Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy (based on Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"). Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy. Analysis of the story "Taras Bulba"

The story "Taras Bulba" was written by N.V. Gogol in 1835. His interest in the history of Ukraine (Little Russia), namely the struggle of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks for independence from the Poles, prompted Gogol to write this story. His attitude to the role of Ukrainians in the political and cultural life of Russia was ambiguous.

But the story "Taras Bulba" is one of Gogol's favorite works, where he showed that the main force in accomplishing historical events people can come forward. The writer himself wrote about the story: "Then there was a poetic time when everything was mined with a saber, when everyone, in turn, strove to be an actor, and not a spectator."

Knowledge of the national character of the Cossacks, their customs helped Gogol to create vivid and expressive images of the heroes. The family of Taras Bulba became this example. Gogol showed the manners and customs of the Zaporizhian Cossacks of those years.

The main character Taras Bulba was not poor and could send his children to study. He believed that children should be educated and strong. There were severe morals in the Sich. Zaporizhian Cossacks taught their children discipline, shooting and horseback riding. But they won't be like that around their mother.

The two sons of Taras Bulba, who were brought up in the same conditions, are completely different types. It was difficult for Ostap to study. He repeatedly escaped from the bursa. He was flogged and again forced to study. Frightened by his father's threats that he would be sent to a monastery, Ostap decided to study, but he still got the rods.

By nature, Ostap was kind, straightforward, and at the same time stern and firm. He never "leaded others" and was a good comrade. And in daring enterprises and undertakings, he was always the first, and, if anything, he took all the blame on himself.

Ostap, brought up on the traditions of the Zaporizhian Sich, always honored them and always dreamed of becoming a successor to these traditions. Like his father, Ostap believes that it is his duty to defend the Motherland, so he has no choice who he will be. Ostap knows that his business is the business of a warrior.

Andriy was the complete opposite of his brother. He studied willingly and without tension, but he was more sensual, more romantic and softer than his brother. Unlike Ostap, he liked to lead friends on the surface, he was drawn to exploits. On the other hand, Andriy experienced some other feelings, and he left his friends and wandered alone.

Having got to the Sich after their father, they soon began to stand out "among other young people with direct prowess and luck in everything." The father rejoiced that he had raised his sons to match himself.

“Hey, there will be a good colonel,” old Taras admired his son. “Yes, even such that the dad will plug it into his belt.” This is what Taras said about his eldest son.

Ostap is the embodiment of courage, courage, love for the Motherland, close and dear people. These qualities are always inherent in the selfless defenders of their homeland, and many Cossacks possessed these qualities. Each of them, at the risk own life, tried to come to the rescue of a friend.

It was not in vain that his father Taras Bulba, addressing his soldiers, said: "There are no ties holier than camaraderie." He called to protect not only his people, but all Christians. And Ostap, brought up by his father in the traditions of his people, who did not bow his head before the invaders, did not disgrace his honor and did not drop his own. He fought like a hero next to his father and, dying, wanted his father to see that Ostap did not become a traitor. He endured all the inhuman torture, but did not flinch.

Comparing Andriy with his older brother, we consider him a traitor. His image stands apart, but this makes his fate no less tragic. Andriy fought as desperately as his brother, but without any calculation. He did things, guided only by "passionate passion." But fate decreed otherwise. Love for the Polish lady made the youngest son Taras Bulba a traitor. Taras could not forgive this to his son. Nothing can atone for treason, let alone justify it. Such a shame as the betrayal of his son, Taras Bulba could not bear. Andria was executed by his father himself, saying before that: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you."

Showing two brothers in his story "Taras Bulba", Gogol does not compare specific people. His story is a hymn to the motherland, to the heroism of the people who stood up to defend their fatherland, a hymn to the liberation movement of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.

Among male characters in the story "Taras Bulba" by N.V. Gogol, Andriy stands separately. He was the only one of them who resigned himself to feelings. Love for the beauty became the meaning of his life, she replaced his Mother, Motherland, Faith and devotion to the people.

The image and characterization of Andriy in the story "Taras Bulba" will help you figure out what a real Zaporozhye Cossack should be like.

