How to grow cherry tomato seedlings from seeds. How to grow cherry tomatoes at home. Formation of a tomato bush

Cherry tomatoes are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners in our country. This was facilitated by the interesting taste qualities of this variety and the gradual adaptation of people to the species as a whole. Everything would be fine, but often people simply do not know how to care for cherry tomatoes and how best to grow them. We'll talk about this today.


Cherry tomatoes are very similar in appearance to their larger counterparts, because roughly speaking, the difference is only in size. But many people forget that caring for cherry tomatoes has its own characteristics, just like the plant itself.

The name of this variety was obtained precisely due to the miniature size of the plant’s fruit, which in some places looks more like a berry, translated from English.

The color of a cherry tomato can be very different, so on store shelves you can easily find both classic red fruits and pink, purple, green, yellow, orange and even almost black tomatoes. It is by color that a specific cherry tomato variety is usually determined.

If we talk about taste, they are not very different from ordinary tomatoes. People pay precisely for these small differences, which are hidden in a richer and sweeter taste. Some people say the flavor reminds them of ripe melons and berries.

Everything you are used to doing with regular tomatoes can be done with their miniature counterparts. We are talking about salads, pickles and canning.

They cope especially well with decorative tasks when a dish needs to be decorated a little. The funny thing is that you don’t even have to cut them for this purpose, due to their size.


There are several ways to grow cherry tomatoes, and care will also vary. On your own plot, you can grow both in open ground and in a greenhouse, here it all comes down to what time of year you need them and why you are growing them.

Hanging baskets are most often grown either by owners of very small plots where there is no space for a vegetable garden, or by apartment residents. The latter can still grow cherry tomatoes in pots.

Open ground

If you decide to grow cherry tomatoes in open ground, planting and care will be more classic, so to speak.

The only problem is that there is not much sense in such a direction. Primarily due to external factors such as the weather.

Like regular tomatoes, cherry tomatoes can be planted only after the end of frost, not only during the day, but also at night. In our part of the world this usually happens as early as the month of May.

Therefore, if you planted cherry tomatoes in open ground, you will be able to harvest the crop in the fall, which in itself is another challenge due to the need for heat during the ripening process. Therefore, cherry tomatoes are planted in open ground using seedlings.

At the same time, everything begins in early spring, with hanging boxes, which are replaced by open soil. Two months in a box, and only after that transplant into the ground. This is the only way you will be able to harvest a full harvest of cherry tomatoes, and in summer time year.

To the disadvantages, you can also add the process of hardening off the seedlings, which takes almost a week. To do this, boxes with tomatoes are taken outside during the day, after which they are taken back indoors at night.


Most often, people grow cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse. This is done by gardeners who understand well how to grow cherry tomatoes and how much you can earn from it. Yes, the majority of owners of greenhouses with this variety of tomatoes are engaged in them just for sale.

In a quality greenhouse you can grow cherry tomatoes throughout the year, especially if it is well built and installed correct lighting and heating.

In such a scenario, even seeds perform normally, and not just seedlings. If your greenhouse is not heated, then the situation is almost the same as with open ground, which in itself is not very good.

When planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to give them space to live, leaving up to seventy centimeters of distance between the bushes. In addition, it is necessary to establish ventilation in the greenhouse, be it ventilation, or a simpler method by opening a window or vent.

In summer, the greenhouse can be kept completely open, because the climate outside will be perfect for the bushes inside. As for tying up, everything here is similar to the situation on the street - it is mandatory.


In fact, there are no special differences here from growing in a greenhouse, except that seedlings are usually planted, and you need to select a container taking into account the upcoming maturation of the plant, so as not to replant the bush later, because tomatoes, both ordinary and cherry, do not react very well to replanting in more serious age. Then everything depends only on the owner.

Cherry tomatoes are a group of tomato varieties and hybrids with miniature-sized fruits (from the English cherry - cherry). They originate from South America (Peru). The fruits of cherry tomatoes, regardless of the variety, contain a significantly higher concentration (at least 1.5 times) of vitamins and carbohydrates than their large-fruited counterparts.


Growing cherry tomato seedlings

To grow a bountiful harvest of cherry tomatoes in open ground, you need to prepare high-quality seedlings. Seedlings can be grown both indoors (greenhouses, greenhouses) and indoors - on balconies, window sills, or in the space between windows.

In any case, in order for seedlings to grow, the necessary regimes must be observed:

  • temperature - +19-25°C during the day, +18-19°C at night;
  • light - increase daylight hours to 14 hours, illuminating with fluorescent lamps with a power of 450 W per 1 m2;
  • water - water abundantly, but rarely - every 5-8 days, avoiding drying out of the soil and increasing relative humidity air more than 70%.

Soil selection

The soil for cultivating this type of tomato must be nutritious. To do this, the land is fertilized with complex fertilizing. The best substrate for these tomatoes would be purchased or prepared yourself universal primer.

Composition of soil mixture for cherry tomatoes:

  • 50 kg of humus;
  • 50 kg of fertile soil;
  • 150 g ammonium sulfate;
  • 400 g superphosphate;
  • 100 g of potassium chloride.

Before sowing cherry tomato seeds, the soil is disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Selection of capacity

The container for cherry tomato seedlings should have a feeding area of ​​8x8 cm and a volume of 200 ml. You can buy it in agricultural stores, or prepare it yourself from plastic film. Cropped ones are also suitable plastic bottles and cups of the required size.

Method for preparing a container for cherry seedlings from plastic film:

  1. The film is cut into strips according to the width of the canvas (the width of the 1st strip is 24 cm).
  2. The tape is folded in half, and the new film is welded along the edges with an electric soldering iron or iron.
  3. Incisions are made every 10 cm.
  4. Homemade pots are ready - you can fill them with soil mixture and plant seedlings.

Characteristics of seedlings grown in containers:

  • has a well-developed root system;
  • quickly takes root after transplantation;
  • begins to bear fruit 10-15 days earlier than without a pot.

Sowing dates

Seeds are sown 60 days before planting seedlings in the ground:

  • second or third ten days of February in the southern regions of the Russian Federation;
  • the first ten days of March - in the northern and central regions of the Russian Federation.

