Calculator for calculating the volume of liquid in a rectangular container. How to calculate the volume of displacement in an aquarium How to calculate the volume of a box in liters

Box side - a

Box side - b

Box height - h

Number of boxes

Volume of one box
0 m 3

Total cargo volume
0 m 3

Calculation of cargo volume in m3

You can calculate the cargo volume in m3 in our calculator. Why and who needs this? For example, you are a shipper who wants to understand the prices of the cargo transportation market and first wants to quickly calculate the volume of his cargo in m3. To calculate, you can use a calculator. By indicating the dimensions of the sides and the height of one box, then indicating the number of boxes, as a result we get their volume. Moreover, in this calculator you can see both the volume of the entire cargo and just one box. Having found out the volume of your cargo, you can easily understand what kind of transport you need. After all, if the volume of your cargo is 10 m3, then there is no need to order a truck and overpay for “emptiness”. A gazelle will be enough for you.

How to calculate the volume of a box in cubic meters

The volume of a box is very easy to calculate. This page contains a calculator that will help you easily calculate the volume of one box or the entire cargo. You may be wondering what formula is used for the calculation. From a mathematical point of view, an ordinary cardboard box with a load is a rectangular parallelepiped, and if all sides of the box are equal, then it is a cube. Accordingly, we will calculate their volume using a simple geometric formula: side A * side B * height. It is worth noting an important fact: if the calculation uses a value, for example, a meter, then the result will be in cubic meters. Our calculator uses meters to calculate volume. If one of the sides of the box is, for example, 60 cm, then in the calculator you need to indicate the decimal fraction in the form: 0.6.

Calculator for the volume of a box with cargo in m3

We have already found out how the volume in m3 is calculated. In order not to count this value manually, this volume calculator was created. Why use this calculator? This is convenient; you don’t need to waste time calculating the volume of the entire cargo in cubic meters (m3). Using the simple interface of our calculator, you can instantly find out the volume of cargo. We simply enter the dimensions of the sides of the box, the height of the box (third side) and the number of boxes, if there are more than one. And that’s it, we get the result in the form of a value in m3 format (cubic meters).
Why is it better to use our calculator instead of manual calculations? The possibility of error in this case is excluded, and you need to spend much less time and effort on manual calculations.

Why know the volume of cargo being transported?

If you are going to order the transportation of something packed in boxes or rectangular containers, then the first thing you will be asked when filling out the application is the volume of the cargo being transported. This is where our volume calculator in m3 will help you. Right during the call, you can quickly calculate the volume in m3 and report it to fill out the application.
Knowing the volume, the logistics manager will be able to select the necessary vehicle to transport your particular cargo and will save you from unnecessary overpayments for a larger vehicle. Also, the logistician will immediately be able to orient you on the price of cargo transportation.

Enter the dimensions in millimeters:

X– The width of the container, the transverse distance between the walls.

Y– Tank length, i.e. its length, the largest linear dimension in the longitudinal direction.

L– The height of the container is determined by the height of its walls.

h– The height of the liquid level, it is determined with a measuring ruler (the so-called meter rod); if such a tool is not available, a regular rod of wire or wood of suitable length will do. Observing safety precautions, lower the rod strictly vertically into the tank to the bottom, mark a level on it, remove it and measure with a tape measure. Also define h you can measure the distance from the top point of the tank to the surface of the liquid and subtract this indicator from the height of the tank L.

The online calculator will help you calculate the total volume of the container and find out the maximum capacity of the tank (in m 3 and liters). Find out how much substance is already in the container. The free volume value will give you an idea of ​​how much liquid can still be poured into the container. The program will also calculate the bottom area, side surface area and total area of ​​the tank, which will help you easily calculate the required amount of materials for finishing the entire tank or its parts.

Sometimes it is very important to accurately calculate the volume of water passing through the pipe. For example, when you need to design a new heating system. This raises the question: how to calculate the volume of a pipe? This indicator helps to choose the right equipment, for example, the size of the expansion tank. In addition, this indicator is very important when antifreeze is used. It is usually sold in several forms:

  • Diluted;
  • Undiluted.

The first type can withstand temperatures of 65 degrees. The second one will freeze at -30 degrees. To buy the right amount of antifreeze, you need to know the volume of coolant. In other words, if the volume of liquid is 70 liters, then you can purchase 35 liters of undiluted liquid. It is enough to dilute them, observing the proportion of 50–50, and you will get the same 70 liters.

To get accurate data, you need to prepare:

  • Calculator;
  • Calipers;
  • Ruler.

