and such heat-insulating materials as extruded polystyrene foam, ordinary foam and mineral wool - 0.029 ÷ 0.032, 0.038 ÷ 0.047, 0.036 ÷ 0.055 W / ( m×°C), respectively. And we remember that the smaller this value, the better the heat-shielding properties are characteristic for the same thickness of the material. What does it mean? And the fact that it is more difficult to achieve the same thermal protection of the walls when using Teplon warm plaster than when installing a special heat-insulating material.

Work technology

  1. Requirements for temperature and humidity conditions of work are standard: from +5 to +30 °С at relative humidity up to 75%. Because Since all brands of Teplon plaster are produced on a gypsum binder, the condition of the base must be appropriate: clean, dry, without damaged, poorly adhering parts of the wall material. The working surface is primed with concrete active (for smooth concrete bases) or deep penetration soil (for cellular concrete and other hygroscopic materials). Subsequent operations begin after the soil has dried.
  2. Installation of plaster beacons is carried out according to the standard scheme, only for fastening beacons use the appropriate brand of solution Teplon.
  3. To obtain a solution of the desired consistency, a kilogram of powder is added for every 450-550 ml of water. When using a moisture-resistant brand of water, they take less - 160-220 ml. Mix with a special mixer or perforator with a stirrer. After that, the mass is left alone for 5 minutes. and mix again. The further fate of the plaster is determined by the value of its viability.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the walls manually or mechanized (for the MN composition) with a layer 5-50 mm thick. The thickness of the ceiling coating is less - 5-30 mm.
  5. An hour after mixing the mortar, the plaster layer is cut along the beacons using the rule. At this stage, all coating defects are corrected: depressions, bumps, waves, etc.
  6. If it is necessary to apply a layer with a thickness of more than 50 mm, then this is done in several stages: in layers, after the previous coating has hardened, it has been treated with a primer and on a plaster mesh.
  7. At the final stage, glossing of the surface is possible. It is started 2 hours after trimming the set solution. The coating is moistened with clean water, rubbed with a special sponge grater, and the emerging milk is smoothed with a wide spatula.


Some Umka plaster mixtures are also positioned as warm: UB-21, UF-2, UB-212. In addition to heat and sound insulation properties, the manufacturer is distinguished by the environmental friendliness of the compositions, their hydrophobic properties, incombustibility and frost resistance.

We compare the brands of heat-insulating plasters Umka
Comparison criterion UMKA
UB-21 UB-212 UV-2
a brief description of For all types of stone base for interior and exterior decoration For walls made of gas silicate and hollow ceramic bricks. Thin-layer, for interior and facade work Finishing coat for all types of stone substrates, inside or outside. Thermal insulation properties - option. In general, plaster has a decorative character.
Recommended layer thickness, mm 10-100 5-7 up to 20
The volume of water per 1 kg of the mixture, l 0,53-0,58 0,58-0,64 0,45-0,47
Consumption of dry mixture, kg / m 2 / layer thickness, mm 3,5-4/10 2,5-2,9/5-7 1,1/2
Solution pot life, min 60 90 60
Thermal conductivity coefficient of hardened plaster, W/(m×°С) 0,065 0,1 0,13
Price/packing €15/9 kg €18/12 kg

All work is carried out in almost the same order as for Unis products. Because Basically it's a similar product.

Below is a short video about Umka plaster.


Warm plaster Mishka is suitable for finishing walls made of any materials, both for exterior and interior work. The thermal conductivity declared by the manufacturer is 0.065 W / (m × ° C) - the same as for Umka UB-21 products, which prompts some reflection on this matter. 7 kg of dry mixture is mixed with approximately 3-3.3 liters of water, the consumption of the solution is approximately 3.5-4 kg/m2 with a 10 mm layer. The cost of a bag (7 kg) is approximately 650 rubles.

Knauf Grünband

Another option for the finished mixture from a well-known manufacturer. You can read more about it.

We prepare warm perlite plaster with our own hands

You probably noticed that all compositions for warm plaster contain components that determine their thermal insulation properties. Most often it is perlite or vermiculite, there are mixtures with polystyrene foam. It is their low thermal conductivity coefficients that make it possible, on average, to obtain good values ​​for finished coatings. By using these additives in addition to or in place of certain fillers such as sand, as well as binders such as gypsum or cement, you can be sure to mix a mixture with the desired properties.