Appearance of the youngest son

In the Bulba family, the youngest is handsome and surprisingly similar to the sophistication of features that attract the eyes of women. The epithets that the author selects for him distinguish Andriy from all the male images of a literary work:

"... all (beautiful) more adult ...";
“... the most active, the most beautiful of all ...”;
"... tanned cheeks shone with the brightness of virgin fire ...".

The young Zaporozhian has black hair,

"gentle tousled curls."

Black, like a dark Ukrainian night, eyebrows, velvety skin, pale and intelligent, confirming the nobility of blood. Tall and strong young man 21-22 years old. If you know the size of a sazhen, it turns out that a Cossack is taller than 2 meters (2.13m). Everyone admires his physique: father, brother, beautiful Polish woman, mother and author. His attractiveness intensifies when a man begins to grow up:

“... facial features ... have now become formidable and strong ...”;
“... the fortress breathed ...” the Cossack body;
personality traits "... acquired the broad strength of a lion ...".

A handsome young man dresses interestingly: a copper-colored headdress, a fashionable women's scarf tied around his wrist, red morocco boots, silver horseshoes on heels. Bloomers are so wide that the author compares them with the Black Sea in width, overflow of folds, sheen of fabric. The strap that pulls them is embroidered with gold threads and decorated with various trinkets and ornaments.

Andriy Bulba - warrior

The younger Cossack rushes into battle, as into the abyss of the sea. War for a guy entering the life of the Zaporizhzhya Sich is an element, here you can roam, show yourself and reveal the power of character. The lad does not calculate actions, does not build a scheme for a future fight, does not manage events.

"... He did not know what it means to think over, or calculate, or measure in advance one's own and other people's strengths ...".

Old Bulba, observing, "wondered more than once ...". Son,

“... compelled by only one passionate passion, he rushed to something that a cold-blooded and reasonable would never dare ...”

Zaporozhets. But fate favored the young guy, "... with a furious onslaught ..." Andriy "... performed such miracles ..." that amazed the experienced Cossacks who had fought a lot, who had seen glory and death. Imprudentness and excitement carry away, a crazy fight, thanks to a bold youth, ends in victory.

Andriy - son

The younger is inventive, cunning and practical at the same time. He acquires leadership traits from birth. The mind helps him build tactics in such a way as to avoid punishment, to hide his real feelings. He learns easily, admires music. To understand educational concepts, he does not need to try and strain. The handsome man is a real descendant of the family, who has adopted and absorbed the bright personality traits of the head of the house and the sensuality of the mother:

Pride. The guy does not represent the situation where he

"... will surrender alive ...".

Courage. Mad courage and bravery:

"... Ukraine will never see ... the bravest of his children who undertook to protect her ...".

Physical strength. It is impossible to describe the power of the Cossack in words. The author offers to understand how strong he is with these lines:

“... with insane courage he seized with a powerful hand behind the rear wheel and stopped the carriage ... ".

Andriy adopted from his mother the features of a kind and capable person to sympathize with others (

"...moved by compassion, he threw him one loaf..."

This is how Andriy behaves in a besieged city of enemies). He feels sorry for his mother, the guy loves to be alone, silence and harmony with himself.

Andriy Bulba - man

The love of a beauty becomes the most important feeling for a man. He is so absorbed in love that he cannot really evaluate events. Andriy falls out of the whole system of male characters - strong and passionate about wars and battles. The boy's heart melted at the words of the women. The thirst for love and the need for feelings appeared at the age of 18. The name of the Pole replaced all the dear names for him. Love settled in the soul and became a meaning from which the Cossack could not escape. A man refuses his father, brother, comrades. For feelings, Andriy intends to fight against everyone. Not all readers have a desire to condemn the guy, many feel sorry for him and an incomprehensible attitude of compassion settles in his head. Impossible to help. How many parallels can be drawn, understanding the love of a man:
  • difference of religions;
  • country borders.
A person is looking for his half, but it may be inaccessible and out of reach.

Andriy dies at the hands of Taras Bulba, father. He does not resist his father, dutifully accepts his fate. Father looks at beauty dead son and regrets what happened, about such an excellent Cossack, but who betrayed his Fatherland.

1. Historical story "Taras Bulba"

2. Comparative characteristics Ostap and Andria

3. My attitude towards the main characters.

Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" tells about the heroic deeds of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who defended the Russian land from enemies. On the example of the family of Taras Bulba, the writer showed the manners and customs of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks of those years.