First, the radius is measured, designated by the letter R. It can be:

  • Internal;
  • External.

The outer radius is necessary to determine the size of the space it will occupy.

To calculate, you need to know the pipe diameter data. It is denoted by the letter D and is calculated using the formula R x 2. The circumference is also determined. Denoted by the letter L.

To calculate the volume of a pipe, measured in cubic meters (m3), you must first calculate its area.

To obtain an accurate value, you must first calculate the cross-sectional area.
To do this, use the formula:

  • S = R x Pi.
  • The required area is S;
  • Pipe radius – R;
  • Pi number is 3.14159265.

The resulting value must be multiplied by the length of the pipeline.

How to find the volume of a pipe using the formula? You only need to know 2 values. The calculation formula itself has the following form:

  • V = S x L
  • Pipe volume – V;
  • Sectional area – S;
  • Length – L

For example, we have a metal pipe with a diameter of 0.5 meters and a length of two meters. To carry out the calculation, the size of the external cross member of the stainless metal is inserted into the formula for calculating the area of ​​the circle. The pipe area will be equal to;

S= (D/2) = 3.14 x (0.5/2) = 0.0625 sq. meters.

The final calculation formula will take the following form:

V = HS = 2 x 0.0625 = 0.125 cu. meters.

This formula calculates the volume of absolutely any pipe. And it doesn’t matter at all what material it is made of. If the pipeline has many components, using this formula, you can calculate separately the volume of each section.

When performing calculations, it is very important that the dimensions are expressed in the same units of measurement. The easiest way to calculate is if all values ​​are converted to square centimeters.

If you use different units of measurement, you can get very questionable results. They will be very far from the real values. When performing constant daily calculations, you can use the calculator's memory by setting a constant value. For example, Pi multiplied by two. This will help to calculate the volume of pipes of different diameters much faster.

Today, for calculations you can use ready-made computer programs, in which standard parameters are specified in advance. To perform the calculation, you will only need to enter additional variable values.

Download the program

How to calculate cross-sectional area

If the pipe is round, the cross-sectional area should be calculated using the formula for the area of ​​a circle: S = π*R2. Where R is the radius (internal), π - 3.14. In total, you need to square the radius and multiply it by 3.14.
For example, the cross-sectional area of ​​a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm. We find the radius - 90 mm / 2 = 45 mm. In centimeters this is 4.5 cm. We square it: 4.5 * 4.5 = 2.025 cm2, substitute it into the formula S = 2 * 20.25 cm2 = 40.5 cm2.

The cross-sectional area of ​​a profiled product is calculated using the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle: S = a * b, where a and b are the lengths of the sides of the rectangle. If we consider the cross-section of the profile to be 40 x 50 mm, we get S = 40 mm * 50 mm = 2000 mm2 or 20 cm2 or 0.002 m2.

Calculation of the volume of water in the entire system

To determine such a parameter, it is necessary to substitute the value of the internal radius into the formula. However, a problem immediately appears. How to calculate the total volume of water in the pipe of the entire heating system, which includes:

  • Radiators;
  • Expansion tank;
  • Heating boiler.

First, the volume of the radiator is calculated. To do this, its technical passport is opened and the volume values ​​of one section are written down. This parameter is multiplied by the number of sections in a particular battery. For example, one is equal to 1.5 liters.

When a bimetallic radiator is installed, this value is much lower. The amount of water in the boiler can be found in the device data sheet.

To determine the volume of the expansion tank, it is filled with the amount of liquid measured in advance.

The volume of pipes is determined very simply. The available data for one meter of a certain diameter simply needs to be multiplied by the length of the entire pipeline.

Note that in the global network and reference literature, you can see special tables. They show approximate product data. The error in the given data is quite small, so the values ​​given in the table can be safely used to calculate the volume of water.

It must be said that when calculating values, you need to take into account some characteristic differences. Metal pipes with a large diameter allow the amount of water to pass through, much less than the same polypropylene pipes.

The reason lies in the smoothness of the surface of the pipes. For steel products it is made with great roughness. PPR pipes do not have roughness on the inner walls. However, steel products have a larger volume of water than other pipes of the same cross-section. Therefore, to make sure that the calculation of the volume of water in the pipes is correct, you need to double-check all the data several times and confirm the result with an online calculator.

Internal volume of a linear meter of pipe in liters - table

The table shows the internal volume of a linear meter of pipe in liters. That is, how much water, antifreeze or other liquid (coolant) is needed to fill the pipeline. The internal diameter of pipes is taken from 4 to 1000 mm.

