Pelargonium willow shy. Tulip-shaped geranium: photo of exotic geranium varieties, how to care for it, where to buy. Application of geranium oil

Both are popular and in demand today. There is hardly a house where you will not see indoor geraniums on the windowsill. And how good she is in flower arrangements!

With good care, it blooms all year round. Moreover, the breeders tried and brought out this culture not only with flowers that have a variety of colors, but also an amazing shape. For example, for many years there has been an undeservedly forgotten tulip-shaped geranium.

Features of the plant and its characteristics

Indoor geranium or in another way - pelargonium - a representative of the Geranium family. This plant is easy to care for and propagate. There are several most common types of geraniums:

  1. fragrant: does not bloom profusely, but is characterized by a strong smell that comes from the leaves;
  2. royal: blooms with bright, large flowers, but there is practically no smell;
  3. zonal: universal, good both in room culture and in flower beds;
  4. ivy: ampelous form, grown in pots;
  5. unique: a small, but ancient group of flowers, which belongs to tall, lignified stem forms;
  6. angel pelargonium: medium-sized plants resembling pansies, with fragrant foliage, growing "under the open sky".

Tulip-shaped geranium differs from other members of the family flowers like an unopened tulip. The flower is not large, only a centimeter. Separately, it would not look so impressive, but on each stem there is a fluffy inflorescence formed by 30-50 flowers. It's like one luxurious bouquet.

The flowers are delicate or rich in color: from pink to burgundy. The color of the inner surface of the petal is brighter, and the veins are visible on the outer surface. The leaves are not quite common either, they are hard and shiny. Plant height can vary significantly: from 30 to 70 cm.

This is interesting: the selection of tulip geranium is not so simple. The reason for everything is a flower, the petals of which are folded, like a tulip. Therefore, the pistil and stamens are difficult to access, it is difficult to pollinate them. New varieties rarely appear: in half a century - only 14 varieties and hybrids.

The history of the origin of the plant is not quite common. In America, Boston, there is Andrea's cattery. In 1966, it was there that the first tulip-shaped variety was bred and presented to the general public. According to one version, this is a species mutation. On the other - the result of hybridization (obtained by crossing two different varieties).

The first variety with such flowers was named Patricia Andrea.For several years, it was possible to bring out several more varieties that were named after the women of the breeders' families: Patricia, Carmen, Victoria, Lillian and Linea.

This is interesting: for the first time, ordinary pelargonium was mentioned in Holland, in the 16th century. In the 17th-19th centuries it was in great demand, especially in England. And acquaintance in Europe with tulip-shaped geranium occurred only 20 years after its creation. Her appearance not only interested breeders, but also caused a lot of controversy related to the origin of the new culture.

How to properly care for geraniums in room culture?

Today there are many people who want to get to know an interesting plant better. Many are concerned about the question: what conditions does an unusual beauty require? And if ordinary geranium is rather unpretentious, then what kind of habitat will suit tulip-shaped geranium?

In care, it is as picky as ordinary geranium. It grows well, blooms and multiplies. But some conditions of agricultural technology must still be met:

The soil . You can purchase a universal mixture or make your own using garden soil and peat in equal proportions, adding a little sand for looseness. Good drainage is very important, otherwise the roots may rot.

Important: Stagnant water and waterlogged soil for geraniums is unacceptable. The plant will die pretty quickly. Even before you notice the problem.

Light. Geranium should be in a well-lit room, but loves diffused light. If the leaf is exposed to bright sunlight, a burn may occur. If you create a winter backlight, then the flowers on the plant will be all year round. If you put a pot with a culture in partial shade, then it will stretch, turn pale, and the flowering period will decrease. Some of the buds will not form at all.

Temperature . Pelargoniums do not like sudden temperature changes. In summer you need to maintain t=+21-+26C, in winter t=+14-+16C. These are optimal conditions for flowering. The culture does not tolerate drafts and hot air coming from heating appliances.

Watering . In summer, watering is carried out at intervals of 4 times a week, in winter once a week is enough. Although geranium does not like excess moisture, it is also undesirable for the earthen clod to dry out. If brown spots appear on the lower leaves, then you are not watering your “tulip beauty” enough. Under the pot should be a tray where excess moisture will drain.

top dressing . It is carried out in the autumn-summer time once or twice a month with liquid fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium. With frequent fertilizing, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, the green part of the plant will grow well, and flowering will fade into the background.

reproduction . The main way is. Apical cuttings are cut at the end of summer, put in water. The root system develops quickly, without the participation of growth stimulants. The soil mixture is used, as for adult culture. After planting, the pot with the handle is put on the illuminated side. The survival rate of cuttings is good.

Features of tulip geranium that you need to know about

If you do not know the rules of care, the unique variety returns to its original form - common geranium. The flowers open fully and the flower ceases to be unique. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • pinching shoots to give bushiness and splendor;
  • removal of dried or withered flowers, in place of which new ones will appear;
  • if the flowers begin to open, losing the appearance of a tulip, remove them immediately;
  • try to keep the plant away from drafts or strong winds (if the pelargonium was taken outside in the summer).

Important: if the geranium has acquired its usual shape, some flower growers suggest cutting it under the root so that it gives new shoots. Such unexpected mutations indicate that the features of the variety are not fixed enough.


The subgroup of tulip-shaped geraniums is difficult for hybridization (crossing varieties), so it is not numerous, represented by 14 varieties and hybrids. But they all differ in that half-opened flowers are collected in an inflorescence-bouquet. Unique inflorescences and lush flowering are the "trick" of this culture.

Let's get acquainted with the varieties of an unusual beauty: Happy Birthday, Mrs Charles, Marie-Louise, Marbacka Tulpan, Viktoria Andrea, Carmen Andrea, Patricia Andrea, Emma fran Bengstbo, Red Pandora, Pink Pandora, Conny, Apple Blossom, Herma, Linnea Andrea.

Emma fran Bengstbo

Where to buy tulip geranium?

After looking at the photo and getting to know the characteristics of the plant, many flower growers will want to purchase such geraniums in their collections. Where can you find it?

Where can I buy region Price, rub./
Online store Le-mur. Moscow,

rooted cuttings

450 for any variety
Online store, private collection of Zhanna Alekseeva Moscow,

rooted cuttings

500-900 depending on the variety
Online store, private collection of Elena Varsanova Moscow,

rooted cuttings

500-1000 depending on the variety
Shop Lilia96.rf Yekaterinburg, cuttings, annual plants 400 cuttings, 600 annual plant
Collection of Olga Matvienko Novosibirsk, rooted cuttings 600-800 depending on the variety

Important: You cannot buy tulip-shaped geranium in the form of seeds, it loses its decorative properties. You can only buy cuttings, it makes sense to look in private collections, garden centers or online stores that are located near you.