Sowing seeds

Procedure for sowing cherry tomato seeds:

  1. Seeds should be planted in boxes at a distance of 3 cm row from row and 1-2 cm seed from seed, planting depth - 1 cm (consumption: 12-15 g of seeds/1 m2 of soil).
  2. The crops are watered with water at room temperature through a strainer.
  3. The box is covered with plywood, and better than glass, or plastic film.

Before emergence, the temperature must be maintained at +20 +25°C.

Picking seedlings

  1. With the appearance of the second true leaf, the seedlings dive into the container. The central root is shortened by 1/3 to form a more branched and strong root lobe.
  2. The soil mixture for picking is of the same composition as for sowing. Do not fill the cups to the brim with it, but leave 2-3 cm on top for subsequent addition of soil.
  3. The seedlings are buried in the soil mixture up to the cotyledons and the soil is lightly compacted.
  4. Water the picked seedlings abundantly.

For 3-4 days, until the seedlings have taken root, keep the temperature at +20 +25°C, and do not provide additional lighting.

Planting seedlings in open ground

There is no need to rush to plant cherry seedlings in open ground. If there are no shelters, they should be planted no earlier than June 5-10. It is better to plant seedlings in cloudy weather.

The experience of growing cherry tomatoes in open ground is described in a video from the “Everything about the Dacha” channel.

Site selection and soil preparation

In order for cherry tomatoes to develop and bear fruit normally, the conditions for the planting site must be as follows:

  • good lighting;
  • absence of drafts;
  • flat or slightly sloping area (depressions are not allowed, as they retain cold air, which is unacceptable for this heat-loving crop).

It is better to prepare the soil for cherry tomatoes in the fall; when digging to 25-30 cm, add:

  • potassium chloride (04 kg/10 m2);
  • superphosphate (04 kg/10 m2);
  • fresh manure (3-4 kg 1/m2).

If fresh manure was used last year (for the previous crop), it is not necessary to apply it.

In early spring, before planting seedlings, the soil is dug up to a depth of 20 cm, harrowed and a second dose of mineral fertilizers is applied:

  • superphosphate (0.2 kg/10 m2);
  • urea (0.2 kg/10 m2).

Landing technology

Among cherry tomatoes there are tall and short varieties. A continuous furrow is made for planting low-growing varieties, and holes are made for tall varieties.

Planting pattern:

  • for cherry tomatoes - 60x30 cm;
  • for tall people - 70x50 cm.

The process of planting cherry tomatoes in stages:

  1. Water is poured into the groove or hole and allowed to be absorbed.
  2. Water the seedlings generously (an hour before planting).
  3. The seedlings are planted and watered again.
  4. Watered areas are sprinkled with dry soil or peat.

Cherry tomato care

Cherry consists of:

  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding;
  • feeding;
  • watering;
  • tying up bushes;
  • stepsoning.


It is better to water cherry trees in furrows of 450-500 liters per 10 square meters, with intervals between waterings of 7-9 days. These procedures should begin from the period of mass flowering until the end of the growing season.

Top dressing

They begin to feed this tomato species no earlier than 10 days after planting the seedlings. After the first feeding, the plants are earthed up.

The first feeding is organic:

  • mullein solution 1 bucket or chicken manure solution 1/2 bucket;
  • 10 liters of water.

Subsequent fertilizing is carried out once every 10 days with mineral fertilizers of the following composition:

  • urea - 10 g;
  • potassium chloride - 10 g;
  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • water - 10 l.

Before flowering, the crop needs to be fed 1 liter of fertilizer/1 plant, after flowering - 2 liters.

Experienced gardeners advise: if the leaves of cherry tomatoes curl, you need to temporarily exclude superphosphate from the fertilizing, and increase potassium and nitrogen fertilizers to 30 g per 10 liters of water. If the tops of the plants are large, and flowering and fruit set are delayed, nitrogen fertilizers must be completely excluded from fertilizing.

Diseases and pests of cherry tomatoes

Most cherry varieties and hybrids have genetic resistance to most fungal diseases and rots. But these tomatoes are affected by late blight.

To prevent cherry tomatoes from getting late blight, experienced gardeners immediately after planting seedlings on the plot take preventive measures:

  1. Every 10-15 days the bushes are sprayed.
  2. Approximately a month before harvest, processing is completed.
  3. Further, if late blight does appear on cherry tomatoes, use mechanical methods to combat the disease - pick off the affected leaves and fruits by hand.

Composition of the solution (Bordeaux mixture) to combat late blight:

  • water - 10 l;
  • copper sulfate - 100 g;
  • freshly slaked lime - 100 g.

These little tomatoes got their name from the English word “cherry,” which means “cherry.” The name was attached to them due to the fact that their appearance very reminiscent of this berry.

Black soil with a little sand added is best suited for growing this crop. In terms of acidity, the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic.

IN lately Cherry tomatoes are becoming more and more popular. They go well with many foods and can perfectly complement almost any dish, not only as an ingredient, but also as a decoration.

The variety of cherry tomatoes available includes varieties of different colors (red, yellow, crimson, green, orange) and shapes (round, oval).

Unlike regular tomatoes, the taste of Cherry is more pronounced. They are sweeter, contain antioxidants and many vitamins. And, of course, children like them much more. And the opportunity to grow them not only in a greenhouse, but also on your windowsill has made them a favorite of both summer residents and city dwellers.

Caring for them is not difficult. Most varieties are early ripening and tall. Their height is more than a meter. About 20 fruits ripen on one cluster. There are also low-growing tomatoes of this variety. The average height is 30-40 cm (Bonsai), but there are also lower ones (Mikron-NK). The tiniest fruits weigh no more than 10 g. The most heavy weight does not exceed 30 g.

Growing Cherry Tomatoes

Saltpeter, for example, helps to increase the weight of fruits, and on the other hand, delays their ripening.

There are several ways:

  • planting seedlings in open ground;

For our climate this is the best option.

There is no point in sowing seeds directly into open ground, since it is enough warm weather For this, we start only at the very end of May. And this is too late for all the tomatoes to bear fruit. And caring for them will be more labor-intensive. At night, you will need to additionally cover the crops with a special film so that they do not freeze. It is better to sow seeds for seedlings from mid-March until mid-April.

So, take a suitable form and pour soil into it. You can buy it ready-made in the store.