Inner diameter, mmInternal volume of 1 m running pipe, litersInternal volume of 10 m linear pipes, liters
4 0.0126 0.1257
5 0.0196 0.1963
6 0.0283 0.2827
7 0.0385 0.3848
8 0.0503 0.5027
9 0.0636 0.6362
10 0.0785 0.7854
11 0.095 0.9503
12 0.1131 1.131
13 0.1327 1.3273
14 0.1539 1.5394
15 0.1767 1.7671
16 0.2011 2.0106
17 0.227 2.2698
18 0.2545 2.5447
19 0.2835 2.8353
20 0.3142 3.1416
21 0.3464 3.4636
22 0.3801 3.8013
23 0.4155 4.1548
24 0.4524 4.5239
26 0.5309 5.3093
28 0.6158 6.1575
30 0.7069 7.0686
32 0.8042 8.0425
34 0.9079 9.0792
36 1.0179 10.1788
38 1.1341 11.3411
40 1.2566 12.5664
42 1.3854 13.8544
44 1.5205 15.2053
46 1.6619 16.619
48 1.8096 18.0956
50 1.9635 19.635
52 2.1237 21.2372
54 2.2902 22.9022
56 2.463 24.6301
58 2.6421 26.4208
60 2.8274 28.2743
62 3.0191 30.1907
64 3.217 32.1699
66 3.4212 34.2119
68 3.6317 36.3168
70 3.8485 38.4845
72 4.0715 40.715
74 4.3008 43.0084
76 4.5365 45.3646
78 4.7784 47.7836
80 5.0265 50.2655
82 5.281 52.8102
84 5.5418 55.4177
86 5.8088 58.088
88 6.0821 60.8212
90 6.3617 63.6173
92 6.6476 66.4761
94 6.9398 69.3978
96 7.2382 72.3823
98 7.543 75.4296
100 7.854 78.5398
105 8.659 86.5901
110 9.5033 95.0332
115 10.3869 103.8689
120 11.3097 113.0973
125 12.2718 122.7185
130 13.2732 132.7323
135 14.3139 143.1388
140 15.3938 153.938
145 16.513 165.13
150 17.6715 176.7146
160 20.1062 201.0619
170 22.698 226.9801
180 25.4469 254.469
190 28.3529 283.5287
200 31.4159 314.1593
210 34.6361 346.3606
220 38.0133 380.1327
230 41.5476 415.4756
240 45.2389 452.3893
250 49.0874 490.8739
260 53.0929 530.9292
270 57.2555 572.5553
280 61.5752 615.7522
290 66.052 660.5199
300 70.6858 706.8583
320 80.4248 804.2477
340 90.792 907.9203
360 101.7876 1017.876
380 113.4115 1134.1149
400 125.6637 1256.6371
420 138.5442 1385.4424
440 152.0531 1520.5308
460 166.1903 1661.9025
480 180.9557 1809.5574
500 196.3495 1963.4954
520 212.3717 2123.7166
540 229.0221 2290.221
560 246.3009 2463.0086
580 264.2079 2642.0794
600 282.7433 2827.4334
620 301.9071 3019.0705
640 321.6991 3216.9909
660 342.1194 3421.1944
680 363.1681 3631.6811
700 384.8451 3848.451
720 407.1504 4071.5041
740 430.084 4300.8403
760 453.646 4536.4598
780 477.8362 4778.3624
800 502.6548 5026.5482
820 528.1017 5281.0173
840 554.1769 5541.7694
860 580.8805 5808.8048
880 608.2123 6082.1234
900 636.1725 6361.7251
920 664.761 6647.6101
940 693.9778 6939.7782
960 723.8229 7238.2295
980 754.2964 7542.964
1000 785.3982 7853.9816

If you have a specific design or pipe, then the formula above shows how to calculate the exact data for the correct flow of water or other coolant.

Online calculation


To find the exact figure for the coolant consumption of your system, you will have to sit a little. Either search on the Internet or use the calculator that we recommend. Perhaps he can save you time.

If you have a water-type system, then you shouldn’t bother with precise selection of the volume. It is enough to estimate approximately. An accurate calculation is needed more in order not to buy too much and minimize costs. Since many people choose an expensive coolant.

All values ​​are indicated in mm

H— Liquid level.

Y— The tank is tall.

L— Length of the container.

X— The reservoir is wide.

This program calculates the volume of liquid in rectangular containers of various sizes; it will also help calculate the surface area of ​​the reservoir, free and total volume.