Unfortunately, beautiful and unusual varieties of this pelargonium are not yet very common in our country. But it's easy to fix. You need to look for the variety that attracts you, and replenish the flower collection with a bright and amazing plant - tulip-shaped geranium. And then not only new colors will appear in your house, but also a positive aura that always accompanies this culture.

video consultation

Pelargonium or geranium? A plant that many of us grow on our windowsills is mistakenly called a geranium. The confusion with the names - pelargonium or geranium - arose from the fact that when, in the 18th century, the Dutch botanist Johannes Burman wanted to separate these two plants into different genera, it turned out that the famous scientist of that time, Carl Linnaeus, had already compiled his own classification and mistakenly combined them into a common group. Popular in those days, flowering pelargonium was actively used in Victorian gardens. And both plants began to be called "geraniums".

For a long time, pelargonium was considered an aristocratic plant. She was bred in the greenhouses of wealthy owners of mansions and villas. In the United States and Western Europe, this plant has been popular for more than one hundred years.

Unfortunately, in our country there was a period not only of the flowering of the popularity of this flower, but also of incomprehensible oblivion. Probably, many remember the years when pelargonium received the terrible nickname "philistine flower", and for some time became unfashionable.

Fortunately, flower growers remembered these luxurious flowers, and clubs for pelargonium lovers began to appear in our country.

Pelargoniums are indispensable in garden design and in indoor floriculture. As a result of the work of breeders, many varieties and varieties of pelargoniums have appeared, which are gaining more and more popularity in ornamental gardening.

Pelargonium and geranium - similarities and differences

Both plants belong to the same Geranium family. The family includes 5 genera and 800 species of other plants. Geranium belongs to the most numerous genus, and pelargonium - to the most popular. One of the signs by which Carl Linnaeus united them was the similarity of the fruit box. After fertilization, the elongated pistil slightly resembles a crane's beak, which explains the name of the plants. Translated from Greek, "Pelargos" means stork, and "Geranium" means crane.

Both pelargonium and geranium have erect stems with alternately growing leaves. The next similarity is that in both plants the leaves have a slight pubescence (covered with small hairs). Also, many geraniums have a special aroma.

Both Pelargonium and Geranium are easy to propagate and are considered hardy plants.

Differences are visible, perhaps, only to specialists. Geranium and pelargonium cannot be crossed. You just won't get seeds. This is due to differences in genetic characteristics.

The birthplace of pelargonium considered to be South Africa. Geraniums are native to the Northern Hemisphere. That is why southern pelargonium can only winter in room conditions, while geranium is more cold-resistant and can bloom even at 12 degrees Celsius.

In summer, pelargonium often decorates flower beds, verandas and balconies. But with the onset of winter, it must be cleaned in a warm room.

Geranium, on the other hand, feels comfortable in gardens, and even endures wintering, with the exception of the northernmost regions. Therefore, it is customary to consider geranium a garden plant, and pelargonium - indoor.

Is there some more external signs by which geranium and pelargonium can be distinguished.

  • Geranium flowers consist of 5 or 8 petals. Usually, these are single flowers, which occasionally gather in inflorescences. In home pelargonium, the corolla of the flower has an irregular shape, namely, the two upper petals are slightly larger, the lower three are smaller. Pelargonium flowers are combined into large inflorescences resembling umbrellas.
  • Geranium, among the huge variety of its shades, does not have scarlet. Pelargonium does not have blue flowers.

Cultivation and care

In general, pelargonium can be described as an unpretentious plant that grows quickly and reproduces easily. With good care, pelargonium can bloom year-round. There are various ways that even the most capricious specimens can. The leaves exude a pleasant spicy aroma, from which geranium essential oil is extracted under industrial conditions.

Growing pelargonium is not difficult. By following simple rules and creating favorable conditions, you will achieve lush and bright flowering. On one plant per season, there can be up to 20 or even more inflorescences. It can be buds, fully opened inflorescences and already losing their decorative effect. Fading inflorescences should be removed immediately so that the plant does not lose strength and continues to bloom.

If a pelargonium grows in the garden, then under favorable weather conditions, its flowering can continue until late autumn. This distinguishes it from other decorative cultures.

By the way, it has been noticed that there are no aphids on flowers growing next to pelargonium.


Pelargonium is a photophilous plant that can tolerate direct sun. Only a few of them are considered fussy, and prefer places (such as terraces or balconies) protected from direct sunlight, wind and rain. On the windowsill in bright sun, pelargonium can overheat. Therefore, it needs good ventilation and protection from the hot midday sun.

With a lack of light, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the lower leaves die off and expose the stem. Flowering weakens or may stop altogether.

Soil and top dressing

Pelargonium loves fertile and well-drained loose soil. The soil mixture can either be purchased or prepared by yourself by mixing garden soil, peat, medium-grained sand and a little humus in equal proportions.

Since pelargonium does not like stagnant water and requires good aeration, a good layer of drainage should be laid on the bottom of the pot.

In order for the plant to please you with lush and long flowering, care should include regular top dressing (1 time in 2 weeks). Some flower growers do this: in the hot season, when watering is done every day, the weekly feeding rate is divided into 7 parts and top dressing is introduced with each watering. If a clod of earth is dry, you must first spill it with water.

For fertilizer, any liquid universal formulations for flowering houseplants are suitable.

In winter, when the plant is resting, top dressing should be canceled. With the onset of spring (in March-April), pelargonium begins to be fed with fertilizer with a high content of potassium.

Fertilizers should be refrained from after transplanting the plant and give it time to acclimatize - about a month.


Pelargonium is considered a drought-resistant plant. It is recommended to water the flower only when the top layer of earth in the pot dries up. However, one should not allow a strong drying of the earthy coma.

Over-watering causes leaf and stem rot, and can lead to the death of the plant. Watering should be moderate. One of the signs that the earth ball has begun to dry out is that if you touch the earth, it will not remain on your fingers. This means it's time to water. The frequency of watering may depend on individual conditions and air temperature - an average of 1-2 days. In winter, watering should be reduced.

It is not necessary to spray the pelargonium. Excessive dampness and poor ventilation can provoke.

By the way, these plants prefer dry air in our winter apartments more than high humidity. For this reason, pelargonium can be considered that rare flower that prefers a room to a greenhouse. Therefore, it should not be placed next to plants that require a humidifier.


Comfortable temperature for pelargonium is 20-25 degrees. If the plant is on a balcony or terrace, it is better to protect it from gusts of wind and drafts.

In winter, if possible, special conditions can be created for this southern beauty - place it in a glazed frost-free greenhouse or loggia, where the night temperature does not drop below +6 degrees, and the daytime temperature reaches +12-15 degrees. On especially sunny days, in order to avoid overheating, the greenhouse must be ventilated. However, there are varieties of geraniums that are better kept at higher temperatures.

Good air circulation is one of the main conditions for a successful wintering. Therefore, it is not necessary to put pelargonium too closely. These flowers do not like to hide in the shadow of their neighbors, but prefer to show off. Plants with very dense crowns can be slightly thinned out. Otherwise, with thickening and poor aeration, there is a risk of fungal diseases.