Unfortunately, the prices for ready mixes do not inspire confidence. What if you make your own solution? Moreover, individual components, such as cement, perlite, lime, are relatively inexpensive. For example, a ton of M500 cement can be bought for 3000-4000 rubles, 20 kg bags of slaked lime - 170 rubles each, perlite (grades M75 or M100) - about 1500-2000 rubles. per cube If the amount of work is large, and the budget for the implementation is limited, then it's time to "chemize". We offer you several recipes for making warm perlite plaster with your own hands.

  • 1 part of cement per 1 part of sand and 4 parts of perlite (calculated by volume) is mixed with water until the desired consistency is obtained (thick sour cream);
  • the proportions of cement and perlite by volume are 1 to 4. So, for 375 kg of cement, approximately 1 cubic meter of perlite sand will be required. The mixture is mixed with 300 liters of water; PVA glue in a volume of 4-5 liters can be used as a plasticizing additive. The glue is kneaded in water, where a dry mixture of perlite and cement is subsequently added;
  • volumetric ratios of cement and perlite - 1 to 5. For 290 liters of water, 4-4.5 liters of PVA, 300 kg of cement and a cube of perlite are used;
    - by volume: 1 portion of cement, 2 portions of sand and 3 - perlite. As an additive, liquid soap or PVA can be used in an amount of not more than 1% by weight of cement;
  • 270 liters of water will require a cube of perlite and 190 kg of cement;
  • 1 volume of cement, 4 volumes of perlite, approximately 0.1% by weight of cement PVA glue;
  • volumetric ratio of cement to perlite in the range of 1:4÷1:8. The additive can be liquid soap, dish detergent, PVA - up to 1% by weight of cement;
  • pre-prepare the mixing solution (hereinafter referred to as RZ): in a measured volume of water, the sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is dissolved in a volume of 0.5% of the estimated volume of warm plaster, as well as plasticizers - 0.5% by weight of subsequently added cement. All components are thoroughly mixed and the solution is allowed to settle until the viscosity of the CMC increases. Further variations are possible depending on the density of the plaster to be obtained (bucket - 10 l). For example, 12 liters of cement, 2 buckets of perlite, 2.5 buckets of sand are added to 12 liters of RZ (the density of the resulting solution is approximately 1500 kg per cubic meter). For the same volume of RH, 1.5 buckets of sand, 3 buckets of perlite, 1 bucket of cement are poured - a mixture with a density of 1200 kg in a cube is obtained. For 20 liters, you can mix about 5 buckets of perlite, 1 bucket of sand, 12 liters of cement - we get a solution with a density of about 800-900 kg per cubic meter

All these PVA and liquid soap can be replaced with superplasticizers, for example, from Polyplast. This component is very important, because it determines the behavior of the solution and the need for the mixture in the volume of mixing water.

You should understand that any recipes are given for guidance only. To succeed, you will have to experiment with the ratio of components, check the resulting solutions in the work. And only after the mixture is ideally suited specifically for your finishing conditions, you can knead large volumes. Pay special attention to the water absorption capacity of the thermal insulation components. They actively retain moisture, which, if there is a lack of mixing water, may affect the technology of hardening the cement mixture.


If you do not perceive warm plaster as the only solution for warming a residential building, but only as an opportunity to bring the thermal performance of the building to the desired values, then the result will not be long in coming. Using such a solution, you can simultaneously level the base and give it new properties. And don't be afraid to experiment with making your own plaster - it will be cheaper than buying ready-made mixes!

Warm or heat-insulating plaster includes building mixtures that include, in addition to binder and minerals, light and porous fillers of artificial or natural origin. They are rarely used as the main insulation, but are ideal for improving the thermal performance of structures. Ready-made compositions with such properties are produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers, Knauf, Osnovit, Umka, Ivsil, Eunice and Vermix have the best reviews, the price is determined by the brand and quality. The choice of a particular brand depends on the conditions and place of work, the type of base, the method of finishing, budget and other factors, almost all of them are well suited for self-application.

Base - binder: cement (pure or mixed with clay or lime), gypsum and combined types. Sand is present almost everywhere, the difference lies only in its share. The role of the heat-insulating filler is performed by porous materials:

  • Styrofoam chips are an affordable and lightweight variety that provides good insulation. The disadvantages include its combustibility, but when enveloping foam granules with cement, this factor becomes insignificant. Mixtures with PPS are not used as finishing, an important requirement is their protection from mechanical stress.
  • Perlite sand or vermiculite is a natural and environmentally friendly type of filler. Similar properties are possessed by particles of porous minerals, for example, pumice.
  • Foam glass - durable, lightweight, non-flammable hollow granules. Mixtures with their addition have an almost unlimited scope, but they are also more expensive. They melt better than others with thermal loads and retain their qualities throughout their entire service life.
  • Clay, sawdust, paper, cellulose. Cheap fillers are used in the self-preparation of warm plasters, with such a significant drawback as low moisture resistance, they are better than others for covering wooden interior surfaces.
  • Ceramic or glass spheres, polymer fibers are expensive and not always justified types of filler. The high cost is due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity, durability and good sound insulation capabilities.