We make grooves, spill them with warm water, sow the seeds, sprinkle the top with soil, no more than 4 mm high, and water with warm water. The key to a good harvest is good care when sowing. Pay attention to the quality of the seeds. Throw away empty seeds immediately.

It is better to place the forms on the windowsill. Tomato seeds love the sun. Shoots should appear in approximately 5 days. From time to time, seedlings need to be watered. Tomatoes love moisture, but you don’t need to flood them either. Sometimes it is worth loosening the soil so that the roots of the plant receive more oxygen. When the seedlings have 3-5 leaves, they will need to be planted in separate cups. It is better to take containers of 200 ml and use the same soil.

Plant the stem and roots of the plant a little deeper so that they can form new roots. If it is more than 15 degrees on the balcony, you can take them there. If less, then again on the windowsill. Caring for the plant remains the same: daily watering and sometimes loosening the soil.

The best place for plants is sunny. It provides conditions for the proper development of tomatoes.

Cherry doesn't need to be picked. But if you notice that the bushes have become too branchy, you can safely cut off unnecessary branches. What are stepsons? These are the same leaves that grow between the trunk and the main leaves of the plant. Do not confuse with the main ones!

It is possible to plant seedlings in the ground only after the threat of frost has been eliminated. Cherry tomatoes should be hardened off before planting. 7-10 days before planting, take the seedlings out for a day open balcony or the street.

The day before transplanting, you need to stop watering the plants. The bed should be prepared in advance, all weeds should be removed from it and loosened.

The depth of the holes is about 10 cm. We take the seedlings from the cup and place them together with the soil in the hole, water them with water and then sprinkle them with soil. You need to water it a little more on top. The distance between the tomatoes is approximately 1 m. A support will need to be installed next to each plant. It can be either a metal rod or a wooden one. Hazel branches are perfect. As the tomatoes grow, they need to be tied to this support. After 2.5-3 months the bushes begin to bear fruit. The fruits can be collected individually or in branches. In open ground, Cherry tomatoes will bear fruit until the outside temperature drops below 8 degrees.

  • planting seedlings in a greenhouse;

IN unheated greenhouse It is better to plant cherry tomato seedlings no earlier than early April. The distance between tomatoes is about 50 cm. You need to grow them in a greenhouse in the same way as in open ground. Care also includes daily ventilation so that no microorganisms grow on the tomato leaves. You can grow tomatoes in a heated greenhouse all year round.

  • planting seedlings in an apartment;

In order to grow Cherry tomatoes in an apartment, you need to give preference to low-growing varieties, such as the Micron-NK tomato, Bonsai. Seedlings are sown in the same way as for open ground or greenhouses. Then it is transplanted into pots with a volume of at least 5 liters.

  • planting tomatoes in hanging baskets;

The best option for growing Cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets are varieties with a height of 50-100 cm. At first, the bush will stand vertically. As soon as fruit ovaries begin to appear abundantly, it will fall down and its flowing branches will become a wonderful decoration for your balcony.

​Similar articles​​The technology for growing cherry tomatoes in open ground is practically no different from how any other tomatoes are grown in the ground. But in temperate climates, there is no point in immediately planting them in open ground. After all, it only gets warm in May or June. Late autumn - the sown tomatoes will no longer have time to bear fruit. To eat early cherry tomatoes, you need to sow the seeds best in March, and the latest - in April. But only for seedlings.​

Description of cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomato varieties

​It is known that ovaries on tomatoes begin to form at temperatures not lower than 16, so in regions with low temperatures it is better to grow tomatoes in greenhouses.​

During this period, a disease called blackleg is especially destructive for plants. For prevention, you need to periodically water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. The second danger is the lack of sunlight. In winter, daylight hours are short, so tomatoes should be illuminated, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out and die.​

​Growing cherry tomatoes is possible both on the balcony and in the apartment. You just need to buy varieties specially adapted for small areas and poor lighting, for example, Japanese dwarf or Craiova. True, you have to pollinate them in the apartment manually.

Algorithm for growing cherry tomatoes at home

​Growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse can be a good business. True, for this it is better to use a polycarbonate greenhouse, which is well heated and contains vents. Under such conditions, cherry tomatoes will bear fruit all winter.​

​In order not to disturb the root system, seedlings are planted in a permanent place with a lump of earth, carefully removing the plant from the planting container.​

​Soil for seedlings​

Cherry tomatoes at home are replanted a second time when the plants form 6-8 true leaves. Now you need to allocate each seedling an individual pot with a volume of at least 5 liters. When transplanting tomatoes, they should be buried 10-12 cm so that a strong root system is formed.​

The summer season is coming to an end, the harvest has already been harvested, and a long, boring winter lies ahead. Who told you that cherry tomatoes grow worse on the windowsill than in the garden? Cheerful bushes hung with bright fruits will delight you all winter, decorate the interior and add pleasant variety to the menu. This simple gardening will delight you and your loved ones and will add variety to your dull everyday life. What a wonderful way to serve New Year's table bright red tomatoes that can be picked straight from the bush. Today we will talk about all the features and subtleties of home gardening.​

  • In terms of taste, greenhouse tomatoes are inferior to those grown in the open sun. The sun enriches them with useful microelements and substances.​
  • ​Three months after planting, the tomatoes bear their first fruits. The branches growing from the stem can produce up to 20 small tomatoes. They all ripen almost at the same time. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, the fruits can be collected either one at a time or plucked as a whole branch, the main thing is that they are ripe.
  • ​Date F1.​
  • ​Planted seedlings require careful care - regular watering, pinching, fertilizing, tying to a support, as well as disease and pest control.​
  • ​Cherry tomatoes were developed thanks to the work of Israeli breeders in 1973, and since then they have been grown both in industrial scale, and privately, became extremely popular. This species was developed to slow down the rapid ripening of conventional tomato varieties.​
  • ​To grow cherry tomatoes, the soil for planting must be placed in a warm place so that it thaws. And after that it must be watered with emproperate to revive the beneficial soil inhabitants. If you are a student in the garden, then you can simply buy universal soil in the store.​
  • Cherry tomato seedlings

Growing cherry tomatoes in open ground

If the tomatoes are tall, you should put supports in advance so that the stems do not break when the fruits ripen. Low varieties do not need support.