Trimming and pinching

Proper and regular pruning contributes to:

  • Formation of a neat compact crown of a plant
  • The appearance of lateral shoots and rudiments of inflorescences
  • More lush bloom
  • Obtaining quality planting material

Since there are a wide variety of varieties among indoor pelargoniums - with erect and lodging stems, dwarf, ampelous and tall species, pruning should be approached individually in each case.

Depending on the variety, the formation of the flower crown may vary. However, there is a general rule - pruning should be regular. Do not run the appearance of the plant.

Pelargonium pruning technique

The cut is best done at an acute angle with a blade, sharp clerical or thin kitchen knife. Scissors are not recommended for this purpose, as they pinch the shoot at the cut point. The cut is made above the leaf node, facing outward. Then new shoots will not interfere with each other and thicken the crown.

In order to protect the flower from decay and pest damage, the cut point must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

If you want to remove a young shoot, you can simply pinch it gently, trying not to damage the main stem.

In addition, "seasonal" pruning should be carried out.

Autumn pruning is carried out after flowering is completed with two goals - to form a beautiful crown and improve the plant. To do this, all dried leaves, stems and flowers are removed. And also the weak bare and elongated stems are shortened. Autumn pruning helps the plant to better endure the winter cold and maintain strength until spring. At the same time, almost the entire ground part is cut off (approximately at the level of 5-6 cm) leaving 2-3 eyes, with the exception of the royal pelargonium.

You should not be afraid of a big pruning, because during the winter, with the proper content of pelargonium, the plant will make up for everything and give young shoots.

Autumn pruning and pinching can be done until the onset of winter. And only with the onset of December, the flower should be left alone. Some flower growers insist on an earlier dormant period. The difference in approach is due to different plant conditions. It's one thing if you have the opportunity to arrange a real winter apartment with a cool temperature for your flower. Another thing is if your pelargonium is in a warm living room.

However, the general rule is that the plant should rest (in a cool room until January). Then the pelargonium is brought into heat and they are waiting for it to grow. As soon as the flower began to grow, it is again pinched for splendor.

Spring pruning of pelargonium carried out in cases where the bush has grown strongly during the winter or develops asymmetrically. It is best to do this with the approach of spring (late February - early March).

During spring pruning, the flower can be fed with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer to accelerate the formation of shoots and green mass.


Pelargonium is propagated by cuttings or by planting seeds.


Pelargonium breeds well using cuttings. This method preserves all varietal characteristics of the plant.

Cuttings can be harvested from early spring to autumn. Flowering time comes in 16-20 weeks depending on the variety. It is not recommended to take cuttings from dormant plants (until the end of January).

For reproduction, shoots 6-7 cm long with three leaves are harvested and the cut is dried in the air for several hours. For dwarf varieties, cuttings 2.5-3 cm long are suitable. To do this, make a small cut at an acute angle, and remove the lower leaves. In order for pelargonium to take root well, you can use root-stimulating preparations, which you need to lightly powder the cut and plant in prepared pots.

It is not necessary to cover the cuttings. At a temperature of 20-22 degrees and regular watering, young pelargoniums will soon grow. Usually, the rooting process takes from two weeks to a month, depending on the variety. When watering, you should try to prevent water from getting on the leaves and stem, in order to avoid diseases. As soon as the cuttings have grown, they will need to be transplanted into separate pots with a special soil mixture recommended for pelargoniums.

Reproduction by seeds

The recommended time for sowing seeds is the end of January - February. Some gardeners plant earlier. But in this case, additional lighting is required, since the natural daylight hours are still too short, and the seedlings can stretch out a lot.

Seeds are sown in a container with moistened soil and sprinkled with a thin layer (approximately 2-3mm) of the soil mixture. The optimum temperature for seedlings is 20-22 degrees.

Pelargonium seeds can be sown in individual plastic or peat cups of 1-2 pcs. In this case, picking is not required. The container with seeds should be placed in a warm, bright place. Shoots appear in 5-10 days.

All this time, you need to monitor the soil moisture and prevent it from drying out and crusting. It is better to moisten the soil by spraying. As soon as seedlings appear, water carefully, trying not to get moisture on the leaves. After germination, the temperature can be slightly reduced to 18-20 degrees.

In order for the seedlings not to stretch, it is better to provide additional lighting. Phytolamps have proven themselves very well, thanks to which strong strong seedlings are obtained. Pinching over the fifth leaf is done in order to get a compact and lush pelargonium bush. For the same reason, it is recommended to pinch the flower every 2-3 months. If the seeds were sown in a common container, picking is done after the appearance of the real first leaf.

When propagated by seeds, the flowering period occurs in about six months.

Photo of pelargonium

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A natural flavor that grows on the windowsill and is always near you (and not somewhere in the store) is a dream that, thanks to fragrant pelargoniums, comes true! The leaves of such pelargoniums are incredibly fragrant: just touch, and the aroma fills the room! When touched or rubbed, the leaves emit an aroma similar to those of rose, apple, cinnamon, mint, lemon, orange, pineapple, peach, lavender, verbena, wormwood, pine, lily of the valley, ginger, juniper, cedar, almond, coconut, nutmeg, caramel, and sometimes have complex flavors (aroma of balm, cologne, mossy forest, and even Coke!). Fragrant pelargonium (Pelargonium fragrans) has the smell of nutmeg, fragrant pelargonium, or fragrant (Pelargonium odoratissimum) - the smell of an apple. If you collect dried flowers in glass jars, you can make a whole collection of smells.

The flowers of fragrant pelargoniums are inferior in beauty to species and hybrid pelargoniums, they are usually small and dim, but in some, flowering is elegant due to the abundance of small flowers. Some pelargoniums almost never bloom on window sills and are grown solely for the sake of fragrant foliage. Moreover, their foliage is unusual in shape, "curly", interesting.

The birthplace of most fragrant pelargoniums is South Africa.

The essential oil of these plants is very different in composition and smell, even within the same species.

Smelling of rose, mint and citrus pelargoniums are suitable for flavoring teas, drinks, dishes. Dried leaves are used and mixed with tea. Citrus-scented leaves can spice up fish dishes and flavor vinegars and salad dressing oils.

Geranium essential oil is widely used in perfumery and food industry, as well as in medicine (antiseptic and bactericidal properties). It is used to make rose-scented perfumes, added to cosmetics, and used as a spice.

Fragrant Pelargonium

The original fragrant species are included in the group Species, or wild pelargoniums (Pelargonium Species), and in the group of pelargoniums with fragrant leaves (Scented Leaved Pelargoniums), garden forms, varieties and hybrids obtained from them are combined.

Most often these are bushy plants with small simple flowers, although there are varieties with large bright flowers and lush inflorescences. The leaves vary in different varieties in size and shape, they can be variegated (variegated).