Distinctive features include the need for a stable and reliable foundation. The quality of adhesion largely depends on the presence of polymer additives and the thickness of the applied layer: the higher it is, the greater the risk of peeling from the facade; in some cases, walls cannot be finished without reinforcement. Additional advantages are the exclusion of cold bridges and the provision of good sound insulation at home.

Overview of popular plaster compositions

1. Knauf Grünband.

Dry mix with water-repellent and heat-insulating properties to stop cement, fractionated sand, polystyrene foam granules and hydrophobic additives. The maximum grain size for Knauf Grünband is 1.5 mm, this variety is suitable for both manual and mechanized application. Its advantages: versatility, vapor permeability, high compressive and bending strength of coatings, economical consumption. Knauf is laid at ambient and base temperatures above +5 ° C with a layer of 10 to 30 mm, in difficult areas the solution is reinforced with a fiberglass mesh. Recommended areas of application include the preparation of interior walls and facades before decorative finishing and the plastering of ceilings.

2. Umka UF-2.

Decorative mixture with additives of silicon granules for creating a finishing layer when working with walls made of foam blocks, ceramics, bricks, shell rock, metal, etc., thermal insulation of doorways and slopes, gluing mineral wool insulation boards. Suitable for both facades and indoor use, the maximum thickness of the applied layer reaches 20 mm. The resulting coating has a slightly rough texture and provides protection against moisture, heat loss and noise. The disadvantages include the high cost - 1 kg costs at least 90 rubles.

3. HAGAst FS-420.

Professional cement warm plaster with perlite additives, designed for thermal insulation of bases made of brick, foam and gas blocks, gas silicate, wood concrete and other lightweight types of concrete. The characteristics allow it to be used for interior work, but due to its good weather, crack and impact resistance, it is better to buy for the purpose of finishing facades or repairing old surfaces with a high salt content. Due to its increased elasticity and small particle size (within 0.63 mm), HAGAst FS-420 is applied in a thin economical layer. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity allows the coating to retain heat well and protects masonry from cellular blocks from cold bridges.

4. Ivsil Termosil.

Environmentally friendly composition of cement, foam glass granules and polymer additives. This brand is well suited for sound and heat insulation of building structures, communications, etc., the coating formed during application retains its useful properties for decades. The scope of application includes ceilings, internal walls and partitions, loggias, staircases, window and door openings, corners of apartments, facades, Ivsil Termosil is advised to buy if it is necessary to ensure a minimum load on the building foundation, including during restoration and repair. The recommended layer thickness varies from 5 to 40 mm, plasticity and high adhesion allows finishing structures with a complex configuration.

5. Teplon White.

Gypsum composition with perlite additives for interior walls, is chosen mainly in the preparation of surfaces before decorative finishing. Its advantages: lightness and minimal load on the base during leveling (up to 70 mm), providing a good microclimate and normalizing the humidity in the room, plasticity, the possibility of glossing. By analogy with conventional types, Teplon White from Eunice allows you to quickly create a smooth and beautiful coating with minimal effort. The disadvantages include low moisture resistance, this brand is not used when conducting facade work and in rooms with high humidity, except when it is placed under tiles with sealed seams.

6. Vermix ShN50.

Dry mixture of cement, quartz sand and expanded vermiculite, designed for leveling and thermal insulation of external structures or creating an additional insulating layer in the cake. This brand has good reviews, it is valued for vapor permeability, sufficient adhesion to brick, wall panels and blocks, concrete and stone bases, minimal risk of cracking and affordable cost. It is applied in layers: by spraying and leveling with a total thickness of 10 to 50 mm (more - when the surface is reinforced with a mesh) manually or using machines, final drying is achieved in 1-2 weeks.

Features of facade insulation

The main requirements of the technology of thermal insulation of external walls include taking into account the influence of their weight on the foundation, proper preparation of the base, calculation of the layer thickness, determination of the need for reinforcement or enhancement of hydrophobic properties. With rare exceptions, insulation is carried out at positive temperatures and under conditions of normal humidity, which is taken into account when planning work. Preference is given to non-flammable, lightweight, vapor-permeable and weather-resistant options with high adhesion quality.