​Cherry tomatoes grow well in neutral or slightly acidic soils. They love nutritious soils rich in minerals with good drainage properties.​

​Now the plants have undergone the final transplant into a pot, where they will grow throughout the growing season. Cherry tomatoes at home need regular watering as the soil dries out. To prevent a crust from forming on the surface, the soil must be loosened regularly. 10 days after transplantation, you need to add a complex mixture to the soil. mineral fertilizer. Each plant will require approximately 250-300 ml of solution. The concentration is indicated on the individual packaging. Feeding must be repeated every two weeks to ensure conditions for normal fruiting.​


​The first thing you need is to prepare special containers, buy good seeds And soil mixture. For growing fruit plants in winter, in conditions of lack of sun and nutrients (the pot is very limited in its resources), you will need specialized fertilizers and fertilizing. Cherry tomatoes grow no worse on a windowsill than in open ground, especially if you choose a place with sufficient lighting. It is desirable that these are windows facing west or south. The air temperature must be above 20 degrees, otherwise the yield will decrease.​

​Cherry tomatoes are grown in hanging baskets using hanging varieties.​

Hardening and planting in the ground

The fruiting period of tomatoes planted in open ground lasts until the temperature begins to drop to 8 degrees.

​Bead F1.​

​It is very common to grow tomatoes at home using hydroponics.​

Installation of supports

Tall variety with early ripening fruits it can reach 1-1.5 m in height, and up to 20 small fruits grow on one cluster. Such plants can be grown in tubs even on a balcony or windowsill. There are taller varieties - up to 2.5 meters. They grow well in open ground on trellises.​


​In March or April you need to sow the seeds. To do this, take a regular mold and pour soil into it. Then, using a pencil, you can make grooves into which you need to sprinkle cherry seeds in an even layer. Next, you need to sprinkle the cherry seeds with soil about 2-4 mm thick, and only then pour plenty of warm water.​

Transferring bushes to containers

​The seeds must be sown in flower pot, while thoroughly watering your plantings with warm water and covering the top cling film. Cherry tomatoes sprout quickly, and you can see the first shoots in 3-5 days.​

​Further care for cherry tomatoes during the period of growth and fruiting includes watering, loosening, fertilizing, as well as disease prevention. Read how to feed tomatoes here.​

Cherry tomato varieties

​Soil can be purchased at the store or prepared in advance, in the fall, yourself. Before planting, the soil must be spilled with a manganese solution heated to 70 to disinfect it.​

  • ​Almost all varieties form stepsons as they grow - these are side shoots that develop in the axils of the leaves. short indoor plants formed into two or three stems. To do this, leave the top of the central stem and one or two more stepsons. The rest are deleted. Ideally low growing plant It consists of a central stem and two stepsons at different levels. In addition to stepchildren, it is necessary to remove sick and yellow leaves, as well as foliage covering the fruits of the lower clusters. By the way, the number of brushes also needs to be limited. You can leave four bunches of ovaries on each stem, and then pinch the crown.
  • Let's start with how to plant cherry tomatoes. It is better to buy soil in a store, it must be loose and fertile. If you decide to make the soil mixture yourself, then you will need garden soil, leaf humus, peat Before planting, be sure to disinfect the soil. To do this, you can pour boiling water over the pots with potassium permanganate dissolved in it. Some gardeners prefer to bake the soil in the oven, but this option is suitable if you need a small volume.​
  • When choosing a variety, you must consider:
  • ​With the onset of cold weather, many gardeners practice planting bushes in large 20-liter containers, transporting them to their homes and more long time enjoy delicious and useful fruits. Of course, their productivity will decrease slightly, but this is not that important, you will still have something to please yourself with.​
  • ​You can grow cherry tomatoes both at home and in open ground. Growing them is not much different from growing ordinary varieties of tomatoes.​

Growing cherry tomatoes in greenhouses

It is important to monitor the humidity level of plants planted on the balcony or veranda. Excess moisture promotes active plant growth and release large quantity stepsons. In cloudy weather, it is better to reduce watering. This plant is self-pollinating. It's also worth remembering that high humidity soil and air temperatures above 30 degrees slow down the process of formation of ovaries in the bush.​

The fruits have a wide variety of colors (red, yellow, orange, pink and green), round, teardrop-shaped and elongated. It’s not difficult to grow cherry tomatoes in your garden plot or on a windowsill in a living room.​

​In order for the seeds to germinate and you to be able to grow cherry tomatoes at home, you need to create for them optimal conditions for growth. The temperature suitable for growing cherry tomatoes is 25 degrees. Daylight hours for tomatoes should last about 12 hours. Forms with cherry tomatoes should be placed on the windowsill on the east or south side of the house, using heating radiators. Cherry seedlings will appear in 5-10 days. After germination, the forms can be moved to a cooler place, but not colder than 20 degrees.​

Cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets

Tomato seedlings need to be thinned out immediately, only then will they be able to grow. This should be done when the cherry tomato seedlings have already grown a little. When they are small, it is better not to do this, otherwise they may interfere with each other's normal growth.​

​In order to know how to grow cherry tomatoes tasty and healthy, you need to take into account some features of caring for them.​

  • ​Sowing seeds​
  • ​Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, but you can increase the yield by hand pollination. To do this, during flowering, it is recommended to open the balcony so that a fresh breeze blows through the room, or simply shake the flowering branches. When most of the clusters have formed, the tops and flowering branches are removed so that the fruits can fully develop. To speed up the growth and development of fruits, another technique is used. The plant is taken by the base of the stem and pulled up, as if trying to pull it to the surface. This is necessary to cut off small roots. Then the plant is hilled up and watered. The root system responds with the powerful development of additional roots, and this has a positive effect on the growth and ripening of fruits. Don't forget about the benefits of fertilizers. If there is a lack of nutrients, it will be difficult to expect a good harvest, because a pot is a closed and limited ecosystem.​
  • ​Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill will grow in any pots that you choose for them. But in order for them to actively bear fruit, the volume of soil for one bush must be at least 5 liters. It is advisable to choose containers that are not too deep and wide. Note the drainage holes for drainage excess moisture, without them, the roots will suffocate without oxygen.​

The selected variety should branch well and not send out shoots.