The main ancestors of this group are fragrant pelargonium (Pelargonium graveolens), fragrant pelargonium (Pelargnium odoratissimum), curly pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum), pink pelargonium (Pelargonium radens), oak-leaved pelargonium (Pelargonium quercifolium), capitate pelargonium (Pelargonium capitatum), felt pelargonium ( Pelargonium tomentosum), odorous pelargonium (Pelargonium fragrans, it has recently been assumed that it is a hybrid of P. exstipulatum and P. odoratissimum).

Other types of fragrant pelargoniums:

Pelargonium birch (Pelargonium betulinum) - with a spicy aroma;
grape-leaved pelargonium (Pelargonium vitifolium) - with the smell of lemon balm;
guitar-shaped pelargonium (Pelargonium panduriforme) - with the aroma of geranium;
dichondroleaf pelargonium (Pelargonium dichondraefolium) - with the smell of black pepper;
sticky pelargonium (Pelargonium glutinosum) - with the smell of lemon balm;
pelargonium klobuchkovy (Pelargonium cucullatum) - with lemon aroma;
gooseberry pelargonium (Pelargonium grossularioides) - with lemon flavor;
melissa pelargonium (Pelargonium mellisimum) - with a sweet lemon aroma;
small-flowered pelargonium (Pelargonium parviflorum) - with the smell of coconut;
hairy pelargonium (Pelargonium hirtum) - with a pungent aroma;
sickle-leaved pelargonium (Pelargonium crithmifolium) - with the aroma of ginger and nutmeg;
rough pelargonium (Pelargonium scabrum) - with the smell of lemon;
rough pelargonium (Pelargonium x asperum)
Pelargonium abrotanifolium - with a sharp aroma;
Pelargonium hypoleucum.

Pelargonium is the most fragrant, or fragrant.

Torrento (Cola).

Pelargonium fragrant, or fragrant (Pelargonium odoratissimum) has a sprawling shape, the bushes are low and seem to be spreading in different directions. The leaves are rounded and almost not dissected. Plants can be used in flowerpots as ampelous. Depending on the origin, an essential oil can vary greatly in chemical composition and, accordingly, in therapeutic action. There are samples with an apple smell.

Pelargonium fragrant, or fragrant (Pelargonium graveolens), sometimes referred to as pink geranium. An old but very showy cultivar, bred as far back as 1805, is Lady Plymouth with very elegant grey-green heavily dissected leaves and bright pink flowers. The bushes branch well and form well. The leaves have a pink aroma with a pronounced mint note.

The hybrid species of Pelargonium rough (Pelargonium x asperum Ehrhart ex Wildenow Bourbon type) produces an essential oil that is very valuable from the point of view of aromatherapists. It showed the greatest antiviral effect among geraniums.

Pelargoniun radens/

Under the name pink geranium, capitate pelargonium (Pelargonium capitatum) is sometimes also mentioned, the species has heart-shaped strongly dissected leaves, strongly pubescent, cyclamen-pink flowers and a pink aroma. There is a very old Attar of Roses variety known since 1800. In height, it usually does not exceed 60 cm and is well suited for pots and containers.

Another species that claims to be the pink pelargonium is Pelargoniun radens. It is characterized by leaves very strongly dissected into narrow slices. Dense, strong, highly branched shrub with pink flowers, reaching a height of 1.5 m, to give it an acceptable shape for the room, you need to constantly cut it. Its leaves can smell like both rose and lemon.

Curly pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum) has a citrus aroma, small rounded leaves, more or less dissected. The Queen of Lemons variety, in addition to the lemon aroma, has elegant pink flowers. Lemon Fancy has small leaves with a rich lemon aroma, maroon touches are clearly visible on light pink petals. The Prince of Orange variety has been known since 1820 and has a rich orange peel smell. The flowers are large, light pink, like the previous variety, with maroon strokes at the base.

Varieties of fragrant pelargoniums

P. crispum Cy's Sunburst.

Pelargonium felt P. tomentosum Chocolate Mint (syn. Chocolate Peppermint) - undersized, up to 30 cm tall, with slightly hanging shoots. The leaves are medium to large, deeply lobed, soft, velvety, with a chocolate-brown spot in the center, smell of mint. The flowers are pale pink, with purple feathers on the upper petals.

Pelargonium capitatum P. capitatum Attar of Roses - up to 45 cm tall, with large three-lobed leaves with a strong aroma of roses. The flowers are lilac-pink, with a burgundy throat.

Pelargonium curly P. crispum Cy's Sunburst - has small lemon-smelling corrugated variegated foliage - green with a thin golden border. The flowers are pink.

Oakleaf pelargonium P. quercifolium Giant Oak - with very large, lobed leaves with a balsamic smell.

Pelargonium pink P. radens Red-Flowered Rose is an openwork pelargonium with grayish-green palmately dissected foliage (for which it is called Crow's feet) and abundant red-pink (brighter than the main species) flowers. Very drought tolerant.

Pelargonium pink P. radens Radula - leaves are less finely cut than the main species (P. radens), with a less bright aroma. The flowers are small, lilac-pink.

Graveolens Group. Varieties of fragrant pelargonium (P. graveolens)

Camphor Rose - upright, up to 45 cm tall, with deeply cut leaves with a strong aroma of camphor and mint. The flowers are purple-pink.

Lady Plymouth is a very popular cultivar, 45-60 cm tall, leaves with fine white ossification, eucalyptus scent. Inflorescences of lavender-pink flowers appear in summer.

Both's Snowflake - upright, 30-60 cm tall and wide, with deeply cut leaves, sparkling due to irregular creamy variegation, with a rose scent.

Variegata - up to 60 cm, with pink flowers and variegated white-green leaves with mint and rose aroma.

Fragrans Group. Varieties of odorous pelargonium (Pelargonium fragrans)

Ardwick Cinnamon.

Fragrans Variegatum is a semi-shrub up to 15 cm tall, often with reddish stems, leaves are velvety, three-lobed, obtuse-toothed along the edge, light green, chartreuse color bordering, with a spicy aroma. The flowers are white, collected in inflorescences of 4-8, the two upper petals with small red stripes.

Lilian Pottinger - 25-30 cm tall and 12-16 cm wide, leaves are gray-green, irregularly three-lobed, serrated along the edge, with a complex aroma of camphor and pine. Forms many white flowers in summer with small red marks on the upper petals.

Ardwick Cinnamon - with small velvety dull green foliage with a cinnamon scent and white flowers with raspberry marks on the upper petals.

Pelargonium varieties with fragrant leaves

Varieties are mostly of hybrid origin.

Brunswick - up to 60 cm tall and 45 cm wide, leaves are large, dark green, deeply cut into pointed lobes, with a pungent odor. It has spectacular inflorescences of large pink flowers. Blooms in summer.