Only prepared facades can be plastered: cleaned of masonry mortar, dirt or crumbling particles, dust-free, primed (with increased adhesion) and slightly moistened walls. Alignment is carried out according to the beacons, later they are necessarily removed. If the layer thickness exceeds the value recommended by the manufacturer, the coating is reinforced with fiberglass, if necessary, it is carried out in several stages, including spraying and finishing. The need for grouting or treatment with water repellents depends on the type of mixture, some brands of plasters tolerate external influences better and do not need additional finishing, others are well suited for use as a leveling and strengthening base wall.

When taking into account all these factors, it is important to adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations: the proportions, durability, thickness of the applied layer and its drying time before the next step are clearly stated in the instructions. The solution is mixed completely (the entire bag is poured into the container), using a construction mixer or similar tools, and consumed without residue. In contrast to DSP, the decorative finishing of the obtained coatings is started many times faster, but when dried in damp conditions, the interval between these stages increases.

The nuances of thermal insulation of the premises of the house

Almost all compositions with thermal insulation properties are safe and equally well suited for internal and external work, with the exception of gypsum and pure lime. In this case, their goal is not warming, but leveling and preparing the walls before subsequent finishing. Hard-to-reach places require special attention: corners, joints, window sills, they are difficult to plaster with significant deviations from the level. The advantages of the application include the possibility of quick finishing of ceilings while enhancing their thermal protection.

The process of working with cement mortars inside the house practically does not differ from the external thermal insulation. Gypsum hardens faster and requires some skill, but forms a smooth and beautiful surface. They are chosen when preparing the bases for painting or wallpapering. Almost all brands of warm plasters for interior work need to increase their hydrophobic properties, suitable measures include treatment with appropriate compounds or staining. The thickness of the layer is limited by the coefficients of vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, it is selected taking into account the mandatory removal of moisture from the structures or its prevention.

The cost of ready mixes

Name Type of filler / coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / m ° С Special purpose Consumption per 1 m 2, kg Packing weight, kg Price, rubles
Knauf Grünband Expanded polystyrene granules /0.55 For indoor and outdoor use, manual and machine application 18.3 at 15 mm thickness 25 260
Umka UF-2 Silicon particles/0.13 Universal decorative mixture for the finishing layer 1.1 at 2 mm thickness 12 950
HAGAst FS-420 Perlite/0.18 Light warm plaster for closing blocks of cellular and gas silicate concrete 0.9 to 1 mm 15 200
Ivsil Termosil Foam glass/0.065 Insulation and soundproofing of internal and external walls and communications 3-4 kg with a thickness of 10 mm 12 710
Teplon White Perlite/0.23 For interior work 4-4.5 with a thickness of up to 5 mm 25 235
Vermix ShN50 Expanded vermiculite/0.23 Facade plaster 1-1.2 per 1 mm 17 320

A good owner, when planning the construction or renovation of his house, must think through everything to the smallest detail. In a series of issues to be resolved, insulation is always one of the most important - comfortable conditions for people should be created in the house, and decoration - everyone wants to live in an aesthetic environment. Practice shows that very often these problems intersect, and a number of technological operations are aimed at simultaneously solving both sides of the issue.

One of the materials that meet such a complex concept of “insulation + finishing” is warm plaster for interior work. By applying it to the walls, the master levels them and, with the correct thermal engineering calculation, at the same time gives them the required degree of thermal insulation.

This publication will be structured as follows:

  • Anyone who has experience in building and finishing works can immediately calculate the required thickness of the application of warm plaster to ensure effective thermal insulation, and then the amount of material that will be required for these purposes. To do this, at the beginning of the article there are two convenient calculators.
  • For beginners, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the theory: the purpose and composition of warm plasters of various types, with the principles for carrying out the necessary calculations, with a brief overview of popular brands. After that, it will be easy to return to calculators, and already competently make calculations.

Calculators for calculating warm plaster

Calculator for calculating the required thickness of a warm plaster layer

The meaning of the calculation is that the enclosing structure (including, in fact, the main wall itself and layers of insulation) must have a total heat transfer resistance not lower than that established by regulatory documents (SNiP) for a given region in accordance with its climatic features.

warm plaster

  • The value of the normalized value of the heat transfer resistance (R) can be taken from the diagram below:

  • Main wall options. To be finished with warm plaster, include the material of its manufacture and thickness in millimeters.
  • Warm plaster is extremely rarely used as the main insulation, and more often becomes an addition to the main layer. It is necessary to enter the parameters of this layer: the thickness and type of insulation material.

Warm plaster- this is a group of finishing coatings for exterior and interior work, combining leveling, hydro- and heat-insulating properties.