Growing cherry tomatoes in the garden and at home

The most popular varieties that can be grown in open ground:

In order to enjoy the delicious fruits, cherry seeds are sown in early spring to produce seedlings. The soil for planting seeds must be previously revived with useful substances by spilling it with an EM preparation. In order not to bother, you can simply purchase universal soil for planting tomatoes at a specialized store.​

Rooting of tomato shoots occurs very quickly, literally in 7 days. To do this, you need to add a drop of flower fertilizer to the water with stepsons.​

​Currently, supermarkets are simply overflowing with this tasty and healthy vegetable.​

Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill. How to grow tomatoes on a windowsill in a pot?

​To grow cherry tomatoes, you need to water the seedlings regularly, paying attention to the intensity of drying of the soil. Cherries don’t like soil droughts, but too much water won’t do them any good either.​

How to grow cherry tomatoes on a windowsill?

​To grow cherry tomatoes, do not forget to periodically loosen and water them. During the tomato flowering period, you need to pollinate the cherry tomatoes with the “ovary”. Tomatoes also require fertilizer. To do this, you will need fertilizer, and before using it, carefully study the instructions. To successfully grow cherry tomatoes, they need to be fertilized once every 2-3 weeks.​

Soil preparation

​They need daily, but moderate watering. When there is a lack of moisture, cracks appear on tomatoes. brown, if there is an excess of it, the fruits crack and become watery.

Choosing a pot

​After a couple of days you can plant the seeds. The time of their germination depends on the variety of tomatoes, the quality of the seeds and their shelf life. In some tomatoes, the seeds germinate within a week, in others - after 3 weeks. Therefore, each variety of cherry tomatoes is sown in a separate planting box.​

​I welcome you, friends, to the site tips for gardeners. This article gives some recommendations on how to grow cherry tomatoes at home and in your summer cottage.​

The best varieties for home cultivation

​For every 2 pots, or 10 liters of soil, you need to add matchbox urea and potassium sulfate, a handful wood ash. In such conditions, your tomatoes will feel just fine.​

Hybrid Ampel

​It often happens that branches break under the weight of the fruit. Therefore, the species chosen for planting in a flowerpot must have flexible and non-fragile branches.​

Growing seedlings

​Beads are a very productive tall variety. Has sweet fruits with a diameter of 1 centimeter

​In March you can already sow the seeds. To do this, grooves are made in the open ground using a pencil, into which the seeds are poured. This makes it possible to sow several rows with different varieties of tomatoes, and then sign their name. The sown seeds must be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered generously with warm water. For successful seed germination, it is necessary to provide the proper conditions: temperature regime within 25-28 degrees, as well as ten-hour daylight.​

Seedling picks

Experienced gardeners use the method of planting cherry tomatoes in metal buckets. Late blight does not affect such plants. Apparently, iron suppresses all these pests.​

​Thanks to my decorative appearance, cherry tomatoes are very often used not only for planting in garden plots, but also as decoration on the balcony and veranda.​

​When about 3-4 true cherry leaves appear, you can pick up the seedlings in cups of up to 500 ml each. You need to use the same soil as for germinating seeds. You can take the cups out onto the balcony or loggia if the temperature there is at least 16 degrees. If the temperature is still low, then you can grow cherry tomatoes on the windowsill.​

Further care

​If you have tall cherry tomatoes, be sure to place stakes, otherwise the stems may break off under the weight of the fruit. Low-growing cherry varieties, especially those grown at home, should not be tied up. They don't need it.​


​It is imperative to tie up the plants and mulch the soil to protect the fruits from contamination and the soil from overheating. Tomatoes are harvested only when they are fully ripe, otherwise the fruits are completely tasteless.


​For seeds to germinate, sufficient high temperature- about 30. Taking this into account, landing tanks are located close to heating devices, the top is covered with glass or transparent film to maintain moisture.​

​In principle, the technology for growing cherry tomatoes is no different from cultivating ordinary large-fruited tomatoes.​

​Not all cherry tomatoes are low-growing. Varieties today are presented in such abundance that you should spend time studying their characteristics so as not to accidentally buy a garden giant. There are varieties of Russian selection that grow successfully both in open ground and on the balcony. There are tomatoes that bear scarlet-colored fruits, these are the already famous Winter Cherry, Andryushka and Businka. They are successfully grown on balconies and loggias, as well as simply on window sills. Today this company has been supplemented by red cherry tomatoes. These are varieties such as Sparrow, Queen Margot. In order to diversify the winter table or prepare a beautiful vegetable platter, you can plant yellow and orange cherry varieties. These are Lemon, Golden Bead and Noon. Among cocktail tomatoes of domestic selection, we can recommend varieties Sunny bunny, Marishka and Rosita.​

​It is imperative to choose varieties that produce small fruits.​


For many people, black cherries are considered a fruit, not a vegetable. Tall variety with black-brown aromatic tomatoes 2 cm in diameter.​

The first shoots that appear after 10 days should be placed in a cooler place. Watering the seedlings should be regular as the soil dries.​

The most common cherry tomatoes grown on balconies and windowsills are:

How to grow cherry tomatoes. Tomato cultivation technology

​After all, this variety can be grown quite successfully in flowerpots. Cherry tomatoes look colorful on the windowsill in any room.​

Growing cherry tomatoes in open ground

​Growing cherry tomatoes​

For tomatoes grown indoors (on the balcony in containers and in hanging baskets), the soil used is fertile, loose, moisture-permeable and breathable. Once a week, to increase productivity, the bushes need to be fed with “Fertility” humate.​

When the shoots appear, the seedlings are placed in the brightest place. Care during this period comes down to watering and loosening the soil, as well as fertilizing, which is carried out every 10 days.​

​This variety of small tomatoes is loved by many gardeners and not without reason, since they have an excellent taste, smooth ripening of fruits, always a bountiful harvest, versatility in use, fairly long shelf life, and the ability to grow on a loggia or on a windowsill.​