Citronella - dark green leaves, many-parted, with a very bright citrus aroma (citronella). During the flowering period - many small bright pink flowers.

Charity is a compact pelargonium up to 30 cm tall with palmately lobed, soft hairy, light green leaves with wide uneven golden edging. Very bright aroma of lemon with hints of rose. The flowers are small, white-pink, with crimson markings on the upper petals, collected in inflorescences of 5-7.

Copthorne - 45-60 cm high and often the same width, with powerful dark green leaves with large lobes, with a very strong sweet smell, reminiscent of cedar. Long-blooming showy purple-pink flowers with wine-red veins and spots on the upper petals.

Eucament - with strongly dissected leaves, like those of pink pelargonium (P. radens), with a bright smell of menthol.

Galway Star is a small dense pelargonium, leaves are deeply incised, serrated on the edge, corrugated, green, with a cream border, strong lemon aroma. The flowers are pale lilac, with bright magenta marks on the upper petals.

Gemstone is an upright, bushy variety 45-60 cm tall, with rough, lobed leaves that have a bright lemon scent. It blooms for a long time with spectacular pink-red inflorescences.

Grace Thomas is a large and dense upright variety up to 90 cm tall, with large, deeply cut, serrated leaves, with a lemon and lime scent and a sweet raspberry hue. The flowers are white to pale pink, with crimson spots and veins.

Hansen's Wild Spice is a slender plant up to 45 cm tall and wide. Without pruning it gives semi-hanging stems. The leaves are beautiful, bare, serrated, with a strong aroma of citrus and spices. The flowers are quite large, come in different shades of pink, with darker marks on the top petals.

Joy Lucille - 45-60 cm high, with large velvety split leaves with a menthol-mint aroma, and pale pink flowers with purple feathers on the upper petals.

Lara Jester - up to 40 cm tall, leaves are large, strongly dissected, with a lemon aroma. The flowers are quite large, the petals are pink-lilac, with paler edges and a white base. The upper petals have purple veins.

Lemon Kiss is a lush vertically growing pelargonium up to 40 cm tall and 20 cm wide. The foliage resembles curly pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum). The leaves are medium in size, rough, textured, serrated. Counts the best variety with lemon aroma of foliage. The flowers are small, lavender, with deep carmine feathers on the upper petals.

Mabel Gray is a wide shrub 30-35 cm tall, with bicolor serrated leaves in the shape of a maple leaf, medium to large in size, with an aroma of lemon verbena. The flowers are pale pink to light purple, the upper petals are marbled with plum-colored feathers. One of the most fragrant pelargoniums. Discovered in Kenya in 1960. Sometimes referred to as P. citronellum Mabel Gray.

Mabel Gray (P.citronellum)/

Mabel Gray (P.citronellum) is a fragrant pelargonium that is a real treasure. It occupies a special position for several reasons. Firstly, she is quite stubborn, it is difficult to root her. Secondly, of course, the main thing is its unsurpassed aroma, this is one of most fragrant pelargoniums. With a crisp lemon scent with minty notes, Mabel Gray is often cited as the best lemon-scented Pelargonium. Thirdly, the maple shape of the leaves, they are hard, rich green, attractive.

The history of this pelargonium tells about its thorny path. In the last century, the variety was found in Kenya by Lady Mary Baring when her husband was governor of the area. She named the plant after her mother, Mabel Grey. The new Pelargonium was introduced at the most prestigious flower show in the world, the Royal Horticultural Union Show in 1960, as a cultivar Mabel Grey. Later, this plant was decided to be attributed to species pelargoniums, and it was renamed P.citronellum. Now we know this pelargonium under two different, but equivalent names.

In its native lands, it grows as a rather tall bush 1.5-2 meters in height, therefore, with a skillful approach, it is a candidate for the formation of a standard fragrant pelargonium at home.

Orsett is a large upright bushy plant up to 75 cm tall, with lobed green leaves with purple-brown spots in the center, with a spicy pleasant aroma. The flowers are large, mauve, with darker markings on the upper petals. Blooms for a very long time.

Paton "s Unique - belongs to the Unique group. 60-65 cm tall and up to 20 cm wide, leaves with a pungent smell, showy inflorescences, from coral red and pale pink flowers with small white eyes.

Phyllis - belongs to the Unique group, a very beautiful variegated sport from the Paton's Unique variety. The leaves are deeply incised, green, with creamy-cream edges, fragrant. The flowers are bright pink, luminous, with a white eye and dark feathers on the upper petals.

Round Leaf Rose - 60-90 cm high, with rounded, indistinctly lobed velvety, textured, repressed leaves with a bronze spot in the center, having a fresh orange aroma. The flowers are pink, with light spots and purple veins on the upper petals.

Shottesham Red syn. Concolor Lace - up to 60 cm high and wide. A compact pyramidal plant with very beautiful, velvety, corrugated, light green leaves. The aroma of the leaves is sweetly pungent, with slight hints of hazelnut. It blooms from spring to autumn with inflorescences of lilac-red, rare colors, flowers, with darker feathers on the upper petals, the three lower petals are lighter.

Application of geranium oil

As a medicine, geranium oil has been known since ancient times. It has a bactericidal, antispasmodic, soothing, tonic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effect. Due to its bactericidal properties, geranium oil is used in the treatment of certain infectious diseases. The bactericidal activity of geranium ranges from 125-400 μg / ml. Active against Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It has a positive effect on the phagocytic activity of macrophages (5 µg/ml). Stimulates the adrenal cortex.

This essential oil contains more than 120 components, mainly terpenoids. Its antimicrobial and antiviral activity is 6.5 times greater than the effect of phenol (carbolic acid), which is considered the strongest antiseptic.

Geranium oil increases efficiency, increases attention, improves the tone of brain vessels, relaxant. Effective for burns, wounds, fractures, frostbite, dermatosis and stomatitis. Used in diabetes. Stimulates the functions of the liver and pancreas. Effective in the form of drops and ointments for otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

This is a good antiseptic, mild to the skin, does not cause irritation. It, like tea tree essential oil, is recommended for external use in the form of ointments for shingles and chickenpox.

Ointments with geranium essential oil are a good remedy for eczema and dermatitis, poorly healing wounds, cuts, scratches, as well as acne and pimples. Geranium is very active against candidiasis.

Externally, mixed with warming oils, it is used for arthritis and myositis.

In aroma lamps, it is used for asthenia, neurasthenia and other functional disorders of the nervous system. The aroma of geranium has a regulatory effect, weakening the reaction to stress. This action is associated with the regulation of the production of stress hormones. Essential oil has a regulating effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate. Not being a hormone, rose geranium essential oil has a harmonizing effect on the endocrine system, especially in women. Therefore, in the form of inhalation, the oil is useful for PMS and dysmenorrhea.

This oil, like rose or lemon, can be taken orally 1-2 drops. It has a regenerating effect on the liver.