There were severe morals in the Sich. There they taught nothing but discipline, sometimes they shot at a target and rode horses, and occasionally went hunting. “The Cossack loves to sleep under the free sky, so as not to low ceiling the hut, and the starry canopy was over his head, and there was no more honor for the Cossack than to stand up for his will, there was no other law than military partnership.

Gogol to create multifaceted and expressive images of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, a true legend of the stormy, wartime, heroic time.

The main characters of the story are two brothers Ostap and Andriy, who grew up and brought up in the same conditions, they are so different in character and outlook on life.

Ostap is an impeccable fighter, a reliable comrade. He is silent, calm, reasonable. Ostap continues and honors the traditions of his fathers and grandfathers. For him, there is never a problem of choice, hesitation between feelings and duty. He is amazingly wholesome. Unconditionally accepts Ostap Zaporozhye way of life, the ideals and principles of senior comrades. Respectfulness never turns into obsequiousness, he is ready to take the initiative, but he respects the opinions of other Cossacks. At the same time, he will never be interested in the opinion, the view of "strangers" - infidels, foreigners. Ostap sees the world as harsh and simple. There are enemies and friends, our own and others. He is not interested in politics, he is a straightforward, brave, loyal and stern warrior. Ostap thinks only of battles, he passionately dreams of feats of arms and is ready to die for his Motherland.

Andriy - complete opposite brother. Gogol showed differences not only human, but also historical. Ostap and Andriy are almost the same age, but they are types belonging to different historical times. Ostap from a heroic and primitive era, Andriy is internally close to the later time of a developed and refined culture and civilization, when politics and trade take the place of war and robbery. Andriy is softer, more refined, more flexible than his brother. He is endowed with great sensitivity to the alien, "other", greater sensitivity. Andriy Gogol marked the rudiments of fine taste, a sense of beauty. It cannot, however, be called weaker. He is characterized by courage in battle and a much more important quality - the courage to make independent choice. Passion leads him into the camp of the enemy, but there is more behind this. Andriy now wants to fight for his own, what he himself found and called his own, and did not receive by inheritance, by tradition.

The two brothers must become enemies. Both perish, one at the hands of enemies, the other at the hands of his father. You can't call one good and the other bad.

It is difficult not to bow before the courage, courage and steadfastness of Ostap. But such an all-consuming love of Andrii also cannot be ignored. You need to have no less courage to agree to leave everything for the sake of love: home, relatives, friends, homeland. I can't say which one I like more, which one I would choose goodie. I think that in each case, the heart itself tells you what to do. And from their point of view, both Ostap and Andriy are right in their actions. This is what real men do, they die either for the Motherland or for the woman they love.

The image of Ostap and Andriy in the story by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

In the story "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol glorifies the heroism of the Russian people. Russian critic V.G. Belinsky wrote: "Taras Bulba is an excerpt, an episode from the great epic of the life of an entire people." And N.V. Gogol wrote about his work as follows: “Then there was that poetic time when everything was mined with a saber, when everyone, in turn, strove to be an actor, and not a spectator.”

Using the family of Taras as an example, Gogol showed the manners and customs of the Zaporozhian Cossacks of those years. Taras Bulba was a wealthy Cossack and could afford to send his children to study in the Bursa. He wanted his children to grow up not only strong and courageous, but also educated people. Taras believed that if children grow up at home, next to their mother, then good Cossacks will not come out of them, because every Cossack must "feel the battle."

The eldest son Ostap did not want to study: he ran away from the bursa several times, but he was returned; he buried textbooks, but new ones were bought for him. And one day Taras told Ostap that if he did not study, he would be sent to a monastery for twenty years. Only this threat forced Ostap to continue his studies. When Ostap and his friends did all sorts of pranks, he took all the blame on himself and did not betray his friends. And Andriy loved to study and was the instigator of all pranks. But he always managed to escape punishment. Despite the differences, Ostap and Andriy had an integral character, only Ostap manifested this in devotion to the cause and homeland, and Andriy in love for the beautiful lady.