Based on the results of the calculation, you will learn:

  • Full tank area;
  • Lateral surface area;
  • Bottom area;
  • Free volume;
  • Amount of liquid;
  • Capacity volume.

Technology for calculating the amount of liquid in tanks of various shapes

When a container has an irregular geometric shape (for example, in the form of a pyramid, parallelepiped, rectangle, etc.), it is necessary to first measure the internal linear dimensions and only then make calculations.

Calculating the volume of liquid in a small rectangular container can be done manually as follows. It is necessary to fill the entire tank with liquid to the brim. Then the volume of water in this case will become equal to the volume of the reservoir. Next, you should carefully drain all the water into separate containers. For example, in a special tank of the correct geometric shape or a measuring cylinder. Using the measuring scale you can visually determine the volume of your tank. To calculate the amount of liquid in a rectangular container, it is best for you to use our online program, which will quickly and accurately perform all calculations.

If the tank is large and it is impossible to measure the amount of liquid manually, then you can use the formula for the mass of a gas with a known molar mass. For example, the mass of nitrogen M = 0.028 kg/mol. These calculations are possible when the tank can be tightly closed (hermetically). Now, using a thermometer, we measure the temperature inside the tank, and the internal pressure with a pressure gauge. Temperature should be expressed in Kelvin and pressure in Pascals. The volume of internal gas can be calculated using the following formula (V=(m∙R∙T)/(M∙P)). That is, we multiply the gas mass (m) by its temperature (T) and gas constant (R). Next, the result obtained should be divided into gas pressure (P) and molar mass (M). The volume will be expressed in m³.

How to calculate and find out the volume of an aquarium by size yourself

Aquariums are glass vessels that are filled with clean water to a certain level. Many aquarium owners have repeatedly wondered how big their tank is and how the calculations can be done. The simplest and most reliable method is to use a tape measure and measure all the necessary parameters, which should be entered into the appropriate cells of our calculator, and you will immediately get the finished result.

However, there is another way to determine the volume of an aquarium, which involves a longer process, using a liter jar, gradually filling the entire container to the appropriate level.

The third method for calculating the volume of an aquarium is a special formula. We measure the depth of the tank, height and width in centimeters. For example, we got the following parameters: depth – 50 cm, height – 60 cm and width – 100 cm. According to these dimensions, the volume of the aquarium is calculated by the formula (V=X*Y*H) or 100x50x60=3000000 cm³. Next, we need to convert the resulting result into liters. To do this, multiply the finished value by 0.001. From here it follows - 0.001x3000000 centimeters, and we get that the volume of our tank will be 300 liters. We have calculated the full capacity of the container, then we need to calculate the actual water level.

Each aquarium is filled significantly lower than its actual height, in order to avoid overflow of water, and closed with a lid taking into account the screed. For example, when our aquarium is 60 centimeters high, then the glued ties will be located 3-5 centimeters lower. With our size of 60 centimeters, slightly less than 10% of the volume of the container falls on 5-centimeter ties. From here we can calculate the actual volume of 300 liters - 10% = 270 liters.

Important! You should subtract a few percent, taking into account the volume of the glass; we remove the dimensions of the aquarium or any other container from the outside (without taking into account the thickness of the glass).

From here the volume of our tank will be 260 liters.

These calculations are required to determine the volume of the heating system when choosing an expansion valve membrane tank.
Expansion volume membrane tank is selected based on at least 10% of the total displacement of the system.

Determine the radius of the pipe R . If you need to calculate the internal volume of a pipe, then you need to find the internal radius. If it is necessary to calculate the volume occupied by a pipe, the outer radius should be calculated. By measuring, you can easily obtain the diameter (both internal and external) and circumference of the pipe section. If you know the diameter of the pipe, divide it by two. So, R=D/2, where D is the diameter. If the circumference of the pipe section is known, divide it by 2*Pi, where Pi=3.14159265. So, R=L/6.28318530, where L is the circumference.

Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe. Square the radius and multiply it by Pi. So, S=Pi*R*R, where R is the radius of the pipe. The cross-sectional area will be found in the same system of units in which the radius value was taken. For example, if the radius value is in centimeters, then the cross-sectional area will be calculated in square centimeters.

Calculate the volume of the pipe. Multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe by its length. Pipe volume V=S*L, where S is the cross-sectional area, and L is the length of the pipe.

Program for calculating the volume of water in pipes and radiators

Table of liquid volume in one meter of pipe:

Inner diameter


Inner diameter

Internal volume of 1 m running pipe,