​When growing cherry tomatoes on the balcony, you want the bush to occupy as much space as possible less space, but at the same time gave a lot of fruit. The Ampelny hybrid fits these criteria perfectly. It will grow perfectly in a pot, old barrel or hanging planter. A distinctive feature is the formation of the bush. Instead of stepsons, it forms brushes, so the bush resembles christmas tree, which is all hung with bright red toys. Like all of the above small-fruited hybrids, it produces fruits weighing up to 50 g, is characterized by high yield and excellent taste of tomatoes. They are tasty, dense and very beautiful.​

​Cherry tomatoes, grown in hanging baskets on the balcony, should be sown in early May. In case of cold weather, it is better to bring the plants into the house and place them on the windowsill. The bush will not branch for a long time. This state will exist before the fruits begin to appear. Under the weight of numerous berries, the branches will bend to the bottom and thereby create an extraordinary decorative effect on the balcony or windowsill.​

Seedling care

​Honey drop has pear-shaped fruits. This species forms numerous stepsons and clusters with 8-9 fruits.​

​As soon as several leaves appear on the stems, they can be planted individually in cups small size. Tomatoes are planted in the same soil as for sowing seeds. In order for new roots to appear, the stem needs to be slightly deeper into the soil. Then the young plants are exposed to warm room. They can also be placed on the balcony if the temperature is not lower than 16 degrees. At low temperatures, it is better to leave tomatoes on the windowsill.​


​Growing these tomatoes at home requires very little effort and expense. For this process you need:​

Cherries need to be planted in open ground only after the frosts have passed. Focus on specific conditions outside the window. If some plants begin to bloom earlier than usual, they will take root even after they are transplanted.​

Landing in the ground

If the plant becomes too branchy, then it is necessary to cut off excess branches. Stepchildren grow between the true leaf of the plant and its stem. There is no need to cut off the main leaves, otherwise the tomato will not bear fruit well or will begin to get very sick.​

​Cherry tomatoes are very healthy. The fruits of this amazing vegetable contain various minerals that have a positive effect on metabolism and the lymphatic system. They contain a lot of antioxidants, organic acids and vitamins. Eating cherry tomatoes will help improve your well-being and prolong your youth.​

​It is also necessary to arrange illumination of the seedlings so that the duration daylight hours for seedlings was at least 14 hours. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get strong, stocky seedlings.​

​They differ in early ripening, height, color and shape of the fruit, and taste.​

​Cherry tomatoes are grown on the balcony in the most ordinary way, seedling method. This way you have the opportunity to observe the growth of seedlings and select only the strongest, strongest and healthiest for picking. Picking itself promotes the development of additional roots and correct formation bush. To grow seedlings, you will need any wide containers with a depth of 8-10 cm. Fill them with soil, water them well and place them near the battery. Before sowing, seeds need to be soaked in a growth stimulant to achieve more vigorous germination.​

Lately, small-fruited cherry tomatoes have become very popular. Recipes for new dishes using cherry tomatoes have appeared, and it’s also convenient to decorate already known and familiar dishes with them. Like everything unusual, children love them. These tomatoes are convenient for canning in small jars and creating all kinds of vegetable assortments for the winter. Cherries are tasty and healthy, because they contain more sugars, vitamins and antioxidants compared to regular tomatoes.​

The tall cherry variety produces dark red, round tomatoes. Each cluster can grow up to 20 fruits.​

After the last frost has passed, tomatoes can be planted in open ground. Here you need to focus on the climatic conditions of the region.​


How to grow cherry tomatoes at home

​Prepare a container for planting. It is recommended to plant the plant in a cylindrical pot, since square containers or rectangular containers worse will be filled with the root system. For planting you need to use fertile soil.​

​Before planting tomato seedlings in the ground, they must be hardened for a week, taking them out into the open air for 2-3 hours every day.​

How to grow cherry tomatoes at home?

​A few months after planting cherry tomatoes, the plants will begin to set fruit. Cherry tomatoes ripen very quickly, and one bush can bear fruit for about 6 months. Cherry fruits should be collected as they ripen.​

​Cherry is given very much good harvest small fruits. They are distinguished by their rapid ripening and that is why gardeners love the cherry tomato variety. These tomatoes can be pickled or used fresh.​


​Breeders have developed varieties of cherry tomatoes for cultivation in our climate.​

​After sowing the seeds into the soil, you need to cover the sowing container with plastic wrap. Until the first shoots appear, the pot will be kept warm, near the radiator. After the sprouts appear, the film must be removed and the box with seedlings moved to the windowsill. It is advisable that it be lighter and a little cooler here so that the seedlings do not stretch out. This period lasts approximately 20-25 days, and it will end with the formation of two true tomato leaves. Now you have real cherry tomatoes growing. The seedlings are ready for the first picking. Since we are preparing seedlings for growing on the balcony, there will be several transplants.​

​Growing cherry tomatoes is not much different from growing large tomatoes. Varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes can be determinate, semi-determinate, or indeterminate. All types can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Seedlings are sown in March-April, picked at the stage of appearance of two true leaves. Plants are planted in a greenhouse or soil when the time has passed spring frosts. Tall indeterminate varieties form a single stem. All varieties should be tied up, even low-growing determinate ones, otherwise the fruits will come into contact with the soil and become contaminated.​

​White currants have round, creamy fruits. Up to 10 tomatoes ripen on each bunch. This variety is very tasty and is often used for preparing various dishes and salads.​

Before planting, tomatoes are hardened by periodically taking them out into fresh air. It is not recommended to water the plants the day before transplanting.


The plant requires a well-lit place, so it is better to place it on a windowsill on the south or west side.