Russian scientists tested the effectiveness of the properties of geranium oil experimentally. A few drops of a liquid containing millions of staphylococci were applied to the surface of a leaf of room pelargonium, and after 3 hours most of the bacteria died. The bacteria applied to the nutrient medium were placed at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the leaves of the pelargonium, and after 6 hours they all died.

Clinical studies have confirmed that staying for 10 minutes next to a flowering pelargonium bush (at a distance of 60 cm) has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the central nervous system: it calms, improves sleep. Neighborhood with pelargonium is useful for people with neurotic reactions, suffering from insomnia, hypertension, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. It has a particularly good effect on patients with chronic gastritis with high acidity.

Contraindications: Geranium oil is not toxic, but in very rare cases, individual intolerance and allergic reactions occur.

Fragrant pelargoniums: reasons to start

This is aromatherapy, and the remedy is always at hand: just stroke the leaves of the plant, and the aroma spreads throughout the room.

Fragrant pelargoniums are available in any color and smell. From chocolate and lemon to wormwood, mint and even Coke!

Most species of these plants are hardy, do not cause any trouble, easily tolerate drying and overflow.

They will provide a powerful antibacterial effect in the house. Essential oils and phytoncides contained in these plants kill pathogenic microorganisms. You will be much less likely to get sick.

All fragrances are interesting and beautiful plants.

You can even experiment with fragrant pelargoniums in cooking, because these plants are edible. They can flavor butter, add to pastries and tea.

The leaves of these pelargoniums are used for treatment various diseases.

They purify the air the best. According to the latest research, it is fragrant pelargoniums that purify indoor air from harmful impurities.

Fragrant pelargoniums, list of varieties and aromas

The indication of the aroma of fragrant pelargonium is largely conditional: each person is unique, you can hear the indicated smells in the aroma, or you can smell something else. The easiest way is with bright lemon aromas, it is difficult to feel something different here, but complex aromas are really complex, they can be very difficult to describe. Nevertheless, for guidance, see the list:

Apple Betty - delicious fruit scent with apple flavor
Attar Of Roses - the scent of a rose, rose oil
Atomic Snowflake - very pleasant lemon-rose scent
Ardwic Cinnamon - sweet cinnamon smell breaks through the subtle wormwood scent
Ashby - pine aroma with spices
Both "s Snowflake - the aroma of a rose and the distant smell of lemon
Brilliantine - the smell of Cologne water, men's cologne, perfumery with a tobacco note
Citronella - the smell of citronella
Citrosa Lemon - lemon + herb flavor
Cordifolium - pleasant subtle grapefruit flavor
Crissum variegatum - lemon scent
Cristum peach cream - vanilla-lemon and peach scent
Candy Dancer - pleasant aroma of rose and lemon with caramel
Charmay Snowflurry - the smell of balm and lemon
Camphor Rose - strong aroma of camphor and mint
Charity - the smell of orange-rose, lemon with notes of rose
Chocolate eppermint - the smell of chocolate menthol
Crowfoot Rose - lemon-rose fragrance
Clorinda - cedar-eucalyptus fragrance
Concolor Lace - aroma of spices
Cy's Sunburst - delicious citrus flavor
Cuculatum subsp. tabulare Volschenk - sweet smell with a hint of incense
Dark Lady - menthol flavor
Dorcas Brigham Lime - the smell of Coke
Deerwood Lavender Lad - lavender fragrance
Dean's Delight - coniferous aroma, oak foliage
Elongatum - sweet fruity coconut-citrus fragrance
Englerianum - floral-fruity sweet oily scent + cedar, rose, camphor
Fulgidum - the smell of leaves resembles the smell of carrots
Fringed Apple - a scent of wormwood with a hint of apple
Filicifolium - peach rose and some pine needles
Fruity - sweet fruity scent + subtle hint of wormwood
Fragrant Frosty - lemon rose, variegated foliage
Fragrans/Nutmeg - the smell of wormwood and nutmeg, woody
Fragrans variegatum - wormwood and nutmeg scent, woody
Golden Clorinda - forest scent with hints of peach
Graveolens - the scent of a rose
Gibbosum - succulent variety, beautiful hyacinth-scented flowers
Galway Star - the strongest lemon flavor
Grossularioides - strong sweet smell of coconut
Hazelnut - the smell of hazelnuts (hazel)
Hispidum - pleasant balsamic smell + grassy undertones
Hemley - lavender-rose fragrance
Hermanus Show - menthol-herbal fragrance
Islington Peppermint - the smell of mint. beautiful flowers
Joy Lucille - menthol-mint flavor
Lady Plymouth - eucalyptus and rose scent, variegated
Lara Jester - rose-lemon mint fragrance, beautiful foliage
Lara Nomad - the strongest lemon scent
Lavender Lindy - smell of lavender
Lady Scarborough - fruity strawberry-strawberry scent
Lilian Pottinger - a complex aroma of camphor and pine
Little Gem - lemon-rose
Mabel Gray = p.citronellum - very strong citrus aroma, strongest!
Mons Ninon - rose and peach
Marie Thomas - citrus and catnip scent
Odorata Lemon - smell of lemon
Odorata Pino - resinous scent of pine needles
Odorata Rose - the scent of a rose
Odorata Cola - the smell of Coca-Cola
Odoratissimum - the smell of apple and rose
Old Spice - the smell of cloves and a hint of wormwood
Orange Fizz - strong citrus scent of lemon with orange
Orange=Princeanum - light citrus scent
Olga Shipston - the scent of lilac with a subtle hint of wormwood
Orsett - the smell of spices, needles, allspice and black pepper
Pink Champagne - the smell of pink sweet champagne
Pink Capitatum - fruity, floral, rose notes
Tetragonum - succulent pelargonium with a sweet scent of leaves
Phillys - complex, sweetish-spicy smell of mushrooms and woods
Prince of Orange - floral sweet scent + tangerine
Panduriforme - the smell of pine balsam
Pheasants Foot - pungent sweet woody fragrance
Poquito - coniferous sharp pungent smell
Quercifolium/Village Hill Oak/Giant Oak - balsamic + pine scent
Radens - the scent of a rose
Royal Oak - royal oak, pungent resinous smell of needles and woods
Robers Lemon Rose - lemon-rose fragrance, leaves like a tomato
Scabrum - sweet smell of gum
Sweet Mimosa - sweet mimosa, spice and rose fragrance
Torrento - the smell of Coca-Cola
Vitifolium - smell of meadow herbs, lemon balm and rose
Patons Unique - sweet peach and verbena scent
Robin "s Unique - sweet smell and rose-peach smell
White Unique - sweet pleasant aroma

There are a huge number of varieties of pelargoniums and the classification of some species is still uncertain. Let's move on to the most famous plants that can be found in every person in the house.