Composition, brands and GOSTs

The composition of warm plasters can vary due to the heat-insulating filler and the binder base. Loose fillers act as fillers materials with low thermal conductivity: expanded perlite, vermiculite, expanded polystyrene granules, foam glass. Some sources recommend sawdust, but they provide the worst quality coating, are prone to rot and fire, so they are excluded from the review.

There is also a special type of warm plaster used for radiation isolation of medical premises. barite plaster contains crystalline barium sulfate, an X-ray absorbing compound.

Warm plaster for outdoor use it is made on the basis of cement of the M-500 or M-300 brands. With a hydrophobic filler (foam glass, PPS, etc.), such a coating is not afraid of precipitation, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Insulation plaster protects the main layer of thermal insulation from adverse weather conditions.

For interior decoration of premises, mixtures based on lime and gypsum, which are unstable to moisture, are used.

Perlite is presented on the domestic market heat-insulating plaster next trading stamps:

All of them correspond to GOST 31251 as materials with the highest degree of fire safety.

Release form

Ready mixtures are produced in dry form in packages weighing 7-30 kg. Depending on the formulation, they may include superplasticizers that improve the solubility of the cement and increase the plasticity of the solution. At home, such an additive is PVA glue or liquid soap dissolved in water. The consumption of the plasticizer is not more than 1% by weight of the cement in the mixture.

The shelf life of the mixed mixture is 30-90 minutes, so it is important to measure the volume of the prepared solution and the speed of work.


Specifications warm plasters may vary depending on the filler.




Strength kg/cm2

An excellent indicator that allows you to use the mixture to seal gaps between bricks.

Bulk weight kg/m3

For a mixture based on PPS granules.

Shrinkage mm/m


After drying does not shrink.

Thermal conductivity W/mK

Inferior to synthetic and mineral heaters by 1.5-2 times, superior to the usual cement-sand mixture by 4-5 times.

Frost resistance, cycles

Average, offset by ease of repair.

Water absorption %

Additional moisture protection required.

Vapor permeability

Maintains an even microclimate in the room, there is no "dew point".

fire resistance

Based on mineral granules - non-combustible coating, based on PPS - low-flammable.

Cost rub./m2

Material consumption is 2-4 kg/m2



A high soundproofing effect is given by mixtures with a fibrous filler such as the basalt mixture "Hauncliff".



Completely eco-friendly material.

Life time

Depends on the application. The outer coating serves less, the inner one is as durable as possible.

Unique qualities

The main advantage warm plaster is its high plasticity and adhesion (adhesion to the surface). It does not require perfectly even walls and performs an additional cosmetic function when decorating a room.

Allows you to isolate slopes, cracks and internal corners, where the installation of sheet and roll insulation is difficult. Fasteners that act as "cold bridges" for other materials are not needed. Application speed by professional workers reaches 100 m2 in 1 day.

Warm plaster combines environmental friendliness and durability, does not emit volatile compounds and dust.


The main disadvantage warm plaster is its raw weight. The plastering process takes place in several stages, it is impossible to apply a thick layer at once. The work is carried out in 3-4 passes, maintaining the previous layers until a strong "seizure".

The thermal insulation qualities of the mixtures are average, and the price exceeds the more energy-efficient PPS. As the main insulation in Russia is not used, its thermal efficiency in our conditions is too low.

Application area

Warming of internal premises, ground finishing of walls. The use of such thermal insulation can reduce heat loss by up to 40%. Recommended material for additional thermal and sound insulation of walls and ceilings, window slopes, pipelines, sealing cracks.

Warm plaster for the facade used as a protective and decorative coating for the main thermal insulation: mineral wool, glass wool, foam plastic, PPS or basalt slabs. It protects the insulation from moisture, weathering, UV exposure and has a beautiful rough texture.

Mounting methods

Instructions for preparing the finished mixture are usually indicated on the package. To prepare a mortar at home, the binder component (cement, lime or gypsum), water and loose filler are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:4. The mixture is thoroughly kneaded to the consistency of thick sour cream, after which it can be applied to the cleaned surface.

Plastering of internal walls is carried out by beacons, the thickness of the applied layer warm plaster should not exceed 1 cm in one pass. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the coating, then the first layer must dry, otherwise the plaster will fall off under its own weight. It is not advisable to make a layer thicker than 3 cm, the thermal insulation properties of this are reduced, and the load on the base becomes critical.

Facade insulation plaster applied in a thin layer: 3-4 mm in the first pass, not more than 1.5 cm in general after preliminary application and drying of the reinforcing layer.