There were severe morals in the Sich. There they taught nothing but discipline, sometimes they shot at a target and rode horses, and occasionally went hunting. “The Cossack loves to sleep under the free sky, so that not the low ceiling of the hut, but the starry canopy is above his head, and there was no more honor for the Cossack than to stand up for his will, there was no other law than military partnership.” “The plowman breaks his plow, the brewers and brewers threw their caddies and broke the barrels, the artisan and the merchant sent to hell both the craft and the shop, they broke the pots in the house. And everything that was mounted on a horse. In a word, the Russian character here received a wide, powerful scope and a dozen appearance.

The Zaporizhian Cossacks arose in the lower reaches of the Dnieper on the islands beyond the rapids. There were a lot of people there. In the 16th century, the future Ukraine and Belarus were part of the Commonwealth. Religious persecution caused resistance and uprisings against the Polish state. It was in this harsh time that Gogol's heroes had to live.

Ostap was written by the family "the way of battle and the difficult knowledge to manage military affairs."

Ostap was written by the family "the way of battle and the difficult knowledge to manage military affairs." The inclinations of the future leader were noticeable in him. "Fortress breathed his body, and his knightly qualities have already acquired the broad strength of a lion." But fate was not destined for Ostap to become a great commander and leader. In the battle near Dubno, he was captured and, having endured terrible torture, was executed on Warsaw Square. Ostap is the embodiment of devotion to faith, duty and comrades.

Andriy is the complete opposite of his older brother. He was completely immersed in "the charming music of bullets and swords." He did not know what it means to calculate in advance one's own or other people's strength. Under the influence of his feelings, he was able not only to fight heroically, but also to betray his comrades. Love for the beautiful lady killed the youngest son Taras. Yielding to feelings, he forgot his love for the Motherland and his duty to his comrades, and a bullet fired by the hand of his own father with the words: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” cut short Andriy’s young life.

Gogol describes Ostap, Andriy, and Taras with great love. His story sounds like a hymn to the fatherland, to the heroism of compatriots. Andriy, for the sake of his feelings, was not afraid to give up his faith, his family, and went against his homeland. Ostap inspires respect for his devotion to the common cause, unshakable faith and steadfastness.

Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" can be compared with Homer's poems. His heroes are perceived as epic heroes: "Is there really such fires, torments and such a force in the world that would overpower the Russian force."

Ostap and Andriy "Taras Bulba"

The main characters of the story "Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol - Ostap and Andriy

Highly big influence they had their father - an experienced colonel Taras Bulba. Ostap fully agreed with his father, his goal in life was to visit the Zaporizhzhya Sich and accomplish a feat. Its motto is "fight and feast". Andriy saw a different meaning in life. He studied more willingly than his brother, was interested in art. He did not despise women, like his father and other Cossacks. Andriy, like Ostap, recognized his father as his only judge.

Both Ostap and Andriy are proud, with a sense of their own dignity. Both brothers are dora, but Ostap - to Andriy, his father, the Cossacks, and Andriy - even to the enemy: he took pity on the Pole. The brothers were patriots, defenders of the Motherland, but Andriy could not cope with his feelings and became a traitor.

Ostap did not want to study in the bursa and even buried his textbook four times. But when Taras got angry and said that Ostap would never see the Setch if he did not study at the bursa, Ostap became a diligent, industrious and diligent student, one of the first. He was a good, reliable comrade, the Bursaks respected him, willingly obeyed. He was honest and straightforward - when he was punished, he did not evade. Andriy was inventive, cunning, dexterous, and avoided punishment. He is the leader of the Bursaks, but at the same time secretive, loves solitude. He has developed aesthetic taste.

Already in the first battles, it became clear that Andriy was frivolous, courageous, desperate and saw in the battle "mad bliss and rapture", "passionate passion". And Ostap, cold-blooded, prudent, calm, self-confident, prudent, reasonable, thought through his actions.

"O! Yes, it will eventually be a good colonel! - Taras spoke about Ostap, - she-she will be a good colonel, and even such that even the father will shut up in his belt! And about Andriy, he said: “And this is good - the enemy would not have taken him! - warrior! not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior too!

The Battle of Dubno is a decisive test for Andriy and Ostap. After her, at night, Andriy was the limit of the Motherland, comrades, family. And when the next day he went out to beat his own people, Taras cursed him and executed his own judgment on him - he killed him.

In this story, a huge number of heroes who carry out their own mission, which was prepared for them from above. Taras had two sons, whom he loved very much, but these two were done different person, because they had different tempers which determined their future.