Orange Pelargonium grows up to 35 cm in height. An unusual look with a peach cap on each bud and a greenish tint on the edge. With good care for 4 seasons, it changes 240 inflorescences. Provides a pleasant view on the balcony. Does not require increased attention. Prefers semi-shady areas. Watering should be plentiful, in winter a little less. In summer, it is best to take it out into the fresh air. You can plant seeds in any weather.

Ivy pelargonium white. The foliage is medium in size, dark green. Compact plant. It grows slowly, but the buds of this variety are worth it. Flowers grow large up to 6 cm, the shape is folded in the form of a rose. If you hold the plant a little in the sun, you can achieve a slight lilac hue. Pelargonium Anita has the same beautiful inflorescences in the form of a rose. It is easy to grow and grows well. Read about it.

It differs from all the others, because even the origin of this plant is still unclear. The species is not included in any classification, which is why the only one is named. Its foliage refers to dissected leaves. The aroma is spicy, without an extra dose of harshness. Small flowers look like a bird's feather. Plants can have both one-color and two-color foliage. The variety is tall. The peak of popularity of uniques took place at the end of the 19th century.

Refers to zonal pelargonium. Their flowers are whitish with a pinkish tinge in the middle. Leaves are small. In a pot it looks spectacular and without unnecessary flaws. Takes on a brighter tone in the sun. And in winter, it requires special care and feeding. Pelargonium Silk also belongs to zonal species. It is a true decoration of the house. You will learn about the varieties of this variety.

Miniature golden-leaved pelargonium. Belongs to the zonal group. Despite the small size, the flowers are large, white-pink in color, on which there is a pleasant golden tint. The leaves are semi-double with a light green tint. Each leaf has a bright brown zone. Blooms at a fast pace. Unpretentious. In a small pot, the flower looks compact and fluffy.

Zonal Pelargonium. The petals are wavy with serrated edges in the shape of a carnation. Light shading. Spectacular bush, unpretentious in flowering. Has a pastel orange tone. In order for a flower to sprout, it needs pruning. Bushes well, looks large and grew. The leaves are compact. Inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. Quite a well-known variety. Mostly good flowering occurs in the summer. This plant needs feeding.

A small semi-double specific pelargonium. The first flowers gives a size of 4 cm. It grows in large caps. The bush is elegant, compact, but rather capricious. Not very tall. After pruning, it does not give sprouts immediately, most often it only replaces. Responds to temperature changes. Gentle variety. It has a peach color with a pale white edging of the petals. The trunk is almost always not leafy. Formation does not happen immediately. In hot weather, it can throw leaves. The plant is worthy of attention for its dissimilarity.

Small zonal pelargonium with salmon color. The lining of the petals is light, and the leaves themselves have a dark zone. Neat fluffy bush. From the heat, the hat becomes white and thick, which makes for a pleasant contrast. Shoots form quickly. Bright and pleasant to look at. Almost always there are many buds. The plant itself is small, which is why it will look perfect on the windowsill. Useful spraying. Take out to the balcony only in hot weather. Dwarf variety.

Thick double flower in the form of an unopened rose bud. The petals of this plant are rich red. Each rosette is 1 cm. In hot weather, the red color becomes a little paler, and in winter, on the contrary, it acquires a bright shade. The inflorescence is dense. Peduncles of medium height. Green leaves with a cream colored mosaic pattern. Belong to the type of zonal. Blooms in the form of a cap. Grows to medium size over time.

Pelargonium Albina grows quite quickly. Already after the cutting has appeared, the peduncle rises for 3 days. However, the first bloom is not particularly abundant. 4 flowers grow on 1 peduncle. Large plant. Relate to zonal, by growth it is considered a dwarf. The leaves are intense green. The flowers themselves are double, white with a small red stamen, tightly collected. Due to the density of this species, the plant looks collected and neat. He loves top dressing, so thanks to courtship, the flowers become larger. Suitable for beginners who are afraid to take responsibility.

Zonal variety of dwarf speckled pelargonium. Florists are attracted by bright, golden-green leaves with creamy double flowers and red veins. The flower is decorated with light bright crimson specks. Durable. With a neat form, blooms profusely. The bush is well-fed and strong. Does not throw leaves, bush itself.

A neat decorative border and a barely noticeable pink color that echoes white distinguish this plant variety from other terry types. The inflorescences are dense and tender, voluminous compared to the dwarf type. In the sun, dovepoint blossoms turn from white to pink. Peduncles are short.

Mary belongs to the terry zonal pelargoniums. The inflorescences are tight, reminiscent of a rose. They grow up to 10 cm. The flowers themselves are white with a small green in the center. When blooming, it may acquire a slight pinkish tint. The bush is fluffy. Blooms profusely in spring and summer. Repotting should be done annually. Loves the sun and warmth. Tries to bloom even in low light. Feeding prefers complex. The name of this variety goes well with the name.

The wavy petals of pelargonium lacquer are painted orange, and become completely white towards the edge of the flower. The distinctly colored color can only be seen in the sun. The color fades in the shadows. The plant belongs to the usual zonal variety, but in addition it requires careful shaping. The leaves are elegant, thanks to the contrasting border of a brownish-green hue.

In the center of the leaf there is a light shade in the form of a butterfly, which, after basking in the sun, can give a bronze tint. The flower itself is large with a peach color and a needle shape. The variety is not tall, flower stalks are short. Requires shaping. Bushes and blooms for a long time. Rain and heat are not afraid. Looks great on the balcony in summer. The size can be easily adjusted with a small flowerpot. Hardy, fast growing. It is the unusual leaves that make this species special.

Plant of terry zonal pelargonium. Flowers in the form of a red shade of a rose. The flower itself is bright and velvety. Blooms profusely, looks compact. The hat is round. The leaves are green, iridescent with a slight brown tint. Live has a very bright colorful color.

In summer, in gardens, flower beds and balconies, you can see this type of plant. Differs in lush flowering and grace. Quite demanding to care. It blooms for a short time, about 5 months. But if you see this plant at least once, you immediately want to bring it to your windowsill. Royal pelargonium grows up to 60 cm in height.

It differs from its colleagues in folded multi-colored leaves, dense sheet platinum and serrated edges.

On a note. Not everyone can make such a beauty bloom. This individual prefers warmth and sunlight for continuous abundant flowering.

It can tolerate a little shade, but it will bloom a little less luxuriantly. The soil prefers nutritious. You can add a little clay mixture to the soil. In cold weather, the temperature should be at least 12ºС.

Tamara is many-sided and unique. The flowers are like dense white-pink marshmallows. The color is changeable with pink streaks and a border of the same color. The plant is soft and airy. Compact shrub with small leaves. It blooms from infancy and never ceases to please the process. The petals are neat, with pointed tips.

Sunny side required. The soil should be constantly moist, but in moderation. Spray recommended. Red pelargonium grows up to 30 cm in length. It should be placed on the balcony immediately after the frost has passed.