​And the day before planting the plants in the ground, you need to stop watering them and prepare the beds to a depth of about 5 centimeters. It is necessary to replant seedlings so that more soil remains on the roots. To successfully grow cherry tomatoes on a plot, the distance between plants should be up to 1 meter, depending on the size of the bush.​

Cherry tomato care

There are no special care requirements for cherry tomatoes compared to other tomatoes. You should also water the tomatoes, fertilize and loosen the soil so that the roots get enough air. The quality and quantity of your harvest in the future will depend on this. In addition, you will have to stake your cherry tomatoes, otherwise they will rot if they just creep on the ground. This has a bad effect on the bush itself and its fruits, their quantity and ripeness - on the ground they will ripen unevenly.​

​You can grow cherry tomatoes at home and in open ground, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. The principle of planting and caring for cherry tomatoes implies that there are special subtleties when growing these fruits.​

Growing cherry tomatoes

When the plant has 4-6 full-sized leaves, a pick is made. In more early stage During plant development, this should not be done due to the risk of seedling disease.​

​The most popular: in the open ground - Red Cherry, Beads, Honey Drop, on the balcony - Minibel, Cherry Lisa F1, Pygmy, Greenfinch F1, in hanging baskets - Cherryfingers, Garden Pearl, Cascade Red (F1).​

​Tomato transplantation is almost painless, but you need to be careful not to damage the fragile stem. The first picking is done in pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The tip of the root is pinched so that the root system develops better. The pots should be placed on a light windowsill, the air temperature should be about 23-25 ​​degrees. Now it is necessary to constantly care for the seedlings, water, loosen the soil and add complex mineral fertilizer to the soil every ten days.​

To prevent cherry tomatoes from cracking, you should maintain constant soil moisture, avoiding drying out and waterlogging. They begin to harvest cherry tomatoes from the moment the first fruits ripen, periodically. If you pick unripe fruits, they will not be sweet enough, and if you delay harvesting, the tomatoes may fall off.​

​Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is also a good practice. It is very important that the greenhouse is heated. If this condition does not exist, then the tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse as seedlings. The distance between planted tomatoes should be at least 70 cm. To avoid late blight, it is necessary to use a well-ventilated greenhouse. Caring for plants requires regular loosening of the soil and watering. In case of shortage daylight, plants need to be provided artificial lighting. Greenhouse tomatoes, like those planted in open ground, should also be tied up.​

​The beds for planting must be prepared and loosened in advance. Then dig holes 10 cm deep, take the seedlings out of the cup and put them in the hole, water them generously. After the water has been absorbed, the hole must be buried and watered again on top. The distance between tomatoes planted in open ground should be about 1 meter.​


​If there is insufficient light, artificial lighting must be provided, as this can lead to buds falling off.​


​Cherry tomatoes ripen quite quickly. Also, this variety is different big harvest and the ability to ripen quickly. Therefore, you can easily grow and collect cherry tomatoes at home and treat your household to them, as well as grow cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse and any other conditions in which they can grow and regular tomato. Cherry tomatoes will become an indispensable attribute of a beautiful salad and a decoration for many dishes. The peculiarity of cherry tomatoes is that they have a bright sweetish taste, which is why most people love them so much. And of course, you can easily grow cherry tomatoes in your garden.​

​Cherry means cherry in English and the tomato received this name due to the fact that it has very small fruits of 10 grams each. The maximum weight of a cherry tomato can reach 25-30 grams. And its taste can be ordinary - tomato, only sweeter and richer. In addition, cherry tomatoes may taste like melon, raspberries, or other berries or fruits.​

After picking, it is useful to water the plant with sodium humate - use 1 gram of the drug for two liters of water. Caring for pruned seedlings is the same as caring for seedlings.​

​The safest way to grow cherry tomatoes is using the seedling method. The time for sowing seeds is calculated based on the time of planting the plants in a permanent place. Seedlings are planted under film in a greenhouse at the age of about 2 months, and in open ground a month later.

A distinctive feature of Cherry tomatoes is their taste. They will delight you with a harvest at the height of the summer season and will take their rightful place in the daily menu. That's why gardeners are interested in how to grow cherry tomatoes.


Cherry is a type of tomato that is distinguished by its small fruit size. The weight of tomatoes ranges from 15 to 30 g. A tomato cluster is decorated with 15-20 berries. Outwardly they look like cherries, that’s why they are called cherry. Tomato Shape:

  • elongated;
  • round;
  • drop-shaped.

Cherry tomatoes

The color palette is amazing in shades.

Cherry tomatoes are characterized by a rich and sweet taste. The original appearance makes Cherry tomatoes a table decoration.

Peru and South America are the birthplace of the tomato variety. Today Cherry is grown everywhere:

  • on the balcony;
  • in open and protected ground;
  • in pots.

Cherry seedlings

Cherry tomatoes are grown using the seedling method. When growing seedlings, small features are noted.

Cherry seedlings

Sowing of seeds occurs in mid-March or early April. You can prepare a substrate using turf, sand, humus in a ratio of 1:0.5:1. Contribute per bucket of mixture:

  • superphosphate – 50 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 15 g;
  • ash – 1 tbsp.

The seed is planted in seedling boxes or individual cassettes made of plastic or peat compost. When growing, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Moisten the soil in the container.
  2. Tomato seeds are placed on the surface in 1.5 cm increments.
  3. The seeding depth is 0.6 cm.
  4. Cover the container with glass or polyethylene until sprouts appear.
  5. A week later, with the first shoots, the box is placed on a sunlit windowsill.
  6. For the first 7 days, plants can withstand temperatures of +10…+15 °C during the day; at night they reduce the temperature: +8…+10 °C. Then the seedlings are maintained at a constant temperature of +20 °C.
  7. Water the tomatoes weekly.
  8. The appearance of the second pair of leaves is a signal to drop the seedlings into individual 0.5 liter glasses.
  9. With the formation of 5 leaves, watering is changed: tomatoes are irrigated after 4 days.
  10. The seedlings are hardened off a couple of weeks before planting. Set up the veranda for 15 minutes, gradually extending the time spent on the street.

Important! The earth is heated in the oven and disinfected with potassium permanganate.

Agricultural technology for planting Cherry

For Cherry tomatoes, a sunny, warm and draft-free place is preferable. Cherries grow well after:

  • radishes and legumes;
  • carrots and turnips;
  • onions and beets;
  • radish and cabbage.

Experienced gardeners will plant tomatoes in the same place after 3-4 years.

The beds for tomatoes are prepared in the fall. The site is dug up, humus is added (per 1 m2 - 4-6 buckets), potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (per 1 m2 - 20 g). With the arrival of the spring season, the beds are loosened to a depth of 15 cm and fed with nitrogen: 10 g per 1 m2.

Agricultural technology for planting Cherry

At proper care At the time of planting, Cherry has a strong 20-30 cm stem, developed roots and 3-4 pairs of true leaves. Tomato bushes are planted in warm cloudy weather.

Tomato planting scheme:

  • interval between seedlings – 35-40 cm;
  • row spacing – 50-60 cm;
  • hole - to the depth of the seedling cup.