Father, all his life he very much hoped that his sons would be like him, which means that they would be real Cossacks who would fight for their faith and their homeland, but life decreed otherwise: Ostap became a real warrior, as he possessed very strong character, and his younger brother Andrei was a very weak person, but unlike his older brother, he was a very educated person.

Each of them has developed its own own destiny. Ostap died like a hero, as he was captured, where he was quartered, and his brother simply betrayed all his colleagues, as the Polish princess turned his head. All this shows the attitude of our heroes to the life of the Cossacks.

Taras personally killed his youngest son, as he could not stand the shame that he allowed himself by committing this vile act. A cruel time requires serious actions from our heroes, but it cannot allow cowardice, which some Cossacks allowed themselves.

These two heroes are completely different people, but one thing must be remembered, that Cossack blood flowed in them, which made them freedom-loving and free people. Having lived a short but bright enough life, they were able to show that they nevertheless became real men who can do their own thing. own choice, which does not depend on anyone, and this is the most important truth of life for a Cossack.

How would their contradictory destinies have developed if not for this most difficult historical time? There are many questions, but there is only one answer: they would, as now, remain devoted sons of their fatherland, which all the time requires them to brave deeds and sacrifices.

Composition Comparative characteristics of Andriy and Ostap

Our protagonist had two own sons, whom he loved very much and dreamed that they would follow in his footsteps: they became real Cossacks who would fight for their homeland, and this happened, since Ostap and Andrey absorbed with mother's milk all Cossack traditions, but their fate was very sad, as both perish in a cruel war, where they showed themselves each in their own way. Their whole life can be conditionally divided into several stages: birth, training in a Polish seminary, service in a Cossack regiment, tragic death. Everything is as usual, in this difficult time, but it is worth considering in more detail all these stages, since each is very unique in its own way.

They were born in the family of a brave Cossack, Taras was very glad that he had two sons, as his dream came true: they would be real chieftains of the Cossack army. They grew up and rotated every day in this cauldron, which was slowly bubbling and preparing to boil, and when they grew up and matured, it was accepted important decision, which changed their lives, but changed only for a while: they went to study, which took place in Poland. Now, they have a different life, which is different from their former one, but they do not forget about their mission: they will return home and become real warriors. During their studies, our heroes matured and they formed their own characters, which were very different.

Ostap, a very strong young man who wore a forelock on his head, as he was already a military Cossack, his younger brother Andrey, compared to his brother, was a weakling, but had an independent character that allowed him to have his own opinion, which made him different from his brother. Both were very much attached to their home and loved their parents very much, who did not look for their love in them.

However, time disposed of in its own way: the elder died like a real hero, and the younger, Andrei, was killed by his own father, who could not forgive him for betrayal, betrayal of Cossack ideals. Andrei, just simply fell in love with a Polish beauty, and this turned the young guy's head: he goes over to the side of the enemy, which means that he will fight against his own Cossacks. How is it possible? What drove them? The answer is one, love and madness. We can say that he died like a coward, unlike his brother, who was executed.

The father, all the time, wanted to show his children where the real Cossacks lived, who fought, and he did it, but it was too late, since Andrei's mind was polluted by flat heretics, and Ostap was already a Cossack, but he did it, and children saw the true spirit of freedom.

In their short life, our heroes managed to go through a very glorious path, which, unfortunately, ended very early, but they managed to leave their mark on this world, which will remember them forever, as they are real heroes. It's a shame that the villainous death took everyone, as she was destined to do so. At the end of this story, there is a heroic revenge that their own father committed, since he no longer wanted to live and began to mercilessly exterminate the Poles, he took revenge cruelly, took revenge for his own sons, who became victims of this historical confrontation, which was sometimes very unfair , but such was this vague, heroic time that required sacrifice.

This story shows how a simple person can love his land, but the most important thing is how time and circumstances can change people, and all this can be seen on the example of the biographies of our brave heroes who chose their path: one heroic death, and the other female caresses and love that led to a murder, a murder that was committed by a father, a father who very much hoped that his sons would be betrayed by the ideal of the Cossacks.