It has a bright shade and universal resistance to all weather conditions. The variety branches well. There are huge inflorescences. The color of this type of pelargonium is similar to wine red. The leaves are ivy. Grows fast. Landing 30×30.

The plant has a height of 30 cm with good branching. The color is white-pink. The inflorescences are large. The leaves are green with a slight dark tint. Drought-resistant. Preference is given to sunny places with fertile soil. Landing is possible from the end of January. The seed depth is 0.5 cm. If the temperature is kept at 20 ° C, then seedlings can be seen in a week.

Pelargonium refers to non-terry, ivy. Large caps and beautifully colored color in various shades. Blooms profusely, completely covered with inflorescences. Two types of Tuscany are currently popular. Read about Pelargonium Tuscany and Edwards elegans.


Bright, wide-opening, deep red flowers. Each leaf is dark green with a bright brown ring. Refers to semi-double. The bush is harmonious, never stretches. The lower part of the flower must be tamped tightly.


Large crimson-red flowers with white dots on the leaves. The bush is fluffy. It grows slowly, but branches very well. The leaves are medium-sized, painted in dark green. The bush is low, the average height is up to 25 cm. The color is very saturated. Does not require growth regulators.

Herbaceous plant with fragrant aroma. The height of the bush is 25 cm. The leaves are rounded, green with a small red border. The flowers are pink in color with a slight pallor in the form of a spherical inflorescence. The plant prefers light. For top dressing, a turf mixture is chosen, and moderate moisture is preferred. If the flower is treated with love, then flowering will continue all summer. In autumn, a transplant and a bright place in the room are necessary. For seed germination, the temperature must reach 20°C.

The difference between black velvet in unusual chocolate leaves, which create a perfect combination with bright red inflorescences. If the bush is formed recently, then you can notice that at the initial stage there is a bronze coating on the sheets. The height of black velvet reaches about 40 cm. The shoots are strong. Loves the light, but the sun's rays should not touch the petals.

Pelargonium is unpretentious, but this does not mean that she does not need care. Periodically, you need to check the soil and water on time. Fertilizers prefer mineral. Sowing 1 cm. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out.

The hybrid variety grows well at home. It looks like a large shrub up to 75 cm in height. Rounded green leaves. Umbrella-shaped flowers up to 3 cm, come in multi-colored shades, namely: white, red, purple and. Flowering lasts six months.

The most popular pelargonium hybrids include two species.


Rare hybrid plant. A wine-red flower with a black stripe down the middle. This hybrid plant is easy to care for, but demanding of light. Moderate watering required. An adult plant reaches a height of 20 cm.

Miss Stapleton

The plant never sleeps. This heart-shaped hybrid looks like a bouquet of pink roses. The stems are hard with stipules in the form of thorns.

Rosaceous pelargonium. Flowers are dense, terry. Petals have two colors. The inside is like red wine, and the wrong side is silver. Inflorescences are dense. Leaves greenish, folded.

Madame Pelargonium has several varieties. Let's consider the main ones.


Type of terry zonal pelargonium. Fluffy bush. Blooms profusely. The flowers are like dark red wine., there are bright and large inflorescences. It is necessary to keep the soil moist and spray as often as possible.


Graceful pelargonium with variegated leaves. Leaves on long legs, gray-green with a wide cream border. Has thin stems. Belongs to the dwarf group (read about caring for dwarf pelargonium at home). Blooms bright pink. The variety almost does not bloom, but captivates with its beauty. The bush is compact, pleasant to look at.

Large flowers resembling a rose. The plant is white, with a rich white-pink border. Tight hats. The bush needs shaping. The leaves are green, have a dark zone. Requires special care.

Terry ivy pelargonium. The flowers look like a blue-lilac hue. Compact bush. Needs a sunny area. Requires daily care. The plant needs additional minerals.

For the first time, miniature pelargoniums appeared in England. The height of a small pelargonium starts from 8 cm and ends at 15 cm. Ideal for the home, they can also be placed on balcony boxes. Leaves come in multi-colored green hues. Pelargoniums are light and airy, but this is not their only advantage. Differ in compactness. They can bloom in any decade of the year.

Among the most worthy breeders is Stanley Stringer. He was born in a small village called Ockold. He started breeding at the age of 50. The most popular grown variety remains Alde, which can still be seen on the shelves today.

Deacons are also dwarf varieties of Stringer. Among them, the best are: tangerine and moonlight. The flowers of the mandarin are orange-red, while those of the moonlight are white-purple. The most impressive thing is that such a miniature plant has very large flowers.

One of his last cultivations is a golden goblet, which had a creamy hue, and the petals were strewn with red dots. After himself, Stringer left about 160 varieties of pelargonium.

Rai Bitwell started his life as a postman. Therefore, he has a number of geographical names of varieties. Bitwell became famous for the fact that he managed to bring out a new type of variety with polka dots. And they were covered with: red, pink and purple dots.

Among the varieties with small spots, the most popular are milden, semer and elmsett. Milden has green-yellow leaves with bright white flowers covered with pale pinkish speckles. Semer is a dwarf variety of pink flowers with red dots. Elmsett is a zonal species of pale pink flowers flecked with red. The latter species was named after Bidwell. The variety is decorated in wine color with green-red foliage.

And last but not least the famous breeder Brian West. West is known for having developed a variety whose leaves resemble stars, because of this the variety is called. Varieties have spread throughout the world. Even despite the unusual shape and the fact that they do not quite resemble pelargoniums, you can care for them in the same way as for ordinary varieties.

There is also another interesting and unusual variety of pelargonium -. This is a plant with very unusual and beautiful flowers. Instead of the usual flowers, inflorescences appear in the form of tulip buds. We talked about such a plant of the Patricia Andrea variety in, and you will learn about the Red Pandora tulip-shaped pelargonium.

In recent years, Vesta came into being with miniature plants up to 8 cm. The cultivars were named anni popham.

Care rules

All plants require special care, and pelargoniums are no exception. Usually the flower is in the room, and begins to bloom profusely in the summer. In winter, it is necessary to ensure the temperature is not lower than 15 ° C and to avoid waterlogging of the soil. The plant is best left on the sunny side, but only where there are no drafts.

Pruning is carried out after flowering - in the fall. But if the roots have grown well, make an exception. For pruning, you need to leave shoots of about 10 cm. Do not forget about top dressing for each flower. Transplantation is recommended in February.

Plants can lose their compactness if they are not properly cared for.

On a note. It is best to get new specimens from cut cuttings that have not yet faded. Each stem should have about 5 leaves.

After cutting, the cuttings should remain for 2 hours in a dry room with fresh air. After pruning, cover them with plastic bags to help them root. For the growth of pelargonium, a temperature of at least 20 ° C is needed.

Besides beauty, Pelargoniums also have medicinal properties for humans. After all, they contain an extract that cures respiratory infections. In addition, the oil of this plant has a sedative effect. But the main thing is that the flower goes well with any design in the house and makes every housewife feel like a woman.