The holes are watered with lukewarm water and planted tomato bushes. Wooden pegs are placed near tall tomatoes.

Pay attention! Cherry seedlings are transferred to last decade May or early summer.

Secrets of care


Cherry doesn't like the soil to dry out - the tomatoes immediately crack. Excess water causes wateriness, blandness and bursting of fruits, as well as diseases of the bushes. Irrigate the soil in the evening hours. Watering is combined with loosening, 5 liters of liquid per bush.


During the growing season Cherry tomatoesfed three times:

  1. 10 days after planting, feed with liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:10, add superphosphate (20 g) per 10 liters of liquid. A liter jar of the mixture is poured under the root.
  2. The next feedings are carried out after 2 weeks. Under plantings per 1 m2 of area, 10 g of saltpeter, 25 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt are fertilized. The area is loosened and the soil is intensively watered.

Interesting. In addition, if necessary, foliar feeding of Cherry is carried out complex fertilizers.

Formation of a tomato bush

For most plants, this is one of the conditions for generous fruiting. In the garden, tomatoes are grown in 1 stem, side shoots are periodically removed.


Cherries are harvested at the stage of biological ripeness. When tomatoes are ripened at home, they lose their taste. Before the weather gets colder, it’s time to dig up a couple of crops with unripe tomatoes and plant them in containers and place them on the window to prolong fruiting at home.

Cherry harvest

Growing in protected soil

To collect early berries Cherries are grown in a greenhouse. Some gardeners are wondering how to grow in greenhouse conditions Cherry tomatoes. ProcessIt’s not complicated, but it requires following certain requirements:

  1. The bushes are planted at a distance of 50 cm from one another so that the tomatoes are well lit.
  2. The greenhouse is constantly opened and ventilated. Stagnation of moisture is fraught with poor development of tomatoes and the appearance of diseases.
  3. Tomato plantings are watered in the morning.
  4. Protects against sudden temperature changes. The ideal daytime temperature is +22 °C, at night – +16 °C.
  5. Tomatoes are tied up. The earth is loosened and mulch is added.

Pay attention! For protected soil, summer residents prefer Elizabeth, Rose, and Malvina finger tomatoes.

Growing at home

The technology is similar to growing in unprotected soil and a greenhouse. The difference lies in the use of containers - pots up to 20 liters. When growing cherry tomatoes in room conditions adhere to the rules:

  1. Focus on low-growing varieties, whose height is 40 cm.
  2. When growing in pots, one crop is left in the apartment for normal growth.
  3. Systematically water and loosen tomato bushes. In the flowering phase, pollination by the “ovary” is required.
  4. Feed with complex fertilizers every 14-20 days.
  5. The bushes do not grow. However, if tomatoes are too branchy, unnecessary branches are cut off.

Important! If you properly care for cherry tomatoes, you will get a decent harvest.

Phytodiseases and pests

Despite care and immunity to fungal infections and rot, Cherry tomato plantings are susceptible to late blight. The plantings are sprayed every 2 weeks. Stop processing the bushes a month before harvesting the fruits.

Processed Bordeaux mixture which is prepared from:

  • water – 10 l;
  • freshly slaked lime – 100 g;
  • copper sulfate – 100 g.

Pay attention! Symptoms of tomato mosaic are a change in the shade of the foliage, the formation of dark green or yellowish spots. The foliage is characterized by wrinkling and curling, while the fruits are characterized by yellowness and drying out. Diseased plants will need to be removed and burned.

Manifestations of brown spotting of tomatoes include the formation of spots at the bottom of the leaves. Brown color and gray coating indicate disease. To prevent illness, tomato plant waste is carefully removed.


Popular varieties


Mid-early, indeterminate variety. The height of the Elf tomato is 2 m. Form 2 or 3 stems to achieve productivity. Finger tomatoes weighing up to 25 g are tied onto the brush. The pulp is different:

  • fleshiness;
  • sweetness;
  • taste.

Just a note. The elf prefers the sun and abundant feeding.


Tall, early Cherry. The hybrid bears fruit until frost when grown in open beds. The small fruits of the Ira tomato, weighing up to 35 g, resemble a cube with a pointed end. The reddish flesh is firm but tasty. Planting 4 bushes per 1 m2 allows you to obtain 15 kg of Ira tomatoes.

Important! The hybrid does not tolerate shade - the fruits are oversaturated with acid.


An early-ripening determinate variety is grown both in unprotected soil and under film. Lisa's productivity is 12 kg per 1 m2. The fruits are barrel-shaped, deep orange in color, and weigh 15-25 g.


  • immunity to diseases;
  • formation of ovaries under unfavorable weather conditions;
  • decorativeness.

Cons of tomatoes Lisa:

  • transportation;
  • shelf life.

Cherry Lisa


Early ripening, indeterminate variety. Tomatoes need tying and pinching. One bunch bears 16 rounded fruits. The berry weighs from 14 to 26 g. Productivity is 4.5 kg.

The fruit's flesh is dense but sweet. Intended for fresh consumption and canning. Tomato Malvina characteristics and description of the variety will help gardeners in choosing it.


Looks exotic personal plot. Children treat original tomatoes like chocolates. Used in cooking for:

  • salads;
  • side dishes;
  • drying and drying;
  • jam;
  • canning and pickling.

Additional information! Oval Negro berries weigh 25-35 g; a cluster bears 15 fruits with an unusual color: intense red, almost brown, with visible green stripes.


Early ripening, indeterminate variety. Distinctive features of the Goldilocks tomato:

  • yield – 3.5 kg per 1 m2;
  • resistance to plant diseases;
  • long-term storage;
  • portability.

The round, sweet and sour juicy fruits have smooth skin and a golden or red hue. They weigh up to 100 g. They do not crack.


Early maturing, miniature crop. After the formation of 6 clusters of the Cerrinano tomato, the growth of the tomato bush stops.

Just a note. Cerrinano tomatoes are low-calorie and fit for a diet.

The tomatoes have a round shape, deep red color, sweet flesh, weight - 20 g.

A description of the agricultural technology for cultivating Cherry tomatoes and their characteristics will open up new varieties for summer residents and help in growing the necessary vitamin product.