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Ostap and Andriy - senior and younger sons the main character of the story, Taras Bulba. Ostap is 22 years old, Andriy is barely 20. The brothers return to their home from the Kyiv bursa after graduation, their meeting with their father and mother is described. The mother misses her sons, she is driven to despair by her husband's desire to immediately take them to the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Taras Bulba, on the contrary, is not inclined to sentimentality and intends to acquaint the guys with life in the harsh conditions of the battlefield. “What do you care? Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! Do you see this sword? here's your mother!" It is also known that Bulba sent horses to the young men only at the end of their studies; they used to walk home every vacation. The manifestation of feelings in men of that time was not honored. Duty to the Motherland is the sacred duty of the Cossack.

Ostap has an unbending will and an iron character; he does not have any doubts and hesitations. As a teenager, taking part in the pranks of seminarians, he showed himself to be an excellent comrade, never betraying anyone and not trying to get away from fair retribution in the form of a flogging. He had no desire to study, he got rid of his primer more than once, but as soon as his father threatened Ostap with a monastery, he quickly found himself among the best students. He knows how to set goals and look for ways to achieve them, proving himself to be a competent strategist on the battlefield. In battle, he is cold-blooded, hardy and tireless, solving a clearly defined task: to defeat the enemy.

Andriy "had feelings somewhat more alive and somehow more developed." During the training period, he was more often than Ostap the leader of youthful pranks, but he tried to find a way to evade punishment. He is also brave in battle, like an older brother, but much less prudent: “forced by only a passionate passion, he rushed to something that a cold-blooded and reasonable would never dare, and with his furious onslaught he performed such miracles that they could not help but be amazed. old in battles.

Andriy differs from his brother in greater emotional mobility: “... He was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was also available to other feelings. The need for love flared up in him vividly when he crossed over eighteen years ... ". He is also capable of compassion: he was deeply shocked by the scene of the execution of the murderer, when he was buried alive in the grave, placing the coffin of his victim on top; going to save his beloved, he throws a piece of bread to the starving man. He is embarrassed by the manifestation of feelings, because at that time it was not accepted at all. This spiritual need alienates him from his fellow Cossacks, becoming fatal.

Having met a charming lady, Andriy falls in love with all the ardor of a youthful heart and renounces everything sacred for the Zaporozhye Cossack: faith, Fatherland, father's house. Of course, this is a betrayal. But betrayal almost always goes hand in hand with cowardice: this is not about Andriy. His betrayal speaks of perhaps greater courage and courage than the behavior of his older brother during torture and execution. Most likely, he understands that his story with the lady will not end with anything particularly good; most likely, due to his youth and ardor, he still hopes for a successful outcome of the situation, but in spite of everything, he cannot leave his beloved.

The fact of betrayal of the Motherland is obvious, but this is not a consequence of the meanness of a person, but of an irresistible property of his nature. The need for love is one of the basic ones in the life of our contemporary, and now my words seem ridiculous because of their perfect obviousness; at that time people thought in other categories, and in this sense, of course, Andriy was more mentally developed than other characters in the story.

For both brothers, the outbreak of war was, in fact, the first and only. Ostap fights heroically, but is captured in an unequal battle. He is executed. The scene of torture is terrible, but perhaps the most desperate moment when he, unbending, purposeful, is incredibly strong-willed and with the body of a man, before death, he calls his father, and he responds to him.

As before, at the moment of retribution, Ostap does not dream of mercy and does not pray for it, taking inevitable death for granted. But at the last moment, he hopes for the support of "a firm husband who would refresh him with a reasonable word and console him at his death."
Andriy dies earlier at the hands of his father: Taras does not find the opportunity to come to terms with the betrayal of his son. Like Ostap, he does not resist his fate, but at the muzzle of a gun he remembers only his beautiful lady, regretting her - not about treason.

It is difficult to compare brothers with each other. Outwardly, everything looks simple: the elder is the hero of the Fatherland, the younger is a vile traitor who sold everything in the world for a skirt. But not everything in life can be measured in black and white. The brothers have speaking names. "Ostap" means "stable", which is quite suitable for his character, and "Andriy (Andrey)" - "a man, courageous, brave."

So the author of his young traitor does not consider himself a traitor to all that is most holy ... The younger brother fell into such unfortunate circumstances for himself, when everything that was sacred for a Cossack turned out to be opposed to his personal shrine - deep love. And if we narrow the concept of the Motherland to a single person, then both brothers were faithful to her to the end.